tv or television as a medium for education

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Name :- Pritiba B. Gohil

Roll No :- 21

Course No. 15 :- Mass Communication and Media Studies:An Introduction

Presentation Topic :-TV as a medium for Education

Enrolment No :- PG 14101016

M.A. English Semester - 4Batch Year :- 2014 - 2016

Submitted To :-

Department of EnglishMaharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

Mediums of Education

Mediums of Education

Mediums of Education

Television as a Medium of Education ?

How ?• Television is the audio-visual media of

communication.• It offers a window to the outside world.• Among all the mass media, television

attracts the largest number of viewers.• It is the most popular and has the greatest

potential.• This is because it is able to attract the

audience of all age groups, literate and illiterate and of all the levels of the society


• Television has been given considerable importance in many countries as a source and a tool of teaching.

• Television is adaptable and can follow different approaches when used in the different educational situations.

• The medium is used for formal, non-formal and informal education.

• To support formal education, television usually function as supportive and reinforcement tool.

Some Objectives can be achieved through Use of Television

• Generally television can help to achieve the following objectives:

1. Social quality in education2. Enhance quality in education3. Reduce dependency on verbal teaching and

teachers4. Provide flexibility of time and space in

learning.5. Stimulates learning6. Provide mass education opportunities.

Teacher can use Television in the classroom to satisfy a variety of objectives

• Teacher can use Television in the classroom to satisfy a variety of objectives like :

1. To reinforce and expand on content being taught

2. To respond to a variety of learning styles

3. To increase student motivation to learn 4. To stimulate other learning activities.

Impact of Television• The impact of television on macro

level should be studied in three areas namely;

1. Teacher’s Competencies2. Student’s Competencies3. Effects on general viewers

Uses of Television in the field of Education

1. To show practical application of principle already written in the textbooks and to show the laboratory work and demonstrations.

2. To humanize distance education and to improve language skills and teaching skills by showing model teaching techniques.

3. To show real life situation and microscope things on magnified scale

4. Animations, dramatic presentations, slow motions and case studies.

Why Television is in the field of Education ?

1. Instructing2. Explaining ,Clarifying3. Summarizing4. Reinforcement5. Imposing study speed 6. Supporting and enhancing teaching7. Motivation and encouragement8. Using as supplementary for the other materials9. Presenting a reference to large masses10.Presenting unreachable facts and events

Some Important Channels can be used as Medium of Education

Education + Entertainment = Edutainment

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