treasure hunt - activities

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    Treasure Hunt

    Spread the message about the Treasure Hunt

    If peoples friends attend an event, they are more likely to go than they are if someone they dont know tells them to. So we need to know whowill want to take part in our event, how will we contact these people or organisations and how can they help.

    Personalised invitations Video about the event Contact list Match their skills together

    Design personalised invitations sothat people feel they will add andget value from joining, rather thanbeing spammed by yet another


    Produce an animated video whichexplains what the Treasure Huntstands for and what activities itorganises.

    Keep a complete list of people,groups and other resourcesinvolved in the Treasure Hunt,and those you would like to

    involve, will help to bring the mostrelevant people together at theright time.

    Send out survey to people so theycan add the skill theyd like toshare and for how long theyd liketo share it for.

    Try this. TryAnimoto Try Google Docs. Try SurveyMonkey.

    Noel and Alina to createpromotional email that describesthe Treasure Hunt and links to thewebpage on the festival website.

    Everyone to personalise thisemail to the groups and peoplethey promote the event to

    Noel to create an animated videothat describes the Treasure Huntand links to the webpage on thefestival website

    Everyone to share the link to thevideo with their online socialnetworks

    Noel to set up Google Docs soeveryone helping organise theTreasure Hunt can add thegroups theyve promoted this

    event to

    UseSchool of Everything

    Noel and Alina to identify skillsneeded and create survey to send

    out to Transeuropa Network andadd on other volunteeringwebsites (i.e. W4MP/OurSociety/Open Society/All ForGood).

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities

    2/13 Treasure Hunt

    Ever wanted to explore how re -using things, re -claim space andre-purpose ideas opens up newpossibilities for interaction? Areyou up for taking part in activitieswhere you can discover this in thenooks and crannies of one ofLondon's greatest market and winprizes? Ever wondered what awaffle bank is? On 7th May,Transeuropa Network isorganising a treasure hunt whereyou'll be able to do all that andmore - with a storytelling bus,exhibitions, cycling tour & party.

    To make this happen, we'd loveyour help. We need people wholike designing flyers and missioncards for the treasure hunt, socialreporters who can take photos oreven videos of the activities, webwizards with ideas on how todevelop online presence,researchers and writers to helpuncover stories of Brixton Village.And if you'd like to sign up toshare another skill on the day,we'd love to hear from you.

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities



    Everyone to add their skills

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    Identify people to join take part in the Treasure Hunt

    If you need people to organise activities, but theyll only join if they can take part, how do you get them to want to take p art? Once people cansee what you want to achieve and how they can contribute, they will be more likely to participate.

    The groups they belong to Their friends or neighbours The places they meet The issues they care about

    Email Treasure Hunt promotionaltext to groups of people who havean interest in public space,creativity and re-use, especially

    groups based in Brixton.

    Share link to Treasure Huntwebpage with your socialnetworks friends, relatives,neighbours.

    Ask if you can put Treasure Huntflyers in shops or places whichyou think would have an interestin public space, creativity and re -


    Personalise emails to promoteTreasure Hunt to different groupswhich target whats in it for themthrough tools to search people by

    issue public space, creativityand re-use.Try GroupsNearYou. Try SocialTwist. Try shops in the market, bus

    stops and bars/hangouts aroundBrixton market.

    TryFacebook Groups.

    Noel to email partner groups toforward on promotional email toother groups they know

    Add your name if you want to beresponsible for emailing one ofthe groups who have an interestin public space, creativity, re-useor Europe

    y In Brixtony In Londony In universities

    Noel to email partner groups toforward on promotional email totheir members/supporters

    Everyone to email promotionalemail to their social networks

    Noel to organise flyering sessionon 5th/6th/12th/13th April

    Everyone to help out!

    Add your name if you want to beresponsible for searching onFacebook groups who have aninterest in


    Public spacey Creativityy Re-usey Europey Brixton

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    How can we communicate the event?

    Being able to communicate our message is very important. We want to piggyback on what is already being used to promote Transe uropaFestival as well as understand where there are gaps.

    Communicate it Blog it Social network it Video it

    o Find out if people are actuallytaking any notice to yourcommunications by creating shortcut for the TreasureHunt webpage on the festival


    o Blog a month before theevent, describing how youredeveloping the Treasure Huntand who youre engagingwith.

    o Get Transeuropa Networkmembers to share links of theTreasure Hunt webpage tofriends on Facebook andTwitter.

    o Record all activities onvideo/podcast/camera: add toYouTube and Flickr using the#transeuropa tag

    o Produce vox pops, expert

    interviews and minidocumentaries on the issuesthat matter to people. Thesecould eventually contribute toa short film.

    Noel to track how many peopleare visiting the Treasure Huntwebpage on the festival website

    Try Netvibes orAddictomatic. Addyour name if you would like tohelp manage any questions andresponses about the TreasureHunt on Facebook and Twitter.

    Add your name if you would liketo blog about the Treasure Hun t

    Everyone to share the link to theTreasure Hunt webpage on yoursocial networks (Facebook,Twitter, etc)

    Add your name if you would liketo do one of the following on theday of the Treasure Hunt

    y Take photos

    y Take videosy Interview people


  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    Create a flyer Produce a portfolio Place articles and banners onother websites

    Promote our event across themedia

    o Create a flyer and/or the

    mission cards for theTreasure Hunt

    o These will then be showcasedat the Treasure Hunt and aspart of an exhibition at theRochelleSchool.

    o Create a portfolio of ideas

    from guides to how to developa treasure hunt, articles onyour blog, videos of youractivities.

    o Produce a distinctive andexciting new style of pamphlet an accessible, usergenerated andcomprehensive snapshot of

    the treasure hunt.

    o If you know movements and

    websites which could beinterested in placing links andbanners to your website orwrite an article about yourgroup, please contact them.

    o For this you can uploadpromotional material ontoyour site so then memberscould download and put on

    their websites or print out todistribute, therefore saving onpaper and money to print andsend out.

    o To reach out to audiences that

    are more likely to support andjoin your group so you cansupport and media which arelikely to mock you so we canprovoke publicity.

    o Enhance the debate: On yourblog

    o Attract support: i.e. Guardiano Provoke publicity: i.e. Daily

    Mailo Spread links: On websites that

    focus on public space,creativity and re-use.

    Add your name if you would liketo

    y Design the flyery Design the poster

    y Design the mission cardtemplate

    Add your name if you would liketo help collect all the visualcontent from the Treasure Hunt(mission cards, peoples

    responses, photos, etc) and turn itinto an exhibition at the RochelleSchool

    Add your name if you would liketo help email groups with aninterest in public space, creativity,re-use or Europe to offer them the


    Add your name if you would liketo

    y Help write articles on theTreasure Hunt

    y Contact the Brixton mediato add our event in theirlistings (i.e. Urban 75)

    y Contact London-basedmedia to add our event intheir listings (i.e. EveningStandard)

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    y Contact public space-focused media to add ourevent in their listings

    y Contactcreativity/cultural/art-focused media to add ourevent in their listings (i.e.Timeout

    y Contact European-focusedmedia to add our event intheir listings

    How do we get other organisations to support our event?

    In looking at involving other organisations in the Treasure Hunt who are working on similar issues, work out what are the bes t ways for them towork with us. By working alongside each other rather than instead of each other, we can both tap into the mutual benefits of the membershipand influence of Transeuropa Network and theirs.

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    Make connections withorganisers in your local area

    Create spaces for volunteers toshare concerns, hopes andskills

    Design a stakeholderengagement matrix

    Partner with localrepresentatives

    o Many of these people will atleast initially get involvedout of goodwill.

    o They can advise you onissues you want to address ondeveloping the event andwhat the mood forengagement is in the area.

    o Try out inviting volunteers andorganisers from partnergroups to joint or separateactivities so you can work outwhat is the best way to worktogether.

    o Ask people who have alreadytaken part in your previousactivities how you can link uppeople very active in the localarea and those who arent.

    o Design a stakeholderengagement matrix to workout how and when youengage the key movers and


    o Partner up with media,focusing on those in whichyour group may have alreadyappeared in.

    Noel and Alina to organisemeetings with the partner groupswere working with

    Noel and Alina to invite volunteersto sessions to help organiseTreasure Hunt

    Everyone to think about howpeople coming to London for theTranseuropa Network meeting on

    26-27 March could helpcontribute.

    Noel to email Jonmar aboutpeople bringing disused objects tothe next Transeuropa Networkmeeting

    Noel to design stakeholder matrix Add your name if you would liketo explore getting media partnersfor the Treasure Hunt event andworking with EuropeanAlternatives to use their mediapartners for the festival to alsopromote Treasure Hunt more


  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    On the day

    Get the moments that matter Stories

    Take photos or videos capturethe moments that matter thememorable moments of theTreasure Hunt on the day.Capture how people interact withthe missions and the marketeither by photo, video orinterviewing people about theirexperience taking part. The

    pictures can be used as part of astoryboard that will be featured onthe Transeuropa website and atthe Rochelle School.

    Ask people on the day boththrough social networks (using#transeuropa hashtag) and thephysical twitterfall on what theythink about the Treasure Hunt.Monitor the comments, engage inconversation and retweet.

    Try Socialreporter. Try Twitter.Add your name if you would liketo help edit the photos and videosthat people will be taking on theday

    Add your name if you would liketo monitor the comments, engagein conversation and retweet thecomments about the Treasure

    Hunt on Twitter

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    Create a skill share wall Create a twitterfall Design mission card template

    We will set up a physicalchalkboard and an online skillshare wall so that people can signup to either take part or host askill share on the day.

    We will have a twitterfall with#treasurehunthashtag so"treasure hunters" cancommunicate with each otherusing TwitterFountain.

    Each mission card will givepeople clues to find examples ofhow people have re -used things,re-claimed space or re-purposedideas.

    Underneath the cards will bevouchers to give people pledgesto take actions in that area andrecord those actions.

    Although each mission card willbe different, were looking for amission card template design thatevery mission card would havethe same design and layout,including a sentence on thepartner of the mission, a sentencedescribing the mission and bulletpoints describing the clues.

    Add your name if you would like Add your name if you would like Add your name if you would like

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    to help set up a skill share board to help manage the online Twitter

    Fountain on the projector

    to help design the mission card

    template and layoutResources needed: Chalk board,chalkboard paint, brush, chalk

    Resources needed: wificonnection, projector, weblink toTwitter Fountain

    Resources needed: A5 card


    Pick me up Who is the market? What future do you choose? I wish this was

    Get objects that you don't useanymore and leave "pick me up"notes in them. Leave them inunused spaces in the market forpeople to find. Put a post it with aclue stuck onto the objects.

    Create "miniature characters" forpeople to find using corks or lego.Work with the market so that thecharacters represent the market.

    Ask people "what future do youchoose" from the campaign

    Give out "I wish this was" stickersto people so they can put themon an object or space thed like toimprove and add what theyd wishthat was

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Resources needed: Disusedobjects, post it notes

    Resources needed: Corks orlego, cut-out paper, paper clips,wire

    Resources needed: Liaise withthe ThinkActVote project

    Resources needed: Stickers from$35)

    Tweet your thoughts Spot the smile Make a wish A day in the life of

    Create twitter templates thatpeople can fill in about theirexperience of the treasure hunt.Put it on a massive poster toshow a physical twitterfall.

    Draw eye circles on a piece ofpaper. Paint back of page withwheat paste. Cut out eye circles.Put them on objects in the marketso it looks they have facialexpressions.

    Make a wish tree with tags ofpledges that people have to doand blank tags where people cancreate their own pledges.

    Draw, write or attach photoswhich describe an average day inyour life (or that of a fictionalcharacter!).

    Add your name if you would like Add your name if you would like Add your name if you would like Add your name if you would li ke

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    to help create this mission to help create this mission to help create this mission to help create this mission

    Resources needed: A5 cards, A1card, scissors

    Resources needed: Paper, pens,wheat paste

    Resources needed: Envelopes,paper/fabric, scissors, pen, tape,bonsai tree

    Resources needed: A4 paper,pens/markers, photographs ofrandom stuff, paste, brushes

    Map of the area Whats your hidden fortune I love the market because Imagine youre a superhero

    Draw a map of the treasure huntand pin all the different shopstaking part

    Create blank tags for people towrite their hidden fortunes anddrop them randomly across themarket so people can find

    Write the start of a love letter ofeverything you love aboutmarkets and then leave enoughspace for people to write whatthey love about markets

    Imagine you're a superhero forpublic space. What do you standfor? What are your weapons forsubverting the use of publicspace? What does yoursuperhero costume look like?

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Resources needed: A2 paper,pen, map, glue/tape, scissors

    Resources needed: A4 paper,pen, scissors

    Resources needed: Pape r, pen,envelope

    Resources needed: Photos ofsuperheroes, A4 paper, pens,scissors, glue

    Create a slogan Spot the difference Take a photo Imagine youre a superhero

    Come up with slogans thatdescribe why the market is sospecial to you. Make them funkyand attractive.

    Add alternative slogans toadvertising posters or billboardsand get people to spot the slogan.

    Get people in London and liaisewith Diana Cluj to encouragepeople to take a photo ofsomething identical and map thephotos

    Imagine you're a superhero forpublic space. What do you standfor? What are your weapons forsubverting the use of publicspace? What does yoursuperhero costume look like?

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Add your name if you would liketo help create this mission

    Resources needed: blankstickers, pen/markers

    Resources needed: A4 paper,wheat paste

    Resources needed: Paper, pen,envelope

    Resources needed: Photos ofsuperheroes, A4 paper, pens,

  • 8/7/2019 Treasure Hunt - Activities


    scissors, glue

    Points card that could get stamped for each mission completedFor each point, you could a particular prizeDescriptions of the missions

    Send missionsRoxanne PersaudEnable people to download mission cardsEmpty building mapping

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