trick your mind

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  • 8/8/2019 Trick Your Mind


    10 Strange Mental Conditions

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    Mind manifests itself subjectively as a stream of consciousness, which allowsindividuals to model the world, and so to deal with it effectively according to their goals,

    plans, ends and desires. This is rightly an amazing thing placed inside our craniums;

    however it can trickus as a part of its normal phenomena. Any disturbance from thisnormal function leads to a psychological or behavioral patterns associated with distress or

    disability that occurs in an individual, which is not a part of normal development or

    culture. The field of Mental Health has expanded over time, discovering such incredibly

    strange disorders a normal mind might even fail to believe like that but they exist andhere we shall elaborate a ten.

    10. Derealization
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    Derealization (DR) is an alteration in the perception or experience of the external world

    so that it seems strange or unreal. Othersymptoms include feeling as though onesenvironment is lacking in spontaneity, emotional colouring and depth. It is a dissociative

    symptom of many conditions, such as psychiatric and neurological disorders.

    The detachment of realization can be described as an immaterial substance that separates

    a person from the outside world, such as a sensory fog, a pane of glass, or a veil.Individuals may complain that what they see lacks vividness and emotional

    colouring.Familiar places may look alien, bizarre, and surreal. The world as perceived by

    the individual may feel like it is going through adolly zoom effect. Such perceptual

    abnormalities may also extend to the senses of hearing, taste, and smell.

    9. Autophagia

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    As a mental disorder/symptom, Autophagia is a case in which one is compelled to inflict

    pain upon oneself by biting and/or devouring portions of ones body. It is sometimes

    caused by severe sexual anxiety, sometimes combined with schizophrenia or psychosis

    8. Synaesthesia

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    Synaesthesia is a neurologically-based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or

    cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or

    cognitive pathway.

    The sensory links are intermixed. When a person senses something, automatically,another sensation lights up. For example patients see letters in different colors, some

    might see music, or taste words, days of the week have personalities, and some experienceto see time, etc The picture above depicts of a synesthete being able to taste color.

    7. Amputee Identity Disorder
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    Amputee Identity Disorder, refers to a neurological and psychological mental disorderimplying a psychological feeling that one would be happier living life as an amputee and

    is usually, if not always, accompanied by the desire to amputate one or more healthy

    limbs in order to enact that desire.
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    It may or may not be characterized by a sexual motivation for being or looking like an

    amputee which is called apotemnophilia. In addition, acrotomophilia, which describes a

    person who is sexually attracted to otherpeople who are already missing limbs, mayrarely be present too. These may represent as separate disorders but there does seem to be

    some relationship between them because most individuals exhibiting them in common.

    6. Shopaholism

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    Oniomania is the technical term forshopaholism, the compulsive desire to shop. The

    addicted person gets into a vicious circle that consists of negative emotions like anger and

    stress, which lead to purchasing something. After the buying is over, the person is eitherregretful or depressed. In order to cope with the feelings, the addicted person resorts to

    another purchase.

    Sufferers often experience the highs and lows associated with addiction.Victims often

    experience moods of satisfaction when they are in the process of purchasing, whichseems to give their life meaning while letting them forget about their sorrows. Once

    leaving the environment where the purchasing occurred, the feeling of a personal reward

    has already gone. To compensate, the addicted person goes shopping again.Eventually afeeling of suppression will overcome the person. For example, that the bought goods will

    be hidden or destroyed, because the person concerned feels ashamed of their addiction

    and tries to conceal it.

    5. Walking Corpse Syndrome

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    Walking Corpse or Cotards Syndrome, also known as nihilistic ornegation delusion,

    is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they aredead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood

    or internal organs. Rarely, it can include delusions of immortality.Despair and self-

    loathing characterize a mild state. Someone suffering the severe state begins to deny thevery existence of the self.

    Young and Leafhead describe a modern-day case in a patient who suffered braininjury

    after a motorcycle accident:

    The patients symptoms occurred in the context of more general feelings of unreality and

    being dead. In January, 1990, after his discharge from hospital in Edinburgh, his mothertook him to South Africa. He was convinced that he had been taken to hell (which was

    confirmed by the heat), and that he had died of septicaemia (which had been a risk early

    in his recovery), or perhaps from AIDS (he had read a story in The Scotsman aboutsomeone with AIDS who died from septicaemia), or from an overdose of a yellow fever

    injection. He thought he had borrowed my mothers spirit to show me round hell, and

    that he was asleep in Scotland.

    4. Alice in The Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS) Or Todds

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    Alice in Wonderland syndrome, also known as Todds syndrome, is a disorienting

    neurological condition which affects human perception. Sufferers may experiencemicropsia, macropsia(described below) and size distortion of other sensory modalities.

    A temporary condition, it is often associated with migraines, brain tumors, and the use of

    psychoactive drugs

    Micropsia is a neurological condition affecting human visual perception in whichhumans, inanimate and animate objects are perceived to be substantially smaller than

    they actually are. Micropsia can be caused by either optical distortion of images in the

    eye (as by glasses or certain ocular conditions) or by a neurological dysfunction.Similarly macropsia is the reverse condition characterized by objects appearing

    substantially larger than they actually are e.g a car may seem as big as a mountain.

    3. Clinical Lycanthropy
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    Clinical lycanthropy is defined as a rare psychiatric syndrome that involves a delusionthat the affected person can or has transformed into an animal or that he or she is an

    animal. Its name is connected to the mythical condition of lycanthropy, a supernatural

    affliction in which people are said to physically shapeshift into wolves. The terms

    zoanthropy and therianthropy are also sometimes used for the delusion that one hasturned into an animal in general and not specifically a wolf.
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    Affected individuals report a delusional belief that they are in the process of transforming

    into an animal or have already transformed into an animal. It has been linked with the

    altered states of mind that accompany psychosis (the reality-bending mental state thattypically involves delusions and hallucinations) with the transformation only seeming to

    happen in the mind and behavior of the affected person. The patient reports in a moment

    of lucidity or looking back that he sometimes feels as an animal or has felt like one andbehaves in a manner that resembles animal behavior, for example crying, grumbling, or


    2. Delusional Misidentification Syndrome

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    Delusional misidentification syndrome is an umbrella term, for a group of delusionaldisorders that all involve a belief that the identity of a person, object or place has

    somehow changed or has been altered.

    This syndrome is usually considered to include four main variants:

    The Capgras delusion is the belief that (usually) a close relative or spouse has

    been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. The Fregoli delusion is the belief that various people the believer meets are

    actually the same person in disguise.

    Intermetamorphosis is the belief that people in the environment swap identitieswith each other whilst maintaining the same appearance.
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    Subjective doubles, in which a person believes there is a doppelgnger or double

    of him or herself carrying out independent actions.

    1. Hemispatial Neglect

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    Hemispatial neglect, is a neuropsychological condition in which, after damage to one

    hemisphere of the brain, a deficit in attention to and awareness of one side of space is

    observed. Hemispatial neglect is very commonly on the opposite side of the damagedhemisphere, but instances of same sided neglect have been reported.

    Although most strikingly affecting visual perception (visual neglect), neglect in other

    forms of perception can also be found, either alone, or in combination with visual

    neglect. A patient with neglect behaves as if one side of sensory space is nonexistent;although they can still walk and turn around to either sides. A patient with neglect might

    fail to eat the food on the one half of their plate, even though they complain of being

    hungry. If someone with neglect is asked to draw a clock, their drawing might show onlythe numbers 12 and 1 to 6, the other side being distorted or left blank. Neglect patients

    may also ignore one side of their body, shaving or adding make-up only to the non-

    neglected side.

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