treatment for music video

Post on 20-Nov-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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Manisha, Stacia and Zaynah

The Artist/Style and Form

The look we want to go for Naina K would be quite classy yet she would have an element that makes her unique from other R n B artists. She would have a natural look similar to an Eva Longonria appearance. In the music video through the mis en scene and what she is wearing we will represent her as a modern female r n b artist.

We will be endorsing some of the modern conventions of a R n B music video as we will be using:

•Flashbacks•Black & white•Locations: such as Russell Square park, the house places of them together therefore this creates the sense of belonging when she was with him, yet she still is uncertain about what to do•Idea of the video where we see memories of them together on the TV•Narrative- as it isn't conceptual this follows the r n b conventions •Aesthetics- as the style will be modern yet have a unique style it would be fairly representative of the genre

Although these elements are seen to be conventional of a R n B video we will be challenging the ideology that r n b typically have flashbacks In black and white. We will be representing her moments with him as being happy and therefore they will be shown in colour. In contrary her present moments without him will be in black and white.

The key look we want for our DVD cover is to have a close up image of the artist. As shown above most of the singers have had a neutral plain background with their image on top. This is the kind of look we want for our cover. Also for the typography on our DVD Cover we want the artists name (Naina K) to look like a signature. The colours black and gold will be kept throughout in relation to conventions of an R n B video. This simply represents the genre as stylish and therefore relates to the artists image as being rather classy and elegant. The male artist would be representative of a typical r n b artist. Through the mis en scene:Frame-picture of them and therefore the audience is able to understand how their relationship was through this mis en scene. It also emphasises the unity and how she was happy then compared to nowNecklace- This would be representative of the artist as being quite sentimental



We will be simply making a use of the technology available to us. Although it is limited compared to what signed artists have we can make the most of what we do have.

For instance the camera will not only use it for filming but also for taking images which we will then use within the music video. This will be an important element in the video as the way in which we integrate the photos will appeal to the audience in different ways.

We have the opportunity to make an original video of them together which would be like an old video of them spending time together and just simply putting it in the TV and then filming this.. This is a possibility yet it would be time consuming and as we need all the time we have for production and filming this would only be an option if we have spare time to do it.

Though if we use final cut instead it would be another use of technology as well as it being less time consuming. Therefore we’d still film this but rather than making a video of it we would edit it on and just add it into the music video. This would still be effective as being realistic yet to be more innovative we could use final express and actual edit it to fit the TV screen.

In this way we still engage the audience in knowing what's happening just in a less obvious way. An idea to create the effect that a cane has without actually using the cane was simply to use : (Zaynahs Technique) This therefore will exploit the technology available to us just by simply being creative with what we do have. Editing Techniques would include:


This in effect creates the glam lighting that is created in a lot of R n B videos. Although they have the complex technology and our technology compared is rather limited we still will manage to create some of the effects. For the DVD cover we will be using adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is useful in allowing us to edit the image of N Naina k to format the DVD cover structure the way we want it.


We have chosen many different locations in which we will be filming in. These include domestic locations such as a house as well as outdoor locations such as a park.

We will be filming in Russell Square Park. We have used this location to film shots of Naina and Faze. We could also transfer these park shots into black and white on Final Express Cut to make them flashbacks. We do not need permission to film in this park as we have checked this on the web.

In addition to the shots of Naina and Faze; we could also shoot shots of just Naina alone walking down near the fountain reminiscing

We will film these shots in preferably mid October

We would also like to film a few shots in South Bank. We do not need permission to film here.We would need both Naina and Faze in these shots. We will take still pictures of the couple in these locations

to use them as photograph props for the bedroom/house. We will also film Naina looking into the River Thames.

Regents Park is another location in which we would like to film in. We will use this park for two different reasons. Firstly is to film shots of Naina walking through and secondly as a back up location in case there are any filming problems in Russell Square Gardens. This scene will be shot on the same day as the shooting in Russell Square

Gardens. We will only need Naina in this location, however if there are any permission problems we will film Faze too. For this location you do not need any filming permission as I have researched this.

The other key location we will be filming in will be Manisha’s House. There are several locations within the house we will be using.

We will be using this lounge to film the shots of Naina as she sits and thinks about her partner. We have used this location because there is a fair bit off space between the fireplace and the furniture. This allows us to film two different types of

shots within the same location. We will film shots of Naina sitting by the fireplace looking through a photo album of her and Faze. We will film shots of Naina looking outside the window whilst sitting on the sofa. We will film this as soon as we have finished the park scenes as we will need to take photo’s of the couple together to put as props around the room. We also

have planning permission for this location.

This room will be used as Faze’s house. In this room we will shoot flashbacks of them being together. For this shot we would need both Faze and Naina. This will be shot the same day as

the other house scenes.

Here is the outside of Manisha’s house. We will film shots of Faze going out of the door and leaving Naina. From the inside of the house we will film shots of Naina closing the door and leaning her back

against the door. This will be done on the same day as said above.

The other location within the house we will use will be Manisha’s bedroom. We will film shots of Naina lying on the bed, looking into the mirror expressing her pain. We will only need Naina for

this shot.

The other location we will use will be the school hall. We will film this either in our lessons or in our free’s. We have permission from the school to film in here. The reason we have chosen the school hall is because we wanted to film shots of Naina playing the piano to bring out the performance element

within the music video. The school hall is perfect for this as the piano is placed near the window therefore we can film Naina playing the piano and at the same time looking out into the window.

As well as filming in the school hall we will also film in the Media rooms. We will convert it into a studio with the help of props. We will film shots of both Naina and Faze performing. This will be shot on the same day as the school hall.

In order for Faze’s verse we will use a street/alley way preferably in Mile End. The reason we have chosen Mile End is because we will be filming several other shots there which therefore would make it easier for us to film. In this shot Faze will be walking

down the street as well as singing to the camera giving the video the performance element. We have used to film in a street as it is conventional for his character

We will also be filming several other shots in Mile End. We will film at the top of the hill near the university. This will be a flashback of Naina and Faze hanging out together. We will also use a restaurant near the university to film shots of Naina waiting

for Faze. Once again this will be another flashback, however this time it wont be a happy one. We have not got permission yet but we will have it very soon.

• Our target audience are females aged between 16- 21. The reason we have chosen this age and gender is because the song focuses on themes such as love and relationships. We believe that 16-21 is a good age group to target, due to a lot of women experiencing relationships throughout these ages. Our storyline also appeals to the female gender due to a woman being the protagonist. Also the song is based upon a young girl’s relationship crisis which a lot of girls would be able to relate to. Our target audience will also be outgoing and down to earth. This is because our artist Naina K has an easy going and outgoing personality which will reflect throughout her style and products. The song will appeal to all ethnicities. This is because every ethnical girl can relate to the problems and issues shown in the song, they haven't been based upon one culture. Although our main artist is Asian we will still like to target all ethnicities as we want a broader target audience. The song will target both working and middle class as both classes listen to the R’n’B genre. Also the locations shown in the video will not be upper class locations, we will use middle/working class locations which will appeal to our target audience.

• We produced 2 forms of target research; they were a survey monkey questionnaire and a focus group video.From our survey monkey results we concluded that majority of our target audiences prefer more then one then one location. Therefore we will use a range of different locations. Also from the survey we found out that majority of our audience would prefer to see the actual artist rather then actors. Due to this we decided to use the actual artist (Naina K) instead of using a substitute actor. From our focus group we found out that females prefer to see the artist leaving her man where as the males preferred to see them back together. We are still contemplating on this decision, but it will be highly influenced by our target audiences opinions. Also we showed two video’s in which we presented two forms of flashbacks; one in colour and one in black and white. We have decided to use colour flashbacks due to the fact that Mary J Blige has used colour flashbacks in her video “Be Without You” We made this decision because Mary J Blige has a very similar target audience to us. As her video was a big success we have also decided to use the same concept in terms of flashbacks.

• We will appeal to our target audience through various different aspects. Locations is one of these. We will use locations such as parks and bedrooms. A lot of female artists have used bedrooms in their music video’s which appeal to the female audience instantly. This was reinforced in our focus video, as majority said that a bedroom was a key location for R’n’B Music video’s. The themes used in the Music video will also appeal to our female audience due to them experiencing them and therefore being able to relate to them. The typography used for the DVD Cover and the Magazine Adverts is gold. The font we will use will be fancy and curly. This will give the cover and advert a sophisticated and feminine feel.

Target Audience

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