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Post on 28-Jun-2020






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BOOTCAMPOur 8 week, self-paced course willteach you how to build end-to-endQlik Sense web mashups using thelatest Front End Web Technologies& Qlik APIs

Contact ushello@datalit.io

By the end of the course you will be comfortable leveraging open source webtechnologies and the associate Qlik engine to build complete web projectsOver 20 hours of video content plus 8 complete projects and coding exercisesYou will get access to all of the content immediately - however, we’ve broken itdown into 8 weeks of 3-5 hours of contentYou’ll also receive instructor support and access our dedicated Slack channel

Course Details You will start by learning all the foundational knowledge needed to build Qlik SenseMashups including HTML, CSS, Java Script, DOM Manipulation and popular librariessuch as RequireJS. We will then move onto the real thing; we will build a Mashup Template & end to endprojects using the Capability APIs, Picasso JS & Enigma JS.

Everything you need to know to buildend to end, fully responsive Qlik SenseWeb MashupsThe Qlik Sense APIs and all the keyconcepts for building mashups usingboth the Capability APIs and EnigmaJSFront End Web Development, coveringHTML, CSS, Java Script & WebpackPopular Java Script libraries includingJQuery, RequireJS & BootstrapIntermediate Java Script conceptsincluding Callbacks and Promises PicassoJS charting library and how toload data from Qlik HypercubesHow to build a reusable Mashuptemplate

What you’ll learn

Course Prerequisites You will need a WindowsOSComputer with access to theinternet

Who this course is for Anyone with an interest in buildingfully responsive Qlik Sense Mashups Qlik Sense / QlikView developerslooking to master an in-demand skillin an ever evolving market

Join our developer community. Each course has a dedicatedslack channel

Week 1 - HTML, CSS &Bootstrap Introduction to HTMLLearn the fundamentals of HTML andbuild your first HTML Document. Introduction to CSSTheory and practical application of usingCSS in web development projects,including FlexBox Introduction to BootstrapLearn the most popular library fordeveloping with HTML, CSS & Java Script Week 2 - An Introduction toJava Script & The DOM Introduction to Java ScriptWe will cover the basics of Java Script,including Strings, Numbers, ComparisonExpressions & Functions Control Flow & ArraysIF Statements, SWITCH Statements, Loops& Arrays Document Object ModelLearn to apply Java Script to HTMLdocuments. Learn how to changedocument structure, style and content

Each week contains one project so you will learn by buildingthe real thing


RGB Color Game

Week 3 - More Java Script &JQuery Intermediate Java Script (+ RecipeSelector Project)Learn more intermediate Java Scriptconcepts including Objects and HigherOrder Functions Introduction to JQuery A popular "write less, do more" librarydesigned to make it much easier to useJava Script on your website Dashboard with NightModePutting what we've learnt into practice bybuilding a dashboard template withnightmode functionality Week 4 - RequireJS &Introduction to Qlik Sense RequireJSA library for loading Java Script modules. Arequirement for using the Capability APIs Introduction to Qlik SenseAn introduction to the Qlik Sense hub andcreating applications Qlik Sense Mashup EditorDiving into the dev-hub; iFrames, SingleConfigurator and simple Mashups

No waiting around. Access all of the lessons as soon as yousign up

Recipe Selector & Dashboard with NightMode

Highest Grossing Films Dashboard

Week 5 - Mashup ProjectTemplate Build a Reusable Mashup TemplateWe will build a reusable Mashup Templateincluding Filters, Current Selections,Bookmarks and Search Functionality. This template can be used across differentQlik applications

Week 6 - HyperCubes &Google Analytics Mashup Asynchronous Java ScriptLevel up your Java Script by learning howto use Callbacks and Promises An Introduction to HyperCubes Learn how to load data from the QlikEngine, a hugely important topic whendeveloping Qlik Mashups Google Play Analytics MashupWe'll build a complete mashup using theVisualisation APIs and our mashuptemplate

Looking for a Qlik Sense Developer role? Learn the skillsemployers are looking for

Mashup Template

Google Play Analytics

Week 7 - PicassoJS Introduction to PicassoJSLearn Qlik's open source charting library,streamlined for use with Qlik products Intermediate PicassoJSMore PicassoJS topics to make your chartsinteractive. This includes interactions,brushing and tooltips Multi-Page Mashup with Q PluginComplete multi-page application usingPicassoJS, loading data from QlikHyperCubes

Week 8 - EnigmaJS Introduction to EnigmaJSYou will learn how to connect to theEngine API using EnigmaJS, a promised-based library for building mashups Webpack & Starting our ProjectLearn Webpack, a module bundler usedfor more complex web projects.Commonly used in React projects. Kickstarter MashupFinishing our project using EnigmaJS ,PicassoJS and webpack

Dedicate 3-5 hours per week to finish the course onschedule

Avacado Prices Mashup

KickStarter Dashboard

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