trilogy novel- lord of the ring

Post on 01-May-2017






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Trilogy Novel

Compiled by:

Mita Farani Azis (1005085019)

Ariyani Haruna (1005085021)

Regular A 210

Literary appreciation & criticism

Lectured by:

Sunardi, SS.,M.Hum


What is trilogy novel

Characteristics of trilogy novel

Lord of the ring

Justification of Lord of the Ring

What is trilogy novel A series of three related works According to,

trilogy is a group of three related novels, plays, films, etc.

Characteristics of trilogy novel

1. Trilogy of novel actually represents three novels in a sequence.

2. Protagonist is unable to complete the larger quest in one book.

3. Each book does need some kind of "beginning, middle, and end," but by no means does each book require closure. It leaves room for the author to continue his story in the next part.

Lord of the Ring Lord of The ring is

Sauron He lost the One Ring But this evil intention

is prevented by a hobbit called as Frodo Baggins

The struggle of the ring power

Literary appreciation & criticism

Con’t It was written by John

Ronald Reuel Tolkien The Lord of the Rings’

was published in 1954.

Literary appreciation & criticism

Justification of Lord of the Ring

1. Trilogy of novel actually represents three novels in a sequence.

Con’t 2. Protagonist is unable to complete

the larger quest in one book.

Con’t 3. Each book does need some kind of

"beginning, middle, and end," but by no means does each book require closure. It leaves room for the author to continue his story in the next part.

Overall structures Beginning Middle End

The Fellowship of the Ring

- Frodo gets the One Ring from his uncle Biblo Baggins

- Gandalf suggest Frodo to go to Mount Doom in the Mordor

- The journey start accompanied by nine companies called as the fellowship of ring

- The fellowship of the ring attacked by Orcs and make them separate with Frodo & Sam

- Gandalf probably die, Bormomir die in the fight of Orcs and merry & Pippin are being kidnapped by Orcs

Con’tBeginning Middle End

The Two Towers

- The members of the fellowship help a little country in Middle Earth in its war against Saruman.

- Merry & pippin escape from Orcs and meet Ents (a giant treelike creature) named Fangorn

- Saruman haunts Aragorn and his group as they travel the forest. 

- Gandalf then appears after his earlier death

- Fellowship of the ring meet Frodo & Sam

- Frodo & Sam guided by Gollum to go to Mordor. Then Frodo get stank by Shelob

- Sauron launch all of his armies on Middle Earth. The battle of the ring was about to begin. The fellowship would have to help protect it.

Con’t Beginning Middle End

The return of the king

- Gandalf and Pippin arrive at Gondor to warn everyone of the war.

- Gandalf, Aragorn and the members of the fellowship meet and drove the remainder of Sauron’s armies back.

- The One Ring is destroyed in Mount doom along with Gollum

- Sauron was banished forever.

- Aragorn was crowned king and took good care of the people.

- Frodo and Bilbo decided to sail over the Sea to the undying lands




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