typical spanish dances

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Typical Spanish Dances

Spanish Dance can refer to many expressions of dance that are often considered particularly Spanish.

The dances are a reflection of the customs and traditions of a village and many are the result of the fusion of diverse cultures that have populated throughout the years various territories worldwide. Spain is rich in popular customs

The dances of Spain that have been popularized in the world, including:

• The fandango: Although historically indicated that the fandango came to Spain through whom had been in the kingdom of Indian, fandango has become so popular and important in the Spanish folklore which was declared in 2010 as a Cultural Interest. The fandango is danced in pairs and with accompanying "castañuelas", which makes it considered a simile of the jota.

• The seguidillas: The seguidillas are typical songs of Spain but also has a typical dance in particular, are typical of regions such as Madrid and Canary Islands. The first seguidillas appeared in the XVIII century theaters, since its beginnings were characterized as lively pace and be accompanied by the flute, guitars, flutes and castanets. His themes are usually rogues but also has themes of love letters.

• The jota: The Jota is a typical Spanish dance. This dance is accompanied by the sound of castanets and dancers, dressed in costumes similar to flamenco dancers. The pace of the jota compass is ¾, also used for the interpretation guitars, drums, and mandolins are used.

Additionally within the traditional dances of Spain haveregional dances of Spain, among them are:

• The Sardana: Typical Andorra and Catalonia. The Sardana is a dance that takes place in groups and in circular form. This dance is done by a group of people and is considered a social dance, because many people are used to make it. Is accompanied on its compass with an average of twelve instruments.

• The muñeira: This traditional Spanish dance is typical of regions such as Asturias, Galicia and Castilla y León. The muñeira, often is accompanied by tambourines, flute, bagpipes, drums. The structure of dance is similar to the Sardana and presents a beat of 6/8.

• The flamenco: Flamenco is an Andalusian art that integrates dance, singing and guitar music. Is known for its intensely emotional and also for its graceful movements of arms, fierce stomping, deep groans and strumming guitar. The flamenco is the typical spanish dance most known in the world.

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