travelling light 1. background knowledge background knowledge 2. text analysis text analysis 3....

Post on 20-Dec-2015






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Travelling Light

1. Background Knowledge

2. Text Analysis

3. Summary of the text

4. Exercises

5. Questions For Discussion

Background Knowledge1.      Travel: Humans have traveled ever since they first appeared on the earth. In primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places where their herds could feed, or to escape from unfriendly neighbours, or to find more favorable climates. They traveled on foot and their journeys were long, tiring, and full of dangers. Being wise and inventive, people soon discovered easier ways of travelling. They rode on the backs of horses and donkeys; they made canoes out of tree trunks to travel across water. Later, people traveled, not from necessity, but for fun and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. This is still the main reason why people travel today.

Background Knowledge Travelling has now become a highly organized business. Cars, trains, ships, planes, all these means of transportation make it possible for us to travel quickly, safely, and comfortably. With the invention of spacecraft, we have now become travelers in space.


Text Analysis

Travelling Light Have you ever gone travelling? What problems did you have when you did so? Perhaps, you can get some useful hints by reading the following article. Travelling Light helps you to enjoy yourself.

Text Analysis

Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea—until you have to pack. But packing won’t be a problem if you keep in mind one simple rule. Whether you’ll be sleeping overnight at a friend’s house, or visiting a relative for a week, the rule is: pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack.

Text Analysis

Make a list. Think of what you need from your head to your toes. Keep the list for future reference. When you’ve done this once, it will be easier the next time.

Text Analysis

Consider buying small-size samples of shampoo, toothpaste, and other items at your local drugstore. You can reuse the plastic containers the next time you go away, too. Make sure they are all sealed tightly, and keep them in a plastic case or bag, in case they leak.

Text Analysis

It’s best to be prepared and bring these items with you, but in an emergency, you can get them at your destination. This is excellent for light travelling (you’d be surprised at how much those little things can weigh you down)—but remember that the time you spend buying things at your destination will reduce your visiting time.

Text Analysis

Choosing which clothes to bring is probably the hardest packing decision to make. Think once again from head to toe—hat, shirts, jeans, sneakers, etc. Once you’ve picked out what you wanted to bring with you, think carefully—do you really need that extra pair of jeans? If so, fine, but make sure they really are worth the extra weight. Don’t try to fool yourself. You are the one who will be left holding the bag. Remember, three shirts and two pairs of pants are in fact six different dresses. Mixing and matching is a smart and easy way to lighten your load.

Text Analysis

Weather is an important factor in your packing. If it is cold, you could wear a jacket, a sweater, a regular shirt, and a tee shirt. Layering up will keep you warm, and it will leave more room in your bag.

Text Analysis

After you have mixed, matched, and layered, try to cut the amount of clothing you’ve chosen in half. It may seem impossible, but keep in mind how much easier it will be to carry your bag. After all, you are just visiting, not moving in for good. You probably won’t miss the extra sweater too much for a few days, and it certainly won’t miss you!

Text Analysis

As for shoes, you may want to call ahead to see if dress shoes are necessary. If they are, one pair will be enough, along with one pair of comfortable shoes (sneakers for nice weather, heavier shoes or boots for the winter).

Text Analysis

How to pack?

Use a small, light bag. Someone in your family may already have one that you can borrow. If you need to buy a bag, remember to find a simple one, like a canvas shoulder bag or a small backpack.

Text Analysis

Be sure to put your things in your bag evenly. It makes carrying around a bag a lot easier.

Roll up your casual clothes instead of folding and laying them flat. This leaves more room to pack other things, and keeps your clothes fairly wrinkle-free.

Text Analysis

Pack any breakables in the middle of your bag. Cushion them with your clothing.

Put name tags with your home address on—and in —your bag. Write in waterproof ink.

Text Analysis

Remember that it is you who have been invited somewhere, not your things. You will have an easier time if you’ve not weighed down, so do it right—pack light.


overnight []=for, during the night ad. 通宵,彻夜 , 一夜间 e.g. The situation changed overnight. 一夜之间情况改变了。 sleep overnight 过夜 e.g. We can’t get to our destination today, let’s sleep overnight in this town. 我们今天到不了目的地了,让我们在这个镇上过夜吧。 Return

relative [] =person to whom one is related (e.g. an uncle or aunt, a cousin, a nephew or niece) n. 亲戚,亲属(如叔、婶、表亲、侄子、侄女等)e.g. He invited some elderly relatives to his wedding.

他邀请了一些年长的亲属参加他的婚礼。=comparative adj. 比较的,相对的e.g. He article is about the relative advantages of gas and electricity for heating. 这篇文章是关于煤气取暖及电气取暖相对的优点。 Return

reference []=instance of referring n. 参考e.g. You should make reference to a dictionary. 你应该参考字典。


sample []=part of a whole taken to show what the rest is like n. 样品e.g. We’d better take a sample for examination and test. 我们最好取样检验一下。


item []=single article n. 东西;项目e.g. Number the items in a catalogue. 把目录中的项目加以编号。


local []=of, special to, a place or district a. 当地的;地方的e.g. Local time changes by one hour for every 15° longitude. 经度每差十五度当地时间就差一小时。


drugstore []=(US)place where a wide variety of articles is sold, where prescriptions can be made up, and where food and drink may be bought and eaten n. (美)药房(兼卖杂货,并出售食品、饮料)e.g. He stopped at the drugstore to buy a newspaper. 他在药品杂货店停了一下买了张报纸。


plastic []=(of goods) made of such materials, esp. synthetic resinous substances a. 塑料(制)的e.g. She took a plastic raincoat with her in case of rain. 她带上了一件塑料雨衣以防下雨。


container []=box, bottle, etc designed to contain sth. n. 容器(箱、匣、瓶等)e.g. We need a container to put all the stuff in. 我们需要一个容器 , 好把这些东西放进去。


seal []=put a seal on vt. 密封 , 封缄e.g. He seals up the drawer so that it cannot be opened. 他封闭了抽屉使之无法打开。 n. 封蜡之类的东西;海豹e.g. The seal of the letter is to guard against its being opened by unauthorized persons. 信上的封蜡是为了保证其不被他人开启。e.g. They left to hunt seals. 他们去猎海豹。


leak []=(allow to) pass out or in through a hole, crack, etc. vi. 漏;渗e.g. The faucet is leaking. 水龙头漏水。


emergency []=serious happening or situation needing prompt action n. 紧急情况e.g. This fire extinguisher is to be used only in an emergency. 这灭火器只在紧急时使用。in an emergency 万一来不及 ; 在紧急情况下 e.g. My office hour is from 9 to 5, but in an emergency, call my mobile phone at any time. 我的办公时间是从 9 点到 5 点,但在紧急情况下,任何时候都可以打我手机。 Return

destination []=place to which sb. or sth. is going or is being sent n. 目的地e.g. The port of destination is Dalian. 目的港是大连。


reduce []=make smaller in size, number, degree, price, etc vt. 减少e.g. He is reduced almost to a skeleton. 他瘦得几乎变成了一个骨头架子。


sneakers []=rubber-soled canvas shoes n. 帆布胶底运动鞋,旅游鞋e.g. She went shopping to buy new sneakers for her son. 她上街给儿子买新旅游鞋。


extra []=additional a. 额外的e.g. There were so many people that the company put on extra buses. 人数太多,公司加开了公共汽车。


factor []=fact, circumstance, etc helping to bring about a result n. 因素e.g. The demand of consumers is the key factor. 消费者的需求是关键因素。


canvas []=strong, coarse cloth used for tents, sails, bags, etc n. (用于制帐篷、船帆、囊袋等之)帆布e.g. They spent the night in a canvas tent. 他们在帆布帐篷里过了夜。


casual []=informal a. 日常便服的e.g. Casual clothes are not appropriate for such a dinner party. 这种晚宴穿日常便服不合适。


wrinkle-free []=without wrinkles a. 不会有皱褶e.g. This kind of cloth is wrinkle-free. 这种布不出褶。


cushion []=protect from shock with cushions vt. 垫上e.g. Jack is one of those farmers who are cushioned against falls in prices by subsidies. 杰克是受政府津贴保护以免受物价下跌影 响的农民中的一个。


pack =put (things) into a box, bundle, bag, etc v. 包装(东西),整理行装e.g. Have you packed (up) your things? 你把行李收拾好了没有? =bundle of things tied or wrapped up together for carrying; (US) packetn. 捆、包裹;(美)小包e.g. Buy me a pack of cigarettes on your way home. 你回来路上帮我买包香烟。


tip =pointed or thin end of sth. n. 尖,尖端e.g. The bird measured 12 inches from tip to tip. 那鸟两翼张开时两翼端的距离为十二英寸。 =piece of advice on how to do sth. n. 劝告e.g. If you take my tip, you’ll make a lot of money. 你如果采纳我的意见 , 你会赚大钱。 =gift of money to a porter, waiter, taxi-driver, etc for personal services n. 小费,赏钱e.g. He paid for his lunch and left a 50 penny tip. 他付了午饭钱和五十便士小费。


tip =(cause to) rise, lean or tilt on one side or at one end v. (使)倾斜;(使)翻倒e.g. Tip the barrel up and empty it. 把那桶倒空。 =touch or strike lightly v. 轻触,轻打,轻敲e.g. His bat just tipped the ball. 他的球棒仅仅擦到球。


load =that which is (to be ) carried or supported, esp. if heavy; (fig) weight of care, responsibility, etc. n. 负荷物;载荷物(尤指沉重者);(喻)负担e.g. We want to relieve the heavy load on his shoulders. 我们想减轻他肩上的重担。 =put a load in or on v. 装载(货物)e.g. There is a poor old woman loaded (down) with her shopping over there. 那边有个背着大包小包购物的可怜的老妇人。 =put a cartridge or shell into (a gun) v. 装弹于(枪炮)e.g. Are you loaded? 你的枪里有子弹吗?


a great idea 好主意e.g. A picnic, that’s a great idea. 去野餐,那真是个好主意。


keep in mind (something) 记住 e.g. When you’re driving, you must always keep the traffic rules in mind. 你开车的时候,一定要时刻牢记交通规则。


pack light 轻装 e.g. Packing light will help you to enjoy yourself when traveling. 旅行时轻装会使你玩得更愉快。


make sure 弄确实;(把…)弄清楚e.g. Make sure that all lights are turned off before your leaving. 你离开前一定要确保所有灯都关 上了。


in case 以防 e.g. You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it should rain. 你最好带把伞以防下雨。 in case of + Noun e.g. You’d better take an umbrella with you in case of rain.


weigh one down 使…疲倦 e.g. Only the paper work can weigh you down, let alone the field test. 光是案头工作就会使你疲惫不堪,更不用说实地试验了。


make a decision 做决定 e.g. To quit or not, you should make a decision now. 辞不辞职,你现在就得作决定。


cut…in half 将…减半 e.g. We have to cut our expenditure in half to save enough money for the new refrigerator . 我们的将花费减半才能攒足够的钱买新冰箱。


move in 迁入 e.g. We just moved in a few days ago, so we don’t know much neighbours. 我们几天前才搬进来,所以不认识太多的邻居。


for good=for ever 永久 e.g. This product will kill the pests in your house for good. 这种产品会永久消灭你家的害虫。


as for =when you think of 至于 e.g. As for you, I never want to see you here again. 至于你,我再也不想在这里见到你。




weigh you down :make you feel heavy (with your load)你会吃惊地发现携带这些小小的日常用品会叫你累得直不起腰来。








fairly wrinkle-free: more or less without wrinkles把你的便装卷起来放,不必叠得方方正正平放在行李包里,这样就能留出地方放置其它的东西,而其它衣服也不会起皱褶。


in case they leak:because they might leak


tee shirt:now often spelt as“T-shirt” T-shirt: For many years, T-shirts were simple short-sleeved undershirts for men and boys. T-shirts came in only one color—white. And since they were worn under sweaters or shirts, they were generally not seen.


Today the T-shirt has become high fashion. It can be seen everywhere and on everyone. Women and little children wear T-shirts as do teenagers, university students, and men from all walks of life. T-shirts are worn on tennis courts and golf courses, at the beach or in town. They can be casual to go with jeans or slacks, or dressy for work or evening wear. Yet T-shirts remain relatively inexpensive, long wearing and easy to care for. Stylish but comfortable and convenient to wear, they have become one of America’s newest fashion ideas.


Although T-shirts are now available in a wide variety of bright materials and styles, the most popular kind is the traditional cotton version, which resembles the old T-shirt but with a slogan or picture printed on it. Such T-shirts may bear a single word, a popular phrase, pictures of rock musicians, or an advertisement. With the increasing popularity of T-shirts, new ideas to beautify them appear all the time.


dress shoes:shoes suitable for a formal occasion 适合正式场合穿的鞋子


1. Do you like travelling? Tell your reasons.2. Do you agree with the author on travelling light?3. Do you have any other good advice on travelling light?4. Can you name three or four things you’ll take for a trip—besides what is mentioned in the text?5. Comment on the proverbs “Travel broadens the mind” or “He that travels far, knows much.” Return

Multiple-choice questions

1. This article means .

A) to explain that it is easy to prepare for travelling

B) to give good advice on travelling

C) to offer a pleasant picture of travelling

D) to describe different ways of preparing for travelling

Multiple-choice questions

2. The author suggests that .

A)you buy those little things at your destination

B)you share those little things with your friend while travelling

C)you get those little things prepared and bring them with you

D)you leave behind those little things if you get away for a short time

Multiple-choice questions

3. According to the author, a clever and easy way to lighten your load is .

A) to buy whatever you need when you reach a place

B) to borrow the simplest bags to carry your things

C) to make good mixing and matching of your clothes

D) to wear most of your clothes

Multiple-choice questions

4. “Layering up”means .

A) folding and laying one’s clothes flat

B) putting on most of your clothes

C) pressing one’s clothes tightly together

D) wearing one’s clothes one upon another

Multiple-choice questions

5. All of the following points are clues to your choice in Question 4, except .

A) “it is cold”

B) “you could wear a jacket, a sweater, a regular shirt, and a tee shirt”

C) “it will keep you warm”

D) “it will leave more room in your bag”

Multiple-choice questions

6. All of the following things are carefully talked about in this article, except .

A) little things used daily

B) hats

C) clothes

D) shoes

Multiple-choice questions7. Which of the following is most important in travelling according to this article?

A) To prepare a pair of comfortable shoes in addition to dress shoes.

B) To bring with you the most suitable clothes.

C) To be sure that you don’t forget any little things.

D) To make sure that you have a relaxed and easy time.

Multiple-choice questions

1. This article means B .

A) to explain that it is easy to prepare for travelling

B) to give good advice on travelling

C) to offer a pleasant picture of travelling

D) to describe different ways of preparing for travelling


Multiple-choice questions

2. The author suggests that C .

A)you buy those little things at your destination

B)you share those little things with your friend while travelling

C)you get those little things prepared and bring them with you

D)you leave behind those little things if you get away for a short time Next

Multiple-choice questions

3. According to the author, a clever and easy way to lighten your load is C .

A) to buy whatever you need when you reach a place

B) to borrow the simplest bags to carry your things

C) to make good mixing and matching of your clothes

D) to wear most of your clothes Next

Multiple-choice questions

4. “Layering up”means D .

A) folding and laying one’s clothes flat

B) putting on most of your clothes

C) pressing one’s clothes tightly together

D) wearing one’s clothes one upon another


Multiple-choice questions

5. All of the following points are clues to your choice in Question 4, except A .

A) “it is cold”

B) “you could wear a jacket, a sweater, a regular shirt, and a tee shirt”

C) “it will keep you warm”

D) “it will leave more room in your bag”


Multiple-choice questions

6. All of the following things are carefully talked about in this article, except B .

A) little things used daily

B) hats

C) clothes

D) shoes


Multiple-choice questions7. Which of the following is most important in travelling according to this article? D

A) To prepare a pair of comfortable shoes in addition to dress shoes.

B) To bring with you the most suitable clothes.

C) To be sure that you don’t forget any little things.

D) To make sure that you have a relaxed and easy time.


How to paraphrase the title?


Reference Answer:

It’s best to take as little as possible for your trip.

How to paraphrase the title?

For what purposes do people travel nowadays?


Reference Answer:

For pleasure or recreation; for health reasons; to visit friends and relatives; on business, etc.

For what purposes do people travel nowadays?

What are the advantages of travelling?


Reference Answer: To meet new people, make new friends and share new experiences with them; to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the world and the wonders of making; to learn about the local customs and cultures; to widen one’s horizon and make one more open-minded.

What are the advantages of travelling?

What’s the main idea of the article?


Reference Answer:

The main idea is clearly expressed in the opening paragraph — pack light.

What’s the main idea of the article?

What’s the simple rule you have to follow while packing for your trip?


Reference Answer:

Pack light.

What’s the simple rule you have to follow while packing for your trip?

Can you name some of the things?


Reference Answer:

Clothes, daily necessity, medicine, money, etc.

Can you name some of the things?

What kind of clothes will you take when you are travelling?


Reference Answer:

Casual clothes, maybe.

What kind of clothes will you take when you are travelling?

Will you take an umbrella or a raincoat with you?


Reference Answer:

Maybe, that depends on the weather conditions of the destination.

Will you take an umbrella or a raincoat with you?

What do you think are the rules of packing?


Reference Answer:

You should pack so that everything in your bag is safe and sound.

What do you think are the rules of packing?

How many tips are given by the writer? What are they?


Reference Answer:

Four. Make a list of what you need during your trip; prepare and take what is essential for everyday use; bring only the most suitable and necessary clothes and shoes for your trip; make sure all your possessions are well packed in your simple, light bag.

How many tips are given by the writer? What are they?

Summary of the text

Taking a trip is a great idea, but packing for it is no easy job. The simple rule to follow is: pack light. Before you start packing, you need to make a list of what is essential for the trip. Then you should prepare what is essential for everyday use, such as shampoo and toothpaste, because buying these things during your trip will reduce your visiting time. Choosing which clothes to bring can be difficult. There are two rules to follow in making the hard decision: take as little as possible and “When in doubt, leave it out!”

Summary of the text

A smart and easy way to lighten your load is mixing and matching. When everything is ready, pack your bag and try to put all things evenly in it. It’s a good idea to put name tags on your bag. There is nothing worse than losing your bag during the trip. Remember that every minute you spend packing may save you valuable time during the trip!

Summary of the text

As far as the writing style is concerned, this is a rather short and simple article, in which the writer gives the reader some useful tips on packing for a trip. The tone is informal, the language is easy and the content is familiar to the reader. All this seems to make reading the article as easy as eating a piece of cake.


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