transportation/fleet safety and environmental safety travel - hazardous materials transportation...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Transportation/Fleet Safety and Environmental Safety


-Hazardous Materials Transportation Security-

Sandra J. PerryConsulting Services & Treatment Technologies Manager

Hazmat Transportation

• Two strategies critical to managing transportation security risks:

1) develop and implement security plans, and

2) ensure that employees who handle and transport hazardous materials are trained to recognize and react to potential security problems

Security Training

• Training provided to employees should cover– company security objectives – specific security procedures – employee responsibilities – actions to take in the event of security

breach– organization security structure

49 CFR 172.802Components of a Hazardous Materials Transportation Security Plan

““An assessment of possible transportation An assessment of possible transportation security risks for shipments of security risks for shipments of hazardous materials and appropriate hazardous materials and appropriate measures to address the assessed measures to address the assessed risks”risks”

• HazMat Risk Analysis – includes hazardous materials and hazardous waste

Personnel Security

Take measures to Take measures to confirm job confirm job applicant applicant information for information for those hired that those hired that will have access will have access to and handling of to and handling of hazardous hazardous materials.materials.

Unauthorized Access

• Take measures to Take measures to address risk of address risk of unauthorized persons unauthorized persons access to hazardous access to hazardous materials or transport materials or transport vehicles being vehicles being prepared for prepared for transportation.transportation.

En Route Security

Take measures to Take measures to address assessed address assessed security risks of security risks of shipments of shipments of hazardous materials hazardous materials en route from origin en route from origin to destination, to destination, including shipments including shipments stored incidental to stored incidental to movement.movement.

Steps in Developing a HazMat Transportation Security Plan

• Identification of Hazardous Materials• Risk Analysis

– Personnel Security Risks– Unauthorized Access Risks– En Route Security

• Security Risk Countermeasures• Personnel Training• Note: Plans must be kept

confidential; regarded as Sensitive Security Information

Performing a Risk Analysis

• Rate levels of risk/vulnerability on:– Types and quantities of hazardous materials– Accessibility of materials – Information about shipments

• Identify category of risk– Hazardous Materials Theft– Personnel Security Risk– Unauthorized Access Risk– En Route Security Risk

• Select countermeasures appropriate to level of risk (High-Med-Low)

Visitors and Contractor Policies and Procedures

Credential checks:Employment verificationCheck photo

identificationWatch for suspicious


Controlling access: Issue ID badges Escort policy

Unauthorized Access Potential

• Identify potential unauthorized access by:– Facility Operations/Personal– Visitors– Vendors and Suppliers– Contractors– Buildings and yards– Others

En Route Security

Shippers Issues

Selecting carriers Confirm driver’s

identity Specify routes Prevent tampering or

stealing Confirm delivery

En route Security

Carriers Issues

Approving and knowing shippers

Accepting shipments Securing to prevent tampering

or stealing Routing Safe driving behaviors Tracking shipments

En route Security

TEI Policies and Procedures

Background checks: Employment history Citizenship References Interview to appraise

character Criminal history

En route Security

TEI Policies and Procedures

Routing Securing shipments Safe driving behavior Communication Training Self-audits

En route Security

Security Risk Countermeasures

• Hazardous Materials Theft

• Personnel Security• Unauthorized Access• En Route Security

Be aware, alert, train your people, and take proper precautions to reduce

transportation security risks.

Thank you!Sandra J. Perry


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