tutorial 2

Post on 04-Nov-2015






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guru dan cabaran


How does the democratization of education lead to national integration?1. Opportunity to re-fashion an inherited educational system. An outmoded one, according to many, as it favoured the furtherance of colonial rather than local interests. 2. The social and economic disparity based on ethnicity, which was previously reinforced through a colonial education system was in many ways narrowed through these educational democratization processes.3. Educational places, assistance, scholarships and special schemes were made widely available to the Bumiputra. 4. With the scrapping of qualifying examinations at the standard six and Form Three levels more and more people were also able to remain in school for a much longer period. This is known as the democratization aspect of education, in which the benefits of schooling were spread out among a larger population.http://aliran.com/archives/monthly/2002/5g.htmlImplication of globalization of education to the educators?1. The effects of globalisation on education bring rapid developments in technology and communications are foreseeing changes within learning systems across the world as ideas, values and knowledge, changing the roles of students and teachers, and producing a shift in society from industrialisation towards an information-based society.2. Teacher education in the globalized context has to be based on inquiry and problem solving which is not confined to absolutes within their intra-cultural milieu but which also concerns itself with inter-cultural diversity and likenesses.3. The teacher today, because of the proliferation of knowledge and of instant access to it, has to be a facilitator for accessing information and not necessarily be seen as the sole source and giver of knowledge. A narrow single minded source of knowledge aimed at giving all the knowledge that students need to know and protecting them from the so called 'contamination of foreign cultures' is not educationally sufficient in the globalized world.4. A third element that must become part of our education system in this globalized society is the necessity to provide opportunities for educators from different cultures to meet interact and exchange ideas.5. Learn how to work with other peoples who hold varied and sometimes contradictory values that foster different cultures from their own. This necessitates living with differences, letting go of some held values and adopting and/or adapting to those held by others. This implies not only changing the way they think but more importantly, changing the way they do things.http://www.mun.ca/educ/faculty/mwatch/win96/kennedy.htm

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