trinity tidings -...

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Trinity Tidings May 2016

Claiming Our Priesthood Quick! Grab a collar! The priest is away and we are the only ones in charge!

There is so much work that goes into providing the weekly anchor of our Sunday morning Eucharist services. And thanks to your continued participation in the Community that is Trinity, our services and parish life will continue to be just as rich for these next twelve weeks.

As you can see by the schedule published in this newsletter, Marian has seen to it that we have a full roster of supply priests for the Sundays she will be gone, beginning on May 1st, until she returns to the pulpit on July 24th. The Reverend Susan Hrostowski has generously offered to lead the Wednesday morning services as well as be on call for pastoral needs.

It doesn’t appear that things will slow down much while Marian is gone. On Pentecost Sunday, May 15, we will have our annual Pentecost Potluck Picnic. Please plan to come for food and fellowship and to learn more about plans to improve our facilities. Fried chicken from Keg and Barrel and Red Velvet Cake provided by our EYC are on the menu. We will have guided tours of the build-ings to outline proposed plans and gather your feedback.

Saturday, June 4, Trinity will host a daylong workshop – Outward and Visible Signs; Embracing the Arts as a Means of Grace. The keynote speaker, The Reverend Jim Friedrich, from Bainbridge Island, WA will also join The Reverend Canon David Johnson the following day to lead in our Sunday morning services. Please consider attending the Saturday workshop! It promises to be an enriching experience. You can call the church office or go to our website ( to register. If you have questions, please contact Barbara Carter, Elizabeth Lentz-Hill, Nena Price or me.

In September, we are looking forward to welcoming The Reverend Alex Allain as our curate. The Vestry recently met with him and the vote to ask Bishop Seage to place him with us was unanimous. His education, experience and thoughtful demeanor will make him a wonderful addition to our staff. We should also be mindful that we are called to serve Alex during this stage of his development and let him know that Trinity will provide him with a safe place to learn and grow.

While Marian is on sabbatical, we should become more acutely aware that we are members of the royal priesthood of believers. I pray that during this time we will continue to gather together weekly, acknowledge our own priesthood and communally state our intentions to live out our faith each and every day. There is so much to be done and we will with God’s help! Meg Paul _______________________________________________________________

Pentecost Potluck and Walkabout

Sunday, May 15 After the 10:30 service Fried chicken provided

Bring a side dish to share

Plan to stay for fellowship and a facilities tour

Saturday June 4, Trinity Episcopal Church will host a workshop focusing on the strong connection between the arts and spirituality. The keynote speaker will be The Reverend Jim Friedrich, followed by guest speakers Virginia McGee Butler

and Elizabeth Lentz-Hill.

The workshop will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 4th at Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 509 West Pine Street in Hattiesburg

Registration for the event is $55, which includes lunch and admission to the

Festival South concert following the workshop called “Grace” featuring renowned soprano Maryann Kyle. Pre-registration is suggested,

as space is limited.

Registration can be done through the church office by phone 601-544-5551, email:, or online at our website

Make checks payable to Trinity Episcopal Church with the memo line saying "registration" and mail to 509 W Pine St. Hattiesburg, MS 39401


Hattiesburg Concert Band

Celebrate May Day with a free concert by the CITY of HATTIESBURG CONCERT BAND on May 1, at 3 p.m. at the Saenger Theater. Conducted by Sherman Hong, the concert will feature guest conductor Michael Bass (associate director of bands at PRCC) and clarinet soloist Erika Branch of d'Iberville. Come support regional volunteer musicians who want to play for YOU!

Trinity Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting

April 19, 2016

Marian will have another Inquirer’s Class in the fall. All the members of the class that just finished want to be confirmed when the Bishop visits December 4.

Susan Hrostowski will be on call for funerals and pastoral care during Marian’s absence. She will also preside at the Wednesday morning Eucharists.

Meg will be out May 29 – June 1 and June 14 – July 2. Clark will be out July 3 – July 10.

The Crawfish Boil netted about $2,800. Next year, t-shirts and tickets will be sold at the same time.

Parishioners who came to the work day Saturday trimmed trees and bushes and the reredos received a new coat of oil.

Clark will meet with Pam Hamilton next week to begin getting quotes to replace air conditioners.

Kristin is continuing to update the website and Facebook page. Bishop Seage will meet with ECUSM next Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the

Danforth Chapel. Everyone is invited to attend the service. Jamie Massengale will be taking the youth to a baseball game in May. Other upcoming events include a cookout and a class at Kitchen Table. The Outward and Visible Signs workshop will feature the Reverend Jim

Friedrich as the keynote speaker and will also have breakout sessions. Lunch and the Grace performance by Mary Ann Kyle is included in the registration price.

Ellen Ruffin did an excellent job speaking at the last St. Francis Guild meet ing. Jane Butler is the speaker for the next meeting on May 12 and will talk about how the Sunday hymns are chosen

Jan will attend the Invite Welcome Connect at Camp Allen, Texas, next week.

A group picture was taken of the vestry for the website.

P. 4

Michael Watkins gave the Treasurer’s Report. We are in good shape. Ellen McKenzie and Kathy Carmichael are the counters this month. We now have a safe to put the Sunday deposits in until they are counted.

The vestry unanimously approved the appointment of the Reverend Alex Allain as curate. The next step is to get the Bishop’s approval. Alex will probably start in September if his curacy at Trinity is approved.

The vestry approved leasing a new copier from RJ Young. The parish will have a walkabout on May 15 to see the proposed changes to

the church facility and also to make suggestions and give opinions about the changes.

Marian has requested no contact from parishioners during her sabbatical. Meg, Clark, and Kristin will be able to answer questions.

The vestry approved the purchase of handrails to be placed in the church at the step going up to the chancel. They will be made of oak and will be stained to blend in with the other wood in that area. The handrails will be paid from the Memorial Fund.


News from the Choir

If you love singing but cannot read music, or do not have the time for a weekly choir rehearsal, now is your chance to sing in the choir. During the summer months, beginning May 22, you are cordially invited to sing in the choir. (You may even be begged!) Rehearsals will be at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings, prior to the 10:30 service. We will be singing simple anthems that are easy to learn but will be beautiful. We especially need a large choir on May 29 when Jody Burnett will be here to perform a baptism.

Please consider this ministry, which only requires one more hour on a Sunday morning. Help us in leading the congregation in worship. You may be surprised at how much fun and fulfilling this ministry can be!

Sunday Supply Priests

While Marian is on her sabbatical, the following people will act as supply priests for Trinity. May 1 The Rev. Canon David Johnson 8 The Rev. Laurence Wainwright 15 The Rev. Scott Lenoir 22 The Rev. Canon David Johnson 29 The Rev. Canon Jody Burnett June 5 The Rev. Canon David Johnson and The Rev. Jim Friedrich 12 Morning Prayer at Trinity. Presiding Bishop Curry preaches and celebrates at the Vicksburg Convention Center, 11 a.m. 19 The Rev. Scott Lenoir 26 The Rev. Canon David Johnson July 3 Morning Prayer, with Sarah Wainwright 10 The Rev. Canon Brian Ponder 17 Morning Prayer, with Sarah Wainwright. Jan Moore will preach. 24 The Rev. Marian Fortner returns. The Rev. Susan Hrostowski will preside at all Wednesday Healing Eu-charist services, 9:30 a.m. in the chapel, beginning May 4 and going through July 20. ________________________________________________________________

DOK’s Senior-Senior Reception

What better way to celebrate the stages of life than the annual Daughters of the King Senior-Senior Reception? This year’s celebration offered fun, fellowship, wisdom and recognition as high school and college seniors were recognized, along with card-carrying AARP members. The highlight of the reception was speakers Kathy and Ben Carmichael, who offered wisdom. Their granddaughter Katelyn was one of the recognized seniors.

Honorees this year included: Matthew Smith, Sacred Heart High School, Kaitlyn Carmichael, Oak Grove High School, and choir members Stacey Trenteseaux, Jonathan Holladay, and Stephanie Miles.

The concept of Senior-Senior was developed in the early 1990’s, and has been a steadfast event in the lives of Trinity’s “seniors.” ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Weekly Grail

our weekly announcements inserted in the Sunday Bulletin

DEADLINE each week is Monday. The Weekly Grail is approved on Tuesday

and printed on Wednesday. Email your announcements for “The Weekly Grail” to: Please put in the subject line: Weekly Grail. ________________________________________________________________


Nursery – Up to Age 3 Faynaisa Loner, Nursery Worker

Caroline Ratliff, Nursery Worker

Age 3 – Atrium Jennifer Landry

Ages 4-7 – Atrium Sandy Kegerreis

Ages 8 & up – Room 7 Ward Conville

Lectionary Class, Library Stan Hauer and Tom Fortner _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Is reading Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White

Wednesdays, 10:30 to 11:45 in the Library We welcome you to join us at any time.

Commission and Guild Meetings

Liturgy Commission May 3 5:15 p.m.

St. Brigid’s Guild May 5 7:00 p.m.

St. Anne’s Guild May 9 11:45 a.m.

St. Francis’ Guild May 12 11:30 a.m.

Finance Committee May 16 5:15 p.m.

Vestry May 17 5:15 p.m.

Daughters of the King May 18 5:30 p.m.

Heavenly Hands Wednesdays 4:30 p.m.


**Treasurer’s Note**

If paying your pledge or contribution in cash and you want credit for it, please put your cash in an envelope with your name so that we can apply it ap-propriately.

You can also donate online at or through your own bank bill pay. If you need account information, please call Jan Moore at 601-549-7206. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————


Friday, May 27, 10 A.M.



OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday 8:30 to 4:30

Friday 8:30 to 12:30

OFFICE CLOSED May 27th for Memorial Day

Web Site:

P. 8

Treasured Trinitarians:

Kathy Carmichael By

Susan E. Steadman

No truer words have ever been spoken than Kathy Carmichael’s final remark at the annual Senior-Senior reception.

Her closing was something to the effect that you will get as much out of your church as your involvement. A little like President John F. Kennedy’s much used quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” This appeal has been demonstrated in the lives of Kathy and Ben Carmichael.

The spotlight will be on Kathy in May for all types of reasons: mainly it was because of her influence that Ben ever thought about becoming an Episcopalian, and I am still of the belief that ladies go first, and Kathy definitely emulates these qualities.

Kathy’s first memory of Trinity was a young couple’s group they attended “when we first arrived. Trinity was the church we wanted to be members of, where we could grow spiritually and have friends.”

What makes Trinity special? “It’s people and leadership, our music and liturgy – our beautiful building.”

Kathy’s prayer for Trinity is that it will always be a safe haven and welcoming church for all who enter the doors.

What activities have nurtured her spiritually? This list reinforces her challenge for church involvement. “DOC, EFM, the choir, the Merry Marthas, Wednesday morning Bible study, Lenten programs, volunteering in the office.” Her presence of serving is seen throughout the parish, as she does her best to make Trinity a loving place.

For this choir member, her favorite hymns are “A Mighty Fortress is our God,” “ Morning is Breaking” and “God of our Fathers.”

If my math is correct, for over four decades Kathy and Ben Carmichael have served, worshiped and grown here at Trinity Episcopal Church with involvement as a key.

Their lives and actions can inspire us all. Stay tuned for Dr. Ben in June.

Heavenly Hands

Let’s get together to Knit and Crochet


4:30 to 6:00 p.m. or 601-818-0434.


Teach Them to Fish

Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Rm. 6)

Come join us to create fused glass creations—we’ll teach you how!



May 1 and 8 in the Parlor.

Between services and after the 10:30 service.


The Monday Night Book Group

Patio 44 at 6:00 p.m. Now reading:

The Return of the Prodigal Son By Henri Neuwan.


With Our Sympathy

We extend our sympathy to the Virginia Tatum on the loss of her husband, Joe Tatum.

Senior-Senior Reception 2016

Michael Smith

Kaitlyn Carmichael


Please add the following individual to the prayer list. Date_________________


Submitted, with permission from the above named person, by____________________________________________________________________

Brief explanation (family member, friend, military deployment, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Please return this form to the church office or place in the Sunday collection bas-ket. Names will remain on the prayer list monthly. Those who continue to need our prayers may be resubmitted for one month from the date submitted.

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