tutorial usercontrol (activex)

Post on 29-Sep-2015






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A step by step article on how to make an Active X control. In my eyes, I am not an expert but somebody asked me to write this (past comment on another submission) so I did. If you follow it, in the end you will have your own Custom PictureBox control that will have a property to assign a URL to an image to use for its picture along with an event to know when it completed its download. Hope you all enjoy. I did not realize it would take me so long to write.


  • A step by step article on how to make an Active X control. In my eyes, I am not an

    expert but somebody asked me to write this (past comment on another

    submission) so I did. If you follow it, in the end you will have your own Custom

    PictureBox control that will have a property to assign a URL to an image to use for

    its picture along with an event to know when it completed its download. Hope you

    all enjoy. I did not realize it would take me so long to write.

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    2. You MAY NOT redistribute this article (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author. Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.

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    How to build an Active X Control (Basic


    I cannot believe I am going to try to attempt to

    teach since I never thought of myself as a teacher, but in one of my previous

    postings, a comment asked if I could post a tutorial on how to make an Active X

    Control because that person liked the way I explain things. So here I

    go. I would like to request that if I mistake anything or call something

    by it's wrong name that you do not flame me. Feel free to comment and let

    others know of my mistake, but please, be nice :) Ok, here goes.

    This tutorial is going to walk you through step

    by step of how to create a new PictureBox control that will have a new property

    to supply a URL to an image on the web to use as it's picture (without the use

    of Winsock or Internet controls). I think everyone would find a use for

  • this type of control.

    Instructions assume you are using Visual Basic


    Open VB

    Choose to start a New Active X Control Project:

    Default Naming:

    Easy enough right. Ok, first things first,

    we need to name a few things and set some project properties. Click on the

    Project Explorer Tree on the Project itself (PROJECT1) and then down in the

    properties window, rename it to: WEBPIC. This name is going to become the

    name of your OCX (duh). Then click on the user control branch and rename

    it to: WebPictureBox. This name is the name it will be known as inside of

    VB (the tool tip on the tool when you put it in your available components later

    on for new projects that use it)

    Now go up to your menu and Choose Project.

    Then Choose WebPic Properties. In Project Description enter Web Picture

    Box. This is the name it will be listed as when you pull up the list of

    available controls to add to a project. You want to keep it english like

    so you can tell what it is. I hate those who make controls bet never set

    this and then it will default to the name of the OCX which most of the time is

  • some abbreviated name that does not make too much sense when you are just

    skimming though. Anyhow, that is a different story. Go ahead and set

    all the other properties you want about the project, Company, Copyright

    etc. I personally like to set auto increment on the version tab.

    Click Ok.

    Start of Coding:

    Ok, before we get started, Save your work

    (however you like to save where ever you want)

    Place a Picture Box on the UserControl (any where

    you like, code with handle it's position later). Name it: picBOX.

    Double Click on an empty spot on the User Control.

    This should take you to UserControl_Initialize(). In that Sub type:

    Private Sub


    With UserControl

    .picBOX.Move 0, 0, .ScaleWidth, .ScaleHeight

    End With

    End Sub

  • This code make the picture box match the size of

    the control when it is first placed on a form later.

    Note, instead of ME, you say UserControl when

    referring to your object. Me refers it to its exposed methods and

    properties that we will put in soon.

    Now we need to code for when the user control

    gets resized. Go to the Resize Event for the UserControl and type:

    Private Sub UserControl_Resize()

    If m_privateResize = False Then

    With UserControl

    .picBOX.Move 0, 0, .ScaleWidth, .ScaleHeight

    End With

    End If

    End Sub

    Pretty much the same as before, but this just

    keeps the picture box the same size as the user control always. However, I

    added a bit to check to see if code told it to resize or did the user do

    it. Later down I have code resizing the control and I don't want this to

  • fire. Up in the General Declarations you need to defind m_privateResize as

    Boolean, up top type:

    Private m_privateResize As Boolean

    Adding Events:

    Now lets just put in some basic events that our

    control will have. You can add more later after you see how this is

    done. I am going to add the Click, DblClick, MouseUp, MouseMove, MouseDown,

    and Resize events to my control.

    At the top of your code for the control in the

    General Declarations section type:

    Event Click()

    Event DblClick()

    Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Event MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Event Resize()

    These are now events that you can raise later in

    your code. Which we will program now. Pretty much, we want to say in

  • our control when somebody clicks on the picture box (or moves etc) we want to

    raise those events out of our control. So in your code type:

    Private Sub picBOX_Click()

    RaiseEvent Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub picBOX_DblClick()

    RaiseEvent DblClick

    End Sub

    Private Sub picBOX_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _

    Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    RaiseEvent MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)

    End Sub

    Private Sub picBOX_MouseMove(Button As Integer, _

    Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    RaiseEvent MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, Y)

  • End Sub

    Private Sub picBOX_MouseUp(Button As Integer, _

    Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    RaiseEvent MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y)

    End Sub

    Pretty simple, really just raising our event when

    the corresponding events occur within our control.

    Now I want to add the code for when the control

    itself gets resized.

    Go back to your UserControl_Resize code you typed

    earlier and add the RaiseEvent Resize line so it look like this:

    Private Sub


    If m_privateResize = False Then

    With UserControl

    .picBOX.Move 0, 0,

    .ScaleWidth, .ScaleHeight

  • End With

    End If

    RaiseEvent Resize

    End Sub


    Now we need some basic properties, really the

    same ones as the picture box, I will skip some just to keep this quick.

    We are going to add the: Appearance, BackColor, BorderStyle,

    AutoRedraw, AutoSize, and Picture property to our control.

    In your code type:

    Public Property Get Appearance() As Integer

    Appearance = picBOX.Appearance

    End Property

    Public Property Let Appearance(ByVal New_Appearance As Integer)

    picBOX.Appearance() = New_Appearance

    PropertyChanged "Appearance"

  • End Property

    Public Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR

    BackColor = picBOX.BackColor

    End Property

    Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal New_BackColor As OLE_COLOR)

    picBOX.BackColor() = New_BackColor

    PropertyChanged "BackColor"

    End Property

    Public Property Get BorderStyle() As Integer

    BorderStyle = picBOX.BorderStyle

    End Property

    Public Property Let BorderStyle(ByVal New_BorderStyle As Integer)

    picBOX.BorderStyle() = New_BorderStyle

    PropertyChanged "BorderStyle"

    End Property

  • Public Property Get AutoRedraw() As Boolean

    AutoRedraw = picBOX.AutoRedraw

    End Property

    Public Property Let AutoRedraw(ByVal New_AutoRedraw As Boolean)

    picBOX.AutoRedraw() = New_AutoRedraw

    PropertyChanged "AutoRedraw"

    End Property

    Public Property Get AutoSize() As Boolean

    AutoSize = picBOX.AutoSize

    End Property

    Public Property Let AutoSize(ByVal New_AutoSize As Boolean)

    picBOX.AutoSize() = New_AutoSize

    PropertyChanged "AutoSize"

    End Property

    Public Property Get Picture() As Picture

  • Set Picture = picBOX.Picture

    End Property

    Public Property Set Picture(ByVal New_Picture As Picture)

    Set picBOX.Picture = New_Picture

    PropertyChanged "Picture"

    End Property

    Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)

    picBOX.Appearance = PropBag.ReadProperty("Appearance", 1)

    picBOX.BackColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("BackColor", &H8000000F)

    picBOX.BorderStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("BorderStyle", 1)

    picBOX.AutoRedraw = PropBag.ReadProperty("AutoRedraw", False)

    picBOX.AutoSize = PropBag.ReadProperty("AutoSize", False)

    Set Picture = PropBag.ReadProperty("Picture", Nothing)

    End Sub

    Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)

  • Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Appearance", picBOX.Appearance, 1)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BackColor", picBOX.BackColor, &H8000000F)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BorderStyle", picBOX.BorderStyle, 1)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("AutoRedraw", picBOX.AutoRedraw, False)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("AutoSize", picBOX.AutoSize, False)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Picture", Picture, Nothing)

    End Sub

    Ok, to explain all that, in general you just made

    properties to your control that when they get set,

    will then in turn set properties of the picture box inside of your

    control. The ReadProperties and WriteProperties as subs that will save

    these properties to the property bag of the control so it remembers what you set

    even after you close. As you typed those lines (if you did not copy/paste)

    then you would have noticed what each of those arguments

    are, Name, Value, Default. Actually pretty

    easy to understand I think.


    Ok, with that added, we need to tweak a few

  • things now. One thing that stands out is the AutoResize Event. Right

    now our control is coded that if the developer resizes the user control, we

    resize the picture box to fit. But what happens when AutoSize is set to

    true and a new picture gets assigned. The picture box will change

    size. Therefore, we need to code to make the usercontrol match back to the

    size of the new picture loaded. So, in the "Public Property Set

    Picture" sub, we need to add some code to make it look like this:

    Public Property Set Picture(ByVal New_Picture As Picture)

    Set picBOX.Picture = New_Picture

    If Me.AutoSize = True Then

    With UserControl

    m_privateResize = True

    .Width = .picBOX.Width

    .Height = .picBOX.Height

    m_privateResize = False

    End With

    End If

  • PropertyChanged "Picture"

    End Property

    There, that takes care of that. You may

    find other areas to tweak, but I am just building this the same time I am typing

    so I have not thought of any yet.

    Custom Properties:

    Time to add our custom properties which makes our

    new version of a picture box different from the default one. We need a new

    property named PictureURL that will contain a string to a fully qualified URL to

    an image on the web. Because this property does not correspond back to

    some other property already of the picture box, we need a place to store it when

    it gets set. So up in the General Declarations section type:

    Const m_def_PictureURL = ""

    Private m_PictureURL As String

    Now in code type:

    Public Property Get PictureURL() As String

    PictureURL = m_PictureURL

    End Property

  • Public Property Let PictureURL(ByVal New_PictureURL As String)

    m_PictureURL = New_PictureURL

    PropertyChanged "PictureURL"

    End Property

    Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()

    m_PictureURL = m_def_PictureURL

    End Sub

    This is the statements to read and write to this

    property. It will save and read from the m_PictureURL variable we defined

    above and use the m_def_PictureURL constant as default the first time this

    control is initialized.

    However, now we need to go back to our

    ReadProperties and WriteProperties to make sure we tell the property bag to

    remember what ever gets set here in design time.

    Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)

    picBOX.Appearance = PropBag.ReadProperty("Appearance", 1)

    picBOX.BackColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("BackColor", &H8000000F)

  • picBOX.BorderStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("BorderStyle", 1)

    picBOX.AutoRedraw = PropBag.ReadProperty("AutoRedraw", False)

    picBOX.AutoSize = PropBag.ReadProperty("AutoSize", False)

    Set Picture = PropBag.ReadProperty("Picture", Nothing)

    m_PictureURL = PropBag.ReadProperty("PictureURL", m_def_PictureURL)

    End Sub

    Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Appearance", picBOX.Appearance, 1)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BackColor", picBOX.BackColor, &H8000000F)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BorderStyle", picBOX.BorderStyle, 1)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("AutoRedraw", picBOX.AutoRedraw, False)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("AutoSize", picBOX.AutoSize, False)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Picture", Picture, Nothing)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("PictureURL", m_PictureURL, m_def_PictureURL)

    End Sub

  • Note the last lines in each sub. We are

    saving and reading the private variable we defined and storing that. Once

    again, the property bag is what remembers what you set in the property window

    when you design a form and place controls on it. If you do not use the

    property bag, no matter what you set on the property window later will never be


    Ok now, CLICK SAVE. You do not want to lose

    what you have done so far.

    Finishing our Custom Properties:

    Ok, now we need to add the bit that gets an image

    from the web. We need to go back to our "Public Property Let PictureURL"

    sub and add some code. This code will get the image from the web for

    us. Type to make our "Public Property Let PictureURL" sub look

    like this:

    Public Property Let PictureURL(ByVal New_PictureURL As String)

    m_PictureURL = New_PictureURL

    If (New_PictureURL "") Then

    AsyncRead m_PictureURL, vbAsyncTypePicture, "PictureURL",


  • End If

    PropertyChanged "PictureURL"

    End Property

    This uses the AsyncRead method to get an image

    from the web. Pretty simple huh :) The vbAsyncReadForceUpdate

    argument tells the AsyncRead to always get the picture from the web and ignore

    any cached copy. Maybe later you can change this and provide some new

    property to have this as a setting. (nice upgrade to practice with)

    Ok almost done. The code above just starts

    the download. Now we need to get the picture when it is done. For

    this we use the AsyncReadComplete event of our user control. Go ahead and


    Private Sub UserControl_AsyncReadComplete(AsyncProp As AsyncProperty)

    On Error Resume Next

    Select Case AsyncProp.PropertyName

    Case "PictureURL"

    Set Me.Picture = AsyncProp.Value

    Case Else

  • End Select

    End Sub

    The user controls AsyncReadComplete event is

    fired when the download is done. So we ready the AsyncProp object to

    determine what was just downloaded. In the earlier code when we started

    the download, we supplied a name "PictureURL" as the name of the

    download (not the file name, but the name associated with the download.

    Just like you name controls when you code). We check to see if this

    downloaded file is the one we requested, if it is, assign it to the picture

    property of the picture box. It is written this way to help you see that

    you can add more capability to this if you wish and provide multiple downloads

    and what not.

    Last Bit Of Code:

    Ok, we are pretty much done, but I think it would

    be nice to add an event to our control to tell the user/developer using it, that

    the download is done. So back up in the General Declarations type:

    Event DownloadComplete()

    Then back in the "Private Sub

    UserControl_AsyncReadComplete" sub, add a line to make it look like this:

    Private Sub

  • UserControl_AsyncReadComplete(AsyncProp As AsyncProperty)

    On Error Resume Next

    Select Case AsyncProp.PropertyName

    Case "PictureURL"

    Set Me.Picture = AsyncProp.Value

    Case Else

    End Select

    RaiseEvent DownloadComplete

    End Sub

    There, the code side of things is done.

    Click Save. Ok, go for the first compile. Fix any typos and try to

    compile again until you get a good compile. Now go back to your menu,

    choose Project, Choose WebPic Properties. Click the component tab.

    Turn on the option for Binary Compatibility (it should be defaulted pointing to

    the ocx you just made)

    The reason for this is to make it that when you

    make changes to your control it will make it so programs already compiled with

    earlier versions of your control will still work. However, depending on

  • your changes, it may warn you that you are breaking compatibility. If you

    break it, you should consider compiling under a new name if other programs exist

    using your older version that are already compiled and released. If there

    are no other programs released, you can break it and then try not to

    again. Breakage occurs when you alter the declaration of an exposed method

    or property that already existed in the older version. For example, if you

    right now have the PictureURL property but later decided to call it just URL, it

    will break compatibility. But if you add new properties or methods, or

    just alter code inside existing functions or subs, it will not break.

    Finishing up:

    Now go back to your design view of your user

    control. I suggest sizing the user control down to a better size.

    Remember, the size you set here will become the default size of the control when

    it later gets placed on a form. Also, for the properties of the user

    control, there is a property named: ToolBoxBitmap. Here is where you

    assign an image to use as the image that will appear in the toolbox later

    on. For best results make a BMP 16x15. Note it will attempt to read

    (I believe the bottom left pixel, or top left I forget) to determine what color

    it will use as its transparent color. I normally just keep a one pixel

    border around the image I make and have the background color set to LIME green

    or something to stay out of trouble. Feel free to make it what ever you

    want or you can do it later.

  • Testing:

    Ok, time to test. Yeah. Don't close

    this project but I do suggest closing all design and code windows of the control

    (in your playing around later you will find out why), just go up to File, then

    choose Add Project. Choose Standard EXE. Click Ok.

    Now over in your project explorer tree right

    click on the project that just got added and choose Set As Start Up.

    Rename the project to whatever you want.

    Like WebPicTest. Then go to the form and rename it to something like


    In the toolbox you should see either the image

    you made for your control, or the default generic image if you did not. If

    you cannot tell, just mouse move over the controls listed as the bottom until

    the tooltip of one reads the name of your control. Go ahead and click it

    and add it to your form.

    Presto, your control is on a form. Go ahead

    and resize it a bit to make sure our resize code works.

    Yeah it does (at least for me). Over in the

    properties for it, check AutoResize to true.

    Then in the picture property go and browse for an

  • image from your hard drive to test the Picture Property.

    Yeah, it worked and it resized right.

    Ok, now the real test. Remove the image

    from the Picture Property. What we coded really is setup for us to use

    either Picutre, or PictureURL but not really both, it won't crash, but just adds

    a little confusion. Anyhow, delete the previous image from the picture

    property then in the PictureURL property type:


    and press enter. If you left the other picture there, all that would

    happen is the new web downloaded image would replace it. Ok, time for

    testing of the events and calling properties in code. First lets delete

    what we typed in the PictureURL property. Then for the Picture Property go

    ahead and browse and choose an image from your hard drive. The on the code

    for this test form have it say:

    Option Explicit

    Private Sub WebPictureBox1_Click()

    Me.WebPictureBox1.PictureURL = _


    Debug.Print "Click"

  • End Sub

    Private Sub WebPictureBox1_DblClick()

    Debug.Print "DblClick"

    End Sub

    Private Sub WebPictureBox1_DownloadComplete()

    Debug.Print "Download Complete"

    End Sub

    Private Sub WebPictureBox1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _

    Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Debug.Print "MouseDown"

    End Sub

    Private Sub WebPictureBox1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, _

    Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Me.Caption = X & " : " & Y

    End Sub

  • Private Sub WebPictureBox1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, _

    Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Debug.Print "MouseUp"

    End Sub

    Private Sub WebPictureBox1_Resize()

    Debug.Print "Resize"

    End Sub

    Run your test project.

    Click on your control

    Did it download the image. Did you get all

    your debug.prints?

    I did. yeah.

    Code Listing Reference:

    Ok, here at the end is a listing of all the code

    for the user control so you can just copy and paste from here if you had any


  • WebPictureBox (Code)

    Option Explicit

    Event Click()

    Event DblClick()

    Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As

    Single, Y As Single)

    Event MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As

    Single, Y As Single)

    Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,

    Y As Single)

    Event Resize()

    Event DownloadComplete()

    Const m_def_PictureURL = ""

    Private m_PictureURL As String

    Private m_privateResize As Boolean

    Private Sub picBOX_Click()

    RaiseEvent Click

  • End Sub

    Private Sub picBOX_DblClick()

    RaiseEvent DblClick

    End Sub

    Private Sub picBOX_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As

    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    RaiseEvent MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)

    End Sub

    Private Sub picBOX_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As

    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    RaiseEvent MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, Y)

    End Sub

    Private Sub picBOX_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,

    X As Single, Y As Single)

    RaiseEvent MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y)

    End Sub

  • Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()

    With UserControl

    .picBOX.Move 0, 0, .ScaleWidth,


    End With

    End Sub

    Private Sub UserControl_Resize()

    If m_privateResize = False Then

    With UserControl

    .picBOX.Move 0, 0, .ScaleWidth, .ScaleHeight

    End With

    End If

    RaiseEvent Resize

    End Sub

    Public Property Get Appearance() As Integer

    Appearance = picBOX.Appearance

  • End Property

    Public Property Let Appearance(ByVal New_Appearance As Integer)

    picBOX.Appearance() = New_Appearance

    PropertyChanged "Appearance"

    End Property

    Public Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR

    BackColor = picBOX.BackColor

    End Property

    Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal New_BackColor As OLE_COLOR)

    picBOX.BackColor() = New_BackColor

    PropertyChanged "BackColor"

    End Property

    Public Property Get BorderStyle() As Integer

    BorderStyle = picBOX.BorderStyle

    End Property

  • Public Property Let BorderStyle(ByVal New_BorderStyle As


    picBOX.BorderStyle() = New_BorderStyle

    PropertyChanged "BorderStyle"

    End Property

    Public Property Get AutoRedraw() As Boolean

    AutoRedraw = picBOX.AutoRedraw

    End Property

    Public Property Let AutoRedraw(ByVal New_AutoRedraw As Boolean)

    picBOX.AutoRedraw() = New_AutoRedraw

    PropertyChanged "AutoRedraw"

    End Property

    Public Property Get AutoSize() As Boolean

    AutoSize = picBOX.AutoSize

    End Property

    Public Property Let AutoSize(ByVal New_AutoSize As Boolean)

  • picBOX.AutoSize() = New_AutoSize

    PropertyChanged "AutoSize"

    End Property

    Public Property Get Picture() As Picture

    Set Picture = picBOX.Picture

    End Property

    Public Property Set Picture(ByVal New_Picture As Picture)

    Set picBOX.Picture = New_Picture

    If Me.AutoSize = True Then

    With UserControl

    m_privateResize = True

    .Width = .picBOX.Width

    .Height = .picBOX.Height

  • m_privateResize = False

    End With

    End If

    PropertyChanged "Picture"

    End Property

    Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)

    picBOX.Appearance = PropBag.ReadProperty("Appearance",


    picBOX.BackColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("BackColor",


    picBOX.BorderStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("BorderStyle",


    picBOX.AutoRedraw = PropBag.ReadProperty("AutoRedraw",


    picBOX.AutoSize = PropBag.ReadProperty("AutoSize",


    Set Picture = PropBag.ReadProperty("Picture",


  • m_PictureURL = PropBag.ReadProperty("PictureURL",


    End Sub

    Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Appearance",

    picBOX.Appearance, 1)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BackColor",

    picBOX.BackColor, &H8000000F)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BorderStyle",

    picBOX.BorderStyle, 1)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("AutoRedraw",

    picBOX.AutoRedraw, False)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("AutoSize",

    picBOX.AutoSize, False)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Picture",

    Picture, Nothing)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("PictureURL",

    m_PictureURL, m_def_PictureURL)

    End Sub

  • Public Property Get PictureURL() As String

    PictureURL = m_PictureURL

    End Property

    Public Property Let PictureURL(ByVal New_PictureURL As String)

    m_PictureURL = New_PictureURL

    If (New_PictureURL "")



    m_PictureURL, vbAsyncTypePicture, "PictureURL", vbAsyncReadForceUpdate

    End If

    PropertyChanged "PictureURL"

    End Property

    Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()

    m_PictureURL = m_def_PictureURL

    End Sub

    Private Sub UserControl_AsyncReadComplete(AsyncProp As


  • On Error Resume Next

    Select Case AsyncProp.PropertyName

    Case "PictureURL"

    Set Me.Picture = AsyncProp.Value

    Case Else

    End Select

    RaiseEvent DownloadComplete

    End Sub

    I hope this all works out. I also hope you

    learned something. At least you got a new control. One final thing I

    would do is back in the WebPic project. I would open the Object Browser,

    then for each of the properties of our new control, define tips to display in

    the property window (the area on the bottom of the property window that tells

    you what a property does) and also pick what event I would want as my default

    event. While this option is nice and make a control more professional, it

    is just too much to explain here and requires another lesson.

    Feel free to email if you have any questions:

  • lafeverc@hotmail.com

    -Clint LaFever

    http://lafever.iscool.net or http://vbaisc.iscool.net

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