tropical rainforest

Post on 11-May-2015






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1. What is rainforest?

2. Causes of change happening in tropical rainforest.

3. Consequences of those changes in tropical rainforests.

4. Changes that are happening in tropical rainforest (positive and negative points)

5. How can I affect our environment?

6. Pictures of saving the rainforests.

Tropical Rainforest

Tropical rainforest are forest found in Africa, Asia, and Australia. The largest rainforest in the world is Amazon rainforest. The reason behind the change in the tropical rainforest is that the trees are being cut by the humans. The oxygen is getting less and less and the pollution is getting more in word. The tropical rainforest is changing because the population is increasing rapidly, to make houses, etc they are cutting trees. Here is a picture telling about that how people cut trees and how is the rainforest getting cut.

Here are the consequences of the change in tropical rainforest. Deforestation presents multiple societal and environmental problems. The immediate and long-term consequences of global deforestation are almost certain to jeopardize life on Earth, as we know it. Some of these consequences include: loss of biodiversity; the destruction of forest-based-societies; and climatic disruption. The negative effects are that if the trees are being cut that means even animal extinction and even

plants won’t survive too. It will not only affect the animals, plants. It will also affect the climate change much worse then it already is. With the ocean and forest, our rainforest are the largest carbon sinkers on this planet. The more forest we destroy the less carbon will they sink.

The positive side is mainly for money. Logging or chopping of trees for timber is profitable. Some people also cut down trees for architecture and etc. buildings could be made in plane land so they cut trees.

Now let us know that what I will do to stop that to not cut trees.

First of all I will not waste paper. So the trees will not to be cut very much. Then I will aware people to not cut trees. Then I will make posters to tell people not to cut trees.

Let’s know that what I always use to do. I always used to waste paper. I used to take a photocopy a lot.

I wish that the government put a legal notice to not cut tree. Government must be really strict to not cut trees. In the role of individuals we should not let anyone cut trees and not cut the trees ourselves too. NGOs also should go to schools, societies and etc and tell people not to destroy the rainforest, tell children that if they cut trees what can happen.


Rainforest, about tropical. What is tropical rainforest. <>.

rainforest, consequences of tropical. Consequences of change in tropical rainforest. < ->.

rainforests, negetive effects changes in tropical. Negative changes. <>.

Bibliography rainforest – › ... › Other - Environment –'s_climate

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