twenty second sunday in ordinary time august 30, 2020 · 2020. 8. 28. · st. james parish 94 broad...

Post on 27-Sep-2020






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St. James Parish 94 Broad Street

Red Bank, NJ 07701

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 30, 2020

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We will continue to live-stream all of our Masses on our parish website and parish YouTube channel. Please note that face mask must be worn during the entire liturgy and social distancing maintained by sitting in the designated areas. Reconciliation is celebrated on clear days at the Mary Grotto and during inclement weather in the church Narthex.

Visiting our Parish Our Parish and School Offices have reopened. Our parish is open from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. The office is closed for lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. St. James Elementary School and Red Bank Catholic High School Offices are open 7:30 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday. Please note that during the pandemic the number of visitors present in the office at one time will be limited; a mask covering nose and mouth must be worn at all times; and visitors will need to complete a brief questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these challenging times.

A Message from Msgr. Joe Today is a day of reflection for all of us who have gathered here at God’s invi-tation. Jesus asks us what profit there is in gaining the whole world if we for-feit our life. We would do well to as-sess our priorities and examine wheth-er we wish to live for ourselves or for Christ. Having commented Peter’s expression of faith in last Sunday’s gospel, Jesus now rebukes Peter as Peter fails to recognize that the Messiahship of Je-sus is not one of power and might ac-cording to this world, but one of self-giving and love. Further, Jesus teaches

his disciples and us that we are called to continue this messianic mission of Jesus by taking up our own cross each day. We would miss the point, if we believe that Jesus is only talking about physical suffering and death that cer-tainly a reality to the cross and most likely Peter’s rebuke of Jesus. That is why Paul teaches that the cross is a folly and stumbling block to Jew and Greek alike. For those who gaze upon the cross with eyes of faith however, we understand that the cross is the symbol of unconditional love. The vic-tory of love over hate and life over

death. Unconditional love is the power of Jesus’ messianic identity. Gazing upon the crucified Lord, the Christian see the depth of Jesus’ love for us. We are called to journey as his disciples seeking to love. I give you a new com-mandment love one another as I have loved you. Further, we recognize that the love Jesus calls his followers to is not some warm fuzzy feeling, but a deliberate decision to give of self for the betterment of the other simply because they exist, not counting the cost of sacrifice involved. Isn’t this the

(Continued on page 7)

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This Week at St. James

Aug 30

SUN 9:00 am Mass 10:00 am Religious Ed Resource Distributed 11:00 am Mass

Church/Online RBC Chapel Church/Online

Aug 31

Mon 8:00 am Mass Church/Online

Sept 1

TUES SJS School First Day K-8 (1/2 Day)

8:00 am Mass Church/Online

Sept 2


SJS School Grades K – 8 (1/2 Day) RBC Freshman Orientation (1/2 Day)

8:00 am Mass


Sept 3

THURS SJS School Grades Pre-K – 8 (1/2 Day) RBC Freshman Orientation(1/2 Day)

8:00 am Mass


Sept 4

FRI Parish Offices and Schools Closed

8:00 am Mass Church/Online

Sept 5

SAT 8:00 am Mass 5:30 pm Mass

Church/Online Church/Online

Sept 6

SUN 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am Mass

Church/Online Church/Online

Our Parish Mission We are here to walk with you in your relationship with God wherever you are on life’s journey. We invite you to join with us in the celebration of the sacra-ments, prayer, learning and serving so that each person can grow in disciple-

ship and together we can witness the Kingdom of God.

Sacraments and Worship

Reconciliation Reconciliation is celebrated Monday through Friday following the 8:00 am Mass on clear days at the Mary Grotto and during inclement weather in the church Narthex.

Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is for chil-dren of registered parishioners. Please contact the parish office for information on scheduling a baptism for your child.

Marriage Ideally, couples planning to marry at St. James should contact the Parish Office one year in advance so that they may complete the necessary marriage preparation process. Please set date with Church before making other plans. Contact the Parish Office for an appointment.

Care of the Sick Please notify the Parish Office when serious illness occurs or when the sick, aged, or incapacitated are con-fined to home for an extended peri-od. Arrangements can be made to bring communion to those unable to attend Mass. Please contact the Par-ish Office.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults The RCIA is a process of prayer, study and spiritual formation which pre-pares adults for their entrance into the Church. Any adult who is inter-ested in learning about the Catholic Church is invited to call the Parish Office.

Parish Announcements Parish Office Hours

Commencing on Monday, Aug. 31, the Parish Office will resume normal office hours. The Parish Office will be open Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm (the office will be closed from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm for lunch.)

Saturday Evening Mass On Saturday, September 5th, we will resume Saturday Evening Mass at 5:30pm. Please consult our website for protocols on attending in-person Mass.

Labor Day Our parish and school offices will be closed for the Labor Day Holiday on Friday, Sept. 4 and Monday, Sept. 7. We will celebrate Mass on Labor Day at 8:00 am. All are welcome.

Sign-up for Our Week Email What to know what is happening at St. James Parish delivered to your email. Then sign-up for our weekly update sent your email address to saintjamesredbank@stjames-redbank. com.

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We Pray for One Another

Mass Intentions

Aug 30 Sun

9:00 am

11:00 am

John Ducey / Emma Ducey & Family Rita Knauf / Rosemary Love Thomas B. Schweers, Sr. / His Wife Anna & Joseph Firca / Joanne & John Firca Special Remembrances of the Week John Babstock / Kathleen Green The People of the Parish

Aug 31 Mon

8:00 am Rosemary B. & James J. Edelen, Jr. / Their Children

Mary G. Dietzel / Jessica Hayes

Sept 1 Tues

8:00 am James Massett, Sr. / His Family Anthony Parkes / Tom & Ann Parkes

Sept 2 Wed

8:00 am Marie LoBue / The Lambiase Family Lee Cook / The Corregano Family

Sept 3 Thurs

8:00 am Diane Link / Fred & Ree

Sept 4 Fri

8:00 am Paul G. Lewis / Francis R. Lewis Henry Winkel / The John Galiano Family

Sept 5 Sat

8:00 am 5:30 pm

Barbara Sullivan / Her Mom & Aunt Joan Dolores Miller / Sr. Pat

Sept 6 Sun

9:00 am

11:00 am

John Ducey / Emma Ducey & Family Rita Knauf / Rosemary Love Thomas B. Schweers, Sr. / His Wife Anna & Joseph Firca / Joanne & John Firca Special Remembrances of the Week John Babstock / Kathleen Green The People of the Parish

Memorials We remember our special intentions of the week:

A Friend; Kevin Keating / His Family; Aurora Roman / Victor Pinlac & Family

Our Parishioners Celebrating Marriage Brendan Cerniglia and Gianna Gatta

Wedding Banns We remember in prayer the engaged couples of our

parish who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage, answering God’s call to live in His love.

Christopher Spahr and Brianna O’Toole (II) John Perrone and Dominique LePore (II)

The Deceased of our Parish Deceased Parishioners, Family and Friends of St. James

Robert Van Brunt; Celestina Giornalista

The Sick of our Parish Come to us, O risen Savior, faithful physician of our

bodies and souls, and grant relief to our sick and aging who

suffer Barbara Clark; Sister Beverly Bligh; Donna; Dolores; Elaine Benvenuto; Kevin Tuohy; Phil Edwards; Debbie Fitzpatrick; Geraldine Zelenick; Paul Kimmins; John; Ceilie Reynolds; Joe; Norm & Norman Marks; Edie Rose O’Neill; Laura King; Walter Peterson; Lisa Byrne; Rocco DiMaggio; Oddo Gunther; Kevin Keating; Mary Beth Meehan

Names on the Prayers for the Sick list will be removed at the end of the month. Please contact the parish office if you wish someone to remain on

the sick list the new month.

Those Serving our Nation Maj. Steven Carbone; Staff Sgt. Matthew D’Alessandro, USMC; Steven James Gluth; Jason Palendrano; Staff Sgt. Matthew Roberts; Jonathan Welch; Maj. Nicholas Abbate & Capt. Justin Abbate (brothers), USMC; Majors Brian C. Jones (Truex) & Crystal Jones (Husband & Wife); Capt. Josh Pershing; Brendan Gilroy; SSGT Brian Dilger, Jr., USMC; Col. Robert Duchaine; Maj. Carlo Brancato, USMC; Capt. Robert Beery; Capt. Thomas Beery; Capt. Sean Screen (Iraq); Sgt. James Conklin (Afghanistan); 1LT Cooper Lewis, USMC; Spec E4 Thomas F. Welch, V; Navy, AOAA Brian J. Truex; Sgt. Kevin Andia, USMC; Lt. Jeffrey Trezza; LTJG. James Rimmele, Coast Guard; USMC LCPL Walter Anderson; LCPL Nicholas Yowan; James Reilly Shinnick, USA; E2PFC Connor Clark; Pvt. Sean Bradley, USA; Sgt. Brendan Reiss, USA, 82nd Airborne Div.


Sunday Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8; Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27

Monday 1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Lk 4:16-30

Tuesday 1 Cor 2:10b-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk 4:31-37

Wednesday 1 Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15, 20-21; Lk 4:38-44

Thursday Saint Gregory the Great, Pope & Doctor 1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 5:1-11

Friday 1 Cor 4:1-5; Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40; Lk 5:33-39

Saturday Saint Teresa of Calcutta 1 Cor 4:6b-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5

Sunday Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95 Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20

Mass Intentions

Aug 30 Sun

9:00 am

11:00 am

John Ducey / Emma Ducey & Family Rita Knauf / Rosemary Love Thomas B. Schweers, Sr. / His Wife Anna & Joseph Firca / Joanne & John Firca Special Remembrances of the Week John Babstock / Kathleen Green The People of the Parish

Aug 31 Mon

8:00 am Rosemary B. & James J. Edelen, Jr. / Their Children

Mary G. Dietzel / Jessica Hayes

Sept 1 Tues

8:00 am James Massett, Sr. / His Family Anthony Parkes / Tom & Ann Parkes

Sept 2 Wed

8:00 am Marie LoBue / The Lambiase Family Lee Cook / The Corregano Family

Sept 3 Thurs

8:00 am Diane Link / Fred & Ree

Sept 4 Fri

8:00 am Paul G. Lewis / Francis R. Lewis Henry Winkel / The John Galiano Family

Sept 5 Sat

8:00 am 5:30 pm

Barbara Sullivan / Her Mom & Aunt Joan Dolores Miller / Sr. Pat

Sept 6 Sun

9:00 am

11:00 am

John Ducey / Emma Ducey & Family Rita Knauf / Rosemary Love Thomas B. Schweers, Sr. / His Wife Anna & Joseph Firca / Joanne & John Firca Special Remembrances of the Week John Babstock / Kathleen Green The People of the Parish

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Faith Formation Registration 2020-2021 Religious Education will be conducted as an online study program for Grades K – 7. All assignments will be sub-mitted electronically on a weekly ba-sis. 8th Grade Confirmation classes will be held in‐person, on a weekly basis, between 9:00 – 10:30 am on Sunday. All REP students must regis-ter before August 30th. Registration forms can be found at the Rectory or you may contact the Religious Educa-tion office at religioused@stjames‐ All registered students must pick up their textbooks on Sun-day, August 30th outside the RBC chapel between the hours of 10:00 am and 12:00pm. Classes will begin on September 13th. Registered students will receive a notice of their class placement and their assigned Cate-

chist approximately one week prior. If you have any questions please con-tact Fillie Duchaine, CRE at 732‐446‐7050.

Confirmation Our parish’s celebration of Confirma-tion has been rescheduled to Wednes-day, September 23 and Thursday, Sep-tember 24 at 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM each afternoon. More detailed in-formation will be provided directly to families of the Confirmation can-didates.

Mrs. Fillie Duchaine Coordinator of Religious Education 732-446-7050

The Diocese of Trenton is now offering a weekly resource to families to help keep the fire of faith burning while we

are apart from our church communities. Please visit the


St. James Elementary School

Red Bank Catholic High School

Mrs. JoAnn Giordano Principal


Office Hours: Monday to Friday

7:30 am to 2:00 pm

School Opens Red Bank Catholic High School will open for the 2020-2021 School Year will a modified schedule in order to properly instruct students of the nec-essary protocols to assure the safety of all. Transfer Students will meet for Orientation on Tuesday, Sept. 1 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am; Freshman Orien-tation is Wednesday, Sept. 2 and Thursday, Sept. 3 with a half day dis-missal. From Monday to Friday, Sept. 8 to Sept 11, one class will meet each day for orientation for a full day: Tues-

day Freshman; Wednesday, Seniors; Thursday, Juniors and Friday, Sopho-mores. Those registered for online learning have received instructions. Welcome back! We wish all a good and successful year!

Labor Day Holiday Red Bank Catholic will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Friday, Sept. 4 and Monday, Sept. 7. Enjoy your hol-iday.

Visitors Red Bank High School Office is open.

Please note that mask must be worn while visiting the school, and appro-priate social distancing protocols must be maintained.

Mr. Robert Abatemarco Principal


Office Hours: Monday to Friday

7:30 am to 2:00 pm

School Opens St. James Elementary School resumes classes this week following Summer Vacation. The first day of school for students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 is Tuesday, Sept. 1; and for PreSchool 3’s, 4’s and TK on Wednes-day, Sept. 2. There will be early dismis-sal for all students the first week of school Monday through Thursday, Sept. 1 to Sept. 3. The first full day of school will be Tuesday, Sept. 8.

Labor Day Holiday SJS will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Friday, Sept. 4 and Mon-day, Sept. 7. Enjoy your holiday.

Visitors St. James Elementary School Office is open. Please note that mask must be worn while visiting the school, and appropriate social distancing protocols must be maintained.

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Parish Staff/Ministry Directory Clergy

Rev. Msgr. Joseph N. Rosie, Pastor

Rev. Vincent Magdaraog Parochial Vicar

Rev. Daison Areepparampil Parochial Vicar

Rev. Msgr. Eugene Rebeck Weekend Assistant

Deacon Bryan Davis

Parish Staff

Robert Abatemarco, Principal RBC 732-747-1774

Veronica Alexander, Finance Office

Edward Cardoz, Mt Olivet Cemetery 732-741-5516

Fillie Duchaine, Coordinator, Rel. Ed.

Lori Edgerly, Human Resources

JoAnn Giordano, Principal SJS 732-741-3363

Helene Kenney, Parish Receptionist

Pam Taylor, Finance Office

Fred Valentino, Director of Facilities

Ministry Facilitators

For more information about our parish ministries or to volunteer to serve, please send your contact info to saintjamesredbank@stjames‐ and the ministry you are interested in

Adult Choir Ashley Kate Gimotea

Altar Servers Christian Buckman

Altar Society Rita Kline

Faith in Our Future

Folk Choir Joe Clark

Hospitality Stephanie Snow

Lazarus Ministry

Knights of Columbus Bob Shearer

Our Daily Bread Martha Christofili

Peace of Christ Prayer Group Sue Kuhar

RCIA Deacon Bryan Davis

Religious Ed Program Fillie Duchaine

River Jordan Ministry Mary Ellen Connelly

Senior Citizens Sr. Ethel Friedman

Social Concerns Jim Schmitt

That Man is You Jack Paul

Ushers Pat Flood

Young Adults Colleen Owens

Youth Group Lynda Fiorenza

Parish Announcements (Continued from page 3)

Parish Ministries Due to the requirements limiting social gatherings, all of our ministries and activities have been cancelled. You are invited to contact the ministry facilitators regarding the possibility of continuing to meet through social media. For a list of ministry facilitators please see page last page of the bulletin. For the most recent announcement and updates please visit our parish website.

Using Have you ever wished there was a quick and entertaining way to learn more about our Catholic Faith? You're in luck! St. James Parish has invested in, which is essentially a Catholic Netflix and more. You'll find a ton of excellent, informative, high-production-value resources to learn about your faith today! A visit to FORMED is like a visit to the media zoo: All sorts of wonderful things in various shapes and sizes await

you: There are short videos, full length feature films, Bible Studies, books, podcasts, lecture series, music, and more... all free! This resource is available and free to everyone involved with St. James Parish. Go to, enter the parish zip code (07701), select our parish, enter your name and email and begin watching.

Our Daily Bread With your help we can assist those in

(Continued on page 7)

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Our parish is accepting intentions for Mass. If you wish to add an intention please contact the Parish Office.

Msgr. Joe (Continued from page 2)

profound love which spouses seek to grow in? Isn’t this the love that those called to the vocation of parenthood seek to share with their child? Isn’t this the love that we each seek to grow in as we mature, grow in the grace of baptism and the divine image in which we were created. But is all begins with taking up that cross daily, making that commitment to love as we have been loved. Let us pray today for the grace to take up our cross and follow him. This week is the beginning of another school year for our parish school min-istries as we welcome students from their summer break to both our ele-mentary and high schools. As we wel-come them back, I recognize that we do so in a time of apprehension due to the pandemic. As I have had the op-portunity to share with our faculty, our school administrations with the assistance of our diocesan Office of Catholic Education together with guid-ance from the CDC have worked dili-gently to assure the safety of all who enter our school buildings. Our appre-hension is eased as we communicate with one another honestly with one another. I thank all in advance for their cooperation and flexibility at this time of opening. I invite parents to view our school website for detailed information about our opening sched-ules. The mission of our parish school has

been the same for over 150 years, to partner with parents in the faith for-mation and academic growth of their children. Our parish schools together with their parents seek to form disci-ples of the Lord. I am grateful to all who continue with the same courage of the religious women of the Sisters of Mercy who were so instrumental in the founding of our parish schools, to face the challenges of a Catholic

School Ministry in our day so that par-ents may have this wonderful oppor-tunity for the faith and academic de-velopment of their child. As schools begins for all, it is a won-derful time as a parish family to lift in prayer our children and teens who will begin the school year. It is great to gather as well in your homes and ask God’s blessings as a family as you begin this school year.

Parish Announcements (Continued from page 3)

need of temporary assistance. Your donation to the poor boxes is greatly appreciated.

Thank You for Your Generosity Like many families, your parish family is facing financial setbacks in these days. Your weekly contributions and are essential for the good of our parish. Our faith community is dependent on the financial support of our parishioners. Without it, our parish cannot pay bills or cover payroll. Please mail your weekly offering envelope to the parish office

or use online giving. To sign up for online giving please visit app/giving/stjamesredbank. Thank you for your support during these challenging days.

Mass Intentions for 2021 Due to the restrictions regarding gatherings during the pandemic, the intentions for the Mass Book for 2021 will not be open until the Fall. A new paper protocol will be developed so that people will not have to gather. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Community News

Knights of Columbus Council No. 525 Serving the Parishes of St. James and St. Anthony, Red Bank, New Jersey

The Council is collecting donations for their “Coats for Kids” program. 100% of your donation goes to the cause. Contact Thomas Wieczerzak at or or 201-273-4111 for additional information.

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