true refreshment: drinking deep of god

Post on 12-May-2015






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Durwin Gray shares a message on Psalm 42 and 43 about True Refreshment, Drinking Deep of God.


True Refreshment:Drinking Deep of God

True Refreshment:Drinking Deep of God

Psalm 42 & 43Psalm 42 & 43

Psalm 42:1-11, 43:1-5Psalm 42:1-11, 43:1-5

A white-tailed deer drinks from the creek; I want to drink God, deep draughts of God.    

I'm thirsty for God-alive. I wonder, "Will I ever make it—arrive and

drink in God's presence?" I'm on a diet of tears— tears for breakfast,

tears for supper. All day long people knock at my door,

  Pestering, "Where is this God of yours?"

A white-tailed deer drinks from the creek; I want to drink God, deep draughts of God.    

I'm thirsty for God-alive. I wonder, "Will I ever make it—arrive and

drink in God's presence?" I'm on a diet of tears— tears for breakfast,

tears for supper. All day long people knock at my door,

  Pestering, "Where is this God of yours?"

These are the things I go over and over, emptying out the pockets of my life.

I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,

right out in front,  Leading them all,

eager to arrive and worship, Shouting praises, singing thanksgiving—

celebrating, all of us, God's feast!

These are the things I go over and over, emptying out the pockets of my life.

I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,

right out in front,  Leading them all,

eager to arrive and worship, Shouting praises, singing thanksgiving—

celebrating, all of us, God's feast!

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?   Why are you crying the blues?

Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again.

He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?   Why are you crying the blues?

Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again.

He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.

When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse everything I know of you,

From Jordan depths to Hermon heights, including Mount Mizar. Chaos calls to chaos,

to the tune of whitewater rapids.

When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse everything I know of you,

From Jordan depths to Hermon heights, including Mount Mizar. Chaos calls to chaos,

to the tune of whitewater rapids.

Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers crash and crush me.

Then God promises to love me all day, sing songs all through the night!

My life is God's prayer.

Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers crash and crush me.

Then God promises to love me all day, sing songs all through the night!

My life is God's prayer.

Sometimes I ask God, my rock-solid God, "Why did you let me down?

Why am I walking around in tears, harassed by enemies?"

They're out for the kill, these tormentors with their obscenities,

Taunting day after day, "Where is this God of yours?"

Sometimes I ask God, my rock-solid God, "Why did you let me down?

Why am I walking around in tears, harassed by enemies?"

They're out for the kill, these tormentors with their obscenities,

Taunting day after day, "Where is this God of yours?"

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?   Why are you crying the blues?

Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again.

He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?   Why are you crying the blues?

Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again.

He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.

Clear my name, God; stick up for me against these loveless, immoral people.

Get me out of here, away from these lying degenerates.

I counted on you, God. Why did you walk out on me?

Why am I pacing the floor, wringing my hands over these outrageous people?

Clear my name, God; stick up for me against these loveless, immoral people.

Get me out of here, away from these lying degenerates.

I counted on you, God. Why did you walk out on me?

Why am I pacing the floor, wringing my hands over these outrageous people?

Give me your lantern and compass, give me a map,

So I can find my way to the sacred mountain, to the place of your presence, To enter the place of worship,

meet my exuberant God, Sing my thanks with a harp,    magnificent God, my God.

Give me your lantern and compass, give me a map,

So I can find my way to the sacred mountain, to the place of your presence, To enter the place of worship,

meet my exuberant God, Sing my thanks with a harp,    magnificent God, my God.

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?    Why are you crying the blues?

Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again.

He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?    Why are you crying the blues?

Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again.

He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.

“My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?”

“My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?”

The PressuresThe Pressures

Pressures of Weariness & Thirst Pressures of Pestering People Pressure of what I don’t have or what I

used to be Pressure of crushing chaos Pressure of apparent abandonment

Pressures of Weariness & Thirst Pressures of Pestering People Pressure of what I don’t have or what I

used to be Pressure of crushing chaos Pressure of apparent abandonment

“I am torn asunder, distracted, I can take no more.”

Bernard of Clairvaux

“I am torn asunder, distracted, I can take no more.”

Bernard of Clairvaux

Peggy NoonanPeggy Noonan

“Get yourself into trouble. Let life make you miserable.”

“Trouble is good. ‘Man's extremity is God's opportunity.’”

“For most of us, the world with all its dazzlement has to turn pretty flat and pretty dry before we want God.”

“Get yourself into trouble. Let life make you miserable.”

“Trouble is good. ‘Man's extremity is God's opportunity.’”

“For most of us, the world with all its dazzlement has to turn pretty flat and pretty dry before we want God.”

Verses 5, 11 & 43:5Verses 5, 11 & 43:5

“Fix my eyes on God – soon I’ll be praising again.”

“Fix my eyes on God – soon I’ll be praising again.”

Find God in the PhysicalFind God in the Physical

“When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse everything I know of you, From Jordan depths to Hermon heights, including Mount Mizar.”

“When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse everything I know of you, From Jordan depths to Hermon heights, including Mount Mizar.”

Find God in the PhysicalFind God in the Physical

“All beauty in the world is either a memory of Paradise or a prophecy of the transfigured world.”

Nicholas Berdyaev

“All beauty in the world is either a memory of Paradise or a prophecy of the transfigured world.”

Nicholas Berdyaev

Talk to Him Without FilteringTalk to Him Without Filtering

“Abandon the shoulds, the oughts and the boxes.”

Dale Wolery

“Abandon the shoulds, the oughts and the boxes.”

Dale Wolery

Talk to Him Without FilteringTalk to Him Without Filtering

“Clear my name, God; stick up for me against these loveless, immoral people. Get me out of here, away from these lying degenerates. I counted on you, God. Why did you walk out on me?”

“Clear my name, God; stick up for me against these loveless, immoral people. Get me out of here, away from these lying degenerates. I counted on you, God. Why did you walk out on me?”

Talk to Him Without FilteringTalk to Him Without Filtering

Natalie Grant - The Real MeFoolish heart, looks like we're here again; same old

game of plastic smile: Don't let anybody in. Hiding my heartache, will this glass house break?

How much will they take before I'm empty? Do I let it show? Does anybody know?

Painted, life is behind a mask; self-inflicted circus clown, I'm tired of the song and dance. Living a charade, always on parade, what a mess I've made of my existence.

Natalie Grant - The Real MeFoolish heart, looks like we're here again; same old

game of plastic smile: Don't let anybody in. Hiding my heartache, will this glass house break?

How much will they take before I'm empty? Do I let it show? Does anybody know?

Painted, life is behind a mask; self-inflicted circus clown, I'm tired of the song and dance. Living a charade, always on parade, what a mess I've made of my existence.

Remember what you know of Him

Remember what you know of Him

These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng.

These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng.

Capture Him in the CrushCapture Him in the Crush

   Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers crash and

crush me.

   Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers crash and

crush me.

Capture Him in the CrushCapture Him in the Crush

“YET”“Yet I will praise him.”

“YET”“Yet I will praise him.”

Look for His LoveLook for His Love

By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life.

By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life.

“Lord, I crawled across the bareness to you with my empty cup, uncertain in asking any small drop of refreshment. If only I had known you better. I'd have come running with a bucket.” Nancy Spiegelberg

“Lord, I crawled across the bareness to you with my empty cup, uncertain in asking any small drop of refreshment. If only I had known you better. I'd have come running with a bucket.” Nancy Spiegelberg

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