training & development - designing training sessions

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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Designing Training &

Learning Sessions

Training & Development

M R Jhalawad

Designing Training Sessions2

Discussions: Designing Training Sessions & Learning sessions

Following were reactions of participants at end of training.

• Taught what I wanted to learn• Taught what I felt I needed to learn• Helped me actively participate in the session• Provided practical problems to solve• Related my new knowledge with my past experiences• Provided an informal environment• Used a variety of training programs

Answer the questions in the next slide:

Designing Training Sessions3

Questions:1. Whether principles of adult learning were followed

Yes No2. How Successful was training in transfer of skill, Knowledge, attitude:

100% 75% 50% Less than 50%


Designing Training Sessions4

Types of EmployeesEmployees may be classified in four categories

based on two dimensions – Performance & Potential

Deadwood Workhorses Stars Problem children

Incompetent, unsatisfactory & wholly unsuitable for job. Low potential for growth

Have reached their peak of performance in light of limited capacity.

People of high potential who are performing at the highest level of their potential.

Who have great potential and genuine capacities but working below capacity.

T & D activities to be designed for employees in light of this.

What is Training Design?Training design phase relates to preparing blueprint for training

5 Designing Training Sessions

“the plan, structure, & strategy of instructions used, conceived

so as to produce learning experiences that lead to pre-

specified learning goals.”

Earl defines design as:

Designing Training Sessions6

Learning Objective

sLearning Contents

Learning Methods

Learning Sequence

• Knowing• Doing• Thinking

• Decide content• Write content

• Select methods to achieve objectives

•Timetable• Sequence• Lesson plan

Evaluation of Training

Test, Assess, Evaluate, ROI

Components of Training Design

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Training Objectives

Basis ofTraining

Cost of Training




1 4


Designing Training Sessions8

Who will the learners be?What are the individual differences?

What are their expectations?What style of training will they respond well?Will activities be effective, enjoyable,

efficient? Review & integrate learning principlesProper mixture & balance of training

methodsConsider pre-entry requirement

Other considerations:

Designing Training Sessions9

PREPARING TRAINING PROGRAMType of employees to be trained

Type of training material that may be required

Duration of training program

On-the-job or off-the-job training

Methods that may be used to provide training

Resource personnel who will provide training

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3. Strategies & 4. Methods

1. Objectives2. Contents

Review rules & selectsuitable: Types of learning objectives Developing training course content Sequencing training contents

Review rules & selectsuitable: Learning strategies Learning methods Use of ice-breakers



Designing Learning Activities:

Designing Training Sessions12

DESIGNING LEARNING EVENTAssess learning needs & from this objectives

Be clear on type of learning & being achievable

Ask if activities will work, & get a positive response

Review & integrate learning principles in design

Produce material & decide on best sequence

Mix & balance training methods

Designing Training Sessions13

DESIGNING LEARNING EVENTAscertain range & depth of learning & time

availablePrepare a knowledge & skill breakdown

Consider pre-entry requirements

Consideration for practicalitiesDiscuss design with those whose support is

neededPublish dates well in advance

Designing Training Sessions14

Gaining attention of learnersInforming learners training objectives

Integrating previously learned materialPresenting course content to learners

Providing guidance to learnersGetting learners to performProvide feedback to learners

Assessing the learningEnhancing retention & learning transfer

Elements of Learning Session

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Wrong medium of presentationPoor organization & presentation

Insufficient preparationPoor pacing

Bad timing of learning event

Belief that telling or exhortation alone will change behavior

Not aimed at targeted audience

Teach him to Learn

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“Teach him gently, but do not cudgel him

Because only the test of fire makes fine steel

Let him have the courage to be impatient

Let him have patience to be braveTeach him always to have sublime

faith in himselfBecause then he will always have

sublime faith in mankind”

[From Abraham Lincoln’s Letter]

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