training analysis and failed training

Post on 07-Mar-2015






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Prof. Syamsir Abduh

• Training: giving new or current employees the skills they need to perform their jobs (Dessler: 2011)

• Having high potential employees doesn’t guarantee they will succeed. Instead, they must know what you want them to do and how you want them to do it.

Phases of Training by Allison, (1987)

• Phase 1 – Tahap Analisis• Determining if it really is a training problem • Make sure there isn’t already a solution available

• Phase 2 - Design phase• Ensure the course content link directly to the


• Phase 3 - Development phase • Perform rapid-prototyping (implement-evaluate-

implement-evaluate-etc) or • Have another training specialist check the solutions

• Phase 4 – Implementation phase• Use Level 1 evaluations

4- step training process (Dessler: 2011)

1. Needs analysis: identify the specific knowledge and skills the job requires and compare these with the trainee’s knowledge and skills.

2. Instructional design: Formulate knowledge and performance training objectives, review possible training program content, estimate a budget.

3. Implement the program: using methods such as OJT, Audiovisual-Based Training, Vestibule training, Computer-Based Training, Internet-Based Training.

4. Evaluation step: assess the program’s success or failures.

Analyzing Training Needs

• Task Analysis: Assessing new

employees’ training needs

• Performance Analysis:

Assessing current

employees’ training needs

• Training Needs Analysis

Performance Analysis:Assessing Current Employees’ Training Needs

• Performance Appraisals

• Job-Related Performance


• Observations

• Interviews

• Assessment Center Results

• Individual Diaries

• Attitude Surveys

• Tests

• Methods

for Identifyi

ng Training Needs

• Specialized Software

• Can’t-do or Won’t-do?

Training Methods

On-the-Job Training

Apprenticeship Training

Informal Learning

Job Instruction Training


Programmed Learning

Audiovisual-Based Training

Vestibule Training

• Teletraining and Videoconferencing

• Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS)

• Computer-Based Training (CBT)

• Simulated Learning

• Internet-Based Training

• Learning Portals

Four Levels of Evaluation by Donald Kirkpatrick (1994)

Reaction, Learning, Behavior or Performance dan Outcomes or result


• Measures and evaluates the learner’s reactions and opinions about training program itself

• Does not measure what new skills the learners have acquired or what they have learned that will transfer back to the working environment.

• Method - Attitude questionnaires after classes

Four Levels of Evaluation by Donald Kirkpatrick (1994)Reaction, Learning, Behavior or Performance dan Outcomes or result


• Measures and evaluates the changes in the participants’ skills, knowledge, or attitudes as a result of the training: did they learn anything?

• Methods – Pre- and post-testing • Questions should be directly linked to the selected tasks

and the course content

Four Levels of Evaluation by Donald Kirkpatrick (1994)Reaction, Learning, Behavior or Performance dan Outcomes or result


• Measures and evaluates the transfer of the learning to the job or organization: can and do people use their newly acquired learning on the job?

• Methods – • Formal (testing or Manager interview)• Informal (observation)• Must take place after the learners have returned to their


Four Levels of Evaluation by Donald Kirkpatrick (1994)Reaction, Learning, Behavior or Performance dan Outcomes or result

OUTCOMES/ RESULT• Measures and evaluates the impact of the training on the productivity

and profitability of the organization: what "return" has the organization received from the training?

• Methods –– Develop a "balanced scorecard“ with four perspectives

• Financial • Customer Satisfaction • Internal Perspective• Innovation and Learning

– Linked to Vision/Mission statement on these aspects– Allow time for the behavior change to take place– Evaluate both before and after the program

Failed Training by Chandra Ming (General Manager

• klasik : hampir semua kegiatan dan program training tak pernah memberikan perhatian yang konsisten untuk melakukan follow up pasca kegiatan training (post training monitoring).

• Melihat biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menyelenggarakan pelatihan sebagai pengeluaran, bukan investasi.

• Program tidak sesuai dengan Job Description• Jatah training ‘gratis’• Program pelatihan tidak bisa ditransfer dalam

tugas sehari-hari.

Failed Training by ASTD (American Society for Training

and Development)

• Sebesar 20% disebabkan oleh persiapan yang tidak baik, terutama kesiapan peserta untuk mengikuti training.

• Sebesar 10% disebabkan oleh pelaksanaan training yang tidak baik.

• Sebesar 70% disebabkan oleh dukungan implementasi yang tidak baik, dimana manajer atau atasan tidak memberikan perhatian terhadap perkembangan karyawan dan tidak adanya kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan ilmu baru pada pekerjaan yang dijalani.

Solusi • Kegiatan training – betapapun bagus isi dan trainernya – tak akan pernah mampu mengubah perilaku dan kompetensi, tanpa disertai dengan follow up yang sistematis dan konsisten.

• Menurut Freeman (1993) pengembangan SDM harus diintegrasikan dgn perencanaan strategic perusahaan, yang telah ditetapkan sebagai alat untuk menghadapi realitas dan tantangan di masa yad,

Solusi • TNA berguna utk mengetahui program pelatihan

yg tepat bg perusahaan dan karyawan. TNA dpt menyediakan informasi ttg tingkat keahlian/ skill dan pengetahuan/ knowledge SDM-nya,sehingga manajer akan tahu “gap” antara kebutuhan perusahaan dan kapabilitas SDM dan pelatihan yg di programkan dpt diselenggarakan utk mengisi ‘gap’ yg ada tersebut.

• Rumus menurut Moore, 1978 dan Schuler,1993) :

Kinerja standar - kinerja aktual = kebutuhan pelatihan

Solusi • TNA dpt dilakukan melalui analisis organisasi, operasi dan

individu (Casio,1992 dan Schuler, 1993)• Analisis organisasi : program pelatihan harus sesuai dgn

tujuan perusahaan, analisis sumber daya, analisis efisiensi dan analisa iklim perusahaan.

• Analisa operasi : menentukan apa yg seharusnya diberikan kepd karyawan agar kary. dapat melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dgn tingkat yg ingin dicapai

• Analisa individu : mencari informasi ttg perbandingan antara kinerja standar dan kinerja actualnya sehingga ‘gap’ yg ada merupakan kebutuhan pelatihan dari karyawan tsb.


• Post Training Action Plan: ada rencana (schedul dan frekuensi) untuk memberikan coaching kepada anak buah, atau tentang rencana untuk melakukan sesi motivasi dan penetapan goal setting kepada setiap anak buah. Atau juga bisa berupa rencana pendelegasian tugas kepada asistennya

• Continous Training Process : secara konsisten dipantau penerapannya; setidaknya dalam periode 6 sampai 12 bulan ke depan, dan dilakukan minimal sebulan sekali dalam sesi khusus monitoring.

• Continous Training Proses harus punya pengukuran dampaknya terhadap kinerja bisnis.

Daftar Pustaka

Cascio, Wayne. F,” Managing Human Resources:Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profit, edisi

International New York:Mc.Graw-Hill,Inc., 1992Dressler, Gary. Human Resources Management. Boston:

Pearson, 2011Freeman,Jean M. “Human Resources Planning-Training Needs Analysis”, Management Quarterly, Fall,1993 Kirkpatrick, Donald., “Evaluating Training Programs – The Four

Levels”. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 1994

Moore,Michael L & Philip Dutton, “Training Needs Analysis: Review and Critique”,Academy Of Management

Review, 1978Rossett, Allison, (1987). “Training Needs Assessment

(Techniques in Training and Performance Development Series”. Educational Technology Pubns

Schuler, Randal S & Vandra L. Huber, Personnel and Human resource Management”, edisi kelima, New York:West Publishing Company.1993

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