u colorado getting started_fall09

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  • 8/8/2019 U Colorado Getting Started_fall09



    Getting Started with

    all 2009 - Spring 2010 Edition For New Students, Faculty, and Sta

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    Set and remember your IdentiKey password, page 6 You most likely set your IdentiKey password to register for classes and log into CUConnect.

    An IdentiKey consists of your CU login name and a unique password.

    Your IdentiKey unlocks many IT services at CU-Boulder, such as CUConnect, CULink e-mail, CULearn, and UCB

    wireless access, just to name a few.

    Learn more about IdentiKey, including how to reset your password at www.colorado.edu/its/quickstart/students


    Acquire the hardware, software, and technology tools you need, page 5 The ITS Quick Start program created a recommended shopping list of everything you might need to be

    technologically connected at CU-Boulder.

    Check out the shopping list at www.colorado.edu/its/quickstart/students/shoppinglist.html.

    Connect to UCB Wireless and Housings ResNet, beginning on page 7 UCB Wireless is available all over campus and in most residence halls.

    Wired high-speed Internet access is also available through a Housing and Dining Services ResNet wired

    connection in each residence hall room and university apartment (family housing and Bear Creek).

    Learn how to register your computer, gaming system, or mobile device on the network at www.colorado.edu/its


    Log in and familiarize yourself with CUConnect, page 11 CUConnect, https://cuconnect.colroado.edu, offers a single, secure entry point for most CU-Boulder online ser-

    vices and information. Log in with your IdentiKey, page 6. CUConnect is how you access CULink e-mail and calendaring, CULearn online courses, and much more.

    Learn about IT security and download CUantivirus, back cover ITS offers no-cost antivirus software called CUantivirus for all students at www.colorado.edu/its/security/antivirus.

    Learn more about IT security at www.colorado.edu/its/quickstart/security.html.

    Learn about local telephone service in the residence halls and university apartments,page 12 Students are encouraged to bring a cell phone to campus. Basic landline phone service is not included in room and

    board for residence halls; however, a landline connection can be activated in your room for a non-refundable fee.

    Local telephone service is provided in family housing and Bear Creek, provided that you bring your own telephone. Learn more at www.colorado.edu/its/quickstart/students/phones.html.

    Learn about no-cost IT training opportunities for students, page 13 ITS provides a variety of no-cost IT training opportunities for students in lots of different formats.

    For more information, including dates and times, go to www.colorado.edu/its/quickstart/students/training.html.

    Learn about how to get the help you need, page 15 The IT Service Center is your one-start support resource for getting help with IT on campus.

    See hours and location on page 15.










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    Table of ContentsGeneral Information

    P A G E S 4 5

    IdentiKey, E-mail, and CalendarP A G E 6

    Internet Connectivity at CU-BoulderP A G E 7

    Connect to Campus Ethernet (High-Speed Internet)P A G E S 8 1 0

    CUConnect The Website Geared for You!P A G E 1 1

    Telephone and Long-Distance ServicesP A G E 1 2

    IT Training OpportunitiesP A G E 1 3

    Educational TechnologyP A G E 1 4

    Were Here to HelpP A G E 1 5

    Computer Security Tools and Awareness

    B A C K C O V E R

    Useful URLsHelp with Campus TechnologyITS Quick Start www.colorado.edu/its/quickstart

    CU-Boulders Internet Services www.colorado.edu/its/quickstart

    IT Service Centerwww.colorado.edu/its/support/helpcenters.html

    Telephone Services www.colorado.edu/its/support/helpcenters.html

    Computing Abuse or Harassmentwww.colorado.edu/its/support/helpcenters.html

    IdentiKey, E-mail, & CUConnectIdentiKey Information


    E-mail Informationwww.colorado.edu/its/email

    CUConnect, web portalhttps://cuconnect.colorado.edu

    IT SecurityIT Security Information


    CUantivirus (no-cost antivirus software) www.colorado.edu/its/security/antivirus


    Security Awareness


    IT Training OpportunitiesHands-On Training


    Training Informationwww.colorado.edu/its/training

    SkillSoft (computer-based training)www.colorado.edu/its/cbt

    Student Computing Classes


    A CU-Boulder student uses one of many computing kiosks located across

    campus. These convienent computing stations are designed for students,

    faculty, and staff to quickly access CU-Boulder Internet resources like


    UCB wireless in Norlin Library. The ATLAS buildings innovative facilities. Educational technology at Norlin Library.

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    General Information

    Getting Started with Campus Technology


    Rochelle Scott, ITS Tier 1 Support

    Assistant Editor

    Caitlin Dennis, ITS Tier 1 Support

    Copy Editing, Print and Delivery Assistance

    University CommunicationsPublications and Creative


    Cover photograph

    John Dziadecki, UCB Libraries

    Send comments and suggestions to


    Visit Getting Started with Campus Technologyonline at:


    WelcomeCU-Boulder is proud of its comprehensive information

    technology (IT) environment. As a CU-Boulder student, or

    faculty or staff member, youll be able to take advantage of

    educational technology tools, fast network access, wireless

    network access around campus, an extensive array of modern

    computing laboratories, the CUConnect secure web portal, and

    innovative classroom technology resources.

    Information Technology Services (ITS) is the primary IT provider

    on the CU-Boulder campus, with services for telephony, digital

    media, computing, and networking. Visit ITS on the Web at

    www.colorado.edu/its .

    ITSs Quick Start ProgramITS Quick Start is a joint-department program that delivers

    technology services to you in the most

    efcient and clear way possible. ITS

    partners with the following departments:

    CU Bookstore, Housing and Dining

    Services (Housing IT and Residence

    Life), Bursars Ofce, Ofce of Admissions,

    Ofce of the Registrar, School of Law

    Admissions, and University Communications.

    Information Technology (IT) Service CenterThe IT Service Center offers help with e-mail and IdentiKey,

    Internet connectivity, telephone service, and technology-related

    questions or problems. For more ITS support information go to

    www.colorado.edu/its/support .

    Phone: 303-735-HELP (5-4357 from an on-campus phone)

    E-mail: help@colorado.edu

    Location: rst oor of the Telecommunication Center

    (just east of the UMC on 18th Street)


    IT Service Center call-in facility

    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

    IT Service Center walk-in facility

    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

    Know the Computing PoliciesIt is imperative that you become familiar with and accept the

    responsibilities you have as a CU-Boulder technology user. By

    creating and using university accounts and other computing

    services, you have accepted and agreed to the Use of CU-

    Boulders Computing and Network Resources policy. Policies

    are located online at www.colorado.edu/its/policies .

    Keeping Up With Technology Evolution at ITSIt can be difcult to keep up with the rapid evolution of

    technology. Thats why ITS is dedicated to communicating the

    latest ITS news, policies, projects, and initiatives to all campus

    technology users. Keep your nger on the pulse of campus

    technology by visiting www.colorado.edu/its/news .

    IT Service Center-Supported Hardware andSoftwareThe standards and guidelines set by ITS are a key factor in

    enabling ITS to provide you with quality, cost-effective services.

    The standards are not mandatory. However, adhering to them

    will ensure that you have a known source of suppor t at the

    IT Service Center (which includes Desktop Support), and will

    improve interoperability of various hardware platforms and

    software versions, to the extent that others on campus also

    adhere to the standards. To view the list of hardware and

    software minimum standards in its most up-to-date format, and

    for further information about how and why these standards were

    established, go to the Web at www.colorado.edu/its/docs


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    Section Head

    CU-Boulder Computer RecommendationsIf you are purchasing a new computer or bringing an existing

    computer onto campus, you should consult CU-Boulder

    Computer Recommendations on the Web at www.colorado

    .edu/its/recommendations .

    CU-Boulder Specic SoftwareITS offers a number of sof tware programs customized for

    the CU-Boulder campus. This includes tools for whole-disk

    encryption and antivirus sof tware (back cover). You can access

    the CU-Boulder software distribution site at www.colorado

    .edu/its/msg/ledist.html .

    Microsoft Software LicensesCU-Boulder has a Microsoft campus agreement that provides

    software licenses as a common good to CU-Boulder faculty and

    staff (including student employees) for select Microsoft products

    and upgrades. To learn more, go to www.colorado.edu/its

    /licenses/microsoft .

    Purchasing Hardware and SoftwareFor an easy-to-understand depiction of how faculty, staff, and

    students can purchase hardware and software for either ofceor personal use go to www.colorado.edu/its


    Computing LabsITS has many contemporary computing labs across campus.

    For a complete list of ITS computing labs, along with a map

    including hours of operation and available hardware and

    software, visit www.colorado.edu/its/labs .

    Printing at CU-BoulderBlack and white and color printing are available in various

    computer labs around campus. You can also print to some of

    these labs remotely from residence hall rooms and through

    wireless connections on campus. Students receive a set quota

    of prints each semester. After the set quota of prints has been

    exceeded, a fee is assessed, paid through the Buff OneCard.

    Depending on your printing needs, the cost to print on campus

    through the labs is often signicantly less than purchasing a

    printer and the consumable materials for that pr inter. For more

    information, go to www.colorado.edu/cpi.

    Understanding CopyrightDownloading,Serving, or Sharing Copyrighted MaterialsThe CU-Boulder network enhances CUs educational

    technology environment. However, students, faculty, and staff

    should note that certain network activity is strictly prohibited.

    Individuals participating in illegal activities can face stiff

    consequences, including termination of networking privileges.

    Examples of illegal activities include downloading, serving,

    and sharing copyrighted material like music and videos. For

    more information and alternatives to illegal downloading and

    lesharing, go to www.colorado.edu/copyright.

    Creating Personal and DepartmentalWebsitesIf you are interested in creating a personal or a departmental

    website, you can learn more at Web Central. Web Central is

    an online resource for CU-Boulder web developers. Visit Web

    Central at www.colorado.edu/webcentral.

    The IT Service Center walk-in center (page 4) can help you with any of ITS services.

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    IdentiKey, E-mail and CalendarCULinkE-mail and CalendarAs a CU-Boulder student, or faculty or staff member, you will

    receive an e-mail and calendar account in CULink. CULink

    provides you with 200 MB of message storage and can be

    accessed with your IdentiKey on the Web or congured to work

    with an e-mail program like Microsoft Outlook.

    CULink AccountsCULink accounts are created once you have conrmed your

    enrollment or employment at CU-Boulder.

    Accessing CULinkTo access CULink, go to https://culink.colorado.edu. For

    information about setting up an ITS supported e-mail program

    such as Microsoft Outlook, or to learn more about sending and

    receiving messages, go to www.colorado.edu/its/email .

    IdentiKeyYour Key to Online CampusResourcesYour IdentiKey unlocks most IT services on campus, so its

    important that you set and remember your IdentiKey. Your

    IdentiKey consists of your CU Login Name and a password. Its

    also important to remember your CU Login Name.

    An IdentiKey allows you to:

    Use CUConnect. CUConnect is a central hub for all things

    CU-Boulder. See page 11 for more information.

    Use CULink e-mail and calendar service.

    Use campus computing labs.

    Register on ResNet and the wireless network.

    Log into CULearn.

    Download CUantivirus and other ITS-offered software.

    Your IdentiKey must be activated to log into CUConnect,

    register for classes, and to access CULink e-mail and calendar


    IdentiKey Activation and Reset InstructionsTo learn how to activate your IdentiKey, or to set a new pass-

    word for your IdentiKey, go to www.colorado.edu/its


    IdentiKey Password GuidelinesFor a list of IdentiKey password guidelines go towww.colorado.edu/its/docs/accounts/identikey.html .

    Microsoft ExchangeE-mail and CalendarSome campus departments utilize ITS premium Microsoft

    Exchange service for e-mail and calendar tools. If your

    department uses Exchange, go to www.colorado.edu/its

    /exchange for help documentation, tips, and tricks.

    The CULink web client can be accessed at https://culink.colorado.edu.

    Smart PhonesTo learn how to congure mobile devices for CULink or

    Microsoft Exchange, go to www.colorado.edu/its


    Technology in MotionIn the coming year keep an eye out for changes in digital

    identity management and e-mail services by frequently

    visiting ITS News atwww.colorado.edu/its/news.

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    Residence Halls and University Apartments:Wired Internet ConnectivityStudents living in the residence halls and university apartments

    (family housing and Bear Creek) can connect their computers to

    the campus Ethernet network. To do so, you need to set up and

    congure your computer for Ethernet connectivity. Instructions

    begin on page 8. UCB Wireless access is available in all

    residence halls except Smith Hall, which will be renovated in

    2010. Installation of wireless for Family Housing is planned for

    the near future.

    College Inn: UCB WirelessStudents living in the College Inn connect to the Internet via

    UCB Wireless only. Read the information on the right to learn

    more about wireless connectivity.

    CU-Boulder Ofces: Wired InternetConnectivity

    Ofces on the CU-Boulder campus have access to CU-

    Boulders 100 Mbps Ethernet network. This service needs to be

    ordered if it is not already available. To order Ethernet service,

    contact your departmental Telecommunications Support

    Representative (TSR). For more information about ordering

    service, go to www.colorado.edu/its/networking . Congure

    your computer for Ethernet connectivity using the instructions

    that begin on page 8.

    Internet Connectivity at CU-BoulderUCB Wireless ConnectivityUCB Wireless access can be found in almost all buildings on

    campus, in popular campus life locations, and in all residence

    halls except Smith Hall. Wireless installation is planned for

    Family Housing in the near future. CU-Boulders wireless

    network consists of numerous 802.11 b/g access points, which

    are Wi-Fi Certied, and provide service to internal campus

    resources as well as external Internet access.

    Access UCB Wireless

    If you are in a wireless hot spot on campus your laptop or

    device should be able to detect UCB Wireless. Select it.

    1. Open a web browser and go to


    2. Enter your CU Login Name and IdentiKey password (page

    6) to begin the registration process.

    3. After logging in, you will be asked to review information

    about CU-Boulders Copyright policy. Read through the

    information and click on the I UNDERSTAND AND WILL ABIDE

    BY THIS POLICY button.

    4. Next, you will see the Use of CU-Boulders Computing and

    Network Resources policy. Review the entire policy.

    5. Click SUBMIT.

    6. If you have registered properly, you will be prompted to

    clear your web browsers cache and then to shut down your

    computer and restart it.

    UCB Guest WirelessUCB Guest Wireless can be found wherever UCB Wireless

    is available and is for visitors of the CU-Boulder campus. To

    access the UCB Guest Wireless system, a CU-Boulder afliated

    student, staff, or faculty member will have to sponsor their

    guest. Learn more at www.colorado.edu/its/wireless/guest .

    / / U C B W I R E L E S S D O N T F O R G E T T OC L E A R Y O U R C A C H E

    This step is very important because it will allow you

    to successfully connect to the Internet. It is required!

    Instructions for clearing your cache are on page 8.

    Virtual Private Network (VPN)Creating a CU-Boulder Network Connection with a non-CUInternet Service ProviderIf you are off campus you can still access campus online

    resources, such as the libraries or other restricted network

    locations, and send/receive e-mail as if you were on campus.

    The CU-Boulder VPN allows you to have a CU-Boulder

    connection. To learn more, visit www.colorado.edu/its/vpn .

    On Campus Internet Connectivity Options:

    Location Service Provided

    Most residence halls (except

    Smith hall due to renovation

    in 2010), Athens North, and

    Bear Creek

    UCB Wireless (802.11 b/g)

    Wired high-speed Internet

    (Ethernet jack on the wall in

    the room or residence).

    Family housing Wired high-speed Internet

    (Ethernet jack on the wall in

    the residence).

    College Inn UCB Wireless (802.11 b/g)


    CU-Boulder ofces Wired high-speed Internet

    (Ethernet jack on the wall).University buildings and

    areas on campus

    ITS computing labs, kiosks,

    UCB Wireless (802.11 b/g)

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    High-speed Internet service is available in CU-Boulder ofces

    and the residence halls and university apartments (family

    housing and Bear Creek). If you are living in the College Inn,

    refer to the wireless connectivity information on page 7.

    What you need to do rst:1. Connect your computer to the Ethernet jack with a CAT5/6

    network cable. A network cable that is shorter than 25 feet

    might not be long enough for residence hall rooms.

    2. Congure your computer for connectivity by following the

    instructions that begin on this page.

    3. Students living in the residence halls and university

    apartments (family housing and Bear Creek) will need

    to register their computers following the instructions

    below. Faculty and staff may be prompted to register their

    computers as well.

    Connect to Campus Ethernet (High-Speed Internet)Clearing Your Browsers CacheClearing your web browers cache will allow you to browse the

    Internet after conguring and registering your computer. ITS

    recommends that you perform this simple step before you start

    to surf the Web for the rst time on the campus network.

    Macintosh Safari: Click on the SAFARI drop-down menu

    and select EMPTY CACHE. When asked if you want to empty

    the cache, click on the EMPTY button.

    Macintosh Firefox: Click on the TOOLS drop-down menu

    and select CLEAR PRIVATE DATA. A menu will open. Check

    mark CACHE and click on the CLEAR PRIVATE DATA NOW


    Windows Internet Explorer 8.x: Click on the SAFETY

    drop-down menu and select DELETE BROWSING HISTORY.

    In the window that opens, click on TEMPORARY INTERNET

    FILES and HISTORY and then click DELETE.

    Windows Internet Explorer 7.x: Click on the TOOLS drop-

    down menu and select DELETE BROWSING HISTORY. In the

    window that opens, click on the DELETE FILES button. You



    Windows Firefox: Click on the TOOLS drop-down menu

    and select OPTIONS. In the window that opens, click on the

    PRIVACY TAB on the left. In the CACHE section, click on the

    CLEAR button.

    Macintosh OS 10.5.x Conguration

    1. Cl ick the APPLE MENU icon in the top left corner.


    3. Click the NETWORK icon from the menu that appears.

    4. Make sure the LOCATION drop down menu is set to

    AUTOMATIC and you have selected ETHERNET in the left


    5. Click the lock in the bottom left corner to make changes.

    6. From the CONFIGURE drop-down menu select USING


    7. Click APPLY NOW. Your new settings will take effect.

    8. Restart the computer.

    9. Students, follow the registration instructions on the left to

    register your computer on the ResNet network for Internet


    / / D O N T F O R G E T T O C L E A R Y O U R

    C A C H EThis step is very important because it will allow you to

    successfully connect to the Internet.

    Gaming Systems and Alternative DevicesAll gaming systems and alternative devices that require Internet

    connectivity must be manually registered on the network.

    1. Start a web browser and go to https://dhcp.colorado.edu/


    2. Read the user responsibilities, and click ACCEPT.

    3. Enter your Hardware Address (also known as a MAC

    address), then your CU Login Name and IdentiKey


    4. If your registration has been successful you will be

    instructed to restart the device you have just registered.

    Network RegistrationSome faculty and staff members, and all students living on

    campus will need to register on the network.

    1. Open a web browser and go tohttps://sysreg

    .colorado.edu. Windows computers may be scanned for

    vulnerabilities, in which case you will be prompted to install

    updates from Microsoft.

    2. Next, you will automatically be taken to the registration

    page. First log in using your CU Login Name and IdentiKey

    password, or log in with your personal information.

    3. After logging in, you will be asked to review information

    about CU-Boulders Copyright policy. Read through the

    information and click on the I UNDERSTAND AND WILL ABIDE

    BY THIS POLICY button.

    4. Next, you will see the Use of CU-Boulders Computing and

    Network Resources policy. Review the entire policy.

    5. Click SUBMIT.

    6. If you have registered properly, you will be prompted to

    clear your web browsers cache and then to shut down your

    computer and restart it.

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    Windows XP CongurationBefore connecting to any Internet service you will want to make

    sure that you are using your operating systems rewall.

    1. Click the START button, right click on MY NETWORK

    PLACES, and select PROPERTIES.2. On the right side of the

    Network Connections

    window you will see an

    icon for LAN. Right click

    on the LAN icon and

    select PROPERTIES.

    3. Check mark CLIENT FOR



    (TCP/IP). De-select FILE


    4. Select INTERNET PROTOCOL (TCP/IP) and click on the

    PROPERTIES button.

    5. In the Properties window that opens, click on the GENERAL

    tab. Click on the radio button for both OBTAIN AN IP


    ADDRESS AUTOMATICALLY. Click the OK button to close this


    6. Restart your computer.

    7. Students, follow the registration instructions on page 8 to

    register your computer on the ResNet network for Internetconnectivity.

    Steps 4-7, see instructions on the left.

    Step 2

    Steps 3-4

    Step 5

    Macintosh OS 10.5.x Conguration, continued.

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    Windows Vista CongurationBefore connecting to any Internet service you will want to make

    sure that you are using your operating systems rewall.

    1. Click the START button, and select CONTROL PANEL,

    2. Below NETWORK AND INTERNET select VIEW network

    status and tasks, and then click on VIEW STATUS.3. The Local Area Connection Status window will open. Click


    4. The Local Area Connection Property window will open.


    click on PROPERTIES.

    5. Internet Protocol Version 4 Properties will open. Click the

    radio button for both OBTAIN IP ADDRESS AUTOMATICALLY


    Click the OK button to close this window.

    6. Now you may close every window, as your Network should

    be congured for DHCP.7. Restar t your computer.

    8. Students, follow the registration instructions on page 8 to

    register your computer on the ResNet network for Internet


    Step 2

    Step 3

    Step 4

    Step 5

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    CUConnect The Website Geared for You!CUConnectAs a student, faculty, or staff member, you have a central

    source for CU-Boulders online services and information with

    the CU-Boulder web portal, CUConnect (https://cuconnect

    .colorado.edu). CUConnect offers a single, secure entry point

    for most of the online information and services that you need,

    like CULink e-mail and calendar service.

    Latest CU-Boulder News and InformationCUConnect provides a lot of helpful information, including:

    emergency alerts, vital announcements, the campus events

    calendar, the academic calendar, a variety of news channels

    (campus news and news from various colleges, schools, and

    departments including ITS), weather, catalogs, Ralphies

    Guide, and much more.

    CUConnects Features for Students

    Academic resources

    Your student schedule and grades

    Books required for your courses

    Your nals schedule

    Course lookup and schedule planner tool

    GPA calculator

    Access to CULearn courses

    Libraries search and links

    Advising information

    Access to course registration

    Access to i>clicker registration

    Request forms for course and privacy-related actions

    Address update

    Access to Degree Audit and transcript requests

    Links to additional academic resources

    Financial resources

    Your campus bill and payment services

    Student employment listings

    Access to nancial aid and links to nancial resources

    Campus resources

    CULink e-mail and calendar service

    WebFiles (storage space for les and for hosting personal

    web pages)

    Software resources with student discounts

    Links to a wide variety of student services

    CUConnects Features for Faculty and Staff

    For faculty

    Access to Personal Effort Reports (ePERs)

    Faculty Report of Professional Activity (FRPA)

    Disclosure of External Professional Activity (DEPA)

    Access to your CULearn courses

    Faculty Course Toolkit:

    Flexible, printable course roster with information about

    each student in the class

    Photo roster, also printable

    Class e-mail function

    Course URL upload so students in your course can nd

    your course homepage through their schedules

    CULearn course request form

    Access to media key requests, textbook ordering, and

    libraries course reserves

    For faculty and staff

    Online pay advice

    Academic-related resources for student and classroom


    Monthly nancial reports

    CULink e-mail and calendar service

    Research resources

    Speedtype query quickly view speedtype activity and


    Computer-based training

    Libraries search and links

    Software references

    Desk references

    Websites for each of the campuses, governance, policies,

    and references

    Work-life resources

    Logging in to CUConnect

    1. Open the web browser and type https://cuconnect

    .colorado.edu into the address (or location) bar. Then

    press ENTER (or Return).

    2. In the Login box, enter your CU Login Name and your

    IdentiKey password (see page 6). Click the LOGIN button.

    3. Once you are logged in you can customize CUConnect to

    your style, needs, and interests.

    CUConnect, the CU-Boulder secure portal, will be

    transitioning to a new por tal system in 2010. Stay

    in the loop by checking out ITS News at

    www.colorado.edu/its/news .

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    Telephone Service in the Residence Hallsand Univeristy Apartments (Family Housingand Bear Creek)Your telephone service options depend upon where you live

    (see the chart below for services by residence). Students are

    encouraged to bring a cell phone to campus. Basic landline

    phone service is not included in room and board for residence

    halls; however, a landline connection can be activated in your

    room for a non-refundable fee of $500 for the academic year.

    Contact Occupancy Management (303-492-6673) for more

    information. Bear Creek and Family Housing residents have

    local telephone service, but residents must provide their own

    telephones. Learn more at www.colorado.edu/its/quickstart


    Telephone and Long-Distance ServicesTelephone Service for Faculty and StaffTelephone service is available for faculty and staff. To order

    a telephone, service, and voicemail, contact your Tier 2

    Telecommunications Support Representative (TSR). For more

    information visit www.colorado.edu/its/voiceservices .

    Long-Distance Service For Faculty and StaffLong-distance service is available to faculty and staff for

    business purposes at CU-Boulder through ITS. Your Tier

    2 Telecommunication Support Representative (TSR) can

    determine if you are authorized to make long distance calls

    and provide an authorization code. You can nd out who your

    Tier 2 TSR is by going to the online liaison directory at www

    .colorado.edu/its/voiceservices/liaisonapp . Do not give

    your authorization code to anyone. You will be responsible

    for charges made using your authorization code. For more

    information about long distance, including rates, visit

    www.colorado.edu/its/voiceservices .

    How to Make a Long-Distance Call

    Dial 8 + 1 and the long-distance number you wish to reach.

    When you hear the conrmation dial tone, enter your seven-digit

    authorization code. If the code is correct, you will be connected

    with the number you dialed.

    Billing and Call Details

    Your Tier 2 TSR can provide billing and call details that can be

    helpful if you need to charge calls to specic projects or review

    records of your calls. To nd out who your communication

    liaison is, go to www.colorado.edu/its/voiceservices

    /liaisonapp and enter your ve-digit extension.

    Location Service Provided

    Residence halls,

    College Inn, and Athens


    For fee, see text above.

    Family housing Free local calling. Phones and

    accessories are not provided.

    Bear Creek Free local calling. Voicemail

    feature is included. Phones and

    accessories are not provided.

    Using Your PhoneFor customized instructions on how to use your phone and

    Voicemail, visit www.colorado.edu/telecom/UsingYourPhone

    and enter in your ve-digit campus extension.

    Helpful Phone Tips If you are dialing an on-campus number from an on-

    campus phone, you only need to dial the last ve digits.

    University ofces are 5-xxxx or 2-xxxx. Residence hall and

    family housing numbers are 6-xxxx.

    You must dial an 8 before any off-campus phone number.

    From campus lobby phones, you must dial 7 rst.

    If you need help with any of the phone features or with your

    long distance services, call 303-735-HELP (5-4357 from an

    on-campus phone).

    A CU-Boulder staff member uses an ITS-provided telephone and

    telephone service to conduct business.

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    IT Training OpportunitiesStudent Training Opportunities

    Its Up to You to Know IT!

    CU-Boulder offers students comprehensive IT training

    beginning the moment you step on campus and continuing

    throughout your college career. Take advantage of these

    opportunities to learn valuable skills and enhance your college

    experience. A variety of topics and times are available, at no

    cost to you, and signing up is easy!

    Computing Survival Skills Classes

    First week of school

    Format: Lecture

    These sessions are for any student who wishes to learn more

    about computing on campus and the numerous ways to take

    advantage of the available resources. The sessions take place

    right before the fall and spring semesters. For dates, locations,

    and times visit www.colorado.edu/its/studentclasses


    Computing Quick Classes

    First year and beyond

    Format: Hands-on

    These are two-hour, hands-on, computing classes on

    selected topics. Topics include: Intro to PowerPoint, Excel,

    Dreamweaver, and beginning web page design with NVU. To

    sign up for these classes, use the online registration tool at

    www.colorado.edu/its/studentclasses . Click on ENROLL next

    to the class name.

    Computer-Based Training (CBT)

    First year and beyond

    Format: Hands-on, independent learning

    Web-based training is available for all CU-Boulder students on

    various computing topics and programs. Students can use a

    Mac or PC to access CBT content. CBT is accessible through

    CUConnect (see page 11), which requires an IdentiKey for log

    in (see page 6). Go to www.colorado.edu/its/cbt for moreinformation.

    Faculty and Staff Training OpportunitiesITS hosts technology-related classes, seminars, and

    workshops throughout the semester. In addition to these,

    you also have the opportunity to participate in computer-

    based training. These online SkillSoft sessions cover

    various computer topics, and can be taken from your

    computer at work or at home. For more information about

    these no-cost classes for faculty and staff visit www

    .colorado.edu/its/training .

    An ITS trainer conducts an ITS information session for

    incoming freshman.

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    Educational TechnologyCUClickers Student Response SystemITSs CUClickers service supports the i>clicker student

    response system. This innovative tool, using a device often

    called a clicker remote, allows students to participate in

    classes, and answer questions provided by the instructor.

    Receivers are located in media cabinets in many classrooms

    across campus. Go to www.colorado.edu/its/cuclickers

    /instructors/rooms.html for a list of classrooms and access


    Instructors can simply connect the receiver to their laptop and

    run the software in conjunction with questions either pre-written

    or made up on the y to spark class participation. A students

    i>clicker remote can be associated with his or her CU Login

    Name, allowing participation data to be collected and integrated

    with CULearns grade book features. Instructors can also use

    the i>clicker system to poll their classes anonymously. Learn

    more about ITSs supported student response system at www.



    Check with your professor before purchasing the i>clicker to

    make sure your class is utilizing one. The i>clicker can be

    purchased at the CU Book Store. If you are using an i>clicker,

    you will need to register your device in CUConnect. For more

    about the i>clicker device and registration, visit www.colorado



    Learn more about CUClickers, including check-out information,

    at www.colorado.edu/its/cuclickers.

    CULearnCULearn is the learning management system ITS provides

    to help faculty members create an online component for their

    courses. CULearn features web-based development tools,

    quizzes, assignments, group management, and selective

    release options. It also provides e-mail within the course,

    discussion groups, and the ability to post student grades in a

    password protected area. Visit www.colorado.edu/its/culearn

    to learn more.

    Educational Technology SupportEducational Technology facilities are rooms in which technology

    is incorporated into teaching and learning. These facilities

    include lecture halls, technology equipped classrooms,

    computer labs, and team rooms. Media cabinet keys can be

    ordered at www.colorado.edu/its/classrooms/support , and

    picked up at the IT Service Center. ITS encourages you to order

    and pick up keys as soon as you know you will need one.

    Distributed Academic TechnologyCoordinators (DATCs)Technology Coordinators work with faculty to identify promising

    technologies, and to help faculty use and develop those

    technologies in their teaching, research, and creative work.

    Technology Coordinators are assigned to various CU-Boulder

    divisions, colleges, and schools, and help faculty identify and

    use technology resources in the classroom. Go to www

    .colorado.edu/its/tier3/datc.html .

    Digital Media DevelopmentDigital Media Services manages a facility in the ATLAS building,

    in which faculty and students can work with ITS core experts

    in the development of multimedia materials. The lab hosts the

    hardware and software necessary to capture, edit, and encode

    audio and video. Possible multimedia delivery modes include

    tape, CD, VideoCD, DVD, and Internet. Tools and expertise

    are also available to create illustrations, graphic design, and

    animations. Service is available along a continuum from do-it-

    yourself to full production service. For more information go to

    www.colorado.edu/its/graphics .

    Statistical/Mathematical ComputingStatistical and mathematical software is supported by the ITS

    Site Licensing ofce. For support with Mathematica, IDL, SAS,

    or SPSS, call Bruce Fast at 2-8995, see the online information

    at www.colorado.edu/its/licenses , or send an e-mail to

    sitelic@colorado.edu. The Mathematica software is available

    at no fee to students, faculty, and staff.CU-Boulder students use their iClicker devices to answer instructor

    questions as a form of class particpation.

  • 8/8/2019 U Colorado Getting Started_fall09


    Information Technology (IT) Service Center

    The IT Service Center offers help with e-mail and IdentiKey,

    Internet connectivity, telephone service, and technology-related

    questions or problems. For more ITS support information go to

    www.colorado.edu/its/support .

    Phone: 303-735-HELP (5-4357 from an on-campus phone)

    E-mail: help@colorado.edu

    Location: rst oor of the Telecommunication Center

    (just east of the UMC on 18th Street)


    IT Service Center call-in facility

    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

    IT Service Center walk-in facility

    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

    Online Help

    You can send an e-mail message to help@colorado.edu

    for non-urgent questions, and youll receive an answer within

    approximately one business day.

    A variety of how-to documentation is available on the Web at

    www.colorado.edu/its/docs .

    Desktop Support (BugBusters) On-Site Help

    Faculty and staff can receive on-site help. To schedule an

    on-campus in-ofce appointment with a Desktop Support

    Technician (BugBuster) call 303-735-HELP. The Desktop

    Support Team provides software support for laptop and desktop

    workstations, including new computer setup, troubleshooting,

    installing and conguring operating systems, and applications.

    For more information about making a Desktop Support on-site

    appointment, visitwww.colorado.edu/its/support/bugsapp


    Desktop Support (BugBusters) Walk-In Facility

    Students, faculty, and staff can bring in a computer for help

    conguring hardware and/or software at one of ITSs two walk-in

    centers. Both walk-in facilities support people on a rst-come

    rst-serve basis. You must bring your Buff OneCard and be

    present while the Desktop Support staff work on your machine.

    Telecommunications Center Walk-in Facility

    Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., with

    extended hours at this location during the beginning of fall

    and spring semesters.

    Norlin Learning Commons Walk-in Facility

    Hours: Monday through Friday, 1 - 9 p.m., and Sundays, 3 -

    6 p.m.

    / / N O T E A B O U T D E S K T O P S U P P O R T

    Desktop Support staff guarantee no more than one hour of

    waiting for service to your machine at the walk-in facility.

    After one hour, if the facility is busy, you may be asked to

    bring your machine back at another time. BugBusters will

    not perform OS reinstalls at the walk-in center. You must be

    present with your computer at all times. Walk-in and on-site

    support is offered only for hardware and software within

    the parameters of ITSs Supported Software and Hardware

    Standards which are on the Web at www.colorado.edu/its


    PC Maintenance

    PC Maintenance is an on-campus computing hardware repair

    facility, operated by the CU Bookstore. To learn more about

    PC Maintenance, including location, rates, and warranty repair

    services, go to www.cubookstore.com.

    Were Here to Help

    Additional Faculty and Staff HelpResources

    Tier 2 Departmental Support Representatives

    Computing Support Representatives (CSRs)

    These representatives are the local departmental points

    of contact for your computing and networking support.

    Every department on the Boulder campus has at least one

    designated Tier 2 CSR. If you do not know who your CSR is

    go to www.colorado.edu/its/tier2/lookup.html and enter

    the last 5 digits of your phone number.

    Telecommunication Support Representatives (TSRs)

    These representatives are the local departmental points

    of contact for your telephone and Ethernet orders. Every

    department on the Boulder campus has at least one

    designated Tier 2 TSR. If you do not know who your TSR is,

    go to www.colorado.edu/its/voiceservices/liaisonapp

    and enter the last 5 digits of your phone number.

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    How do I protect my computer and myidentity?Not only is computer security something everyone can master,

    its something anyone who uses the Internet must master. Find

    out more about the topics listed here, get information on how

    to stay protected, and get the latest campus security news by

    visiting the IT Security website at www.colorado.edu/its


    Vulnerabilities and Patching

    For virus- and worm-free operating, the software on your

    computer should be kept up-to-date. The best way to keep

    your computer safe is to perform frequent updates on your

    operating system and other software, including antivirus and

    anti-spyware software. Remember that this also applies to

    brand new computers, right out of the box. ITS recommends

    that you congure your computer for automatic updates. Find

    out how to congure for automatic updates by visiting www


    CUantivirus, ITSs no-cost antivirus software

    Antivirus software is one of the most important tools for

    safeguarding your computer, vital information, and personal

    data from the daily onslaught of viruses and worms. Without

    antivirus protection, your computer may be left completely

    defenseless against perpetrators relentless attempts.

    Antivirus software is available from ITS at no cost to all CU-

    Boulder faculty, staff, and students. Go to www.colorado.edu

    /its/security/antivirus to download your copy of CUantivirus

    with your IdentiKey.

    Spyware protection

    Spyware is unwanted software that attaches itself to your

    computer, often without your knowledge, when you surf the

    Web. It spies on you, and when it does, it noticeably bogs

    down and can crash your computer. Spyware can even

    compromise your identity. Therefore, it is important to have

    one or more pieces of anti-spyware software installed on your

    computer. Find out more by visiting www.colorado.edu/its


    Identity Theft

    While you cant completely lock down your personal

    information, there are many steps you can take to protect your

    identity. And in the unlucky but increasingly common

    event that pieces and parts of your identity are compromised,

    there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Learn more at


    Phishing Scams

    Phishing is a scam that uses spam or pop-up messages to

    deceive you into disclosing your credit card numbers, bank

    account information, Social Security number, passwords, or

    other sensitive information. To learn more about phishing and

    how you can avoid these scams, visit www.colorado.edu/its


    Wireless Internet Security

    Wireless network security is a serious issue. Anyone with a

    wireless card could monitor your network trafc, which might

    include passwords, account numbers, and other personal

    information youd prefer to keep private. To encrypt your

    session and to protect your information, you should use the

    campuss VPN (Virtual Private Network). Learn more at www


    VPN Encryption Prescription

    VPN stands for Virtual Private Networking. A VPN provides a

    secure encrypted tunnel from your computer to CU-Boulders

    network whether you are on or off campus. Visit www

    .colorado.edu/its/vpn to nd out more.

    Laptop Registration

    You can register your laptop computer with the CU-Boulder

    police department. For more information about the laptop

    registration program, visit www.stopcucrime.com .

    Strong Passwords

    Keeping your personal passwords private, secure, and

    unbreakable is one of the most important steps you can take

    for safe computing. Find more about strong passwords at


    Computer Security Tools and Awareness

    Get to Know Jack

    ITSs Security Awareness campaign for students provides tips

    monthly for staying secure. For more information go to www



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