transponder keys are safer

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Cars getting stolen every day and in every city in this country. Cars are even stolen in very safe areas because thieves know they are easy targets. Who better to rob than someone who believes they are safe. When it comes to car security, there are all types of alarm systems but the criminals soon learn how to disable them.



Cars getting stolen every day and in every city in this country. Cars are even stolen in very safe areas because thieves know they are easy targets. When it comes to car security, there are all types of alarm systems but the criminals soon learn how to disable them.

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A transponder key is a special key that sends an electronic code to the cars computer system telling it that it is okay to turn the car on and supply fuel. This is much better than the old mechanical keys that were easy to copy and that made ignitions easy to hot wire.

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All cars have what is known as an ECU (Electronic Control Unit)all modern cars have one. It regulates many functions that a car has such as, the fuel consumptions, electronic systems and alarm.

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With cars, without a transponder key, no one can turn on your car. This is a great way to protect your car against theft and is one security feature that cannot be beaten with a screwdriver and minor electronics knowledge.

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The only way to override a transponder key system is to remove the ECU and replace it with another unit. How many criminals have time to do that? How many have a spare ECU around to replace for a car they find on the street. More info on:

As you can see, criminals are smarter than we think and they are always studying how to steal your car and how to outsmart any technology that is used to secure a car. One technology that they have a hard to beating is the transponder key system which ties directly into the ECU and prevents the car from being turned on.

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The one way to beat this system is too specific and too cumbersome for the average car thief to overcome and this is why it is a great anti-theft security device for cars. Consider one for your car.

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