u unit 16 careersinarchy

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  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy



    Ar!"aeoog* is reated to "istor* in t"at #ot" attempt to understand t"epast. 5istorians re* main* on written do!uments to stud* t"e past. ore6ampe t"e* e6amine od !ourt"ouse re!ords, newspapers, #oo$s, diaries,and etters. Ar!"aeoogists stud* artifa!ts and sites- t"e t"ings peope used

    and t"e pa!es w"ere t"e* ied.

    Ar!"aeoogists usua* earndegrees in ant"ropoog* su!" as aBa!"eor of Arts or S!ien!e, Masterof Arts or S!ien!e and sometimes a/o!tor of &"iosop"* degree. 7norder to #e!ome a uniersit*

    professor one must "ae a &"/.

    Ar!"aeoogists !an spe!iaie in awide range of topi!s. Some !"oose towor$ wit" museum !oe!tions.

    t"ers de!ide to spe!iaie in fieds su!" as poen ana*sis, identif*ing pantand anima remains, or identif*ing ro!$s used in ma$ing artifa!ts su!" asarrow points. Ar!"aeo-astronomers stud* an!ient peopes reations"ip wit"and $nowedge of t"e stars, sun andmoon. Some ar!"aeoogistsspe!iaie in a geograp"i!a area,su!" as &eru or t"e Sout"western S.nderwater and res!ue ar!"aeoog*are ot"er spe!iaties. es!uear!"aeoogists are often !aed uponto sae ar!"aeoogi!a remains(artifa!ts, #ones, an!ient sites) t"atare t"reatened during !onstru!tion of

    #uidings and roads. iedwor$ isoften part of an ar!"aeoogists wor$.

    Most ar!"aeoogists are

    empo*ed wit" !oeges and uniersities, state and federa agen!ies orpriate !onsutant firms. 7n t"e S amost "af of t"ose peope re!eiingdegrees in ant"ropoog* are women.

    Activit' 1:

    1. :ie ea!" pair of students one of t"eInterviews. '"e* !an pra!ti!eta$ing t"e roe of interiewer and ar!"aeoogist and t"en do

    nit 1 -

    Archaeo#ogica# ecavation

    Aeria#)archaeo#ogica# i*age showing ancient

    cro+ *ar's

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    presentations for t"eir and ot"er !asses.. '"is is an opportunit* to emp"asie t"e s$is used in pu#i!

    spea$ing. Some areas for students to wor$ on are+ spea$ing!ear*, pro;e!ting t"e oi!e, mnemoni!s (memor* strategies),using !ue !ards and posture.

    Activit' .: 7n sma groups, students!reate a ist of "at $ind ofs$is do *ou need for *our ;o#?@

    Activit' /: 7nite ar!"aeoogists to spea$to *our !ass.


    Students write a s"ort essa* a#out w"* t"e* wi or wi not !onsider a!areer in ar!"aeoog*.

    nit 1 - 3

    Surveying an archaeo#ogica# site

    "onservation of an ancient cera*ic +ot

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    2u#t A(sc)eut3

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is urtAns!"uet (pronoun!ed=Ann S5'S@). 7origina* am fromMi!"igan, #ut "ae iedin ew Me6i!o most of

    m* ife. 7 was #orn in19C4. 7 spent mu!" of m**out" and ear* adut*ears iing in Ann Ar#or.7n 19D8 7 moed toA#u

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 $new w"ie 7 was sti in "ig" s!"oo t"at 7 rea* wanted to #e anar!"aeoogist. >"en 7 earned t"at m* o!a niersit* of Mi!"igan wasa nationa eader in t"e studies of ant"ropoog* and ar!"aeoog*, 7 !oud"ard* wait for m* first ar!"aeoog* !asses to #egin.

    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    7 spent two summers in ew Me6i!o and si6 mont"s in &eru earninga#out "ow to do fied ar!"aeoog* as a !rew mem#er. After t"isapprenti!es"ip 7 got m* first paid ar!"aeoog* ;o# as a !rew !"ief of at"ree-person team assigned to find and des!ri#e ar!"aeoogi!a sitesaong t"e ort" im of t"e :rand %an*on w"ere and deeopment

    t"reatened to destro* ar!"aeoogi!a remains.

    >"ie earning m* Masters degree at t"e niersit* of ew Me6i!o, 7sered as an ar!"aeoogi!a !rew mem#er and !rew !"ief a oer ewMe6i!o, #ut found t"at 7 preferred wor$ing in t"e nort"-!entra andnort"west parts of t"e state t"at "ad #een t"e "omes of &ue#o peope.Be!ause 7 earned as mu!" as 7 !oud a#out stone too and potter*ana*sis, and #e!ause 7 !ommitted m*sef to deeop soid writing s$is,7 adan!ed to t"e position of &ro;e!t /ire!tor "ie doing m* do!tora fiedwor$ int"e io de so 0ae* nort"west of EspaFoa, w"i!" is sti m* faorite

    pa!e to wor$, 7 #egan t"in$ing a#out "ow 7 !oud use m* edu!ation todefine an entire* different !areer pat" t"an 7 "ad imagined possi#e, andto ie and wor$ in ew Me6i!o w"i!" 7 "ad !ome to oe er* mu!".

    M* dissertation t"esis e6amined "ow &ue#o peope grew !orn, #eansand s

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    t"at &ue#o peope made, used, and dis!arded during t"eir ies ong ago,7 wanted to $now somet"ing a#out t"e &ue#o peope as "uman #eings.5ow did t"e* t"in$ a#out t"eir word? >"at a did t"e* "ae to do fort"eir !"idren, famiies, and !ommunities to surie oer t"e passing of!ountess generations? 7 wanted to as$ furt"er+ 5ow do t"e present-da*&ue#o peope remem#er t"eir an!estors and t"eir traditiona "omeands?Last*, 7 wanted to earn w"at 7 !oud a#out w"at peope figured out int"e past t"at mig"t #e aua#e for "umanit* to remem#er as we fa!e t"e!"aenges of iing toda* and preparing for t"e future. M* do!toraedu!ation aowed me to pursue an aternatie !areer pat", in w"i!" 7now reguar* wor$ in !oa#oration wit" peope w"o are t"edes!endants of t"e peopes t"at 7 stud* doing ar!"aeoog*.

    7 "eped #egin a nonprofit foundation in Santa e. ('"e foundation "as a

    ong name+ '"e io :rande oundation for %ommunities and %uturaLands!apes.) 7t offers edu!ation and te!"ni!a "ep to 7ndian and5ispani! !ommunities wit" !utura "eritage pro;e!ts in w"i!"!ommunit* mem#ers t"emsees are a!tie. 7n one pro;e!t,ar!"aeoogi!a inestigations were done at two od &ue#o sites #eforenew !onstru!tion !oud destro* t"em. 7 "ae aso #een part of a teamassem#ed #* t"e &ue#os of A!oma, Laguna and Guni, t"e aa;o

    ation, and t"e 5opi 'ri#e, to ist Mount 'a*or on t"e ew Me6i!oState egister of %utura &roperties to sae t"e mountain from #eingdestro*ed #* deeopment t"at does not !onsider t"e past as important.e!ent*, 7 "ae #een "eping &ue#o !ommunities prote!t t"eir waterrig"ts #* doing ar!"aeoogi!a studies to proe t"at t"ese !ommunitiesgrew t"eir food using !ana irrigation ong #efore t"e arria of t"eSpanis" e6porers in ew Me6i!o in 1C42. As an =E6pert >itness,@ 7often testif* in !ourt during important ega !ases. '"e &ue#o!ommunities "ae mu!" to ose if 7 do not do m* ;o# to t"e er* #est ofm* a#iities.

    )"t "#e" &7 "#c)"e&$&g' d& '&u )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise i(

    M* areas of ar!"aeoogi!a interest and e6pertise are t"e same+ t"e stud*of &ue#o "istor* and !uture in nort"-!entra ew Me6i!o. 7 do a ittear!"aeoogi!a e6!aation #ut a ot of wa$ing t"e ands!ape todo!ument eiden!e a#out "ow &ue#o peope o!!upied and managed t"eand and used aaia#e water for growing !rops, and maintainedreations"ips wit" spe!ia pa!es, su!" as od iages, springs, trais, and

    nit 1 -

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    aa fows near riers and produ!tie farmand. Ar!"aeoogists !a t"ewor$ of wa$ing a!ross t"e ands!ape in sear!" of ar!"aeoogi!a sitesand features =sure*.@ 7t re

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    do!umented doing ar!"aeoog*, 7 reaie t"at t"e* $now a "istor* oft"eir famiies, !ommunities, and !utures t"at is far ri!"er t"an an*t"ing 7wi eer e6perien!e or understand. >"en 7 see t"at peope wi ta$e t"e$nowedge of t"ese ar!"aeoogi!a dis!oeries #a!$ to t"eir famiies and!ommunities, 7 $now t"at somet"ing rea* important is "appening+ '"e!ommunities are using ar!"aeoogi!a finds to ma$e t"eir owndis!oeries a#out their"istor*.

    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    Ar!"aeoog* is not an eas* profession. A person rea* "as to "ae apassion for doing it, #e!ause t"e pa*, #enefits, and se!urit* often are!omparatie* ow !onsidering t"e time and resour!es t"at one needs to

    inest in edu!ation and training. iedwor$ wor$ !an #e p"*si!a* "ard,a#orator* stud* reee$ ea!" *ear. '"ese programs gie peope more

    opportunities to earn a#out doing ar!"aeoog* and using ar!"aeoog* toearn a#out ew Me6i!os "istor*.

    )"t e$se 5&u$d '&u $i-e t& te$$ *e&*$e "b&ut "#c)"e&$&g'

    A famous Ameri!an p"iosop"er, :eorge Santa*ana, said, ='"ose w"o!annot remem#er t"e past are !ondemned to repeat it.@ But is t"e past

    nit 1 - 8

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    soe* made up of a #un!" of terri#e mista$es t"at peope s"oud want toaoid repeating? M* wor$ wit" 7ndian 'ri#es "as taug"t me t"at t"ereare "ard-earned essons from t"e past t"at not on* are good, #ut re

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    A((e R0 ,"$d5i(

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is Anne . Badwin and 7 wor$ for t"e S orest Seri!e -Santa e ationa orest and 7mstationed at t"e EspaFoa anger/istri!t ffi!e in EspaFoa. Jou ma*rea!" me at C2C DC3-D331 or


    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i(


    >"en 7 was a t"grader, m* fo$s#oug"t me a #oo$ for %"ristmasentited Lost %ities. 7t "ad ane6!iting iustration on t"e !oer andmade ar!"aeoogists oo$ er*gamorousH

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7n "ig" s!"oo 7 s!outed out opportunities to wor$ wit" ar!"aeoogists inMar*and (w"ere 7 grew up). nfortunate*, not"ing mu!" !ame oft"ose in

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    w"et"er it is e6!aation or sure*, a# wor$ !an #e #oring #ut *ou get tosee man* sma parts of a !uture #* ta$ing a !ose oo$ at artifa!ts in t"ea# and writing !an #e tedious, #ut aso er* stimuating.

    Most of m* wor$ is reated to w"at is !aed !ompian!e. 7 must ma$esure t"at ar!"aeoogi!a sites on m* parts of t"e forest, sin!e t"e forest is!onsidered federa and and we ta$e !are of it for t"e pu#i!, are

    prote!ted from different $inds of pro;e!ts, i$e fuewooding, trai!onstru!tion, pres!ri#ed #urning, range management (improement for!ows permitted to sta* on t"e forest), !onstru!tion pro;e!ts and so fort".7 must find out w"ere t"e sites are and de!ide "ow #est to prote!t t"emfrom a pro;e!t.

    )"t d& '&u e(j&' "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 oe wor$ing outside and seeing pa!es man* neer "ae t"eopportunit* to see. And 7 espe!ia* i$e ar!"aeoogi!a sure*, w"ere*ou wa$ a!ross t"e ands!ape and see "ow peope, past and present,

    pa!ed t"emsees on t"e and. 7 i$e finding t"e remains of t"eir "ousesand a!tiities, and tr*ing to figure out w"at it means.

    )"t d& '&u dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 disi$e "ow peope w"o do not appre!iate !utures ta$e adantage #*pi!$ing up artifa!ts (pots"erds and arrow"eads), ooting sites oo$ing forpots, on and t"at does not #eong to t"em. 7 disi$e seeing "ow t"e*treat t"e and and t"e ar!"aeoogi!a sites and t"e impa!ts t"eir ignoran!e"as on t"e site. ( A site !an #e a s!atter of !"ipped stone, pots"erds,meted ado#e #uidings and an!ient &ue#osN, og !a#ins, ro!$ art, et!).

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    7 "ae found t"ings in t"e fied t"at pro#a#* most peope mig"t t"in$

    are important dis!oeries, unusua ruins, !ae "ouses, ro!$ art, spe!ia*designed pots"erds or arge, fine* made pro;e!tie points (arrow"eads).But 7 t"in$ t"e most important dis!oer* is one 7e made a#out m*sefand "ow 7 understand peope w"o ied in past and "ow 7 !an use t"at tounderstand t"e present.

    nit 1 - 11

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    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    7 strong* re!ommend $ids sta* in s!"oo and tr* for t"e !oegedegreeOa BA or a BS (Ba!"eor of Arts or S!ien!e). Be!ause, een ifar!"aeoog* or ant"ropoog* doesnt seem rig"t for *ou, *ou "ae man*options to ta$e ot"er !ourses w"ere *ou mig"t fit #etter.

    nit 1 - 1

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    U(it 160 A#c)"e&$&g' "s " C"#ee#


    R&( ,"#be#

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is on Bar#er. 7m trained as a me!"ani!a engineer. 7ewor$ed at Lawren!e Liermore

    ationa La#orator* as we asLos Aamos, for a tota of 9*ears. 7m married, and 7 "ae 4!"idren, daug"ters-in-aw and

    3 grand$ids. Bar#erKan.goism* wor$ emai address.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i(


    7 was #orn and raised in Sout"Ameri!a, w"ere t"ere are ots ofar!"aeoogi!a sites a oer t"e

    pa!e. As a *oung #o* m* fami*used to go to t"ese sites ande6pore t"e areas. Eer sin!e t"en 7 "ae "ad t"is interest in od !uturesand an!ient ruins.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7P te *ou a#out m* de!ision to #e!ome an engineer. 7 awa*s i$ed towor$ wit" o#;e!ts, 7 i$ed to #uid t"ings, wor$ on modes and designt"in$s on paper. 7 was aso prett* good at mat", and "ad an interest in

    te!"ni!a su#;e!ts, s!ien!e and stuff i$e t"at. >"en 7 was in "ig" s!"oo7 found out t"at 7 !oud do a of t"ose t"ings 7 was interested in and get

    paid for it as an engineer.

    nit 1 - 13

    Sta#'ing the wi#d so#ar shadow

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    )"t -i(ds &7 e(gi(ee#i(g j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    Amost a of m* engineering ;o#s "ae #een reated to designinge6periments, #uiding t"em, and t"en testing t"em. 7 "ae wor$ed onnu!ear e6posies, tunne e6periments, parti!e #eam e6periments,fa#ri!ation e6periments and man* ot"er fun t"ings.

    )"t "#e" &7 e(gi(ee#i(g d& '&u )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise i(

    7 i$e wor$ing on toug" pro;e!ts, w"ere 7 "ae to ead a team t"at "as towor$ toget"er to ma$e a pie!e of "ardware. 7ts mu!" i$e #eing on afoot#a team w"ere eer* #od* "as a ;o# to do, and we a "ae to wor$!ose* toget"er in order to su!!eed. And w"en *ou get t"e ;o# done, itsi$e pa*ing a toug" game and !oming out on top.

    )"t d& '&u $i-e "(d9 dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g "( e(gi(ee#

    Sometimes t"e ;o#s are er* toug" and re"en *ou go pa*, t"in$ a#out w"at

    part of pa*ing *ou i$e doing. '"in$ a#out t"e s!"oo su#;e!ts *ou arenatura* good in, or t"at *ou find interesting. '"en get wit" a !oun!iorand oo$ at t"e ;o#s t"at mat!" w"at *ou t"in$ is fun to do. '"ere areots of fun ;o#s out t"ere, *ou ;ust "ae to find t"e one t"at *ou wi i$e.

    nit 1 - 14

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    )"t e$se 5&u$d '&u $i-e t& te$$ *e&*$e "b&ut "#c)"e&$&g'

    7 "ae found out t"at *ou !an pursue seera interests in ife. 7 "ae!"osen engineering as m* profession, in ot"er words, t"ats "ow 7 ma$em* iing (getting paid). But 7 !an sti pursue ot"er interests in ife t"at7 "ae. 7 am an e6porer #* nature, and pro#a#* en;o* t"at as mu!" asan*t"ing ese. 7n figuring out "ow t"e soar !aendars wor$, 7 "ae!om#ined m* passion for e6poration aong wit" m* interest in an!ient!utures and engineering s$is.

    nit 1 - 1C

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    E#ic ,$i("(

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    7m Eri! Binman, dire!tor of t"e Museum of ew Me6i!os ffi!e ofAr!"aeoogi!a Studies.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i( "#c)"e&$&g'

    7 "ad a !ass in eart" s!ien!es in ;unior "ig" s!"oo, and m* #est friend

    was t"e son of a geoog* professor. M* #est friend and 7 spent a ot oftime "i$ing around t"e #a!$ !ountr*oo$ing for fossis and ro!$s andmineras. !!asiona* we woudfind an arrow"ead (#ut we $new t"atwe werent supposed to !oe!t t"em,so we eft t"em w"ere we foundt"em). inding t"ose arrow "eadsstarted me t"in$ing a#outar!"aeoog*.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "(


    7 too$ a summer s!"oo !ass inar!"aeoog* #efore 9t"grade. 7t wasso mu!" fun, 7 oo$ed for a !"an!e toounteer on a site t"at was #eing e6!aated #* t"e o!a !oege. 7 $eptwor$ing at t"e site t"roug" t"e rest of "ig" s!"oo, eentua* #e!oming

    a ounteer staff mem#er. >"en 7 went to !oege, 7 too$ !asses inar!"aeoog* as we as !a!uus and !"emistr*, and #* t"e time 7 was a

    ;unior 7 de!ided to ma;or in ar!"aeoog* wit" t"e goa of ma$ing t"at m*!areer.

    nit 1 - 1

    Showing -as'etry re+roductions

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    7 did a ot of ounteer wor$ as a a#orer and as a map ma$er w"ie 7 wasin !oege, sometimes going on e6peditions for t"e entire summer. '"ose

    positions didnt pa*, #ut t"e arger pro;e!ts !oered t"e !osts of food andtrae. >"en 7 graduated from !oege and went to graduate s!"oo, 7wor$ed in a ariet* of pa*ing ;o#s. '"e* in!uded preparing iustrationsfor reports, !ondu!ting a#orator* ana*ses, and o!!asiona* doing fiedwor$. 7 aso "ed some part time tea!"ing ;o#s, and eentua* a!!epted aseries of fu time ;o#s doing fied ar!"aeoog* and eentua* dire!tingar!"aeoogi!a pro;e!ts.

    After 7 earned m* &"./. degree, 7 was "ired #* t"e Museum of ewMe6i!o as a a#orator* superisor, t"en as a deput* dire!tor, and now

    7m t"e dire!tor of t"e ar!"aeoog* program. >e "ae more t"an 42 staffmem#ers, in!uding mem#ers of t"ree different tri#es, and we !arr* outa#out Q miion in ar!"aeoogi!a pro;e!ts eer* *ear.

    )"t "#e" &7 "#c)"e&$&g' d& '&u )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise i(

    ig"t now most of m* time is spent doing administratie tas$s. 7 meetwit" !ients w"o need to "ae an ar!"aeoogi!a pro;e!t !arried out

    #efore t"e* !an #uid t"eir road or #uiding. After we de!ide w"at needsto #e done and "ow mu!" it !osts, 7 assign t"e pro;e!t to a seniorar!"aeoogist and 7 et t"em !arr* out t"e pro;e!t. 7 "ae to go to a ot ofmeetings, and 7 "ae to read and !omment on a ot of reports.

    >"en 7m not "anding paperwor$, 7 am interested in re!onstru!ting past!imates, potter* te!"noogies, #as$etr* and !ordage te!"noogies, and ate!"ni

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    detaied $nowedge of !a* mineras.

    7 dont t"in$ 7 disi$e an*t"ing a#out t"e su#;e!t, at"oug" as 7 get oder 7"ae a "arder and "arder time doing as mu!" p"*si!a a#or (digging) asour *ounger staff mem#ers.

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    A of us "ae at east !ontri#uted to important dis!oeries, #ut rare* ist"ere one t"ing t"at stands out. 7m =famous@ for dis!oering t"at man*an!ient !eremonia gat"erings were more i$e potu!$ dinners t"an i$e


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    e6!aate a site on!e, sin!e t"e a!t of digging a!tua* destro*s t"e site. 7f*ou dont ta$e enoug" notes or p"otograp"s at t"e time *ou are doing t"ewor$, *ou !an neer go #a!$ and ma$e up for "oes in *ouro#serations. /igging sites t"erefore entais a tremendous responsi#iit*.

    nit 1 - 19

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    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    !i-e ,#ee#

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e.

    M* name is Mi$e Bremer and 7am t"e orest Ar!"aeoogist ont"e Santa e ationa orest.'"e orest !oers 1.C miiona!res wit" %u#a to t"e >est, Las0egas to t"e East, La Ba;ada to

    t"e sout" and t"e Ri!aria 7ndianeseration on t"e nort". '"ereare oer 12,222 ar!"aeoogi!asites on t"e orest. 7 "ae aMasters /egree in Ant"ropoog*in addition to a Ba!"eors degree.7e wor$ed in Ariona, eada,%aifornia, ta", %oorado, ew Me6i!o and Sout" %aroina. 7m er*interested in t"e an!estra 7ndian ar!"aeoog* and iing et"nograp"* ofmodern 7ndian !ommunities in t"e Sout"west and Me6i!o.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i( "#c)"e&$&g'

    >"en 7 was ten *ears od m* fami* isited a site near E ito, and t"ear!"aeoogist wor$ing on t"e site too$ me down into t"e tren!"e6!aated in t"e tras" midden and s"owed me tur$e* guano, as"es from!oo$ing, pot s"erds and stone toos and 7 figured an* ;o# w"ere *ou!oud wor$ in t"e dirt and #e outside was t"e perfe!t ;o#, and 7 de!ided 7wanted to #e an ar!"aeoogist.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    >"en 7 was ten *ears od.

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    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    7e wor$ed for Museums, for priate !ontra!ting firms, for t"e state ofAriona, for m* own priate firm, and for t"e ationa &ar$ Seri!e(&S) and t"e S/A orest Seri!e. 7 am !urrent* t"e orestAr!"aeoogist on t"e Santa e ationa orest and 7 oersee t"e !uturaresour!e management program on t"e orest.

    )"t d& '&u e(j&' "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist?

    7 en;o* getting to wor$ wit" and see a t"e uni

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    G$e((" De"(

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is :enna /ean. 7 am t"e ew Me6i!o State Ar!"aeoogistand 7 wor$ for t"e 5istori! &reseration /iision, part of t"e /epartmentof %utura Affairs, State of ew Me6i!o. M* ;o# is arge* pu#i!outrea!", meaning t"at 7 gie ta$s to groups, write arti!es for

    pu#i!ation, "ep get importantar!"aeoogi!a sites isted on t"e

    State egister of %utura&ropert* and t"e ationaegister of 5istori! &a!es, and 7stage t"e ew Me6i!oAr!"aeoog* air in a differentsma town eer* *ear. 7 asowor$ wit" t"e ffi!e of t"eMedi!a 7nestigator, awenfor!ement offi!ers, and 7ndiantri#es on t"e #est t"ings to doafter "uman #ones area!!identa* dis!oered #* "i$ersor during !onstru!tion. Sometimes m* ;o# inoes a ot of driing tomeet wit" !it* offi!ias or t"e poi!e or andowners on preserationissues t"at affe!t ar!"aeoogi!a sites, #ut its awa*s !"aenging and 7en;o* t"e pro#em-soing. 7 "ae t"ree !oege degrees, two inar!"aeoog* and one in #otan*. Before 7 #e!ame State Ar!"aeoogist, 7was a pra!ti!ing ar!"aeo#otanist, ana*ing ar!"aeoogi!a soi sampesfor poen grains, #urned seeds, and #ro$en pant parts to find out w"at

    peope were doing wit" pants in t"e past, and sometimes ana*ingte6ties as we. 7 !ame to wor$ for t"e 5istori! &reseration /iision in1994 and "ae #een t"e State Ar!"aeoogist sin!e 199D.

    nit 1 -

    $is'ing it a## on the at#at# range

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    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i( "#c)"e&$&g'

    7 guess 7 was #orn !urious a#out t"e past 7e #een fas!inated #* "owpeope ied in t"e past eer sin!e 7 earned to read. 7e awa*s wantedto #e a#e to e6perien!e first-"and w"at 7e read a#out too, so 7 earnedto spin and weae and d*e *arns and ma$e !ot"es and tan "ides and a$inds of t"ings. 7 read a#out ar!"aeoogi!a dis!oeries too, most* in

    Nationa# Geogra+hic, #ut w"en 7 was growing up (19C2s), t"e on*ar!"aeoogists 7 read a#out were men.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7n m* senior *ear of "ig" s!"oo (198), a professor from t"e near#*uniersit* !ame to ta$ to m* !ass a#out a !areer in ar!"aeoog*. After

    "is ta$, 7 as$ed "im if girs !oud #e ar!"aeoogists too, and "e said =of!ourse@H So 7 enroed in an ar!"aeoogi!a fied s!"oo, w"eree6!aation s$is are taug"t, and started m* ar!"aeoogi!a studies t"ewee$ after "ig" s!"oo graduation. Man* times oer t"e ne6t *ears,"oweer, mae ar!"aeoogists woud !ome and te me t"at women didnt

    #eong in t"e fied. 7m er* gad t"at t"at attitude "as amost!ompete* disappeared.

    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    M* first ;o# was was"ing artifa!ts and writing inentor* num#ers ont"em. '"en 7 re!onstru!ted #ro$en pots from itte #itt* s"erds, and ne6t!ame ana*ing t"e $inds of $nots t"at were used to tie t"ings toget"er.'"en !ame ana*ing "ow sandas were made from eaes and fi#ers,t"en t*ping ar!"aeoogi!a reports for pu#i!ation (!omputers werentinented *et), and 7 fina* got to ;oin sure* !rews w"o wa$ed t"e

    pro;e!t area for a proposed road or reseroir and oo$ed forar!"aeoogi!a sites t"at mig"t warrant inestigation #efore #eingdestro*ed #* t"e pro;e!t. 7 "eped e6!aate ar!"aeoogi!a sites and,

    #e!ause 7 was stud*ing poen ana*sis in !oege at t"e same time, 7#egan to ana*e soi sampes to re!oer t"e poen grains eft #e"ind #*"uman a!tiities to understand w"at season of *ear peope "ad used t"esite and w"at pants t"e* #roug"t to t"e site to eat or use for some ot"er

    purpose. 7 "ad t"e most fun ana*ing "uman !oproites (desi!!atedfe!es) to find out w"at $inds of t"ings peope "ad eaten in t"e past, and 7wrote m* &"/ dissertation on t"e ana*sis of "uman !oproites DC22

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    *ears od. Sin!e 7 graduated from !oege in 19D8, m* ;o#s "ae #eenmore and more administratie, s"uffing papers and poi!* ideas insteadof moing dirt.

    )"t "#e" &7 "#c)"e&$&g' d& '&u )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise i(

    M* e6pertise is in ar!"aeo#otan*, ranging from mi!ros!opi! poengrains to #urned seeds and pant parts t"at *ou !an see, as we as te6tieana*sis. 7 find t"ese studies fas!inating, espe!ia* t"e te6ties #e!ause*ou !an rea* appre!iate "ow s$ifu and inentie peope were in t"e

    past een t"oug" t"e !ommon attitude is t"at an!ient peope wereprimitie.

    )"t d& '&u $i-e "(d9 dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 oe tou!"ing t"e past, w"et"er it #e an artifa!t or t"e poen grains eftin a pot from !oo$ing supper a t"ousand *ears ago. 7 disi$e t"at soman* peope t"in$ ar!"aeoog* is a waste of time, and t"atar!"aeoogi!a sites and "uman graes are on* good for digging upartifa!ts to !oe!t or se. 7 wis" t"ere were a wa* for eer*one tounderstand t"at we are a peope, no matter w"en we ie or w"at we"ae, and t"at ar!"aeoog* is t"e stor* of our "istor* as+eo+#e. 7f more

    peope understood t"is, it seems to me t"at peope woud appre!iate ea!"ot"er more and t"ere woud #e ess ioen!e in t"e word.

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    JesH 7 dis!oered t"roug" poen ana*sis t"at domesti!ated !ottonwas grown in nort"ern ew Me6i!o !enturies #efore %oum#us. Beforem* dis!oer*, w"i!" aso inoed inenting a new wa* to !ount poenunder t"e mi!ros!ope, ar!"aeoogists t"oug"t t"at a !otton used in ewMe6i!o, and des!ri#ed #* Spanis" e6porers w"en t"e* !ame up t"e io:rande, !ame from t"e 5opi peope in nort"eastern Ariona. ow we

    $now t"at !otton was one of t"e !rops grown in spe!iaied fiedsinented and used #etween 1C2 and 1C22 A/ at "ig" eeations in t"eEspaFoa-;o %aiente-A#i

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    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    Sta* in s!"oo, read wide*, and nurture *our !uriosit* a#out eer*t"ingHAr!"aeoog* re

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    Ric)"#d Fd

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    7 am /r. i!"ard ord and 7 am a &rofessor of Ant"ropoog* at t"eniersit* of Mi!"igan. 7 "ae seeraspe!iaties wit"in ar!"aeoog*. ne is t"at7 identif* pants t"at are found inar!"aeoogi!a e6!aations. A se!ond ist"at 7 stud* pre-!onta!t agri!uture. '"e

    t"ird is t"at 7 ana*e petrog*p"s.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i(


    M* interest in ar!"aeoog* #egan in firstgrade w"en 7 found a pro;e!tie point. 7was proud t"at 7 was t"e on* student inm* !ass w"o !oud spe =ar!"aeoog*.@'"is remained an interest unti !oegew"en 7 earned t"at ar!"aeoogists rare*made mu!" mone* and t"en 7 swit!"ed tointernationa #an$ing. 7n m* ;unior *ear, 7!ame to ew Me6i!o to attend anar!"aeoogi!a fied s!"oo. 7t was t"eret"at 7 dis!oered if *ou were anar!"aeoogist w"o taug"t in a uniersit* *ou woud "ae a rewardingand !omforta#e ife. (Ar!"aeoogists neer get ri!"H)

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    As a senior in !oege 7 made a de!ision to go to graduate s!"oo ando#tain a &"./. in ant"ropoog* wit" a spe!iat* in ar!"aeoog*.

    nit 1 -

    %n the Mesa during outhIntern Training

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    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d

    As an ar!"aeoogist 7 "ae #een a professor at two uniersities and "ae#een inited to tea!" at si6 ot"er uniersities. 7 "ae aso #een a museumdire!tor and an asso!iate dean for resear!". 7 "ae !ondu!ted fiedwor$in t"e nited States, Me6i!o, &oand, 'unisia, t"e Ba"amas, and %"ina.

    )"t d& '&u e(j&' "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 sti en;o* dis!oering new information a#out "ow peope ied in t"epast and w"at t"e* t"oug"t a#out t"eir word.

    )"t d& '&u dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    '"ere is not"ing 7 dont i$e a#out ar!"aeoog*. '"e most dis!ouragingpart is "aing to spend so mu!" time getting grants to do new resear!".

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    7 "ae made important dis!oeries a#out t"e first maie agri!uture inew Me6i!o and new ro!$ art images.

    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    '"e most important t"ing is for students to get a soid genera edu!ation(i#era arts in !oege). Jou wi "ae to get a &"./. in Ant"ropoog*.

    )"t e$se 5&u$d '&u $i-e t& te$$ *e&*$e "b&ut "#c)"e&$&g'

    Ar!"aeoog* is funH Jou wi get er* dirt*, sweat*, and an6ious a#outw"at *ou are finding. >"en *ou are done, "oweer, it is wort" it. 7f *oui$e doing ;igsaw pues, *ou wi oe ar!"aeoog*.

    nit 1 - D

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    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    R' G"ut)ie#

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is or* :aut"ier and 7 "ae ied in ew Me6i!o, Ariona,ta" and %aifornia. 7 "ae wor$ed for t"e

    ationa &ar$ Seri!e for a#out C *ears andmost* wor$ed in par$s were ar!"eoog* is t"e

    primar* attra!tion. 7 "ae wor$ed at %"a!o%an*on, E Mapais, :en %an*on and

    Bandeier. Before 7 wor$ed for t"e ationa&ar$ Seri!e 7 wor$ed for t"e Museum of ewMe6i!o and t"e niersit* of ew Me6i!o and7 wor$ed wit" ot"er ar!"aeoogists a oer

    ew Me6i!o inoed in e6!aating andsure*ing ar!"aeoogi!a sites. Jou arewe!ome to write me and 7 wi answer *our

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    'oda*, it is eas* for me to interpret and e6pain su!" an ar!"aeoogi!afind. B* oo$ing at some of t"e fragments of #asat and o#sidian 7 !ante "ow ong ago someone !arried t"e ro!$s to t"at meadow. 7 !an asote w"at t"e* were doing wit" t"e ro!$s if t"e* were ma$ing toossu!" as s!rapers or pro;e!tie points or if t"e* were ma$ing $nies to

    #ut!"er an anima. But #a!$ t"en a 7 !oud do was wonder a#out w"at"appened in t"at meadow. And t"at made me !urious a#out t"e peopew"o eft #e"ind t"ese fragments of stone and w"at were t"e* doing int"at meadow.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 was prett* *oung, a#out 11 *ears od. n!e 7 #e!ame interested, 7 was"oo$ed and #egan reading a 7 !oud find in our o!a i#rar*. 7 was aso

    fortunate to ie in an area w"ere t"ere were man* ar!"aeoogi!a sites(nort"ern ew Me6i!o) and par$s su!" as Bandeier ationa Monumentw"ere 7 !oud isit e6!aated sites. 7 woud aso ma$e m* parents ta$eme to t"e museums in Santa e to oo$ at t"e artifa!ts t"e* "ae ondispa*.

    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    7 wor$ed for man* *ears doing w"at is sometimes !aed =saage(res!ue) ar!"eoog*@ w"i!" means w"en an ar!"aeoogi!a site is goingto #e destro*ed #* #uiding a new road or a new #uiding or if t"e sitewi #e fooded #* a reseroir, t"e site is e6!aated. '"ere are man* ;o#sin t"is fied #e!ause t"ere are aws w"i!" ma$e it mandator* to e6!aatean ar!"aeoogi!a site if it is going to #e destro*ed in a federa* funded


    7 now wor$ for t"e ationa &ar$ Seri!e w"ere m* primar* duties arema$ing sure our ar!"aeoogi!a sites are presered for futuregenerations. 7 wor$ at Bandeier ationa Monument (w"i!" is managed

    #* t"e ationa &ar$ Seri!e) and we "ae oer 3,222 ar!"aeoogi!asites ;ust wit"in our #oundaries. 'a$ing !are of a t"ese sites is a #igresponsi#iit*, #ut 7 oe itH 7 do not e6!aate sites, #ut rat"er 7 mapt"em and stud* t"e artifa!ts on t"e surfa!e. '"e toos 7 use are a transit,sometimes a pane ta#e and aidade (t"ese are toos for sure*ing andma$ing maps), !aipers (to measure artifa!ts), a :&S unit (to et me$now w"ere t"e site is), digita and fim !ameras (to do!ument t"e

    nit 1 - 9

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    ar!"aeoogi!a site and artifa!ts) and, of !ourse, a !omputer. 7 stud* t"esite and t"e artifa!ts and write arti!es and #oo$s a#out our findings. 7aso spend a ot of time do!umenting t"e !ondition of t"e site and !orre!t

    pro#ems (su!" as areas #eing eroded on t"e site) #* !onstru!ting !"e!$dams or dierting arro*os awa* from t"e site.

    )"t "#e" &7 "#c)"e&$&g' d& )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise i(

    M* interests are in ar!"ite!ture and agri!uture. 7 am fas!inated #* a oft"e different "ouse t*pes *ou find in t"is area from simpe pit "ouses to"uge iages wit" "undreds of rooms, surrounding e6pansie paas andsometimes standing two or t"ree stories "ig". >e aso "ae !iffdweings, sometimes "ouses are #uit against t"e !iff and sometimest"e rooms are !ared rig"t out of t"e soid ro!$, su!" as t"e dweings we

    "ae "ere in ri;oes %an*on.

    7 i$e to stud* agri!uture #e!ause, "ere in nort"ern ew Me6i!o, *ou!an find man* e6ampes of od farming areas. '"e* are not at a i$e t"efarming *ou see toda* w"ere fieds were irrigated #* a s*stem of !anas(a!e

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    t"is area. 'o me it is important t"at we understand "ow peope ied int"e past w"at was su!!essfu and w"at didnt wor$. >e need to $now

    #e!ause if we do not earn from t"e past we wi repeat od mista$es.

    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    :o to s!"ooH 7 said it #efore, 7 "ae t"e #est ;o# in t"e word. or me,to get t"is ;o#, 7 "ad to !ompete #* getting t"roug" s!"oo (!oege). Butt"at is true of a ;o#s espe!ia* t"e fun ;o#s. 7f *ou want to #e "app*and su!!essfu in ife, *ou need to go to s!"oo.

    nit 1 - 31

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    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    C)uc- H"(("7d

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is %"u!$ 5annaford. 7 "ae #een an ar!"aeoogist wit" t"effi!e of Ar!"aeoogi!aStudies in Santa e for near*9 *ears. 7 "ae "ad t"e

    priiege to wor$ onar!"aeoogi!a sites from man*

    time periods, from man*dierse !utures, and fromnear* eer* ew Me6i!o!ount*. 7 am intrigued #* w"atwe !an earn a#out t"e pastt"roug" t"e dis!oer*, stud*,and preseration of our statesar!"aeoogi!a resour!es. M*emai address is+ !"u!$."annafordKstate.nm.us

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i( "#c)"e&$&g'

    7 was origina* interested in dinosaurs in ear* grade s!"oo, #ut soonsaw t"e ig"t and #e!ame a student of ar!"aeoog*. 7 en;o*ed e6poringar!"aeoogi!a sites and wondering a#out t"e man* $inds of artifa!ts efta!ross t"e ands!ape #* past peopes. :rowing up in Los Aamos, 7 wasespe!ia* interested in t"e ar!"aeoog* around m* "ome su!" as t"e!aes dug into t"e o!ani! tuff at Bandeier and a!ross t"e &a;arito&ateau. 7 #e!ame interested in isiting museums, ear* !"ur!"es, and

    aso t"e arious atie Ameri!an &ue#os aong t"e io :rande to wat!"t"e feast da* dan!es. 7n addition to t"e ar!"aeoogi!a sites, 7 #e!ameinterested in t"e stories a#out t"e past tod #* ew Me6i!os dierse

    peopes in!uding t"e &ue#o, aa;o, Apa!"e, Spanis", and Ango.

    nit 1 - 3

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    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    M* roots of wanting to #e an ar!"aeoogist go #a!$ to grade s!"oo, #ut#* "ig" s!"oo 7 definite* $new 7 wanted to stud* ar!"aeoog*.

    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    M* first ;o# in ar!"aeoog* was as a sta#iiation ar!"aeoogist wit" t"eBureau of Land Management. ur ;o# was to o!ate sites on Bureau ofLand Management and a!ross t"e site and t"en to presere t"e standingar!"ite!ture so t"e was woud not furt"er !oapse. 7 t"en #e!ame anar!"aeoogist wit" t"e ffi!e of Ar!"aeoogi!a Studies. >e ofteninestigate sites t"at are in t"e !onstru!tion one of "ig"wa* pro;e!tsa!ross t"e state. >e e6!aate t"e portion of t"e site t"at wi #e

    destro*ed #* t"e "ig"wa* !onstru!tion. '"e re!oered artifa!ts,p"otograp"s, and reports wi t"en aow #ot" t"e "ig"wa* to #e #uitand aso re!oer materia from t"e sites for future generations to stud*.'"is is w"at 7 am doing now.

    I( 5)"t "#e" &7 "#c)"e&$&g' d& )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise

    7 am most interested in t"e ar!"aeoog* of nort"ern ew Me6i!o. 7 amsti interested in t"e &a;arito &ateau around Los Aamos, t"e ear*

    aa;o sites dating from t"e 1D22s in t"e armington area, and ear*"unting te!"ni

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    7 "ae e6!aated man* t"ousands of artifa!ts during m* !areer and t"edis!oer* of items t"at "ae #een in t"e ground sometimes for t"ousandsof *ears is awa*s t"riing. 5oweer, e6!aation is somew"at i$e a

    pue and t"e rea dis!oer* is not ;ust t"e e6!aation of an interestingartifa!t su!" as a w"oe pot, #ut putting a t"e pie!es of an e6!aationtoget"er and figuring out t"e stor* of a site. '"is is t"e pro!ess ofar!"aeoog* t"at t"en adds important pie!es to our new and eer!"anging understanding of t"e past.

    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    Ar!"aeoog* is a er* arge fied of stud* ranging from t"e eariest&aaeo-7ndian #ig game "unters of 1,222 *ears ago to 1882 Ango"omestead sites. 7n #etween are An!estra &ue#o farming sites, ear*Spanis" %oonia sites, %ii >ar sites, and man*, man* more. 7naddition, t"ere are man* spe!iaties in ar!"aeoog* su!" asar!"aeoogists t"at ;ust stud* potter* and pot s"erds, anima #ones, seedsand pant remains, or stone toos. '"e fied is wide open for stud*. '"emore edu!ation *ou "ae, t"e more se!ure and a!!ompis"ed *ou wi #ein performing *our ;o# as an ar!"aeoogist. Ar!"aeoogists are spe!ia

    peope t"at deote t"eir ies to t"e stud* of t"e past. 7 "ope t"at *ouma* #e one of t"ese spe!ia peope.

    )"t e$se 5&u$d '&u $i-e t& te$$ *e&*$e "b&ut "#c)"e&$&g'

    7 "ae wat!"ed t"e $nown num#er of re!orded sites in ew Me6i!ogrow from some 32,222 to oer 1C2,222 during t"e !ourse of m* !areer.'"e* range from t"e first %ois dis!oer* representing t"e eariest

    peope in ort" Ameri!a to t"e detonation of t"e first Atomi! Bom# att"e 'rinit* Site. 7 woud not dou#t t"at t"ere oer a miion sites in ew

    Me6i!o aone waiting to #e dis!oered, studied, and presered for t"efuture. '"ese important sites are out t"ere on t"e ands!ape waiting to #edis!oered and studied #* *ou as a future ar!"aeoogist.

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    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    L"##' Huete5"

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is Larr* 5umetewa. 7 was #orn in Santa e, ew Me6i!o andwas raised at Santo /omingo &ue#o. 7 am an Assistant %onserator fort"e Museum esour!es /iision of t"e State of ew Me6i!os/epartment of %utura Affairs.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i(


    >"en 7 was in t"e 3rd grade, m*tea!"er "ad a map of ew Me6i!o"anging on t"e wa on t"at map 7noti!ed t"at t"ere was a &ue#ow"i!" 7 "ad neer "eard of. 7twas &e!os &ue#o, andunderneat" t"e name in

    parent"esis t"e word Ve6tin!tV

    was written. After oo$ing up t"eword e6tin!t (Engis" is not m*first anguage), 7 #e!ame moreinterested in earning a#out t"e past and finding out if ot"er &ue#oson!e e6isted t"at #e!ame =e6tin!t.@ Before t"is 7 t"oug"t museums were

    ;ust pa!es w"ere dinosaur #ones were dispa*ed, and after as$ing a otof

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    department for amost two *ears w"en 7 noti!ed an announ!ement for aatie or 5ispani! pre-program interns"ip position in !onseration att"e Museum of ew Me6i!o. 7 appied for t"e position and wasa!!epted as a pre-program intern in 1998. 7t was t"en t"at 7 reaied 7 didnot want to #e a !urator an* more.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be " c&(se#v"t

    7 $new 7 wanted to #e!ome a !onserator after 7 met t"e wonderfu staffat t"e !onseration department and t"e t*pe of wor$ t"at was done fort"e state museums and monuments. 7t was aso at t"is time in m* ifew"en it was important for me to earn t"e traditiona wa*s of m* &ue#oand 7 earned t"at most graduate s!"oos t"at offered !onseration wereo!ated on t"e east !oast. 7 was u!$* to "ae a superisor, %aire

    Munenrider w"o was t"e %"ief %onserator at t"at time, understandt"at 7 wanted to #e!ome a !onserator w"ie earning t"e traditionawa*s of m* &ue#o and t"at 7 !oud not go to s!"oo on t"e east !oast

    #e!ause of t"is. S"e, /ae ron$rig"t (former Senior %onserator fort"e State of ew Me6i!o, now at t"e eefe Museum) and ot"er!onserators "ae a pa*ed a #ig roe in m* #eing an assistant!onserator toda*.

    )"t -i(ds &7 c&(se#v"ti&( j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d&


    7 "ae #een wit" t"e %onseration /epartment for 12.C *ears now priorto t"at 7 was a student, wor$ed at t"e &ue#o and was a !"efPs assistant att"e Ro!$e* !u# at t"e Santa e /owns ra!etra!$. >"at 7 do now as anassistant !onserator is wor$ on !ondition assessment and treatment ofartifa!ts going on dispa* or on oan to ot"er institutions. 7 am%onseration La# Manager for t"e department, 7 perform graffitimitigation at Bandeier ationa Monument on!e a wee$, and 7 superiseour !oege wor$-stud* student.

    )"t "#e" &7 c&(se#v"ti&( d& '&u )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise i(

    7 am most interested in !erami!s (#ot" ow and "ig" fired) andtraditiona nort"ern ew Me6i!an 5ispani! #utos (!ared wooden and

    painted s!uptures). M* area of e6pertise is in &re-!onta!t to 5istori!&ue#oan potter*.

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    )"t d& '&u e(j&' "b&ut bei(g " c&(se#v"t

    '"e t"ing 7 en;o* most a#out #eing a !onserator is t"e non-stop wor$we do for t"e State su!" as t"e ongoing e6"i#itionsWoans and of !ourse

    #eing a#e to "ande and "ep presere t"e StatePs wonderfu !oe!tions.7 en;o* earning a#out t"e "istor* and met"od of manufa!ture of t"eartifa!ts in our museumsP !oe!tions.

    )"t d& '&u dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g " c&(se#v"t

    '"e t"ing 7 disi$e a#out #eing a !onserator is wearing goes w"iewor$ing on an o#;e!t, was"ing dirt* a# dis"es and t"e !ommuting fromSanto /omingo &ue#o to Santa e.

    H"ve '&u 5-ed &( "(' i*t"(t "#ti7"cts9bui$di(gs9$"(dsc"*e @etc0

    7n m* 12.C *ears of wor$ing in !onseration 7 "ae wor$ed on man*artifa!ts from Mim#res #ows to ear* Spanis" !onta!t artifa!ts to a

    #ow!ase and "en 7 te peope t"at 7 am an assistant !onserator and t"e t*pe ofwor$ 7 do, t"eir response is usua* =So *oure an art restorer.@%onseration is not on* a#out restoration, it is a#out "eping to presere

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    artifa!ts for future generations to earn from. '"e goa for !onserators isto ma$e preseration re!ommendations on "ow to !are for artifa!ts w"iein storage, on dispa*, or on oan (traeing). estoration is on* a sma

    part of t"e wor$ in !onseration.

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    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    Steve( L"-"t&s

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is Steen La$atos. 7 grew up on t"e nort" s"ore of Long7sand, ew Jor$. After "ig"s!"oo 7 went to Xueens%oege w"ere 7 re!eied m*B.A. in Ant"ropoog* in 1988.7 moed to sout"western

    %oorado after graduation andto Santa e, ew Me6i!o in1991. 7 re!ent* re!eied m*M.A. in Sout"west Studiesfrom ew Me6i!o 5ig"andsniersit*. 7m married wit"two !"idren and we i$eoutdoor sports and a!tiities.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i( "#c)"e&$&g'

    7n t"e fift" or si6t" grade we studied ar!"aeoog* as part our s!ien!eprograms.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    >"en 7 was ta$ing !asses in !oege.

    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    7 "ae wor$ed in t"e a# preparing artifa!ts for !uration, !ondu!ted fiedwor$, and parti!ipated in traeing seminars. %urrent* 7m a pro;e!tdire!tor for t"e ffi!e of Ar!"aeoogi!a Studies in Santa e, ewMe6i!o.

    )"t "#e" &7 "#c)"e&$&g' d& '&u )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise i(

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    7 fee t"at 7 "ae a fair amount of interest and e6perien!e in t"ear!"aeoog* of t"e ort"ern io :rande.

    )"t d& '&u $i-e "(d9 dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    >"at 7 i$e a#out #eing an ar!"aeoogist is t"e #aan!e #etween p"*si!aand intee!tua efforts, seeing pa!es #efore t"e* are deeoped, andwor$ing wit" m* !oeagues. M* disi$es are spending e6tended periodsof time awa* from m* fami*, negotiating #udgets and s!"edues, andresoing personne pro#ems.

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    7 "ae identified pre-ort Sumner aa;o !amps, ear* agri!utura sites,and do!umented popuation moement up t"e io :rande 0ae* fromA#u

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    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    B"(et !"c2e(3ie

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    7m Ranet Ma!enie and 7 ie near A!ade, M. 7 am a ounteerwit" t"e Mesa &rieta &etrog*p" &ro;e!t &etrog*p" &ro;e!t and amem#er of t"e Mesa &rieta&etrog*p" %ommittee. 7 !an

    #e !onta!ted at;ma!$enieKwindstream.net

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested

    i( "#c)"e&$&g'

    As a !"id, m* parents et merun wid Vdown t"erier#an$V at "ome w"ere 7"unted turtes and dug upanima #ones and fossis. urfami* were awa*s museum-goers and 7 spent man* "app* "ours at t"eo*a ntario Museum in 'oronto oo$ing at t"e mummies and totem

    poes. 5oweer, at t"at time, 7 neer t"oug"t of #e!oming anar!"aeoogist. 7 wanted to #e a medi!a artist.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    After 7 finis"ed art !oege, 7 went to uniersit* w"ere 7 too$ a !oupe of!ourses in !assi!a ar!"aeoog*. >"en 7 graduated, 7 went to Europe fora !oupe of *ears and wor$ed on e6!aations in Engand, most* oman

    and 7ron Age. 7t was ots of fun, at"oug" it was "ard wor$ s"oeingdirt and running w"ee#arrowsH 7 went to :ree!e for a few mont"s tosee man* ruins and museums and t"at was w"en 7 de!ided to #e!ome anar!"aeoogist. 7 was er* interested in Minoan ar!"aeoog* at t"at time,

    #ut w"ie getting a degree in ant"ropoog* #a!$ in %anada, 7 #e!amemu!" more interested in Mesoameri!an and &eruian ar!"aeoog*.

    nit 1 - 41

    0oading u+ for a fie#d tri+ in Peru

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    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    Besides e6!aating in Britain, 7 "ae wor$ed at fied sure* ande6!aation in %anada and &eru. 7Pe aso done a great dea of site andtopograp"i!a instrument sure*ing, and drawing of artifa!ts. 7 a!tua*"aenPt wor$ed in t"e fied for a num#er of *ears, and "ae re!ent* #eeninoed more in t"e museum end of t"ings, doing resear!", writingstor* ines and a#es for e6"i#its.

    )"t "#e" &7 "#c)"e&$&g' d& '&u )"ve t)e &st i(te#est e8*e#tise i(

    7 am interested in ideas a#out an!ient frontiers, roads, #oundaries and"ow groups of peope in t"e past reated to one anot"er, "ow t"e* sawt"emsees among t"eir neig"#ors. eated to t"is, 7 am aso er*

    interested in t"e an!ient ands!ape, and in ew Me6i!o, t"ere is a ot ofands!apeH 7 am new to ew Me6i!o and am finding t"at t"ere is a greatdea to see and understand. 7Pe #e!ome er* interested in t"e

    petrog*p"s of Mesa &rieta and woud i$e to earn more a#out t"em,parti!uar* t"e petrog*p"s of t"e 5istori! &eriod.

    )"t d& '&u $i-e "(d9 dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 "ae awa*s i$ed digging in t"e eart" and dis!oering t"ings t"at "aenot #een seen sin!e an!ient timesH 7tPs su!" a persona !onne!tion to t"e

    past. Anot"er t"ing 7 i$e a#out ar!"aeoog* is t"at no matter w"ere *oudig in t"e word, t"ere are awa*s fas!inating an!ient sites to e6pore andan!ient peopes to earn a#out. And, i$e man* ar!"aeoogists, 7 oe t"enatura word. 7n &eru, at "ig" atitudes and in er* remote pa!es, t"ewor$ was diffi!ut #ut e6treme* en;o*a#e #e!ause of t"e an!ient sites,t"e widfowers, #irds and ot"er animas, and t"e s!ener*. '"e o!a

    peope were wonderfu. 7 !anPt t"in$ of an*t"ing t"at 7 donPt i$e a#outar!"aeoog*. &er"aps t"e dis!omfort of #eing !oo$ed #* t"e sun on oneside of m* #od* and freeing in t"e s"ade on t"e ot"er at "ig" atitudesH

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    7 dis!oered t"at an!ient &eruians $new a ot of wa*s to defendt"emseesH Some sites Pwa* in t"e midde of now"ere are rea*fas!inating for t"eir !ompi!ated arrangements of was and doorwa*sw"i!" made it er* diffi!ut for someone to get into a iage wit"out

    nit 1 - 4

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    #eing peted wit" singstones from a#oe. 7n fa!t, t"e pies of singstonesare sti t"ere, sitting on t"e parapets #e"ind t"e defensie wasH

    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    7 t"in$ t"at getting to $now an ar!"aeoogist and getting some fiede6perien!e is important, per"aps #efore starting a degree in ar!"aeoog*or ant"ropoog*. Be!oming interested and $nowedgea#e in a wideariet* of su#;e!ts is aso important. Ar!"aeoogists need to $now a#outro!$s and animas, water and weat"er, mat" and s!ien!e, peope and "owt"e* #e"ae. Anot"er usefu s$i is !amping and !oo$ing outdoors.

    )"t e$se 5&u$d '&u $i-e t& te$$ *e&*$e "b&ut "#c)"e&$&g'

    Ar!"aeoog* is one wa* to understand peope- not ;ust an!ient peope,#ut a peope- "ow we i$e to ie and #ring up our famiies, "ow we seeoursees, "ow we "ae to respond to !"anges in our ies (!imate!"ange is not newH), "ow we wor$ toget"er, "ow we #uid t"ings, "owwe t"in$ a#out w"ere we !ome from and w"ere we are going as we ieand w"en we die. A/- itPs funH

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    U(it 160 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    Tessie N"#"(j&

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is 'essie aran;o. 7 am 'ewa from Santa %ara &ue#o. 7 "aeied t"ere a of m* ife. 7 earned a&"./. in So!ioog* from t"e niersit*of ew Me6i!o in 199. 7 now wor$ att"e ort"ern &ue#os 7nstitute at t"e

    ort"ern ew Me6i!o %oege in

    EspaFoa. At t"e &7 m* !o-dire!tor,Sue-Een Ra!o#s (an ant"ropoogist, w"oearned "er &"./. in Ant"ropoog* fromt"e niersit* of %oorado in 19D2) and 7fo!us our attention on Ameri!an 7ndian!on!erns. 7f *ou want to write me a#outw"at 7 do pease write to+ 'essie aran;o,

    ort"ern &ue#os 7nstitute, ort"ern ewMe6i!o %oege, 91 &aseo de nate,EspaFoa, M 8DC3.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i( s&ci&$&g'

    7 "ae awa*s #een interested in groups of peope and "ow t"e* #e"ae.7 am espe!ia* interested in &ue#o 7ndians of ew Me6i!o. Most ofm* wor$ ife "as #een spent doing resear!" a#out &ue#o 7ndianswordiew, anguage, !eremonies, ar!"ite!ture, $ins"ip s*stem, songs,and ar!"aeoogi!a eiden!es of t"e &ue#o peope.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be " s&ci&$&gist

    7 went to graduate s!"oo w"en 7 was in m* ear* forties and did notfinis" !oursewor$ and m* dissertation in so!ioog* unti 7 was in m*ear* fifties. inis"ing s!"oo too$ a ong time #e!ause 7 !oudnt de!ideon m* dissertation topi! unti a er* good friend tod me, =>rite a#outw"at *ou "ae a passion for@. So 7 wrote a#out =So!ia %"ange and

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    &otter* Ma$ing at Santa %ara &ue#o@.

    )"t -i(ds &7 s&ci&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    After 7 finis"ed s!"oo 7 did !onsutation wor$ for a few museums su!"as t"e ationa Museum of t"e Ameri!an 7ndian in >as"ington, /.%.and t"e 5eard Museum in &"oeni6, Ariona. Anot"er ;o# t"at was not a

    pa*ing ;o# #ut one t"at was er* important was to ta$e !are of m*mot"er unti s"e passed awa* in August 224. S"e was er* si!$ and 7!"ose to ta$e !are of "er. 7n Ranuar* 22C m* er* good friend, Sue-Een Ra!o#s, and 7 de!ided to #e !o-dire!tors of t"e ort"ern &ue#os7nstitute. >e "ae spent a good amount of time designing !ourses on

    atie Ameri!an issues for e6ampe, =7ntrodu!tion to &ue#o 7ndianStudies@, =atie Ameri!an Literature@, and =Animas and &ants of t"e

    'ewa >ord@.

    )"t d& '&u e(j&' "b&ut bei(g " s&ci&$&gist

    7 "ae awa*s en;o*ed t"in$ing a#out peope and t"eir #e"aior #utespe!ia* a#out 'ewa peope and t"eir ong "istor* and "ow t"e*suried in spite of t"e man*, man* o#sta!es t"at t"e* were fa!ed wit".As part of t"is interest 7 rea* en;o* doing resear!" a#out &ue#o peope.7t is t"roug" i#rar* resear!" and !ommunit* interiews t"at 7 "ae !ometo a deeper appre!iation of m* &ue#o word.

    )"t d& '&u dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g " s&ci&$&gist

    '"ere is not"ing t"at 7 !an t"in$ a#out t"at 7 disi$e a#out #eing aso!ioogist.

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    7 "ae awa*s en;o*ed earning. 7 dis!oer w"o 7 am and w"o m*

    &ue#o word is as 7 !ondu!t and !ompete arious resear!" pro;e!ts, andas 7 wor$ at M% tr*ing to #ridge t"e !oege wit" &ue#o!ommunities.

    nit 1 - 4C

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    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    7f a *oung person is interested in doing resear!" a#out group #e"aior,so!ioog* is a wonderfu and rewarding fied of wor$.

    )"t e$se 5&u$d '&u $i-e t& te$$ *e&*$e "b&ut s&ci&$&g'

    '"ere are not too man* atie Ameri!an so!ioogists in t"e !ountr*. 7tis a fied of stud* t"at atie Ameri!ans !an !ontri#ute to furt"ering t"e$nowedge a#out tri#a !ommunities and a#out and for t"eir spe!ifi!tri#e.

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    Di"(e S&ude#

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    7 am /iane Souder. 7Pm a par$ ranger at &etrog*p" ationa Monumentand m* ;o# is to "ep peopeunderstand w"at is soimportant a#out t"e past andt"eir "eritage. 7 "ae #een a

    par$ ranger for C *ears and

    eer* da* 7 tr* to "ae somefun in m* ;o#.

    7 was #orn in /etroitMi!"igan and went to !oegeat Mount 5o*o$e inMassa!"usetts. 7 studiedr#an Studies, w"i!" is w"at!it* ife is i$e. '"en 7 wentto graduate s!"oo at t"eniersit* of Mi!"igan to #ean r#an &anner. '"at #roug"t me to ew Me6i!o. 7 was a 07S'Aounteer tr*ing to "ep peope "ep t"eir own !ommunities. >"en 7

    ;oined t"e ationa &ar$ Seri!e 7 sti "eped peope !reate par$s andtrais and ta$e !are of t"eir "istori! resour!es. 7n 1992, w"en &etrog*p"

    ationa Monument was !reated 7 was t"e first empo*ee.

    >e "ae oer 2,222 petrog*p"s and tr*ing to ma$e eer*oneappre!iate t"em "as #een m* ;o# eer sin!eH

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i( *"#- #"(ge#s

    7 $now we a "ae a "eritage, so earning a#out t"e past "eps usappre!iate "ow peope ied. '"ere is awa*s somet"ing new to dis!oerand ar!"aeoog* is ;ust one wa* to get a gimpse of t"e past.

    nit 1 - 4D

    Serving the +u-#ic at Petrog#y+h Nationa#


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    )e( did '&u decide t& be " *"#- #"(ge#

    7 am a!tua* a &ar$ anger. As &ar$ angers we are ar!"aeoogists,#ioogists, Law Enfor!ement angers, tea!"ers andO7 am a pannerinterested in a of t"ese !areers.

    )"t -i(ds &7 sii$"# j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    >"en 7 started at &etrog*p" 7 $new "ard* an*t"ing a#out ar!"aeoog*.ow 7 !an "ep t"e pu#i! reaie t"at *ou dont "ae to dig upsomet"ing to earn a#out its ar!"aeoogi!a aue. 7 woud sa* m* ;o# isa#out &u#i! eations rat"er t"an ar!"aeoog* itsef and t"at tea!"ing

    peope t"e importan!e of ar!"aeoog* is m* e6pertise.

    )"t d& '&u e(j&' "b&ut bei(g " *"#- #"(ge#

    Ar!"aeoog* is #ot" a s!ien!e and an art. 7t ta$es patien!e anddedi!ation. 7ts a itte #it of eer*t"ing for most eer*one w"o "as adesire to earn a#out !utures of t"e past.

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    7 "ae not made an* dis!oeries #ut 7 "ae made peope aware of t"efragie ar!"aeoogi!a resour!es so t"at t"e* dont dig t"em up or moet"em. >"en t"is "appens, it ma$es me fee proudH

    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    /ont #e afraid of tr*ing somet"ing new. Eer* itte pie!e ofinformation adds to t"e great #ig pue. ", and "ae some fun eer*da*H

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    4"u$ i$$i"s

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    M* name is &au >iiams. 7 "ae #een t"e Ar!"aeoogist wit" t"eBureau of Land Management in'aos for t"e ast 3 *ears. 7 grewup in %oorado, went to !oege att"e niersit* of t"e Sout" inSewanee, 'ennessee, and got a

    Master of S!ien!e degree inAnt"ropoog*WAr!"aeoog* from

    ort"ern Ariona niersit* inagstaff, Ariona in 198C.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i(


    7 t"in$ it started wit" m* mot"er, w"o "ad a great interest in fossis andatie Ameri!an arts and !rafts. 7 graduated from !oege wit" a degree

    in &s*!"oog*, and started wor$ing in a !ement fa!tor* pus"ingpowdered !ement around wit" a #room. 7 didnt i$e t"e wor$ #ut 7made enoug" mone* to trae e6tensie* in Europe and Me6i!o. 7 fein oe wit" "istor* and ar!"aeoog* during t"ese trips t"roug" :ree!eand 7ta* (ome, &ompeii) and t"e great ar!"aeoogi!a sites in Me6i!o.

    )e( did '&u decide t& be "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    After m* traes, 7 too$ !asses at t"e niersit* of %oorado to see if 7

    woud #e interested enoug" in Ar!"aeoog* to pursue a degree. 7 spentt"at summer as a mem#er of a 3C-person ar!"aeoogi!a !rew doingarious inentor* and e6!aation pro;e!ts around Mesa 0erde insout"west %oorado. 7 was "oo$edH

    nit 1 - 49

    Teaching co*+ass use during outh Intern


  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    )"t -i(ds &7 "#c)"e&$&g' j&bs )"ve '&u )"d "(d 5)"t d& '&u d& (&5

    7 "ae wor$ed for uniersities in!uding niersit* of %oorado,%oorado State niersit* and t"e niersit* of ort"ern %oorado. 7"ae aso wor$ed for ort"ern Ariona niersit*. 7 "ae wor$ed fort"e ationa &ar$ Seri!e, t"e S orest Seri!e and for t"e past 3*ears t"e Bureau of Land Management.

    )"t d& '&u e(j&' "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 oe to dis!oer ar!"aeoogi!a sites. 7t is e6!iting to o!ate t"e t"ingst"at peope eae #e"ind i$e artifa!ts, su!" as stone toos and potter*,and features i$e fire "eart"s, "ouse stru!tures and ro!$ art. 7 oe #eingoutdoors, and wa$ing onto an ar!"aeoogi!a site t"at "asnt #een seen

    #* peope sin!e t"e in"a#itants eft "undreds or t"ousands of *ears ago isprett* !oo.

    )"t d& '&u dis$i-e "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 disi$e t"e fa!t t"at some peope andaie and destro* importantar!"aeoogi!a sites. '"is awa*s ma$es me er* sad.

    H"ve '&u "de "(' i*t"(t disc&ve#ies

    7 "ae dis!oered man* ar!"aeoogi!a sites, and "ae found man*wonderfu artifa!ts. 7 mention t"ree. >"ie wa$ing in t"e io:rande :orge, 7 found a ni!e Ar!"ai! &eriod !ampground on a fatterra!e a#oe t"e rier. '"ere were ots of stone toos, some s!rapersand points. 7 tripped oer a sma ro!$ t"at moed w"en 7 #umped it. 7tturned out to #e a wonderfu itte grinding stone made out of #asat, andwas pro#a#* used to grind pin*on nuts. '"at artifa!t "ad #een t"ere fora#out C,222 *ears #efore 7 #umped into it. /uring an e6!aation insout"west %oorado, 7 un!oered a sma pendant s"aped i$e a #ear paw.7t was made out of #one and was "ig"* pois"ed. 7t "ad i$e* #eenstrung wit" tur

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    )"t "dvice 5&u$d '&u give " '&u(g *e#s&( c&(side#i(g " c"#ee# i(


    :o wit" *our "eart. 7 "ae #een #essed to "ae "ad t"e opportunit* todo ar!"aeoogi!a wor$ for t"e past 3C *ears. 7e isited some amaing

    pa!es. 7t is not eas* to ma$e a iing as an ar!"aeoogist, #ut it !an #eer* rewarding.

    )"t e$se 5&u$d '&u $i-e t& te$$ *e&*$e "b&ut "#c)"e&$&g'

    Ar!"aeoog* ta$es a great dea of imagination and t"oug"t. >e wineer #e a#e to time trae #a!$, #ut #* using good ar!"aeoogi!amet"ods and te!"ni

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    U(it 1=0 C"#ee#s i( A#c)"e&$&g' "(d Re$"ted Fie$ds


    !"#t)" Y"tes

    4$e"se te$$ us 5)& '&u "#e0

    7 am Mart"a Jates and 7 ie in 0ae!itos, M. 7 am an ar!"aeoogistand a tea!"er.

    H&5 did '&u bec&e i(te#ested i(


    7 i$e m*steries and ar!"aeoog* is t"estud* of m*steries, of our pasts, *ours andmine, #ut it is a er* engt"* past,t"ousands of *ears. 7 am a er* !urious

    person and 7 i$e to dis!oer t"ings. Jou$now t"e feeing+ on a wa$ t"roug" t"etrees or aong t"e rier, *ou sudden* seesomet"ing *oue neer seen #efore+ anod we, a garden, an od pot, anarrow"ead, a spear point. 7 startwondering, w"o made t"is? And did t"e*ie "ere? After *ou earn ar!"aeoogi!a s$is, *ou !an often find t"eanswers to t"ese

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    niersit* of ta" and enesan, t"e 7nstitute for Lifeong Learning.

    )"t d& '&u $i-e "b&ut bei(g "( "#c)"e&$&gist

    7 rea* answered t"is

  • 8/12/2019 U Unit 16 CareersInArchy


    Mesa &rieta.

    )"t e$se 5&u$d '&u $i-e t& te$$ *e&*$e "b&ut "#c)"e&$&g'

    Ar!"aeoogists wor$ a oer t"e word, so if *ou "ae an interest intrae and meeting peope from ot"er !utures, it is a great wa* to do it.

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