trainer storage project dt

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Year 13 projectTrainer storage solution

Calum Dewane Bayford

Candidate number:2424 Centre number:10254

Idea of making The ProblemThe problem I am going to try and resolve is storage of trainers and shoes. Through research it has become apparent that people have begun to own multiple pairs of shoes and trainers and are also spending a large amount of money on them, I want to create a modern stylish storage unit that will protect and display trainers. I have research for existing storage solutions and have found that there is solutions available, however they are limited in designs and are very basic. Below I have briefly describe the market I am targeting and the unit I want to create.

I want to make a solution to storing shoes, specifically trainers which have become more popular with different designs colours and brands which people have begun to collect. People have pride in having certain brands and styles even though the collector may never wear them. Some brands and styles are expensive therefore people take pride in their shoes and want to keep them new while showing them off in the same way an athlete shows off their trophies. I want to create a storage solution targeted at this specific group of people. The storage solution should be able to store multiple pairs of trainers and be an alternative to leaving them on the floor where they can get damaged or having too many pairs and no space to put them all. The solution will protect the trainers while showing them off and keeping them neatly out of the way.

Objectives To make this product I am going to set some objectives to help me make decisions on the product and if it is possible to build.Objectives• Research materials • Research into ergonomics and anthropometrics• How will the product be assembled• Research existing storage options• Interviews with target market• Visit trainer retailers

Statement of Intent/brief I want to make a Trainer storage unit that while storing trainers

will allow them to be shown off. My storage unit will be aimed at people that collect trainers or have a lot of them and need a

storage solution which still allows them to show off their trainers . The unit will be made from wood and will have transparent

sections in it to allow the trainers to be shown off. The transparent section can be made of polymer or glass as they can both posses a

transparent property.Collecting trainers and having multiple pairs has become common in the last

ten years. The design will have to appeal to a particular market therefore I will keep the aesthetics modern and neat as this will appeal to a younger and

trendy audience that are highly influenced by trends. The unit will be high quality as people spend high amounts of money on their trainers and a poor

quality unit will most probably not appeal to them.

During this project I hope to learn how a storage unit can be constructed and how to use anthropometrical and ergonomically information to make my unit successful in solving a need.

Action PlanDesign brief/Statement of intent: I want to make a Trainer storage unit that while storing the trainers will allow them to be shown off, My storage unit will be aimed at people that collect trainers or have a lot of them and need a storage solution which still allows them to show off their trainers.

Objectives: My objectives will help me create my unit and end up with a successful portfolio and product.

Gather research and analyse: When gathering research and analysing it I will always compare it to my product to add inspiration and to help me make decisions based on the unit. I will need to research into ergonomically and anthropometrical data as well as my target market to make sure my product is appropriate and would appeal to a market.

Practical experiment for techniques and materials: My practical experiment will help me identify what materials and techniques are most appropriate for making my unit. I will find what materials will be most appropriate for my product and what techniques I can use effectively with the chosen materials.

Creating a detailed specification: Initial ideas: I will create a detailed specification that my product will follow in order for it to be successful. I will compare my product to the spec and work along side it to make sure my unit meets the spec.

Developed idea: I will then look back on my work and develop or change anything I think needs changing. Final idea: I will finalise my design a unit to appeal to a particular young trendy audience and use current trends to help the unit appeal to their tastes.

Produce production plan: I will make a clear production plan to ensure I do not fall behind and run out of time whilst making my product I will allocate time and make goals to reach by certain times to keep on track. I can refer to my schedule to see if am falling behind or on schedule.

Changes due to equipment: I will identify weather I have access to the equipment I will need to make my unit and change the way I make it if I have to. I can chose a material and then check whether the processes I need to do can be done with the facilities I have.

Produce a scale model: I will produce a model this will help me see if the materials and processes I want to use are appropriate and that they will work. I can also create a virtual model using computer aided design on programs such as Google Sketch up that can be to scale and have material surfaces added to see what the product will look like.

Produce full scale project: If my small scale project is successful I will then begin to make my full scale product.

Conclusions, evaluations and recommendations: Once produced I will take feed back from my target market and I will evaluate my product and also work out how it would be produced if it was to be sold to the public.

Who am I designing for?I am designing for people who collect or have a lot of trainers and have them getting in the way or taking up space around the house. The unit will allow people to protect their shoes whilst storing them and having them on display. The people I am targeting young adults with a high disposable income. The target audience take pride in fashion and their assets because of their age they like modern sleek stylish designs. They will live on their own or with a partner so will have space in their house and it will not be cramped. They will have a good job therefore a good disposable income to spend allowing them to buy trainers/shoes and units to display/store them in.

Where will it be used? My unit will be used around the house, my target user will be between the age of 20-50. They will have their own house and dedicated space for the

unit and their collection to be kept. They will have a big house/apartment with unused space that they can use to place the unit in. Some may have a room to keep their trainers in and others may just have space somewhere around the house which they can use.

Function? My storage unit must be able to store and present multiple pairs of shoes, its purpose is to neatly organise shoes for people who own multiple pairs

and that take pride in them. The unit has to look modern and sleek to be liked by the target audience. They will be putting expensive shoes and trainers into the unit so it has to be sturdy, well made and durable to protect what it is storing. The unit could come in made to order this allows people with all spending bracket to buy the unit as the cheap alternative can be made from composite material and the more expensive option of hard wood and glass.

Size? The unit will be big but will still be subtle and neat, the purpose of the unit is to neatly store shoes and will therefore need to be neat its self. The

unit will need to hold multiple pair of shoes and be able to hold most sizes of shoes. According to UK anthropometrics the average size shoe is a size nine I will make my storage unit big enough for a size eleven allowing all shoe eleven or smaller to be stored.

Cost? Shoes and trainers are expensive items of clothing one of the main target audiences are trainer collectors. Because of the high cost of trainers this

audience will have a high disposable income and are willing to pay high amounts of money for their possessions. Therefore the unit does not have to be made and sold cheap it can be made from good quality materials and sold for a profit. However the unit will not be to expensive so that other audiences may also consider buying it. I can consider using high quality materials such as hard woods or good quality polymer to construct the unit as quality will be important to the target audience.

Style?Trainer style in particular is very unique to the person therefore I will make the unit look modern stylish and sleek with no push towards any particular

style as it will not effect the customers view. A lot of collectors have bright unique trainers so applying a bright unique aspect to the unit may be suitable. The target audience may like a varnish or stain finish if wood is used or a smooth spray paint splatter effect.

Safety? The unit must be safe and if I install lights and electrical equipment to the unit I have to ensure it is safe and will not electrocute the customer. The

unit will have to comply with all regulations in the UK to ensure safety standards are met and the consumer is not exposed to a hazard. Materials and Finishes? The materials I consider using are materials such as wood and polymers. To keep manufacturing costs down I could consider using a composite wood

such as plywood and apply a varnish stain or hard wood veneer such as oak or mahogany. The target audience appreciate quality and using a good finish or veneer is important so that the unit appeals to the audience. I could use hard wood such as mahogany to construct the unit this wood is self finishing and would not need a finish. However if I want to paint the unit I will not consider using hard wood as it will be covered by the paint and its colour and grain will not be visible.

Summary of analysisFrom producing my analysis I have been able to create clear guide lines to follow while planning and making my product. I now have a clear target

audience I am creating the product for and am also clear on style cost and materials that I will use. I am targeting at a young male audience from ages 20-50 that have an interest in shoes/trainers and possibly collect and take pride in them. It has to be affordable however good quality and aesthetically pleasing.


What do I need to find out about? Where can I find the information? Why do I need this information

Examples of existing products in the market which have the same function as my unit.

I can find this information on Google and in shops. I will search for shoe storage units to see the existing competition.

I need this information so I can evaluate the current competition and make my unit unique and different to any that may exist already.

I need to ask for peoples opinions on my product and find out my target markets likes and dislikes.

I can ask people with an interest in shoes/trainers within the age group of my target market.

This information will help me find out what the markets likes and dislikes are so I can use this to design and construct my unit.

What materials I can use and the appropriate joining methods to use for the type of material.

I can research what materials are appropriate to use and then research effective joining methods. I can research this online and by making joints in the workshop.

This information will help when designing the unit so I know off any limitations certain materials may have.

I need to know what Surface finishes I will use if I require a finish and weather the material used needs finishing or is self finishing .

I need to know what material(s) I will use for the unit and then consider whether they need a finish. If they do I can use the internet to find good finishes for the particular materials.

This information will help me when designing and also

I need to find Ergonomics and size research. I can find this information on the internet and search for the average size shoe in the UK and within the age and sex of my target market.

This information will help with design as I will know how big to make the unit so that it is ergonomically appropriate for my target group.

Relevant safety issues I can find safety information by asking teacher and technician and also by doing models. Making models will let me see if there will be any safety problems with the real unit

I need to know this as it will help me stay safe while making the unit, it will insure I do not endure my self or others while constructing it. And also make sure its safe when built.

Style aesthetics and fashion I can find what appeals to my target audience by carrying out primary research such as focus groups and questionnaires. I can also gather secondary research by checking current trends on the internet.

This information is important as I need to know what appeals to my target market so that they buy what I am trying to market to them. It is important I know what trends are in at the moment so I can apply it to my design.

A mood board for my chosen theme I can gather primary and secondary pictures by taking pictures for inspiration or gather secondary pictures from the internet.

This information is useful as it allows me to get inspiration from images and also allows me to look at what is already available and make my own unit unique.

What research I need to do

Mood board

Current problem

Current solutions

I have gathered images of the problem I am going to solve and of current solutions footwear storage

Target audience What is a shoe collector?

“World’s largest trainer collection: Shoe fanatic to auction 2,500 pairs worth £1m on eBay” The metro 17th of September 2013

“Ken Courtney (USA), founder of fashion label Just Another Rich Kid, created a pair of high-top Nike Dunks dipped in 18-garat gold as part of a fashion show in New York, USA, in 2007. Five pairs were made, costing $4,053 (£2,702) each.” Guinness world records 2014

Who is the customer I am targeting?

Collecting has become a very popular hobby that normally has a financial benefit. Collecting shoes especially trainers has become extremely popular amongst collectors. Some collectors will be extreme owning hundreds of pairs and not even wearing them. Whereas some collectors collect shoes that they want to wear however still keep looking new to preserve their worth. From looking at buying habits in the UK and researching on the owning and buying of shoes in the UK I have found that the amount of shoes a person owns has increased over the last fifty years and that now we on average own multiple pairs of shoes. Because of this trend creating a unit to store and display shoes has potential as there is a gap in the market and a market in the gap.

The customer I am targeting are young adults between the age of 20-35 that have a high disposable income and that collect or own multiple pairs of shoes. This customer follows current trends and have a focus of style and fashion. They have a good paying job and be on a average to high wage. They live in urban city's such as London, Paris and New York as these city's have a big influence on trends and fashion. The customer may work in fashion or have a job in a retail store selling shoes. They will have a job they have passion for that may influence their collecting habits. The audience shop at well known retail locations such as Oxford street regents street and Westfield shopping centres. This is as they enjoy buying shoes and these locations offer huge choice. Many may also shop on sites such as eBay and buy shoes from other collectors to add to their collection.

I have collected images of shoes that my audience may buy on sites such as eBay this shows that buying and collecting shoes is an expensive and popular hobby. Some shoe collectors collect vintage, rare and limited addition. These shoes hold high value and the collector will want to preserve them in good condition. Because my target audience are between the age of 20-35 I will find the average foot size of this age and use this ergonomic information when making the unit to make sure the shoes will fit.

Client profile I have researched into shops that sell similar products that I sell and have also researched what each individual shops styles are so that I know where my product would fit in. I have decided that an appropriate place for me to sell my unit would be in shops such as John Lewis Debenhams and Selfridges as the target market live in big cities and this is also where big retailers have their stores. I chose the three stores as they all sell a wide range of products but also sell shoes. Especially Selfridges which has a large range of shoes and would go well along side trainer storage solutions. Selfridges is also preserved as expensive and good quality as they have many designer and luxury brands within the store such as Armani Louis Vuitton and Gucci.

Q1 How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Out of the people asked how many shoes do you currently own the main amount was between five and eleven Paris between males and females who were asked.

Q2 Is keeping your shoes in good condition and protected important to you?Out of the ten people interviewed seven out of ten said they like to keep their shoes in good condition and try not to “mess them up” as they can be expensive.

Q3 Do you collect shoes of a certain style or brand or generally collect shoes as a hobby?Out of the ten people asked four of them said they enjoy buying certain brands and collecting multiple colours and variations however not on a big scale.

Q4 What would you expect the unit to do for your shoes protect, display or store?six people said they would like the unit to do all of the functions suggested three people said they would like the unit to store their shoes and one person said they would want the unit to focus on displaying the shoes. As the majority asked said they priorities all three aspects I will make sure the unit does all three to a good standard so that it appeals to everyone.

Q5 What size shoe are you? Out of the people asked their shoes sizes varied from size 7 to 11. This means I will have to make the unit big enough to store at least size seven up to size 12 as it will be able to hold the target markets size shoe.

Q6 how many pairs of shoes would you expect the unit to hold?Out of the ten people asked they said they would want the unit to hold at least ten pairs as it allows enough shoes to be stored without having to buy two units. They would want the unit to hold as many as possible however not take up to much space as they will have to dedicated space around the house to put the unit.

Q7 Where would you want the unit to be designed for around your home? For example the hallway therefore it has to be small and compact.Four people asked said that they would want this unit in the hallway and would want it to be slim however can be long and tall. It needs to be slim and their hallways where not very wide and didn’t want to reduce walking space. Two people said they would like it to be designed for a spare room/utility room and did not mind how much space it took up as long as it looked aesthetically pleasing and would easily blend In and not look “miss placed” or just left there temporarily. four people said they would like the unit to be designed for the bedroom as it can go along side their cupboards etc. They wanted it to be simple and modern with no major material or colour that can clash easily with other colours and materials they may have in their room.

Q8 What material would you like the unit to be made out off? Allow three or less materials. Out of all asked wood was the most popular material and the group said they would not mind having man made composite wood with a nice finish such as paint gloss stain or veneer. Metal was also a liked material however they said metal clashes easily and may stand out to much in their home. Glass windows was also suggested and the feed back was positive therefore I should consider glass and wood.

Q9 The group where asked whether they would like a built in lighting system within the unitThe response for a lighting system was very positive they said that this would be good if the unit has windows in it and can sow off the shoe. They also suggested that the light can come on automatically when the unit is interacted with for example if someone is getting their shoes out to wear. They said overall this is a nice feature and makes the product more unique.

Q10 How would you like the unit to be designed? Compact small tall long…?The overall response was for the unit to be as compact as possible as this makes it easier to place in the house. Some people asked said they would like it to be small and maybe a seat or table when not being used.

Target market Interview

Target market questionnaire

1. How many Pairs of shoes do you own?• Two pairs or under• Three to five pairs • Six to ten pairs • 11 to fifteen Paris • Sixteen pairs plus

2. Do you like to keep your shoes in good condition and protected?Yes No

3. Do you collect shoes?Yes No

4. What would you want the unit to do?Store Protect displayAll of the above

5. What size shoe are you? ………………………………………………………………

6. How many pairs of shoes would you want the unit to hold?……………………………………………………….........

7. Where would you put the unit in your house?Bedroom Kitchen Hallway Living room Utility/spare room other

I created a questionnaire for the market I am targeting as this will help me gather information I can use on creating my unit such as how many shoes it should be able to hold and a price range to manufacture within. Creating a questionnaire helps when I am designing my unit to design for the customer and know their wants and needs and whether there is currently something in the market which may compete with my unit. Everyone who was given the questionnaire was within the target age of the market I am designing for.

8. What material would you like the unit to be made of? (Pick three)Wood composite• Plywood• MDFHard wood• Oak• Mahogany• BeechSoft wood• Pine• Douglass fur• Scots pinePlastic• Acrylic • PolycarbonateMetal • Aluminium• Steel

9. Should there be a built in light system to light up the unit?Yes No

10.How would you want the unit?CompactTall Small Big

Trainer Storage Unit


wood polymer metal

Hard wood Soft wood

Thermo as it can be recycled


Veneers can be applied

Oak or mahogany

Spray paint finish


Produce a former to shape plywood

Target market

Teens and young adults

High disposable income

Live in urban built up places for example cities

Limited space in cities means storage is important

All share interest in collecting trainers or shoes

Style Sleek modern design rounded Edges with smooth surfaces Compact and

practical no unused space

Injection moulding for polymerWood joints


Soft wood


Veneers can be applied over a soft wood or man made composite

Man made composite

Spray paint can be applied for an even finish

Varnish or wood stain can be applied

Glass paper can be used to sand surface and edges for a smooth even finish

Use a buffering machine for metals

Wood from sustainable forests

Man made composite wood


Primary research for inspiration and ideas on design Ergonomics and anthropometrics

Unit has to be able to fit big and small shoe size. Research into average foot size in target market age group

I want to make a Trainer storage unit that while storing the trainers will

allow them to be shown off, My storage unit will be aimed at people that collect trainers or have a lot of them and need a storage solution

which still allows them to show off their trainers . The unit will be made

from wood and will have transparent sections in it to allow

the trainers to be shown off.

Research Existing Products

I have gathered pictures of existing products that are on the market. I have noticed that the storage currently available is similar to a shelving system where the shoe is just placed on shelves. I want to create something more creative and unique. I want my unit to be unique and have compartments especially made for shoes and it not to be a generic shelving unit that shoes can be stored and displayed on. There are some designs created especially for shoes however they do not hold many pairs I want my unit to hold as many pairs as possible and have them on display at the same time.

Wood is a very popular material used especially composite with veneers applied to it this is something I can consider applying to my product. Using composite is good as it will keep the cost down and I can also then apply a finish like paint or veneers. I could make the unit out of hard woods such as oak or mahogany as this will not require a finish however will cost more and would then require a higher selling price. Because my target market have a high disposable income I can consider using a more expensive material.

Materials Wood hard/soft/composite

Metal ferrous and non ferrous

Polymer thermo and thermosetting

Material conclusion I have done research into material and also asked my target market what material they would like to see used on the unit. To decide on a material depends on the design of my unit I will also make a small scale model of the design I chose using different materials and seeing how they work

About Advantages disadvantages

Advantages of using wood is that It can be finished easily using things such as varnish, stain and paint. These can be easily applied to the wood and can look very good if applied well. Wood also has the option of veneers which can be applied to the surface to make the wood look more aesthetically pleasing.

Wood can be a bad material to use as if it is not treated properly it can absorb water and if this happens it makes the wood less strong and can make it more prone to bending and swelling. Wood can also be expensive if a hard wood is bought and in some woods if only a thin sheet is used it can snap.

Metal is a good material as it is durable strong flexible and hard. It can also have finishes applied such as paint it can also be brushed and embossed to give a nice finish. Most metals already have a nice aesthetic finish.

So disadvantages is that some metal is malleable and can be bent and will not return to its original shape. Metal is also very expensive especially if allot of the unit is constructed out of metal.

Polymer is a good material as it can be bent into intercut shapes and can also be coloured with pigment. Plastic can also be translucent like glass so can be used for windows to see through therefore be a cheaper and less fragile alternative.

Polymer when in sheets can be rigid and can snap if force is applied to it. Polymer can melt and bend some can shatter however is more resistant then glass.

I could use wood to construct the unit. I can use hard woods such as Oak and Mahogany. Advantages of using hard wood is that it is strong durable and self finishing. However hard wood is more expensive than alternative soft or composite woods. Hard wood costs more however it is aesthetically pleasing and self finishes. I could use soft woods such as Pine and Fir, it is cheaper and some still have a nice finish the grain can be seen and varnish can be applied for a cheap and effective finish. Composite woods such as MDF or plywood. These woods are good as they are cheap and environmentally friendly they have a bad finish compared to hard and soft woods however veneers varnish and stain can be applied to make the wood more aesthetically pleasing Ply wood comes with a veneer with a grain whereas MDF does not.

I could use metals in my unit. The advantage of using metals such as aluminium and steel is that they are very strong and can have graphic engraved into them. Aluminium sheets are malleable and can be bent into shapes and wrapped around formers with heat treatment. Metals can also be self finishing and look very aesthetically pleasing I can also brush the surface of the aluminium to give it a nice finish. I could use tubular steel for example to create a strong structure. Metal can also be spray painted however because of its self finishing properties I would not do this.

Polymer can also be used to construct the unit. Polymer is good as it can be bought in any colour for example acrylic can be bought in any colour as it is pigmented when being manufactured generally into sheets or tubes. I could use polymer to create the shelves inside the unit or as something that holds the shoes. However polymer like acrylic is brittle although it is hard it can be snapped and cracker easily. Plastics can also be transparent this can be an alternative to glass and may be cheaper. Plastic will also make the unit lighter as glass is heavier and fragile whereas polymers are sometimes more durable and shock resistant.

Primary Research Shop Research

I have visited some high street shops to see how they display shoes and if I can use any to get inspiration from. I visited multiple shoe shops and took pictures of their displays. I noticed that allot of displays where open and not enclosed in a case. This may have been because they where in shops and they want customers to be able to see and feel the shoe whereas if you had a unit at home it being enclosed in a casing would not matter. The shops also had allow of shoe holding racks that pinned to the wall and the shoe would be placed on its side so that the customer can see it.

Here are some images of existing shoe storage options. After looking at shop storage I wanted to see what you could buy for at home that was more practical then having a custom built unit. I have not yet seen any that are like mine. Many existing shoe holders are shelves that you place the shoe on or they are multiple compartments that the shoes can go in. I believe my design is unique as I have not yet seen a similar design. The common materials used for existing shoe storage that I have found is plastic, plastic to be a popular material in the storage market therefore I should consider using other materials to make my product stand out.

Research summary

Primary research

Materials research

Target marketMy market are either trainer collectors or people that own multiple pairs of shoes. My audience follow current trends in fashion and look to buy limited edition items in the trainer market. They live in urban cities and have a job that may influence their hobby such as working in retail. Looking at my target market research I have been able to establish a clear consumer of my product and the ways in which I can make my product appeal. The main points I have to consider after my research is that the age I am targeting is 20-35 as shoes are expensive and people of this age range have a higher disposable income then younger audiences do. People under the age of 20 will most probably be students and not be able to afford the unit and shoe to go in it however they may, but I am not going to focus on targeting this group of people. People over 35 most probably have a family or other responsibilities and do not have the disposable income to be spending on themselves, however they may but I am not going to target that group of people.

After my research I have decided to use wood as my main material this is because wood is a very aesthetically pleasing material due to its grain colour and texture. Hard wood is also associated with quality as it is generally more expensive then soft wood and wood composite and also have a nicer finish. Wood is also very neutral which means it will not clash with the shoes in the unit, whereas if I used a coloured plastic this might have been a problem. The next material I am aiming to use is acrylic polymer for my shelves and shoe holders. For the shelves see through acrylic shares similar aesthetics with glass which is a more expensive material, I want to use see through acrylic for my shelf as it will look like glass however be easier to work with in the work shop. For the shoe holders I would like to use acrylic as it is easily malleable when hot and can be formed into various shapes that is harder to achieve with other materials.

From my primary research I have been able to get primary data from my target market which has helped me understand what appeals so that I create a product that would appeal and sell the the market. I have been able to find out data such as how many pairs of shoes the market would want the unit to hold. With this information I can then make sure the unit holds enough pairs to appeal to the demand.

Model making I have created some models for my shoe holder. To make the models I have used line bent acrylic using a line bender and a jig at the acquired angle. I have also used 2D design to create some models which where then laser cut out of MDF.

I have tried to make the shoe holder the shape of the inside of a shoe as it will need to hold the shoe. I have experimented with different shapes to see what will support the shoe.

The acrylic shoe holder is made using the line bender a disadvantage of this is that I will have to make each holder by hand and that it will be difficult to get them identical. Whereas on the laser cutter each will be exactly the same as CAD CAM is generally more accurate.

I have made some laser cut MDF models using 2D design. The models will need to hang from the unit and allow the shoe to slip on and be held. I have experimented with some designs all similar to the shape of the inside of a shoe. I need this shape as the holder will have to hold the shoe off a surface and also hold the shoe straight.

After making the model I have to consider the length of the holder as well as the thickness so that it fits in the shoe easily. The width of MDF I used was 6mm however for the real holder the MDF will be thicker to fill the inside of the shoe so it is sturdy.

I have created the same model as I did on Google sketch up using PVC sheet plastic a wooden pole and foam board. I cut the foam board using a Stanley knife and then used the sander to sand the edges into a circle so they where smooth and round. I used the disk sander as I would not have been able to get as smooth an edge as I would with just a Stanley knife. I then sanded the wooden pole so that one end was sharp and pushed it through each level of foam board and then cut the wooden pole to size. I then used a hot glue gun to stick the PVC sheet around the foam board disks.

On my Google sketch up model was designed with disks in order of size from small to big from the top to bottom. I kept the main idea of using disks and a transparent shell surrounding however kept the disks the same size as I could then compare the two. I like the unit with different sized disks going from big to small from top to bottom however using the same size disks may allow for more space and for the unit to hold more pairs of shoes. Because of my market research I now know that having

Hand made model

Model making

Model making CAD

Below is another idea concept I had which I then decided to make a model of using CAD on Google sketch up. The model would be made out of composite wood that is painted white and would have the ability to spin to become a table or a wardrobe like storage system. The unit would have an acrylic or glass door which would also act as a table top.

I used Google sketch up to create a model of one of my ideas I had for my trainer storage. I made the model to scale on Sketch up and added texture to the model to give it detail and look like the real outcome if I was to make this as my unit. I designed the unit as a sequence of ascending plywood disks which could have a hard wood veneer applied to be more aesthetically pleasing to the customer. The supporting rod through the middle is made out of an extruded metal tube and will hold the wooden disks in place. The polymer shell with be transparent so that the shoes can be seen through it while protecting them.

Model making CAD

I have used Google sketch up to create a to scale model of my unit. It will look like a cube made out of refurbished mahogany wood. It will have two white acrylic shelves and will have the shoe holders hanging from the tops. The unit will be 1000mm by 1000mm and have two shelves parting the unit into three. I have made the unit to scale on Google Sketchup so I can see what the unit will look like to scale and also to test out dimensions of the unit before I begin making my product. I have applied a wooden skin and acrylic shelves to see what my product will look life aesthetically and to see if the two materials contrast well. To the right I have put the measurements of the unit











Anthropometrics for my shoe holders For my unit I have to find anthropometric data on the average size of males in the UK. This data is essential as I need it so that I can make my shoe holder for the unit. Getting an average shoe size is important as I want to sell the unit to the customer without knowing their shoe size. Therefore I need to make the holder hold as broad size of shoe as possible.

Through research on Google, Wikipedia and statistic brain I have found some anthropometric data on the average foot size globally. The table bellow is from This site gave me data on US average sizes as well as global data on females and males age 13 and younger. As I am targeting an male adult audience I will use the male adult global data as I do not live in the US.

I also did my own primary research and asked people what shoe size they where. I asked males from age 17 to 30

To create a mould for my shoe I need to first convert a size 8 shoe into CM so that I can input this data into 2D design to create a model. Using this conversion table from shoe size to centre meters I can get the measurement for a size 8 shoe. A size 8 shoe into CM is 26CM however I will have to reduce this slightly to allow the holder to go into the shoe. I used the table to the right to convert the measurements, I am also going to make models to test the different sizes and dimensions.

Shoes size males 17-30Size 7

Size 8

Size 9

Size 10

Size 11

Size 12

I have gathered my research in the form of a pie chart with the different colours showing the various shoe sizes. The bigger the segment the more popular the shoe size in my target market. To create this chart I asked 100 people their shoe size, all 100 people lived in London and fell within the age category I am targeting. This research will help as I now know that a size 6 or under shoe is relatively uncommon within the age range, size 7 is also fairly uncommon Sizes 8, 9 and 10 where the most popular so i can make my shoe holder for a size 8 to 10 shoe. If my product was to be sold in the real world I would offer different sized shoe holders so the customer could get the perfect size for their shoe. This would be an option when ordering the unit, however for the example of functionality I am going to make a holder for size 8 to 10 feet.

After doing this research I have decided that I want to create my shoe holder for a size 8+ therefore I will make the shoe holder as long as a size 8 shoe which will also support bigger sized shoes. If I was to sell this table in real life I would offer different sized shoe holders so that the customer can input their shoe size and get the appropriate size shoe holder.

The unit I want to make will be either rectangular or square, have hanging moulds and will hold the shoe and create a floating illusion. I have chose this design from the sketches and have decided to use this idea for my unit. The unit will need to hold over ten pairs of shoes due to market research. The units main body will be made from hard wood mahogany that I am going to recycle and refurbish from old furniture from my college. The mahogany shell will be joint together by a comb joint which will give the unit a sleek high quality aesthetic. The shelves will be made from see through acrylic sheets due to its similar aesthetic to glass. The acrylic can be drilled and have the holders screwed into the unit. The holders will be made out of thin acrylic strips that I can laser cut to ensure consistency and quality. The acrylic strips can be formed using a line bender and forming jig that I can make in the workshop.

I have done some sketches of the product I want to build and got my inspiration from visiting high-street shops and looking at trainer displays.

The Idea

Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 Idea 4 Idea 5

This unit will be circular and see through all the way round. The unit will have spinning disks inside it that shoes can be put on and spun around the unit. Allowing a spinning disk means the user can access the opposite side of the unit as they can spin the disk. The front of the unit will have doors that open up half of the circular body. The unit could be made from glass or plastic with composite wood which can be finished with paint for example. The unit can have multiple layers depending on the height. I could also incorporate lights into the unit.

This unit will act as a seat and a storage unit, the unit can be used a hall way or at the end of a bed for example and allow the user to take shoes from it and then sit on it to comfortably put them on. The unit will be able to be raised up and have a shelf like system where the shoes can be stored. The unit can be made from composite wood with a fabric cover and a cushion for the top.

This unit will be a square shape and hold shoes in separate compartments that can be spun to the hatch where they shoes can be take or put in. The unit will work by a leaver in the middle which can be turned to spin the unit around. The front can be glass or see through acrylic so the user can see the shoes going around and stop them at the opening to take them out. The main body could be made from wood and finished with paint or a varnish depending on the type of wood and its aesthetic

This unit is a table and storage unit for shoes that can spin from an upward wardrobe position to a flat table position allowing the shoes inside to be seen by the user. The table top/door will be made from glass or see through plastic and the main body must be made from a light weight wood to allow it to be spun by the user. The unit will have a door to access the shoes when in the upright position.

This unit allows the user to see their shoes and acts as a display protect and storage solution. The unit will be a rectangular or square shape and hold the shoes using a shoe holder which will hold the shoe floating. The unit can be made from hard wood as there is not many materials. The unit could have an aesthetically pleasing finish and the shoe holders can be a well contrasting material.

Ideas against my specification(See next page for images of ideas)

Idea 1Circular storage unit

Idea 2Raiseable table storage

Idea 3Rotatable storage

Idea 4Spinning compartments

Idea 5Shoe holder unit

Where will it be used This would be used in the bedroom or could be used in a halfway however because of the circular shape would be better in a bedroom. The unit would need to be used in a house as it may not be water prof. This meets the spec as I am aiming to make a unit to use in the house.

This unit would be used in the front room or bedroom in a house and act as seat and shoe storage. Because the unit would be suitable in these environments in meets the specification.

This unit would only be used in a living room or bedroom as it acts as a table or a wardrobe it would not be suitable all around the house and take up allot of space so does not meet the specification

This unit would be most appropriate in a bedroom as it may not be appropriate for a living room and may not fit in a hallway. The unit would be most appropriate in a walk in wardrobe for example.

The unit would be used in a bedroom living room or hallway so it meets the spec in that it would be appropriate to use all around the house

Function The unit would store and protect trainers, it will have a see-through material which means it will be easily visible by the user while still protecting the shoes. This meets the specification as it will be bale to store protect and display shoes or trainers.

The unit meets the specification in the way that it stores and protects shoes however it does not display them as it will be closed and being used as a seat most of the time.

This unit would store protect and display the shoes so meets all points in the specification.

The unit stores protects and displays the shoes however will not be able to hold to many pairs because of the spinning aspect. However still meets the specification

The unit can store display and protect the shoes therefore meets the points in the spec

Size The unit will be made from either wood and glass or wood and plastic, the unit would be relatively small and hold up to ten pairs of shoes and will be able to hold different sized shoes. This follows the specification as it will take up space however not dominate a room.

The unit would be big however also act as a seat so not be high of the ground this meets the spec as it will not take up to much room around the house

The unit is quiet big so would take up allot of space and not meet the spec in that it is subtle and can be used anywhere around the house

The unit would be big and take up room therefore not be appropriate all around the house and go against the spec that it has to be subtle.

The unit is slim and not very tall so would easily fit around the home of the target market

Cost The unit would be worth a relatively high amount as I would used high quality materials which are durable and aesthetically pleasing. They will also offer good protection to the shoe. This meets the spec as the unit will not be made cheaply with low quality materials as this would not appeal to the target market.

The unit would be made from a light weight wood such as pine and would not be to expensive as it is a soft wood so could have a hard wood veneer for aesthetics so could look expensive and cost more then just pine without a veneer.

The unit would need to be made from lightweight materials so that it can be spun to its two different positions. It would need a good finish as the wood I would use would be pine which has not got as good a finish as Oak for example

The unit would be expensive to make as there would be lots of mechanisms and pieces of wood and acrylic needed to construct. However because in the spec the customer has a high disposable income this may be ok and meet he spec

This unit would not be as expensive to make compared to other ideas therefore this means high quality materials can be used such as hard woods like oak and mahogany. The other material I would use would be a plastic or wood for the shoe holders which can be made with a range of materials , the shelf can be made with glass or acrylic and can be maid cheaply if cheap materials are used however if slightly more expensive materials are used it would meet the spec as it is aimed at a buyer willing to pay a higher amount

Style The unit will be sleek and stylish therefore meet the specification. It will be simple to stop attention being drawn away from the shoes which are the main function of the product.

The unit would be unnoticeable as a storage compartment and look like a seat so may not be seen as very stylish.

The unit would be stylish in the way it has two functions however would be big and go against the spec

The unit is stylish in its unique way of storing the shoes. There is not other shoe storage solution similar to this one.

The unit is stylish as when the trainers are being stored as they have a modern sleek stylish effect which meets the spec

Safety The unit would be safe as the materials will be constructed using reliable techniques and materials and if electricity is used it will be wired safely to ensure the users health and safety. This follows my specification

The unit may be heavy to lift up and therefore may be dangerous and hurt the user. A mechanism would need to be used to take weight of the unit and help the user pull it up.

The unit would need to be stable and lightweight if it where heavy it could hurt the user and be unsafe and go against the spec

The unit will need to be made secure and safe for use as it may have different mechanisms allow the rotation to work which need to work properly before safe use and would therefore meet the spec

The unit is safe as it is one solid shape with no sharp corners or edges and has solid joints that can support the function.

Materials and finishes This product could be constructed using a composite wood with hard wood veneers and could also use polymer or plastic so does stick to the specification It will look stylish and high quality.

The wood that I could use would be pine which is a soft wood and less expensive then hard wood. I could then use a hard wood veneer as a finish so it still looks high quality and meet the spec

The unit would need to be finished with a veneer or paint to make it look high quality without a finish it may go against the spec of looking high quality.

The material I could use is pine as it is lightweight however for the outside shell a different wood could be used or pine with a hard wood veneer. The inside needs to use pine as it needs to be light. With a veneer finish the unit would meet the specification

The materials I could use could be more expensive materials as the unit has fewer parts to it compared to other ideas this means hard wood for example could be used and will then need less to finish it as it is already aesthetically pleasing This means it will look high quality and meet the spec.

What to do Deadline date of completion Completed(Y/N)

Cut the mahogany into individual planks using the table saw YesRearrange planks to make new sheets at right measurements YesStick the planks together using glue and the biscuit joint machine YesSand down the surface of the sheets using the belt sander YesMake the comb joint using the hand saw and band saw then sand down the joints using the belt sander YesRouter the sheet to allow for the shelves to be slid in YesStick the joints together using PVA adhesive and clamps YesAssemble the unit by fitting the comb joints together with adhesive then varnish the unit once assembled YesLaser cut 3mm acrylic to make shoe holders YesMake jigs to form shoe holders then line bend the acrylic around the formers YesDrill holes into the sheet acrylic shelf using the pillar drill and 9.5mm drill bit YesSand and polish the edge of the sheet acrylic using wet and dry paper then buff on the buffing machine YesFit the shelves into the unit YesAttach the shoe holders using bolts YesRedo any finishing processes that are needed to make the product look high quality. (sanding polishing varnishing) Yes

Diary of Making

Cutting List

Material How many Width Length Thickness

Mahogany(Mahogany for the unit shell)

4 Sheets 400MM Width1000MM Length21MM Thickness

Acrylic(Acrylic for the acrylic shelves)

2 see through acrylic sheets 400MM Width970MM Length10MM Thickness

Acrylic(Acrylic for the shoe holders)

1 Sheet of frosted white acrylic

1 sheet of frosted purple acrylic

(To make 18 shoe holders)

2D Design

Bolts and screws (To attach the shoe holders)

18 bolts for the 18 holders 9.5mm bolts and screws

Below I have made a cutting list of all the materials I will need in order to make my storage unit. I have included the material, how many pieces I will need, and the measurements of each piece. This list will help me while I make my unit as I will know what materials I need and at what measurements I need them to be. I am not using a wide range of materials on my product therefore will not have allot on my cutting list.

My product is going to be a square unit made from hard wood mahogany, It will also have acrylic shelves running through it with acrylic shoe holders hanging from them, the product will be around 100CM (1000mm) in height and length and 40CM (400mm) in width.

Cutting List 2D Design (CAD CAM)

Here is a CAD model that I can use to laser cut my 3mm acrylic. This can be cut and then bent on the line bender to make the shoe holder shape. The holders will be laser cut to the perfect size and all be identical, they will also have smooth curved corners for an aesthetically pleasing and ergonomic finish. The 9.5mm hole on the top will also be laser cut which means I will not have to do it using the pillar drill, this can save time and ensure they are all identically the same. I am making two different colour shoe holders, one frosted white and the other frosted purple.

After testing the previous model I decided to give the acrylic curved edges and adjusted the design to give the holders a curved edge. I did this as having adds to the high quality finish I want to give my product.

Here is a cut out for the shoe holders that will go in-between the holder and the shelf. This will be made out of acrylic and be cut using the router. To the right is the document used which was taken from the original holder and adjusted.

Making my product (Production time line)I have decided to restore old mahogany sheets and use them to build my unit. The mahogany is from old furniture in the school. The mahogany came in sheets and looked old and worn out so I would have to disassemble them reattach them to the size I wanted and restore the surface finish by sanding and varnishing. The wood came in planks that had been used in old cupboards, the planks where the wrong width and too short for the unit I wanted to built so I had to disassemble them back into planks and remake the sheets. I have put all health and safety checks in red and all quality control and assurance checks in green.

With help from the technician I used the table saw/ Circular saw to cut the sheets into their original planks. We fed the sheets through the saw ensuring that the guard was kept down and the blade was not exposed. We did this because it would be unsafe to have the blade in use with out the protective guard. The vacuum was also turned on to suck away saw dust so we could see where we were cutting and so that we did not inhale it.

Once all the planks were cut up I lay them out and selected the planks that had the least defects such as warps, bends, splits and Nott’s. I did this to ensure I was using the best planks that would allow my unit to have a good aesthetic finish at the end of making and look like a high quality product. Once I did this I then lay my selected planks on the floor and made a sheet as you can see in picture 3. I needed to do this to make sure the width of each plank was the same so that the plank would fit together. I also made sure that each sheet was a big longer and wider then I needed as I would then have space to work with encase of an accident

Once I had made my two long sheets I needed to attach them. I decided to use EVO Stick adhesive and the biscuit joint technique as this would made the joints strong so that the planks would not come apart later on in manufacturing. First I marked out on my sheets where the biscuit joints should go. This was important as I needed to space them so that there was support throughout the sheet and one end was not stronger then the other. Once I had marked out where my biscuits would go I used the biscuit machine to cut slots into the sides of the planks where I could slot in the biscuit. I needed to be careful that the wood would stay still while I was using the biscuit machine so I clamped the wood planks to the table so they would not slip away. I also tested the biscuit machine on a scrap piece of mahogany so I was confident in using it and would not have an accident while cutting the real planks that I was intending on using.

3 41 2 5

I then used the biscuit joint machine to cut the slots for the biscuit. I did this for each plank. I clamped the planks to the table and cut where I had marked out each biscuit to go. After I had cut each slot I then applied Evo stick adhesive to the sides of the planks and within the slot.

Once the glue had been applied I pushed the biscuits into the slots and clamped all the planks together. We had to slowly tighten the clamps and make sure both slots met and fit together. The clamps where then tightened and the glue was left to dry. Once the glue was dry the clamps where removed.

Making my product (Production time line)Once all the cuts had been made I made sure that the biscuit would fit in all the slots and if one did not fit I would re do the slot again. I then used PVA and covered the the parts of the planks that I needed to be stuck, also adding glue in the slots to hold the biscuit in place. I then but a biscuit in each slot and clamped the planks together to hold them in place while they dried and stuck. As you can see in the pictures below I used clamps across the sheets to ensure the biscuits where held in pace while drying.

Once the planks where dry I tested the strength of the sheet by pulling on the planks to see if they would come loose. If they did I would then have to apply more glue and clamp the planks together again. The sheets where not loose and where very strong so I moved on to sanding them down to restore the surface. To do this I was going to have to use the belt sander which is a highly powerful sanding machine which would save me time in sanding as it was capable of sanding very fast. I needed to make sure I was safe while using the belt sander so I made sure I wore goggles, to keep dust and chipping from going into my eyes. A mask to stop me inhaling dust from my nose and mouth. And finally clamps to secure the sheet so that it would not move whilst I was sanding it. I also attached a vacuum to the sander to suck away dust so that I could see what I was sanding and to keep it from going into the air around me and my class mates. Above is a picture of the sheet before sanding(left) and half way through sanding(right) to show the difference on the surface. Once I was finished I used a sanding block and sandpaper to go over the surface and make sure I didn't’t miss any parts out. I also made sure that the planks where now all flat and smooth with each other and that there was not bumps.

Making my product (Production time line)I then used the hand router as I needed to cut a thin 10mm deep strip to allow the shelves to be slid into the unit. While I was using the manual router I made sure to put on goggles to stop dust and chippings from getting into my eyes, I also attached a vacuum cleaner to the machine to take away dust so that I did not inhale the fine dust. The technician held in the vacuum while I pulled the router along the wood. We held the wood in place using two wooden planks to make sure the router stayed on a straight line.

Making my product (Production time line)After I sanded the sheets I then marked them out to make a comb joint as I thought it would give the unit a good finish and make it aesthetically pleasing. To do this I first made the measurements for the joint and marked it out using a ruler and tri-square. I marked the waste area with lines so I knew which bits to cut away. I also used pencil so it could be easily rubbed off and would not ruin the surface. Once I had marked out I used the band saw to make the first initial cuts however then needed to use the electric hand saw as the band saw did not have enough degree of freedom. With the electric hand saw I cut off the waste areas, I then checked if the finish was even however the blade on the saw was flexible and left an uneven finish so I would have to use a saw with a stronger blade to have a smooth sharp edge. Whilst cutting the waste areas I ensured the sheet was clamped down so it would not slide around while I was cutting, I also used goggles to protect my eyes from dust and chippings that would fly off the wood.

Making my product (Production time line)

After making the the comb joint using the electric hand saw with help from the technician we measured the depth of the joint and put a flat plank of wood at the right distance from the blade so that we could cut the joint with a smooth accurate finish that would fit together properly. Once the plank was put in place we cut the comb joint flat and accurate testing the fit after every cut so we knew whether we needed to cut more or less. Whist using the band saw I had goggles on to protect my eyes from any chippings of wood I also had help from the technician holding the sheet so we could steadily cut it.

Once the joints where cut and tested I used adhesive to sick the sheets together. I applied adhesive onto the joints and fitted them together one by one, once all the joints where fitted I used clamps to clamp the unit together and make sure the inside angles where all at 90 degrees to make a perfect square shape.

Making my product (Production time line)Below is a picture of the shoe holders being made in the laser cutter and the shoe holder spacers being made in the CAD CAM router. I made the holders from 3mm acrylic and used a 2D design document to laser cut the acrylic. I also used the same 2D design document with the router however only selected the top part as this would allow the spacer to be the exact same dimensions as the top of the holder. I also had to create a jig to bend the acrylic around and have got a picture of the jig being used below.

Making my product (Production time line)For my shoe holder I used acrylic polymer as it is light weight and can be easily laser cut and line bent as it is malleable when hot. I had the strips cut out from a 2D design document which meant all the holders where identical and also had the top 9.5mm hole cut out which meant I did not have to do it on the pillar drill. Because all the strips where identical I wanted to make sure they were still identical when bent so I made two bending jigs. I made them out of MDF by gluing them together with PVA and then cutting them to the right angles using the band saw. I then stuck another piece of wood to the side so I had something to push the acrylic against while the bend was cooling down and hardening.

Once I had the acrylic cut out from the laser cutter I used the line bending machine to bend the plastic. I measured out the acrylic strips like I have demonstrated non the right. I used the line bender to heat up my acrylic and then used the jigs to bend it.

I first made one master shoe holder which I then replicated. I tested the master shoe holder on a shoe and it worked so I knew I could then use the design on the other 17 holders.

Whilst using the line bender I had to make sure my clothes or hands did not touch the wire as it is extremely hot. If it touched my hands It would burn me and with other materials such as clothes it could start a fire. I made sure the area I was using the line bender in was clear so nothing was touching the wire.





I asked my target audience on their opinion of colours of the shoe holders, the feed back I got was to use a frosted style of acrylic as it will stop it clashing with the see through shelf. Other feed back I got was to use colours that are not commonly used on trainers to avoid them clashing etc. I deicide to use frosted white and purple acrylic as the white acrylic would go with any colour trainer and purple is an uncommon colour seen on trainers so I also used purple.

Making my product (Production time line)I tested my shoe holders by attaching them to a scrap piece of wood. I drilled a 9.5mm hole into the wood using the pillar drill and then bolted the holder into the wood. I could then test the holder and that the acrylic was strong enough to support the weight of the shoe. I also attached a support into the unit. I used two strips of mahogany and cut them to size so they where a tight fit in the unit. I also applied glue when I was putting the supports in and once they where dry nailed them in place. The support stopped the acrylic sheet from bending from the weight of the shoes. I used mahogany as I thought it would contrast well with the unit.

Making my product (Production time line)

Once I completed the shelves I then started to construct the unit. To construct It I would need to have the unit tight together so I could achieve a square shape. I also needed to apply adhesive to the joints to help hold them together. I used clamps to hold the unit in place while the adhesive was drying.

I decided to make my shelves out of see through acrylic as it has a similar aesthetic to glass however I could drill into acrylic easily with the pillar drill, it is also much lighter and less expensive. I started by marking out where my shoe holders will hang I did this by using a ruler and pencil on the protective plastic covering so I did not mark the surface. I tested the pillar drill using a test piece of acrylic so I knew if the acrylic would crack or be damaged, I used a 9.5 drill piece and found it hard to drill into the acrylic and also felt like it would snap so I used a step drill to make it easier and avoid damaging the plastic. Before I started using the pillar drill I made sure the acrylic was securely clamped so that it did not slide or spin when being drilled, I work protective goggles so that nothing could go into my eyes and also put down the protective guard around the drill whilst it was in operation. Once one hole was drilled I checked that the shoe holder and bolt would fit through the hold, if they did not I would re drill the hole or use a bigger size drill bit. I drilled all the holes into the acrylic sheet and then began on the edge of the sheets.

For the edge I used wet and dry paper to smoothen the sheets edge so that it was see through and to take away the jagged marks left from when it had been cut. To do this I wet the wet and dry paper and sanded the edge until there was only fine scratches left. I made sure not to sand it too much and make new scratches. Once I had taken away as much of the scratches as I could I then used the buffing machine. I made sure that I did not have any dangling material coming from my clothes as I could het caught in the machine. I also made sure I wore goggles so nothing could get into my eyes. I used the polish on the buffing machine first and then buffed the acrylic, the polish made the edges shiny and took away any other scratches making the edge see through and giving it a nice finish. This finish made the plastic look like glass which is good as that is what I wanted it to do.

Making my product (Production time line)

Once my unit had dried I then needed to get rid of the uneven edge and the excess glue which was squeezed out whilst the unit was being clamped. I made sure all the joints where secure and that they were at 90 degrees. I needed to use the belt sander again as it would be able to quickly sand down the joints so they where smooth for this I did the same health and safety checks as I did previously. Once the joints where smooth and flush I used a sanding block and sanding paper to finish it off by hand to ensure a good quality finish. After this I then needed to fill any cracks in the joints and made my own wood filler using PVA and saw dust from the belt sander. I mixed the saw dust and glue together and made a mahogany filler that would be nearly unnoticeable when dry. I applied the filler to the cracks and left it to dry. Once it had dried I used a fine sand paper and sanding block to smoothen the surface and made the fill blend in.

Making my product (Production time line)

Once the surface had been sanded and was smooth I then used gloss mahogany vanish and applied it to the surface to give it a shiny high quality finish. I did two thick coats of varnish, after the first coat I used a hair dryer to quickly dry the varnish for the next coat. After the last coat I let the varnish dry naturally. Once it was dry I lightly sanded the surface with a fine sand paper and sanding block to take away any roughness. Whilst I was painting on the varnish I made sure that none was left to drip as it would leave a drip mark and dry with a white tinge and ruin the finish. Once the unit was dry and sanded I took the clear acrylic shelves and tested their fit in the routed grooves.

I asked my target audience on their opinion on finishes. I gave a choice of no finish, matt varnish, gloss varnish and polishing. From my feed back the most popular finish was gloss varnish therefore I used gloss varnish as my finish as this appealed to the market and gave my product a high quality aesthetically pleasing finish.

Making my product (Production time line)Next I had to make the spacer that goes between the acrylic shelf and the shoe holder, I decided to make the spacer out of mahogany wood which come from off cuttings of the wood I didn’t use for the unit. With help from the technician we used the planning machine to plain the wood down from 20mm width to 12mm width as this was the space the spacer had to fill. I then used the acrylic shoe holder document and slightly adjusted it so the router could cut the mahogany down to the same size as the top of the holder. The router cut the spacers and I attached them between the holder and shelf.

Pictures of making

Industrial process in manufactureIf my product was made in industry there would be a number of aspects I would have to consider as the processes I used are for mainly one off productions. Because my product only uses two types of materials it makes it easier to manufacture in the industry. The main materials I have used are mahogany wood and acrylic polymer.

The wood mahogany could be bought in long sheets which could be sanded using an industrial sander. The sheets could be cut using an industrial table saw which could cut the wood sheets, the sheets could then be sanded down. For the comb joints could be made using a finger joint machine or the joint could be cut using a high power CO2 laser which could accurately cut the joint. The wood could then be assembled using end effectors or could be sold flat pack. The mahogany could be finished with varnish that can be sprayed onto the surface by an end effector or someone on the assembly line. The shoe holders could come in acrylic and be cut using a a die cutter to punch out the shape, or because the sheet is thin it could be laser cut. Once the sheets are cut into strips it can be bent into shape using a former which would be faster then using a line bender to bend each individual bend. The acrylic shelf could be cut into the right size using a die cutter and then the 9.5mm holes could be blanked or pierced or drilled using an end effector robot arm with a drill attachment. This would require the sheet to be on a moving assembly line.

This links to my client profile as shops such as Debenhams sell flat pack and assembled furniture unlike shops like Ikea where assembled furniture is not as common. If my product was to be flat packed it would fit in well in Ikea because when disassembled it would be smaller and more maneuverable. If the unit came assembled it would need to be sold somewhere with a delivery service so that the unit could be delivered to the customer.

Sustainability/Environmentally DesigningWhile designing I have considered the impact my product has on the environment. The materials I have used are hard wood mahogany and thermo plastic acrylic. The mahogany is a renewable material as it can be replanted and grown however to ensure sustainability if my product was made in industry I would order the wood from an FSC certified forest as the wood would be sustainable. Ordering the wood from a sustained source decreases the impact on the environment and means a tree has been replanted in its place. The wood I have used can also be recycled and reused, for my project I have recycled old mahogany so already used an environmentally friendly process to make my product. I have also used acrylic plastic which is a thermo plastic which means it can be recycled and melted down to be used for another product. This is good as it means my product is recyclable. However plastic is made from crude oil which is a finite resource so is an unsustainable product that harms the environment by producing green house gasses when being manufactured.

Overall my product is fairly environmentally friendly as I have made my product from old mahogany and used a thermoplastic which can be recycled after its use.

Finished product

Finished product

Finished product

Testing my product against the specificationWho am I designing for?I am designing for people who collect or have a lot of trainers and have them getting in the way or taking up space around the house. The unit will allow people to protect their shoes whilst storing them and having them on display. The people I am targeting young adults with a high disposable income. The target audience take pride in fashion and their assets because of their age they like modern sleek stylish designs. They will live on their own or with a partner so will have space in their house and it will not be cramped. They will have a good job therefore a good disposable income to spend allowing them to buy trainers/shoes and units to display/store them in.

Where will it be used? My unit will be used around the house, my target user will be between the age of 20-50. They will

have their own house and dedicated space for the unit and their collection to be kept. They will have a big house/apartment with unused space that they can use to place the unit in. Some may have a room to keep their trainers in and others may just have space somewhere around the house which they can use.

Function? My storage unit must be able to store and present multiple pairs of shoes, its purpose is to neatly

organise shoes for people who own multiple pairs and that take pride in them. The unit has to look modern and sleek to be liked by the target audience. They will be putting expensive shoes and trainers into the unit so it has to be sturdy, well made and durable to protect what it is storing. The unit could come in made to order this allows people with all spending bracket to buy the unit as the cheap alternative can be made from composite material and the more expensive option of hard wood and glass.

Size? The unit will be big but will still be subtle and neat, the purpose of the unit is to neatly store shoes

and will therefore need to be neat its self. The unit will need to hold multiple pair of shoes and be able to hold most sizes of shoes. According to UK anthropometrics the average size shoe is a size nine I will make my storage unit big enough for a size eleven allowing all shoe eleven or smaller to be stored.

Cost? Shoes and trainers are expensive items of clothing one of the main target audiences are trainer

collectors. Because of the high cost of trainers this audience will have a high disposable income and are willing to pay high amounts of money for their possessions. Therefore the unit does not have to be made and sold cheap it can be made from good quality materials and sold for a profit. However the unit will not be to expensive so that other audiences may also consider buying it. I can consider using high quality materials such as hard woods or good quality polymer to construct the unit as quality will be important to the target audience.

Style?Trainer style in particular is very unique to the person therefore I will make the unit look modern stylish

and sleek with no push towards any particular style as it will not effect the customers view. A lot of collectors have bright unique trainers so applying a bright unique aspect to the unit may be suitable. The target audience may like a varnish or stain finish if wood is used or a smooth spray paint splatter effect.

Safety? The unit must be safe and if I install lights and electrical equipment to the unit I have to ensure it is safe

and will not electrocute the customer. The unit will have to comply with all regulations in the UK to ensure safety standards are met and the consumer is not exposed to a hazard.

Materials and Finishes? The materials I consider using are materials such as wood and polymers. To keep manufacturing costs

down I could consider using a composite wood such as plywood and apply a varnish stain or hard wood veneer such as oak or mahogany. The target audience appreciate quality and using a good finish or veneer is important so that the unit appeals to the audience. I could use hard wood such as mahogany to construct the unit this wood is self finishing and would not need a finish. However if I want to paint the unit I will not consider using hard wood as it will be covered by the paint and its colour and grain will not be visible.

Summary of analysisFrom producing my analysis I have been able to create clear guide lines to follow while planning and

making my product. I now have a clear target audience I am creating the product for and am also clear on style cost and materials that I will use. I am targeting at a young male audience from ages 20-50 that have an interest in shoes/trainers and possibly collect and take pride in them. It has to be affordable however good quality and aesthetically pleasing.

Who am I designing for?I designed for the same audience I planned to target in my specification, I preformed market research to help me find the wants and needs of my target market so I knew I was designing a product that would appeal to them.

Where will it be used? My unit is thin so can be used around the house and therefore met the specification in that it is subtle

and relatively small for the amount it holds however will need a dedicated space which is appropriate as it could be used in the home of my target market.

Function? The unit preforms its function well as It stores protects and displays shoes the unit its self is also

aesthetically pleasing. Size? The unit has met the spec as it is relatively small subtle and holds sixteen pairs of shoes the holder

can also be made for any shoe size. Cost?The unit has been made with high quality materials so would cost more money however this is ok for

the target market and therefore the unit has met the spec. Style?The unit has met the spec as it is modern stylish and sleek it is also aesthetically pleasing and looks

effective. Safety? The unit is safe as it has no sharp corners or edges and is joint securely. Materials and Finishes? The unit has used mahogany hard wood which has been refurbish and finished with a gloss varnish, the

holders have been polished and made from laser cut line bent acrylic the shelves have been sanded with wet and dry paper and polished. The whole unit is hand made this shows quality and meets the spec

TestingI have tested my shoe holder design throughout the project and when I was initially designing the holder I had to try different angles and shapes that would be able to slip into the shoe easily and support it. I have tested the shoe holder on my unit by attaching the holder onto the unit and then putting a shoe onto the holder. The holder successfully held the shoe and did not bend with the weight of the shoe, the shoe easily slipped on to the holder by holding the ‘tongue’ of the shoe and sliding the holder on like you would putting the shoe on your foot. To take the holder off the user has to pull the end upward to release the tension of the holder and the shoe can then easily slid off again. I have highlighted the end on the image of the shoe holder.

The holder that I designed can hold size 8 shoes upwards but could be designed to hold any size shoe. If the initial length was longer or shorter the same jig can be used to form any size acrylic for any shoe.

The unit itself preforms its function and can hold up to nine pairs of shoes, the unit meets the specification as it stores protects and displays trainers in a modern stylish way. The specification also says that the unit its self must be of a high quality, because the unit is made by hand using mahogany wood it is of a high standard and looks aesthetically pleasing to the target market. Through market research I found that my market wants a unit that can hold over ten pairs of shoes and I have also achieved this as the unit can hold sixteen Paris.

EvaluationMy evaluationI think I have been able to meet the majority of points which I had in my specification. I believe this as I have reviewed my finished product and have evaluated it against my specification. Because I designed with my specification in mind I have tried to meet all my points. I believe I have made a product that can be used in the home, my unit is relatively small and thin so it would be appropriate in a hallway still giving the user space to walk past it. The materials I have used are neutral as the polymer is see through and the mahogany can also contrast easily with other colours. This means that I have been successful in making a product that would be appropriate for the home without intruding in size and colour. I have also been successful in that my unit can store protect and display shoes. The units main task was to store shoes and this has been achieved as nine pairs of shoes can be stored tidily out of the way. My specification also pointed out that the unit must be sleek and modern, I believed I have achieved this from feedback from the target audience and asking for this opinions during the making process. By asking for my target markets opinions I have ensured that it would appeal to them.

Overall I think my product has met the specification points as it stores displays and protects shoes and meets the needs for a shoe storage unit, it also does so in a stylish modern way and through feedback throughout I also know that it appeals to my target market.

Customer evaluationI have shown my finished product to my target market and they have said that they like the unit. I have shown pictures of the unit and explained its function and had positive feedback, my customers like the shoe holder and the way it ‘elevates’ the shoe to give it a ‘floating illusion’ they said this is a ‘stylish’ way of displaying shoes and also said they would be interested in purchasing and using the unit. Some other feedback I had was that the colour of the shoe holders should be customizable and that if the unit was to be sold in a shop that this should be an option for the buyer to make the product unique to them selves. Some other improvements I got was to also make the amount of shoes it can store customizable and allow the user to buy a small unit or big unit which all store different amounts of shoes.

What I would improve or change if I was to make the product again?If I was to make the unit again there are some things I would improve.

I would also consider using a different type of polymer for the shoe holder rather then acrylic as it is flexible and prone to snap if the shoe is taken off incorrectly. I would consider using ABS as it is slightly more ridged and strong compared to acrylic and would be more durable for its function. ABS can also be line bent which means I can then still achieve the shape with more durability and strength.

Another change I could do is use a different wood and apply a different finish such as spray paint or stain. This changes the whole aesthetic of the product and can reach different markets.

If I had the time I would also use metal wires to support the acrylic shelves instead of wooden supports, this is because I think it would look stylish and sleek and add to the modern theme.

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