trends in affiliate marketing & attribution (am days, 2014)

Post on 27-May-2015



Data & Analytics



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An overview of affiliate marketing trends and data from the AvantMetrics attribution platform.


trends in affiliate marketing & attribution

from a network’s perspective

chad waite

(hey, that’s me!)

marketing manager at


so, what are we doing

here?present lots of raw data

offer helpful (hopefully) insight

give you plenty of info to draw your own conclusions

have an almost illegal amount of fun

what can you expect?

shorter presentation: 30 minutes

significantly biased towards AvantLink

get a bunch of information on attribution

let’s get started!

Typical Averages


“Stay back, Pacman!!”

Average Click-Through Rate



Average Conversion Rate



Average Order Value



Average “Click To Sale Time”

58 hours12 minutes


What Does This Mean?

This time gap shows most affiliatereferrals made when a customer

is researching a product or deciding whether to buy or not.

See “Influencer” referrals in AvantMetrics.


Mobile Sale %



What Does This Mean?


Nearly 1 of 6 affiliate sales completed from a mobile device.

Remember, in the affiliate world a responsive site with the same URL is the better choice than a “m. mobile” URL.


Mobile Sale AOV



Mobile Sale “Click To Sale” Time

56 hours36 minutes


What Does This Mean?

Slightly less time from click to sale than non-mobile affiliate links, but still a significant gap.

Shows that many affiliate referrals take place well within the middle of a path-to-purchase.

See “Influencer” referrals in AvantMetrics.


Most Productive Hour For Sales

6-7 pm(based on CTR vs conversion rate)


Most Productive Hour For Clicks

9-10 am


What Does This Mean?

Hints to the idea that many customers look at products near the beginning of a work day and decide to make the purchase once at home.


Least Productive Hour For Sales

2-3 am(based on CTR vs conversion rate)


Least Productive Hour For Clicks

3-4 am


What Does This Mean?

Pro tip: Don’t spend lots of time checking your program’s stats from 2-4 in the morning.


Most Popular Tools Based On Sales

Highest Adoption & Conversion Rate:Custom Links, 44% of sales (8% higher than Banner Ads)

Dynamic, Non-datafeed Tools:Roughly 8% of sales

Datafeeds + Datafeed Driven Tools:Roughly 12% of sales


What Does This Mean?

Majority of affiliate sales are driven from relevant deep links in content.

While banner ads are still popular, moreaffiliates are beginning to adopt dynamic,product level tools driven by datafeeds.


Holiday Variations(timeframe: Nov. 15 - Dec. 23)

Sales Increase

247% Avg Increase In Sales Compared August sales data vs. December

sales data for top 100 merchants.


What Does This Mean?

Q4 brings in a massive boost for most online retailers. We know this.

But how does this affect the numbers?Let’s take a look.


Average Click-Through Rate



Average Conversion Rate



What Does This Mean?

Click through rates are up nearly 30%.

Conversion rates are up nearly 50%.


Average Order Value



Average “Click To Sale Time”

56 hours38 minutes


Mobile Sale “Click To Sale” Time

55 hours27 minutes


What Does This Mean?

Holiday last click to sale times for regular and mobile sales are nearly identical to non-holiday



Mobile Sale %



What Does This Mean?

Interestingly enough, mobile usage doesn’t fluctuate significantly during the holiday season. Still a high number, however, with 1 of 6 sales

completed through a mobile device.


Mobile Sale AOV



What Does This Mean?

Both regular sale AOV and mobile sale AOV stay almost exactly identical through the holidays

compared to all other times of the year.


Most Popular Tools Based On Sales

Highest Adoption & Conversion Rate:Banner Ads, 51% of sales

(23% higher than Custom Links!!)

Dynamic, Non-datafeed Tools:Roughly 11% of sales

Datafeeds + Datafeed Driven Tools:Roughly 9% of sales


What Does This Mean?

Affiliates overwhelmingly rely on up-to-datebanner ads during the holiday seasons topromote relevant sales and promotions.

We find that smaller ad lists that areregularly dynamically updated

experience the highest adoption and conversion rates.


Holiday Wrap-up

The data clearly shows that most holiday metrics stay the same as non-holiday metrics, with the clear exceptions of # of sales and tools used.

Takeaway: Focus on solid, up-to-date creative for banner ads during Q4. Small ad lists with consistent dynamic updates works best!


Attribution Stats


Referral Groups

Basics:Affiliates are categorized into different referral groups

depending on where their referrals came into playin a customer’s path-to-purchase clickstream:

- Introducers- Influencers

- Checkout Influencers


Referral Groups


Introducers Influencers CheckoutInfluencers


The first time a visitor haslanded on a merchant’s site, referred by an affiliate link.





Referrals made after the visitor’s initial visit and up until the

checkout process is started.



Checkout Influencer

Referral made by an affiliateafter a customer has already entered the checkout process.



The final channel (any channel)to make a referral before a

customer’s finalizes their purchase.


# Of Sales With Multiple Aff. Referrals



What Does This Mean?

Nearly one in ten sales has multiple affiliate referrals, making the “last click wins” model an

outdated way of compensation.


Group With The Highest Referral Rate




What Does This Mean?

The vast majority of affiliate referrals help the customer make the decision to move ahead

with a purchase.


Group With The Lowest Referral Rate




What Does This Mean?

The old idea of every affiliate referral being the first (and only channel) to introduce a

new customer to a brand is clearly dead and has been so for a long time.


That Leaves…

Checkout Influencer



What Does This Mean?

The idea that coupon and shopping affiliates only send referrals after a

customer has entered the click stream is challenged by this number.


AOV / Group: Introducer



AOV / Group: Influencer



What Does This Mean?

We routinely see that affiliate referrals that help a customer make a decision to buy a

product result in substantially higher AOVs.


AOV / Group: Checkout Influencer



Average % Of Sales Deduplicated



What Does This Mean?

Programs that run in multiple network see nearly 1 out of every 20 sales involved affiliate referrals from both networks.

Think about that overlap and the time and work it takes to manually deduplicate those

sales. Is having a program in multiple networks worth it? If so, do you have automated deduplication in place?


Attribution Wrap-up

AvantMetrics presents clear data to show that:

- Assumptions on coupon/sales driven sites are often incorrect.

- Multiple affiliates are involved in a significant number of sales made.

- The value of affiliates as means to help a customer make a decision to purchase.

- Nearly 1 in 20 sales require commission deduplication


Questions? Feel free to email me at


chad waite

(hey, that’s me!)

marketing manager at


trends in affiliate marketing & attribution

from a network’s perspective

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