treaty of paris when? 1783 from who? britain how? treaty at the end of the revolution britain gave...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Treaty of Paris

When? 1783

From Who? Britain

How? Treaty at the end of the Revolution

Britain gave up all lands between Atlantic Coast and Mississippi River

Difficulties: Loyalists were treated unfairly

Louisiana Purchase

When? 1803

From Who? France

How? Purchased by Thomas Jefferson for 15 million dollars

France sold it so they could finance the war against Britain

Difficulties: How does the United States plan to discover the land?

Florida CessionCede – To give up power or territory

• When? 1819

• From who? Spain

• How?Andrew Jackson invaded Florida with troops and refused to leave.

Eventually paid settlers total of $5 mil for their land

• Difficulties: How to deal with Andrew Jackson?

Texas Annexation

Which boundary is correct?

Texas Annexation

Annex – to add to, providing additional space When? 1845 by

President Polk

From who? Mexico

How? Texas Revolution

Difficulties: Had to fight a war to gain the land

Mexican Cession

When? 1848

From Who? Mexico

How? The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


Fought the Mexican American War

Lost many American Lives

Oregon Territory

When? 1846

From Who? Britain

How? Britain and the United States negotiated a boundary line and bought the land from Great Britain

Gadsden Purchase

When? 1853

From who? Mexico

How? James Gadsden arranged a purchase agreement so that he could have flat land to build the railroad.

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