trans-atlantic slave trade station materials station...

Post on 26-Apr-2018






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Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Station Materials

Station #1

The Middle Passage

Materials Needed:


Middle Passage Document Exercise (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Middle Passage Ship Images (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Middle Passage Personal Accounts (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)


Middle Passage (9:22 minutes)

Middle Passage (7:29 min)

Optional: (To be watched outside of school.)The Passage (34:29 min)

Ipod or own device connected to the internet

Personal Items:

Your own headphones or ear buds or you don’t watch the video

Your own sheet of blank notebook lined paper.


Scan the QR Code below to take you to a YouTube video or using a school ipod touch, go to videos to select the

video title to view.

Using the materials above, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper using the RACER format.

Complete the questions to the best of your ability.

Quotes Questions Picture Questions Source Questions Why is quote 2 so different from the other descriptions of life on board of

the slave ships.

What conclusion can be drawn as to why the slaves were loaded below

deck along with other cargo? Choose 1 of the 3 below

How accurate do you think each of these quotes is as historical evidence?

What was the significance of ship owners including a how to load cargo

manual for their ship captains and crew?

Using sources B & C explain how slaves were treated during their

journey during the Middle Passage. Be sure to cite evidence from the


Do you think Quote 4 is likely to be more accurate because it was written

by someone who was enslaves?

What would be the author’s intent of including the source A description of a

slave ship photo? Using the primary accounts of

Olaudah Equiano and Zamba Zembola, compare and contrast the attitudes

towards death. Be sure to cite evidence from the sources.

How do you think these quotes affected people’s ideas about slavery and conditions on the slave ships at

the time?

What can you predict about the conditions on the slave ship from

looking at the pictures?

How do you think the slave ship owners responded to reading or

hearing descriptions like this?

What conclusion can you draw from the Source A statement indicating “It

was built to accommodate 451 persons, but at times held over 600?”

Using all three sources, how reliable to you think source F’s depiction of

the transport of slaves is? Be sure to cite evidence from the sources.

How do these quotes make you feel about the conditions on board of the

slave ships?

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Station Materials

Station #2

Revolts & Trials

Materials Needed:


Case Study Trial of the Zong Slave Ship (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)


Roots _ rebellion amongst the slave ship Lord Ligonier by Kunta Kinte (5 min)

Ipod or own device connected to the internet

Personal Items:

Your own headphones or ear buds or you don’t watch the video(s)

Your own sheet of blank notebook lined paper.

Plain unlined white paper

Colored Pencils


Scan the QR Code below to take you to a YouTube video or using a school ipod touch, go to videos to select the

video title to view.

Using the materials above, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper using the RACER format.

Complete the questions to the best of your ability.

Complete the video activity

Questions from reading What do you think of Lord Mansfield’s judgment on this case? Do you think this would have been an acceptable view at

the time?

Do you think the above decision would be acceptable in modern times?

Why do you think Granville Sharpe became so passionate about this particular case?

What effect did Granville Sharpe’s involvement in this case have on the outcome?

What do you think was the main reason Collingwood decided to take that action?

What do you think would have been the reaction from the general public at the time?

Activity from Video(s) Create an Editorial to a newspaper (The London Times: In London, England)

Choose one point of view to argue: 1. from the slave point of view wanting to revolt. 2. if you were a ship crewmate or captain wanting to avoid a revolt from occurring.

Be sure to cite evidence from the videos in your news article. Include hand-drawn artwork to reinforce point of view.

Offer a solution to the problem at hand.

Choose from either the pink or green section

Create a flyer detailing the need for a slave revolt Reasons that a revolt is necessary Be sure to cite evidence from the videos in your flyer

Hand-drawn artwork to reinforce reasons for revolt.

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Station Materials

Station #3

The Triangular Trade Route

Materials Needed:

Activity: (to complete as a group)

Triangular Trade Fill In Student Worksheet

Ask Teacher for Key Once Finished…..


Abolitionist V. Slave Trade Documentary ~Pinckney Castle, Amistad (4 min)


Trade Ship or Slave Ship (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Matters of Mortality (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Personal Items:

Your own sheet of blank notebook lined paper.

Your own headphones or ear buds or you don’t watch the video(s)

Ipod or own device connected to the internet


Scan the QR Code below to take you to a YouTube video or using a school ipod touch, go to videos to select the

video title to view.

Using the materials above, answer the following questions:

On a separate sheet of paper using the RACER format. Complete the questions to the best of your ability.

Questions from reading Evaluate the importance of Billy’s voyage from Vannes to Nantes.

What is the significance of loading the enslaved workers onto the ship?

Evaluate the difference between the most important good and the remaining goods.

What is a valid conclusion in regards to Durand’s businesslike in dealing with the sale of people?

According to discussions at slavery ports, what relationship exists between them and Durand’s tone?

What is significant about Durand’s businesslike tone about selling people?

What was the significance of Billy’s voyage from Vannes to Nantes?

Compare and contrast enslaved workers and other goods.

What was the most important good that Billy purchased and why?

What evidence is there to supports the discussion at slavery ports led to Durand’s tone?

What aspects of slavery were discussed in slaving ports?

Slaves were considered property. What does the author say about Durand’s businesslike tone about selling people?

Why did Billy travel from Vannes to Nantes?

At what point does the ship transition from being a trade to slave ship?

What goods did Billy buy?

Can you figure this out for BONUS points????? (Anyone can try)

Draw this table on your paper and complete using the reading selection. Complete the table with the percentages of the

different types of Cargo the Diligent carried to West Africa. Then determine the cost per item, knowing that Billy spent a

total of $37,782 livers (money) in goods to fill the ship.

Amount of goods % Cost of Purchasing Item

Long Smoking Pipes 16 cases

Swedish Iron 99 bars


Cowry Shells

Kegs of Brandy

Guns and Ammunition

TOTAL (Don’t put anything here) 100% $37,782 Livers

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Station Materials

Station #4

Diaries and Accounts of Enslaves Africans

Materials Needed:


Olaudah Oquiano Personal Account (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Quobna Ottobah Cugoano Personal Account (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Activity Packet How Do We Know the Slave Trade Was So Terrible


Using the materials above, complete the activities in the packet.

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Station Materials

Station #5

Analyzing Maps, Charts, Graphs

Materials Needed:

Personal Items:

Your own sheet of blank notebook lined paper.



Colored Pencils


Kinsley Plantation Inventory Sheet (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Analyzing History Maps (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Point of Origin Graphs (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)


Analyzing History – Map Activity Worksheet


Using the materials above, complete the Map Activity

Using the materials above, complete the Point of Origin questions from the table Below

Questions from Point of Origin Graphs 1. Graph A: Which region of Africa had the most inhabitants transported to the Americas?

2. Graph A: Evaluate why this region had more natives removed from Africa.

3. Graph B: Which location in the Americas was the arrival point for the largest number of enslaves Africans?

4. Graph B: Evaluate why this was the arrival point for the largest number of enslaved Africans.

5. Graph C: Which industry provided the most initial employment for enslaves Africans in the Americas?

6. Graph C: Evaluate why this industry used more enslaves Africans than the others.

7. Graph D: What can you infer from previous knowledge as to why the European nation listed transported more enslaves Africans?

8. Graph D: Calculate the difference between the numbers of enslaves Africans transported by the various European countries.

Choose 4 questions from pink and 4 questions from green. You may choose to complete more pink than green if you so desire.

1. Graph A: Which region of Africa had the most inhabitants transported to the Americas?

2. Graph A: Using a map of Africa, What can you infer about these locations that made them ideal for European conquest?

3. Graph B: Which location in the Americas was the arrival point for the largest number of enslaves Africans?

4. Graph B: Using prior knowledge and looking at the graph, which European country had the most influence at this time?

5. Graph C: Which industry provided the most initial employment for enslaves Africans in the Americas?

6. Graph C: How many enslaves Africans were employed in the above industry?

7. Graph D: Which European nation transported the most enslaved Africans to the Americas?

8. Graph D: How many were transported?

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Station Materials

Station #6

The Brooke’s Slave Ship

Materials Needed:


The Brookes Slave Ship (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)

Mortality of Slaves Charts (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)


Brooke’s Slave Ship Cargo Loading Images (DO NOT WRITE ON THIS)


Brooke’s Slave Ship Worksheet


Using the materials above complete the questions below.

Using the materials above complete the activities in the Brooke’s Slave Ship Worksheet

Questions What can you infer is the reason why this image was created?

What justification did the artist have to create such an image?

What is a valid conclusion as to why the ships were overcrowded with enslaved Africans?

We don’t know who created the Brookes Slave Ship image. What justification exists to prove this sources accuracy to historical events?

We don’t know who created the Brookes Slave Ship image. What justification exists to prove this sources accuracy to historical events?

What would be an accurate analysis of why the ship crews continued to overload the ships with slaves?

What was the artist’s intent on creating this image?

Which theory explains why this this image was created?

We don’t know who created the Brookes Slave Ship image. How reliable do you think it is as a piece of historical evidence?

Why did the slave ships carry so many enslaved Africans if they were getting ill and dying from the cramped conditions?

Why was this image created?

What was the artist’s intent on creating this image?

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