traducao via val daily – 30/04/11

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    Consumer Policy ToolkitChapter summaries I Main messages I What stakeholders aresaying Did you know? I Get the book I Related reading

    Press release (21 July 2010) "More choice and more ...

    UK Consumer Protection & games: the Virtual Policy NetworkBy tVPN Admin on July 22, 2010 In July 2009 the UK's department of BusinessInnovat ions and Skills (BIS) issued a White Paper titled: A Better Deal forConsumers - Del iver ing Real Help and and Chan . ..

    Abreviaturas, siglas, hier6glifos e trava-linguas Juliana SamelNo in ic io da semana entregue i um dos arqu ivos de um projeto ainda em andamento .o arquivo t inha mais de 40 mil palavras. Ate ai, ot imo, t rabalho e sempre bom. Masesse foi 0 pior arquivo com 0 qual. ..

    year-old becomes European Parliament's youngest Sloane lost her sight when she was two following a brain tumour. But she hasexcel led a t languages and is a lready f luen t in Engl ish, French, Spanish andMandarin - and is learning German.Now ...

    The Lies Social Networks Keep Telling ThemselvesBritish developer Tom Hume recently went to hear a talk by theanthropologist Robin Dunbar - who famously posited that mosthumans can only handle around 150 social relationships - discusshis view...

    Translation news - Proz'comKnowledge of a foreign language continues to be a huge selling point when it comesto finding a job in an increasingly global market . As it becomes more and morecommon for bus inesses to deal inter . .. - lIustrada - Escritor argentino Ernesto S3010 4/2011 - 10h130 escritor argentino Emesto Sabato morreu neste sabado aos 99anos em sua casa, nos arredores de Buenos Aires, disseram pessoas proxirnas aoautor.Sabato, um dos maiores nomes da ...

    Coverage: ATA-TCD Business of Translation ConferenceVal lvon ica e tradutora tecnica ha quase dez anos (princ ipa lmente textos qu imicos,farmaceuticos e o il & gas). Geek, b loguei ra, tui tei ra , "porquinha prat ica" de CATTools, TMs, TBs & cia. Selec t Cat ...


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    ~i!I(ut'v J GALA Global

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    ~i!I{u ' ro " / GALA Global

    "Gay" blunder mars Eurovision Song Contest brochure in GermanyDusseldorf - A typographical error compounded by a translation

    error converted a music-awareness campaign in city schools into a 'Gays' Day ofAction' in the German city of Dusseldorf as it prepare . ..

    Localisation Research Centre Sunmer School 2011Computer & Video Game Localisat ion May 30 - June 02 2011University of Limerick, Ireland Supported by The Local isationResearch Centre is pleased to announce that the 2011 LRCSummer School will . ..

    Foreign tongues wrap around testsCHILDREN of migrants do better than classmates from English-languagebackgrounds on a ll a reas of l iteracy and numeracy except reading, test resul tspublished yesterday show. The resul ts o f last yea . ..

    4 Reasons Organizations Should Crowdsource Their Translations4 Reasons Organizations Should Crowdsource Their Translations Crowdsourcing hasbeen f irmly estab lished as a val id and often preferable method for reachingorganizational goals and accomplishing mo...

    5 Future Technologies We Want Right Now!!!UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR The iTunes Store and Andro id Marke tare chockfu ll o f language trans lators ( iTunes has more than 500}--many priced at more than $25 for translating f rom English to jus tone other ... - Poder - Laranja3010 4/2011 - 06h020 motorista Milton Coitinho dos Santos que nunca compos e naotoea instrumento musical consta como beneficiar io de R$ 127,8 mil em direi tosautorais, informa reportagem de Graci li . . .

    GALA Webinar: Sometimes drinking beer is better: How to make themost of a humble marketing budget

    05 May 2011 11 :00 EDT (GMT -5)Join Managing Director and CEOof Conversis, Gary Muddyman, for a webinar workshop in which hewill share some of the lessons his company has learned throughtheir mar ...

    Best Practices for Writing Safety Narrativesis being presented by Dr. Susan Sisk, Principal, with SFP Consulting, LLC and airson Wednesday, June 1st, 2011. For more details, or to register please visit our siteat www.fxconferences.comAs t...

    Translators Hope Royal Wedding Will Highlight Profession - News -WAMU 88.5FMApril 29, 2011 - With all eyes on the royal wedding, most people don' t stop and thinkabout the t ranslators and interpreters it t akes to bring the event to life around theworld. And this weekend, .. .

    Client Support Using Parallels Mobile (Guest Blog)David Wol f, owner o f Wol f Snap Designs, a web developmentcompany loca ted in Southern Cal ifornia , wri tes today 's guest b logpost. David has been in the computer industry for over 15 years,and hold...

    Portland Networking Event IGlobalization and LocalizationAssociation

    03 May 2011 5:30-7:00 PDTlt' s Cinco de Mayo somewhere! GALAmembers and industry col leagues in the Por tland area wil l ga ther

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    for a networking event on Tuesday, 03 May.Come for a fun , f riend lymixe ...

    Hisham Matar On The Power Of Libyan Fiction: NPR


    Enlarge JOHN D MCHUGHlAFP/Gett y Images Man Booker Prizefor F ic tion 2006 short li sted author Hisham Matar poses forphotographers in London. JOHN D MCHUGH/AFP/Getty ImagesMan Booker Prize for Ficti. ..


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    Optimization Tips for Parallels Desktop 6Iii.:~ Fol lowing this month 's Readers Choice Awards -- inwhich Para llels was voted Best Mac Appl icat ion for RunningWindows -- aimed to help users get even MORE out ofParal le ls Deskt. ..

    Tidy Up Your iTunes Librarywith "Rinse"I fyou 're iTunes l ibrary is anything l ike mine, i t's got misspe lledsong t it les , missing genres and artwork, and 6 dup licates of "SafetyDance" . .. don 't judge. However , according to our f riends at Ma...

    The Swedish Sami consciousness - SWEDEN.SEI nSweden there are about 20,000 Sami, recognized by the UN asan indigenous peop le. Many Swedes' understanding of the Samilif estyle is limited to nomadic reindeer herding, which has been astrong ...

    Grammar - Adir Ferreira IdiomasVou contar um dos meus trunfos para aprender inqles (ou espanholou frances, as outras linguas que eu falo). Nunca me at ive muito aregras gramat icais e sempre fui mui to ana lit ico na minha lei tura . ..

    Learn from the Indian experienceI REFER to my earlier letter Make teaching of English a national mission (The Star,March 30). Iam an Indian expatriate and when I meet fellow Indians f rom other thanmy home s tate Tamil Nadu, I...

    Real English: dlaloqo com expressoesHey, there! Vamos aprender algumas express6es bem uteis noinqles que e falado no dia-a-dia nos Es tados Unidos. Veja estepequeno dialoqo. (The phone rings.) Husband: Hel lo.Wife: Hi ,honey. I 'm stu . ..

    Other Translator jobs in Alexandria, LA@[0 B O O K M A R K I Arabic Translator - Contract TechTrans provides language servicesand travel logistics ? language teaching, i... US 04.19.11 Sign Language InterpreterJob in Louisiana Schoo ls S ign Language Interpr . ..


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    Social Media RevolutionAs an introduction to the Users Panel of the Content on the Multilingual WebWorkshop in P isa, Pau la Shannon from Lionbr idge shared the fol lowing video withthe part ic ipants to k ick o ff the top ic 0...

    Is This The Greatest About Us Page Ever Written? IContentMarketing ISocial Media Consulting

    This is an era withou t in fo rmation gatekeepers, and every companyneeds to think of it self as its own TV station, magazine, andnewspaper . This puts a spot light on businesses ' abi li ty to tel ltheir ...

    Can nine-year-olds really decide whether learning French isbeneficial?The decis ion of the Calgary publ ic school board not to make second- languageclasses mandatory for s tudents in Grades 4 to 9 is fol ie. It does not serve studentswell. I t does not serve the country w . ..

    Tess Whitty Twitter Stats - TwitterCounter.comTess Whitty (@Tesstranslates) Bio: English-Swedish translator, software local izationand marke ting, language cha ir , en trepreneur , blogger , wife, proud mom of 2, loveyoga, running, nature We track ...

    Localization Unconference 2011Call ing a ll p rofessiona ls interested in discussing the future o f this dynamic industryin a non-structured, non-sales environment. The aim of the Local izationUnconference is to bring together Loca. . .

    Como traduzir a palavra "freak"Hey, there! Vejamos agora algumas das opcoes para t raduzir apalavra freak. Freak (substantiva) 1. monstro, aleijao, anomalia,monstrengo, mostrengo; monstrinho, monstruosidade, cur iosidade,excepc ...

    Zorra Total Lady Kate vai ao casamento de sua xara na Inglaterra Arquivo

    sex, 29/04/11 por editor I No epis6dio '0 casamento da princesa' , ara inha da Ing later ra convida Lady Kate (Katiuscia Canoro) para 0casamento de seu neto , 0 principe William com a sua xara LadyKa...

    Translation news - Proz'comApril 29, 2011 - With all eyes on the royal wedding, most people don't stop andthink about the trans la to rs and interpreters i t takes to br ing the event to l ife aroundthe world. And this weekend, .. .

    8 Dicas para Melhorar Sua Voz no CantoComo ja mencionei aqui, t arnbem trabalho com locutores ecantores que querem melhorar sua diccao em inq les e espanhol.A le rn de tre ina-los na parte l inguist ica, tarnbern dou d icas emacetes que ajudam . ..

    an ancilliary translation task - There's Something About Translationf n " 1.,"4' , New here? You might want to browse the categories on the far rightof this page, or use the search field to look for something in part icular. If you likewhat you see, why not subscribe to my RSS f...

    CNGL Partner VistaTEC Ltd. Announces European LocalizationUnconference 2011

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    t!II 1IB IT E C Cal ling al l professionals interested in discussing the future o f thisdynamic industry in a non-structured, non-sales environment. CNGL partner,VistalEC Ltd., invites you to the European Localizat. ..

    rruitolegal blog ::sua overdose dlarla de lnspiracao: A Evolu!(iio doRocko dia que eu confundir a caixa de pesquisa do Google pela de status update doFacebook sera uma experiencia no minimo deselegante.ParabE'ms para voce, quecomo eu, aper ta 0 botao do e levador var ias . ..

    Si te de lei loes Me Gustta realiza "Apple Week"; concorra a urn iPodtouch e urn iPod nano! ;- )

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    25/04/2011 as 11:34 por Rafae l F ischmann 11 comentar ioeO siteMe Gustta e mais um desses tradicionais portais de lei lao onlineque seguem 0modelo de "lances de 1 centavo", nos quaisprodutos sao . ..


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    TweetyPop oferece uma interface alternativa para 0Twitter em iPads29/04/2011 as 14:08 por Silvio Sousa Cabral 12comentariosfi iferentemente de outros desem.olvedores quetrabalham com apps para iPad, a TapFactory decidiu ir alem dopadrao da concorrencia na ofert ...

    Glossaric: dez expressoes muito usadas no Twitter - parte 2 IBlogda Vejinha - BlogsPor Leonam Bernardo Na parte 1 da nossa lista de girias doTwitter, \.oce entendeu por que rnotivo 0 povo toda hora manda umatal Claudia sentar e v ive mencionando que quer tomar uns "bonsdrink". CI...

    Language Log Cursive and Characters: Dying ArtsFor centuries, curs ive handwri ting has been an ar t. To a growing number of youngpeople, it is a mystery.The sinuous let ters of the cursive alphabet, swirled oncountless love let ters, credit card . ..

    Katy Perry Flashes Kate Middleton and Prince William NailsKaty Perry is get ting in on the royal wedding celebration with a Kate Middleton andPrince Wil liam inspired manicure. The 26-year-old "Fireworks" singer shared a pictureo f her roya l d igi ts v ia Twi t. ..

    REPORT: BEER EMOTION APIANETABIRRA2010 - Beer Emotionshare Posted by Francesco on mar 12, 2010 in Eventi 10 comments 24febbraio 2010 cala i l sipar io sul l'edizione 2010 di PianetaBirra Beverage & Co TastingExperience. Quattro giornate intense hanno confe ...

    Home - Aline Dexheimer Web SiteComo leitora voraz, eu sempre sonhei em esc rever e ser comomeus escri to res favor itos. Porem, como uma boa virgin iana, achavaque tudo tinha que ficar perfeito para ser mostrado oucompartilhado. D...

    E-book self -publishing makes mi ll ion-book mi lestoneOn Forbes a couple of days ago, Haydn Shaughnessy wrote aninterest ing blog post noting that , assuming the trend of the last fewyears remains in ef fect , over one mil lion peop le in the Uni tedState ...

    Contagious Habits: How Obesity Spreads IWired Science

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    A few years ago, Nicholas Chr is takis and James Fowler made a str ik ing discoveryabout obes it y: it spreads from person to person, much like a contagious virus. Theywere able to demons trate this by ...

    2 9/04 12 01 1 - Aline Dexheimer Web SiteFriday, April 29, 2011 5:33:00 PM "Preencha os campos sublinhados com seusdados e declare para si mesmo aquilo que I.Ocedeseja - Imprima e pendure numlugar visivel DECLARA Communi ty t rans la tion is core to our mission ! We're look ing fort ranslators in: Franca is , I tal iano , Deutsch, Espar iol , Por tuques. B;$:iii'f, l li l" f2[s:cp:;t,and ~l!Icp:;tWe would l ike to invite our Lingotekcommuni ty me.. .

    Announcing Proz'com podcasts, and here's the first editionGood Friday, everyone! The April newslet ter is on its way to your inbox,and I hope you find it interesting and informat ive. I' d like to take this opportunity toannounce a new feature at ...

    Software Test Engineer Job in Eglin AFB 32547, Florida USFor quick considera tion app ly hereTYBRIN, a whol ly-owned subsid iary o f JacobsTechnology, Inc., i s a premier prov ider o f process-based systems and sof twareeng ineer ing products and services. We foc . ..

    TV do Real Madrid mostra que Pepe nao tocou em Daniel Alves

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    29/04/2011 As queixas do tecnico Jose Mourinho ap6s a derrota por 2 a 0 noclass ico entre Real Madrid e Barce lona parecem ter fundamento. De acordo comvideo d iwlgado pe la TV oficial do c lube mere . ..

    Tips for Translation in Drupal 6 WebsitesTranslat ing Drupa l websi tes into mult iple languages is very similar to visit ing a foreigncountry. You have to spend t ime and money proper ly preparing documents, i t'seas ie r i fyou know the languag . ..

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    Contributor Article

    ;_~::;t... ProZcom Translation news - Proz'comIna recent post on Paten tt rans la to r's B log , Steve Vlasta Vi tek fea tu res and ar ticleon the di fference between the trans lator and the interpret ing profession. The ar ticlealso analyzes the reason w. ..

    ~v icogonzales Toyota Japanese Interpreter Translator Job in Tupelo, MississippiUS

    www.ictnorthamerica.comSendresumestotrep@ictnorthamerica.comREQUIREMENTS, JOB DESCRIPTION* SKILL- Bil ingual proficiency- Interpersonalski ll - Reten tion ski ll - Microso ft program prof ic iency (W ...

    i~ltermjUniOr Richard Dawkins Chows Down with Students at AHA Convention -Ben Conover - Atheist Soapbox.comBy BEN CONOVER -ATHEIST SOAPBOXCOM Added: Mon, 18Apr 2011 14:54:58 UTC On Saturday, April 9th, during theAmerican Humanis t Associat ion 's 70th Convention a t the HyattRegency in Cambridge, MA, P . ...kvashee The rise of collaborative social changeOne exciting t rends to emerge f rom the fallout out of the tragicgloba l economic mel tdown is a heightened awareness of ourconnectivity in bo th the of fl ine and on line wor lds. Inadd it ion , aheighte ...

    < 9 > ~gOjek Iwww.lingotek.comCrowdsourc ing has been f irmly establ ished as a val id and of tenpreferable method for reaching organizational goals and

    accompl ishing more with the same dol lars. However , while crowdsourc ing works v...

    ~~~~ ProZcom

    The unpronounceable (April 29, 2011) (Fun with language)./ UserThread poster: RominaZfhe unpronounceable (April 29, 2011)RominaZ Argentina Local time: 10:57 Member (2006)SITE STAFF This thread ispart of the Transla to r playground: a place for t rans la tor . ...kvashee India Inc's most powerful CEOs: Inseparabilityoffamily& firmcontinues in Indian businessA glance at the 2011 list of India's mos t powerful CEOs reveals both continuities andchanges in the unfolding story o f India's dramat ic business saga. Three things standout strikingly, firstly, t...

    ~~- ; t . . . . . . " , _ ProZcom Translation news - Proz'comBy training, K Bijay Kumar is a botanist and a plant biotechnologist . But of late, he



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    said ruefully, the closest he has come to botany was to mull over a Hindi word for"reticulum", a protoplasmic ...

    Germanic Paganismperiod. I t has been described as being "a system of inter locking and closelyinterrelated rel ig ious worldviews and practices rather than as one indivisible rel ig ion"and as such consisted of "indiv .. .

    Translation news - Proz'comIn her blog Sarah Dil lon wri tes about post-ed it ing machine translat ion outpu t andshares some interest ing in fo rmat ion she col lected from a session by Tineke VanBeuker ing she at tended during the AU ...

    Useful Icelandic Phrases & WordsPart of the ser ies The Scand inavian LanguagesTo start learning Ice landic , somepronunciation tips for Icelandic phrases:a = like a in fathere = like e in testi, y = like iin lit tleu = like German . ..

    ~LlEnglish Interpreter - Chicago NBSLocation: Chicago, IL Postal Code: 60601 ASLIEnglish Interpreter-

    Chicago NBS Job Tit le: ASLIEngl ish Interpreter - Chicago NBS Profession:Customer Suppor t/Cal l Center Operat ions -> Account/Custom ...

    Useful Faroese Phrases & WordsPart of the ser ies The Scand inavian LanguagesFaroese is spoken on the FaroeIslands and in Denmark by about 70 ,000 Scandinavians. Peop le speaking Faroeseoften also speak Danish or Norwegian. Faroe . . .

    Businesses respond to Welsh language school plans inPenmaenmawrApr 21 2011 by Rayyan Parry, North Wales Weekly News THE debate over whethera primary school shou ld go predominant ly Welsh language cont inues in a coastaltown. Talks will take place later this ye ...

    Phoenix, Al., 85004@! B 'm a " . . I e. , . ..! Salary: N/A / Year ly Locat ion: Phoen ix , AZ Type: Full -T ime PostalCode: 85004 TRANSLATOR Description Translator French/Engl ish Technical wri tingfor med ia group. Avai lab le immediately.Note : P lease . ..

    Translator Interpreter? Japanese Bilingual Automotive! B 'm a " . . Ie..,...! Salary: N/A / Yearly Location: Las Vegas, NV Type: Full-TimePostal Code: 89109 Translator Interpreter? Japanese Bil ingual Automotive JapaneseBilingual Translator & Interpre te r Our c lient is an i . ..

    Ffonlyfr goes live for Welsh speakers - Wales News - NewsMENTER Caerdydd, a registered chari ty working towards ensur ing a central p lace forthe Welsh language in Card if f, launches i ts f irst comprehensive FfDnlyf r, WelshServices Phone Directory. Containi. ..

    Customer Service Translator - Denver, CO, 80265 @GetTranslator! B 'm a c ' . . Ie..,...! Salary: N/A / Year ly Locat ion: Denver, CO Type: Ful l-Time PostalCode: 80265 Customer Serv ice Transla to r Job Descr ipt ion Our customer , a nat iona lwireless provider is seeking energetic and rel iable ...

    How I Learned DanishPhotos: authorWhy friends make all the difference on the path tof luency. "Man, you are so wei rd." This was the rather disp ir it ingresponse from Kim, my new Danish flatmate, after telling him that



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    Translation news - Proz'comIn recent years the Austra lian Government has increased i ts engagement wi thInd igenous Austral ians. This has been most evident in ru ral and remote Ind igenouscommunit ies in the Nor thern Ter ri tory ( .. .

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    Ancient Humans Were Mostly Right-Handed, Too IAncient Humans,Language & HandednessHumani ty 's r igh t-hand dominance might be more than 500,000 years o ld, newresearch indica tes. The tra it of r igh t-handedness is commonly believed to be a signof the deve lopment of another unique ly . ..

    New EraWINDHOEK A contemporary Otj iherero-English d ic tionary, whichprov ides v ital information about grammar usage, was launched thisweek at the Goethe Centre.Nduvaa Nguaiko-Calhoun, a Namibianbased i...

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    Translation news - Proz'comThe Universi ty of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)'s Language as Action: Semant ics,Pragmatics and Rhetoric research team is seeking answers to quest ions such as:"How do we manage to transmit a whole ...

    N3 served with notice over Urdu's status as official languageKarachi The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Wednesday issued a not ice to the

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    Advice for the bride she won't get from her motherA l ingu is t, pho tographer , fashionis ta, columnist and sex-shop owner share the irwords of wisdom for Kate Middleton:Get o ff H igh Stree tKate Midd leton has fea turedprominently on several best-dressed ...

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