transformational leadership development 228 crucial issues...

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Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

Equip Biblical Institute 1 © 2010

Name _____________________________________ Date ____________Course Grade ____

Session 1: What Is Truth? ............................................................................................................... 6 Session 2: Inerrancy and Evolution ................................................................................................ 9 Session 3: Angels, the Prophetic Plan, and Archeology .............................................................. 13 Session 4: Israel and Theology..................................................................................................... 16 Session 5: Christ and Salvation .................................................................................................... 19 Session 6: Holy Spirit and Evangelism ......................................................................................... 22 Session 7: Christianity and Worldviews ........................................................................................ 26 Session 8: Theology and the Christian Family ............................................................................. 30 Session 9: Ethics and Government .............................................................................................. 33 Session 10: The Rapture and Eternity .......................................................................................... 37 Session 11: Final Exam ................................................................................................................ 41 Session 12: Group Presentations ................................................................................................. 44 Session 13: Sermons or Individual Projects ................................................................................. 44 Session 14: Booklet Presentations ............................................................................................... 44

Course Description This course focuses on how to teach major theological issues confronting the Christian in a postmodern age. Topics include the nature of truth, hermeneutics, inerrancy, the fall of man, angels, prophecy, theology, pluralism, the family, abortion, church and state issues, tolerance, uniqueness of Christianity, and conflicting worldviews. Students will create a visual project and a booklet on the fundamentals of the faith.

Required Textbooks 1. The Holy Bible. A translation, such as the New International Version, the New American Standard

Version, or the New King James Version is recommended for study. A paraphrase, such as The Message, or the New Living Translation is recommended for enhanced understanding.

2. Dr. Voddie Baucham. The Ever-Loving Truth: Can Faith Thrive in a Post-Christian Culture. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2004. 9780805427882

3. Dr. Mal Couch, ed. The Fundamentals for the Twenty-first Century: Examining the Crucial Issues of the Christian Faith. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2000. 9780825423680

Recommended Textbooks for Professors 4. Dr. Erwin Lutzer. The Doctrines that Divide. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1998. 9780825431654 5. David A. Noebel. Understanding the Times: The Collision of Today’s

Competing Worldviews, 2nd

ed. Manitou Springs, CO: Summit, 2006.

Books may be ordered through a local bookstore or on the Internet. To receive the MS Word version of the portfolio email the professor.

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

Equip Biblical Institute 2 © 2010

Student Requirements First, successfully complete the quizzes in the Portfolio before class. This will assist student-leaders in focusing on core information and developing the time-on-task study skills and writing skills essential to effective learning and long-term memory. Second, maintain the journal in the Portfolio. (1) What is God teaching you in this session? (2) How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? (3) How can your church apply these concepts to making disciples and developing leaders? This will assist student-leaders in developing reflection, application, and decision-making skills essential to spiritual growth. Third, each session discuss the quizzes and journal in the Portfolio. (1) What are we as a group learning about the Bible and transformational leadership in this course? (2) How can we as leaders apply these concepts to our lives, families, and ministries? (3) How can our churches apply these concepts to making disciples and developing leaders? This will assist student-leaders in developing the relational, speaking and creative/critical thinking skills essential to effective teaching and servant-leadership. Fourth, complete the final exam in the Portfolio. Summarize the Five Fundamentals in 1000 words. This will assist student-leaders in developing long-term memory through multiple reviews of the core material and in focusing on transformational leadership and teaching skills. This will serve as the basis for the booklet or term paper. Week 11 Fifth, contribute to a group presentation on one of the Crucial Issues of the Christian Faith based on textbooks, online articles, course notes, and other sources: Truth, Inerrancy, Creation vs. Evolution, Archeology, Israel, or Pluralism. This group project can be a PowerPoint presentation, dramatic skit, role-play, set of charts or drawings. This will assist student-leaders in developing the creative/critical thinking and teamwork skills essential to effective teaching and servant-leadership. Week 12 Sixth, create an individual project titled The Most Crucial Issue of the 21

st Century Illustrated based

on textbooks, online articles, course notes, and other sources. The individual project can be a sermon manuscript, banner, booklet, chart, collage, dramatic reading, graphic organizer, lesson, monologue, outline, painting, poem, PowerPoint, scroll, song, story, timeline, or webpage that portrays what the student perceives as the most crucial issue of the 21

st century. This will assist student-leaders in

developing their learning and teaching style skills essential to effective servant-leadership. Week 13 Seventh, create a typed booklet or term paper titled The Five Fundamentals of the Faith based on textbooks, online articles, course notes, and other sources to be distributed in your church. Be sure to footnote all the ideas, paraphrases, and direct quotes in your paper, whether from books or the Internet. Booklet should be at least 3,000 words in length. Text should be single-spaced. Font should be Times New Roman 12. Begin with an introduction and conclude with an application or call for commitment. Include illustrations and charts. This will assist student-leaders in developing the creative/critical thinking and writing skills essential to effective servant-leadership. Week 14

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

Equip Biblical Institute 3 © 2010

Introduction Leadership Principles

People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Ministry Quotes A spiritual leader always knows what God is doing in the life of his congregation. –Henry Blackaby External Links 1. Apologetics 2. Baptist Theology 3. Bible 4. Bible Atlas Online 5. Bible Bulletin Board 6. Bible History 7. Bible in Pictures 8. Bible Land Photos 9. Bible Study Notes by Dr. Thomas Constable of DTS 10. Bible Study Resources 11. Biola 12. Blue Letter Bible Timeline 13. Blue Letter Bible Study Tools/Charts 14. Books of the Bible Daniel Akin – SEBTS 15. Christian Classics Ethereal Library ―World Wide Study Bible‖ 16. Bible study tools 17. Bible study tools 18. Got OT Questions 19. Holy Land Photos 20. Larkin’s Bible Charts 21. Names of God 22. Old Testament Summary 23. Old Testament Gateway 24. Online Bible links 25. Willmington’s Bible Study Library (Theology and Bible Book Summaries)

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You are beginning one of the most important studies of your life based on the Word of God. Much depends on the effort and dedication you invest in these sessions. Although this course is designed to require three or four hours to complete each session, every minute you spend will increase your understanding of God’s will and ways. To get the most out of the course it is vital that you do the following: 1. Read your Bible and the textbooks each day. 2. Type answers to the Quiz Questions before class in preparation for discussion. 3. Type in your Journal brief personal reflections over each session. 4. Prepare for Group Activities before class. 5. Work on group presentations, individual projects, and booklets. Grade and Discuss the Quiz (60 minutes). Share your answers to the Take-home quiz questions. Discuss the Journal and Application (20 minutes). Share your reflections to the journal questions. Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) Students learn more by discussing and doing. Explore ways to better teach and apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals, etc.

Adults learn in multiple ways. The purpose of the portfolio is to apply active learning through the Cone of Learning. Student-leaders are guided in reading, hearing, seeing, speaking, thinking, writing, participating, discussing, illustrating, presenting, and applying truth to their lives, families, and ministries. This results in transformational life-change.

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

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Mediation and Application Cards in Crucial Issues

During the course place these on mirrors, in the kitchen, in the car, at work.

Fundamental #1: The Bible is without error. Applications:

What is post-Christian culture? What is the ultimate goal of hate crimes legislation? Applications:

Fundamental #2: Jesus is God. Applications:

Is tolerance itself intolerant? Are there absolutes? Applications:

Fundamental #3: Jesus died on the Cross for our sins in fulfillment of prophecy. Applications:

Why isn’t neutrality an option? How does the media portray Christians? Applications:

Fundamental #4: Jesus rose from the grave on the third day. Applications:

Why is Jesus so hated? Why must we preach? Applications:

Fundamental #5: Jesus is coming back! Applications:

What is the power of testimony? Are we sharing in His suffering? Applications:

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

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Session 1: What is Truth? Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Overview of Syllabus (20 minutes) Share samples of individual projects and booklets. Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. The quiz is worth 50 points. Writing answers to quiz questions is an opportunity to train your mind to actively reflect, analyze, and summarize key concepts which will then be synthesized and applied in journal reflection and group discussion. Learners remember more of what they actively discuss and apply than what they passively read and listen to. This is a key component of accelerated adult learning. Each student must do his part of the assignment so that the entire group can advance. Students learn better together. Many people hold to postmodern worldviews that rejects the teachings of the Bible, The Fundamentals explains why this happens and what can be done about it. 1. According to The Fundamentals, what are the major differences between classical liberalism and the Five Fundamentals? (18-27) 2. What do most postmoderns believe? (29-33) 3. How does postmodernism relate to the biblical concept of truth? (33-39)

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4. What are the philosophical implications of absolute truth? (39-48) 5. What must we as Christians do? (54-55) 6. What is faith, and what is its basis? (61-62) 7. What are the 13 common hermeneutical errors made by preachers and teachers? (79-83) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

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8. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, who are we, and how should we expect our culture to treat us? (3-12) 9. What are the ―Truth Wars‖ about? (13-23) 10. What is the ultimate purpose of ―Hate Crimes Legislation? (23-27)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) Writing journal reflections is an opportunity to experience transformational life change and develop Christian character. Thinking about what you are learning and discussing how to apply it with others has a way of making learning practical and meaningful. Reflection on Christian virtues (sexual purity, integrity, honesty, self-control, charity, generosity, diligence, persistence, patience, kindness, compassion, courage, and humility) is a key component of character development. 1. What is it that you really want to learn in this course? In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals. The group activity and presentations is an opportunity to display your thinking in charts, graphs, illustration, and drawings.. Displaying your thinking brings ideas to life and engages the whole group in the creative thinking process. Students learn better together. Over 80% of adults are visual and relational learners. This is a key component to creativity, collaboration, cooperation, and team leadership—as well as in teaching the Bible. .

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

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Session 2: Inerrancy and Evolution

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 4 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people try to compromise the Bible with evolution, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. What is inerrancy, and why is it important? (97-104) 2. Why can’t we all get along? Why can’t we ignore the battle for the Bible? (104-109) 3. How is evolution a ―faith‖? What creatures defy evolution? (111-117) 4. What is the biblical creation account, and why is it important? (118-127) 5. What are some problems with theistic evolution? (129-135)

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6. How does the law of entropy negate the possibility of macro-evolution? (135-137) 7. What do the fossils tell us about the Flood? (137-144) 8. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, What is wrong with the myth of religious relativism—that all religions are the same? (28-35) 9. What is wrong with the myth that tolerance is the greatest virtue? (35-39) 10. What is wrong with the myth of philosophical pluralism—that there are no absolutes? (39-48)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about inerrancy, evolution, or postmodernism.

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Session 3: Angels, the Prophetic Plan, and Archeology Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 5 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people wonder about angles, prophecy and archeology, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. How does the Bible describe angles? (150-151) 2. How does the Bible describe Satan? (152-153) 3. How are angels and demons involved in spiritual warfare? (145-155) 4. What are the 14 provisions of the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant? (158-162)

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5. What is the present outworking of the Abrahamic Covenant? (162-164) 6. What are the four purposes of archeology? (170-174) 7. What is the Old Testament Witness regarding Genesis, the Patriarchs, David and Solomon, and the Gospels? (175-182) Genesis The Patriarchs David and Solomon The Gospels 8. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, Why is neutrality not an option? (49-53) 9. How does TV and movies stereotype Christians? (53-63) 10. How does the news media stereotype Christians—and how should Christians respond? (63-69)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about angels and demons, the prophetic plan, or archeology.

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

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Session 4: Israel and Theology

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 4 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people wonder about Israel and the nature of God, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. Who are the two chosen peoples of God who live in the world today? (183-184) 2. What is the tragic present state of Israel? (188-190) 3. What is the magnificent future of Israel? (191-194) 4. What is God the Father’s role in the Trinity? (196-201) 5. What is God the Father’s role in creation and redemption? (201-205)

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6. What does Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son illustrate? (206) 7. Why is the doctrine of the deity of Jesus Christ a foundational Christian doctrine? Which groups and individuals deny the deity of Jesus Christ? (209-213) 8. Biblical evidence: how do the names of Jesus indicate the deity of Jesus? (213-219) 9. What evidence is there for the preexistence of Jesus Christ? (219-222) 10. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, how do we know that we are living in a post-Christian culture? (70-73) 11. How do we know that our culture finds both Christmas and God offensive? (73-76)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about the past, present, and future of Israel, or about God the Father, or God the Son.

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Session 5: Christ and Salvation

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 5 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people wonder about the virgin birth and salvation, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. What is the Biblical evidence for the Virgin Birth—and why is this important? (223-225) 2. What is the significance of Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfillment? (226-231) 3. What are the theological implications of the Virgin Birth (231-234) 4. What is the nature and purpose of the death of Christ? (235-239) 5. How do the words ―Sacrifice,‖ ―Propitiation,‖ ―Redemption,‖ and ―Reconciliation‖ relate to the Atonement? (239-247)

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6. What Biblical passages argue against limited atonement? (248-249) 7. What are the five weaknesses of naturalistic hypotheses that try to explain away the resurrection of Jesus? (253-255) 8. What are the seven historical evidences for the resurrection of Jesus Christ? (256-261) 9. Why is the resurrection of Jesus central to the Christian faith—and how should it be applied?? (261-266) 10. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, Why must we preach the gospel to those outside our ranks? (79-91) 11. What are the four lessons we can learn from the book of Jude about the battle being waged in the marketplace of ideas? (91-93)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about the virgin birth, the atonement, or the resurrection.

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Session 6: Holy Spirit and Evangelism

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 5 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people wonder about the Holy Spirit, the church, evangelism and missions, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. Why do Christians believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit? (287-297) 2. Why do Christians believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit? (297-310) 3. What is the work of the Holy Spirit today in regards to the unbeliever? (311-314) 4. What is the work of the Holy Spirit today in regards to the believer? (314-321) 5. What points ought to be kept in mind regarding miracles? (322)

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6. What is the nature of the universal church? How does it differ from Israel—and what is its mystery? (323-329) 7. What are the purposes of the local church? (335-338) 8. Why are evangelism and world missions necessary? (339-341) 9. What is the divine perspective on God and mankind? (341-345) 10. What is the divine perspective on worldview—and what is our mandate? (346-353) 11. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, Why isn’t experience in and of itself not enough for measuring truth? (94-100)

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12. Why must our experience be corroborated? (100-104) 13. What is the art of testimony? (104-110)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about the Holy Spirit, the church, or evangelism and missions.

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Session 7: Christianity and Worldviews

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 5 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people wonder about the uniqueness of Christianity and other worldviews, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. How is Christianity unique from the other religions? (355-366) 2. How does doubt differ from unbelief? (366-367) 3. What is pluralism and multiculturalism, and how should Christians respond? (369-373) 4. What is neo-tolerance, and does it differ from traditional tolerance? (373-377) 5. What is religious pluralism, and how should Christians respond? (377-380)

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6. How did theological liberals like Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann, and Paul Tillich play a role in the rise of Nazism, Fascism, and Marxism? (381-388) 7. What is secular humanism, and how should Christians respond? (389-392) 8. What made America good in the past? (394-496) 9. Why is there hope for America? (401-403)

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10. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, How did the apostles view their suffering—and why do we struggle with it? (111-114) 11. What did Jesus teach about suffering? (114-117) 12. What did Paul teach about suffering? (118-124) 13. What did Peter and others teach about suffering? (124-130)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about Christianity, pluralism, worldviews, or suffering.

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Session 8: Theology and the Christian Family

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 4 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people wonder about technology, the family, and abortion, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. What concerns should Christians have about technology? (405-423) 2. What is mysticism, and how should Christians respond to it? (425-436) 3. Using the internet and other resources, what strengths and weaknesses do you see in the emerging church movement? 4. What are the roles of husband in marriage? (437-457) 5. What are the roles of wife in marriage? (437-457)

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6. Using the internet and books you might have, what do husbands and wives need to do to have a great marriage? 7. What are the implications of man being made in the image of God? (459-466) 8. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, Why should we believe the Bible is a reliable collection of historical documents? (133-144) 9. What specific prophecies does the Bible predict? (145-147) 10. What is one of the strongest pieces of evidence supporting the authenticity of the Bible? (147-151)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about technology, mysticism, the family, abortion, or why we believe the Bible.

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Session 9: Ethics and Government

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 4 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people wonder about church and state, civil disobedience, and apostasy, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. Upon which worldview was America founded? (467-469) 2. How are Christian values under assault? (469) 3. How is Christianity marginalized in the public square? (469-470) 4. What was the purpose of the First Amendment, and how has it been changed? (478-486) 5. What is the correct relationship of the church to the state? (487-496)

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6. What is the Christian view of government? (497-503) 7. What are the principles for civil disobedience? (503-506) 8. What are the principles for social action? (507-508) 9. Based on the textbook describe the coming Apostasy of the Church (509-520)?

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10. According to The Ever-Loving Truth, What are the five basic points of the kerygma (or ―Core content of the gospel‖)? (153-154) 11. What evidence for the deity of Christ is found in the New Testament? (154-159) 12. Why is the substitutionary atonement necessary? (160-166)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about church and state, civil disobedience, apostasy, or the elements of the Gospel.

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Session 10: The Rapture and Eternity

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Take Home Quiz (60 minutes) Complete this quiz before class. Each answer should be 50 words. Each question = 4 points. Each exam is worth 50 points. Many people wonder about the rapture, the Bema judgment, the millennium, future judgments, and eternity, The Fundamentals provides us with answers to their questions. 1. What is the Blessed Hope of the Church? (521-531) 2. What is the Bema Seat Judgment? (529-531) 3. What is the Millennium? (533-534) 4. What is the Premillennial Hermeneutic? (534-535) 5. What is the coming Millennial Reign of Christ? (536-549) 6. What occurs at the close of the Millennium? (549-551)

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7. Why is judgment necessary? (553-555) 8. What is the Tribulation Judgment? (555-562) 9. What is the Great White Throne Judgment? (562-565) 10. What will the New Heavens and the New Earth be like? (567-572) 11. What will the glorified bodies of believers be like? (572-576) 12. What will the eternal city and eternal things be like? (576-584)

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13. According to ―What, Then, Shall We Do? in The Ever-Loving Truth, what is a better approach than immersion, isolation, and insulation, and why? (192-195) 14. What should Christians do about politics, science, and higher education? (192-199) 15. What should Christians do about the next generation? (199-203)

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Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. In light the textbook readings, group discussion, and/or recommended resources, what is God teaching you? How did this session strengthen your relationship with Jesus? 2. How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply theses concepts in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) In groups of three or four, apply what you are learning by creating illustrations, charts, drama, role play, visuals about the rapture and Bema judgment, the millennial reign of Christ, future judgments, eternity, or training the next generation.

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Session 11: Final Exam

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________________ Points ___ Prayer Grade and Discuss this Final Exam (60 minutes) The final exam is an opportunity to put your thoughts together so that you can act on them and experience transformational life change. The final exam provides multiple exposures to key concepts. Writing clarifies and sharpens your thoughts. The final exam is where students collect the ideas of mentors in order to fully develop and utilize them. By reviewing the final exams on an annual basis you will be able to harvest and retrieve what you have learned when you need it. Evaluated writing is a key component of learning, communicating, and leading. Complete this exam before class. Summarize the Five Fundamentals. Each answer should be 200 words. Each question = 50 points. Each exam is worth 100 points. 1. How would you summarize and/or apply the First Fundamental—The inspiration and infallibility of Scripture—in 200 words? (23) 2. How would you summarize and/or apply the Second Fundamental—The deity of Christ (implying as well His humanity and virgin birth)—in 200 words? (23)

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

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3. How would you summarize and/or apply the Third Fundamental—The sufficiency of Christ’s death to pay the penalty owned by fallen individuals to an infinite holy God—in 200 words? (23) 4. How would you summarize and/or apply the Fourth Fundamental—The literal resurrection of Christ from the dead—in 200 words? (23) 5. How would you summarize and/or apply the Fifth Fundamental—The literal return of Christ in the Second Advent—in 200 words? (23)

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

Equip Biblical Institute 43 © 2010

Journal Reflections (20 minutes) 1. What is God teaching you in this course? 2. How are you going to apply this course to your life, family, and ministry? 3. How could your church apply this course in making disciples and developing leaders? Group Activity and Presentations (40 minutes) Prepare for group presentations. Peer review and revise your booklets.

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

Equip Biblical Institute 44 © 2010

Session 12: Group Presentations Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________ Points ___ Contribute to a group presentation titled The Ever-Loving Truth based on the textbook. This group project can be a PowerPoint presentation, dramatic skit, role-play, set of illustrated charts or drawings. This will assist student-leaders in developing the creative/critical thinking and teamwork skills essential to effective teaching and servant-leadership. Invite family and friends to watch. Videotaping this assignment so that students can view themselves would help them improve as well. The group presentation is an opportunity for students to learn to work together. Students benefit from group interaction as they communicate, cooperate, and collaborate. The public speaking component of this assignment along with formative feedback helps students gain experience and confidence. Students learn best in professional learning communities.

Session 13: Sermons or Individual Projects

Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________ Points ___ Present a typed individual project or sermon on one of the Fundamentals of the faith titled The Most Crucial Issue of the 21

st Century based on textbooks, online articles, course notes, and other sources.

The individual project can be a chart, an outline, a painting, a scroll, a collage, a booklet, or a PowerPoint presentation. This will assist student-leaders in developing their learning and teaching style skills essential to effective servant-leadership. Invite family and friends to watch. Videotaping this assignment so that students can view themselves would help them improve as well. The sermon or individual project is an opportunity for students to improve by using their preferred learning strengths and creativity. Students benefit from using the unique God-given personality, gifts, and abilities as they teach and train others. The public speaking component of this assignment along with formative feedback helps students gain experience and confidence.

Session 14: Booklet Presentations Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________ Points ___ Present a typed illustrated booklet or term paper titled The Five Fundamentals of the Faith based on textbooks, online articles, course notes, and other sources for distribution in your church. Be sure to footnote all the ideas, paraphrases, and direct quotes in your paper, whether from books or the Internet. Booklet should be at least 2,000 words in length. Text should be single-spaced. Font should be Times New Roman 12. Begin with an introduction and conclude with an application or call for commitment. Include illustrations and charts. This will assist student-leaders in developing the creative/critical thinking and writing skills essential to effective servant-leadership. Invite family and friends to watch. Videotaping this assignment so that students can view themselves would help them improve as well. The booklet or term paper is an opportunity for students to enhance their writing skills. Students multiply their ministry as they communicate what they are learning to family, friends, and those they minister to in written form. Writing helps clarify ideas. Students benefit from the opportunity to both write and speak in formal settings. The public speaking component of this assignment along with formative feedback helps students gain experience and confidence.

Transformational Leadership Development 228 Crucial issues in Ministry Portfolio

Equip Biblical Institute 45 © 2010

Debriefing and Testimonials

1. What learning activities did you enjoy most about this course? How did they help you learn? 2. How have you applied what you learned during this course? What difference is it making? How did this course strengthen your relationship with Jesus?

Transfer of Credits to Southern California Seminary

To transfer credits from Equip Biblical Institute to Southern California Seminary, students must present a complete portfolio of their course work. The portfolio consists of the quizzes, journal reflections, booklets or term papers, and exams for each course. Upon successful completion of the course, students may transfer units into the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree. If the portfolio for a course is not complete, the credits may not be transferable. Attendance Policy. Attending class on time is important to receive the most out of the course. Entering class late disrupts the learning process of all students. Students are permitted three absences for a 14-week semester course. For the semester (28 classroom hours plus 56 homework hours) courses, more than 10 minutes late is a Tardy; more than 20 minutes late is an Absence. Two tardies count as one absence. College credit cannot be transferred to Southern California Seminary when a student misses four or more class sessions. A grade of NC (No Credit) will be recorded when a student misses four sessions or does not complete coursework on time. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the class instructor, the Site Director, and the Director of Equip Biblical Institute and will involve additional assignments mandated by Equip Biblical Institute. Students who attend all 14 sessions will receive 100 points. Transformational Learning Tip: If you review this portfolio just once a year (such as on New Year’s Day or another holiday) as part of a commitment to life change—you will exponentially increase your memory and ability to apply this material to your life, family, and ministry throughout your life.

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