
Post on 20-Jul-2016






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It is widely believed that a good tutor can bring about many benefits for the student. The tutor

helps the student develop some good work habits. The tutor is expected to be an example that

the student can follow . The student can learn from the tutor the approach to studying as well

as handling the exercises clearly. Furthermore, the tutor benefits the student in the field of

acquiring knowledge. A good tutor does not provide answer keys, on the contrary, the tutor

assists in solving challenge, getting answers by reinforcing the lessons and giving the student

references related to the assignments. In addition, the tutor is a reliable person for the student

to confide in. The tutor and the student are the same generation, therefore, it is much open for

the student to tell the thoughts on his/her mind. A good tutor can give the student some advice,

which has a striking influence on the student . It is clear that the student can take advantage of

a good tutor.

15/8/2014: I am in despair now. This Paragraph is for myself.

My Reasons for entering FTU

There are many reasons for making a decision to enter Foreign Trade University. First , Foreign Trade university has a well-established reputation for training. There are a large number of well- qualified teachers and experts . They not only help the students acquire in-depth knowledge but also recommend opportunities and schoolarships. Another important reason is that Foreign Trade University has a dynamic environment. There are numerous clubs that help sharpen essential skills such as: presentation, organization or teamwork. The students have chance to meet new friends , share interests as well as show their talent - singing, dancing –for example. Similarly, in class, the teachers know how to stimulate the students to get access to the challenge , so the students are much more active in studying and researching.

Homework Chapter 1

Practice 3: Writing topic sentences

Paragraph 1: Many foreign words are used in English.

Paragraph 2: There are many differences in the education systems between European

university and the North America.

Paragraph 3: Building the homes depends on available materials in the regions of the world.

Practice 5:

Paragraph 1: Topic sentence: You can be a good conversationalist by being a good listener.

Concluding sentence: It is clear that a good conversationalist means using body languages and

showing your interest to listen to the speaker’s words.

Paragraph 2:

Topic sentence: Modern communication technology is driving workers in the corporate world


Concluding sentence: In short, workers are in trouble because of modern communication



People tend to ignore their birthday when they are older. Most of them think that birthday is not suitable for their age any more . Birthday is a day only for the children and the young because it is the chance to

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