trace criminal using ibm watson

Post on 03-Mar-2017






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Trace Criminal/ Terrorist usingIBM Watson



• Visual Recognition• Face Detection• Criminal Identification with the Help of IBM Watson• POC• Challenges• Benefits

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• Visual Recognition is one of the most powerful feature of IBM Watson.

• Currently IBM Lab is working on building a cognitive API which has capability of face recognition.

• Plenty of Use Cases can be developed using that, one of such use case can be Trace the Criminals with the help of Social Networking & Cognitive Computing.

• With the help of social media analytics and cognitive face detection one can trace a criminal from his/her social profile.

Visual Recognition

Watson Analysis

Google Analysis

IBM Lab has come up with a face recognition API, which is still under development stage.With this API two faces can be compared, based on the comparison it would return match score. This API is still under development phase but soon it would be launched in the market.

We have compared these two images and the match score is 89%

Face Recognition

• Face Detection and Recognition has immense power. It can be used various use cases. One of such use case can be Criminal Identification.

• Investigation agencies can obtain picture of criminal/ terrorists from different sources like below. Drawing sketch from eye witness Picture from CC TV footage.

• The problem lies to find out the whereabouts of such criminals if they do not poses any previous criminal records. It has been noticed that investigation agencies take some time to find out the whereabouts of such criminal or they are not able to trace at all. As a result criminal cases remains unsolved.

• If we can leverage the IBM Face detection API and social data then it might facilitate the issue.

Criminal Identification with the Help of IBM Watson

In today’s world most of the people are engaged in Social Media be it general public be it Anti social, criminal or even terrorist. Most of the people are having profiles in different social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. In most of the cases they even post pictures as a profile picture or in albums.Now if we can leverage IBM’s face detection api in the Big ocean of Social data then it would help the investigating agencies in their work.

Here social crawler can help, the social crawler will crawl the social sites and search for the input image, after that IBM Face Detection Api will compare the images and in case there is some match then it would show the details of the person from the social site.

How that is possible?

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To check the effectiveness I have built a POC. I have written a program which would scan the list of fans of some celebrity’s facebook pages e.g. Amitabh Bacchan, Cristiano Ronaldo, Narendra Modi, Barack Obama etc. This list is configurable, it is maintained in a text file and can be easily added/ removed.

The program will scan the page for all it’s member and try to match their profile picture with the Source picture. Based on the match score it would arrange the profile and display its details.


To scan the FB profiles I am using the Facebook Graph Api. In current version of the Graph Api Face book has introduced lot of restriction, due to that crawling was quite difficult.I thought to start iterating my friends, their friends and so on. In that way we can cover lot of People. But due to the restriction, I need to rethink about the crawling and came up withstrategy to crawl the popular fan pages.

The Face Detection Api is still not stable and IBM Lab is working to launch it professionally.Once it is stabilized and launched in the market then we could get the real benefit.


Input Image

Social Data

Watson Face Recognition API

Image Matches

Social Profile

Input Image

Social Crawling

Comparison Score



Redo Social Crawling

Criminal Identification with the Help of IBM Watson

• This can be very useful in identifying the criminal/ terrorist.

• Would expedite the criminal identification process.

• If we can trace the profile of the criminal then we can also keep a watch on the profile & trace his location.


Thank You for your time and attention.

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