ubd lp 1stqtr cle iv sy15-16

Post on 06-Nov-2015






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Christians living


St. Lucy School

of the Archdiocese of Pampanga

Sasmuan, PampangaTitle: The World of the Adolescent

Topic: The Values and Moral Climate in the Philippines

Subject: CLE IV

Year Level: Year IV Grading Period: 1st Quarter

Duration: 30 daysDesigner: Raineer S. Manabat, RN



To be able to respond to the numerous threats of modern technology as a young Filipino adolescent.

Students will be able to independently use their learning to

Understand the true Filipino catholic ideals and beliefs.


UnderstandingsStudents will understand that

The Filipino adolescent today, though faced with a number of socio-moral problems, can surpass all temptations through an awareness that s/he is a masterpiece of God endowed with human dignity to be cherished and affirmed and whose traits and character are modeled after Jesus, our SaviorEssential QuestionsStudents will keep considering

1. What are the distinguishing traits of Filipino Catholic?2. How could we best resist temptation amidst the sinful social structures in the society?


The students will know

The true identity of a Filipino Catholic is drawn from traits of Jesus Christ, our model.

The students will be skilled at

Identify ways on how to develop a better socio-political and economic climate in the Philippines

Pray for the Gods help to be aware and active in the socio-economic transformation of my Faith, Reverence to God and Piety


TRANSFER TASK:Assessment tools

L1 Join a parish organization or activity

L2 Compose a prayer of healing for our country

L3 Describe how we can best practice our being Filipino through the practice faith

L4 make a reflection paper on how one can develop a social conscience

L5 make a commitment paper summarizing what you commit yourself to do as an agent of liberation Oral recitation

Journaling/Daily log Role playing/ short skit Commitment paper presentation Quiz

Stage 3

Learning Episodes

Lesson 1The Adolescents and the Moral Climate in the PhilippinesWe are all made in Gods image, therefore we are called to respect one another. Respecting one another does not mean merely using courteous expressions but seeing to it that each one even the littlest of us treated with the dignity of Gods creature.


Identify common child labor practices in the Philippines

Be familiar with the story of the saving of Noah and his family from the great value

Identify the sinful social structures found in the Philippine society

Describe what it means to be a Filipino Catholic today

Follow the life of St. Peter Claver

Ask for Gods help to do his will

Subject Matter

We Celebrate Gods Love IV

Materials Needed


Teaching strategyA. Human Experience

1. Write the following statement on the glass board.

Every person has a human dignity and should be respected for each one is made in the image of God.Have the students give their view on this statement. Lead the discussion to the human dignity of the children and the respect due them.

Have the students discuss common practices of child labor in the Philippines. For example; helping in the farm and fishing, as newspaper peddlers or garbage collectors as household helpers, factory workers, beggars for syndicates and various other jobs. Usually they are underpaid, overworked, undernourished, are made up to sleep in quarters unfit for human beings.

2. Let the students read the excerpt on pp. 4-5. Have them answer the questions under Activity on the succeeding page.

3. Have the students discuss ways by which they can help exploit children or minimize the exploitation of children.

B. Reading the message

1. Have the students read the Bible Story (Gen.6:5-8). Have them answer the following questions:

a. Why did Lord regret creating the human person?

b. What did God decide to do?

c. Why did He save Noah and his family?

d. What instruction did He give to Noah to be able to save himself and his family?

e. What characteristics of God do you see in Him as he saved Noah and his family?(although God is angry He shows mercy and gives hope that another set of creatures would take the place of those who will drown the deluge).

C. Learning the Message

1. Have the students read the section, and then let them answer the following questions in the topic, The Filipino Catholic Adolescents.

a. Ask them to discuss the five predominant Filipino characteristics. Have them ask themselves if they have these characteristics and if not why they do not possess them.

b. Ask them what they can do to have these characteristics.

2. Have the students read the topic, The Filipino Catholic, then ask them the following questions:

a. What is the typical approach of Filipinos to Christ?

b. What are the identifiable ways of a Filipino Catholic in relation to Christ? Do you agree with the discussion under each topic support your answer?

c. Ask other relevant questions concerning the topic.

3. Guide the students attention to the statement in the box on p.10

4. Have the students read this topic, The Youth, Ask them the following questions:

a. Why are committed Catholic youth the best evangelizers of other young people?

b. How can the youth be evangelizers themselves?

5. Have the students think about themselves, that is do they get involved themselves in parish or transparochial apostolate. Do they attend parish diocesan and national youth councils? Do they concern themselves to the care and the welfare of the youth? If they answer yes to these questions they are well on the road to becoming evangelizers and may be interested in taking up a religious vocation.6. Have the students read this topic, Sinful Social Structures. Have the students explain.

7. Guide the students to the box after the topic, Sinful Social Structures. Ask then when social structures become sinful.D. The Church Says

Help the students read and understand the quotations in the church says

E. Doing the message

1. Have the students reflect on the topics they have just read. Let them ask themselves what the beginning of sin is.

2. Have them read doing the Message. Stress the sin comes from being self-centered instead of being God-centered. It means we ask ourselves, What is in it for me? instead of asking Would God approve of my doing this? Have them identified concrete ways by which they could show they love for others as they love themselves.

F. Firming Up the Message

1. Have the students read the biographical sketch of St. Peter Claver. To insure comprehension, let the students answer the following questions:

a. What is the new name of Cartegena?

b. What was the characteristic of the parish to which St. Claver was assigned?

c. What were the work conditions of the slaves in the mines?

d. What would St.Claver do every time a ship arrived from Africa? (Remind the students that at that time it was the practice of English colonizers to catch Africans and ship them to other countries where they would be sold like cattle. The African captives were usually made into slaves, working under intolerable condition without pay).

e. How did St.Peter Claver show his concern for the slaves working in the mines?

G. Vocabulary/Summary

1. Take up this section to insure that the students have learned important points in the lesson.

2. Have the students link up this lesson with the quotation on the page of this lesson.

Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Mt.19:15

H. Prayer

1. Have the students reflect on the Christian truths/message learned in this lesson, then have them write their own prayer expressing to God their appreciation for the gift of life given to them. Have them share their prayers with one another.

2. Let the students read the prayer on p.18.Lesson 2


Acknowledge that true blessings come from service especially for the poor and needy instead of wealth and power Accept that those who wish to be great shall be humbled Acknowledge that service is the purpose of leadership.

Explain ways of insuring that leaders serve the people Read about an example of a leader who served. Praise the Lord for His just service and ask that our leaders be like Him.II. Subject Matter

We celebrate Gods Love IV

III.Materials Needed

Bible,pre-assigned groups to act out the Bible passageIV. Subject Matter Aid

A. Newspapers today are full of stories of the corrupt practices of our leaders. When our leaders are dishonest they do not fulfill the role of true leaders to be service to the people because they serve only their interest.

B.Aristotle defines politics as a system of government designed to make the affairs of the nation run smoothly. The salaries of the leaders come from the taxes of the people and therefore the leaders should serve the interest of the people.

V. Teaching Strategy Aid

A. Human Experience

Stimulate I interest by asking the students to tell about Baptism rites they have witnessed.B. Reading the Message

1. Review the students on the names of the apostles. The apostles are Peter, James, John, Andrew, Matthew, Simon, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James, Judas, Escariot, and Thaddeus.Ask them which of the apostles sons of Zebedee (James and John) are. Tell the students that the story they will read is about them.2. Have the students read the biblical story in Lesson 2. Ask them the following questions:

a. What was the request of the mother of the two apostles?

b. Do you think the request was one that could be granted? Why or Why not?

c. What was Jesus answer to the request?

d. What did He mean by his question, Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink? (The cup that He was going to drink was the cup of suffering brought on by the soldiers and the false accusations until His crucifixion).

e. What is your idea of the sentences, Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant. Whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave. (ask the students how can be great yet be a slave and how one can be first yet be a slave.)C. Learning the Message

Have the students read the topic under Learning the Message. To insure comprehension ask them the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of leadership?

2. What is the political situation in the Philippines? Is it Good to have political power in the hands of just a few families? Support your answer.

D. The Church Says

Help the students read and understand the quotations from church teachings.

E. Doing the Message

Have the students read the section Doing the Message, then let them discuss what they can do to help their country and if possible people in other countries.

F. Firming up the Message Have the students study the picture for familiarization, then have them read the write-up. To insure comprehension have them answer the following questions:

1. Why was John Fisher highly respected?

2. What was the highest position he held?

3. Why did John Fisher earn the ire of King Henry?

4. Why did John Fisher refuse to take the oath that the King ordered everyone to take?

5. What did the king do with John Fisher because of his refusal to take the oath?

6. Why was John Fisher sentenced to death? Do you think his death is meaningful?

7. What lessons have you learned from the story of St. John Fisher?

G. Vocabulary/Summary

Take up this section to deepen the students commitment for their country.

H. Prayer

Reflect on Jesus statement regarding leaders being servants. Have them reflect too, on Thomas Mores refusal to obey a Kings law that was against Gods Law. They may also be encouraged to write their own prayers and to share these ideas.

Lesson 3The Adolescent and Filipino ValuesObjectives: Compare ones traits to the teenager described in the story Describe how Paul proclaimed Jesus to the Athenians. Resolve to become a Filipino evangelizer. Explain how one can truly become a Filipino Christian Be familiar with the works of St. Francis Xavier. Praise Jesus

A. Human Experience

1.Have the students read the story, Theres a teenager in the House, then have them work on the activities on the following page. Guide their attention to the box at the bottom of the page.2.Have the students give examples of the influence of environment on the adolescent: influence of friends

B. Reading the Message

Have the students read the passage Acts 17:16-34. Ask the following questions:

1.What did Paul explain to the Athenians about Jesus?

2.How did he lead the Athenians in their transformation from believers in idols to followers of Jesus?

3.How did the Athenians receive his explanation of Jesus?

C. Learning the Message

1.Read the topics in the section, Learning the Message. After each topic ask the following questions:


a.What is the purpose of the command of Jesus to baptize all nations?

b.What is the basis of inculturation

c.Why did Pauls teaching have only limited success?

d.What is the true meaning of inculturation as described by Pope John Paul II?

e.Why is inculturation a good way of teaching the gospel?

D. The Church Says

Have the students read and reflect the on Church Teachings on p.40.

E. Doing the Message

1.Have the students reflect on what they have read in Doing the Message.

2.Let them reflect further on what they will do to become truly Filipino Christian

3.Let them read the section, Doing the Message. Give then ideas.

F. Firming up the Message

1.Have the students study the picture of Maria Soledad for familiarization

2. Have the students read the write-up about her. Top insure comprehension have them answer the following questions:a.How was Maria Soledad as a child?

b.What problems did the young congregation of Maria Soledad face?

c.How did Maria Soledad face the challenges that came her away?

D.What have you learned from the story of Maria Soledad?

F. Vocabulary/Summary

1.Use these section as a means to assist students in recalling important points in the lessons. If there are other points in the lesson, which you think should be taken up again but are missing in the summary , take these up with the students.

2.Have the students read aloud the passage from 2 TM 4:5 on top of Activity p.35. Have the students explain how the passage is related to the important points taken up in the lesson.

G. Prayer

1.Have the students reflect on the goodness of God. Let them write their own prayers and share their prayers with their classmates.

2.Have the students read the prayer on. Lesson 4The Adolescent and the Socio-Economic Climate in the Philippines

Recently, poverty has been pointed to as the cause of ignorance and violence as well as a long list of crimes, most of which are drug related. Some say they take drugs to forget hunger and other problems related to poverty.


Reflect on family issues in the socio-economic spheres that impact on adolescents

Realize that one has to forsake all material possessions to follow Jesus. Acknowledge that social transformation is necessary to become a disciple of Jesus Identify ways to develop a better socio-economic climate Point out how St. John Bosco changed the socio economic attitude of children in the neighborhood Pray for the Lords help to be aware of and active in the socio economic transformation of their neighbors.

Teaching Strategy AidA. Human Experience

Have the students read the situations on the first page of Lesson 4. Have them answer the questions on the next part of the page. Have them support their answers.

B. Reading the message

1. Have the students read the passage from Mark 10:17-22. Let them answer the following questions.

2. Explain to the students that for the Jews, material riches are signs that a person is being rewarded by God.C. Learning the message

1. Have the students read Learning the message. In what way are we like the rich young man?

2. Have the students answer the questions after each topic.

3. Social Apostolate Towards Transformation

a. What social apostolate does your parish undertake? How does this lead to social transformation? Do you participate in the apostolate? Why or why not?

4. Spirituality of Social Transformation

a. What are the roots causes of fundamental problems?

b. Explain the meaning of sinful structures

c. What are the two typical causes of sinful attitudes

d. What is metanoia? Why metanoia important? What does it require?

5. Formation of Social Conscience

a. What does Christian discipleship demand? Explain.

b. What are the two dimensions of conscience?

c. What are the complex factors that enter into the formation of the Filipino conscience?

d. How can conscience be developed properly?

D. The Church says..

Help the students read and understand the quotations in the Church says

E. Doing the message

Have the students study the section Doing the message. Have them discuss the pointers given. Let them add more if necessary.

F. Firming Up the message

Have the students study the picture of St. John Bosco for familiarization. Have the students read the write-up. Let the students know of another story about John Bosco from the website indicated on p.56Have the students answer the questions. How did St. John Bosco achieve social transformation for the neighborhood children and for others?

G. Prayer

Have the students read the prayer on p. 58. Encourage them to create their own prayers and have time share them with their classmates.

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