trailer park challenge 0.2: dolly sue

Post on 01-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Dolly Sue is back for more fun.


  • 1. Welcome back to my Trailer Park Challenge. Hopefully the slides are better this time, especially the the black font.

2. The first order of business was to check what Dolly Sue would be producing. I do have random trips and quads only installed. Fingers crossed that we get the origina l two and no additional hitchikers. 3. Dolly Sue: Oh mah God! It's a-gonna rip out mah guts. Mark: *ignores Dolly* 4. It seems that the birth of his stepkids was not nearly as exciting as catching fireflies. They were a mixed set. The boy was named Billy Joe and the girl was named Maggie Rae. Dolly Sue: Oh mah God, cuss it all t' tarnation. Thar's two of them! 5. Dolly Sue had been hoarding Marks move in money to get the nursery started. She did not want walls up yet, so she fenced the babies off like cattle. 6. There isnt much for them to do, so a quick game of hacky sack went on. Then the Gyspy made an appearance. She cant really wish for money (dammit), so Dolly Sue put it in her inventory for some other time. Mark wants to be a Hall of Famer, so he might get to wish for Peace of Mind soon. 7. Dolly Sue knew that there was no way she could run the yard sale and care for the babies. Plus she had work tonight. She spent the day on the phone chatting up people. 8. Mark told Dolly Sue he would take good care of her kids..and he did, sorta. He made sure they were fed at least. 9. But most importantly, he spent her money on a new, upgraded tub/shower combo, a sink for the bathroom, kitchen table and chairs and a desk for the computer. He even made sure to put the old tub out for the yard sale. Then he realized there was enough left over to put in a ceiling. 10. Dolly Sue had came home, changed the babies, showered and went to bed. The next morning, she was lucky to find a job in the slacker career. Dolly Sue was told that she had gotten as far as she could at Hillbilly Heaven, the local burger joint. 11. It was an hour past time, but the yard sale had to go on. Mark called up his daughter, Molly. She agreed to babysit for the day. Dolly Sue had no clue that Mark had a couple of kids! 12. Proof once and for all that Dolly Sue belongs in a trailer park challenge. Really? Selling to teens in your undies? Dolly Sue: It's better than makin' money on mah back. 13. The only reason Mark agreed to help out was to keep an eye on his wife and her roving eye. Mark: Just buy your shit, and go. Quit making eyes at my woman. Markus: Better keep an eye on that one! Mark: Why the hell do you think Im out here cooking to death? 14. Dolly Sue charmed man after man out of their hard earned money. She didnt like blondes, but the poor sap never knew what hit him. 15. Meanwhile, Molly fed, changed and put both babies to bed. I love her and want to keep her forever. 16. Mark was having a hard time seeing the register buttons through the red haze. Markus was getting fed up of waiting and Dolly Sue was about to jump Markus on the front lawn. 17. Mark was pretty certain that the Lyle kid had designs on his wife. He was going to have warn that boy off and soon. Poor Lyle, unaware of Marks death stare, just wanted to water balloon fight. 18. A quick sneak at the babies shows them in perfect hands. Gotta love free babysitters. 19. I watched this and I still am baffled. So is Dolly Sue. Al E. Cat came up, patted her on the shoulder to congratulate her and Mark stormed over and accused her of cheating! Jealous much?? For romance men, they sure get bent out of shape fast and over nothing! Then I checked her memories. Al E. congratulated her and she fell in love! 20. Dolly Sue: Please fo'gimme. ah will nevah let ennyone touch me agin while yer aroun'. ah promise. Mark: Fine. I forgive you, but next time, I will not be responsible for my actions. 21. While Al E. distracted Lyle, Mark did the one thing he knew to get his point across to the whole neighborhood. He mounted his woman like she was a bitch in heat. 22. The fight pretty much halted any momentum the sale had. Not another soul even showed up. They closed up shop having only made about $900. Mark sent Molly home and the two ate dinner together, although it was not a happy one. Mark: No, I will not be your best friend and the next brat you pop out better be mine or you will regret it. 23. By the time Dolly Sue had eaten two bowls of soup and showered, it was not time for bed. It was time for work. She left the mess and smelly babies for Mark to deal with. 24. Mark got up later that morning and changed the stinky brats, cleaned the kitchen, tub and unclogged the toilet. Mark hated his life. 25. Mark wanted to talk to Hannah Cat on the phone and then he wanted to go on a date. When she showed up about to pop out a kid, I was worried that Mark was the father. I was glad he was not. 26. Mark did not take it to well when Dolly Sue accused him of being the cheater. I really thought they were gonna throw down this time. 27. Mark: I dont care how hungry you are, you will learn to potty right now 28. Maggie Rae was a lot easier to train since she nabbed a bottle beforehand. 29. Dolly Sue is overwhelmed and underpaid. The toilet is backed up, shes starving and the screaming never ends. She ended up peeing herself because she was really confused at to what she should be doing. 30. They almost lost the little rugrats. Good thing Mark had enough points to tick off the plead with social worker just as she pulled up. 31. Mark: Will you get off your goddamn ass and take care of your little bastards! Dolly Sue: Ah was told t'git pregnant four times. No one said ennythin' about carin' about them af'er thet. 32. The state of this house makes me ill. Lets not even speak about the spoiled food they seem to live on. Not that they care, after the birth of the third child, dual aspiration failures happened. 33. Mark bolted out of the house at the first hint of an empty fridge. At this point, any excuse to escape was a wonderful one. 34. Dream date, aisle 3. Mark and Margo Cat had a previous relationship and they continued obn with it right in front of the whole town. 35. Mark gets accused of cheating by a girl whos licking the tonsils of some other man. Only in sims. 36. Mark: Hey, I have a good idea. Lets head back to my place and piss off that witch I married. Margo: Okay! 37. Mark returned to see this and remembered why he wished he had never met the backwoods bumpkin. 38. Bad things are always happening to this household. Mark went to put the groceries away, Margo distracted him, Hannah walked by and caught him cheating then kicked over the garbage. Mark then had no groceries because they disappeared. 39. Dolly Sue figured it was her turn to escape the house. I have had so many crashes, power outtages and wind knocking out the power, that I have no clue what has and what has not happened prior to Mark leaving for groceries. Dolly Sue did get about $300 in groceries (all the money they had) and invited Simon Broke to ride her in the photo booth. 40. Then she nailed Simon Broke and then Daniel Pleasant. Then Simon again. 41. Out of nowhere, Dolly Sue decided that she could not go home without falling in love with Daniel first. 42. Her addiction to the energizer is the only thing keeping her alive at this point. 43. Everything is just so crazed around here. She did have this third child, Betty Lou. I still have not checked to see who her father is, but I think it is Marks. 44. Margo left a present to add to the yard sale. 45. Betty Lou: Why the hell was I born to these useless bastards? 46. Dolly Sue: Oh dear Lord, not agin. 47. This punk showed up twice. He took the open and closed sign and the freakin fridge! The next day (or the one after), he took a chair and a crib, I believe. 48. Every once in a while, miracle do occur. Betty Lou did learn all her skills somehow. 49. Mark is under the impression that he is the father of the baby, and the two fall in love again. 50. Pregnancy three has come to an end. She brings forth another girl. She was named Lori Belle. To recap: Pregnancy one was with Tram P. Pregnancy two was with Mark (he has 5 other kids), and pregnancy three belongs to Simon Broke. 51. Dolly Sue had known from the second she met Steve, that he would father at least one of her offspring. For months she had chatted him up on the phone. Then she took the plunge and asked him out. 52. Then after he fell in love with her, she got what she wanted. Too bad she never saw Marks daughter, Molly, watching. 53. Lullaby and dream date done, Dolly Sue decided to have a bit more fun before heading home. Gunner Broke went down without a fight. 54. Instead of her dad, Molly texted Steve about his newest notch. He came straight back to the club and smacked her. Steve: Ill put up with a lot of crap, but not this! Dont ever call me again! 55. Dolly Sue: Baby, yo' doesn't mean thet, does yo'? Steve: I think I can forgive you, just this once. 56. Dolly Sue, using her thinker for once, dragged Mark off to bed. She was sure that this time, she would be able to pawn the kid off as his. 57. I got so frustrated right here. Gunner and Steve brought their date flowers at the same time, had a traffic jam on the steps and they both took off with the flowers. She cant afford to watch that money walk away. 58. Steve had walked by and this went badly. Mark accused her of cheating and then Steve accused her of cheating! Now they both are furious with her. 59. Steve was pretty shocked when Mark jumped Dolly Sue, but not for long. Pretty soon he was cheering his one-time friend on. 60. Dolly Sue: Git out an' nevah come back. Mark: *shocked* 61. Dolly Sue went in to the house to eat and found two children. It took her a moment to realize she had missed their long awaited birthdays. Billy Joe: Taurus. 5/7/8/10/2 Maggie Rae: Gemini 0/10/8/3/5 62. For once, all stayed quiet and life went along fairly well for a couple of days. Betty Lou: Gemini. 2/10/10/7/6 63. Well, things were going well until Bubba Roy was born anyway. 64. Changing Bubbas diaper sent her off all over again. 65. Billy Joe rolled fortune. 66. Maggie Rae rolled Knowledge, wiping her out of the heir poll. 67. Bubba Roy aged up to toddler. He is a Gemini also. 4/7/8/3/3. 68. Lori Belle slept through her birthday and did it first thing in the morning. She is a Sagittarius. 2/2/8/10/3. 69. With 4/5 kids in school, Dolly Sue was able to get herself fed and cleaned up. Then she tackled the pigsty. 70. And now we will say goodbye as we watch Steve walk away with the Dicksons invisible newspaper. Will Dolly Sue ever complete her LTW? Will she remain forever a single parent? Will they all survive this first generation? Stay tune to find out.

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