translator of malay text to kod tangan bahasa

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Science (Information Technology Entrepreneurship)

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

APRIL 2007


To everyone who involve in i-KOD development, thanks for your full support.



First of all I would like to say my gratitude to the one and only to our mighty

God, Allah S.W.T. for giving me the strength, good health and talent to complete

this second part of this research project as one of the requirement for the conferment

of the Degree.

I would also like to thank my family and friends for giving me all the support

since the beginning of the course. Not to forget my respectful PM Ismail Mat Amin

who gave a lot of positive comments on technical part of the project. Last but not

least, Mr. Hishamuddin Amin who is my business sifoo and taught me how to make

the research project into money making. Also, to all staff of Sekolah Rendah

Pendidikan Khas, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, Johor Bahru for gives me a lot of

information regarding on Sign Language.

Furthermore, I would like to dedicate thousands of appreciation to all my

beloved lecturers who had given me the motivation and inspiration to make this

research project a dream come true. May Allah bless you all with love and

happiness in this world and the world after.



Communication is very important to human being. Even for the Deaf and

Mute community. They were using sign language to communicate between them,

also with normal people. Sign language is a language of hand shapes, facial

expressions and movement used as a form of communication. However, current

learning method cannot make them interesting to learn and understand the sign

language. Because of that, Vivid Splendour takes this opportunity to develop

software that will help hearing impaired to learn Manually Coded Malay. This

software is developed for primary school students for special education. This

dictionary contains over 800 entries in Manually Coded Malay. i-KOD was develop

by using Waterfall with prototyping methodology. The software is fully developed

using Visual Basic combined with other multimedia authoring tools, such as Sony

Vegas (video and sound editor) and Adobe Photoshop (image editor). From a recent

survey done on 74 students of the hearing-impaired it was found that 86.5% who use

i-KOD pass the test that was given. This shows the usefulness of using multimedia

elements in learning and education process at special school for hearing-impaired




Komunikasi adalah sangat penting dalam kehidupan seharian manusia yang

normal. Begitu juga bagi mereka yang pekak dan bisu. Mereka menggunakan

bahasa isyarat untuk berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain dan juga manusia normal

lain. Bahasa isyarat adalah satu sistem komunikasi yang berorientasikan visual dan

pergerakan tangan. Walaubagaimanapun, kaedah pembelajaran masa kini, agak

membosankan dan tidak dapat menarik minat pelajar ini untuk belajar menggunakan

bahasa isyarat serta memahaminya. Oleh itu, Vivid Splendour telah mengambil

inisiatif untuk membangunkan satu perisian yang dapat membantu mereka ini untuk

mempelajari Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu. Perisian ini fokus kepada para pelajar

sekolah rendah yang bersekolah di sekolah pendidikan khas. Perisian ini seumpama

kamus yang mengandungi lebih daripada 800 kata dasar Kod Tangan Bahasa

Melayu. Perisian ini dibangunkan sepenuhnya dengan menggunakan Visual Basic,

dengan bantuan beberapa perisian multimedia authoring tool lain seperti Sony

Vegas (perisian penyuntingan video dan audio) dan Adobe Photoshop (perisian

penyuntingan imej). 86.5 peratus daripada 74 pelajar yang menggunakan i-KOD

dalam pembelajaran melepasi ujian yang telah diberikan. Ini membuktikan

kebekesanan pengunaan elemen multimedia dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di

sekolah pendidikan khas, bagi kanak-kanak bermasalah pendengaran.
















1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background of Problem

1.3 Problem Statement

1.4 Project Objectives

1.5 Project Scope

1.6 Importance of Project

1.7 Chapter Summary









2.1 Introduction 9


2.2 Terminology

2.2.1 Terminology of Translation

2.2.2 Terminology of Malay

2.2.3 Terminology of Kod Tangan Bahasa


2.3 Difference between sign language, fingerspell and

Manually Coded Language

2.3.1 What is Sign Language?

2.3.2 What is fingerspell

2.3.3 What is Manually Coded Language

2.4 The Importance of Translation

2.5 Study On Technique and Tool Apply In Project


2.5.1 Project Development Technique

2.4.2 Project Development Tool

2.6 The Importance of Multimedia

2.7 Components of Multimedia

2.8 A Review on Existing Product

2.8.1 Software for American Sign Language Software Personal Communicator Software : Signing Avatar Friends Software : Hyper Sign Kids

2.8.2 Website for Malaysian Sign Language Website : Sekolah Pekak Website : My Sign Language

2.9 Chapter Summary

























3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research Design

3.3 Data Collection and Analysis

3.4 Methodology Used in Project Development






3.5 Process Used in Creating Interactive CD

3.6 Project Schedule

3.7 Chapter Summary





4.1 Organizational Analysis

4.2 Database Design

4.3 System Design

4.3.1 As-Is Process and Data Model Usecase Diagram Usecase Description Main Success Scenario Activity Diagram

4.3.2 User Requirement

4.3.3 To-Be Process and Data Model Usecase Diagram Usecase Description Activity Diagram

4.4 Testing

4.5 Prototype Software


















5.1 Executive Summary

5.2 The Business

5.2.1 The Opportunity

5.2.2 Description of the Business

5.3 The Company

5.3.1 Background of Entrepreneur

5.3.2 Company Profile

5.3.3 Adviser : Consultants & Professional Support











5.4 Industry Analysis

5.4.1 Industry Analysis in Malaysia

5.4.2 Industry Analysis in Singapore

5.4.3 Industry Analysis in Indonesia

5.4.4 Industry Trends

5.4.5 Industry Size

5.4.6 Industry Forecast

5.4.7 Competitor Analysis

5.4.8 Competitive Strategy

5.5 Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy

5.5.1 Pricing Strategy

5.5.2 Promotion and Distribution

5.6 Financial Plan

5.6.1 Cash Flow

5.6.2 Profit and Loss

5.6.3 Balance Sheet

5.6.4 Sales Forecast

5.7 Assessment of Risk

5.7.1 SWOT Analysis

5.8 Long Term Development and Exit Strategies

5.8.1 Goals

5.8.2 Strategies

5.8.3 Milestones

5.8.4 Risk Evaluation

5.8.5 Exit Plan

5.9 Chapter Summary





























6.1 Achievements

6.2 Constrains and Challenges

6.3 Aspirations












Figure 2.1 : Alphabet code for Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu 11

Figure 2.2 : Number sign for Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu 12

Figure 2.3 : Snapshot Dictionary for Personal Communicator 23

Figure 2.4 : Snapshot Signing Avatar Friends 24

Figure 2.5 : Snapshot for HyperSign for Kids 25

Figure 2.6 : Snapshop for Sekolah Pekak 26

Figure 2.7 : Snapshot for My Sign Language 27

Figure 3.1 : Interview session with teacher 32

Figure 3.2 : Headmistress Sek. Keb. Pendidikan Khas, JB 36

Figure 3.3 : Observation in Bahasa Melayu 37

Figure 3.4 : Researcher are prepare for digital filming 42

Figure 3.5 : Camera operator setting on the camera 42

Figure 3.6 : Snapshot video editing using Sony Vegas 44

Figure 4.1 : Database Design 48

Figure 4.2 : Usecase diagram for As-is Process 49

Figure 4.3 : Usecase Diagram for Learning Process 50

Figure 4.4 : Activity Diagram for As-is Process 51

Figure 4.5: Usecase Diagram for To-Be Process 52


Figure 4.6 : Activity Diagram for To-Be Process 54

Figure 4.7 : i-KOD’s logo 55

Figure 4.8 : i-KOD splash screen 55

Figure 4.9 : Introduction about Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu 56

Figure 4.10 : Feature 1 – i-KOD dictionary 57

Figure 4.11 : Feature 2 – i-KOD quiz 58

Figure 4. 12 : Scoring for i-KOD 58

Figure 4. 13 : Feature 3 – Update Patch 59

Figure 4. 14 : Finish Update Patch 59

Figure 5.1 : Indonesia’s specific data on disability on 2000 76

Figure 5.2 : Number of disabilities person based on age 76

Figure 5.3 : Industry Forecast 79

Figure 5.4 : Sales Forecast Graph 87

Figure 5.5 : Break-even point 88

Figure 5.6 : Profit and Loss Graph 88




Table 2.1 : The UML diagrams and their purposes 17

Table 2.2 : Comparison between websites provide sign language



Table 3.1 : Content for i-KOD Series 1 33

Table 3.2 : Content for i-KODSeries 2 34

Table 3.3 : Techniques used for information gathering 35

Table 4.1 : Usecase Specification for Learning Process 50

Table 4.2 : Usecase Specification for Dictionary 53

Table 5.1 : Number of pre-school student at SRKP (Hearing-

Impaired) Year 2005


Table 5.2 : Number of pre-school student (hearing-impaired) at

integration school Year 2005


Table 5.3 : Development of pre-school program for special education 70

Table 5.4 : Statistic on Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas

(Hearing -Impaired) Year 2005


Table 5.5 : Statistic on Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas (Hearing-

Impaired) Year 2005


Table 5.6 : Statistic on secondary school student (hearing-impaired) at

integration school Year 2005


Table 5.7 : Statistic on Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi at

Sekolah Menengah Teknik Year 2005



Table 5.8 : Development on Special Education program (2001-2005)


Table 5.9 : Development on Special Education Program (Integration)



Table 5.10 : OKU registered with JKM 74

Table 5.11 : Brunei’s Special Program for disabilities 78

Table 5.12 : Cash Flow 84

Table 5.13 : Profit and Loss 85

Table 5.14 : Balance Sheet 86

Table 5.15 : Sales Forecast 87

Table : 5.16 : SWOT Analysis 89




Appendix A : Gantt Chart 97

Appendix B : Interpreter’s Profile 103

Appendix C : Head mistress’s Profile 105

Appendix D : Interview – Questions and Answers 107

Appendix E : Newspaper Articles 111

Appendix F : User Acceptance Test 121

Appendix G : Usecase 136

Appendix H : Activity Diagram 147

Appendix I : Coding 151



ASL : American Sign Language

BIM : Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia

CD : Compact Disk

DBP : Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka

ERD : Entity Relationship Diagram

GUI : Graphical User Interface

KTBM : Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

MFD : Malaysian Foundation Of Deaf

MYF : Majudiri Y Foundation For The Deaf

OKU : Orang Kurang Upaya (Disabilities Person)

PIBG : Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru

RAD : Rapid Application Development

SE : Signed English

UML : Unified Modeling Language

VB : Visual Basic



1.0 Introduction

Communication is the important means that people in a society use in their

correspondence to convey or exchange messages, news and information, thoughts

and feelings. Information and knowledge are expanding in quantity and


Communication is not everything. It is the only thing. However, people with

functional limitations, such as deaf people, often experience wide communication

gaps even though most of them have normal intellectual capacity. Due to the

hearing limitation, deaf people have developed their own culture and methods for

communicating among them as well as with hearing groups by rely on signing.

A sign language is a language which uses manual communication instead of

sound to convey meaning - simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation and

movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to express fluidly a

speaker's thoughts (Wikipedia, 2006).


Sign languages commonly develop in deaf communities, which can include

interpreters and friends and families of deaf people as well as people who are deaf or

hard of hearing themselves. When people using different signed languages meet,

communication is significantly easier than when people of different spoken

languages meet. Sign language, in this respect, gives access to an international deaf


A signed language is a language which uses manual communication instead

of sound to convey meaning - simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation,

and movement of the hands, arms, or body and facial expressions to express fluidly

a speaker thought (Wikipedia, 2006). Communication between people using

different sign languages is easier than communication when people of different

spoken languages meet. Sign language provides access to an international deaf

community (Bellis, 2004).

However sign language is not universal. Sign language develops in

communities where deaf people exist, but like spoken languages, they vary from

region to region (Klima, 1979). Sign language of a certain region is not based on the

spoken language of that region; in fact their complex spatial grammars are

considerably different. Some sign languages have received recognition and are well

known throughout the world while some have received no acknowledgment at all.

Like spoken languages, sign languages emerge naturally in communities and

change through time. The following list is grouped into three sections (Wikipedia,


i. Deaf sign languages, which are the preferred languages of deaf communities

around the world;

ii. Signed modes of spoken languages, also known as Kod Tangan Bahasa



iii. Auxiliary sign systems, which are not native languages but are signed

systems of varying complexity used in addition to native languages.

1.1 Background of Problem

Researcher discovered that Deaf students were not making the connection

between what they signed in sign language, either Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia or Kod

Tangan Bahasa Melayu and what was written in Malay. They did not recognize

everyday words such as school and class.

Sign language differs from spoken languages in that it is visual rather than

auditory and is composed of precise hand shapes, facial expressions and movements

(Wikipedia, 2006). The book on Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia is in a clearly defined

format for deaf children and their families.

"This handy and user-friendly book is to encourage children, even from a very

young age, to communicate meaningfully with their parents and siblings”

(Malaysian Federation of the Deaf, 2000)

The book has over 1000 common signs or words ideal for children of all ages

and divided into the following topics: sports, foods, pronouns, conjunctions,

auxiliary verb, verb, adjectives, transportation, clothing, animals, colors and

education. It also includes Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia number signs and Bahasa

Isyarat Malaysia manual alphabet for handy reference.


Sign Language classes have, for many years, been the only way to learn Sign

Language. Books do not really help because they cannot show movement. Videos

are slightly better, but a pain when you want to quickly look up a specific sign,

replay one sign or test yourself. The problem with Sign Language classes is that you

have to stick to it. Attending regularly - especially after hours - quickly becomes a

real chore. i-KOD solves the problem. You can learn

i. As much as you want,

ii. when you want to,

iii. at your own pace,

iv. in your own home,

Sign language is not written language but rather a set of visual descriptors.

Therefore while using sign language think in pictures instead of words. When using

sign language there are various ways to express yourself by hand forms, arm

movements, head movements, facial expressions and also body language


The system database act as resource centre would not only benefit the deaf

community but also the public as those interested in learning more about

communicating in sign language. It would also help the deaf and hard-of-hearing

become more gainfully employed and self-reliant in future.


1.2 Problem Statement

How to improve education and learning process and makes it more effective and

interesting and to overcome the communication barrier between Deaf student?

i-KOD suite was developed to enable user to learn Kod Tangan Bahasa

Melayu in a fast, interactive and convenient way. After completing a module, user

is able to return to the previous module, learn, and can improve on previous module.

The best results are often achieved by picking a category, working through it and

then study it regularly. User can repeat the process until they mastered. By working

through constantly, user are able to memorize clearly. The users are advice to do not

try to learn all the categories at once. As with anything else in life, practice makes


1.3 Project Objectives

Here are the project objectives.

i. To study about Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu,

ii. To make a data collection about Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu,

iii. To develop a centralized database about Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu,

iv. To develop a prototype of product,

v. To have a user testing on product to make sure the product match with user



1.4 Project Scope

i. Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

i-KOD is focus on Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu. Contents for i-KOD is taken

from the book Komunikasi Seluruh Bahasa Malaysia Kod Tangan, published

by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka in 1987. Nowadays, Dewan Bahasa dan

Pustaka already documented over 1000 words on printed material.

ii. Use Malay language

For this time-being, researcher develops the software by using Malay language

as a medium. This is because of the end user is primary school student (special

education) and their age group between 5 to 12 years old. Therefore, purpose

of this project is to develop a learning aid method for hearing-impaired with

more interactive and interesting way.

iii. Features

i-KOD have features such as

a. User are able to search word by type the word in input box or

b. User also able to choose from categories list from pull down menu


c. i-KOD provide a movie that show on how to move their hand, fingers

and face impression. Besides, i-KOD also include a picture as an

additional feature. Therefore, user will be more understand on lesson

that they learn if they can see the picture and movie together

d. Each time after they have finished their lesson, they can take a game

to ensure they understand what they have learnt. i-KOD have three

types of game

e. i-KOD also have sound function


1.5 Importance of Project

“I think Sign language will continue to gain popularity because now there are many

people who are interested to learn the language and in South Africa it is an official

language. I think as Sign language users we must teach those who think sign

language is universal to understand that every language is unique so as sign


(B. Jamie, 2005)

The project main objectives are to develop a database of Kod Tangan Bahasa

Melayu in digital format; this is because sign language keeps on expanding and

changes through time.

By develop this system; researcher believe can provide a learning aid tools

and enable the hearing-impaired student to learn Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu with

fast and interesting ways. Therefore it helps the education sectors to prepare a

method of education and learning by using multimedia element in the presentation.

The researcher also committed to assisting the parents who have those that are either

deaf or hard of hearing child to study on Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu to enable them

to communicate thus ensuring that there are no barriers and no confusion among



1.6 Chapter Summary

The prototype is to create a new and dynamic database for Kod Tangan

Bahasa Melayu. It uses to be education and learning method for teachers at special

primary schools. It also helps the parents who have hearing-impaired child to learn

sign language effectively by using multimedia elements such as video and graphics.

Hopefully this prototype can be one of the popular interactive dictionaries of Kod

Tangan Bahasa Melayu in the market.



2.1 Introduction

Review of literature is a background study about the knowledge and

information gained to develop this project. The purpose of literature review is to get

a better understanding on the development tools that can be used to develop a

project and also to get a better idea on the development methodologies used by

developing a project. Besides that, review of literature also enables the developers

make comparisons on the past-developed projects and study the strength and

weakness of it. It will also give an overview of how to improve the weaknesses and

fulfill the requirements needed. Idea is something abstract that only the individuals

know what they want to create.

In order for others to know what the idea is, an academic style written should

be conveyed to so it will make the process of understanding more easily. In this

chapter, the researcher will divide into a few major topics that has relevant to the

project that is being created.


2.2 Terminology

2.2.1 Terminology of Translation

First of all, let us consider the word translation. According to The American

Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, translation is the act or process of

translating, especially from one language into another.

Translation is not only for the spoken language. For the people who

communicate by using sign language translation is also very important for them.

This is because of they communicate with the different medium with the normal

people. Therefore, it is important to translate sign language to speak language and

vice versa to ensure there is no communications breakdown. There are several

communication method which simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation

and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to fluidly express

a speaker's thoughts (Wikipedia, 2006). Therefore one sign may be used to convey

more than one word or meaning based upon its context and accompanying visual


2.2.2 Terminology of Malay

According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,

Malay is a western subfamily of Western Malayo-Polynesian languages. Malay is

spoken in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore.


2.2.3 Terminology of Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu is the only form of sign language recognized by

Malaysia’s government as the language of communication for the Deaf (Dewan

Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1985). It is adapted from American Sign Language, with the

addition of some local signs, and grammatical signs representing affixation of nouns

and verbs as used in Malay. It is used in Deaf schools for the purpose of teaching

the Malay language (Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1985).

Figure 2.1 : Alphabet code for Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

Source : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1985


Figure 2.2 : Number sign for Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

Source : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1985


2.3 Difference between sign language, fingerspell and Manually Coded


2.3.1 What is Sign Language

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language account for

sign language as

i. A language that uses a system of manual, facial, and other body movements

as the means of communication, especially among deaf people.

ii. A method of communication, as between speakers of different languages,

that uses hand movements and other gestures (M. Houghton, 2004).

While The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia interpreted sign language as

gestural communication used as an alternative or replacement for speech. Sign

languages resemble oral languages in every way other than their modality. As with

oral languages, sign languages are acquired spontaneously and have highly intricate,

rule-governed grammar and phonology. The three classes of features that make up

individual signs are hand configuration, movement, and position to the body. Such

sign languages also may have a syntax and grammar that differs dramatically from

the language spoken locally.

2.3.2 What is Fingerspell

Finger spelling is a method of spelling words using hand movements. Finger

spelling is used in sign language to spell out names of people and places for which

there is not a sign. Finger spelling can also be used to spell words for signs that the


signer does not know the sign for, or to clarify a sign that is not known by the person

reading the signer. Finger spelling signs are often also incorporated into other signs.

People often ask why not just use finger spelling instead of sign language,

that way you would only have to learn 26 signs, and more people would be able to

understand. That is a good point, but it would be impractical just to use finger

spelling. Conversations would take hours, and it would be very hard to add feeling

and expression to a conversation that was just using finger spelling. Sign language

is a hugely more efficient form of communication when compared with just using

finger spelling.

The sign images are displayed from the perspective of the viewer, not the

signer. It is easy to remember this if you imagine that someone is signing to you

while you are viewing the word definitions. In Sign Language, facial expression

including the raising or lowering of the eyebrows while signing and body language

are integral parts of communicating. These actions help give meaning to what is

being signed, much like vocal tones and inflections give meaning to spoken words.

2.3.3 What is Manually Coded Language

Manually Coded Languages are representations of spoken languages in a

gestural-visual form; that is, sign language versions of spoken languages. Unlike the

sign languages that have evolved naturally in Deaf communities, which have distinct

spatial grammars, Manually Coded Languages are the invention of hearing people,

and follow the grammar of the spoken language or, more precisely, of the written

form of the spoken language. They have been mainly used in deaf education and by

sign language interpreters, although they have had some influence on Deaf sign

languages where their implementation was widespread.


2.4 The Importance of Translation

Translation is to ensure that the hearing-impaired students can understand the

learning process. There are also to make sure there is no communication breakdown

between parents and their hearing-impaired child. It motivates and challenges the

parents to understand the way their child communicate and master what is not

familiar sign language to gain understanding from both parents and hearing-

impaired child. People who are hearing-impaired will be enjoying sharing their

experiences and story with their parents and people around them. In fact, it will help

the unable to build confidence in themselves and their abilities when talking with


“Birth of deaf child will cause many impact and emotional impression to parents.

They are in dubitable condition…”

(Mohamed. R, 2001)

Therefore, researcher highlights the important of translation such as below;

i. Provide a learning aid to makes the education and learning process is more

effective and interesting.

ii. Motivating and simulating the conversation between normal people with the

hearing-impaired people.

iii. Motivating the parents to learn the sign language to enable them

communicates with their child.

iv. For the hearing-impaired, they are motivated and the will know that their

parents are love them and willing to learn the same language to enable to

communicate with effective ways.


v. For other people who is want to learn the sign language, the will get the

source of knowledge with easy and the can practice the language regularly.

2.5 Study on technique, and tool apply in project development

2.5.1 Project Development Technique

i-KOD will be developed using UML method and ERD technique.

i. Unified Modeling Language

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a language for specifying,

visualizing, constructing and documenting the artifacts of software system,

as well as for business modeling and other non-software system. (Object

Management Group, 2001).


Table 2.1 : The UML diagrams and their purposes (Whitten. J, 2002)

Use case diagrams

Graphically depict the interactions

between the system and external systems

and users. The use case narrative is used

in addition to textually describe the

sequence of steps of each interaction.

Sequence Diagram

Graphically depict how objects interact

each other via message in the execution

of a use case or operation. They

illustrate how message are sent and

received between objects and in what


Activity Diagram Graphically depict the sequential flow of

activities of either a business process or

a use case. They also can be used to

model actions that will be performed

when an operation is executing as well

as the result of those actions.

ii. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

ERD is a technique for organizing and documenting a system’s data. It

depict data in terms of the entities and relationships described by the data.

Known as database modeling because a data model is eventually

implemented as a database.


2.5.2 Project Development Tools

i. Microsoft Office Visio 2003

As software developers use Microsoft Office Visio 2003 to represent software

applications using the Unified Modeling Language notation. Besides, it can be

use to illustrate and interpret software application relationships, actions, and

connections. Microsoft Office Visio 2003 also can be use to show high-level

static software structures in presentations and specification documentation.

ii. Visual Basic

Visual Basic is an event driven programming language and associated

development environment from Microsoft for its COM programming model.

Visual Basic was derived heavily from BASIC and enables the rapid

application development of graphical user interface applications. In business

programming, Visual Basic has one of the largest user bases. With 62% of

developers using some form of Visual Basic, it currently competes with C++

and JavaScript.

iii. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular image editing available for Macintosh

and Window-base computers. It is used as drawing, painting and designing

purpose. User can retouch an image, apply special effect and swap details

between photos. All these function are included under a set of user-friendly

editing tools in Adobe Photoshop. Besides, it also provides many shortcut

keys that easier and save time for user and those who do not like to use mouse.


iv. Sony Vegas

Vegas is a professional video and audio editing tools. The Vegas+DVD

Production Suite combines Vegas 7, DVD Architect 4, and Dolby Digital AC-

3 encoding software offer an integrated environment for all phases of video

and audio production. This suite and enable to edit and process Digital Video,

High Density Video and all XDCAM formats in real time, fine-tune audio with

precision, and author surround sound, dual-layer DVDs.

2.6 The importance of Multimedia

Multimedia is the use of a computer present and combine text, graphic,

audio, video with links and tools to let user navigate, create and communicate. An

interactive multimedia is when an end user controls what and when elements are

delivered. In definition of multimedia contains four essential components essential

to multimedia.

Firstly, there must be a computer to coordinate what you see and hear and

interact with. Secondly, there must be links that connected the information.

Thirdly, there must be navigational tools that let you traverse the web of connected

information. Finally, there must be ways to gather process and communicate one’s

own information and ideas.

Multimedia is very effective presentation and sales tools. If you are driven

somewhere in the back seat of a car, you may not remember how to get to your

destination, but if you had been driving the car yourself, chance is you could get

there again. Studies indicate that if you are simulated with graphic and interactive

multimedia presentation where you are really involve, the retention rate is high as



Albert Mehrabian, a well known psychologist discover that only 7 percent of

the meaning conveyed by uttered regarding our feeling and attitude come from the

word we use, 38 percent from our voice and 55 percent from our body language.

When our body conflicts with our words, listener will typically pay more attention to

our nonverbal message. (Mehrabian. A, 1972).

Multimedia is appropriate, whenever a human interface connect a person to

electronic information for any kind. Multimedia enhances traditional text-only

computer interface and yields measurable benefit by gaming and holding attention

and interest; multimedia improves information retention. Woven properly

multimedia can also be profoundly entertaining. Multimedia has the potential to

significantly enhance end-user interface and increase productivity. It is also a means

to relieve the information overload that has been accelerating in many industries.

Multimedia provides an effective way for interactive learning. Research into

the development and use of computer-based interactive technologies for instruction

and learning has revealed increasing evidence of their effectiveness (Bosco, 1986;

Dalton, 1986; Fletcher, 1990; and Maher, 1988). By interactive learning the users

are in control of their own learning progress, working at their own pace, allowing

interaction and providing feedback.

Briggs (1970) recommends that using the events for a given instruction as a

guide for selecting media often results in more than one medium being used due to

the different functions and stimuli required for each event. The study of Baker

(1994) indicates that interactive learning is a necessary and fundamental mechanism

for knowledge acquisition and the development of both cognitive and physical skills.


2.7 Components of Multimedia

Multimedia usually involves text, graphics, animation, and sound. Above

all, it requires interactive links to make it possible for program integration.

i. Text

Similar to printed publications and other media, text is the basic element of

communication and it is essential for any multimedia program. In fact,

multimedia packages often involve the conversion of a book to computerized

form, allowing the user to look up information quickly with built-in interactive


ii. Graphic Images

By graphic images, we generally mean a still image such as a photograph or

line drawing. As humans, we find visual objects more interesting and easier to

be perceived than text. However, graphic files are larger than text files and

consequently require more computer storage space. This is one of the reasons

that multimedia applications require a large hard disk drive or equivalent

storage capabilities such as a CD-ROM.

iii. Animation

Animation refers to moving graphic images or videos. Just as a photograph is

a powerful communicating tool, video clip is even more powerful and is

especially useful for illustrating concepts that involve moving objects. As

animation files require much more storage space than ordinary graphic files

involving a single image, this often necessitates the use of a CD-ROM drive or

a large hard disk drive.


iv. Sound

It can substantially reinforce our understanding of information presented

together with text and graphic images. The incorporation of sound in a

multimedia program can provide the user with information not possible using

other methods. As with graphic images and animation, sound files are very

large and require lots of disk space.

v. Interactive Links

An important function of multimedia is its interactive nature. This means that

the user can manipulate screen objects such as clicking a button with a mouse

and cause the program to respond in a certain predetermined way. For

example, the user may click on a Pause or Replay button to control the

animation display. It is this interactive nature of multimedia that makes it

extremely useful in providing information to the user. Unlike a book, which is

designed to be read from page to page, sometimes called linear information,

multimedia allows users to access information any way they choose sometimes

called non-linear information access. Because of this, multimedia is a more

flexible and effective way to learn.

2.8 A Review on Existing Product

Translation of Malay Text to Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu is serving the

service to Malaysian community. It is only appropriate that a review is done on

existing product. This is to gather the strength and weakness of each existing

product. The web sites reviewed are mostly web sites that concern itself mainly

with the subject of Translation to Sign Language.


2. 8.1 Software for American Sign Language Software : Personal Communicator

Personal Communicator developed by The Communication Technology

Laboratory and College of Education, Michigan State University on 1997. User can

type words or phrases to translate to American Sign Language by using word

processing or by using American Sign Language Dictionary option to find

definitions and to refer to corresponding signs.

While the American Sign Language playroom enable user to mouse click

objects to review the signs and receive audio and video feedback. The CD-ROM

runs on laptop or desktop computers and is designed for deaf children to use at

school and at home.

Figure 2.3 : Snapshot Dictionary for Personal Communicator

24 Software : SigningAvatarTM


SigningAvatarTM Friends developed by Vcom3D Inc. on 2001. Signing

Avatar™ technology uses 3-D virtual human characters called Avatars to represent

signs used in ASL, the native language of the American Deaf Community. In this

CD, user are provided the option of viewing the content in either American Sign

Language or Signed English. Signed English means taking the signs of American

Sign Language and placing them in the grammatical order of the English language.

Figure 2.4 : Snapshot Signing Avatar Friends

25 Software : Hyper Sign Kids

Hyper Sign Kids published by Trinity Software Inc. on 2002. Hyper Sign

Kids containing 450 words and developed for preschoolers and early readers. Each

word from dictionary is accompanied by colorful picture and video. Users are able

to choose from category list or type a word to find the translated word to sign

language. Hyper Sign Kids contains games to test user understanding. This

dictionary contains basic words for communication, as it target user is preschooler

and early readers.

Figure 2.5 : Snapshot for HyperSign for Kids


2.8.2 Website for Malaysian Sign Language Website : Sekolah Pekak

Figure 2.6 : Snapshop for Sekolah Pekak

Source :

Sekolah pekak only preview certain sentences. The website is not regularly update

by the developer. At one time, only a sentence preview on the website.

The Sekolah Pekak can be view at url below.

This website was last reviewed on 10th August 2006.

27 Website : My Sign Language

Figure 2.7 : Snapshot for My Sign Language

Source :

This website focused on Deaf Sign Language in English, Chinese and Malay. Also,

there is no business intention in this website. And, the database of sign language for

this website is approximately 500 words. They present the sign language with black

and white line drawings of sign language

The My Sign Language can be view at url below.

This website was last reviewed on 10th August 2006.


Table 2.2 : Comparison between websites provide sign language service



Function Word Translation Sentence


Picture Video



English – American Sign

Language Dictionary

Yes, containing 4500

English words

Yes NA Yes

Signing Avatar


Communicate with avatar

using American Sign



Hyper Sign Kids

Basic American Sign

Language Dictionary

Yes, containing 450 words

and signs

NA Yes Yes

Sekolah Pekak It is a portal for the Deaf


NA Yes NA Yes

My Sign Language Dictionary for Malaysian

sign language

Yes, contains 500 words

on sign language

NA Yes, for sign



i-KOD Interactive KTBM


Yes, containing 823 words


NA Yes Yes

NA – not available


2.9 Chapter Summary

The system is developed for anyone, either you are normal people or you are

having hearing-impaired. The system will teach you Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu -

even if you cannot finger spell your own name. You do not need any prior

knowledge or experience in Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu. There is also no age limit.

If you can read Malay, you can use this system to learn Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu.



3.1 Introduction

The word methodology is combination of two words that is methodos and

logos. Methodos is a Yunani words that means way or route while logos means

knowledge in careful observation. Method is an important aspect for observing an

object carefully as a research material. Accuracy in method guidance will result in

an accurate research.

After a literature review done as a part of system development process, this

section is being done to explain regarding the development method system. The

main purpose of this analysis is to help people understand the system is going to be

developed. The analysis done cover most aspect of strategy and paradigm that will

be used in developing the system. They are several stages in project management

that need to be completed,

i. Determine project start time so that the next development activities can be

done effectively,


ii. Plan the project properly where it explains in detail activities and works need

to be completed. Execution of every plan must be monitored and update

according to the information received,

iii. Execute the program according to what has been planned,

iv. Observed the project flow and make necessary change if any part of the act has

a problem that cannot be solve or does not meet the original requirements,

v. Project closing is where the project management ends and it shows that the

project has archived its objectives and fulfills its original requirements.

3.2 Research Design

Research design: systematic planning of research to ensure the efficient use

of resources. It is including;

i. The formulation of a strategy to resolve a particular question

Based on the problem statement which is to improve education and learning

process and to overcome the communication barrier between Deaf students,

researcher comes out with the solution, which is i-KOD. i-KOD is an

interactive dictionary which is focus on early ages group of Deaf student. i-

KOD contains words in sign language which is presented with video and

picture of each sign, to enable the student improve their communication

barrier. i-KOD is develop by using Visual Basic and it is contain multimedia

element that helps learning and education process.


ii. The collection and recording of the evidence

Data collection is made by using several techniques such as interview,

questionnaires, observation, brainstorming, library search, internet research.

Researcher conducted interview with teachers and En. Hishammudin Ahmad,

an Officer from Special Education Department, Ministry of Education

Malaysia. We also contact with a talent, which is a certified interpreter, Cik

Siti Norbiha to involve in digital filming. The digital video is transferred from

the digital video camera to a computer via a firewire cable (also called IEEE

cable). The process is called capturing the video. The software we use to

capture and edit video is Sony Vegas. It is fairly easy to learn and comes with

a very helpful tutorial.

Figure 3.1 : Interview session with teacher

iii. The processing and analysis of the data

Data collection made is base on book “Komunikasi Seluruh Bahasa Malaysia

Kod Tangan” or Total Communication Manually Coded Bahasa Malaysia,

published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka and Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia,

1985. This book contains 1647 words which are divided into 27 categories.

However, researcher separates the content into 2 parts.


Table 3.1 : Content for i-KOD Series 1

Item No. of Item

Alam semula jadi 64

Benda-benda di rumah 81

Di rumah 36

Di sekolah 38

Hari dan bulan 19

Imbuhan 20

Kata bantu (Bahagian 1) 79

Kata ganti diri 16

Kata kerja siri 1 191

Kata sifat (Bahagian 1) 89

Kata tanya 14

Keluarga (Bahagian 1) 35

Kesihatan 18

Kod Angka 9

Kod Huruf 26

Masa siri (Bahagian 1) 40

Pakaian 29

Penjodoh bilangan 19


Table 3.1 show content for first series, while Table 3.2 show contents for second

series. Each series contains over 800 words.


Table 3.2 : Content for i-KOD Series 2

Item No. of


Arah 10

Bangsa, negeri, agama 29

Binatang 54

Kata bantu (Bahagian 1) 80

Kata kerja (Bahagian 1) 191

Kata sifat (Bahagian 1) 90

Keluarga (Bahagian 1) 35

Kenderaaan 22

Logam 13

Makanan 34

Manusia dan jawatan 30

Masa (Bahagian 1) 40

Permainan 22

Tubuh 56

Tumbuhan 84

Unit ukuran 34


iv. The publication of results

After all the data being collected and processed, its store in the database files.

Database is created by using Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access is

compatible with Visual Basic to store data such as image in .jpg format,

video in .mpg format and sound in .wav format.


3.3 Data Collection & Analysis

This phase involves the capturing of data for the system development.

Methods used in the elicitation of the requirements are listed below.

Table 3.3 : Techniques used for information gathering (Whitten. J, 2002)

i. Interview

A few interview sessions had been conduct with some

users in other real world to have better understanding

of their need toward the Translation of Malay Text to

Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu can help them better.

ii. Observation

Observation includes watching how teacher at the

special school perform their task to teach the hearing

impaired students. Notes are taken on the actions

perform and interaction involved. Analysis exiting

documents will provide information on the procedure

and flow of certain processes.

iii. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is used in the preparation of questions

for interviewing the users that usually will involve.

iv. Library Research

I went to library to search books related online system

to have a deeper understanding on online system design

and how does an online system be implemented


v. Internet Research

I have surf around the net for sometime to gain deeper

understanding about Translation from the text to Sign

Language and web technology available.


An interview was held on 2nd August 2006 with Puan Norihan Bt. Ahmad,

who is a Headmistress at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas , Johor Bahru.

Figure 3.2 : Headmistress Sek. Keb. Pendidikan Khas, JB

Second interview was held on 7th February 2007 with Encik Hishammudin

Ahmad, who is Service Centre Officer at Training & Support Service Division,

Special Education Department, Ministry of Education Malaysia. He is serving for

Johor Special Education Service Centre which is located at Sekolah Kebangsaan

Pendidikan Khas, Johor Bahru.

Researcher get a permission from the Headmistress of Sekolah Kebangsaan

Pendidikan Khas, Johor Bahru to do an observation on learning and education

process. Researcher was in the Bahasa Melayu class conducted by Cik Hamizah,

who is Bahasa Melayu teacher.


Figure 3.3 : Observation in class Bahasa Melayu conducted by Cik Hamizah

Researcher held discussion with project’s mentor, Encik Hishamuddin Md.

Amin and meet with supervisor, Dr. Ismail Mat Amin to discuss and have

brainstorm to achieve the project objective and to gather more information about the


3.4 Methodology Used in Project Development

The software development process can help to control thrashing by including

activities and sub process that enhance understanding. Prototyping is such a sub

process; a prototype is a partially developed product that enables developer to

examine some aspect of the system and decide if it is suitable for the final product.

If it not suitable, revisions are made at the early stage such as requirement analysis,

rather than at the more costly testing stage. There are processes involve in Waterfall



i. Requirement Analysis

Understanding and determining users need by having brainstorming, eliciting

and analyzing user requirements by having interview, survey or questionnaire

session, collecting and specifying all the user requirement and validating


ii. System Design

Outlining system functional by having feasibility studies or case studies on

current system, determining and specifying hardware or software architecture

and verifying system design

iii. Program Design

Determining and specifying program design and database design verifying

program design.

iv. Coding

Involving programming, personal planning, tool acquisition, database

development, component level documentation and programming management.

Unit and integration testing-Test units separately and integrate the tested units,

then testing on the integrated units.

v. System Testing

Combining all the integrated units into a system. Testing on the system.

Specifying, review and updating of the system test and validating of system.

vi. Acceptance Testing

Testing on the system completed. The system is delivered. Operation and

Maintenance-Control and maintain the system.


The system has to be validated and verified during the stage of system

testing. The verification is to make sure that the function in the Translation of

Malay Text to Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu works correctly and to check the quality

of the implementation. The validation is to ensure that Translation of Malay Text to

Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu has implemented all requirements in the specification.

Prototyping is a sub-process and prototype is a partially developed product

or a simple simulator of the actual system to examine the proposed system and

overview on the functionalities. A prototype of Translation of Malay Text to Kod

Tangan Bahasa Melayu will be built regarding to the project scope and the analysis

of the system before start to build the actual system.

Prototyping is very important because:

i. To ensure the system meet the performance goals or constraints

ii. To ensure the system are practical and flexible

iii. To ensure the system fulfill the users’ requirement

iv. To have an insight of how the module and sub-modules interact with each


“I am not denying the importance of prototyping or even user testing. These are

important stages of the process…I think it is a good way to communicate the design

between designers and programmers.”

(S. Carolyn, 2003)


In summary, this model is chosen because;

i. A simplicity of this model make it easier to explain to the user and easier to do


ii. The potential for changing the system early in this development

iii. The opportunity to stop development on a system that is not workable, which

is less costly rather then to find a finished system that is not suitable

iv. The possibility of developing a system that more closely address user’s needs

and expectations.

3.5 Process Used in Creating Interactive CD

Researcher conceived the idea of creating a series of interactive learning that

demonstrates vocabulary for various topic areas for use both in primary and

secondary settings. The only part of the project researcher is continuing to

outsource is the research of the signs and context information. Obviously, for those

tasks researcher want to use persons knowledgeable in the field, and interpreters and

deaf persons who can knowledgeably research the signs. Researcher have budgeted

money to pay the talent, therefore, researcher have worked closely with the

Interpreter from Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas, Johor Bahru.

Below, is the process involved in creating interactive CD.

i. Digital Filming

First of all, researcher plan a time to film, coordinating with the KUT,

MARAto use the incubator am as a place to shooting. Researcher also we

contact potential models. Our goal has been to have good diversity with deaf

and hearing persons. The models are scheduled to be in the incubator at a


specific time. Based on the number of sign to be filmed, we divide each

category wisely. During filming, there are one person play the tape and check

of concepts on the list. As was stated earlier, researcher does not sign the

concepts in alphabetical order, but by using category list. Since the final

product will be alphabetized, we felt that if the viewer chose to watching the

concepts in order, it would be more visually interesting to see a model, which

the same person on screen.

There are several considerations while filming. First of all, we mark the exact

spot on the floor for the model to stand, as well as the exact spots for the tripod

legs. By doing this, we assure that the model will be exactly in the center of the

frame every time. We adjust the height of the tripod based on the height of the


A second consideration was glare. To reduce distractions in the final product,

we ask models to remove jewelry, and watches. Watching compressed video

on a computer screen is already more difficult to read than a videotape and

these precautions do seem to help. A third consideration was consistency of

appearance. We ask the model to wear a light colored shirts. The model must

wear the color which gives the best contrast for her hands and face.

In addition, to minimize the length of the tape to be edited, we pause the tape

after each signed concept. The camera operator starts the camera, states the

concept to be signed, waits three seconds, then signals for the model to

proceed. When the sign is completed, the model drops her hands and continues

to stand still for three more seconds.


Figure 3.4 : Researcher are prepare for digital filming

Figure 3.5 : Camera operator setting on the camera


ii. Editing Video

The digital video is transferred from the digital video camera to a computer via

a firewire cable. The process is called capturing the video. The software we

use to capture and edit video is Sony Vegas 7.

We capture the video in sections, by category. Each segment is re-named to

the name of the item for easy identification. Once the segments are renamed,

the original audio is removed. Voice talent is used to voice and record the

item. This is done on a different day than the filming. The audio is imported

into Sony Vegas 7 and edited. Like the video clips, each segment is re-named

to be the same as the item said. However, researcher decided to not provide a

sound together with the video clip. This is because researcher uses the same

database for the dictionary and quiz.

In each video segment, the screen behind the models has to be replaced with a

black background. After finish removes the audio, the video must be rendered.

This can be a time-consuming process. While the computer is rendering, it

cannot do anything else. So, it is best to start the rendering process as we leave

work for the day. Clips then converted to a Windows Media Player video and

checked for appearance, paying special attention to how the black screen

conversion looks when compressed. If the model moves position during

filming, that can also cause the black screen values to be different. This is

another reason why it is so important to have the models stand on mark.


Figure 3.6 : Snapshot video editing using Sony Vegas

iii. Develop Content

After edited all the video, audio and image files, researcher categorize each

item in a group of category. By sort the file by category, it helps in

manipulating the content easily.

iv. Dictionary Development

Once the content is finalized, the audio, video and graphic file can be store in

Microsoft Access database as a dictionary file. The dictionary contains the

same item that are displayed on each page in the final product.

v. Review Process

It is time to review the product. The software should be reviewed multiple

times. Each time, contents should be review. And in addition to the content

review, each and every button, video, audio must be tested. It is important to

have a number of people review the product, to help eliminate errors.


3.5 Project Schedule

Now that the researcher has an overview on what kind of methodology to be

used for this project, a proper timeline or schedule must be outlined in order to make

the project run smoothly.

In drafting the project schedule, the researcher has chosen Microsoft Project

2003 for designing the project schedule. Microsoft Project 2003 is software

essential for project managers. It helps a project manager to stay on schedule and

also on budget. Furthermore, when developing software systems, understanding and

exploiting infrastructure services and other existing resources can be at least half the

battle. It is important that people working on a project discover early in its lifecycle

what its dependencies are, what services and resources are available, and how to use

them appropriately.

The project manager, as part of doing project planning, should identify key

areas with which the project must integrate. Actual integration work will typically

be done by project team members working with suppliers of infrastructure services,

external application services, or other resources. Since integration by definition is

about the connections between your project and things outside of it, negotiation

about where integration work happens, and who does it, is necessary and important.

In general any system or service

i. On which a project depends,

ii. Which depends on the result of a project, or

iii. Is affected by the project, is a candidate for integration.


While this list will vary from project to project, some infrastructure services are

commonly used across many software systems. These include:

i. Usability: user testing,

ii. Security: authentication and authorization,

iii. Business continuity: backup,

iv. Development environment: source code control,

v. User support

Addressing these requirements will help ensure that a project makes the best

use of complex infrastructure, and avoids reinventing the wheel. It also makes clear

to infrastructure providers any additional requirements placed on them by the

project. It will also make the division of responsibility clear between the project and

its related pieces. A full detail on the schedule can be found in Appendix A.

3.6 Chapter Summary

From the research above, researcher found that only American Sign

Language product available in current market. Only and provide translation for Malaysian Sign

Language. While not yet product related with Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu available

in current market.

i-KOD will enable more sign language stored in the database. It will make

easier to find a references on sign language.



4.1 Organizational Analysis

Current education and learning process for hearing-impaired student are

conducted similarly with normal student. As a result, they cannot completely

understand what they have learned. For pre-school and primary student they taught

sign language by using flash card and pictographic material. Which is there are

many constraint on using such material.

Deaf children should be taught sign language as early as possible if they

want to be successful in the future. Therefore, by using multimedia element in their

learning process, they will be more interactive learning and more interesting to

students to learn.

4.2 Database Design

Data storage is considered by some to be the heart of an information system.

It is a central source of data meant to be shared by many users for variety of

applications. For i-KOD, there are three tables contains data, which is Table

Dictionary, Table Quiz, Table HallofFame and Table Version.

Table Dictionary contains data such as Word, Category, Image, Audio and

Video. While Table Quiz contains data such as Word, GameType and Question.

Table HallofFame is a table for scoring. The table co

Score, Duration and PlayDate.


Data storage is considered by some to be the heart of an information system.

It is a central source of data meant to be shared by many users for variety of

KOD, there are three tables contains data, which is Table

Table Quiz, Table HallofFame and Table Version.

Table Dictionary contains data such as Word, Category, Image, Audio and

Video. While Table Quiz contains data such as Word, GameType and Question.

Table HallofFame is a table for scoring. The table contains PlayerName, Category,

Score, Duration and PlayDate.

Figure 4.1 : Database Design


Data storage is considered by some to be the heart of an information system.

It is a central source of data meant to be shared by many users for variety of

KOD, there are three tables contains data, which is Table

Table Dictionary contains data such as Word, Category, Image, Audio and

Video. While Table Quiz contains data such as Word, GameType and Question.

ntains PlayerName, Category,


4.3 Systems Design

System implementation in software development is a process to convert

system requirements into program cedes. The initial stage of system implementation

involves setting up the development. This includes setting up development tools to

facilitate the system implementation. Generally, the development environment is

suited according to different development phases, which can be categorized into

system design and system development.

4.3.1 As-Is Process and Data Model Use Case Diagram

Figure 4.2 : Usecase diagram for As-is Process

50 Use Case Description

Table 4.1 : Usecase Specification for Learning Process

Use case 1 : Learning process

Function : Teachers teach sign language to their students by using

flash card and pictures as a learning aid.

Primary actor : Teacher

Secondary actor : Student

Goal : To enable student to understand sign language

Pre-condition : Teacher must have flash cards

Post condition : Student able to use sign language

Figure 4.3 : Usecase Diagram for Learning Process Main success scenario

1. Teachers must have learning aid to teach student.

2. Learning process done by teacher.

51 Activity Diagram

Figure 4.4 : Activity Diagram for As-is Process

4.3.2 User Requirement

i. Current learning process is not interactive to attract hearing-impaired students.

ii. Student are enable to use the software / study without full attention from


iii. Enable parents who have hearing-impaired child in their family member to

learn sign language with interesting and interactive.


4.3.3 To-Be Process and Data Model Use Case Diagram

Figure 4.5: Usecase Diagram for To-Be Process

53 Use Case Description

Table 4.2 : UseCase Specification for Dictionary

Use case 1 : Dictionary

Function : User is identified

Primary actor : Users

Secondary actor : Researcher

Goal : To be a learning aid tools for teacher, parents and care


Pre-condition : User run i-KOD software

Post condition :



Users able to understand sign language

Researcher able to release patch to add new word to

existing category.

Users are able to download patch

54 Activity Diagram

Figure 4.6 : Activity Diagram for To-Be Process


4.4 Testing

The main function of testing is to establish the presence of detects in a

program and to judge whether the program is suitable in real application. Before

source code is deploying, codes are reviewed line by line to discover any syntax

error as well as semantic error. If errors are discovered, they are corrected


4.5 Prototype Software

Figure 4.7 : i-KOD’s logo

Figure 4.8 : i-KOD splash screen


i-KOD is a dictionary which it is translate Malay text into Manually Coded

Malay. The target user was an education sector for special education. Also, i-KOD

is available for parents who have hearing-impaired child also for care centre.

After splash screen, user will be display the introduction for Kod Tangan

Bahasa Melayu. After read the introduction, user can click button Seterusnya to

proceed to i-KOD interactive dictionary.

Figure 4.9 : Introduction about Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

i-KOD dictionary contains over 800 words in Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu.

Users are able to search the words by type the word or choose the words form the

category list. After user makes their selection, they are able to play the sign

language video. The sign language is display in video format; enabling user to use

the panels to control the video playback. User also can clicks to the image of the

word to review how the word suppose to pronounce. This function is for the student

who still has sense of hearing and other user such as parents, teachers, therapists and



Figure 4.10 : Feature 1 – i-KOD dictionary

i-KOD is fully developed using Visual Basic combine with other multimedia

authoring tools, such as Sony Vegas for video and sound editor and Adobe

Photoshop image editor. i-KOD comes with quiz, to enable the user to test their

understanding. User Each quiz contains at least 10 questions, which is selected

random from the database. Every time user answers the question, user can click to

button Jawab, to know whether their answer is correct or wrong. Users are able to

playback the video clip, but user cannot reinsert the answer. After user completed

answer all the question the must click button Selesai and user will be prompt to enter

their name and directly displayed with their score and name. The scoring is

developed base on how many correct answer and time they answer the question.


Figure 4.11 : Feature 2 – i-KOD quiz


Figure 4. 12 : Scoring for i-KOD


Each time researcher update with new sign, researcher will release a patch to

make sure user are always update with new sign release by Ministry of Education.

Figure 4. 13 : Feature 3 – Update Patch

Figure 4. 14 : Finish Update Patch

Users are able to update patch for their dictionary. User will be informed

through email by the developer if there any new patch release. Users are able to

update their patch after developer receives their payment.



5.1 Executive Summary

Vivid Splendour currently is developing learning aid software for primary school

(special education). i-KOD is a dictionary for primary school (special education).

As for a time being it is a learning aid method for hearing-impaired student with

more interactive and interesting manner.

Communication is the important means that people in a society use in their

correspondence to convey or exchange messages, news and information, thoughts

and feelings. Therefore, Vivid Splendour develops i-KOD which it is translate

Malay text into Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu. The target user was an education

sector (special education). Also, i-KOD is available for parents who have hearing-

impaired child and care centre.

i-KOD will be selling on reasonable price. As Deaf community is increasing

at 8 percent a year, Vivid Splendour will get growing revenue allowing for positive

income. For first 2 years, Vivid Splendour will focus on primary school learning


method. Our business will be expanding to secondary school learning aid method

for hearing-impaired student.

In order to make this venture possible, Vivid Splendour is seeking a

RM40,000 loan that will be used to develop the software, purchase equipment and

providing some working capital. The collateral for the loan will include all business

asset of Vivid Splendour. After studying the feasibility and viability of this business,

Vivid Splendour allows to feel very satisfied with its potential profit.

5.2 The Business

5.2.1 The Opportunity

Education sector is so wide; therefore there are still opportunities anyhow.

We still lack of local product in term of Malaysian sign language or Kod Tangan

Bahasa Melayu. Therefore we can see there are foreign products such as American

Sign Language: Personal Communicator, Hyper Sign Kids in our market. However,

education product for Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu is rarely found in the market.

Even, there is only a product from Malaysia Foundation of Deaf, which is Bahasa

Isyarat Malaysia.

The opportunity is, Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu is a official language use by

the Deaf at school. However, teaching process at special school still using same

material to educate normal student for their special student. They really need special

learning aid to enable the student to understand what they learn.


Besides, special schools there are care centre, speech therapy centre which

are our target market. The development of special education sector will helps to

market i-KOD widely.

5.2.2 Description of the Business

My product has a competitive advantage, which makes it cannot be

replicated by another company in the future. At this moment, Vivid Splendour in

the process to get a permission from Head of Director, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka,

Kuala Lumpur, to get a right to republish their material in digital format.

Anyhow, verbal discussion was held with Puan Saleemah bt. Abdul Latiff

who is Pegawai Perancang Bahasa, Bahagian Multimedia, Jabatan Penerbitan,

Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, At the meeting Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka are willing

to co-operate with researcher in developing i-KOD.

Vivid Splendour co-operate with a local company, which is Aspati Sdn. Bhd.

to produce this product. We are collaborate in the data collection, which is we are

using their expertise in video capturing. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka also play a

main role in this business, in the view of content of i-KOD.

Vivid Splendour offer a product which is a learning aid for Deaf or herd of

hearing student to enable them to learn bahasa Melayu. i-KOD makes a business

mutually beneficial for a business and it customer too. There are many potential

beneficiaries of a program that could be used to effectively learn sign language or

Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu.


Listed below are some of the groups of people we think could benefit from

this software and what we think their benefit might be. This list is certainly not


i. Family Members of Hearing-Impaired Children (grandparents, aunts,

uncles, cousins, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers)

Since communication is the key in the life of a family, we consider this the

most important user group for this product. Our experience has shown that

fluent, effective communication is a primary concern of the parents of hearing

impaired children. Parents often feel they cannot communicate with their

hearing-impaired child (How could s/he hear what I am saying?) or that the

signs they use will not be correct. This is especially frustrating since early

stimulation and communication is a necessity in establishing the parent-child

bond and building a foundation for skills learned later in life. Children learn

about the world and themselves through language. It is often difficult for

parents to schedule time to take sign language classes and the classes

themselves are often intimidating. Parents are often afraid to imitate, ask for

repetitions, or try out their skills at home.

This software provides a confidential, self-paced learning tool for parents and

other family members. It allows them to design their own lessons and practice

at home and provides instant access to signs they need in the home not merely

those listed in a book or taught in a class.

ii. Medical Care-givers Working with Doctors or in Hospitals

These personnel may have contact with Deaf persons in both emergency and

non-emergency situations. Knowledge of the basic vocabulary relating to

illness and injury would make their care of Deaf individuals more effective and

more efficient. Deaf persons would also feel less threatened if someone in the

medical environment could communicate with them until a professional

interpreter arrived.


iii. Peers (Playmates) of Hearing-Impaired Children

Through play children learn about things and how they work. Important social

skills including sharing, rules, competition, losing, and negotiating are also

learned through play. Jean Piaget, who is a Swiss psychologist remembered for

his studies of cognitive development in children said “play is a child’s work”.

Even though language is not a prerequisite for play, it enhances the value of

play and stimulates the development of interpersonal relationships.

iv. Classroom Teachers and Other School Personnel

Deaf children are mainstreamed into neighborhood schools. Even though Deaf

children are provided with professional interpreters, they still report feeling

like outsiders in school. These feelings of isolation and loneliness could be

significantly reduced if classroom teachers knew and could use conversational

signing and if other school personnel (cafeteria people, secretaries, bus drivers,

school nurses, playground supervisors, etc.) would learn basic conversational


v. Sign Language Learners

Learning sign language (or any language) is difficult unless there are

opportunities for repeated exposure to both the vocabulary and the rules of use.

People also learn and retain vocabulary and language that serve a purpose in

their daily lives. This program provides a tool through which vocabulary can

be learned and reviewed.

vi. Pre-professionals or Professionals in Speech-Language Pathology,

Audiology, and Special Education

A familiarity with Malaysian Sign Language or Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

would be advantageous for these professionals since professional interpreters

are usually not available when they are consulting with Deaf persons. In

addition, sign language has also been used successfully to establish

communication with persons who are retarded, autistic, or who display other

problems which prohibit or impede ordinary spoken communication.


5.3 The Company

5.3.1 Background of Entrepreneur

Monalissa Muharam, Manager of Vivid Splendour

Mona serves as Research Assistant at Faculty of Engineering,

University of Malaya, before incorporated Vivid Splendour on

January 2006. Since September 2004 until Jun 2005 she is working in

the Deputy Dean Office to manage all the information about the

postgraduate programs and research activities in the Faculty of

Engineering. She also involves in planning promotion strategies to

promote Masters and Ph. Ds programs. Besides, she involved in

exhibitions such as SMIDEX 2004, Science and Technology

Exhibition 2004 and Research, Science and Innovation Exhibition

2004 to promote research activities and postgraduate programs.

Mona is a Master of Sciences Information Technology

Entrepreneurship candidate July 2005 at the University of Technology

Malaysia. She received her Bachelor of Science in Information

Technology (Multimedia) from University of Malaya on 2005.


5.3.2 Company Profile

Company : Vivid Splendour

Registered Address : Suite IT 4, Kompleks Usahawan Teknologi MARA,

Technovation Park UTM, 81300 Skudai, Johor

Operational Address : Suite IT 4, Kompleks Usahawan Teknologi MARA,

Technovation Park UTM, 81300 Skudai, Johor

Tel. No. : 012 - 7320765

Email :

Co. Registration No. : JM 0446539 - H

Registration Date : 27th January 2006

Business Activity : Software, multimedia design and development

Type of Business : Sole Proprietor

Bank : Maybank, Labis Branch

Account No. : 501114120429

Owner Name : Monalissa Bt. Muharam

IC No. : 820501-01-5758


5.3.3 Advisers: Consultants & Professional Support Resources

In doing research in this field of study, I get a lots of help from several

resources such as En. Amir Hamidi, President of Perak Society of Deaf. He also has

hearing-impaired. There are some of organization that I get the professional support

resources and help such as Malaysian Foundation of Deaf (MFD) and Majudiri Y

Foundation for the Deaf (MYF).

Information about Malaysian Foundation of Deaf can be search at While the information for the Majudiri Y

Foundation for the Deaf can be found at

Majudiri Y Foundation for the Deaf can be contact with Lucy Lim –Yip ,

The Assistant Manager / Sign Language Interpreter for Majudiri Y Foundation for

the Deaf at 03-22743766.

Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu is used to teach Bahasa Melayu at special

school (hearing-impaired). Therefore researcher also contact with teachers from 3

special schools around Johor Bahru. The special school was

i. Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas, Johor Bahru

ii. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Sutera, Johor Bahru and

iii. Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas (Vokasional) Indahpura, Kulai.

Therefore researcher also gets an expertise talent to interpret Malay Text to

Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu. Cik Siti Norbiha Safie is our expertise talent. She is

certified as an interpreter by Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia. She also a diploma

holder from Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas, Kuala Lumpur.


5.4 Industry Analysis

5.4.1 Industry Analysis in Malaysia

There are 23 Sekolah Rendah Pendidikan Khas (Pendengaran) in Malaysia on 2005

that open their special program for pre-school student.

Table 5.1 Number of pre-school student at SRKP (Hearing-Impaired)

Year 2005

No. School State No. of Student

1 SKPK Perlis Perlis 10

2 SKPK Alor Setar Kedah 14

3 SKPKSungai Petani Kedah 4

4 SKPK Persekutuan Pulau Pinang Penang 3

5 SKPK Jalan Hutton Penang 3

6 SKPK Taiping Perak 4

7 SKPK Ipoh Perak 9

8 SKPK Selangor Selangor 9

9 SKPK Kampong Baharu Kuala Lumpur 7

10 SKPK Jalan Peel Kuala Lumpur 3

11 SKPK Seremban N. Sembilan 3

12 SKPK Muar Johor 4

13 SKPK Melaka Melaka 6

14 SKPK Batu Pahat Johor 6

15 SKPK Johor Bahru Johor 6

16 SKPK Kuantan Pahang 4

17 SKPK Kuala Terengganu Terengganu 10

18 SKPK Besut Terengganu 8

19 SKPK Kelantan Kelantan 5


20 SKPK Kota Samarahan Sarawak 6

21 SKPK Sibu Sarawak 6

22 SKPK Miri Sarawak 4

23 SKPK Kota Kinabalu Sabah 4


Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas (2005)

Table 5.2 : Number of pre-school student (hearing-impaired) at integration school

Year 2005

No. State No. of School No. of Student

1 Kelantan 1 5

2 Terengganu 2 4

3 Pahang 2 4

4 Johor 7 25

5 Melaka 2 8

6 Negeri Sembilan 1 6

7 Selangor 2 14

8 WP Kuala Lumpur 3 16

9 Perak 4 23

10 Kedah 2 6

11 Penang 1 5

12 Perlis 1 5

13 Sabah 1 3

14 Sarawak 2 10

15 WP Labuan 1 3

TOTAL 32 137

Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas (2005)


Table 5.3 : Development of pre-school program for special education

Pre-school program for special education

2004 2005

Sek. Keb. Pendidikan Khas 127 162

Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi 15 173

TOTAL 142 335

Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas (2005)

Table 5.4 : Statistic on Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas (Pendengaran)

Year 2005

No. School No. of


No. of


No. of



1 SKPK Perlis 29 6 15 /

2 SKPK Alor Setar 88 12 23 /

3 SKPKSungai


79 9 21 /

4 SKPK Persekutuan

Pulau Pinang

45 8 18 /

5 SKPK Jalan Hutton 43 8 16 X

6 SKPK Taiping 24 6 13 X

7 SKPK Ipoh 103 11 21 /

8 SKPK Selangor 105 14 25 /

9 SKPK Kampong


57 10 21 X

10 SKPK Jalan Peel 45 10 20 X

11 SKPK Seremban 82 13 25 /

12 SKPK Muar 34 7 15 X

13 SKPK Melaka 66 12 23 /

14 SKPK Batu Pahat 38 9 18 X

15 SKPK Johor Bahru 128 16 30 /

16 SKPK Kuantan 107 15 28 /


17 SKPK Kuala


119 14 18 /

18 SKPK Besut 45 7 15 /

19 SKPK Kelantan 113 14 29 /

20 SKPK Kota


93 13 26 /

21 SKPK Sibu 41 8 17 X

22 SKPK Miri 20 5 8 X

23 SKPK Kota


70 12 27 /

TOTAL 1574 286 564 15

Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas (2005)

Table 5.5 : Statistic on Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas (Pendengaran)

Year 2005

No. School No. of


No. of


No. of



1 SM Pendidikan

Khas Vokasional,

Shah Alam

252 27 55 /

2 SMPK Persekutuan

P. Pinag

141 19 40 /

3 SMPKV Indahpura 45 5 30 /

TOTAL 438 51 125 3

Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas (2005)


Table 5.6 : Statistic on secondary school student (hearing-impaired) at integration

school Year 2005

No. State No. of


No. of


No. of


No. of


1 Perlis 1 11 3 2

2 Kedah 3 94 23 13

3 Penang - - - -

4 Perak 5 93 20 15

5 Selangor 10 88 19 13

6 WP Kuala Lumpur 5 114 23 18

7 Negeri Sembilan 1 62 11 7

8 Melaka 1 54 10 8

9 Johor 7 170 30 22

10 Pahang 3 57 10 9

11 Terengganu 1 86 12 10

12 Kelantan 1 69 12 8

13 Sarawak 3 81 23 15

14 Sabah 2 65 14 6

15 WP Labuan - - - -

TOTAL 43 1046 210 146

Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas( 2005)


Table 5.7 : Statistic on Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi at Sekolah Menengah

Teknik Year 2005

No. School No. of Student

Form 4 Form 5

1 SMT Batu Pahat 9 9

2 SMT Kerian, Bagan Serai 6 0

3 SMT Langkawi 0 2

4 SMT Tanah Merah 3 8

5 SMT Keningau 18 0

TOTAL 36 19

Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas (2005)

Table 5.8 : Development on Special Education program (2001-2005)

Sek. Pendidikan Khas


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005



23 23 23 23 23



2 2 2 3 3



25 25 25 26 26



1752 1713 1717 1589 1574



706 523 514 523 438



2258 2238 2231 2121 2012

Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas (2005)


Table 5.9 : Development on Special Education Program (Integration) (2001-2005)

Special Education Program (Integration)


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005



28 41 34 40 34



26 39 39 37 43



54 80 73 67 77



594 448 429 616 636



917 965 940 1008 1046



1511 1413 1369 1424 1682

Source : Maklumat Pendidikan Khas (2005)

Table 5.10 OKU registered with JKM

Type of Disability 2003 2004 2005

Blindness 14,154 15,364 16,302

Hearing-Impaired 22,728 24,712 26,294

Body 45,356 51,090 56,738

Mind 49,340 0 0

Learning Problem 0 57,483 66,130

Cerebel Palsy 0 34 623

Others 1,077 1,934 4,368

TOTAL 132,655 150,617 170,455

Source : Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia


5.4.2 Industry Analysis in Singapore

Media Corp reported that as at 31 March 2006, 5450 Singaporean registered

with Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) as a member. SADeaf estimates

that there maybe some 98,000 people who suffer from varying degrees of hearing

loss. In addition, base on the statistic that 6 out of every 1000 born in Singapore

have a degree of hearing loss, almost 20,000 Singaporeans may have hearing loss,

based on Singapore’s population in 2005.

In Singapore, the education of children with disabilities is provided in

Special Education (SPED) school. As at January 2004, there are 20 SPED schools

run by Voluntary Welfare Organization (VWOs). Hearing impaired pupil who

communicate using sign language can opt to attend one of 2 designated secondary


i. Boon Lay Secondary School

ii. Balestier Hill Secondary School

5.4.3 Industry Analysis in Indonesia

The UN reports that there are about 24 public special school for children

with disabilities, the intellectually disabled, physically disable, hearing impaired and

the multiply disable. Also, there are over 700 special school managed by NGOs.

Figure 5.1 show a chart on the percentage of disability people in Indonesia on 2000.

Figure 5.1

Source : Statistic Centre Bureau 2001, Jakarta

Figure 5.2

Source : Yayasan Bina Swadaya (2001), The Country Profile on Person with Disabilities

1 0 %3 %7 %1 1 % 7 % 1 2

7 4 31 1

5 4 3 2 99 0 4

6 5 7Under 1 Year

1-4 Years

5-14 Years

15-24 Years

25-44 Years

45-64 Years

Intellectual Disability

: Indonesia’s specific data on disability on 2000

ntre Bureau 2001, Jakarta

5.2 : Number of disabilities person based on age.

Source : Yayasan Bina Swadaya (2001), The Country Profile on Person with Disabilities

3 7 %1 3 %%2 % P h y s i c a l D i s a bV i s u a l I m p a i r mH e a r i n g I m p a iM u t e - H e a r i n gM u t eO v e r l a p p i n gP h y c h i a t r i c D i sI n t e l l e c t u a l D i

1 4 4 1 2 2 6 1 3 5 2 72 2 0 51 2 71 5 3 81 5 3 91 4 7 64

2 6 3 3 8 5 9 95 8 2 01 9 3 0Intellectual Disability Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment


: Indonesia’s specific data on disability on 2000

Source : Yayasan Bina Swadaya (2001), The Country Profile on Person with Disabilities

b i l i t ym e n tr m e n tg I m p a i r e m e n ts a b i l i t ys a b i l i t y

1 2 9 1 3Hearing Impairment


In Brunei, the Special Education Unit was established in this year and in

other countries the issue was given more attention in policy development and

implementation at this time. Brunei also began development of special education

programs for teacher training in 1994.

In Brunei, the main educational providers are the government and NGOs,

though their efforts are, in general, closely coordinated in terms of which services

are offered to which groups. Some children may attend both NGO programs and

formal schooling. The government is the main provider of formal schooling to

children with disabilities with the NGO providers helping with non-formal programs

children with high-support needs, children with autism and vocational training for

older children with disabilities.

5.4.4 Industry Trends

In future, e-learning will be widely implemented in Malaysia. Therefore, we

at Vivid Splendour already prepare for the merging of technology in education,

especially in special education. For the time being we cater for the primary school.

Therefore our customer comes from education sector. However, we already plan to

widen our target customer. In the future, we target to cater all segmentation in the

special education sector from primary school to secondary school.


5.4.5 Industry Size

The industry is not just in Malaysia, but it can be expand to other country

that using Bahasa Melayu in communication, such as Brunei, Singapore and

Indonesia. Vivid Splendour aim at least 0.025% of total population in Malaysia, as

a target market.

While in Singapore, there are about 20,000 people who are having varying

degree of haring loss with about 20special education school run by Voluntary

Welfare Organization.

While in Brunei, the national database is only in development stages.

However, records are not regularly collated or shared. As reported by UNESCO

Bangkok-AIMS Project on 5 June 2005, there are 1,947 registered children with

disabilities. Nevertheless, only 1285 registered persons accounted for through these


Table 5.11 : Brunei’s Special Program for disabilities

Centre Member registered

Association of the Blind 45

KACA (an NGO which serve for

Cerebral palsy, hearing disorders and



PAPDA (the association of physically

disabled persons)


SMARTER (the group of parents of

children with autism)


Special Education Unit 363

Other regional centers 167

Pusat Ehsan 51

Source : UNESCO Bangkok-AIMS Project (2005)


5.4.6 Industry Forecasts

Figure 5.3 : Industry Forecast

From Figure 5.1, show number of Deaf people and the potential user of sign

language product. As we can see there are growing revenue allowing for positive

income. This situation is affected by increasing number of Deaf people and

consumer needs regarding the application also increasing. According to Jabatan

Kebajikan Masyarakat, statistic of the deaf people is increase by 8% per year,

therefore on figure 5.3 is Vivid Splendour projection on i-KOD user.

On the year 2006, i-KOD is still new to the market. Although from the

survey, there are infrastructures to proceed with interactive learning, but the user

itself is not familiar yet with the new learning method. They comfort with current

learning method. However, the situations change by year 2007. User started to use

the product and school infrastructure is much better. i-KOD will be widely use on

the next year. Main factor was transformation from CD as a medium to mobile


Industry Forecast







2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


No. of Deaf

Number of Deaf User


We at Vivid Splendour believe that mobile application will cater more users

on sign language product. Instead of dictionary for the Deaf, Vivid Splendour will

extend our product to another learning product for the hearing-impaired, such as

English, Math and Science for the Deaf.

5.4.7 Competitor Analysis

Competitor 1 :

Epekak actually developed by Malaysian Deaf Foundation to help deaf

society explore on information technology field. However, Epekak can be a direct

competitor to i-KOD. They also produce a CD on learning sign language. But,

Epekak target customer is deaf society, while my focus group is for education sector.

Epekak also published their own book on Malaysian Sign Language to deaf society.

Even they also used talent as a presenter; the website is not update regularly.

Because of that, the database is not dynamic.

Competitor 2 :

This website is indirect competitor to i-KOD. This website focused on Deaf

Sign Language in English, Chinese and Malay. Also, there is no business intention

in this website. And, the database of sign language for this website is approximately

500 words. They present the sign language with black and white line drawings of

sign language (see Figure 2.9).


These two products is different from i-KOD in term of functionality of the

system. i-KOD enable user to search the words by type it or choose it from the

categories list or select from the selected sentences. While these two products only

allowed user to choose from index.

The important point is, i-KOD is purposely developed for Kod Tangan

Bahasa Melayu, which is a medium to teach Bahasa Melayu at special school.

5.4.8 Competitive Strategy

As an emergent in this industry, our approach is pursuing the emerging of

opportunities. Result from our research shows that there are less learning aid

products for special primary school. Therefore Vivid Splendour comes with i-KOD.

i-KOD is focusing for special primary school. It will help teachers in leading and

education process. By using multimedia element it is easier for the students to

understand what they learn. Teacher can control the presentation by using Windows

Media Player control panel.

5.5 Marketing Plan

For marketing plan, firstly, Vivid Splendour will approach Kementerian

Pendidikan Khas Malaysia, to use i-KOD for education and learning process in

primary school with special education in hearing-impaired. We also approach

Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarat Malaysia to channel i-KOD to parents who have


hearing-impaired child in their family. Therefore, we will do a road show to

introduce i-KOD to our target customer.

Promotion is doing by put pamphlets and brochures at shopping complex,

hospitals and libraries. Our next stage is to approach the medical care-givers

working with doctors or in hospitals, also pre-professionals or professionals in

Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology, and Special Education.

Last but not least is to approach sign language learners and peers or

playmates of hearing-impaired children. As said by Jean Piaget, who is a Swiss

psychologist remembered for his studies of cognitive development in children said

play is a child’s work.

5.5.1 Pricing strategy

The main objective of i-KOD development is to enable parent and family who have

hearing-impaired to learn the sign language in very convenient way. Not just that,

we are also concern about our product price. Because of our target market is so

niche and focus to special education sector, we will sell our product by license per

head basis.

However, we also appoint our sales agent to sell i-KOD, such as in book stores,

libraries, hospitals and etc. Each i-KOD will be selling at RM25.00 per unit.


5.5.2 Promotion and Distribution

We are using several types of media as tools of promotion. For kick-start we use

printed material such as news paper, magazine, poster and fliers as a medium of

promotion. We also will conduct a road show to promote i-KOD. Seminar and

special school is the best place to do road shows. We also will place our pamphlet

and brochure at any necessary place such as shopping malls, book stores, and

libraries to promote i-KOD as a general sales strategy. We also appoint a sales

agent to as our distribution channels. Bookstores, libraries, Persatuan Ibu bapa dan

Guru (PIBG) also a part of our distribution channels.



Table 5.13 : Vivid Splendour – 3 Years Profit and Loss


SALES 127,157.27 159,763.37 217,107.12



Salary 72,000.00 72,000.00 72,000.00

Allowance 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00

KWSP & SOCSO 5,952.00 5,952.00 5,952.00

Office equipment 360.00 360.00 360.00

Contingency 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

rental -office 600.00 600.00 600.00

rental-webhosting 0.00 0.00 0.00

Streamyx / Fax 360.00 360.00 360.00

Transportation 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00

ROB 200.00 100.00 100.00


Domain / Web Hosting 0.00

Software 7,784.27

Replication 12,716.45 15,976.34 21,710.71


Promotion 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Insurance 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Loan Interest 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00


Computer Equipment 937.50 820.31 717.77

pc server 0.00

TOTAL EXPENSES 128,810.22 124,068.65 129,700.49

NET PROFIT (1,652.95) 35,694.72 87,406.64


Table : 5.14 : Vivid Splendour – 3 Year Balance Sheet

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Computer Equipment

6,562.50 5,742.19 5,024.41

PC (Server) 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL FIXED ASSET (NET) 6,562.50 5,742.19 5,024.41


Cash 23,984.55 52,499.59 132,624.00

Office Deposit 150.00 150.00 150.00

web hosting 0.00

bank deposit 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00


(NET) 26,134.55 54,649.59 134,774.00


Creditor 0.00

NET CURRENT ASSET 32,697.05 60,391.77 139,798.41


MARA’s Loan 32,000.00 24,000.00 16,000.00

TOTAL NET ASSET 697.05 36,391.77 123,798.41


CAPITAL 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00

Accumulative Profit 0.00 (1,652.95) 34,041.77

(+) NET PROFIT (1,652.95) 35,694.72 87,406.64

TOTAL OWNER EQUITY 697.05 36,391.77 123,798.41

Month Year 1



1 1,432.80

2 3,496.03

3 4,265.16

4 5,203.49

5 6,348.26

6 7,744.88

7 9,448.75

8 11,527.48

9 14,063.53

10 17,157.50

11 20,932.15

12 25,537.23

TOTAL 127,157.27

$ 0 . 0 0$ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0$ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0$ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0$ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0Y E A R

Table : 5.15 : Sales Forecast

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3









72 7,744.88 387.24 12,136.72

175 8,472.90 423.64 12,986.29

213 9,269.35 463.47 13,895.33

260 10,140.67 507.03 14,868.00

317 11,093.89 554.69 15,908.76

387 12,136.72 606.84 17,022.38

472 13,277.57 663.88 18,213.94

576 14,525.66 726.28 19,488.92

703 15,891.08 794.55 20,853.14

858 17,384.84 869.24 22,312.86

1,047 19,019.01 950.95 23,874.77

1,277 20,806.80 1,040.34 25,546.00

6,358 159,763.37 7,988 217,107.12

Figure 5.4 : Sales Forecast Graph

R 1 Y E A R 2 Y E A R 3S A L E


Year 3

















0 . 0 05 , 0 0 0 . 0 01 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 01 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 02 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 02 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 03 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

( 1 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 )0 . 0 01 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 02 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 03 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 04 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 05 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 06 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 07 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 08 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 09 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 01

Figure 5.5 : Break-even point

Figure 5.6 : Profit and Loss Graph

S a l eC o s

2 3P R O F I T L O


e ss t



5.7 Assessment of risk

5.7.1 SWOT Analysis

Table 5.16 : SWOT Analysis



Different from other competitor’s

product in term of functionality and


Focus on Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

which is used by Deaf student in


Sign language is stored in dynamic


Ease of use and user friendly.

Vocabulary of sign language is limited

because of certain limitation.

Not much function compare to overseas


Developer do not competent in sign




First sign language software develops for

Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu.

Education sector for the Deaf is

increasing at 8 percent each year.

Can be use to support conventional

method of education and learning for

special primary school for hearing-


Do not have expertise on sign language

Need to learn on pedagogy for the Deaf


5.8 Long-Term Development & Exit Plan

5.8.1 Goals

i. To study about Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

ii. To make a data collection about Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

iii. To develop a centralized database about Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu

iv. To develop a prototype of product

v. To have a user testing on product to make sure the product match with user


5.8.2 Strategies

In the next 2 years, Vivid Splendour will extend our product. Our target

market stills the same. But we approach the wider segmentation. We propose to

develop an interactive learning CD for the hearing-impaired student. As they now

are using the same material as the normal student, we are trying to produce a special

material for the hearing-impaired student to learn by using the interactive learning.

However, as the technology emerge, we consider to use mobile application

as a medium instead of CD. Perhaps, by the time, PDA is a common gadget as hand

phone now.


5.8.3 Milestones

In drafting the project schedule, the researcher has chosen Microsoft Project

2003 for designing the project schedule. Microsoft Project 2003 is software

essential for project managers. It helps a project manager to stay on schedule and

also on budget. Furthermore, when developing software systems, understanding and

exploiting infrastructure services and other existing resources can be at least half the

battle. It is important that people working on a project discover early in its lifecycle

what its dependencies are, what services and resources are available, and how to use

them appropriately.

Briefly, the project is started on July 2006. Until October 2006, we have

done the Project Overview, Literature Review, Methodology and Initial Findings.

While for the Business Plan section also done excluding Financial Plan. By

November, we will start our product development process. A full detail on the

schedule can be found in Appendix A.

5.8.3 Risk Evaluation

i-KOD is a CD-based product. Therefore, there are possibly several problem

will occurs.

i. Virus issue

We will ensure i-KOD is free from any virus. Before distribute our system, we

will conduct an evaluation process to check availability of our product.


ii. Pirate issue

Vivid Splendour cannot control about piracy issue. To secure our market, we

only release our patch to the end customer after their payment is clear. Vivid

Splendour will contact them by email and each user will give a unique serial

number to enable them to update patch for their software.

5.8.5 Exit Plan

From Gantt Chart (Appendix A), shows that the development process will

complete on June 2007. Therefore, we aspect at the end of June 2007 our product

will be ready to market. Vivid Splendour currently developing the i-KOD. This is

to show our commitments on this product and our objective and passionate to help

our special community. By involved with this project we also carry out with our

social responsibility.

5.9 Chapter Summary

This chapter define the whole business plan for i-KOD. This business plan

will be a manual for Vivid Splendour to make sure i-KOD will be able to penetrate

market and able to get a growing revenue allowing for positive income. Therefore,

the strategy to market i-KOD will be review and evaluate from time to time to

ensure the availability of product.



6.1 Achievements

This project is based on the study held by the researcher. For the time-being,

user requirement are collected through survey and interview. Researcher conducted

survey to collect information from parents and hearing-impaired student. Interview

is to collect information and get some idea from teachers. From the interview, we

share information about hearing-impaired student and their behavior.

From the study that has been done, researcher already identified all the

technique, tools and technology that will be use for system development. After 5

month of conducting research for this project, the researcher manages to collect and

prepare information for prototype development.


6.2 Constraints & Challenges

Major constrains in this project is for data collection especially for the video

clips. The video clips were collected in .avi format. However, by using Sony Vegas

7, researcher converts the file into .mpeg format. Therefore, researcher needs a big

size of memory to store all the data and video clips. Besides, researcher also needs

to prepare all the equipments to record and store all the sign language data.

For initial data collection, researcher needs to visit 3 special schools around

Johor Bahru. The special school was, SR. Pendidikan Khas Johor Bahru, SMK

Taman Sutera, Johor Bahru and SM Pendidikan Khas (V) Indahpura, Kulai.

However, cost and time constraint was key challenge to collect all the information

and do extra research related to the existing product in market.

6.3 Discussions & Recommendations

The aspiration to proceed with this project is to develop a learning method

for hearing-impaired student with more interactive and interesting way. It also will

help the hearing-impaired student to communicate with their teachers, friends and

family. Besides, our objectives are to create a database that collect and stored the

Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu in digital format and dynamic database. This is

because sign language keeps on expanding and changes through time. Therefore,

we need to documentation the sign language in the dynamic forms.

Currently, researcher implements mastering learning in i-KOD. Later in the

future, researcher plan to add an additive learning feature as an enhancement. This

feature is to give value added to the product.



Baker, Mona (1994). In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation, Routledge, p. 54.

Baker, P.G., (1994). Designing Interactive Learning. In T. Jong & L. Sarti,

Design and Production of Multimedia and Simulation-based Training. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Bosco, J., (1986). An Analysis of Evaluations of Interactive Video, Educational

Technology, 26(5), 7-17. Briggs, L.J., (1970). Handbook of Procedures for the Design of Instruction,

Pittsburgh: American Institutes for Research. Country Profile Study on Persons with Disabilities (2001). Yayasan Bina

Swadaya – JICA.

Craig Larman (2002). Applying UML and Patterns : An introduction to object-oriented analysis and design the unified process (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall PTR.

Dalton, D.W., (1986). How Effective is Interactive Video in Improving

Performance and Attitude? Educational Technology, 26(5), 27-29. Fletcher, J.D., (1990). Effectiveness and Cost of Interactive Videodisc

Instruction in Defense Training and Education, [IDA Paper P-2372] Alexandria, VA: Institute for Defense Analyses.

Harwell, R, Aslaksen, E, Hooks, I, Mengot, R, Ptack, K (1993). "What is a

requirement?", Proc. 3rd Ann. Intl Symp. Natl Council Systems Eng,. Jeffery L. Whitten (2000). System Analysis and Design Method. 5th Edition.

Prentice Hall, International, Inc.


Klima, Edward S.; & Bellugi, Ursula (1979). The signs of language. Cambridge,

MA: Harvard University Press. Komunikasi Seluruh Bahasa Malaysia Kod Tangan (1985). Dewan Bahasa dan

Pustaka. Maher, L., (1988). Hands-on Verification of Mechanics Training, A Cost

Effectiveness Study of Videodisc Simulation, Sacramento: California Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Automotive Repair.

Malaysian Sign Language (2000). Malaysian Federation of the Deaf, Kuala

Lumpur. Mehrabian, Albert. (1972). Nonverbal communication. Chicago: Aldine

Atherton. Mohamed , R , (2002). Language for the Deaf child and family unity, Dewan

Bahasa, p36 – 38. Snyder. C, (2003). How effective is paper prototyping? The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © (2004). 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright © (2003).

Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. References from internet

Title : How effective is paper prototyping Url : Date Accessed : September 7, 2006 Title : Innovations for the hearing-impaired Url : Date Accessed : September 4, 2006


Title : Manually Coded Language Url : Date Accessed : September 3, 2006 Title : Popularity of Sign Language Url : Date Accessed : September 10, 2006 Title : What is finger spell Url : Date Accessed : September 2, 2006



ID Task Name Duration Start Finish

1 Project 2 81 days? Mon 1/1/07 Fri 4/20/07

2 Install Software 3 days? Mon 1/1/07 Wed 1/3/07

3 Configure Software 5 days? Thu 1/4/07 Tue 1/9/07

4 Info Gathering 24 days? Wed 1/10/07 Mon 2/12/07

5 Project Development 47 days? Thu 1/11/07 Fri 3/16/07

6 Alpha Testing 2 days? Mon 2/12/07 Tue 2/13/07

7 Software Review 1 day? Mon 2/19/07 Mon 2/19/07

8 Beta Testing 2 days? Tue 2/20/07 Wed 2/21/07

9 Potential User Acceptance Testing 1 day? Fri 2/23/07 Fri 2/23/07

10 Report Writing 10 days? Mon 2/26/07 Fri 3/9/07

11 Interim 1 day? Thu 3/8/07 Thu 3/8/07

12 Submit Report to Supervisor 2 days? Fri 3/9/07 Mon 3/12/07

13 Correction 4 days? Wed 3/14/07 Mon 3/19/07

14 Project Presentation 1 day? Wed 3/21/07 Wed 3/21/07

15 Correction 6 days? Mon 3/26/07 Mon 4/2/07

16 Submit Draft Report 1 day? Tue 4/3/07 Tue 4/3/07

17 Correction 4 days? Wed 4/4/07 Mon 4/9/07

18 Final Presentation 1 day? Tue 4/10/07 Tue 4/10/07

19 Correction 5 days? Fri 4/13/07 Thu 4/19/07

20 Submit Correction 1 day? Thu 4/19/07 Thu 4/19/07

21 Submit Hard Binding Thesis 1 day? Fri 4/20/07 Fri 4/20/07

S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F SDec 31, '06 Jan 7, '07 Jan 14, '07 Jan 21, '07






Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone


Page 1

Project: Project2Date: Thu 4/19/07

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish

1 Project 2 81 days? Mon 1/1/07 Fri 4/20/07

2 Install Software 3 days? Mon 1/1/07 Wed 1/3/07

3 Configure Software 5 days? Thu 1/4/07 Tue 1/9/07

4 Info Gathering 24 days? Wed 1/10/07 Mon 2/12/07

5 Project Development 47 days? Thu 1/11/07 Fri 3/16/07

6 Alpha Testing 2 days? Mon 2/12/07 Tue 2/13/07

7 Software Review 1 day? Mon 2/19/07 Mon 2/19/07

8 Beta Testing 2 days? Tue 2/20/07 Wed 2/21/07

9 Potential User Acceptance Testing 1 day? Fri 2/23/07 Fri 2/23/07

10 Report Writing 10 days? Mon 2/26/07 Fri 3/9/07

11 Interim 1 day? Thu 3/8/07 Thu 3/8/07

12 Submit Report to Supervisor 2 days? Fri 3/9/07 Mon 3/12/07

13 Correction 4 days? Wed 3/14/07 Mon 3/19/07

14 Project Presentation 1 day? Wed 3/21/07 Wed 3/21/07

15 Correction 6 days? Mon 3/26/07 Mon 4/2/07

16 Submit Draft Report 1 day? Tue 4/3/07 Tue 4/3/07

17 Correction 4 days? Wed 4/4/07 Mon 4/9/07

18 Final Presentation 1 day? Tue 4/10/07 Tue 4/10/07

19 Correction 5 days? Fri 4/13/07 Thu 4/19/07

20 Submit Correction 1 day? Thu 4/19/07 Thu 4/19/07

21 Submit Hard Binding Thesis 1 day? Fri 4/20/07 Fri 4/20/07

S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S SJan 28, '07 Feb 4, '07 Feb 11, '07 Feb 18, '07 Feb






Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone


Page 2

Project: Project2Date: Thu 4/19/07

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish

1 Project 2 81 days? Mon 1/1/07 Fri 4/20/07

2 Install Software 3 days? Mon 1/1/07 Wed 1/3/07

3 Configure Software 5 days? Thu 1/4/07 Tue 1/9/07

4 Info Gathering 24 days? Wed 1/10/07 Mon 2/12/07

5 Project Development 47 days? Thu 1/11/07 Fri 3/16/07

6 Alpha Testing 2 days? Mon 2/12/07 Tue 2/13/07

7 Software Review 1 day? Mon 2/19/07 Mon 2/19/07

8 Beta Testing 2 days? Tue 2/20/07 Wed 2/21/07

9 Potential User Acceptance Testing 1 day? Fri 2/23/07 Fri 2/23/07

10 Report Writing 10 days? Mon 2/26/07 Fri 3/9/07

11 Interim 1 day? Thu 3/8/07 Thu 3/8/07

12 Submit Report to Supervisor 2 days? Fri 3/9/07 Mon 3/12/07

13 Correction 4 days? Wed 3/14/07 Mon 3/19/07

14 Project Presentation 1 day? Wed 3/21/07 Wed 3/21/07

15 Correction 6 days? Mon 3/26/07 Mon 4/2/07

16 Submit Draft Report 1 day? Tue 4/3/07 Tue 4/3/07

17 Correction 4 days? Wed 4/4/07 Mon 4/9/07

18 Final Presentation 1 day? Tue 4/10/07 Tue 4/10/07

19 Correction 5 days? Fri 4/13/07 Thu 4/19/07

20 Submit Correction 1 day? Thu 4/19/07 Thu 4/19/07

21 Submit Hard Binding Thesis 1 day? Fri 4/20/07 Fri 4/20/07

M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M25, '07 Mar 4, '07 Mar 11, '07 Mar 18, '07 Mar 25,






Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone


Page 3

Project: Project2Date: Thu 4/19/07

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish

1 Project 2 81 days? Mon 1/1/07 Fri 4/20/07

2 Install Software 3 days? Mon 1/1/07 Wed 1/3/07

3 Configure Software 5 days? Thu 1/4/07 Tue 1/9/07

4 Info Gathering 24 days? Wed 1/10/07 Mon 2/12/07

5 Project Development 47 days? Thu 1/11/07 Fri 3/16/07

6 Alpha Testing 2 days? Mon 2/12/07 Tue 2/13/07

7 Software Review 1 day? Mon 2/19/07 Mon 2/19/07

8 Beta Testing 2 days? Tue 2/20/07 Wed 2/21/07

9 Potential User Acceptance Testing 1 day? Fri 2/23/07 Fri 2/23/07

10 Report Writing 10 days? Mon 2/26/07 Fri 3/9/07

11 Interim 1 day? Thu 3/8/07 Thu 3/8/07

12 Submit Report to Supervisor 2 days? Fri 3/9/07 Mon 3/12/07

13 Correction 4 days? Wed 3/14/07 Mon 3/19/07

14 Project Presentation 1 day? Wed 3/21/07 Wed 3/21/07

15 Correction 6 days? Mon 3/26/07 Mon 4/2/07

16 Submit Draft Report 1 day? Tue 4/3/07 Tue 4/3/07

17 Correction 4 days? Wed 4/4/07 Mon 4/9/07

18 Final Presentation 1 day? Tue 4/10/07 Tue 4/10/07

19 Correction 5 days? Fri 4/13/07 Thu 4/19/07

20 Submit Correction 1 day? Thu 4/19/07 Thu 4/19/07

21 Submit Hard Binding Thesis 1 day? Fri 4/20/07 Fri 4/20/07

T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T07 Apr 1, '07 Apr 8, '07 Apr 15, '07 Apr 22, '07






Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone


Page 4

Project: Project2Date: Thu 4/19/07





Name : Cik Siti Norbiha bt. Mohd. Safie

Age : 24 years old

Date of Birth : 21 Dec 83

Post : Teacher

Sekolah Rendah Pendidikan Khas Johor Bahru

Education : 1 - Diploma Perguruan Pendidikan Khas

Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas, Kuala Lumpur(2004)

2 - Sijil Penterjemahan Bahasa Isyarat

Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia, 2006

Option : English

Tel. No. : 07-5566281





Name : Puan Norihan Bt. Ahmad

Age : 51 years old

Date of Birth : 30-04-1955

Post : Headmistress

Sekolah Rendah Pendidikan Khas Johor Bahru

Education : SMK (P) Sultan Ibrahim (1974)

Maktab Perguruan Perempuan Melayu, Melaka (1977)

Experiences : SM Munshi Ibrahim, Bt. 21 (1978 - 1982)

SMK Majidi Baru, JB (1983 - 1995)

SRPK JB (Dec 1995 - now)

Option : ERT, English, Art

Tel. No. : 07-5566281




We conducted our research by using qualitative method. Sekolah

Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas Johor Bahru has been chosen to be our case study


By using qualitative method, there are 3 ways to conduct a research.

i. Observation

ii. Interview

iii. Document Analysis

An interview session has been conducted with Head mistress Sekolah

Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas, Johor Bahru. Puan Norihan Binti Ahmad. The

interview has been held on 15 November 2006 at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan

Khas Johor Bahru.

Follow is an interview questions and answers.




1. How the early education for hearing-impaired student was conducted?

The early education for hearing-impaired was conducted by using learning aid

method such as flash card, LCD and chart.

2. Can the hearing-impaired student receive the lesson? Is there any problem


Some of the students are to slow to absorb the lesson. The main factor is

because of student is to late expose to sign language. Problem rose when they

communicate with family by not using sign language, while at school they use

sign language to communicate with teacher and friends.

3. How was parent’s acceptance to current learning method?

Because of this school is boarding school, most of the parents just leaving the

responsibility and learning process to teacher at school.

4. Learning and education process at school was conducted by using KTMB, where

did the student learn to use BIM?

Yes, learning process in classes was conducted in KTBM. However, they also

learn Malaysian Sign Language from other sources.

5. Is there any problem due to different language is used in learning and education


Yes, there are problems by using these languages. However, if they can’t find a

word in KTBM, they will use BIM in education and learning process.

6. Which one is more effective, KTBM or BIM?


For students, KTBM is more effective, because they used it in class. However,

for adult they prefer to use BIM. Nevertheless, BIM is effective in


7. Is there any problem exist between hearing-impaired child with their parents and

their community?

Yes, absolutely. Sometime problem occur when communication breakdown

between hearing-impaired child with their parents and community.

8. If YES, how schools help the parent to solve this problem?

School helps these parents by conduct a class for them. Besides, we also

promote them a sign language book, so that their child can practice with them at


9. Is there any parents that take initiative to learn or take a sign language class?

Yes, however their percentage is not too much. As I said before, they just leave

their responsibility to school.

10. Do you think, interactive learning through CD will help hearing-impaired

student in learning process?

Yes, of course. Beside, before this we just use the same material as normal

student. However, they can’t absorb the lesson and give full attention. His is

because they cannot understand contains in the CD. As we know, they speak in

different language.

11. Does school have all the facilities to conduct an interactive learning?

Yes, we have computer / laptop and LCD projector. We also have a computer

lab. All we need now, only a learning aid that can help hearing-impaired

student in their education and learning process.

















We conducted our research by using qualitative method. Sekolah

Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas Johor Bahru has been chosen to be our case study

sample. By using qualitative method, there are 3 ways to conduct a research.

i. Observation

Observation includes watching how teacher at the special school perform

their task to teach the hearing impaired students. Notes are taken on the

actions perform and interaction involved. Analysis exiting documents

will provide information on the procedure and flow of certain processes.

ii. Interview

A few interview sessions had been conduct with some users in other real

world to have better understanding of their need toward the Translation

of Malay Text to Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu can help them better.

iii. Document Analysis

An experiment test has been conducted at Sekolah Kebangsaan

Pendidikan Khas Johor Bahru. There are 74 students from pre-school

until standard 3 involves in this testing phase. We randomly divided the

group into two groups. Group A contains 37 students which is using i-

KOD in their learning process, while Group B contains another 37

students which is using the ordinary method of learning.

From the experiment, we can obviously see that, Group A result is better

compare to Group B result. Below is the result from the test.

From the generated graph, we can see that 86.5 percent of students which is

using i-KOD pass the test that given after their learning session. While

percent of student from Group B, which is using the ordinary learning method pass

the test. As mention earlier, the group is separate in random, means that in each

group consist of students from pre

5 students from Group A which is did not pass the test comes from pre

schools class. All of them are not familiar yet with sign language and hand

movement. While 24 students in Group B, which is using ordinary learning method,

did not pass the test. . Firstly, all the

A conducted by using i-

using ordinary learning method. After certain period, all the students are

answer a set of question. Both group answe

clips on sign language are projected in the classroom. Here, researcher includes a

sample set of question which is given to both groups of students to answer.

051 01 52 02 53 03 5

Figure : Result from experimental test

From the generated graph, we can see that 86.5 percent of students which is

KOD pass the test that given after their learning session. While

percent of student from Group B, which is using the ordinary learning method pass

the test. As mention earlier, the group is separate in random, means that in each

students from pre-school until standard 3 students.

Group A which is did not pass the test comes from pre

schools class. All of them are not familiar yet with sign language and hand

students in Group B, which is using ordinary learning method,

Firstly, all the students will be teach on selected topic,

-KOD as a learning aids method, while Group B conducted

using ordinary learning method. After certain period, all the students are

answer a set of question. Both group answered the same set of question. Video

clips on sign language are projected in the classroom. Here, researcher includes a

set of question which is given to both groups of students to answer.

U s i n g i - K O D N o t u s i n g i - K O D

3 21 35

2 4

P a s s t h e t e s t N o t p a s s t h e t e s t


From the generated graph, we can see that 86.5 percent of students which is

KOD pass the test that given after their learning session. While only 35.13

percent of student from Group B, which is using the ordinary learning method pass

the test. As mention earlier, the group is separate in random, means that in each

Group A which is did not pass the test comes from pre-

schools class. All of them are not familiar yet with sign language and hand

students in Group B, which is using ordinary learning method,

students will be teach on selected topic, Group

KOD as a learning aids method, while Group B conducted

using ordinary learning method. After certain period, all the students are needed to

red the same set of question. Video

clips on sign language are projected in the classroom. Here, researcher includes a

set of question which is given to both groups of students to answer.


Soalan 1





Soalan 2





Soalan 3





Soalan 4





Soalan 5






Soalan 6





Soalan 7





Soalan 8





Soalan 9





Soalan 10








As-Is Process and Data Model

Usecase Diagram

Usecase diagram for As-is Process


Use Case Description

Use case 1 : Learning process

Function : Teachers teach sign language to their students by using

flash card and pictures as a learning aid.

Primary actor : Teacher

Secondary actor : Student

Goal : To enable student to understand sign language

Pre-condition : Teacher must have flash cards

Post condition : Student able to use sign language

Usecase Specification for Learning Process

Teacher Student

Current Education


Learning Process

Usecase Diagram for Learning Process

Main success scenario

1. Teachers must have learning aid to teach student.

2. Learning process done by teacher.


Use Case Description

Use case 2 : Exercise

Function : Student are given exercise to ensure they understand what

they have learnt

Primary actor : Student

Secondary actor : Teacher

Goal : To test student’s level of understanding

Pre-condition : Teacher prepare for the exercise

Post condition : Student able/unable to do the exercise

Usecase Specification for Exercise

Teacher Student

Current Education



Usecase Diagram for Exercise

Main success scenario

1. Teacher prepare for the exercise.

2. Students do the exercise.

3. Students submit the exercise.

4. Teacher discusses answer with students.


To-Be Process and Data Model

Use Case Diagram

Usecase Diagram for To-Be Process


Use Case Description

Use case 1 : Dictionary

Function : User enter dictionary module

Primary actor : Users

Secondary actor : -

Goal : To be a learning tools for users

Pre-condition : User need to run i-KOD software

Post condition : User are able to understand sign language (Kod Tangan

Bahasa Melayu)

Usecase Specification for Dictionary

Diagram for Dictionary

Main success scenario

1. User run i-KOD

2. User enters text in the input box.

3. User click on “play” button at Windows Media Player control panel

4. Software will display sign language and picture.

5. User clicks on image to play sound / pronunciation of the object.

6. user repeat step 2.


Alternate scenarios

1. User run i-KOD

2. a) User choose from category list.

3. User click on “play” button at Windows Media Player control panel

4. Software will display sign language and picture.

5. User clicks on image to play sound / pronunciation of the object.

6. User repeat step 2.

7. User exit Dictionary module


Use Case Description

Use case 2 : Quiz

Function : User can take a quiz to ensure they understand what they

have learnt

Primary actor : Users

Secondary actor : -

Goal : To test users’ level of understanding

Pre-condition : User prepare for the exercise

Post condition : User can preview their score if their score is in 20 best


Usecase Specification for Exercise

Usecase Diagram for Quiz

Main success scenario

1. User enter quiz module.

2. User choose quiz to play

3. User choose the category of word

4. User click on “MULA” button

5. User click on “PLAY” button at Windows Media Player to play the video clip

6. User answer the question

7. User click on “SETERUSNYA” button for next question


8. User repeat step 5, until all the question answered

9. User will be prompt to enter their name

10. User will be displayed with their score

11. User exit from Quiz module


Use Case Description

Use case 3 : Patch

Function : Enable user to get update patch

Primary actor : User

Secondary actor : Researcher

Goal : To enable user to update their update patch file

Pre-condition : Researcher upload update patch file

Post condition : User download update patch file

Usecase Specification for Report

Usecase Diagram for Update Patch


Main success scenario

1. User click on Update Patch button

2. User enter serial code provided by researcher

3. User browse for MSL_Update.mdb file

4. User click on Update button, database were updating

5. User click on Close button, after finish update





Activity Diagram for Dictionary


Activity Diagram for Quiz


Activity Diagram for Update Patch




A part of coding for i-KOD main interface.

Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False 'Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim Flag As Boolean Private Sub cmbCategory_Change() Call cmbCategory_Click End Sub Private Sub cmbCategory_Click() Dim strSQL As String lblWordDisplay.Caption = "" lblSentenceDisplay.Caption = "" listSentences.Clear imgWord.Picture = LoadPicture() 'Clear the picturebox. ' recNoVideo.Visible = True 'Cover the video screen with the rectangle. MediaPlayer1.AllowChangeDisplaySize = False MediaPlayer1.FileName = "" 'Clear the video. MediaPlayer2.FileName = "" 'Clear the audio. lblWordAudio.Visible = False If cmbCategory.Text = "Semua" Then strSQL = "Select Word FROM Dictionary ORDER BY Word" ElseIf cmbCategory.Text = "" Then strSQL = "Select Word FROM Dictionary WHERE Category IS NULL ORDER BY Word" Else strSQL = "Select Word FROM Dictionary WHERE Category = '" & cmbCategory.Text & "' ORDER BY Word" End If Call Me.ListingWords(listWord, strSQL) End Sub Private Sub cmdAddPicture_Click() dlgPicture.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist Or _ cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or _ cdlOFNExplorer dlgPicture.CancelError = True dlgPicture.Filter = "Graphics Files|*.bmp;*.ico;*.jpg;*.gif" On Error Resume Next dlgPicture.ShowOpen If Err.Number = cdlCancel Then Exit Sub ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then


MsgBox "Error " & Format$(Err.Number) & " selecting file." & vbCrLf & Err.Description Exit Sub End If lblWordDisplay.Caption = UCase(txtWord.Text) imgWord.Picture = LoadPicture(dlgPicture.FileName) cmdSavePicture.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdAddSentences_Click() If listSentences.ListIndex >= 0 Then listSentences.Selected(listSentences.ListIndex) = False End If txtAddSentences.Text = "" txtAddSentences.SetFocus cmdUpdateSentences.Enabled = False cmdDelSentences.Enabled = False cmdAddVideo.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdAddVideo_Click() dlgVideo.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist Or _ cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or _ cdlOFNExplorer dlgVideo.CancelError = True dlgVideo.Filter = "Video Files|*.avi" On Error Resume Next dlgVideo.ShowOpen If Err.Number = cdlCancel Then Exit Sub ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error " & Format$(Err.Number) & " selecting file." & vbCrLf & Err.Description Exit Sub End If 'Set sentences for video. lblSentenceDisplay.Caption = listSentences.Text 'Set Video. MediaPlayer1.FileName = dlgVideo.FileName recNoVideo.Visible = False cmdSaveVideo.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdAddWord_Click() Dim strSQL As String


If MsgBox("Pasti hendak tambah perkataan '" & UCase(txtWord.Text) & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then ' Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset ' rs.Open "Dictionary", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable ' ' rs.AddNew ' rs!Word = UCase(txtWord.Text) ' rs.UpdateBatch ' ' rs.Close ' If cmbCategory.Text = "" Then ' MsgBox "Sila Pilih Kategori" ' Flag = True ' Exit Sub ' End If cn.Execute "insert into dictionary (Word) values ('" & UCase(txtWord.Text) & "')" strSQL = "Select Word FROM Dictionary WHERE Word LIKE '%" & txtWord.Text & "%' ORDER BY Word" Call Me.ListingWords(listWord, strSQL) End If End Sub Private Sub cmdDelPicture_Click() If MsgBox("Pasti hendak buang gambar '" & UCase(txtWord.Text) & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then cn.Execute "UPDATE Dictionary SET Picture = null WHERE Word ='" & txtWord.Text & "'" cmdDelPicture.Enabled = False lblWordDisplay.Caption = "" 'Clear the word for picture. imgWord.Picture = LoadPicture() 'Clear the picturebox. End If End Sub Private Sub cmdDelSentences_Click() Dim strSQL As String If MsgBox("Pasti hendak buang ayat '" & listSentences.Text & "' untuk perkataan '" & UCase(txtWord.Text) & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then cn.Execute "DELETE Sentences.* FROM Sentences WHERE Word ='" & txtWord.Text & "' AND Sentences = '" & listSentences.Text & "'" 'Prepare SQL Statement to get list of sentences for the selected word. strSQL = "Select Sentences FROM Sentences WHERE Word = '" & listWord.Text & "' ORDER BY Sentences" ''Calling sub Function ListingWords. Call ListingWords(listSentences, strSQL)


txtAddSentences.Text = "" cmdSaveSentences.Enabled = False cmdUpdateSentences.Enabled = False cmdDelSentences.Enabled = False cmdAddVideo.Enabled = False cmdSaveVideo.Enabled = False cmdDelVideo.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub cmdDelVideo_Click() If MsgBox("Pasti hendak buang video '" & listSentences.Text & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then cn.Execute "UPDATE Sentences SET VideoForSentences = null WHERE Word ='" & txtWord.Text & "' and Sentences = '" & listSentences.Text & "'" lblSentenceDisplay.Caption = "" ' recNoVideo.Visible = True MediaPlayer1.AllowChangeDisplaySize = False MediaPlayer1.FileName = "" 'Clear the video. MediaPlayer1.AutoStart = False cmdDelVideo.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub cmdSavePicture_Click() If MsgBox("Pasti hendak letak/tukar gambar '" & UCase(txtWord.Text) & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then cn.Execute "UPDATE Dictionary SET Picture = '\PIC\" & UCase(dlgPicture.FileTitle) & "' WHERE Word ='" & txtWord.Text & "'" Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fs.CopyFile dlgPicture.FileName, App.Path & "\PIC\" & dlgPicture.FileTitle cmdSavePicture.Enabled = False cmdDelPicture.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdSaveSentences_Click() Dim strSQL As String If cmdUpdateSentences.Enabled Then cn.Execute "UPDATE Sentences SET Sentences = '" & Trim(txtAddSentences.Text) & "' WHERE Word ='" & txtWord.Text & "' AND Sentences = '" & listSentences.Text & "'" GoTo Exit_Sub End If If MsgBox("Pasti hendak tambah ayat '" & txtAddSentences.Text & "' untuk perkataan '" & UCase(txtWord.Text) & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then


cn.Execute "insert into Sentences (Word,Sentences) values ('" & UCase(txtWord.Text) & "','" & txtAddSentences.Text & "')" GoTo Exit_Sub End If Exit Sub Exit_Sub: 'Prepare SQL Statement to get list of sentences for the selected word. strSQL = "Select Sentences FROM Sentences WHERE Word = '" & listWord.Text & "' ORDER BY Sentences" ''Calling sub Function ListingWords. Call ListingWords(listSentences, strSQL) txtAddSentences.Text = "" cmdSaveSentences.Enabled = False cmdUpdateSentences.Enabled = False cmdDelSentences.Enabled = False cmdAddVideo.Enabled = False cmdSaveVideo.Enabled = False cmdDelVideo.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdSaveVideo_Click() If MsgBox("Pasti hendak letak/tukar video untuk ayat '" & listSentences.Text & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then cn.Execute "UPDATE Sentences SET VideoForSentences = '\VIDEO\" & UCase(dlgVideo.FileTitle) & "' WHERE Word ='" & txtWord.Text & "' and Sentences = '" & listSentences.Text & "'" Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fs.CopyFile dlgVideo.FileName, App.Path & "\VIDEO\" & dlgVideo.FileTitle cmdSaveVideo.Enabled = False '''cmdDelPicture.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdUpdateSentences_Click() txtAddSentences.Text = listSentences.Text End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim strSQL As String 'Me.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\icon\1800x1200bg.jpg") 'MsgBox App.Path frmWord.Height = 6810 listWord.Height = 4935 - 300 lblWordCount.Top = listWord.Top + listWord.Height + 100 recNoVideo.Top = MediaPlayer1.Top recNoVideo.Left = MediaPlayer1.Left


Set cn = New ADODB.Connection ' The ConnectionString contains the path of the database. cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\MSL.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=1" cn.Open Call txtWord_Change strSQL = "Select Category FROM Dictionary GROUP BY Category ORDER BY Category" Call ListingWords(cmbCategory, strSQL) cmbCategory.AddItem "Semua" End Sub


A part of coding for i-KOD update patch.

Attribute VB_Name = "frmUpdateData" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Dim cn1 As ADODB.Connection ''connection for Update database. Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset ''connection for Update recordset. Dim rs2 As ADODB.Recordset ''connection for current recordset. Private Sub cmdClose_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Dim i As Integer On Error GoTo Err_Handler ' allDrives$ = Space$(64) ' ' ret& = GetLogicalDriveStrings(Len(allDrives$), allDrives$) ' 'trim off any trailing spaces. AllDrives$ ' 'now contains all the drive letters. ' allDrives$ = Left$(allDrives$, ret&) ' ' Do ' 'first check that there is a chr$(0) in the string ' pos% = InStr(allDrives$, Chr$(0)) ' 'if there's one, then... ' ' If pos% Then ' 'extract the drive up to the chr$(0) ' JustOneDrive$ = Left$(allDrives$, pos% - 1) ' ' 'and remove that from the Alldrives string, ' 'so it won't be checked again ' allDrives$ = Mid$(allDrives$, pos% + 1, Len(allDrives$)) ' ' 'with the one drive, call the API to ' 'determine the drive type ' DriveType& = GetDriveType(JustOneDrive$) ' 'check if it's what we want ' ' If DriveType& = 5 Then 'then it is a CD Drive ' 'Print UCase$(JustOneDrive$) & " is a CD Drive" ' If ("" & Dir(App.Path & "\Update\MSL_Update.mdb")) <> "" Then ' GoSub Find_Update_Files ' End If ' 'Else ' ' Print UCase$(JustOneDrive$) & " is NOT a CD Drive" ' End If ' ' End If ' ' Loop Until allDrives$ = ""


' Label1.Caption = "Status : File Update Tidak Ditemui." If Trim(txtPwd.Text) = "" Then MsgBox "Masukan Kod Pengaktifan.", vbCritical, "Update Patch for i-Kod" Exit Sub End If cmdClose.Enabled = False Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(App.Path & "\ST6UNST.LOG", 8, TristateFalse) GoSub Find_Update_Files Exit Sub Find_Update_Files: Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection ' The ConnectionString contains the path of the database. cn1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dlgVideo.FileName & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & txtPwd.Text cn1.Open sql1 = "SELECT Word, Category, Picture, Audio, Video FROM Dictionary ORDER BY Word;" Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open sql1, cn1, adOpenStatic, , adCmdText Do Until rs1.EOF sql2 = "SELECT Word, Category, Picture, Audio, Video FROM Dictionary WHERE Word = '" & rs1!Word & "' AND Category = '" & rs1!Category & "' ORDER BY Word;" Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset rs2.Open sql2, cn, adOpenStatic, , adCmdText If rs2.EOF Then Label1.Caption = "Status : Transfering " & rs1!Word Me.Refresh For i = 2 To 4 If "" & rs1(i) <> "" Then If ("" & Dir(App.Path & "\" & rs1!Category, vbDirectory)) = "" Then fs.CreateFolder App.Path & "\" & LCase(rs1!Category) f.Write "ACTION: CreateDir: """ & App.Path & "\" & LCase(rs1!Category) & """" f.Write Chr(13) + Chr(10) f.Write Chr(13) + Chr(10) End If fs.CopyFile Left(dlgVideo.FileName, Len(dlgVideo.FileName) - Len("MSL_Update.mdb")) & "\" & rs1(i), App.Path & rs1(i)


f.Write "ACTION: PrivateFile: """ & App.Path & rs1(i) & """" f.Write Chr(13) + Chr(10) f.Write "(File was not found or was an older version -- new file copied)" f.Write Chr(13) + Chr(10) f.Write Chr(13) + Chr(10) End If Next cn.Execute "insert into Dictionary (Word, Category, Picture, Audio, Video) values ('" & UCase(rs1!Word) & "','" & rs1!Category & "','" & rs1!Picture & "','" & rs1!Audio & "','" & rs1!Video & "')" End If rs1.MoveNext Loop rs1.Close cn1.Close rs2.Close f.Close Timer1.Interval = 4000 Exit Sub Err_Handler: If Err.Description = "Not a valid password." Then MsgBox "Masukkan Kod Pengaktifan yang betul.", vbCritical, "Update Patch i-Kod" Else MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Update Patch i-Kod" End If End Sub Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click() dlgVideo.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist Or _ cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or _ cdlOFNExplorer dlgVideo.CancelError = True dlgVideo.FileName = "MSL_Update.mdb" dlgVideo.Filter = "*.mdb" On Error Resume Next dlgVideo.ShowOpen If Err.Number = cdlCancel Then Exit Sub ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error " & Format$(Err.Number) & " selecting file." & vbCrLf & Err.Description Exit Sub End If Label4.Caption = dlgVideo.FileName cmdOK.Enabled = True


End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "Select Category FROM Dictionary GROUP BY Category ORDER BY Category" Call frmMain.ListingWords(frmMain.cmbCategory, strSQL) frmMain.cmbCategory.AddItem "Semua" frmMain.txtWord.Text = " " frmMain.txtWord.Text = "" frmMain.Refresh Label1.Caption = "Status : Update Data Selesai." cmdClose.Enabled = True Timer1.Interval = 0 End Sub

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