ubd science day 3 stage 3

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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-Details the instructional activities that students will go through to attain the standards





Elements•Suggested Instructional Activities•Resources

-Details the instructional activities that students will go through to attain the standards




Teaching Guide (TG)

Implementing UBD-based Learning Plans

Quarter 1 : Topic: Time Frame:

Stage 1

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Students will know: Students will be able to do:

Stage 2

Product or Performance Task: Evidence at the level of understanding

Evidence at the level of performance

Stage 3

Teaching/Learning Sequence:

Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.)Materials/Equipment Needed:






Firm Up









Add value)C



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W- How shall we help students know where they’re headed and why they’re going there? Where is the unit/lesson going? What is expected? In what ways will students be evaluated?

H- How shall we hook and engage students’ interest through thought-provoking experiences at the beginning of each instructional episode?


E- What experiences shall we provide to help students make their understandings real? How shall we equip them for success throughout the unit or course?

R- How shall we cause students to reflect, revisit, revise, and rethink?

E- How shall students express their understandings and engage in meaningful self-evaluation?


T- How shall we tailor (differentiate) our instruction to address the unique strengths and needs of every learner?

O- How shall we organize learning experiences so that students move from teacher-guided and concrete activities to independent applications that emphasize growing conceptual understandings?

Ref. Brown, J. (2004). Making the Most of Understanding by Design. VA:ASCD.

Learning/Instructional Plan

I. Explore– Diagnose.– Activate prior knowledge.– Clarify expectations and how learning shall be

assessed: standards; products/performances; criteria, tools.

– Hook and engage student interest.– Ask EQ; encourage student questions;

welcome tentative responses as guide to further exploration.


• CONDUCT diagnosis of learners’ prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or alternative conceptions on prerequisite skills/knowledge gained from elementary science

• INFORM learners to know what they are expected to learn and do and how their learning shall be assessed.

Diagnose Learners

Q1- The Scientific Method

Eg. undergo a hands-on assessment to diagnose what they learned on science processes.

(Teacher’s Notes or TN: diagnosis covers processes such as observing, classifying, measuring and using numbers, inferring, predicting, communicating, using space-time relationship, interpreting data, defining operationally, controlling variables, making hypothesis and experimenting. Results of this diagnosis shall be used to determine the prior knowledge and/or misconceptions if there is any);

Q1a – The Scientific Method


science processes gained from elementary years such as observing, classifying, measuring and using numbers, inferring, predicting, communicating, using space-time relationship, interpreting data, defining operationally, controlling variables, making hypothesis and experimenting

Q1b – Matter, Its Properties and Changes


certain topics in elementary science such as matter, mixtures and solutions, physical/chemical change and materials

Q2a – Laws of Motion


Knowledge on motion concepts, how it is being described and why bodies move from with uniform velocity and uniform acceleration

Q2b – Energy Transfer


Knowledge on energy, energy transfer, heat, work, power, efficiency of machines, power ratings of electrical appliances individually or in pairs

Q2c – Plate Tectonics


Knowledge on structure of the earth, movement of the earth crust, earthquake and volcano

Q3a – Sun-Moon-Earth System


Knowledge on the moon, earth and sun and occurrence of tides, eclipse and seasons

Q3b- Earth and Space Explorations


Knowledge on earth’s water, solar system and beyond the solar system

Q4 – Basics of Ecology and Human Impact on Ecosystems


Knowledge on ecosystems

Hook and engage students

Q2c- Plate Tectonics

The learner shall : be introduced to the topic plate tectonics and its

subtopics such as lithosphere and asthenospheres, continental drift theory, seafloor spreading, plate tectonics and its relation to laws of motion and energy, earthquake, tsunami, mountain formation, and volcano (TN: strategies to use include either film showing of a documentary film on any of the subtopics or science fiction films such as “Volcano”, “2012”, picture analysis, etc);

Hook and engage students

Q3a- Sun-Moon-Earth System

The learner shall : listen and interpret part of the song “Whispers in

the Dark” which says “…life without love is like the Earth without the Sun, it only whispers in the dark.”

• be introduced to the topic Sun-Moon-Earth System and its subtopics such as day and night cycle, seasonal patterns, phases of the moon, eclipses, and tides.

Hook and engage students

Q4- Basics of Ecology and Human Impact on Ecosystem

The learner shall:

be introduced to the topic basics of ecology and human impact on ecosystems and subtopics such as Basic Units of Ecology Components of Ecosystems, Characteristics of Ecosystems, Functions of the ecosystems (TN: Teacher may initially (a) play an environmental song or ask some students present some environmental songs accompanied by musical instruments before introducing said topic and subtopics; or (b) show a trailer/segment of a film about the environment).

Orient learners on standards, products/ performances, criteria and tools

The learner shall:• be oriented that they need to show their

understanding of scientific methods by conducting in groups at least one teacher-guided investigation; and

• be informed that this teacher-guided investigation shall be based on the following criteria: (a) community-based, and (b) application of scientific method/s

Ask EQ(s); encourage student questions; welcome tentative responses as guide to

further exploration

Q1a- The Scientific Method

The learner shall:• be given time to formulate questions on scientific

methods and cluster these to initially find out what is/are interesting for them;

• be given time to formulate other questions leading to Essential Question focusing on the value of scientific methods (TN: strategies to use include either KWL, Focus Group Discussion, brainstorming, think-pair &square, dyads, round robin, etc.);

Ask EQ(s); encourage student questions; welcome tentative responses as guide to

further exploration

Q1a- The Scientific Method

The learner shall:• generate as many tentative ideas (TI) to the Essential

Question (EQ) as possible to show what they already know about scientific methods (TN: strategies to use include either brainstorming, Focus Group Discussion, graphic organizer, concept mapping, etc. At this point, the teacher shall be careful not to reject learners’ opinion but shall encourage them to give their ideas without being judged as right or wrong. Each tentative idea (TI) shall be published on the board);

Ask EQ(s); encourage student questions; welcome tentative responses as guide to

further exploration

Q1a- The Scientific Method

The learner shall:• be grouped accordingly to choose some of the

identified prior knowledge, misconceptions and tentative ideas (TI). (TN: Whatever each group of learners selected, the group shall be asked to challenge or explore the validity of these prior knowledge, misconceptions or tentative ideas during the Firm Up Stage);


The teacher shall:• Provide a variety of learning resources• Provide a variety of differentiated activities to

validate responses to EQ• Process students’ meanings and check these

against the EU • Encourage students to reflect, revise, or rethink

their understanding• Check for understanding; provide feedback;

check against content standard


• GUIDE learners to acquire scientific knowledge which is about accessing information, i.e., what information is needed, where information can be located and how information can be gathered focusing on certain science concepts

• ENABLE learners to disprove misconceptions, examine/assess prior knowledge and begin to discover the validity of tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ; make their understanding of the scientific method real; equip them with skills and knowledge for them to be successful throughout the topic; and undergo differentiated instruction to address their unique strengths and needs.

Provide a variety of learning resources

– http://www.deped.gov.ph/iSchool Web Board/Science Web Board

– http://www.deped.gov.ph/skoool.ph– http://www.deped.gov.ph/e-turo– http://www.deped.gov.ph/BSE/iDEP– http://www.pjoedu.wordpress/Philippine Studies/FREE

TEXTBOOKS– http://www.teacherplanet.com– http://www.pil.ph– http://www.alcob.com/ICT Model School Network– http://www.APEC Cyber Academy.com– http://www.globalclassroom.net– http://www.think.com

Provide a variety of learning resources

• Activity Sheets on science processes• Checklist of science skills• Learner Resource Handbook (contains Scientific

Thinking Handbook, La Handbook, Math Handbook, and Note-Taking Handbook)

• Questionnaire or checklist to survey existing problems in a community

• Activity sheets on formulating research problems• Science Research Process Handbook pp. 7-9; sample

investigatory projects; Learner Resource Handbook• Activity sheets on formulating hypotheses• Science Research Process Handbook pp. 10-17;

Learner Resource Handbook• Internet sources• Sample investigatory projects.

Provide a variety of learning resources

Materials/Equipment Needed:• Sample diagnostic sheets on scientific thinking

skills• Questionnaire/ Checklists/ Interview Guide• Sample investigatory project manuscripts• Science Research Process Handbook• Learner Resource Handbook• Manual on the safety use of laboratory

equipment/ apparatus

Process students’ meanings and check these against the EU

Eg. Q1- The Scientific Method

revisit prior knowledge, and/or TI on formulating research problem, if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of learners to discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. This group shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the activities conducted and analyses made.)

Provide a variety of differentiated activities

Reactions and Interactions

EXAMPLE 1Ms. Barnes prepared for the lab on simple reactions

between metals and acids. At the conclusion of the experiment, she wanted students to understand that there is a direct relationship between the concentration of an acid and the reaction rate. To help them understand this important direct relationship, she set up different test stations for students to observe. Each station has the same mass of a given metal. Each of the containers held increasing concentrations of HCl. Students had to combine the reactants and analyze the data for trends in the reaction rates.

Recognize that the ability of a reaction to occur and the extent to which it proceeds depends upon the relative stability of the reactants compared to the products and the condition under which the reaction occurs

Reactions and Interactions

EXAMPLE 2Mr. Luther knew at the outset of his chemistry unit on reaction

rates that he had students who not only had different levels of prior knowledge about aspects of chemistry, but also learned more quickly than others in the class. He decided to provide most of his students with a hands-on lab that helped students understand that there is a direct relationship between the concentration of an acid and the reaction rate.

He provided the remaining students with the same metal and solutions as the other group, but invited them to find the ideal conditions for the fastest reaction time.

Recognize that the ability of a reaction to occur and the extent to which it proceeds depends upon the relative stability of the reactants compared to the products and the condition under which the reaction occurs

Greenhouse Effect

Example 1

Mrs. Moore began her week long unit on the Greenhouse Effect and global warming with two journal prompts: What is your definition of global warming? and How does it affect our environment?

Students read, Early Signs of Spring Global Warming (http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming ) and Mrs. Moore asked questions such as: What is the urban heat-island effect and how does it contribute to our understanding of global warming? In addition, she reviewed the greenhouse effect as well as the enhanced greenhouse effect.

The concluding activity was a simulation and students could choose the membership for their groups. Each group became an organization concerned about global warming and was about to attend a local global warming summit. Each group had to name themselves and come up with a series of strategy statements to better control greenhouse gases. They were invited to use any resources and given the following questions:

What are greenhouse gases? What effects do the gases have on our environment?

What solutions are already in place to restrict the emission of greenhouse gases?

What other solutions would your team like to put into place?

Investigate how the atmosphere is heated from Earth’s surface due to absorption of solar energy, which is reradiated as thermal energy and trapped by selective absorbers.

Greenhouse Effect

Example 2

Ms. Jason began her two week unit with clips from “An Inconvenient Truth” to hook her students into the content of the upcoming lessons and a pre-assessment to determine her students’ background knowledge about this critical contemporary topic.

She spent the next several days explaining –with the aid of her text and visual and audio internet resources – the greenhouse effect and the enhanced greenhouse effect. She used heterogeneous small groups and reciprocal teaching to ensure that students understood these abstract processes. Above-grade level students were invited to find, summarize and post their findings on 3-5 of the most current articles on the impact of global warming. She rotated to the groups to determine misconceptions and ask critical, leading questions.

Investigate how the atmosphere is heated from Earth’s surface due to absorption of solar energy, which is reradiated as thermal energy and trapped by selective absorbers.

Greenhouse Effect

Example 2, continuation

• Mrs. Jason left the last week for a culminating project in which students had to summarize the evidence for/against the role of human activity in global warming. Based on her observations, she assigned students to one of five groups based on their ability to handle abstract, complex material: (1) coral bleaching; (2) warming of the oceans; (3) glacial melting; (4) the relationship among the formation of ozone holes, global warming and greenhouse effect; and (5) the concentration of greenhouse gas over time.

• Each group was responsible for a 5-8 minute presentation to share their evidence and conclusion about the extent of the role of human activity in global warming. Extension for interested students: View “An Inconvenient Truth in its entirety with the following questions in mind: Is there any evidence that Gore’s hypothesis may be “hot air”? (see http:///ww.bbc.co.uk/blogs/today/tomfeilden/2009/09/an-inconvenient _truth_about_gl.html

Investigate how the atmosphere is heated from Earth’s surface due to absorption of solar energy, which is reradiated as thermal energy and trapped by selective absorbers.


Materials allowed: 5 sheets of newspaper, 1 meter of sticky tape, scissors

Task: Using only these materials, build the tallest tower possible which can stand without being attached at the top.


Materials allowed: 5 sheets of newspaper, 1 meter of sticky tape, scissors

Task: Using only these materials, build the tallest tower possible which can stand without being attached at the top. Members of the group should discuss the task before constructing the tower and should agree on the construction design


Materials allowed: Any materials which students can obtain

Task: To build the tallest, lightest tower possible, in the time of a single period, which can stand on its own without being attached at the top.

Timeline: 30 minutes planning, 30 minutes building

Encourage students to reflect, revise, or rethink their understanding

Eg. Q1- The Scientific Method

revisit prior knowledge, and/or tentative idea (TI) on formulating research problem, if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of learners to discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. This group shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the activities conducted and analyses made.)

Learning/Instructional Plan

III. Deepen– Provide a variety of learning resources and

differentiated activities/learning experiences in similar contexts to further validate student understanding.

– Encourage students to reflect, rethink, revise their understanding.

– Have students express their understanding– Check for mastery of EU; provide feedback;

check against content standard.


• ENGAGE learners to understand scientific knowledge which includes the processing and making meanings out of the information.

• ENCOURAGE learners to express their understandings and engage in meaningful self-evaluation; and undergo in-depth study of science using multiple sources of information and various modalities of manifesting learning.

Assessing Facets of Understanding:

• requires developing the prerequisites before assessing them

• involves the use of certain criteria

• may be done in varied ways – (a) randomly asking more than 5 learners per FU, (b) conducting an exhibit/science fair, etc.

Synthesizing how scientific knowledge is acquired and validated

Prerequisite Skills• Identifying questions that can be answered

through scientific investigations• Designing and conducting scientific investigation• Thinking logically to make the relationships

between evidence and explain• Recognize alternative explanations and


Making sense of the importance of translating data collected through graphs and tables using

scientific method(s)

Prerequisite Skills• Classifying data• Recording and organizing data using

tables and graphs• Describing the collected data

Using scientific methods in solving problems at home considering social, cultural, economic and/or

other factors

Prerequisite Skills

• Gathering, synthesizing and evaluating information from multiple sources

• Identifying specific problems at home/community

• Proposing solutions from the alternative solutions identified

Analyze how approaches/procedures of investigations done by some scientists differ from or

similar to those of others.

Prerequisite Skills

• Noting details or features of approaches

• Comparing these approaches based on the similarities

• Contrasting these approaches based on the differences

Assuming the role of scientist/s

Becoming open to emulate scientists the way they develop their attitudes and values while using

scientific method(s)

Prerequisite Skills

• Recognizing varied scientific attitudes and values

• Detecting how the identified scientist works using scientific method

Recognizing one’s best contribution to community using scientific method(s)

Prerequisite Skills

• Recognizing one’s potentials

• Determining how the knowledge of scientific methods improve/ affect one’s view and/or potentials

Criteria used in assessing FUExplanation

a. Thorough ( demonstrating knowledge of a range of facts, scientific concepts, principles, relationships, laws, and relating them to natural phenomena and technology)

b. Justifiable (providing depth and breadth of scientific reasoning)

c. Clear (clearly expressing one’s scientific thoughts in written or oral form)

d. Accurate (providing objectivity in conveying correct data/ information of science concepts and processes)

Criteria used in assessing FUInterpretationa. Meaningful ( giving brief yet substantial

discussion on the importance of a science concept, idea or event)

b. Illustrative (using graphs and tables to show the relationship or connections of science concepts/ processes to technology and natural phenomena; making use of inference to draw out meaning from varied observations)

Criteria used in assessing FUApplication

a. Appropriate (using/ adapting/ customizing the solutions/,processes proposed measures/ procedures/ activities in different/several situations or contexts)

b. Practical ( doing/using the solutions/,processes proposed measures/ procedures/ activities easily)

c. Efficient ( employing the productive use of time and resources)

d. Effective (achieving the desired/ expected results/outputs written or oral form)

Criteria used in assessing FUPerspective

a. Insightful ( developing his own view after considering all the situations/ views)

b. Credible ( citing authoritative sources of information while arguing or defending a point of view)

c. Critical ( combining research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment; deciding to choose the most reasonable view based on objectivity and discretion to disregard personal biases/ prejudices)

Criteria used in assessing FUEmpathy

a. Perceptive (recognizing emotions/ worldviews of others)

b. Open-minded/Receptive (accepting or listening readily/ willingly the ideas, experiences, concepts, emotions, worldviews that might seem strange or unusual)

c. Sensitive/ Responsive (exhibiting one’s feelings and worldviews)

Criteria used in assessing FUSelf- Knowledge

a. Reflective (becoming aware of one’s limitations, and of how one’s though is influenced/ shaped by certain factors (eg. acquisition of comprehensive knowledge and skills on something)

b. Responsive (reacting positively as a result of redirecting/ changing one’s thought or view)

Way of Assessing FUs

Eg. Q1a – The Scientific MethodThe learner shall:• prepare the exhibit area; and• showcase in a science exhibit their community-

based investigation (teachers and experts shall be invited during the presentation where they shall: (1) ask questions pertinent to the investigation conducted, (2) ask questions involving facets of understanding, (3) ask essential question to draw out essential understanding. .

Way of Assessing FUs

Eg. Q1a – Matter, Its Properties and Changes

The learner shall:• develop products manifesting changes in the

properties of matter which, at the same time beneficial or useful to society; and

conduct “Tiangge sa Iskul”, a classroom product fair or agri-fair (for learners to present products and for the teacher, parents and community members to assess the product, draw out facets of understanding and Essential Understanding)

Drawing Out of the EU(s)

Learners shall:

• contemplate on the Essential Question

• reexamine their revised tentative idea (TI).

• justify the TI based on the understanding(s) gained with or without modifications

Learning/Instructional Plan

IV. Transfer– Provide for transfer of learning to a new or

different context.– Evaluate product/performance; check against

performance standard.


• ENCOURAGE learners to organize their learning experiences so that they can move from teacher-guided and concrete activities to independent applications where they create or produce new knowledge in science.

• CHALLENGE learners to transfer their learning in new settings and use this creatively to generate new ideas, view things differently and reengineers processes.

• INVOLVE learners to design, construct, plan, produce new knowledge and/or invent products which can contribute to the protection of the environment and sustainable use of resources.

Evaluating product/ performance; check against performance standard

Q1- The Scientific Method• Conduct of a science exhibit their community-

based investigation (teachers and experts shall be invited during the presentation where they shall: (1) ask questions pertinent to the investigation conducted, (2) ask questions involving facets of understanding, (3) ask essential question to draw out essential understanding.

Evaluating product/ performance; check against performance standard

conduct of “Tiangge sa Klasrum”, a classroom product fair or agri-fair (for learners to present products and for the teacher to draw out facets of understanding and EUs; for the parents and community members to assess the product/s )



•Find 9 hidden images


•Answer this question:

How many animals consist

this face?


•Briefly describe what you see in the


Science Process (Basic)

Definition Example Purpose

Observing Becoming aware of an object or event by using any of the five senses to identify properties

Using one or more of the five senses to gather or collect information about objects and phenomena or events

Looking at a leaf to identify its color, texture, shape, etc.

By observing we learn about the world around us. The information we gain leads to further investigation or use of other processes such as inferring ,communicating, predicting, measuring, and classifying



•Find a partner.

•Ask your partner to get a pen and a scratch paper and let him/her face the back side of this hall.

•Look at the illustration.


•Think about how you might describe this figure to your partner in sufficient details so that he/she could draw it from your description. Your partner will need to know what kind of lines to draw, where to place them, and how long they should be.

•Look at the figure again and keep looking at it for 2 minutes until you perceive it in a way that is different from how you initially perceived it.

•Carefully consider how you will describe the figure to your partner before you begin speaking.

•Without your partner seeing the figure, effectively communicate to him/her how to make lines so that the completed drawing looks as much as like the figure.


Science Process (Basic)

Definition Example Purpose

Communicating Giving or exchanging information verbally, orally and/or in writing

Expressing ideas in many forms

Describing the shape of a leaf.

This process enables an individual to express ideas, feelings, and needs to others. Communication is basic to problem solving.

Models Graph Symbols Maps

Oral Descriptions

Body Language

MusicData Tables



Written Language


Concept Maps


Direction: Read and analyze this text carefully.


Skalooters may enter any part of the body of a larger living thing. When they enter they may rapidly avornate. This often takes place if a greik is weak, tired, poorly fed or injured. As the skalooters grow and reproduce poisonous morogums called tameloses. The skalooter that causes sunatet, muirdiriclos sunateti, is an example. The skalooter is killed by featsure from the air, but produces tantiser naquims which can survive in the soil. If the soil containing these naquims gets into a deep wound where there is no featsure the naquims will cenable and grow. Muirdiriclos sunateti then makes a tamelose which enters the body from the would and causes sunatet. This tamelose is very strong. One gram of the tamelose could kill millions of guinea pigs.

COMMUNICATING involves the use of language of science. When we communicate we consider these three premises:

1.Learning the language of science is a major part (if not the major part ) of science education. Every science lesson is a language lesson.

2. Language is a major barrier (if not the major barrier) to most pupils in learning science.

3. There are many practical strategies which can help to overcome these barriers.

Activity The chart below shows a binary classification system of identified observable properties of pasta shapes.

Observable Properties

Yes No

1. Cylindrical shape

Tube, wheel, elbow Spiral, shell, bowtie

2. Twists or turns Tube, elbow, spiral Shell, wheel, bowtie

3. Has compartments

Wheel Spiral, shell, elbow, bowtie, tube

4. Ribbed surfaces Tube, wheel, shell Spiral, elbow, bowtie

Original Set of Pasta Shapes (Spiral, shell, elbow, bowtie, wheel, tube)

Use the same set of data to construct the following:A.A multi-stage classification system for a set of pasta shapesB.A serial order classification for a set of pasta shapes

Original Set of Pasta Shapes_____________________

Surface Ribbed_______________

Surface Not Ribbed________________

Cylindrical shape ___________

Not cylindrical shape ____________

Twists or Turns ____________

Not Twists or Turns ___________

Cylinder Has Compartments ___________

Hollow _________

Not Hollow __________

Cylinder has no compartments ______



Least Most

Shortest Longest

Surface Area


Original Set of Pasta ShapesSpiral, shell, elbow, wheel,


Surface RibbedTube, shell, wheel

Surface Not RibbedSpiral, elbow, bowtie

Cylindrical shape Tube, wheel

Not cylindrical shape Shell

Twists or Turns Spiral, elbow

Not Twists or Turns Bowtie

Cylinder Has Compartments Wheel

Hollow Elbow

Not Hollow Spiral

Cylinder has no compartments Tube



spiral, tube


Shortest Longest

Surface Area


Shell elbow wheel



spiral, tubeShell elbow wheel bowtie

Science Process (Basic)

Definition Example Purpose

Classifying Grouping or ordering objects or events according to an established scheme

Arranging or distributing objects, events or information representing objects or events in classes according to some method or system

Put into an order

Arranging leaves according to shape

Classify organisms, things, phenomena, event, etc into different groups

Helpful in the formation of concepts


Direction: Determine whether the following should be measured in meters, liters, or kilograms

Properties Appropriate measurement (s)

1. The volume of liquid in a soda bottle

2. The mass of the contents of a cereal box

3. The height of a ladder

4. The length of a ladder

5. The volume of gasoline in a container

6. Your body mass

Science Process (Basic)

Definition Example Purpose

Measuring and Using Numbers

Comparing objects to arbitrary units that may or may not be standardized. A skill essential to most investigations

Applying mathematical rules or formulas to calculate quantities or determine relationships from basic measurements (using numbers)

Using a stop watch to measure the time taken (in minutes) for a piece of ice to melt

Helpful to make observation more precise

This can be used to communicate effectively to others

Activity Direction: Determine the possible conditions/reasons for the following observations:

Observations Conditions/ reasons

1. The brass knob on the door is not bright and shiny.

2. There is a spot in the from yard where grass does not grow.

3. Iodine is seen turning purple when put on a potato chip.

4. The pages of a book are yellow.

5. Through a window, the flag is seen waving.

6. The fish are floating on top of the tank.

7. The drinking water smells like rotten eggs.

8. The cabbages that were growing in the garden are gone and there are droppings on the ground.

9. One star is brighter than the others.

Answer Direction: Determine the possible conditions/reasons for the following observations:

Observations Conditions/ reasons

1. The brass knob on the door is not bright and shiny.

The office is not used often.

2. There is a spot in the from yard where grass does not grow.

Someone may have spilled a toxic substance.

3. Iodine is seen turning purple when put on a potato chip.

The chip has starch in it.

4. The pages of a book are yellow. Either that the book is old or that the paper was dyed yellow to give it an old appearance.

5. Through a window, the flag is seen waving.

It must be windy outside.

6. The fish are floating on top of the tank. Perhaps no one fed the fish.

7. The drinking water smells like rotten eggs. Maybe it has become contaminated

8. The cabbages that were growing in the garden are gone and there are droppings on the ground.

The rabbits have been there.

9. One star is brighter than the others. This star is closer to Earth than the others.

Science Process (Basic)

Definition Example Purpose

Inferring Making an early conclusion based on certain observations

There are holes on the leaf and we infer that the leaf is eaten by caterpillars

We have better appreciation of our environment when we are able to interpret and explain things around us.

Activity Direction: The chart below is an example showing the relationship between the date and the time of the day the sun appears to rise at certain place on Earth. Study the chart and answer the questions that follow:

Date Sunrise Time Date Sunrise Time

January 1 7.24 May 1 5.00

January 12 7.20 June 1 4.31

February 1 7.12 July 1 4.33

February 15 6.52 August 1 4.56

March 1 6.35 September 1 5.25

March 15 6.08 October 1 5.24

April 1 5.42 November 1 6.28

April 15 5.21 December 1 7.01

Questions:1.What time did the sun appear to rise on Jan. 1?................On Feb. 1?......2.Would you expect the sunrise time for Jan. 15 to be about halfway between sunrise times for Jan. 1 and Feb.1?............Is it? ………………….(Check the observed time. Note that Jan. 15 is not exactly halfway between Jan. 1 and Feb. 1 but it is close.3.Use the halfway method to determine the sunrise time for Feb. 15. (Try not to look until you have figured it). What is your answer?4.What is the possible sunrise time for October 15?5.Suppose you wanted to guess sunrise time for a date that was not halfway between two other given dates? Using the table, determine the sunrise time for September 10.

Science Process (Basic)

Definition Example Purpose

Predicting Making a forecast of future events or conditions expected to happen

Stating that an ice cube that weighs two times heavier than that of another will require twice the time to melt.

The ability to make predictions about objects and events allow us to determine appropriate action toward our environment.

All of these are Gligs.

None of these is a Glig.

Which of these are Gligs?

What are Gligs?

All of these are Shlooms.

None of these is a Shloom.

Which of these are Shlooms?

What are Shlooms?

All of these are Wibbles.

None of these is a Wibble.

Which of these are Wibbles?

What are Wibbles?

Science Process (Integrated)

Definition Example Purpose

Defining Operationally

Stating specific information about an object or phenomena based on experiences with it

Skill in making working definitions

Hydrochloric acid contains hydrogen. Nitric acid contains hydrogen. What kind of substance is an acid?

This helps us give a precise explanation


Direction: Construct a hypothesis related to the following problems:

Problem Hypothesis/ Hypotheses

1.What affects the speed of a car? (Select the variable size of tires to test)

2.What factors determine the rate at which an object falls through air?

3.What affects how fast salt dissolves in water?

Answer Direction: Construct a hypothesis related to the following problems:

Problem Hypothesis/ Hypotheses

1.What affects the speed of a car? (Select the variable size of tires to test)

As the size of its tires increase, the speed of car decreases

2.What factors determine the rate at which an object falls through air?

As the volume of an object increases, the rate at which it falls through air decreasesAs the surface area of an object increases, the rate at which it falls through air decreasesThe longer (or farther) an object falls through air, the faster it will fallThe more weight an object has, the faster it will fall through air

3.What affects how fast salt dissolves in water?

The greater the quantity of salt, the longer it will take to dissolve

Science Process (Integrated)

Definition Example Purpose

Constructing Hypothesis/ hypotheses

Constructing a statement that is tentative about what is thought to be true based on reasoning and observations.

It is a way of providing statement on the relationship between two variables.

Making statement(s) to be used as the basis for an investigation

Hypotheses give directions for a person to carry out further investigations.

Activity Direction: Based on the given problems, identify the factors that may affect the following.

Problem Factors

1. the speed of a car

2. the rate at which an object falls through air

3. the rate at which the salt dissolves in water

Answer the following questions:1.Which is/are manipulated or changed in items 1, 2 and 3?2.Which is/are the results in items 1,2 and 3?

Science Processes (Integrated)

Definition Example Purpose

Identifying and controlling variables

Recognizing the characteristics of objects of factors in events that are constant or change under different conditions

Listing or describing the factors that are thought to, or would influence the rate at which the ice cube melts (eg. Temperature, air movement)

The process of identifying and controlling variables is very important in scientific inquiry. The most definitive results of an investigation are obtained when the variables can be identified and carefully controlled.

Defining variables operationally

Specifying the variables and how they can be measured. They may be specified differently for different investigations.

In studying about the effects of fertilizer on the rate of growth, rate of growth can be defined as the increase in height in mm per week. The amount of fertilizer can be defined as the weight of the fertilizer in mg given to the plant

This skill is very useful in carrying out investigations so that precise data can be obtained


Direction: Here is a written description of an investigation. Read the paragraph and record the data in the accompanying table.

Results of an investigation

The heights that balls bounced when dropped at different distances were measured. A ball dropped 50 cm bounced 40 cm high. A 10 cm drop bounced 8 cm. A ball bounced 24 cm when dropped 30 cm. The bounce was 56 cm high for 70 cm drop. A 100 cm drop bounced 80 cm.

Length of Drop (cm) Height of Bounce (cm)






Activity Direction: Here is a written description of an investigation. Read the paragraph.

Results of an investigation

A study was conducted to see if the number of surfers on the beach was affected by the average height of waves. It was found out that for average height of 15 waves, there was only one surfer. For an average height of 45 waves, there were two surfers. On the other hand, when the average height of waves reached 75, three were observed to surf. Finally, for an average height of 105 waves, four surfers were observed.

Construct a graph from the data obtained by doing the following :1.Label the x-axis as the manipulated variable and y-axis as the responding variable2.Determine an interval scale for each axis that is appropriate for the data to be plotted.3.Plot the data pairs as data points on a graph.

Science Processes (Integrated)

Definition Example Purpose

Recording Data Collecting bits of information about objects and events that illustrate a specific situation

Gathering information about observations and measurements in a systematic way.

Converting numerical quantities into a diagram that shows the relationships among the quantities

Taking notes, graphing or tabulating data or readings of a thermometer during an investigation

Data collected in a proper manner will help us identify patterns in the results.

Interpreting Data

Analyzing data that have been obtained and organized by determining apparent patterns or relationships in the data

Studying a graph, chart, or table of data

Skill of interpreting data will help a person understand what others try to explain. In everyday life, we are constantly interpreting data when we watch the news in television or when we read weather maps.

1.Problem: What affects how fast salt dissolves in water?

2.Hypothesis: The greater the quantity of salt, the longer it will take to dissolve.

3.Design: Differing amounts of salt ( t6, 12, 19, 24 and 30 grains) will be measured and placed in 250 ml of water. The water will be stirred until no more salt crystals are observed and the length of time it takes for the salt to disappear will be recorded. The procedure will be repeated two more times and the average time to dissolve will be calculated. The constant variables are : temperature of water, kind of salt used and the manner of stirring.

4. Data in table:

5. Relationship (observed between variables: The greater the amount of salt added to the water, the longer it took to dissolve).

6. Findings: The data supported the hypothesis.

Amount of Salt

Time to dissolve (seconds) Average Time to dissolve

1 2 3

6 35 34 35 35

12 53 51 53 52

19 60 60 61 60

24 75 77 73 75

30 86 87 87 87

Science Process (Integrated)

Definition Example Purpose


Experimenting is the activity that puts together all the process skills from identifying problems to making conclusions

Experiment to study the solubility of sugar in water

This skill helps students to act like a scientist. In everyday life, it helps a person solve a problem systematically and scientifically.

Science Processes

Definition Example

Basic Skills that form the foundation for later and more complex skills

Observing, communicating, classifying, measuring, inferring, and predicting.

Integrated Skills in which an individual will need to learn to design and conduct scientific investigations. These empower individuals to answer many of their questions.

Defining operationally, identifying and controlling variables, recording and interpreting data, constructing hypothesis, and experimenting


What is Science?It means…•Growing plants•Collecting rocks•Mixing chemicals•Measuring shadows•Looking at stars•Finding out how planets move•Finding out what happens to food when we eat it•Determining why dinosaurs became extinct•Discovering, explaining, questioning, gathering data, testing, describing

What is Science?It means…•Making concrete that is stronger, rivers that are cleaner, detergents that are less harmful, diets that are more wholesome•Inventing ways to lift heavy objects, to get tennis balls off the roof, to keep elephants off the garden•Inventing/creating/ producing/ doing microwave ovens, fiber optics, robotics, spaceships, nuclear power, heart transplants and in-vitro fertilization

What is Science?

It means studying…•People who undertake scientific activity in laboratories, in forests, in the Antarctic;•People who control science in our government and institutions;•People who use the results of science;•Those whose lives are affected by science

What is Science?

It means …•Thinking, building, feeling, expressing, believing, resolving, organizing, enjoying•Working in teams and working alone, gaining confidence and developing abilities and approaches that are important in many aspects of our lives. •Valuing, caring, being responsible, making decisions and taking action



Direction:1.Individually, write all the things that you want to know about the scientific method.2.Reflect on the questions made and check those questions that interest you most.3. Group yourselves into four.4. Select your leader and a secretary within your group5. Share your most important questions6. As a group, cluster the questions appropriately and retain only one question among those that are similar7. Collectively discuss the tentative answers to the remaining important questions that are clustered together.8. Let the leader share the questions and their tentative answer(s) to the class.9. Let the each group select the question with TI that they will discover, probe further/ validate in the Firm Up.


Community-Based Investigation

In looking for a topic for investigation, a group of student-researchers first conducted a survey of the existing problems in a farming community. They interviewed community officials and observed the community. From the interviews and observations, the students identified certain problems.

Identified Problems

• Absence of an irrigation system

• Lack of farm-to-market roads

• Abundance of farm pests like locusts and rats

• Laziness of the farmers

• High cost of farm inputs particularly fertilizer


Discuss within your group which among these identified problems can be solved by students at their level

• Absence of an irrigation system• Lack of farm-to-market roads• Abundance of farm pests like locusts and rats• Laziness of the farmers• High cost of farm inputs particularly fertilizer

AnswerIdentified Problems

Can be solved by students at their level


Yes No

Absence of an irrigation system

Lack of farm-to-market roads

Abundance of farm pests like locusts and rats

Laziness of the farmers

High cost of farm inputs particularly fertilizer

AnswerIdentified Problems

Can be solved by students at their level


Yes No

Absence of an irrigation system

Very expensive to undertake

Lack of farm-to-market roads

Very expensive to undertake

Abundance of farm pests like locusts and rats

Covers a wide scope that involves the simultaneous conduct of many other researches and requires expertise beyond the ability of the student-researchers

Laziness of the farmers

It is a social problem and is very difficult for the student-researchers to handle

High cost of farm inputs particularly fertilizer

Practical for students to work on


Your group decided to focus on the response of okra plant to horse manure and urea. Based on this agreement formulate the research problem by :

• Stating the main problem and sub-problems of this investigation

• State the significance of the research problem• State the scope and limitations of the research

problem; and• Identify the variables involved in the study

(independent, dependent and extraneous)

Response of Okra to Horse Manure and Urea: A Comparative Study

Main Problem: Compare the effect of horse manure and urea on the growth of okra plant

Sub-problems:1. How will the effect of horse manure and urea on the

growth of okra plants differ in terms of:• height of the okra plant?• time of flowering per okra plant?• number of pods per okra plant?• final weight of each of the okra plants?• final total weight of the pods per okra plant?

Response of Okra to Horse Manure and Urea: A Comparative Study

Main Problem: Compare the effect of horse manure and urea on the growth of okra plant

Sub-problems:2. How will the use of horse manure and urea affect the

following:• average height per plant?• time of flowering per plant?• number of pods per plant?• number of leaves per plant?• total weight of plants per plot?

VariablesIndependent• Kind of fertilizer used (horse manure and


Dependent• Response (growth) of okra• Effect (plant height, time of flowering,

number of pods, and final weight of the plants

Extraneous variables• Quality of okra seed planted (size and age)• Sources of horse manure and urea

ACTIVITYWays of Formulating Hypotheses

Stated Problem Null Alternative Cause and Effect

Comparing the effects of horse manure on the ff. variables:

1.Average height per plant

2.Time of flowering per plant

3.Number of pods per plant

4.Number of leaves per plant

5.Total weight of plants per plot

Direction: Construct the hypothesis based on the formulated research problem

AnswerWays of Formulating Hypothesis

Stated Problem Null Alternative Cause and Effect

Comparing the effects of horse manure on the ff. variables:

1.Average height per plant

2.Time of flowering per plant

3.Number of pods per plant

4.Number of leaves per plant

5.Total weight of plants per plot

There is no significant difference between the effects of horse manure and urea on the following variables:

1.Average height per plant

2.Time of flowering per plant

3.Number of pods per plant

4.Number of leaves per plant

5.Total weight of plants per plot

There is a significant difference between the effects of horse manure and urea on the following variables:

1.Average height per plant

2.Time of flowering per plant

3.Number of pods per plant

4.Number of leaves per plant

5.Total weight of plants per plot

If there is a significant difference between the effects of horse manure and urea, then the growth of the plants differ significantly in terms of:

1.Average height per plant

2.Time of flowering per plant

3.Number of pods per plant

4.Number of leaves per plant

5.Total weight of plants per plot

Direction: Construct the hypothesis based on the formulated research problem

Activity Provide a Time Table (Gantt Chart). It should be detailed enough indicating the time needed to finish all the activities you plan to do.


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1. Planning the experiment


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

1. Planning the experiment2. Setting of experimental

design3. Preparation of

experimental plots by elevating the soil to the desired level

4. Procurement of supplies and materials

5. Selecting seeds (separating viable from non-viable)

6. Germination of viable seeds

7. Selection of seedlings8. Planting seedlings9. Treatment of planted plots

with varying amounts of horse manure and urea


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

10. Care and managementa. Regular watering of the

plantsb. Periodic weedingc. Removal of destructive

insects by hand11. Data gathering and

recordinga. Elongation and expansion

of stemb. Number of leavesc. Time of floweringd. Number of podse. Weight of the whole plant

after the experiment12. Writing of results

MATERIALS AND METHODS (of the sample experiment)

To determine the effect of horse manure and urea on plant growth and development, 3 garden plots were prepared in school on an area receiving sufficient sunlight the whole day. Thirty sacks of garden soil were bought from Manila Seedlings Bank. The plots (A, B and C), each measuring 150 cm long by 60 cm wide received 10 sacks of garden soil forming an elevation of about 30 cm. Canals were dug around the 3 plots to provide drainage. One kilogram or urea was bought from an agricultural shop while one sack of horse manure was obtained from a stud farm in Los Banos, Laguna. The Bureau of Plant Industry in Manila provided one bag of okra seeds. The plots were watered once a day for a period of 5 days to settle the soil particles.

Meanwhile, seeds of okra seeds were germinated in tray lined with 3 layers of wet absorbent paper. Exactly one week after germination, the seedlings were transplanted in the garden plots.

After another week, seedlings of okra were randomly selected and planted 25 cm apart in 6 rows and 3 columns in plots A, B and C. There were 18 plants per plot or a total of 54 plants per plot or a total of 54 plants in the 3 plots. Since measurements obtained from each plant were likely to vary even if each plot was treated alike, replications in terms of having 18 plants per plot was agreed upon.

To find out how okra seedlings were affected by horse manure and urea, it was decided that plant response be measured in terms of plant height, number of leaves, number of days before flowering starts, number of pods that develops and later, the total weight of the groupos of plants in each of the 3 plants

To enable the seedlings to adjust to environmental conditions, fertilizer was applied on the 4th week. However, before fertilizer treatment, initial measurements of height and leaf counts were done in all three plots. Initial data collected were summarized in a table.

ACTIVITY : Identifying activities for Micro Teaching

PROCEDURE1.Group yourselves into two to represent two topics – (a) The Scientific Method, and (b) Matter, Its Properties and Changes2.Refer to the TG of the topic assigned to the group.3. Go over the three stages of the instructional plan. 4. Focus on the four phases of the teaching learning sequence under Stage 3.

ACTIVITY : Identifying activities for Micro Teaching


5. Divide the group members into 4 sub-groups. Each sub-group shall work on each phase – Explore, Firm Up, Deepen and Transfer.

6. Under each sub-group, assign each member to think of activities to carry out the most difficult bulleted activity.

7. Prepare to do a micro teaching

ACTIVITY : Micro-teaching Proper


1.Assign some observers .2.Let these observers take note their observations

ACTIVITY : Post – teaching Conference

PROCEDURE1.Observers shall give their comments and observations based on the micro teaching

2. Demo teachers shall answer the following questions:

• What would you do differently and better if you would do a re-run of the lesson?

• Why would you do those things differently?


PROCEDURE 1. Express orally and in writing your understanding of Stage 3

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