trip to poland

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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1. OUR TRIP TO POLAND ! On Sunday the 1 of December we left Illkirch early in the morning, ready to spend 9 hours in the bus. We arrived in Dresden in the evening and we spent the night visiting the city, especially its wonderful Christmas market. To finish the day, we slept in a youth hostel where we had the opportunity to better know each other. st 2. DZIEN DOBRY ! nd Day 1 : 2 of DecemberBefore leaving Dresden, we did a last stop to see the architecture of the historical museum of Army. We arrived in Krakow in the evening and had a nice welcome from the Polish school. After a short meeting we went to our penfriend's families and tasted Polish traditional dishes. 3. district created by the Soviets after the 2 world war. The architecture was very interesting because it is a mix between all architectural styles of the 2nd part of the 20th century. In the afternoon we visited the Mocak (Museum Of Contemporary Art in Krakow) in Podgorze, a district where many industrial sites are being refurbished into museums. The Mocak temporary exhibition was quite creepy, strange and really disturbing. After that we saw the Ghetto place, where Jewish people were brought to get deported to Auschwitz/birkenau concentration camp. It was very impressive and it brought many emotions. Then we spent a very nice FIRST in Kaziemierz (theIN POLAND WAKE UP Jewish district). eveningDay 2 : 3 of December rd 4. I LOVE POLAND ! On Wednesday we met at Wavel's Castle in th Day 3 : 4 of December the morning for a visit which was very enriching. For the rest of the day, we were let free in the town between the three visits of monuments (Pod Sukiennice, St Mary's Basilica and Jagelonne University). It was nice being in autonomy because we could go wherever we wanted and have fun all together visiting the city. In the evening 5. It was the only day that we didn't really enjoy. We expected a great moment of exchange and work with Polish students who were in architecture section but we have been very disappointed. The communication in our group was difficult, we didn't understand each other and the instructions weren't clear at all. Fortunatelly, we had an amazing last night all together and we danced until getting crazy.WORKSHOP th Day 4 : 5 of December 6. GOODBYE PIEROGI ! th After a very 6 ofnight, we left our Day 5 : short Decemberpenfriends to go to the salt mine of Wieliczka. It was the most beautiful visit we did during the trip. It was so impressive to be so far away below the ground. We ate there at lunch. After that, we went back to the bus for a long journey of 15 hours. Even if there was a snowstorm, we prefered going outside than staying in the disgusting smell of the bus... Despite it, we spent a nice last 7. DZIEKUJE MRS COUASNON ! Our first experience of Poland was great thanks to the good organisation and because we met nice people. We had a really nice week and came back to France with a lot of memories !

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