tree & garden services - · it gives us a chance to admire ... „thank you‟ as...

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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01931 716304


A.I. Carr/Sandy

Oil Gas LPG


No job too small

Greenaway Crossings

Wandsworth Gardens

Shap CA10 3PE

Call Sandy on

01931 716542

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Services All aspects of tree work large

and small, including; pruning, felling, hedge cutting and

planting. A wide range of gardening

services are also available. Free specialist advice and


Qualified, experienced and insured.

Tel: 01931 713108

It may seem like a distant memory now we are well into Autumn and Harvest

celebrations but the summer was as always marked by our wonderful local

shows. From the glorious sunshine of some fortunate show grounds through the

„slightly damp‟ to the absolutely soggy the annual round of fruit, vegetables,

wonderful handicrafts and fine animals came around. They each have their own

particular character. Together they form part of the background to our corporate

life together in this rural area.

I have enjoyed these shows since I was a child. I can remember putting in my

felt toys for the „Junior Girl‟s Handicraft‟ and making creatures out of

vegetables. For other people moving into the area the frantic activity around

show time is new. However even to this day I find some of the skills on show a

puzzle. How some people manage to get huge evenly shaped onions out of the

ground is a mystery to me. The patience of some of the ladies who do such fine,

detailed crochet and the enthusiasm of those children and caring adults who

produce such fine drawings and collage and totem poles... it‟s so impressive.

Local shows get us together and give us the chance to step back for a moment

and celebrate what we as a community do well. It gives us a chance to admire

the skill of those who we think we know well but can still surprise us with their

talent. We meet our friends and those with whom we share a friendly (and not so

friendly) rivalry over the best stick of rhubarb. So it is an important part of our

local culture – and even if through work or failing health we cannot get to the

local show one year we want o know it is still going on – we want it to be there.

It is part of our internal map in which we place ourselves in our community.

While this part of our traditions goes on there is a sense of continuity which

gives us hope for the future.

However none of this happens without a great deal of work by the show

organizers behind the scenes. The preparation of the catalogue, encouraging

people to enter, sorting out judges, entertaining them, and filling in risk

assessments, animal health form.... the list of jobs is endless. The Olympics had

their Game Makers – we have our Show Makers and we are grateful to them for

all they do.

Celebration and gratitude is vital for good mental health both individually and

corporately. If we concentrate on the struggle all the time we come to see life as

one constant grind. We need time to relax, laugh, enjoy our achievements as

well as our plans – it helps us to keep things in balance. The chance to say

„thank you‟ as well as „please‟ helps us to remember how fortunate we are.

So as we celebrate our achievements thanks to the „show

makers‟ let‟s also come together as communities at our

Harvest Festivals. Let us give thanks to God for the raw

materials and the gifts and talents he has given to our

communities. Let us conjure up the memories of summer – it

didn‟t rain the whole time – and let‟s celebrate once again in

these shortening days all the good things around us.


Shap Parish Council - A message to all vehicle owners.

There has been a long standing problem with vehicles parking on or

partly on pavements in various parts of the village. This causes a real

problem for pedestrians and in particular those who have prams, buggies,

wheelchairs or mobility scooters. The obstruction sometimes means that

the person using the pavement has to step into the road to get past, and

this puts them at risk from the traffic.

We are advised that a space sufficient for a double buggy or mobility

scooter to pass approx 3 feet, should be left on pavements. We are aware

than many areas of the village have pavements barely that width in total.

Drivers are also advised that when parking on the road they should not do

so in a manner likely to impede the passage of other traffic, and not

directly opposite other parked vehicles. Particular problem areas are:

Woodville Terrace and Sunnyside, and in the area of the Post Office and


The Parish Council would like to politely request that all those who

have to park on the highway do so responsibly and with consideration

for those who use the pavements and other road users.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Natalie Brass, a

casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

Formal notices were displayed from 7th August.

Eden District Council did not receive any request to hold an election to fill the

said vacancy. Therefore Shap Parish Council are empowered to fill the

vacancy by co-option.

Letters stating an interest in the vacancy should be sent to:

The Clerk, Shap Parish Council

Market Cross, Main Street

Shap, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 3NL

Tel: 01931 716743


Closing date Saturday 20th October 2012.

SHAP MEDICAL PRACTICE Peggy Nut Croft, Shap, Penrith Cumbria CA10 3LW

Tel. No 01931 716230 Fax. No 01931 716231


8.30 am - 6.30 pm Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri

8.30 am - 1.00 pm Thurs

Surgery times may vary during holiday periods. The surgery is closed on public

holidays and for the following Protected Learning Time sessions for staff training;

Wednesday 17th October Thursday 15th November

Emergency arrangements In an emergency please contact CHOC on 03000 247 247

Telephoning for Results Please phone for the results of tests or investigations between 2 and 3pm,

one week after you have had them done.

Ordering medication In addition to handing in repeat prescriptions at the Surgery you can now order

medication on our website, just go to

You must still allow 2 full working days notice.

CHILD HEALTH CLINIC At the surgery will be on 1

st and 3

rd Mondays 1 -3 pm.

For further information contact Jacqueline Larner, Health Visitor on 017683 54964

'Flu vaccination appointments are available to book now ! If you are aged 65 or over or suffer from chronic disease (such as heart,

lung, liver, kidney or neurological disease) have diabetes, a weak immune system or if you are pregnant then you may be more at risk from flu. Your

GP may also recommend vaccination in other clinical situations.

Eden Community Alarms, 12 St Andrews Churchyard, Penrith,CA11 7YE email: web.

Registered Charity No 1087503 Company Registration No: 4157043

Worried about a friend or family member?

We can provide help at the touch of a button

ECA’s care alarm service can help you to feel safe in your own home and maintain your independence

Our Emergency Response Service is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year

call us on 01768 890657



6th July 3rd August 31st August

£100 Mike Huddart Mary Rainsbury Hazel Millican

£30 Wiz Lees Hilda Richardson Rita Walkden

You’ve got to be in it to win it!

If you would like to try and win please ring

Glenis Furness 716484 for a number

Free Sessions at Rheged Softplay

Rheged have kindly offered Shap Playgroup a free session at the softplay

every month. Please call into Playgroup to book your place, you will

need to have your own transport or car share.

The next sessions are: Friday 19th October 10am - 12noon

Thursday 15th November 12.45 - 2.45pm

Friday 14th December 10am - 12noon



Family sessions 0-5 years: Monday afternoons 1.15 - 3.15 pm

Tuesday - Wednesday mornings 9.15 - 11.15 am

3 - 5 years: Monday morning

(Child able to be left under the supervision of Playleader)

9 mths - 1 year £1.10 1 - 3 years £2.20 3 - 5 years £3.00

Tea/coffee 60p

Call in for more details we will be happy to see you,

tel: 07505879297


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Saturday 29th September 9.30 - 11.30am

Memorial Hall Raffle☺ Cakes ☺ etc.

Send your Christmas Greetings

to friends around the village in

the next issue of „Shap Today‟.

£5 Donation. Please leave

wording plus contact details at

Anderson‟s Newsagents or

Shap CDC by 15th November

‘100 years ago’ - from The Herald – September & October 1912

September 1912 Dull, cold, wet. Worst for 33 years.

Foot and Mouth is in South and Midlands, and in County Durham again.

Shap Abbey Lamb Sale on 9th had a special bus run to it by Penrith Motor Services.

The 50th Shap Show is on Wednesday 18th, 1/- entrance (=£4 now).

Shap Wesleyan Church‟s Harvest Festival, and public meeting addressed by Mr

Moses Wesley. „Owd Mo‟, a character from Lancashire - a highlight of the year.

Shap UDC noted that Mr. Dent has now repaired his cottage; it withdrew the closing

order on it. It also noted that Oldcorn cottage is overcrowded. It was let to the granny

only, but her family (evicted from Penrith) moved in soon after. Resolved to evict


Station‟s north end is narrow and lit by only 1 oil-lamp – clerk to write to the Railway

Company. The Council will adopt Church Street and Terrace, and Gayle Terrace,

once the 12 owners have paid £82-10-0, the cost of the improvements needed. 11 are

willing; Mr. F. J. Leighton the 12th (says his house‟s previous owner paid this) will be

billed for his share. Shap UDC‟s rates are the 3rd lowest in England.

Joke: Wife in bed; “Jack! There‟s a burglar at the window!” Jack: “I‟ll shoot him

when he opens it.” Wife: “Shoot him now!” Jack: “What, and waste a pane of


October 1912

Fine middle, dull either end. Frosty nights in 2nd week, very fine autumn colours.

Work begun on strip of land acquired by Shap School, conveyance not yet signed.

Shap has room for 15 from Kendal‟s Workhouse, but is this a good idea? (Adjourned)

The Cumberland County Council Dairy Van was in Shap for two weeks, running

classes on butter-making led by Newton Rigg staff. Ended with exams.

Shap UDC is to adopt the Private Streets Improvement Act. A visitor has written to

complain of cars‟ dust.

A tramp pocketed a duck run over near Shap Lodge, but was goaled for a day, as it

belonged to the Lodge‟s owner.

In Shap Workhouse, 15 (from the district); plus 80 tramps (down 25).

Charles Conchie, athlete gone to seed, Church Terrace, was evicted by Court Order,

as an undesirable. His landlord has had enough of him. Shap‟s Bench agreed.

Married at Shap Church, 28th September, Tom Newton to Tamar Ellen Sarginson,

both of Shap. Tom is Vice-Captain of Shap F. C. ands plays at centre-forward. After

the wedding breakfast, he joined the team for the match v. Greenholme Rovers at

Penrith; Shap won.

Married at Shap Church, 8th October, Ernest, now of Newcastle but 2nd son of Mr.

And Mrs. J. G. Hudson, Shap, to Mary Agnes 3rd daughter of Mr. And Mrs, Smith,

Post oOffice, Shap.

Died at Marshall‟s Cottages, Shap, 20th, Margaret, wife of Ralph Howe, 64.

Prices (Penrith 22nd); Flour, 1s.8d-1s.9d per stone; Oatmeal, 2s.0d; Butter, 1s.2d lb;

Eggs, 6 for 1s.0d Meat, 9d lb average; Cod 6d lb. Jeremy Godwin

SHAP CDC FREE 1 to 1 IT for Beginners Drop in Session Monday 9 - 12

BCS IT User Level 1 and Level 2 Quals (Word/Internet Email/Excel/Powerpt)

Intro to IT * Internet & Email (starts Nov) * Advanced Word/Excel/Database

Digital Photography * Creative Writing * Art

French Conversation * Italian Beginners (starts 4th Oct) * Spanish Int.

Felt Rug Making – 2 day 20th/21st Oct * Silk Painting – 1 day 6th Oct

How to use Skype – 20th Oct * Emergency First Aid – Fri 9th Nov

Card Creation using Photoshop – 10th Nov * Labels & Mail Merge – 24th Nov

Christmas Wreath and Floral Art – 1day 30th November

If you think you have missed the start of a class please contact us

just in case the start has been delayed

For details tel. 01931 716447, email:

Highlights Rural Touring at Shap Memorial Hall

Saturday 6th October 7.30pm ‘Me, Myself and Miss Gibbs’ Part detective noir, part lecture, part personal biography, Francesca investigates the

message on a postcard sent 100 years ago and finds herself obsessed by the life of a

woman that received it. What happens when she starts tracing a history that isn‟t her

own? Why did Miss Gibbs have to be careful tomorrow?

The performance will be followed by a post-show discussion and Question and Answer

session which will include panel members from the Westmorland County Archive

service in Kendal.

Sunday 25th November 7.30pm

Mad Dogs and Englishmen Theatre Company present

‘David Copperfield’

Replete with comic, cruel and repugnant characters, Charles Dickens‟

semi-autobiographical novel follows a vulnerable boy on his journey to

manhood. It is a story of the struggle against poverty and obscurity: a story

of loss, of loneliness, and the betrayal of innocence. The show is directed by

Ann Courtney and is performed by a cast of two who capture the hilarity and

pathos of Dickens‟ writing with finesse, depth and ingenious dexterity.

Tickets: Adult: £8.00, Conc. £7, Child £4, Family £19.50 Tel 01931 716273

Shap's Got Talent? In The Memorial Hall

at 7pm on Saturday13thOctober.

Please see posters for further information.

The family of the late SYLVIA B. LOWIS would like to thank everyone

who donated money in her memory. £258.00 was collected and given as

requested to BLISS for babies born too soon, too small or too sick.

Olympics 2012 Well done Ben Carr „Carrying the Torch‟ at Carnforth.

Ben along with mum Vera and brother Stephen has helped to raise funds

(much needed cash) for : „Great North Air Ambulance‟, „Cerebal Palsy‟,

„Shap surgery‟, „Run for Life‟ and „Gillian Barrie‟.

Ben was a member of „Young Carers‟ (voluntary organization) who

cycled from Shap to Kendal caring for Stephen all the way.

Andrea Benson would like to thank everyone who sponsored her for

doing the Total Warrior Event. A total of £720 was raised which will be

shared between Shap Medical Practice Equipment Fund and Penrith

Mountain Rescue. The Practice have purchased a centrifuge using these

funds which means that blood tests are now available throughout the day.

Thanks to all who walked across Morecambe Bay – this raised over £400

for Playgroup funds ****

Catalogues are in Playgroup now if you would like to take one home and

order before Wednesday 17th October, your items should be in Playgroup

by Tuesday 6th November. Playgroup receives 20% of what you order.

The offertory at The Village Service in July amounted to £145 which was

sent to support the Great North Air Ambulance.

PCC St Michael’s, Shap would like to thank all those who took part in

and supported the Village Show in August. It was really encouraging to

have some new exhibitors taking part. The event realised £350.

Host At home this Christmas? Many UK based international students will be alone and would love to celebrate with you. Inviting a student to stay will make them feel welcome here. Learn about other cultures, meet new people and make the world a little friendlier! To learn more about volunteer hosting at Christmas or any weekend of the year, see or contact Regional Organisers Kerrie and Phillip on 01697 324473.

Shap Local History Society

Monday October 29th English Folk songs Sheila Fletcher

Saturday November 17th 7 for 7.30pm Social Evening

Supper followed by ‘Walking through History’ with Maurice Steele

Tickets: £10 including supper - available from Jean Scott Smith 716386 Unless otherwise stated, meetings are held in the Green Room

starting 7.30 pm, entrance on the left hand side of the Memorial Hall.

Visitors are welcome at any time, £3 per meeting.

Open Archives and Coffee 10am - 1pm Saturdays

6th October and 3rd November

St Michael’S church



Saturday 24th November

10.30am - 2.00pm

Memorial Hall

Gift Stalls

Games Café

Santa will be in attendance (no charge)

see posters for times

Dominoes at 7.30pm

Evergreen Christmas

Shopping Trip To Carlisle

Wednesday 21st November Coach leaves 9.30am

Returns 4.30pm

If you wish to join us ring

MURIEL LORD 01931 716418 ELSIE HODGSON 01931 716517

Shap Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) Success

We have been successful in our major funding bids to Sport England

(£50,000) and Eden Rural Infrastructure Fund (£30,000). This now

means we are able to progress the Parish Council‟s plans to transform the

old tennis court on the Memorial Park into a superb new MUGA.

Various preliminary works will take place this autumn, so that all will be

ready for the major build in the Spring. Full details of progress will be

posted on the Shap website, but if you have any queries please call Helen

Warburg on 01931 713317 or email her -

Evergreen Autumn Fair

Saturday 6th October

Shap Memorial Hall

9.30 - 11.30am

Admission 50p including

Tea/Coffee & Biscuits


raffles, stalls


Everyone welcome

St. Michael’s

Grand Prize Draw

Don‟t forget to buy your tickets for

our Grand Prize Draw (£100 and

£50 cash prizes plus many more)

which will take place at the

Memorial Hall at 1.00pm

on Saturday 13th October

Soup & Sandwiches in

Memorial Hall

11am – 1.30pm

'Cropper's Chronicles'

Shap Wells Hotel Friday 19th October

8.00pm an entertaining evening


Katy Cropper first female winner of

'One Man & his Dog' TV series

and winner of the 2012 English National Brace Championship

plus music from ‘Liz and Brian’ Tickets: £7.50

Tel 01931 716273 or 015396 24384 Proceeds for St Michael’s Church ,

Shap and All Saints’ Church, Orton

Bar meals available - tel. Shap Wells Hotel tel.716628


Saturday 27th October

6 - 10pm

Shap Memorial Hall

Bar ☻Entertainer ☻Disco




All aspects

of joinery

carried out

Tel. 01931 716129

Mobile 07977426638



Saturday 6th 9.30-11.30am Evergreen Coffee Morning Memorial Hall

Sunday 7th 7.30pm „Me, Myself & Miss Gibbs‟ (Highlights)

Memorial Hall

Saturday13th 10.30-1pm Grand Raffle Draw, Soup & Sandwiches

Memorial Hall

Saturday13th 7.00pm Shap‟s Got Talent Memorial Hall

Thursday 18th 2.00pm M.U. Open Meeting Green Room

Friday 19th 8.00pm An Evening with Katy Cropper Shap Wells Hotel

Saturday 27th 6-10pm Halloween Family Night Memorial Hall

Monday 29th 7.30pm History Society Green Room


Thursday 15th 2.00pm Mothers Union tbc

Saturday 17th 7.00pm History Society Green Room

Wednesday 21st 9.30am Evergreen Shopping Trip

Saturday 24th 11.00am Christmas Fayre Memorial Hall

Saturday 24th 7.30pm Dominoes Memorial Hall

Sunday 25th 7.30pm David Copperfield‟ (Highlights) Memorial Hall

Monday 26th 2pm MU Deanery Advent Service Kirkby Stephen


Students attending courses of further education are invited

to apply to the above charity for assistance.

Apply in writing by 12th October to:

Mr. E. Hodgson, Hon. Chairman of Trustees

Brackenrigg, 5 Oak Tree Close, Shap, Cumbria C10 3PR

CALLING ALL RESIDENTS. Shap Parish Council is not currently in a position to provide a street cleaning service.

Until this matter is resolved, it would be helpful if all residents, who are physically able

to do so, keep the frontage of their property swept and litter free. This will be

particularly important in the coming weeks when leaves will start falling from the trees.

If we all do our bit, the village will continue to look well cared for. Thank you.

The VOLUNTARY CAR SCHEME is run by Cumbria County Council and

provides transport for people who need to get to appointments at the doctor,

dentist or hospital (Carlisle or Kendal); it can also be used for shopping or

pleasure. The cost is 35p per mile for the first 12 miles, then at a reduced rate.

The charge is per trip, so if two or three people travel they can share the small

cost. The service is offered during the day time, but the volunteer co-ordinator

would consider evening trips if required. Contact: Elsie Mounsey on 01931

713157. Additional volunteer drivers would also be welcome if you have time

on your hands and a car available, ring and find out more from Mrs Mounsey. .......Why not clip this item out for future reference.


METHODIST CHURCH 10am every Sunday in Cream 17 Coffee Shop

(except 30th September – Harvest Service in St Michael‟s

11th November – Remembrance Service, St Michael‟s)


30th September 10.30am Village Harvest Service and Joint Worship with

Bampton at Shap

7th October 11.00am Let‟s Praise – all age worship

14th October 11.00am Holy Communion

21st October 11.00am Holy Communion

28th October 11.00am Morning Worship

4th November 11.00am Let‟s Praise – all age worship

2.00pm Remembering Service

11th November 10.55am Remembrance Service

18th November 10.30am No service in St Michael‟s -

Confirmation and HWMU Joint Service at Morland Church

25th November 11.00am Morning Worship

27th November Grandparents‟ Day at Shap School

2nd December 11.00 Praise service celebrating grandparents

Wednesdays 10.00am Holy Communion followed by Coffee & Chat

4th Thursday 2.00pm Wasdale – short worship followed by a chat –

all welcome - 25th October, 22nd November

Other special events in High Westmorland Parishes 7

th October – Orton Market Hall, Harvest Supper with entertainment


Saturday monthly – Farmers Market at Orton - refreshments and Bric a Brac in All Saints Church– 24

th November – Christmas Fairs – Shap and Orton

30th November – Hot Pot and Blue Jam at Tebay

1st December – Coffee Morning at Bampton, Winter Warmers at Ravenstonedale

Shap Mothers Union Open Meeting

Thursday 18th October 2pm The Green Room, Memorial Hall

Rev Chris and Mary Jenkin Talk and slides about

Kasese Street Children Project in Uganda

Bring & Buy * Raffle * Refreshments All Welcome

Remembering Service Sunday 4th November


in St Michael’s Church

Anyone who would like to join

us at this special service to

remember loved ones will be

most welcome.

MESSY CHURCH - IN THE SCHOOL HALL Wednesday 10th October and 14th November 3.15pm - 4.45pm

Crafts, Fun, Food and Worship for parents and children

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