training brochure july 2013 to july 2014 low res

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Training Brochure July 2013 to July 2014 Low Res for IECEX taining, for explosion proof and area classification


  • Training & compeTence July 2013 - July 2014

  • CSA-Sira is part of the CSA Group, a global testing andcertification service provider offering the widely recognisedand accepted CSA certification marks that appear on billionsof qualified products around the world.

    new for 2013/14 on-line Training

    Basic Principles of Protection in Explosive Atmospheres now available on-line. cSa-Sira is launching an on-line version of its Basic principles training course.

    This course has been created for product designers,project managers and those who work in the industries for which the aTeX & iecex Directives and north american codes of practice apply.

    it includes the learning objectives for the iecexcertification of personnel competence Schemeunit ex 001, and is an ideal way for candidatesprogressing through this scheme to gain knowledge of the requirements. request a free demo of the new online coursethrough this page: more details about the course are also availableon page 4.


    cerTificaTion BoDy

    cSa-Sira is an iecex certification Body (excB) forthe iecex certification of personnel competenceScheme (copc).

    The scheme is the worlds first international schemefor the certification of personnel associated withequipment, installations & servicing in ex industries.cSa-Sira can provide training and competencecertificates* for personnel working in hazardousareas around the world. more information about the iecex scheme can be found on pages 8 - 10.

    cSa-Siras training courses provide candidateswishing to undergo competence assessment withthe knowledge they need to sit examinationsunder the iecex certification of personnelcompetence Scheme.

    * iecex copc assessment and certification is conducted by Sira

    certification Service and is independent from training, in line with

    iSo/iec 17024 standard.

    3 - 7HazarDouS areaS Training (aTeX, DSear & iec)

    11funcTional SafeTy Training

    12 - 13environmenTal & mcerTSTraining

    14 - 15Training programme 2013 / 2014(priceS, DaTeS & locaTionS)

    8 - 10THe iecex cerTificaTion of perSonnel compeTence ScHeme (copc)


    conTenTS iconS

    courSe DuraTion (DayS)

    courSe mirrorS iecex eXam uniT

    manual proviDeD

    alSo availaBle on-SiTe

    e-learning opTion

    pre-reQuiSiTeS eXiST for iecex cerTificaTion (see page 10)

    on-SiTe only

  • 3HazarDouS area eQuipmenT, legiSlaTion & Safe pracTice

    Learning Objectivesaimed at those involved or associated with hazardous areas. Day 1 of the course is an introduction tohazardous area terminology and concepts; the notes also cover the syllabus of the iecex 001 competencemodule, for those intending to take the knowledge examination. The certification process is covered in detailfrom a manufacturers perspective.

    Days 2 and 3 are a more detailed treatment of the main methods of hazardous area protection methods,discussed from an end-users perspective. Delegates will gain the knowledge to aid them to visually identifyany damage or deterioration of explosion protected equipment, learn how to monitor equipment & plant inrelation to changes in the explosive hazards and identify risks.

    There is an option for delegates to attend the first 1.5 days of this course, if the full 3 day programme is not applicable to their scope of work.

    Course ContentIntroductiontoHazardousAreaTerminology&Concepts-includingInspection,Maintenance&Repair to iec 60079-17 & 60079-19ATEX94/4/ECProductDirective-InformationforManufacturersNegotiatingtheCertificationMinefieldATEX1999/92/EC(137)WorkerProtectionDirective&DSEARProtectionConcepts-PrinciplesofFlameproofExd,IncreasedSafetyExe,IntrinsicSafetyExi, pressurised ex p, non-incendive Type nGlanding&CableEntryInstallationtoIEC60079-14

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    HazarDouS areaS Training (aTeX, DSear & iec)



    iecex eXamuniT




    e-learningopTion pre-reQuiSiTeS

  • HazarDouS areaS Training (aTeX, DSear & iec)

    cerTificaTion for manufacTurerS

    Learning ObjectivesDesigned for manufacturers who require a solidbackground in aTeX principles. This course looks atthe main principles of Directive 94/9/ec includingthe requirements and responsibilities of thoseinvolved.

    Course ContentIntroductiontoHazardousAreasInternationalEquipmentCertificationSchemesTheCertificationProcessTheIECExCertificationSchemeNegotiatingtheCertificationMinefieldATEXQualityRequirementsATEXSelfCertification

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    DeSigning for inTrinSic SafeTy

    Learning ObjectivesTargeted at electronic engineers, this course looksat the principles of intrinsic design, and provides a step-by-step explanation of the assessment process, with detailed guidance on design criteria.This course is not aimed at those assembling orinstalling intrinsically safe equipment into systems.

    Course Contentintroduction to apparatus groups & Temperature classificationBasicPrinciplesofIntrinsicSafetyTheAssessmentProcessSafetyComponentsAssociatedApparatusInstallationIntrinsicallySafeSystems

    please contact cSa-Sira for more information. email:

    BaSic principleS of proTecTion

    in eXploSive aTmoSpHereS

    Learning Objectivesaimed at individuals wishing to gain the knowledgein order that they can sit a competence examinationin this principle (unit ex 001 examination). Thiscourse covers the explosion protection aspectsof plant and machinery operation or maintenanceto iec 60079 and other relevant standards.

    Course ContentIECExScheme-Purpose&ScopeInternationalCertificationSchemes - iecex, aTeX & north america - The certification process - properties of flammable materials - Hazardous area zoning - explosion protection Techniques - ex d, ex e, ex i and Type n - marking of ex equipment - inspection of ex equipment - Safety of personnel in Hazardous areas - The role of parties involved in Safety - Training and competence

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.






  • perform claSSificaTion

    of HazarDouS areaS

    Learning ObjectivesDesigned for those who need to perform hazardous area classification and have previous experienceof doing so. The course uses iec 60079-10-1 &60079-10-2 as its basis, plus other relevant standardssuch as ip 15. This course is not suited to beginnersin the subject.

    Course ContentExplosiveAtmospheres&ExplosionProtection principlesDefinitionofaHazardousAreaAreaClassification&MethodsExplosionProtectionOverview - exclusion, containment, energy limitation, Dilution & avoidance of ignition SourcesOccupationalHealth&SafetyTheRolesofPartiesInvolvedinSafetyExplosiveAtmospheresAreaClassification TechniquesExplosiveAtmospheresAreaClassification methodologiesZoneExtentsandDocumentation

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    HazarDouS areaS Training (aTeX, DSear & iec)

    HazarDouS area Training for DuSTS

    Learning Objectivesaimed at those involved or associated with hazardous dusts and who need a solid under-standing of the subject.

    Course ContentMechanicsofaDustExplosionTestingofMaterialLegislationAreaClassificationforDustsIgnitionSourcesConceptsofEquipmentProtectionMethodsDustExplosionRiskAssessment

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    HazarD appreciaTion, riSk

    aSSeSSmenT preparaTion & Training

    of perSonnel

    Learning Objectivesaimed at those who conduct DSear risk assessments on-site. The course will aid you with the preparation and undertaking of risk assessment, through to training of your teams.

    Course ContentPrinciplesofDSEARHazardAppreciation - Dangerous Substances Sources of ignitionHazardousAreaEquipment - Terminology & installation - inspection & maintenanceRiskAssessment - general considerations - Specific activities - control & mitigation - preparation & checklistsTraining&Competence

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.







    iecex eXamuniT




    e-learningopTion pre-reQuiSiTeS

  • 6HazarDouS areaS Training (aTeX, DSear & iec)

    inSTallaTion & TeST of elecTrical

    eQuipmenT & wiring SySTemS

    in or aSSociaTeD wiTH eXploSive


    Learning ObjectivesDesigned for individuals who are involved withinstallation and testing of electrical protectedequipment and wiring systems. This theory andpractical based course covers the explosion-protection aspects of installation and test, and will provide individuals with the knowledge and understanding to enable them to install and testequipment and wiring systems based on iec 60079-14 and any other relevant standards that may apply.

    Course ContentPreparationforInstallationofEquipment&Wiring Systems - policies and procedures - working Safely - Hazardous areas - understanding area classification Documentation & Drawings - Types of protected equipment & wiring - location & Design Drawings - marking of equipment, certification & Selection - Documentation & Tools - completion of installation & verification DossierTestInstallationofEquipment&WiringSystems - policies & procedures - working Safely - Hazardous areas - area classification - equipment isolation - Documentation & Tools - Testing - completion of Testing reports & verification Dossier

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    inSpecT & mainTain elecTrical

    inSTallaTionS, eQuipmenT & wiring

    SySTemS in or aSSociaTeD wiTH

    eXploSive aTmoSpHereS

    Learning ObjectivesDesigned for individuals who are involved in inspection and/or maintenance of electrical protected equipment and wiring systems. Thiscourse will provide individuals with the knowledgeand understanding required to enable them toinspect and maintain electrical installations, equipment & wiring systems based on iec 60079-14,iec 60079-17 and any other relevant standards thatmay apply.

    Course ContentPreparationforInspectionPolicies&Procedures-WorkingSafelyHazardousAreasAreaClassificationDocumentation&ToolsInspectionofEquipment&WiringSystemsProtectionConcepts&EquipmentMarkingVisual,Close&DetailedInspectionDocumentation&ToolsMaintainingEquipment&WiringSystemsPeriodicSamplingReporting&VerificationDossier

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    003 & 0062 004, 007 & 0081

  • DeSign elecTrical inSTallaTionS

    in or aSSociaTeD wiTH eXploSive


    Learning Objectivesaimed at those involved in the design of electricalinstallations, this course covers the explosion-protection aspects for design and electrical installation and will provide individuals with theknowledge and understanding to enable them to design and install based on iec 60079-14 andany relevant standards that may apply.

    Course ContentEstablishDesignBriefDesignSystem&InstallationCheck&FinaliseDesign

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    perform auDiT inSpecTion of

    elecTrical inSTallaTionS in or

    aSSociaTeD wiTH eXploSive


    Learning ObjectivesThis course is aimed at those involved in performingaudit inspection of electrical installations. it willprovide the individual with the knowledge theyneed to verify that an installation complies with therelevant hazardous area standards and includesthe verification of design, certification documentation,maintenance, overhaul and repair work based oniec 60079-14 & iec 60079-17.

    Course ContentPolicies&Procedures-WorkingSafelyAuditHazardousAreaDocumentationConductanAuditDocumentation&ToolsReporting&VerificationDossier

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.


    HazarDouS areaS Training (aTeX, DSear & iec)






    iecex eXamuniT




    e-learningopTion pre-reQuiSiTeS

  • 8THe iecex cerTificaTion of perSonnelcompeTence ScHeme (copc)

    THe iecex cerTificaTion of perSonnel

    compeTence ScHeme (copc)

    CoPC is the worlds first international scheme for thecertification of personnel associated with equipment,installations and servicing used by Ex industries. The scheme,launched in July 2010, provides companies with independentproof that a person holding an IECEx Certificate of PersonnelCompetence has the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the International Ex Standards.

    wHy iS compeTence imporTanT?

    for many years there has been a need in industryfor personnel working in potentially explosiveatmospheres to be competent in the field ofexplosion protection. The iecex Scheme satisfies thisneed by providing an internationally recognisedqualification of an individuals competence whenworking in hazardous areas.

    manufacturers of ex equipment can also applyfor the scheme to demonstrate competence ofprinciples of protection in explosive atmospheres.cSa-Sira is an approved iecex certification Bodyunder the scheme.

    more information can be found on the cSa-Sirawebsite:

    THe BaSic framework of THe ScHeme

    a more complete flowchart showing the process for iecex competence can be found in iecex oD 503.

    Application to CSA-SiraCompleted application form

    Experience documentsApplication fee

    Refer back to applicantExamination

    Corrective actionsby applicant forre-examinationIECEx Certificate of

    Personnel Competence

    Application processed by CSA-Sira





  • 9iecex compeTence aSSeSSmenT uniTS

    The Scheme comprises of 10 units, used to establish a persons level of competence when working inex industries. knowledge and skills are assessed by examination.

    The units are as follows:

    ex 001 apply basic principles of protection in explosive atmospheres

    ex 002 perform classification of hazardous areas

    ex 003 install explosion-protected equipment and wiring systems

    ex 004 maintain equipment in explosive atmospheres

    ex 005 overhaul and repair of explosion-protected equipment

    ex 006 Test electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

    ex 007 perform visual & close inspection of electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

    ex 008 perform detailed inspection of electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

    ex 009 Design electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

    ex 010 perform audit inspection of electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

    The first unit (ex 001 apply Basic principles of protection in explosive atmospheres) is a pre-requisite for many of the other units and shouldbe the first unit that applicants undertake.

    for further details see page 10.

    iecex aSSeSSmenT

    DaTeS 2013 / 2014

    Chester24th or 26th July 20134th or 6th September 201323rd or 25th october 201313th or 15th november 201311th or 13th December 20134th or 7th february 20149th or 11th april 20144th or 6th June 201423rd or 25th July 2014

    Crayford24th September 201321st november 201312th march 201421st may 2014

    Chester10th october 201318th December 201312th march 201421st may 201430th June 2014

    Chester11th September 201316th october 2013 18th December 201319th february 201414th may 20149th July 2014

    Chester13th September 201318th october 201320th December 201321st february 201416th may 201411th July 2014

    Chester2013 Dates - please contact cSa-Sira for available dates5th march 201428th may 2014

    Chester2013 Dates - please contact cSa-Sira for available dates7th march 201430th may 2014

    Unit Ex 001

    Unit Ex 002

    Unit Ex 003& Ex 006

    Unit Ex 004,Ex 007 & Ex 008

    Unit Ex 009

    Unit Ex 010

    THe iecex cerTificaTion of perSonnelcompeTence ScHeme (copc)

  • pre-reQuiSiTeS for canDiDaTeS unDerTaking iecex compeTence cerTificaTion

    copc defines certain pre-requisites for candidates undertaking competence assessment, in terms of qualifications and/or experience in the field. These must be demonstrated by the candidate prior to undergoing certification.Below is a summarised list of the pre-requisites. please refer to iecex operational Document oD 504 for a fuller explanation of the requirements.


    Ex 001 APPLy BASIC PRInCIPLES nOnEThere is no minimum level of technical education applicable for this unit of competence.

    Ex 002 AREA CLASSIfICAtIOn Ex 001competence in this unit requires a degree, diploma or equivalent in a technical subject. The area classificationshould be carried out by those who understand the relevance and significance of properties of flammable materialsand those who are familiar with the process and the equipment along with safety, electrical, mechanical andother qualified engineering personnel.

    Ex 003 InStALLAtIOn Ex 001The applicant shall have the level of technical education through documents such as college certificates andvocational qualifications etc. for an operative a minimum 3 years experience in industrial electrical installation practice is required. for a responsible person a minimum 3 years experience in ex industrial electrical installationpractice relevant to the scope of the unit of competence being applied for.

    Ex 004 mAIntEnAnCE Ex 001The applicant shall have the level of technical education through documents such as college certificates andTrade credentials etc. for an operative a minimum 3 years experience in industrial maintenance practice is required. for a responsible person a minimum 3 years experience in ex maintenance practice relevant to thescope of the unit of competence being applied for.

    Ex 005 OvERhAUL / REPAIR Ex 001The applicant shall have the level of technical education through documents such as college certificates andTrade credentials etc. for an operative a minimum 3 years experience in the overhaul and repair of general electrical, electronic and/or mechanical equipment relevant to the scope of the unit of competence being applied for taking into account the scope limitations. for a responsible person a minimum 3 years experience in the servicing of ex electrical, electronic and/or mechanical equipment relevant to the scope of the unit ofcompetence being applied for.

    Ex 006 tESt ELECtRICAL InStALLAtIOnS Ex 001The applicant shall have the level of technical education through documents such as college certificates andTrade credentials etc. a minimum 3 years experience in industrial electrical installation practice is required.

    Ex 007 vISUAL & CLOSE InSPECtIOn Ex 001, Ex 003 OR Ex 004The applicant shall have the level of technical education through documents such as college certificates andTrade credentials etc. for an operative a minimum 3 years experience in industrial electrical installation practice is required. for a responsible person a minimum 3 years experience in ex electrical installation practice relevant tothe scope of the unit of competence being applied for.

    Ex 008 DEtAILED InSPECtIOn Ex 001, Ex 003 OR Ex 004The applicant shall have the level of technical education through documents such as college certificates andTrade credentials etc. for an operative a minimum 3 years experience in general electrical installation practice isrequired. for a responsible person a minimum 3 years experience in Hazardous area installation practice is required.

    Ex 009 DESIgn ELECtRICAL InStALLAtIOnS Ex 001The applicant shall have the level of technical education through documents such as Degree, Diploma and college certificates etc. a minimum 3 years experience in general electrical installation design or supervised Hazardous area installation design is required.

    Ex 010 PERfORm AUDIt InSPECtIOn Ex 001, Ex 003 OR Ex 004 OR Ex 009The applicant shall have the level of technical education through documents such as Degree, Diploma, collegecertificates, Trade credentials etc. a minimum 3 years experience in general electrical installation or inspectionpractice, a minimum of 2 years experience in Hazardous area electrical installation inspection practice is required.


  • inTroDucTion anD DemonSTraTing

    conformiTy To iec 61508 anD 61511

    Learning ObjectivesThis is an essential course for all engineers whoneed to show they have a competent grasp of the subject. The course looks at how you can demonstrate conformity to the standards. Delegates will be made aware of the various aspects of compliance and understand the methods of conforming to iec 61508 and iec 61511.

    Course ContentIntroductiontoFunctionalSafetyDeterminingtheSILTargetsAchievingSIL(IEC61508Part1&2)AchievingSIL(IEC61508Part3)ManagementofFunctionalSafetyCompetenceFunctionalSafetyAssessment

    please contact cSa-Sira for more information. email:

    funcTional SafeTy Training

    reliaBiliTy anD funcTional

    SafeTy SpecialiST courSe

    Learning ObjectivescSa-Sira, in partnership with Safety consultantsTechnis, is promoting an in-depth technical trainingcourse relating to reliability and functional safety.aimed at those wanting to become lead practitioners and consultants within this field, the course provides worked examples, lectures and practical exercises with optional project assignments.

    Course Content (abridged)ReliabilityParametersandtheirManipulationStatisticalDataAnalysisHazardIdentificationandSILTargetsAssessmentofRandomHardwareFailuresALARPReviewofLife-cycleActivities

    at the end of the course, each delegate hasthe opportunity to take a step further towardscompetence and undergo a formal examinationto gain an iaQc accredited certificate. (To under-take this course, delegates should possess a numerate professional qualification and a soundunderstanding of the basics of the subject).

    This course is typically conducted at the Technistraining facility in the South of england. pleasecontact cSa-Sira directly for more


    1 4


    iecex eXamuniT




    e-learningopTion pre-reQuiSiTeS

  • mcerTS anD cSa-Sira Training

    cSa-Sira has been at the forefront of mcerTScertification for over 15 years. This suite ofenvironmental courses and technical sessionsis tailored to meet the needs of different personnelinvolved with mcerTS.

    whereas senior management requires a broadunderstanding with the accent on cost, resourcesand market drivers, technical staff require anin-depth knowledge of the requirements and howthey are implemented and demonstrated.

    cSa-Sira has designed its courses to meet theneeds of management and technical staff.if you require more specific training, cSa-Sira canalso tailor our courses to meet your individualneeds.

    for details please contact cSa-Sira on Tel: +44 (0)1244 670 900 or email:

    environmenTal & mcerTS Training

    mcerTS awareneSS (moniToring

    emiSSionS To air, lanD anD waTer)

    Learning Objectivesaimed at process operators, manufacturers andservice companies, delegates will receive a firmgrounding of all the environment agencys mcerTSschemes and how this relates to the concept of operator self-monitoring.

    Course ContentThe course gives delegates a firm grounding ofmcerTS schemes including:OverviewoftheMCERTSSchemesMonitoringEmissionstoAir-ProductCertificationMonitoringEmissionstoAir-ManualStack emission monitoringMonitoringEmissionstoWaterMonitoringEmissionstoLandMCERTSSoftwareValidationAuditing,StandardsandOperatingMonitoring assessment (oma)EuropeanRequirements

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    approveD Training

    The environment agencys personnel competencyStandard for manual Stack emission monitoringrequires personnel to attend an approved trainingcourse that covers hazard identification and risk assessment relating to stack emission monitoring.

    attendance at an approved course is a pre-requisite for Trainees wanting to become mcerTS level 1 certified, and must be attended every 5 years by all mcerTS certified personnel in order to maintain their competence certificate.

    Details of the Sira approved course (Hazard identification and risk assessment relating to Stackemission monitoring) can be found on page 13.



  • 13

    HazarD iDenTificaTion

    anD riSk aSSeSSmenT relaTing

    To STack emiSSion moniToring

    Learning ObjectivesThis course is aimed at individuals looking to becomemcerTS certified or recertified.

    Course ContentIntroductiontoHealth&SafetyLegislationHazardIdentification,Introduction to risk assessmentRiskAssessmentPracticalExperience, risk control StrategiesWorkingatHeightIssues,Physical,Chemicaland environmental Hazards. coSHH risk assessmentCOSHHPracticalExerciseandExamination

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    oma & mcerTS for waTer


    Learning Objectivesaimed at environmental mangers and on-site engineers, the course provides a clear understanding of the environment agency document: guidance on undertaking an operator monitoring assessment of emissions to water and specifically looks at competence of personnel, section 1, elements Dand e.

    Course ContentIntroduction;theImportanceofWaterMonitoringOMAGuidanceWaterOMA&MCERTSFurtherInformation&Questions

    please contact cSa-Sira for more information. email:

    mcerTS level 1

    Learning ObjectivesThis course will prepare individuals for the mcerTSlevel 1 exam.

    Course ContentTheMCERTSSchemeAtmosphericPollutantsLegislation&MonitoringGuidanceHealth&SafetyKeyPointsMonitoringUnitsandReferenceConditionsIntroductiontoMonitoringEquipmentPrinciplesofStackMonitoringProcessConditionsRecap/Reviewsession

    for prices, dates and locations, see pages 14 - 15.

    mcerTS reQuiremenTS for Self

    moniToring of effluenT flow

    Learning ObjectivesThis course is aimed at engineers and operators ofprocesses which are regulated under environmentalprotection legislation and have flow monitoringspecifically written into their permit. it providesinsight into what the site inspector and auditor will be looking for as regards to monitoring flow arrangements and management systems on site.

    Course ContentIntroductiontotheEffluentFlowSchemeSiteInspections&CaseStudiesManagementSystemAuditforEffluentFlowFinalSummary&Questions

    please contact cSa-Sira for more information. email:

    environmenTal & mcerTS Training


    0.5 0.5



    iecex eXamuniT




    e-learningopTion pre-reQuiSiTeS

  • gloBal on-SiTe Training

    CSA-Sira training courses can be conducted on-site at your premises, anywhere in the world; and tailored to meet your specificneeds. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of delegates in need of training or need to tailor a course to a specific process/industry. On-site training also allows you to conduct a course at a time convenient to you, and can work out a morecost-effective option, as delegate travel and accommodation expenses are not required.

    Training Sector course Title Durationprice per

    Delegate*July 2013 aug 2013 Sept 2013 oct 2013 nov 2013 Dec 2013




    (aTeX &


    Hazardous area

    equipment, legislation

    & Safe practice

    1.5 day


    23rd -

    24th July-

    3rd -

    4th Sept

    22nd -

    23rd oct

    12th -

    13th nov

    10th -

    11th Dec

    Hazardous area

    equipment, legislation

    & Safe practice

    3 days 990.0023rd -

    25th July-

    3rd -

    5th Sept

    22nd -

    24th oct

    12th -

    14th nov

    10th -

    12th Dec

    certification for

    manufacturers1 day 430.00 - 21st aug - 15th oct - 3rd Dec

    Hazard appreciation,

    risk assessment

    preparation & Training

    of personnel

    1 day 430.00 - - - 16th oct - 4th Dec

    Hazardous area Training

    for Dusts2 days 700.00

    3rd -

    4th July

    13th -

    14th aug-

    8th -

    9th oct-

    3rd -

    4th Dec





    apply Basic principles

    of protection in explosive


    1 day 480.00 23rd July - 3rd Sept 22nd oct 12th nov 10th Dec

    perform classification

    of Hazardous areas1.5 days 650.00 - - -

    9th -

    10th oct-

    17th -

    18th Dec

    Design electrical

    installations in or

    associated with

    explosive atmospheres

    1 day 480.00 please contact cSa-Sira for available dates

    installation & Test

    of electrical equipment

    & wiring Systems in or

    associated with explosive


    2 days 800.00 - -9th -

    10th Sept

    14th -

    15th oct-

    16th -

    17th Dec

    inspect & maintain

    electrical installations,

    equipment & wiring

    Systems in or

    associated with

    explosive atmospheres

    1 day 480.00 - - 12th Sept 17th oct - 19th Dec

    perform audit inspection

    of electrical installations

    in or associated with

    explosive atmospheres

    1 day 480.00 please contact cSa-Sira for available dates


    & mcerTS


    mcerTS awareness 1 day 425.00 - 6th aug 10th Sept - 19th nov -

    mcerTS level 1 1 day 425.00 - 7th aug 11th Sept - 20th nov -

    Hazard identification

    & risk assessment

    relating to Stack-emission


    1 day 425.00 - 8th aug 12th Sept - 21st nov -

    * Price per/delegate excluding VAT

    Training programme 2013


  • one-To-one

    We understand that not everyone will find a course that is 100% right for them. We can solve this by combining elements of ourtraining courses with sessions of technical support; question and answer sessions which deal with your specific issues on a one-to-one basis, providing a unique blend of training and advice and giving you a session that suits your needs.

    If our courses do not quite meet your needs, contact CSA-Sira and we can discuss the ways we can provide a course right for you.Please contact CSA-Sira on Tel: +44 (0)1244 670 900 or Email:

    Training Sector course Title Durationprice per

    Delegate*feb 2014 mar 2014 apr 2014 may 2014 Jun 2014 July 2014




    (aTeX &


    Hazardous area

    equipment, legislation

    & Safe practice

    1.5 day


    4th -

    5th feb-

    8th -

    9th apr-

    3rd -

    4th Jun

    22nd -

    23rd July

    Hazardous area

    equipment, legislation

    & Safe practice

    3 days 990.004th -

    6th feb-

    8th -

    10th apr-

    3rd -

    5th Jun

    22nd -

    24th July

    certification for

    manufacturers1 day 430.00 11th feb 18th mar - - 10th Jun -

    Hazard appreciation,

    risk assessment

    preparation & Training

    of personnel

    1 day 430.00 12th feb - - - 11th Jun -

    Hazardous area Training

    for Dusts2 days 700.00

    25th -

    26th feb-

    29th -

    30th apr- -

    15th -

    16th July





    apply Basic principles

    of protection in explosive


    1 day 480.00 4th feb - 8th apr - 3rd Jun 22nd July

    perform classification

    of Hazardous areas1.5 days 650.00 -

    11th -

    12th mar-

    20th -

    21st may-

    29th -

    30th July

    Design electrical

    installations in or

    associated with

    explosive atmospheres

    1 day 480.00 - 4th mar - 27th may - -

    installation & Test

    of electrical equipment

    & wiring Systems in or

    associated with explosive


    2 days 800.0017th -

    18th feb- -

    12th -

    13th may-

    7th -

    8th July

    inspect & maintain

    electrical installations,

    equipment & wiring

    Systems in or

    associated with

    explosive atmospheres

    1 day 480.00 20th feb - - 15th may - 10th July

    perform audit inspection

    of electrical installations

    in or associated with

    explosive atmospheres

    1 day 480.00 - 6th mar - 29th may - -


    & mcerTS


    mcerTS awareness 1 day 425.00 25th feb - 29th apr - - 1st July

    mcerTS level 1 1 day 425.00 26th feb - 30th apr - - 2nd July

    Hazard identification

    & risk assessment

    relating to Stack-emission


    1 day 425.00 27th feb - - 1st may - 3rd July

    * Price per/delegate excluding VAT

    Training programme 2014


  • for more information about our range of services,please contact cSa-Sira:

    Sira consulting ltd, rake lane, eccleston, chester, cH4 9Jn, england

    Tel: + 44 (0) 1244 670 900


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