train the trainer [compatibility mode]

Post on 12-May-2017






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By: Naveen Yadav

� To train trainers, on following topics:

� - Meaning and importance of competencies

� - Purpose of a training

� - Systematic training model/process

� - Presentation Skills

� - Factors leading to poor training

� So that

� - They can effectively and efficiently impart the training.

� - The people they train will not only enjoy their training but go away with the knowledge they need.

� To perform assigned job/work.

� And to perform assigned job, we require some competencies.

� Competence (or competency) is the ability of an individual to do a job properly.


� “Skill is used to denote expertise developed in training and experience.”

� Skill is acquired and therefore can and has to be learned.

� For example skilled labor has expertise in their domain of work i.e. a mason, carpenter, black smith; electrician etc. knows how to fix a problem because of his vast experience and training.

� Skill: It gets better with practice


� “Knowledge is a set of facts and principles needed to address problems and issues in particular job”

� It is the theoretical and practical understanding of a subject. So a skilled worker may have very good expertise (Practical Skill) in his job but may not have theoretical understanding in detail.

To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge.Confucius


� Aptitude are things that you are naturally good at, you may get better at it with practice.

� Some people tend to be good at Science; other people tend to be very artistic and creative. Chances of success multiplies when we chose a field of our aptitude.

Try to find your Passion, chances of success multiplies

when you pursue your passion.

We need to know our strengths in order to know where we belong.


� An attitude can be defined as a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, event, activities, ideas, or just about anything in your environment.

� So it is a way of thinking or behaving.

� The optimist says the glass is half full.

� The pessimist says the glass is half empty.

� The project manager says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile soil.

The first seed said, "I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil

beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above me ... I want to

unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring ... I want to feel

the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my


And so she grew...

The second seed said, "Hmmmm. If I send my roots into the ground below, I don't

know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above

me I may damage my delicate sprouts ... what if I let my buds open and a snail tries

to eat them? And if I were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the

ground. No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe." And so she waited...

A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate


We know that an iceberg has only 10 percent of its

total mass above the water while 90 percent of it is

underwater. But that 90 percent is what the ocean

currents act on and what creates the icebergs

behavior at its tip.

Our performance at work can be looked into same way.

Tip of the ice berg is our observable behavior/performance which is an

outcome of 90% of its which is under water.

That 90% represents our competencies.

That means our observable behavior/performance is the product of/outcome

of our competencies.

� Our purpose in the organization is to perform our job in best way.

� To perform our duties, we should have some competencies.

� Competencies are a combination of skill, knowledge, attitude and aptitude.

� Skill is developed with experience and training.

� Knowledge is the theoretical understanding of the subject, its principals and facts.

� Aptitude is innate abilities that one is naturally good at.

� Attitude is way of thinking or behaving.

� Persons observable behavior is a out come of his competencies.

� So if person have good competencies, his behavior or his performance at work will also be good.

We live in a rapidly changing

world –

- Technology, customer needs,

legislations, lifestyles etc. are


- Because of this, required

competencies for good

performance also keep on


- So training helps to bridge the

gap between existing and

desired competencies.

� Observing and Listening

� •Surveys

� •Interviews

� •Tests

� •Reviewing Company Records

� •Customer Requirement

� •Changes in Legislations/laws etc.

� Learning objectives

� Course outline - Develop and sequence major topics

� Assess available resources

� Method of Teaching – Lecture/On the job/Experience/Roll Playing etc.

� Learning/Teaching aids – Board/Laptop /OHP PowerPoint /Flip charts/TV & video (CD/DVDs)/ Pictures/Skill Practice/Games/Music

� Target group – Level/Size /Insiders/ outsiders/ Diversity.

� Venue – Size/Location/Comfort/Time etc.

� Create the presentation of the course content

� •Performing table top review

� •Improve the presentation.

� •Run a pilot session/Practice it.

� Launch the training

� Deliver materials to the trainees

� Conduct training accordingly

� There are four standard levels of evaluation

� Trainee reactions to the training

� Trainee learning

� Trainee on-the-job behavioral changes

� Results of the training for the organization One can evaluate the training effectiveness by Observations/ Interviews/Tests /Parameters

� Purpose of any training is to bridge the gap between existing and desired competencies.

� A systematic training process shall be based on ADDIE Model.

� Analyze the training needs.

� Design your training as per need.

� Develop the training program/material as per design.

� Implement the training.

� Evaluate the training.

� For a trainer, having good presentation skills are very crucial.

� Presentation is a way of communicating the idea, knowledge or message that a trainer wants to deliver to participants.

� Making a good presentation : The first thing to do is to organize your thoughts in a sequential manner so that all critical points are covered. Content, remember, is more important than style.

� Delivering the presentation : Communication A two way process of exchanging the ideas, information or transmitting of verbal and non verbal messages.

� Never confuse the word “Communication” with English speaking ability.

� Structure the contents using 5 W and 1 H (where, who, why, when, what and how).

� Organize the content accordingly.

� Use images and other visuals. Be careful with small, pixelated images!

� Anecdote /stories/experiences to be used to make the presentation interesting.

� Use rule of 7X7

� To make a slide stand out, change the font or background – Attention grabber

� Choose a clean font that is easy to read.

� Roman and Gothic type faces are easier to read than Script or Old English.

� Stick with one or two types of fonts.

� Make the Text Big Enough: Ensure readability!

� Choose a clean font that is easy to read

� Stick with one or two types of fonts

� Avoid Clutter: let some white space open!

� Use Videos or Audios: Be careful! It should not be too long, otherwise the audience will lose attention.

A two way process of exchanging the ideas, information or transmitting of

verbal and non verbal messages.

In this way, participants will be more receptive to learning before they

can actually start to learn.

• This is most important and crucial step for rapport building. This session can

decide the fate of a training program itself.

•Trainer should clearly communicate about

•Objective of the training.

•Why this program is being conducted.

•How this program will benefit the participants/organization.

•He should brief about the outline of training program – topics, breaks, timing


Ice breakers can be used at the

Starting or at any time of the

training program.

• An opening exercise such as an icebreaker is useful to start up a training

session. As the name suggests, icebreakers are designed to “warm up” the


• Icebreakers are commonly presented as a game to "warm up" the group by

helping the members to get to know each other.

Ice breakers are normally used :

•When group is diversified i.e. From different

backgrounds, different companies, different

professions, different locations etc. to make

comfortable with each other.

•When they have to work as a team later on.

•To evaluate the group i.e. quick assessment to gauge

how much they know about the topic, their

background, expertise, attitude etc.

•When you want to teach some practical learning.

Examples of these kinds of facilitation exercises


•The Little Known Fact - Participants are asked to

share their name, department or role in the

organization, length of service, and one "little-known

fact" about themselves. This "little-known fact" becomes

a humanizing element for future interactions.

•Interviews - Participants are paired up and spend 5

minutes interviewing each other. The group reconvenes

and the interviewer introduces the interviewee to the


•Any game.


Speaking : Any idea or message said in an

inappropriate tone can lead to confusion and leave the

audience unmoved.

Body Language: Next, is your body language. People

react more positively when an idea is delivered

combined with good body language. Poor body

language can convey mixed messages and turn off an



Your appearance should be neat and acceptable to

create the best first impression.

•Start your presentation calmly without fear and with

confidence. If you have stage fright, before starting

your presentation, take a deep breath.

•Say It with Body Language -You may not realize it, but

body language has a huge impact on your voice quality

and the impression you make over the audience.

•Smile. Not only participants see it, but they hear it also.


Keep eye contact with them.

•Engage the audience in conversation and

involve them.

•Keep revolving your eyes and observe

audience reaction.

•Ensure that your contents relate to the

audience; Give only what they can

consume; Do not showcase your knowledge

and expertise.

•Deliver your presentation systematically;

do not read the PowerPoint presentation



• Usage of anecdotes, stories, humor is


• Confine to the allotted time and do not


• Handle your Q & A Session gracefully; If

you do not know an answer, accept this and

promise to provide separately.

• Get the honest feedback from your friends

and from others for future improvement.

• Thank the audience.

� For a trainer, having good presentation skills are very crucial

� Presentation skills can be divided into two parts – Making a presentation and delivering a presentation

� On stage presentation is actually a process of communication where trainer exchange the ideas, thoughts, knowledge or messages with participants.

� Opening of a presentation matters a lot.

� Good on stage presentation is a combination of verbal (speaking) and non verbal (body language) messages.

� For future improvements, always take feedback.

General Factors

• Over confidence – making presentation

without proper understanding of the

audience and the theme – Not making

adequate preparation.

• Mismatch/unclear of training


• Monotony - Reading the slides in the


• Not connecting with the audience.

• Exceeding the time allotted

Situational Factors

•Size of the group

•Levels of knowledge / background

•Support / opposition

•Lighting, heating & ventilation

•Seating and equipment

•Disturbances & noise

Assured Distractions

• Rattling keys or coins in your pocket

• The habitual and continuing use of “uhs” and “ahs”

• Sucking the teeth

• Ring twisting

• Lip licking

• Lip biting

• Pushing the bridge of your glasses

• Playing with a watch

Assured Distractions

• Drumming your finger

• Bouncing a pencil on its eraser

• Blowing hair out of your eyes

• Popping the top of a magic marker

• Extending and retracting the pointer

• For females: Twirling hair and playing with jewelry

Simulate at least once your presentation at home and imagine a

virtual audience. Thereby you get a feeling of the presentation

flow. Practice transition from slide to slide to make the presentation


Always Remember 6 P’s

Prior Preparation Prevents Pretty Poor Performance!

� Competencies are very importance for good performance at any job.

� That means for a good performance at work, one should have skill, knowledge, ability/aptitude and attitude for the same.

� Because of changing scenario, competencies required are keep on changing.

� Training is used to bridge the gap between desired and actual competencies.

� For a good training we should adopt ADDIE model.

� Presentation skills are very important for a good trainer.

� On stage presentation is as important as making a good presentation.

� A trainer should always avoid some points that leads to poor training.

� We gets benefited at work, at home & in the society

� At Work : Job becomes more interesting, meaningful and rewarding

� At Home : Family life becomes fuller, richer and happier

� Socially Life takes new dimensions, one looks for new challenges

� As a trainer you can make the difference.

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