trinity college london - free sound studies · any of the trinity graded examinations in spoken ......

Post on 28-Jun-2018






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Trinity College London is a leading international exam board with a difference. Our reputation rests on our ability to provide respected qualifications in the English Language, Music and Drama.

Trinity has been conducting exams since 1877, and our assessments are now taken in over 60 countries each year.

Trinity recognises a unique spectrum of communicative skills — from music, drama and arts to English language — at all levels.

What sets us apart is our focus on the learner, every learner. Our exams and assessments are designed to help students and trainees progress; to mark an achievement at each stage of their development, and at all levels of competence, on a journey towards fulfillment of their own individual talents and abilities.

Trinity assesses skills using real-world tasks, promoting effective teaching and learning as preparation for successful performance in life.

We encourage candidates to bring their own choices and interests into our exams — this motivates students and makes the assessment more relevant and enjoyable.

Trinity provides a local support programme for teachers which is tailored to allow for flexible learning and teaching styles.

Trinity offers unique opportunities for professional development.

With expert examiners and the backing of leading specialists and academics, the quality of our product and our approachable style give Trinity College London the human touch, designed to encourage and motivate all students to achieve their personal, vocational and professional goals.

To discover more about Trinity visit and

DisCovEr TriniTy

Trinity College London is an exam board registered as a charity in England.

Trinity College London is recognised as a qualifications awarding organisation by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)

Trinity qualifications regulated by Ofqual are included within the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). Some of the benefits of regulated qualifications is that certain qualifications are eligible for UCAS tariff points. Further details can be found on the UCAS website (

Students are advised to check with relevant higher education institutions to find out more.

A number of Trinity English Language qualifications are approved by the UK border authorities for use within its points-based system for UK immigration. Useful information about British Examinations Boards can be found at

All Trinity’s English Language exams are mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Trinity is a full member of the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) and Trinity’s GESE and ISE exams have been awarded the ALTE Quality mark, meeting all 17 of ALTE’s stringent quality standards.

in italy

Trinity exams are included in the Elenco Enti Certificatori issued by the Italian Ministry of Education on 12.07.2012 (prot. AOODGAI/10899) updated on 28/01/2013 (Prot. AOODGAI/1200).

Trinity is accredited as a training institution for teachers by the Italian Ministry of Education (Decreto 27.01.2001 confirmed by Decreto 05.07.2005, prot. 1228).

Trinity exams can be used as credits for the High School Leaving Exam (Esame di Stato) and are recognised by a number of university faculties for admission and for university credits. Details of the university faculties which recognise Trinity exams in Italy can be found at

ACCrEDiTATion & rECogniTion



Trinity Stars: Young Performers in English Award provides an opportunity for teachers and children to present language in songs, poems, short plays, stories or musical works.

Trinity Stars is designed to encourage the teaching and learning of English language skills from a very young age through the medium of drama and performance.

There are four awards — Stages 1, 2 and 3 and a separate ‘Trinity Stars School Show award‘. Stage awards are for groups of five to 40 children and the School Show award is for a larger group up to a maximum of 300 children.

Trinity Stars can be taken before or alongside any of the Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English.

Although each performance must be in English there are no specific criteria for grammatical structures to be used for any of the awards.

Trinity Stars is suitable for children who are learning English as a foreign language.

It is recommended that children have had at least one year of English language-learning.

Performances take place in the participating schools.

For more information on Trinity Stars, including centre registration and operational details contact

TriniTy sTArs:yoUng PErForMErs in EngLisH AWArD


TEsoL qualifications for teachers Besides offering English Language exams, Trinity is a leading provider of qualifications for teachers in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). We have been validating courses and awarding qualifications for over 30 years, and our teaching qualifications are among the most widely recognised and respected in the industry.

To find more about TESOL please visit

English language exams With Trinity College London you can gain an English language certificate to prove your proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

All Trinity English language exams form a natural part of any course of English language study, undertaken in a group or individually. Preparation for the exams is designed to support the study programme chosen by the teacher and learner, rather than interfering with it.

There are three main suites of English Language exams.

gEsEThe Graded Examinations in Spoken English test candidates’ ability in speaking and listening. They are one-to-one oral exams with an English-speaking Trinity examiner resident outside of Italy.

There are 12 grades from pre-A1 to C2 of the CEFR. The exams encourage students to develop and progress by acknowledging each step forward; at every stage of the student’s development there is a chance to mark success.

stage Initial Elementary Intermediate Advanced

grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

CEFr n/a A1 A2.1 A2.2 B1.1 B1.2 B2.1 B2.2 B2.3 C1.1 C1.2 C2


Topic presentation

Topic discussion

Candidate-led discussion of topic Interactive task

Topic discussion Interactive task Listening task

Conversation Conversation Conversation Conversation

EngLisH LAngUAgE ExAMs & QUALiFiCATions

isETrinity’s Integrated Skills in English exams assess Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading.

The exam is available at five levels, from A2 to C2 of the CEFR.

Level isE 0 isE i isE ii isE iii isE iv

CEFr A2 B1 B2 C1 C2


• Portfolio 3 tasks 3 tasks 3 tasks 3 tasks 3 tasks

• Controlled Written exam

2 tasks 2 tasks 2 tasks 3 tasks 3 tasks

• Interview 2 tasks 2 tasks 3 tasks 5 tasks 5 tasks

sEWThe Spoken English for Work exam is a unique assessment of Speaking and Listening including a Telephone task.

The exams are available at four levels starting at B1 of the CEFR.

Level sEW B1 sEW B2 sEW B2+ sEW C1

CEFr B1 B2.1 B2.3 C1


Telephone task 1 Telephone task 1 Telephone task 1 Telephone task 1

Telephone task 2 Telephone task 2 Telephone task 2

Topic presentation

Topic presentation

Formal topic presentation

Interactive topic presentation

Topic discussion (examiner-led)

Topic discussion (examiner-led)

Topic discussion (candidate-led)

Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion


Teachers get immediate feedback after the exam sessionAfter each Trinity practical exam session the examiner gives up to 30 minutes’ feedback to the teachers on the general performance of the students as a group.

impact in the classroomTrinity’s exams have a major impact in the classroom as teaching becomes more communicative.

individuality and creativityTrinity’s exams foster individual learning paths and creativity. The exams allow students choice so that they can select topics of their own interest. In this way they perform better and progress faster.

Freedom to teach English as a living languageTeachers appreciate the fact that they are able to teach real communicative skills and they do not have to spend every available moment in exam preparation, teaching techniques, tips and tricks that will never be used outside the classroom.

FlexibleThe exam dates of GESE (Graded Examinations in Spoken English) and SEW (Spoken English for Work), as well as the interview components of ISE (Integrated Skills in English) are offered on demand — whenever is convenient for the school and normally at the students’ place of learning. So Trinity exams can become part of any course, however long or short.

recorded exams make for transparent assessmentsAll of Trinity’s oral exams are recorded by the examiners using audio-recording devices. These audio files document the live assessment, giving a window into the exam room and allowing Trinity to monitor the examiners and ensure that they are consistent and reliable.


MUsiC ExAMs & QUALiFiCATions


MUsiC ExAMs & QUALiFiCATions

Every year Trinity College London supports the music education of thousands of students with assessments across a wide spectrum including popular, jazz, contemporary and classical music.

Trinity College London graded exams and diplomas span from performing, teaching, music theory to composing.

The candidate is at the heart of our focus. That is why we offer insightful assessments for everyone, from beginners right up to diplomas for the most advanced candidates.

All Trinity examiners are professional musicians, and they take special care to make candidates feel relaxed in the exam room, creating a positive environment which enables them to demonstrate their talents to their full potential.

Music exams are available at many levels from initial to advanced and for a vast variety of instruments. Trinity also offers qualifications for Music teachers and professionals.

For more information on Trinity music syllabuses, centre registration and operational details visit or contact

Trinity’s groundbreaking Rock & Pop exams for Bass, Drums, guitar, keyboards and vocals provide an opportunity for rock and pop musicians to gain accredited qualifications through performing carefully chosen and arranged songs across the rock and pop genres.

To discover more about the Rock & Pop visit To register as a centre contact

Exam structure

Component option Pass mark

Maximum mark

song 1 Choose a song from the relevant TrinityRock & Pop bookor from

15 25

song 2 Choose a different song from the bookor from www.trinityrock.comor perform a song you have chosen yourselfor perform a song you have composed yourself.For Song 2 you may choose to sing and play, e.g. by adding vocals to playing keyboards oradding a guitar accompaniment to your vocals.

15 25

song 3 Choose one of the two Technical Focus songsfrom the book, which cover three specifictechnical elements.

18 30

session skills

Choose either Playback or Improvising 12 20

ToTAL 60 100



Trinity College London offers an unrivalled choice of exams and qualifications for students and teachers of drama subjects, at all levels of experience and ability.Our syllabuses provide a structured framework designed to encourage the progressive development of integrated dramatic performance over time.

Exams can be taken by individuals, pairs or groups.

Study strands include:

• Musical Theatre

• Performance Arts

• Drama

• Individual Acting Skills

• Group Performance

• Shakespeare

• Choral Singing

Candidates enjoy an entirely free choice of repertoire in all exams, and we actively encourage them to explore the literature and drama of their own culture so long as it is delivered in English during the exam.

Trinity also offers qualifications for professionals in the drama sector.

For more information on Trinity Drama syllabuses visit or write to


inTErnATionAL PLAyWriTing CoMPETiTion

Trinity College London encourages creativity and participation in the arts for people of all ages and all levels. The International Playwriting Competition aims to encourage new writing for young performers and audiences around the world to engage with — in classrooms, drama clubs, youth theatre groups and more.

The winners in each category are awarded cash prizes and will see their play performed as part of Trinity’s International Festival of Playwriting & Performance.

Previous prize winners have come from Australia, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Malta, Singapore, South Africa and the UK.

The best plays entered in the competition will be published in a collection of plays with international distribution.

For more information about the International Playwriting Competition


DisCovEr TriniTy inTEgrATED sUPPorT ProgrAMME For TEACHErs oF EngLisH LAngUAgE, MUsiC, MUsiCAL THEATrE, PErForMAnCE ArTs AnD DrAMA

our integrated support Programme is completely free of charge

DisCovEr TriniTy

Discover Trinity


Discover Trinity Workshops

Online Trinity

Support for Teachers

Discover Trinity


Events with Teacher

Associations and Publishers - Exhibition and

Trade Fairs

P.O.N. Support Programme


There is no better place than these Conventions to discover what Trinity is and does, as well as keeping up to date with all the latest news from Trinity College London.

Teachers from all over Italy join us for the unique opportunity to:

• listen to leading Trinity academics

• attend workshops led by examiners

• network with other teachers

• meet the Trinity Italy team.

Whether you are new to Trinity or an enthusiast, you are sure to benefit from these special events.

DisCovEr TriniTy ConvEnTions

Our workshops are practical in nature, providing teacher training opportunities as well as occasions to network and exchange ideas.

To know more about dates, venues and how to register visit

DisCovEr TriniTy WorksHoPs

TriniTy’s onLinE sUPPorT For TEACHErs

Trinity WebsiteThrough our dynamic website, teachers will have access to a range of high-quality resources including Syllabuses/Exams Information Booklets, lesson plans, FAQs, news, contacts and much more. Visit and

virtual Learning EnvironmentFor those who prefer to work from their own home our Virtual Learning Environment offers you a repository of teaching resources, opportunities to enter into dialogue with collegues and eTutors via forums or Skype chats and much more.

To register on the Trinity Virtual Learning Environment simply go to


EvEnTs WiTH TEACHEr AssoCiATions AnD PUBLisHErs - ExHiBiTion AnD TrADE FAirsEvery year Trinity organises a number of events throughout Italy in co-operation with Language Teacher Associations and renowned publishers.

We also participate in the major English Language and Music Fairs with a stand and wherever possible a presentation.

Visit our website to find out more about dates, events and venues.

DisCovEr TriniTy For PrinCiPALs

DisCovEr TriniTy For PArEnTs

DisCovEr TriniTy For sTUDEnTs

DisCovEr TriniTy For TEACHErs

A member of the Italian Support Team will come to visit your school and illustrate Trinity exam suites. These meetings are tailored according to the target audience:

You can request a Discover Trinity Meeting directly from our website. Simply click on ‘Discover Trinity‘ and complete the request form, including the target audience for which you are requesting the event.

The Italian Support Team will organise a series of ‘Regional Discover Trinity Events‘ which are designed for those teachers with little or no experience of Trinity exams.

To know more about dates, venues and how to register visit

DisCovEr TriniTy MEETings

In compliance with the directives from the relevant offices at the Italian Ministry of Education the type of exam and the choice of the exam board must be established during the planning phase of the project.

For those projects which include an educational stay abroad it is important to choose whether to sit the final exam abroad or in Italy after returning from the educational stay.

Besides our Integrated Support Programme, our specific P.O.N. Support Programme includes:

•Meetings to provide GOP members, or anyone who manages the administrative aspects of the project, with all the operational support necessary in order to plan and organise a Trinity exam session. You can ask for a meeting or attend one organised by the P.O.N. support team directly from the website

•A dedicated email address

•A dedicated section on the website with ‘ad hoc’ materials.

•A dedicated email address should you wish the students to sit their exams at the end of a study stay in Malta:

•A dedicated page on should you wish the students to sit the exams at the end of a study stay in the UK and Ireland.

TriniTy & P.o.n. sUPPorT ProgrAMME

photos: Belinda Lawley, Zute Lightfoot, Andy Howes, Richard Chambury, Kevin Ricks, Angelo Trevisani

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