uclllcs r|tu i» president...

Post on 02-Nov-2019






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u d .too

tfison Belie S. Able to ]ass if W ar^ > j Ju n e 15 ( f f V - L o u i s Johnso : Z d e n t thc U n i t e d SU tes «»n

believes t h i s c o u n try h a s tl rfMinraunism in b o t h t h c e a s t nm L u o hlfl t e a t i m o n y in th e se n a t.

said w hat t h i s country ne. “ it. institutions a n d processes.” L ner Bccrctary o f defense, cond iS y s n d a h a l f in th e w itness ch Lthe dismissal o f-G c n . Douglas ^ £ 4 - ^ ' tfiK forcign poli

■' „ • . , 9 v o l\^ d in it. rt Sniril T hc 'hea rln ss «) O p A A * * - t „ a aSm. MondD

!9 l A S K e C l adviwr on| t U i » President Truman

rcAi’th u r ’. . Johnson tcstUIP

,Tw.. June IS f/n a t one time th a t ^ ^ iU c A r th u r caned moving toward «

^ of-the *pWt o l c h iM .H ihiplnj of United johm on lold tl

. Kl A rth u r Inquiry he^ TUM hisiflric a n y declilon by I jllUe Texis gtifflsotl

tor independence rccogi• tm . live-itar „cognlie ," Uien h

, ,. , . . . "We of the mil,a IIK iplrlt of the .^orried »bout It

: 2 mgjKchslIenKe of the O th e r '

. r.lllnr JohlVWIl IllSO tolwe Incklne J- DoubIm

5 . P 10 adjudge thetest of w hat In ch o n Undlni? 1

wrong? »jlsRlvln8, W the-U compromise basic st»ff.SUM Uie siVBgft In- 2, He qutsUoncc«rain!eJ3 Bgffres- ° t early d ra ft• befor* the verbal Pnrtm ent's 1049 ■'

» tm .t lo n a l tu n y r ' C hina.ttSOO. which filled 3’ He recard.'s alltlUieKatj In huge m e n t” the Mate d.ilEoujtcn, last night ran d u m of Dcc.B» recrr lli« fcellns to rec iist the fa ll oblinij, Formosa. klM &atSTdk7 Alkn! |K4:il Jtneral wlndu "BBS«lih a specch a t 4. H e.ulccd thitEsnv and files bade K taff to review Lhe

!B C9 10 the plane lt)g & mlllUry lrn i fer hli trip. Form osa In 1949fcicr Juk Harris o( f i r s t In favor oC It,icttt, u ld a Mfltple i t .

takit nliht. Th# 14- t o Intervene then i UtUl more than 6. MlllUty a id (

<1 n i Irrosdcast by la n t io pact count ihictttlnj company, ha n d led by the tni: -- ^ n o t by the sla te

osnuitoI S tep h e n T. Early.

M im i secreury of d.a i g l l » 3 0 V U n ite d Nations ha'

th e y have Into Ko

Rh v I i f v “ ^d ed : -Don't retu y ^ l i y t h e s u te departmi

• flrttt the mosquitoObittuted to plague --------------

.‘SS'SIS'S ICC Agai S3.^XSl;u Speech oi ! £ i £ n S InGatev®eo, hsve Inspected ■WASHINQTON, « eWt recomaien- In te rs ta te eotnmeri

Xused for a secor ^ S«w«« official note

r , ' " ? Jonm on n ch al

• Bihlh BveniiR spcech. ove; ? ^uUniton streeti city limits a t examiner’s

W« avenue and?t*«.‘ilngton atreet ^ “ PI r>enver and Rlo^"Inedlns whcreev- ’ftUroad. a t the O: S.*? P*st number “ ^ e Paclfl c f* *n » new U nion Poclfic^ ‘reaue bei.<Reen Klnce Johmon’a-ooi

stxl M artin appolnteea.I em barrassed the co r?^, ‘«M Include » ^'nal Judgme ^ lUndlnB water of lhe case

of the hos* Commissioner Clland in the ^ P l 'e d for lhe coj'treet ore* I C O wm toklnif n<

i t s * Is listed u speech., “ wttr problem U. P. renewed lti S Run^ speech

■- T oday’* orderr-lthe appro, commission, said

tlwin- 3C O found no resavenuo I ta poolUon In-th t

t^ ^ m iK l to re- lands,

C « * “lUng from

for moa-

S H h B Hto In«aiti


.V ^ .K n e th ln g

WMi S S ^c ^ eeft ef (he sc

J . . A Regional N ew spaper

Of/ltUl Cftf •nlCounto- Ktwipiixr

elieves Reds to Lick In ^ar Hits ce n trn l fron t, bl u U Jo h „so „ to ld ,» !« » to « . A l l i e d tank CO tales can whip R u o in . ii: " ! ™try h n . the i lre n s th to K u m so i.g . I t n h e e a s t nnd w es t . _ _

th e s e n a te ’s M a c A r th u r l u Q o r A I j o u n try needs ia “ u n ity ” * ' ro c e s se s .” T ^ i c m i a cense, concluded a t 1 2 :3 7 - ■ - ' I M I U S Sw itn e s s chair o f f ien a to rs T A __________D o u g la s M a cA rth u r n n d U a i H a g

o rc ig n policy d isp u te s in - r u p e r t . June ii 'd in i t . lhe W estco tt (111'hcarlnss were rccc.wcd un- lo dism iss the *100

aSm, Monday when the wit- “ on belnB brought i u-lll be Avcrell Harrlman. ''" l in e Hansen. Pai

I adviser on torelgn Rttatcs to ? ' n = r hustand a lent Truman. • been denled 'by Disi

A. B nker.Feared Bed Nod T he oil compnny

nson tc.itlflcd he held fenrs 5^*- H®e time th a t this country w m « sc Thursday, Ju g toward recognition of red ^n®„ounceTd«lslon

nson lold the senate's Mae- r Inquiry he ''never knew of illechlon by the state depart- ? / . 5 S'. s “.cs ?£rw'sr.';»s 5rm »S“S ,ir "■ “• of the mlllury particularly .d about It becVus? It m eant ?Afci^ a t^er vote on the (United Na- ® c j WesWott

security council nntngonlstic th e defcndentfundamental interests of the r h r u W nii c

1 States and for communism.- ™ o r The defensO ther Toplci 1"K. U n d er crow exi

xwn also told the Mnators: com pany to determlen. DouBla.1 MaeArthur took ^.gre r u n oroperly 'islblllty and carried oul the H ansen waa burned,n Undlni? In Korea despite jjy W nll’a 15-ytar-c'Ingj By the U. S, Jolnl chiefs w nll testified that‘ff' nnd m o lo r were Inc questioned the "accuracy" a t th e tim e o t the fl.early d rn fl of the state de-, ----------------------------

ent's 1049 "uhlte paper" on ^

te recard.'s o.i a "/nl.se docu- r ^ ^ l i c h' the sta te department memo- w X X k J X I .m of Dcc, 23. 1£H9, which _______a t the fa ll of natlonalkl-held ) \ T T 7 i X

A«krf Review ^a . o,

,0 review Lhe question of send- Ot t n e p l l g n t o i 1 miiiury inquiry mission to m a x e d a se rie s <

MB In 1949 after, a declilon jq „ i v e e n co u ras ‘ ' ‘“ “'" ■ • “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ‘ w illin g to f i ,h t ‘

* *rauSf" “ d"!; tin R . P f J s 1

pact countrlea ousht ta tw Jed by the military department. ./ the s ta te department as i t T - - . . A

. U larficly owing to labors by *•?n T. Early. Who WiU« his dep- creury of defense, that olher , ^ u s . s i a COns I Nations have put »s much aa A lo iy z A dom czy l lave Into Korea, But Johnson d a y n i g h t . ‘‘Rus a le ''S ^ r t^ ^ ? ^ l‘3,'Sn-\^?Ll!^“ t i n u e d . c i t i n g th .

A d am czy k , wh --------------------— h is co n fin em en t

C Again Snubs r h r . ^ d T s . 'p " ? ;

ijtat6Way righ t A d a m c x y k lU tc SHiNQTON, June J5 (flv-The a r r e s t b y th o ci late commerce commission re- ( u n i f o r m e d polii for a second time today to fUp s p p „ r i f v hur

jfflclal no te of a freight rale s e c u r i t y DUI I - by--8enator-Johnson—D,i W e n t --.in overci

p r i s o n s a n d slav nson Is chairman of the gen- In b o r c a m o s . tm u te commerce committee, ' “h . aaW ^fenU -p . siwch. over a Denver radio uon re le ased Inmi

g - i ymionPacUlcraUiowS be torced ™ J ™ „ r iT rup Joint freight rates with the J?” *, ‘ir and Rlo Omngo Western Jd .a t the Ogden, UUh, gate-0 Uie Pacific northwest. . As th e struggle ol on Pacific contended th a t regime asatnA t Uie i Johnton's-commlUee passes on conUnuee unabated appointees, his remarks hod d a red , th e goverr Taased the commission In m a t- program mainly 1» tlnal Judffineni. I t asked a dls- of new prisons at1 of (he cafe. camps. H e said Ui. imlssloner Charles D, Mahaffle has b e e n adjusted U 1 for Uie commission that the m achine ry of pollU ras tol^B no official noUce of C p tn m u n la t' infer >eech. even a m o n g prison >. renewed its effort last month cayk p o in te d out. cl ; the speech Into the record, a ta rm e r p r l» n e r < ay’s orderr-lssnefl-lir-llieTun Mn7“ th a t " h e woiiTc Isslon, said almply-that the because th is naUi ound no reason to reconsider atomlo bomtM on J «lUon In -the mattet^ -. • _________ *» Pg

Elks, Scouls P a r

t* vT *

u n a l tU f day etreuealea wer* eoaflnoted T bsnday ;ert ef (he seaion, wllb etfleert ot (he B Iks kxlge ai Ictbacii n v * Uw Uftw7 *I T ^ n > I l m duhl

N ew spaper Servinjr


Leds Gird in In Center,

3 K Y 0 , Juno 15 (/P)—Large number.'i o f fr« h c ra in -sw ep t ridges of eastern K o rea . Rec r a l fron t, b u t vanished completely in t h e llicd tank columns rumbled up tw o r o a d s tc

O ne patrol moved through a m o u n ta in i.soiig. I t m e t only sporadic f ire . A n o tl-----------------------------------7“ miles w e s t o f C

___ a t d e te rm in e d CI C l f f C U C l l lC S ridge ro u te .X . . ' 1 ^ U- N. tig h te r-hsmissal for r2"'K;"™Sp v ^ they caugh t a " la rDamage CaserPE3iT. June 15-T he motion of 80 l ‘ ex■Westcott (111 company, Boise, '’0 '" “sm lss the 1100,000 damage ac- U se M orbeing brought against ll by Mrs. To tlio aouthcase nnnsen. Paul, for the death ,hnw,r/.rf ih<« ne r husband a year ago. has yriortar lire AId^cnled'by D istrict judge Hugh " a

E Oil company enUrcd Its mo- im e s ^ ^ d nrcWhen ^eJ. Hansen rested her ,5,"“ cmiThursday, Judge Baker took ?hl «niM nushed

n o tio n under advisement and ^ r o u K r iu l e n s f f tunced decision ^ Iday momlng. ‘u ,e w elt•coching his decision ’Judge n.»rnu nu^hed for sa id he waa of Uie opinion of U N linessta tu s of principal and agent X B°Lble c o ^•d between th e company and cuimii. W all, opernlor of the com- A ir F o ms xtnUon In, Ruperl. Thc d o rm an t retK. Hansen's husband was killed ed signs of I lte . T'Irc a n d explosion of a company behind U . NIne truck at the Hansen farm, deepest pcnetratloiJ . Westcott. Boise, president The U nited N nt

he detcndent company. Mrs. care of th e C h irW all acid ChrU Will tc .au com\>at plnncs alrei

fo r th e defense Friday morn- Korea. U. S . A ir SJn d e r cross examination West- j . r in lc tte r commsaid It was the duly of the u . S. arm y o ttlcc ra n y lo determine lhal staUons the feda haver u n properly. Thc truck, when Manchuria.:n wna burned, was being driven xt mtght be 8, dlffrjiira 15-ytar-old son, 0wood. Russlana e n te red tltestified that the truck, tank -very pow ertul" al;

tno lor were In good condition said. T h a t w ould: ttm e o t the fire and explosion, serious a ltuatlon ."

olish Refugee Ei With Plea to A

leak in fr quietly, almost as though t i r e d of le p lig h t of th e peoples behind th e iro n c u r e d a series o f talks in Twin F alls ■with a i iv e encouragem ent and aid to th e p e rso n s n g to figh t again for freedom. T he Po lish

★ * * - * - • *

eds Note Weakr In Any Appease

tu s .s ia considers any appeasem ent a .w c yz A damczyk. exiled Polish leader, in a n in t n ig h t . ‘‘R ussia should know we m ean b u s i 2d . c itin g the need for unity am ong a ll d em iam czy k , whose beliefs in democracy a n d o n fin e m e n t in Nazi and com m unist conceni 2 t h r e e speeches here Thursday, sp o k e 1 n n d is speaking Friday a t Gooding, is c r ib in g types of confinement in co m m u ro r d e r of th e ir severity, -------------------------m cxyk lUtcd temporary 'IT Q i t b y tho citizens militia fo rm e d police), arrest by A I T s e c u r i ty bureau, confine- t -.in overcrow ded-court --- TreatV V

WABHINOTON,s a id agenU-provoeaieur que,- United States U re ,re le ased inmates concerning any action a im ed ai

\ Jiving condlUons. A carele.« tire agreem ent w]c a n Jead to alx months to commuciUta now .

■o r a or p . , t l a n ruB U n... Sth e struggle of the communist they h&ve no knowJe agalRAt the people ot Poland teelers.^ues unabated,: Adamwyk de- ^ h e staCe a tp a1. th e govemmenfi housing learned loday haa m mainly 1» to r constnicUon diplomats o t th e 1sw prisons and forced labor troops In K orea t h5. H e aald Uie prison system china’s tlg h tln s POe e n adjusted to serve Uio huge ther reduccd on t>in e ry o t pollUcal persecuUon. tore any new ceaae-n m im la t informera are found hope lo evoke * Ua m o n g prison iomates, Adam- trom Pelplng.p o in te d out. citing the case of informed oftic ia ltn e r prleonw who wld, to pri-. th s t j^ssl*t«U. Beerth a t 'T ie woiiTd be freed toon j*id down th e AmeLse th is JiaUon would drop » aeries ot m eeting!10 bom'tts on RuaaSo. Thla re- diplomats, T hea* o

*» Pg» 3. C«iM« I) lo be quoted by na:

its Participate in A n n i

^ ^ p i JJK IIw S S m m B

lotod T bsnday n lgb t fit Uw first nuile lpa] ban d B B Iks kHlge and Boy Seenls partlclpatlBf. H. G . Iftt* ^ of AB>erlu..Appro«

— r ^ ^ * V l N K A l L ] L s T ~ .

T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O . F R ID A Y , JU N I

in East, Figl ter, Flee in \■nber.<i o f f re sh red troops wore reported dij . K o rea . R eds b attled United Nations tank c tely in t h e west,two r o a d s toward Kumsong, new Chinese bj I m o u n ta in pass to th e Chupa area, nine r f ire . A n o th e r tank patrol clanked out of ;g w e s t o f Chupa, b lasting -----------------------

“ " ‘‘" ’'"'“ “"" '“ T w o D riN. tlghler-bombers 'slipped .

ugh ra in clouds to aid th e drive A t t A I i fird K um song. Pilots reported ^caugh t a “ large group" of reds ■>-. ,

the open banks of the Kum- K A / t l r l: river Ju s t before dii 'lc. They X 1 .W - 1 V I

Uiey go t -;exccllent coverage" tiv'o drlver.v arnUielr bom b islrlkes, j n j Kimberly cou

U ae M ortar Fire chorgc.? of reckie.'.sI tho aou theast. North Koreans " " ‘i?" "‘=‘=’ ,ered th e allied line with fdd“ ‘onnl Ume lar lire . AP CorresponiSenirge A. M cArUiur reported. Edward SchncU.

N. to o t troop,? strolRhtened court, wa-n given ui' lines a n d probed rcd positions Icnioon to mnkeilong th c caat. North o t InJe Justice of the Peallies pushed aboul a mils Kimberly.

iiKh In ten se fUe. OacV: Meyers, Oeong th e western front allied for reckless drlvlniols pushed four miles oul in ]„ Judge Theront of U. N . lines WlUiout running court Thursday fOsizable com m unljt forces. dent Wednesday li

A ir Force Active *1* o th tf Jeroipe ic d o rm an t red sir force ahow-Igns Of n te . Tuo plane* struck * “behind V . N. lines In lhelr “ *>*“ 'esl pcnetratloQ In months. In Burley, Leonale U nited NaUons "could Uke Red with driving

of th e Chinese force'- wlUi fluence otintoxlcan>at plnncs a lren iy in Ja p an and m c o ^ t »nt■n. U. S . A ir Secretary Thomas and sentenced toIn lc tter commented In Tokyo. Twenty days ,of Ui. arm y ottlccr.^ have estimated suspended pendingtcda h av e 3,000 planes In A Twin Falls clt

churia. with the traffic saf.m tght be s. dlffctenl story If th« ported a driver hilana e n lc rcd lhe wnr w ith thclr drunk on Main et pow erful" a ir force, Flnlciter 10:35 p. m. ThursC

T h a t w ould create " a very did nol obtain theus a ltuatlon ." of, the car.

ee Ends T.F. Tal to Arm U.S. to '

Jgh t i r e d of having to remind people over a th e iro n curta in , A loizy Aramczyk, Thurst alls -w ith a plea to t h i s country to "arm to t th e p e rso n s in Soviet satellite countries wl

T he P o lish 're fu g ee labor leader addressei ■^ * * * ■ luncheon a t nooi

• ‘ tacked the AfficA Q u T l O C C ! ■ nttitude o f jg C C H V X l U o D people’s troubles

. During lhe aftei}easement F!£«‘f rHon here. In them ent a weakness,” said ? ler, in a n interview T h u rs - high school,e m ean bu sin ess ,” h e con- Adamczyk waa l:long a ll dem ocratic forccs. by cenitLocracy a n d Justice le d lo J," ,i’ S . S ” in is t concen tra tion cam pa, m e Europe, oa orlay, sp o k e W ednesday in aids dbpiaced leadlodins. , “ J , .; in c o m m u n is t Poland in marited the histoo'- Its beginning as a

. try lo the present. Opposed to

K of Cease-Fire ES'S'S**; rreaty-WithRedsABHINOTON, June 15 (^7—The there are many med States i« reported opposed to Polsnd and other liaction a im ed a t seeking a cease- tries In the un.agreem ent w ith the Chinese “8®'"“ commualsr

nuciUta now . Despite Uie sawI attitude, however, would not S r u n r S B S Slude U lks t f th e made the calling an opportu

ovcrlures. Officials here say j j,have no itnowJedge of any truce Soviets, the Apeakc

le slaCe aepailinenV,' H ''h m ' umm havs'*had*to ied loday. h a s Informed the naU»c countries be )mals o t th e 16 countries with nn nlaee for th^m i

| £ ~1 to evoke * favorable response iI Pelplng. “formed offic ia ls told a reporter ^ M * o n ^ e Hffht'^ lss l««U .8ecre ta ry -D «o-R u .kdown th e A m erican poellion In•ies ot m eetlnga wlUj the foreign . to *volimats, T heM otflclals asked not f u t and (« th s t<i quoted by nam e._________ (CM h..w »a,m .

a Annnal Flag Day Ce

lilelpa] b a n d prUU B sm b m vetw-pUyM b r Uu~ •tlB f. H. G . Jimmy S^allwoed, Taddy Dtagnan, i ^ .A p p r o * A rthuU B itcaw r.JlaajrW U l< »S«fl

Nine Irrl

DAY, JU N E 16 , 1961

flight Sean W est

reported d ig g in g in todny Xtions tank co lum ns.on the

r Chinese b a se in th e cen-area, nine m ile s south of ” ■ ■iked out o f K um hw a, 11

Drivers. .Lre Cited fo r- ‘t i r r c ';■ n i l “everyone to j.J K e C l u e S S n e S S economic cont

o drl,,,.,. .m l s n o d 1„ J . r « . ^ ‘ h 'Kimberly courta Thursday on ex p ire Ju n e 30.;c.? of reckie.'.s d riv ing In con- Nor did 11 appeion WlUl nccldents. requested changed any congilonni Ume before enlerbg his request tor a tpleas. of wa«-prlce coni

ward SchncU. Z jw t Side sulo ewicUons on renu, wa-n given u n til Saturday af- HettM I on to mnke hla plea before:e of the Peaee K ay Potter. AlUiough the sei,„ ly . ^ mltlee plugged ak lieyers, Jerom e, wb* died ofKklK, 5," J1.U. h i ; Judge Theron W ard ’s probate Jf*.

■mursdBy following an a « l- i ’l 'L T ,Wednesday In w h ich he and ,h . wn hM«r-jiher Jerome residen ts were on the bill before. S_ ' Fighting for s 11 ’of *200 waa fum ished andrs will enter h is p lea Monday, "f^hl tnal runawjB url,,. L « n „ a m i.o n , c h .,- K",” " X f ? "

rwln Falls c lllsen cooperaUngthe traffic safety cam paign re- Preasuri

? '’.'iSrSrS s «'■ ».p. m. Thursday. However, he ^

lot obtain the license number , loi of p______________________ special interesUs I

conlrob, and lhaTalksmembers of congr. to Teeth Sm

eople over and o v e r again aSp^nfV 's up 't zyk, T hursday n ig h t cli- ^ _to "arm to th c te e th " and _:ountriea w ho h e said arc er addressed t h e Kiwanis i . The offics c heon a t noon w h e re he at- Uon ( O P S ) - i ^ 5d the A m erican public’s ude o f ig n o r in g • other estimaied »i5,ooo, le’a troubles. clothing they selllng Uie afternoon h e waa a „ 3. Wee D l^ tc and speaker a t opening cere-

:s o t ^ e Idaho D ^ V conven- ^ ‘ here. Xn the even ing he ad- ^ a publlc m eeting attended

. t t t .

rniczyk waa b rought to TtvIn by the central la b o r council ^

s lecturing under th e auspices Lle National Com m lttce tor a ESiropc, OA o tg tn liaU o ti Posters lliQng Ihidbpiaced leaders o f iron cur- countiles. ^ %Uie evening m eptlng he sum- JV Q f - | / \ - *d the hlstoiT o t Po land from C H /1 .V / . :glnnlng as a dem ocratic coun- ) the present day. H e remind- T p y aIs listeners th a t Po lish people, I I Z I000 of them, lo st the ir lives J L / X j g the last war w h ich for Uiem1 13 years. Also tha t when National offi leans Uilnk of their eaaUlces -„vii;„rv hi jrea-tlghtlng communism, they «ts-auxiliary bl d remember tha t even today m speeches F rare many more casualUcs in s t a t e DAV COn'

Id and other iron c u rU ln coun- CnpnVpnq wpi In the underground light

st commualsn th a n in Korea. i>AV a d ju tan t , ipll* Uib sacrifices and Hus- DAV aux ilia ry police methods, Joose under- w o u ld happen 1Id organliaUons e x ist and are ------------------------ng an opportunity to Join the _ ^world In a tig h t against Uie I ) a a « U o l ts. the Speaker assured . How- lie .w arned th a t m any ref- ■ .have had to r e tu r n to their

e countries because there was AMEBICAhaee for Uiem In th e free i^orld. Detroit at New ' ! persons, by th e ir retu rn , are Boston, Cleveland ■ncouraglQg the ir countrymen Chicago al PliUt Dtlnua the fight ag a in s t con- n igh t games.

. -JSIS way to avoid w ar Is ta arm .Chicago___ CWand to t )u teeth,*' Adamczyk Newcombe and C

s. c»i«»» 41- . n e r and Walker. -

•ay Ceremonies Here

lUyM b r f o r ^ fiaf. Bey Seeols par>ddy D tagnan, H ow ard W benan, J ln m y U U Iimv WUl<»S«0&S« .a » (« .»aa8«bb} 'X «« ( 8 l^ » b

Nine I r r i g a t e Id a h o Counties

lls n W «; Aadlt Batitg U Clrrm < «o4 VMM I

Scant Effe. On T rum

F o r ConFrem DP an

WASHINGTON, J u n e 15 (/P )-P resident T :onomlc controls b y a ll Americana lo r a t le )day on congress' d e te rm ina tion to write it There were no in d ica tio n s th a t M r. Truma

everyone to jo in" in th e fig h t ag a in st infla:onomic controls c o n ta in ed ------------ ;--------I the defense p ro d u c tio n a c t __ IKpircJuneSO. . O a f f 0 LNor did n appear lh a l h is speech langed any congressional m inds on - r v iIs request tor a two year extension U I ^: wage-prlce controla and m ore le - | I ^jicUons on rents and c red it. ^

HettM R««esfe* P lan s for aAlthough Uie senate banking com- of Ju ly were ( Jtiee plugged away a t th e final tween Frontier inn of a rent control ex tension as i : „ ir t Of the defense production act, TCprtSentJ 1* house had quit unUl M onday, com m lttefl app nd lh» senate committee aban- discussed and 3ned lUi hopea of finishing acUon np<1n dn te a nrp 1 the bill before next week. "Fighting for stronger economic ; ‘ ®jntrol^, UiB Pre.^ldent declared U at i n i s W ill inciU. lght that runaway Inflation could —ve Russia global victory ''w ithou t ^AXi*nlstjaUon.Icadcrslncongresx N C W i j iiped hll plea would tire a .wave of aubllc opinion lo help th e m p u t \ T * O fl:roJi Uie President's program .hlch was sUll In trouble on both x f • •des of Oie capltol. J c l C r C

c lt, '.Mr. Trumnn said In h la message for garbage Bnd . Uie nation th a t aome congres- will go Into open onal leaders told him " th ey were new fUi area wU idcr a lot of pressure tro m the a.m. u n tii 7 p.m. leclal interesUs lo do aw ay w ith from 10 a.m. unl mlrob, and tha t the consum ers An attendant will ere not making ihemselve# h e a r t." U w w h tn to t I' "I am speaking for you a n d work- B as hard as I can to convince th e “ embers of congress lh a t w * m ust m v e l road a kve a strong antl-lnflaU on law.” e President said, “But I c a n 't do to Uis flle whole job by myself. T h la I* xhe old city d methlDg the whole country m ust city on Rock ere pporl. Ifs up to aU o t u s .- cItMd. Alter 8unt

lUh., wiu bo fenced lavmier i/ere.vvm tu.i. locked.Developments under ex isting eco- Part o f lha Old C imle cfflilrola rtgulaUons in tlu d td : U la td Ior we by 1. The office of price »ublU »a- ment a s / atook a (0P8)-l?stied an o rd e r Jkstr»«ll be s W h d ^ ght directing apparel, m anu fac- pt> ««■ O'W rer* lo compute ncw prices fo r th e 'Umaled M5,000,000,000 w orth of athlng they sell yearly. 5 r f , „3, Price Dlreclor M ichael V. Dl- ille lold mldwestem caltle feeders J ma stormy session a t C hicago Uiat ‘

e catUe price rollbacks onnounced ( J ! " ,y , y , r Aug. 1 and Oct. 1 would go into feet as planned. a td S u ly .3. Beauty shops, borbcr ahops, AddlUonal Instr ausement centers and repair w b a^ e ordinance ace*, along wlUi perhap,'* 1,000,000 property ownen her esUbUshmenta rendering serv- nJng on Monday. 5 lo lhe public today m ust p u t up wui include pick isters listing lhelr celling prices. regulaUons,

National Officers DAV Talk at:

National officers o f t h e Disabled America? 8 auxiliary b roug h t-in essag ea -o f economy-i t speeches F riday td d e le g a te s a ttend ing tl :ate DAV convention.Speakei^ were V iv ian P . Corbly, Cincinna

AV adjutant, and M rs. H e n rie tta Mill, I/)8 A; AV auxiliary p re s id e n t. B oth v o ic ^ conc ould happen to h an d icapped veterans undet ----------------------------------------- - posals.

iaseball S co res slons delegatesfrom AP and tJP R ejjbrt* ' ^ ^ - f r o m a tl

AMEBicAN LEAGUE o f f ic e rs and olDetroit at j^ew York, 8 t. L ouis a t e m m e n t agenulon, Cleveland a t W ashington, with veterans andIlcago al PtiUadelphla T3). all Foreaeeight gamed. CcrWy dticrtbeti

NATIONAL LEAGUE ‘ carefully planne.New York a t PitUburgh, B oston movement which :

Cincinnati, Philadelphia a t 81. chaos to Ameria.ul»,-nlght-james;--------- --------------ped T«tenms.“ a ro ok lyn ------ .000 ooa 0 00 -3 11 2 aid priority o roIlcago — ....000 IOO 000—1 » 0 for veterans beneNewcombe and Campanella; l i l n - He said the coor a n d Walker. ■ -----------------------U* policy, which---------------------------------------------- a selt-app^nted^

I T T a i *a economic repc> J . 1 C I t s omnended d ru i

monetary beneflti erans and

“These proposal . Coibty said, rand

of America'swhicli hss I

eeonomy In gOTei ' th s Amerlcaa peoi

to -leam of the*)Ttis T T * a

th e n a r a l t ot S will be lowered their r ig h t aod b ohaaged aod by 1( n veteraaa a tt bi refused aHmin.tw. nittttoliaaoa tes oeoumy, ,

O ta rei

n S oo]ijiS ''^1b v m . K c td y -u r t itead or trlmmloi program. B a aliQ n tlo a b a a so l ki

Bey SeoBls partlelpattB g'vce* rlsln i eost of UtI J in m y U U liH l. G aiT 'B akM . I n a te p a r a te b

f X«e, (8 1 ^ p b o to - ta c n v la t) . ■_ ^ |,

^ F IN /E D IT !

B .

Efect N ote im an’s P] Controls IProm UP and AP Reportsresident Trum an’s plea f o r team work su s lo r a t lenst two m orc y e a rs had little Lo write its own curbs.Vlr. Truman’s radio and television appen a in s t inflation did m uch to speed up a<

igebrush Stamp Plans Are Disi

an s for a Sagebrush S tam p ed e during t u ly were developed f u r th e r Thursday ai :n Frontier R iding club com m itteem en am reprtscnlativea. E v en ts w e re scheduled,

mittefl appointed, parad « a n d kangaroo e jssed and various o th e r d e ta ils were co: . dates are from T uesday , Ju ly 10, to Sa kickoff event will be h e ld on the pree. w ill include a parade s ta r t in g jit 6:30 p

-------------------------------------- so rsh ip of thi

; w GarbageO Roebuck and co

t o O p e n r * M m m S u y ^JL Stamped* Cliaii

Bere Mondays city’s new sanllory fill a realarbage end rubbish d lsp« [^ i« ^ t b m

tUi area wUl be open trom “ b , t j , . jun ior ' untU 7 p.m. on weekdaj-a a n d ^10 a,m. unUl 8 p.m . Sundays.

aouth of Uie d ty . A new 34- Uie following nl,rravel road about one-haU mUo Include w ly evhaa been constructwl from tb e possibly to b« ray to Uie flU area. racing aMOcialics oJd city dump fOUUs of th e entertainment p)Q Rock creek canyon will tw th e B o ta? club.1. After Sunday nlgbt, tbe a rea Bode*« fenced la aod gate* wiU be T he S n t aadlocked. u e a ( U * i o d «t o f the Did dunpfrlll be main* Ju i* j i ^ u d : I f \ i o t m \ a the itcMb depart*.

a s / atookpiie, area. O ra re l { i a £ l g | | | a j Q « sushd theni'aiM soaM tif 'ih ar city itreeu will ba mixed In i4 . ' tB C tM l3 9

f^new sanitary fill win bs ^d With moveiWe signs. In - “ S ‘ , £ * ’3 E S ng to haulers where to deposit " T ^ u , ge and nibblsh. The road to 5 1 P11 will also be clearly poeted.■rb wlU be no burning a t th e try lUI. Water will be piped to reft to douse possible llres im -.Itly. ln g th e week.UUonal InstrucUons oa tbe new Freflt nge ordinance will be sent to a ll Sponsoring orty ownen next week begin- s ta n d all ezpenion Monday. THe InformaUon events and In renclude pickup schedules a n d FronU er groundilUons, p a y uie FronUer------------------------------------------ c e n t of their gn

Using expenses ’cers of sSTH', -H f I cash donations,'■at Meets gS/S

American V eterans and economy-verflus-veterana j j , s e a r itending th e 18th ann u a l Beards vere r

mnUonal ventun

, Cincinitall, 0 ., national S “l . « ^ U n £lill, Los Angeles, na tional a n y two pieces o) i c ^ concern over w h a t (c«»u.arf m i ■ans under « pro-

1 delegates alflo h m d re - Ch^enjs-from a num ber of s ta te — Trt Bffi e rs and officials of gov- le n t agencies d e a l i n g T h e west challen veterans and their problems. a tten d a big I

Foresees Cbaoa Iste rs conferenwWy dtscrtbed w hat he caUed a. f a t h e r fUMlng < Illy planned and orgaaI«d o e n t which he said "will bring ■

to America’s war-bandlcap- rtenuu.“ Srquestlaned foreign' up to tb«EremU rtorlty OTO funds authoriied •terans benefits.said the commltue on federal lt;ln stead .«llcy, which h* described-M - I n note* dellw f-appolnted group, and th o «sentaU ves In . eaelonti Joint committee on .tbroe westei »nomIc report. boUj have rec- fo re ign i n ^ t e r inded druUc reductions in to proceed v ltb tary benefits to disabled vet> t« sk o t seeking I

a n d curtailment of medical ln « tensloas In I i n the-DOtee

Tracle B e t ^ l a n ew to loetude <ese proposals are ^Usgraceful,- c u ^ n of the » r said, rsnd a tragic betrayal “ d Amaricao merlca'# tlghUng man. T he ta « dw awhich hss always woriced fo r . I b e west satd.

ny in nrem m ent, b oertaln could lUseui nerlcaa people viU be shocked 'wished. Bot tro cf these proposals." . P « m SpiAeima I aatlons] adjutant also said D en o o tt tald t t danit ot Soxean tam eem Bn -would n o t ba i M lowered boUi by learning decisions oo tb e r ig h t aod beneflU baye been -wl and by learalng W «M w ar . w r* _ j_ • e ra a s ate being ttooe^ o u t o r V i r t U J d ^ c U n e * to y e iS a a a d - t ^ T “ ttaU aa betpitala b««a\ste o tny- * " S " W. a t e re r a e r C a t ,

sfnsssu,'!ris^s&^ S a i li ^ t a by tbe eeoiuimr. a c t « f > r % s S K B feb l9 -W t«d .tocS sU rtsi -lB- or trlmmlog tbe rebabUltattoo aok B e ab^streaaed o o m im ' S i B S J B j H I b aa Bol kept pace wl(b tbe

eostefU Tlng. 'a teparate buttnets Msdob for



Dted P lea i

5 H elp Isamwork support.of stronar ■ s had little apparent effect

■ision Rppenl last n ig h t foi*Rpeed up action before the


de during the second week ‘ i rhursday a t a roeetiny be- Itteemen and civic organizA' ' i|je scheduled, an advertisiits 1kangaroo court pbuis w«r« ffl lls were considered. Stamr . ■ly 10, to Saturday. July 14. I)n the preceding Saturday, IIIlg ot 6:30 p.m. under spon- {||rship of the retail diviaiotf F the Chamber of Commerce.

Iha parade wlU end a t tbe Bean, ebuck aod company parking ]o t ! | .»e noata wUl be Judged prise to ill ;ommiuUty western square dance. 'f | tmpede Cliaimian Ouy W alker yd there U a posilbUlty of bold- iij c dancing and atUlng oonteete. |

Baeee Pbosea 1Rm Stampede opens’ otCbilall^ on ly 10 wltb an early evening p ro - (il un of hot rod racing sponsored III

tbe Junior Chamber of Com- IITce. This will be followed by a | l estllng or boxing card to be a r- J Iged by tbe Veterans of POrelgn 3 irs. ,Walker said tenUUve plans t o |) following night’s entertainment flJude early evening horse racing uibly to be spensored by a local :ing ssiociaUaa, fc^w ed by a a tertainfflent pMsllAr arranged t f b B o ta? club.

BodMn » flat a o t- i ie o t t t - jw te m - eas U * rodeo.

il i i r irM W B E B 3 llb ’eB (« taln - . Jmt lo r rw i f f te n . ’ V | |77alke: t j ^ a ^ n s a y v t tti* 1 ints'wUl be tree and tb a t charges ■ others wUl be-kept to a m in i- . 'i |y lin,Iff an effort, to provide, en ter- ■ nm ent tor all age groups. A e ar- n ral; .wUl be oo Uie groimdi dur« m I th e week. !»[

prom m aa Ontllned v Sponsoring organlsaUons w i l l ind all expenses of tbelr sp ed a l' mU and In return for use of th e onUer grounds and facilities wOl r Uie FronUer Riding club 10 p er I t of their groaa receipts. Adver- lng expenses wiH be pro-rated.Appointed as an advertising oom> tlee, w i t h Inrtnictlons th a t rchanU wiU sot be asked for lh donations, wtre Oliarlea Ebdy. nneth Montgomery,- Dewain -811- iter, Juneau 6lilnn, DarreU T ay-

and Travis IdeOooougb. They t confer wllh spontots on how ! advertising budget will b«, epeat.

No Beards Tills Tear 3eards were ruled out as a pro- .Uonal venbire. Instead, residenta - - - 1 be asked to wear western garb face a kangaroo eourt W earing

f two pieces of cowboy atUre will (C«»U«1«< w Pm« i. c>hua» I)

Western Nations [Challenge Russia _ To Bff 4 Parley^

VASBIKOTON, June 16 (UA — e west challenged Russia today to end a big four foreign n lo - !rs conference July- 3 without th e r fussing over a program for to consider.h effect, Uie acUon by the ThiHed.(tes, Britain and Prance left I t -to tb«EremUo vhetber It v a a te —

settle world tensions now or uld rather Just Ulk about d o la t instead.a notes delivered to Soviet n ip - ~ ' enUUves In Moscow and Pails ,I three western powers tald th e -- elgn ministers "should be ab la -{ proceed without delay to tbe lr

k o t seeking to reduce tbe exists : tensions In Burope." ••h tb e ootee tbe west refused JW to loetude Oh tbe agenda a d to . , ; alon of the Korth AtlanUo tr a a t f 1 American mllitatjr baees, a s ' 'Knu viM demanded.rhe west said, boweriBT. t ^ B u - :

could lUseun tbe pe tn i U » . . Ibed. B o t ' a ta te .'SeputaB ent, .■ ' u s epokesmae U eb a eT J.n n o tt tald th e forelga s d B M 3 ‘. ~-TuU n o t be m p e l A t t» a « k » :« o a 8 p o tb e p M to r bMe»U’^ -jrji

"yirtu^ liy;' -4

T . ^ H H

Appeasement Is Weakness, Reds Believe

rM« 0».)Burk c n t tha ( tnner eight of further Imprisonment.

y»rmer« «re *Uu«bUih a«aln«t/ MllecUrlutlon. Adunctylc ■»1 a ftnnen who (juestlon Iti " id v an - tJ*M” » « MTtBted. r in n e r i view All torenunent pe«;ecU wtth extrem e tnUffttnp, AduDciyk explained. Ufli« Ulll Anecdote u tn lllufltra> tion:

Under r free vacation Kheme fo r fum ari the m anner of a rccre»- Uon home for eollecUve fanners In s •wtJwra Pellt!t r tion we:com6a

. ne* irrtvaU b j aiklni, “Why »re there only two of you when five were Kheduled to comc?" .

eald the vaeaUoner*. ••Well, onenunafMl ^ ««« wtfce two oUien had fnoujh c u h to bribe their «*7 out."

Officeh Selected By OES Session

POCATTLLO. Jure IJ :uPi—T h e 4tth annual K ulon of the Order of Buiem e u r ended Ul* ye»terrt»y wllh election of onicem and r e - parU from outEolnit leiderA.

Mn. U ura B.J3vvgfi. PocaU»o. w u IniUlled u »orthy grand m a t­ron »t lhe cloftln* au tm tly . auc- ceedlnj Mm. Helen Leavitt. Moscow.

Alorijo Cl»yton, Burley, w u Jn- xUlled as worthy grand patron In the olllce to m e tlf tieid by C la r ­ence ){. Kohls, flnlse.

Others named at the cloilng se s- ' alon Included Aunciate Orand M a t­ron Matu Jane Wheatley. Kellostt; Aasoclate Orand Patron Pred M ll- Jer, CaWweW; ^rcreiary, Loula T . CarpenUr. aalmon; treasurer. L.II- , Ilan Barton. Tirln Falls; seotlne l, Jack Blmpson. Salmon; conduct- - 7MI. Virginia Bewll!y..M08cow. a n d ai*ocla(« eonducueu, Eva K eara - itr , Bl Marie*.

Man Jailed When 1 Warning Ignored :

A Twin n iU man failed to ho ed ' a JusUca court warning to leave th e ‘ ■taU atter being convicted o( d ru n k - enneas and as a result began se rv ing a slx>monlh untence In the county ialt Thursday attemoon. '

Jfichaej Qrtnn, arresled c t 2:20 ' a. m. Thuraday on a charEc of . dnmkenneu, was sentenced to s ix 1 months In the couniy Jall. However, committment papers were w ithheld aod he was warned that If oCflcera found him In U:« ceunfy or Atate a bench warrant would be luu e d to 1

f /b a r* him cOhimJlted lo JMl, \At J;M p.m . Olenn waa re -a rre s t- a

•d on a charge ot drunkenness a n d tJj» alx-month Jall sentence w as « txeeuUd tpeedlly. t

The Hospital ’TltlU&c hours s t tha Magle VaUey ,

MtiMrtff hoapital aia from 3 U k -f J a a d 7 to « p .» ._____ ^

WUUaa « , w « r -ran. N e n Uaidan. MyrUe E lrod.Mr*. nchard.BewR i, M n. w . R . vBUittuon. Mrt. Melvin Vaa N oy . -Mn. WUilam 0. WUdman and M rs. |!Fred Oreni. all Tft ln Falls; D arlene *"DavU, Urs. Dan Starr and M r«. ,Dude Cain, all Buhl; Elmer O liver, Haselton; John Rlechers, Hollister, aod Donna Lee Bllaa. Ooodlng.

DISMISSED Tim Ooiman, Mrs. Ramon O ca-

mica, Mr*. Louise Wahl, n o tte r t ,Quarry. Mr*. Melvin Van Noy a n d tH it. LeRoy Rehwalt and aon, a ll d Twin Palls: Theodore Peterson. M rs.Donald MlUer and daughter a n d tSmil Bemardl, all Buhl; Mra. O le n n fOott and daughter, Mrt. R uth H a r - Nrlson and Mrs. Kalhryn Graves, a ll e Filer; WUUam Harris, Pocatello;M rt.. Carl Hardin and - d a u s h t« , hKUoberlr. and Mr*. W*JJ«e B r a r e vand daughter, Hazelton. p

Weatherfrom UP and AP B ejw t*

•— Kifle Valley-Clear and e o n - tinsed w arn taalght and S alurday . Moderate t« frcih norlhweat w inds (his atUmeon. Uw tenlght G ee d - log sear M. Burley 55. Fairfield 42. Hlfh Batnrday Opodlof and Biu-Jey 8J, Fairfield M. , 3

5 l t « " .M a « _____ **o‘' “ ? ' ^ninuitk~~"!ZIZr ?e I nIWh _____________ l< 7

^T]EiEEEEi| p -.#1 ^N « Y « 1 r? _ z z z :z iz »I i l :*! J!

E l = = ‘ii :1 ‘ Sffi-s?EEE:I ;! !:S u TniKiMO - 1 »J Vau l ^ U ------------------»i Tr.

------------: n; ST H



m «tt d a n g * r« u t I s in Tow n 's m e t t w vrnonl


k-ril- 11 k e 7 p th# Whlt« Flag ]Vof Stfety ny ln g

le s s , 1 •U e v c J ^ ^sight yearsi y ^

U agalnat/ | | ®:yi a a l d [I —. In*ts "advan - I f « reri view a ll 11 theA extrem e U V »11explained. B X

n lllufltra- ^ £Now 32 dat/i tcU hout a *

'‘.‘’* r '? ^ a - O'"" ^farmers In VfllJiy. no«

welcomed ------- • wei

Coal, Beet Sugar I} Interests Protest ^ RailFreightHike >“

— SALT LAKB CITY, Juna 15 llPt—Coal and beet luiar Inlereits Joined

L“ U In’ protests , being heard hy the In- *’“ i terstate commerce commUiion on

i S s l U I l appllcsllon for Irtlght rale boosU by | i .:yP)_T he the nstlon’a rallroadi, fT

• Order o f B- Manley, executive secretary -yesterday of the Utah Cosl Operators awocla. Iand r e - Hon, spoke oul fer one of Utah's

c,». more importanl Industries: FPoffltello " Il I* furlher FIU•and m a t^ Increases In cosl freight tales will acrertly auc- reduce the quality of coal used, and hni:; Moscow, thereby reduce net railroad rev- or«i

was In - enue." propatron In H. W. Aniell, traffic manager of Tby C la r- Utah-Idaho Sujar company, repre- »ft<

senlfd Jive major sugar firm.*. He pi iMlng aes- oppoKd the tale Increases asked on Idn;and M a t- t h f « >»»“: mal*rlal»-«ug»r beeta. lay

K ellogft' molaioe.i. sia)'red M il- All are commonly used In manulac- UghLoula -T. «f >>««' butirer. U l - ^ , --------------- -— r r J«

H o ^ rtC . Huffman a''Keir*B^ Buried at Jerome rent

JEHOME, June 15-FuneraI ser-vices «ere held Wednesdsy alter- *» «loon at Ihc Wiley funeral chapel varl

i l C l l for Hobert C. Huffman. T ie Rev. <>l''tJ . D-Crego, pastor of the Methodist helc

l 0 r 6 U church officiated. Muilc was furn-} to ho ed **hed by Mn, Oerald Nicholson TUfleava th e “h 'l “ f*' BUAsell. IV lof d ru n k - Pallbesrers were Oeorge Arter- ,n a e rv ln i: Archie Hinton, Cecil Hlnlon, I , , ,o u n tv Arlerburn, Denver Atterburnle cou»i.y ArWrbum. Burial was PiI c t S ' 10 >nade In th e Jtrome cemeiery. Hnr

s Z s D a i r T F i e i ^ ySet at Caldwell

r Atate a CM DWXLl. Jun» JIOP>—DairyIsjiued to field day will be held a t tha Unl-11, verslly of Idaho's branch experiment ^■e-arrest- station here June 30. i,,mess a n d D. L. Fourt, head ot the unlver-nce w as Ally’s dairy department, wlU talk on . . . i

housing nnd feeding ot dairy cattle.. O. 0. Anderson, extension dairyman, p ,

. will outline rciults ot ealf feedingII lesU. Dairymen will be conducted n o «

- I on M our ot t#Jl pastures. n e tt

» State Keceives No ■R, W a r - Bids on Well Job Si'• BOISE. June 15 (flV-No bids have V i'• " been received by tha slate highway/ tn N oy . tfepafimfnt for a new well-ai the

Hollister. ? /. ', u a r « n o q ,,, contxacior submitted a let-

0 ,1 ? ” - te r uylng that the Job wasn’t large ^H ollister’ ®nou|h tor him to consider bidding.

C o n ^ P I m e dnot>ert HAOERMAN, June IS - The "p**

Noy a n d Hagerman Community chorus, un- -nson, a ll tier the direction ot Aaron Hansen, f^on

son. M rs. has been putUng the finlihlng *ervIter a n d toucfies on (is musical selectionsrs, O le n n for Its f irst concert a l 8:30 p.m. h <uth H a r - Monday In the Hagerman Methodist of Iraves, a ll chnpel. m.,'ocatello; Quest artists from Ooodlng. Wen- renJ ta u sh tc r, dell and Twin Falls have been in-M B ra g g vfted to present special number.v' 1

Proceeds from Ihe concert will be Jused In purchasing additional music a

, for lhe group,

M a g i c V a l l e y 'S ' i

rfleld 4 t R tlPER T-Funeral services for S.?!;'*!d B urJey Horace Olbson Wise will be held a t i l l lJ

a p.m. Saturday a t the Qoodman m mortuary with the Rev. John Mc-

M n. rep . Olurc, pastor of the C h r i s t i a n V* church, officiating. Burial «'iu be ■] made In th e Ilupert cemeiery. ■

I Bt/HL—P^ineral sen’lce* for Cllf-. tord Stroud wiu be held a t 2 p. m. I M

aaturda^t.tha.A lbertsonm «tnorU l - f i /chapel, T he Rev. Charlei Easley of lM |

2J .M the Buhl MelhedUt church will ot- | S ^ flclste. Burial win be made in the ■«4 ,]« Buhl cemeCety. I M

Ji TWIN FALL&—Puneral services —“ tor Mn. Beryl Edith Munn wlU be Mss held at I t a m Saturday a l the

T . chapel with the ^“ Tr. nev, Albert a Parrelt o/ficJaOnir. Mn Interment will be made In Ptrrest*7_______ Mc«ne cemeiery, Chicago. ••

’’STARfs ' I


« » « ! . ' • It h t oil! W ctl't I B

n g * r« u t B adm cn ... rn 's m e t t .(tm p ting

i W l j

lt« nag IlMeet Held to If ' ' ‘ Outline Plans L

F or Stampede(Titm Pi(> n» i Co<

p ro tec t lo ta l residents from kanga- roo roo courl action. rep

B everal llmej during the prcccd- Cal In* w eek, mounted riding club mtm- „ _ bera will la.vvj offenders and Uke them to kangaroo couru In which ^ all sponsoring organlullons will ^ partlclpste-

B e.it float In the parade will win </lOU< a * trftvellnu avard. U«e of hone- r u n n ir O faw n vehicles will be opiional but ,' A ttend ing lho Tliursday alter- " ,

noon meeting In the KTFi; studios..................* were Ham er Adamj. W, W. Prtnlz. Ret

, W alker, Ho»ard Moffat. Erne.H H I H r ' C raner. Richard Dlngham and nob- Bio

4, J. e rt .Wlll.1.. . froi D l C S l C ham ber of Commerce prc^s and n k iT v » l radio pleas for public opinion on Plt t l l l K 6 w h eth er or not the Sumperfe na 15 Ifft— ’^ould be held ihi* year drew one ests Joined response — from a family of six hy the In- wontlnR th r Sinmpcde, nUsion on -------------------------- n , ,

Begin on ' " S ; Recreation Center P ’«: F IL E R , Jun t 15—Work preparing p/a^IJll furlher Filer'.i outdoor youth recrenllnii spot tales will acror.'! from the Arncrlcan Legion . i , .

I used, and hnll will bcplti ih ls week-end, lhe jo,,, Iroad rev- organization In charge of lhe youth jom

progrnm decided Thursday nlght. lanager of T ruck .i are needed Saturday y-t my. repre- afte rnoon nnd Sundny to haul grav- firm.'. He p) tr> th e Incatlon ao the Boulhern J asked on Idnho Conlraclors will be able lo Igar beeta, lay concrete. Plumbing will be lu- , molasse.s. aittlled for drlnkinif fountains. Some , manulac- ligh ts already have been instaUed

but m ore will be needed later.- - J a c k Ramsey, in reporting on thef m a n «’««tln*. said Youth RecreaUon i l l l a l l C en te r has been picked aa the name iKAVMA sponsoring youth rec- i :T O I U e ren tlon In Filer and that by-laws - J neral ser- adopted. The organlraUonlay atter- ** m ade up of representftllvti from q.v.. •ai chapel varlou.i omnnltatlon.s and Uie «hiwl -K-r Tlie Rev. d is tric t. The nexl mccllng wiU be ,„ni Methodist held Ju n e 21.was furn- --------------------------- v!cu

""7;"” M rs. Sylvia Hann ''S I d s P a id Final Honor ™urlal was ?\inerB l services for Mr.v Sylvia nndeiery. H nnn were held Friday aflernoon Broi— a t th e W hite mortuary chapel. Mr.s.

H ann died Monday at Ogdcn afier 1l y a a h o rt lllne.vi while shc was en Jy n rou te lo Cftllfornln. .QW61I *^rnest Trapp, minister

xwrimrili Preston Durbin wai, solol. txpcrimenl ^ Thum imiv^r ^ QUttrlet, Mr. . Ru.v cll Ben- t '?i ,w ^ M” - n«tiard Martyn, Mrs. , V,tL HI. A rth u r Oordon nnd Mrs. Durbin, ,j 'y csltie. provfded speciil music. { f '

' ’ere Joe Prnehllch. J r ,It f e e d ^ R a n d all Wll.<on, Dflwin Barilett. *conducted H ow ard Ehre*mnn, Husjcll Ben-*• n e u and William Rotill.— B uria l was mnrir In Buii.<cl H J V q Afemorlaf pert.

I Job Services Reported*rhe Rev, Harold L LexL, new

•ll-at lhe ‘’f '*’e South Psrk Cliurcb •Mnm.lor Nnurcne, announces serv-Holllaler. Suxi6<!>y. •

i.rV i S u n d ay school will cnmmence a t •? hMKinl “ •*"•: mofnlng worship, U a, m.:r bidding. N aia ren e Young Peoples' service.

J 7:13 p. m.. Slid evaiigcllstlc !cr< -i n 6 Q ''=* ® P- Oh Wedtir. .lay the* _ , m id-w eek service will be held a t _!>5 - The 8 p M

onjs. un - T h e ' Rev. Mr. Lenis came htreSparks. Nev. He previou.My I—

finlihlng served a t Chico, Calif., and Bel-selections U nchnm . Wash,8:30 p.m. H e Is a graduate of the UniveriltyMethodist n{ D enver. Denver, Colo., and loolt

hl.i theology work al Bethanyiig. Wen- r e n le l .Collejc, Bethany. Okla.been in- .

.“.S'S E sta te Awarded !!nal music a decree of distribution for lhe * •

e s ia to of William J. Fulkerson was r II I flled w ith the county clerk Frldav.

_ The decree »»ards the »3JI6<i5 es- n:y ta te to Mr. Fulkerson s son. Ralph J.

Fulkerson. Buhl, administrator and sole hclr.

— M r, Fulkerson died In Ooodlng v i„ . f . r 'ourviy Nov, 18, 1050. Attorney for



*lih the 9 # . ^ A

1 Forrest g j ^ p g g^ ,j.


* l»iM A.M.

T w in Falls Ne’IsnS rarJoBtb Mai

H Pvt. Richard H. Powell, son ef A p Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powell, is home Thi ^ on an 18-day furlough from Camp Jan <1 Cook, Calif., where he finished four

Irom kangs- months of basic iralnlng. He will Bin report July 1 lo Camp Sloneman, j

the prcccd- Calif., for further assignment.OPK Meet H eld "

' ?n About 20 service e.sUbUshmentoiieralors attended a mceUng Thurs-

tatlons will OPSA. Ill - I buslnes-s analyst from Bolae, ejpJsJn '

nf h r« l regulntlori.' nifccling their bu.M- nnl. 1 h . nesjea. Frldny morning Jeiuen «n.s optional but Chamber of Commerce of-T O smdl* discuss o£^r_resulnllons.W. 7rtnlz. Relum» Home D

tat. Ernest King Block, son of Mrs. ChfTs ' m and nob- Block, returned home Wetintsdsy pita

from Spokniie where hc undcr'*ent and e prc's and n knee ni>enillon n l Sl. Luke's ho.'- mai opinion on Plta>- He received his bachelor ol

Sumnerfe science derree In phyjicsl education Mli r drew one Tue.^day a t the Unlver.-ily o{ Idaho. U mil, nf six Mrs. Block accompanlcd him lo told

Spokane.___ _____ _ car

Itrtu rn i From Trip mati n n n ' D. Flatt, high schoM prin- Thu111 U l l ripal, has returned trom Wichltnn i. Fnll.i;, -Tex., where he vi.sitcd hl.i Alt<L / e n t e r Lclloy n n tt . who is thc sir H

forcc. He was nccompanled by Mr?. Stn'k preparing M r,. ecI Skinner nnil Mrs. Junrenllnnipot Tlmmci?, Buhl. T h r crouii allecan Legion to Junrei, Mexico, awl '" “tek-cnd, lhe to„red severnl nntlonal pftrb en be j

Cases Are Slated "'j: Boulhern -r t y-t i

«ni‘' 'i.u I*' Jerome Courttains Some JEROME. June 15—Thrcc crimi- o e .■n InstaUed Was

awr schrduled to he Ulcd in di.strlct be cUntr An ih> courl here dttrlng the term b JiIcIi .i.je'RMreaLon >>«>'" Wednesday, Either oi a!

vnnih E. Lowe will preside. Go-,X Z: -""“I Hr„ “iV.,,r„ Frank Vandehei, chargcd wiin re- com

Ulves from gehwnb, cliarRed wllh p.v-ing acheck w ithout an account In tlie -.»,i

Ing win bc „njj cordon W, Adnms. an terappeal from a probate court con- .„r< vlciion on a charge of recklt.vi

[ann ‘’’ ic^ 'clvH casc.s are Rulon Cox[T against Norma C. Johnson, Sylvia ___tlOnOr P^fodls nRBlnst M. Trenkle, Lloyrt

Gough annln.sl clarence Cliffoirt iMr,v Sylvia m„ i k, a . Boone agaln.st Frank J

aflernoon Brogdon, • Ihapel. Mr.s. ___ u____ I________ I

Judgm ent Askedr. mini.t*.. * Jiuum ciit for J136.15 nf;ain<l

» RO.I.C O, Williams, operator n[ thc r - l Filer, of. ^an. .„w . coinplalnt filed in Justice court ler orJan l>y the M. E, ImiwtlitK

Bfn' company. Los Angeles, Cnllf. rivM Mr. cnmpnny claims th r moiiry•< {iiirHn '•' 'o r mcrchnndlsc purcha.-ert m s. uurmn, beiwcrn Nov. i mid Dtr. 5nehlifh lr 18. 1050. Six per ccnl Interrsl slso is 'B1 n .r iw t’ » '“«'• P ' Bheneberger is the f lU ll Den- pla in tiffs attorney.______________ £

in &uii.>ci ^PLA C E ORDERS /

orted „ (-exl«, new when needtd ^rk Church • DUST ELIMINATORS nces serv. for Cns-e Balers

• BALB LOADERS Inmence s t • TRU CK BEDS '

11 a, m.; of any typeis t ,c " m ' P A U L ROBERTSle.s.iay the WELDING REPAIKe lielrt a t ’a W est Ho.sp»al <hl-wny 301

:aine htre ^previously

P O SITIV ELY jTIUnlverilty I T• S S e n d s TO N IG H T! L


1. Ralph J. — e V s » r ,. y . trator and

1 Ooodlng Btorney for ly Q

--------- RECOM M ENDED ' | ,W S F o r ADULTS And %


A il Adm. -


... -A T UH7_ .


^ A T B:4»-fC0MPtJTg BHO


ills News in B r ie f ^Manlage License

I, son ef A marriage license was issued I, Is home Thursday to Johnn ie O. Ruyis and om Camp Janet M. KacaJek. botli Buhl.ished four ---------. He will Birth Reported -iloneman, grandchllrl for Mr. nnd J1 '" '- Mr.v Frank T . K etlogj, was born

June 7 lo Mr. a n d Mr«. Carroll T bUshment P“ '» ^ Ito , Calif. Jf

^Jri^OPS Talk S t i ofr Mrs. H enrlelU Mlll.«. national w(ri'r MHi commander of th e Disabled Amerlr yt

. can Veterans auxlllftjy, wl" speak ntnerce of- P- *"■ S aturdny 'over KUX. 19 niions,

Daughters were born Thursday go I n ChfTs at (Tit Mailc V alley Memorial hos- M. /etincsday Pital to Mr. and M rs. Mark Brown ' indcr'A'ent *nd Mr. niul Mrs, Wllllnm C. W ild- tn akcs ho.'- man, both Twin Pnlls. M•chelor ol . ---------- f**education Mlihap fleporled lyo{ Idaho. Lyle Given. 1Q4D Maple svenue, ■

him lo told officer.s the r ig h t rear fender pj on his car was clnmascd while the car was parked a t the Dnve-Way at market. 305 Sccond .Mrccl norlh, ye

loM prin- Thursday alternoon.Wichltn --------- av

i.sitcd hl.i Attends Summer School —s thc sir Hnrry MlnRo' returned to U tah d by Mr?. Stnte Agriculture collc-e. Logan, p nnil Mrs. Junc i l to nlle iid .'iuminrr .school -|ip crmii) alter spending 10 days K lth his xtco anil molher. Mr.s. B e rth a .SfinRO. fte will parks en be a .senior In Industrial arts in thc


7 J RfcelTfj Degreer e d Edward DouRlas Meigs, ->.on ot Mr._ , nnd Mrs. C. D. Melss, rcccived a

n l l l * r h.ichelor of nrf.s degree In ac«untlnc . . / u u i t commencement e x e r c i s e s at cc crimI- O e o r g e Wn.shlnKton university, suits are WashlnRton, D. C.. May 30, He will 1 di.strlct be employed In th c office of the •m vlikh eiiief of engineers o f thc licpartmcnt • Either oj army.dge Kales •* ______

Goes lo Oregon- sxolnst Hownrd M offnt, Chamber of Wllh re- commerce .sccretnn'-nmnaBcr. de-

: lltnry parted Friday fo r Eugene. Ore.. iiL'jlng a ^-hcre he will a ttcnrt n one.week t In tlie ftcslern institute of the U. S. Chnm- aarns. an |,er of Commerce. Directors con- )urt con- ferred wilh him briefly concerning

recitie.y upcrailon ot th e chamber offlee , _ during hts absence. .He resume

le, Lloyci

— aryTYITTikedI nEaiti'l SATURDAY

DtnaimNjlORyw ■


W First Show- B ;4 5 -U s t 11:00 j

1•O i ( , pr*(*nN ' ^ ’D / T H E S T O R Y O F ^

a n d 4 L

I S A L L Y /' Alt.STA* J

HOllYWOOl> / / / M


. O NCE.ONLY-10:1J


r l

I\ , m r n - U l m k G t A n L ' i ^ - - I

MPLgr g BHOW T IL L ll:SOi |


_'r Larger State------ Wheat Yield ' -

Is Predicted S' BOISE, June 15 — An Idnho

Mheit crop sllghlly higher than _ fnr Mr nnd 1“ predicted by1 w u born I 'i' S- depirtinw i of affrJcuiturc. .J-j, t Carroll T- Tlie department e.Mlmntcd Uils p | If jc irs crop n t lO.SU.OOO bushels of

winter wheal and 21.1H.000 bushels of spring wheat. The to U t crop vi:

I. national would bc slightly higher th n n last . . ibled Amerl- year's 37,500,000 bushefs nnd only be , will speak aboul ono per ccnl below th e record ,[( ver KUX. 1«9 crop, ' ' In;

The depnrlmenl said crop srow th throughout the slate wn.i ald»«(j by

n Thursday good moisture conditiona during imorlal hos- Msy. _ , . 'r'lMark Brown There was some damuRC to tender ,|onm'C. W ild- truck crop.s, beet.s and f ru i t tlurlng {„

May, however. Frohis on Ju n c a c tdamaged beans and poutoe.s, tno6l- »•(ly in .-.outh ccnlral Waho. iji

iple svenue, Ti,e ,ofl frull outlook h a s im- D(rear fender proved in the past ntonili. A crop ini

•d while th e sneel' cherries Is no'*’ fore:n.st . .Drive-Way at moio llinn double th a t o f last wc

trcc'i north , year,Hnv condition Is slightly below of

average. __________

cd to U tah . r - _==i -----=,c;;e. Logan. i

g l l i i i n j i n i i ,

ot Mr.

1 ac«untlnc

He will ^ ^ ^ ■ * n F W 5 3 T W T i I *the



n one.weck <«l M ' turrfat l4=

ectors con- concerning

nber officewDl resume >_ _ _ _ _ ■ <

\ . Y M f

• ao i i m m i ■ sash itrrsoAn HJIM news ■ UtOiE KTAH ■

h m ---------- PLU S-------------k I t u c o l o r c a r t o o n E



★ O N L

WARNER BROS. bri7it^s'? smssSo/i-stDiy to H is scrsen! Iln'Miist-SBB'Picture i( till jeat!


rk«Co4u K t t ^ 4 * I

I p h p e

I f i j K- j i i l B

. J r*«iiN6 ^

jjU F R A N K ^ ^

^ l ISuEBH

■HO -________ ___ ___________

id^ Taxi driver yielding right of way lr

to pedesUlan.i.Lawiimower ha n d lt Id / 1 . C U visible from beneath trunk Ud of Xe , . . . . passenger car . . . Charles p . Lnr-

borroo^lng pencil from girl . , •» r t c i h? National Adjutant Vivian D. tl

" • '‘"E ho* l>e has Iraveled n , 70,000 miles this year . . , Stanley U

ed Ulls piiiiiips looklJtg and u lking warm - sheis of „ i,c comment.s on weather . h. bushels Evldenee ot South Dakota tour i

At crop visible on Callfomu.uceitsed e a r — iiin last . . . Big crane hoisiing concrete to , id only be poured in new city hali construc- ^ E record ,ion . . . A. T. Htetala. Boise, look-

Ing cool In sport sh irt m he con- srow th ducU DAV meet . , . Small boy en-

ldj«d by chanliM with removal of eonlenU during [rom postolftce box . . , Youth e a t-

Ing candy bar wfide he sweeps ou t 1 tender doorway . . . Lnwntnowcr tied on •during front bumiier ot old model car . . .

Ju n c fl Children and bees not mlxlng'very s, tno6l* »-jii fts children attem pt td play on

la«-n covcred with clover . . . Kenny ins fm- DeMent sprawled out in chslr tak- A crop inj short nnp during lunch hour

fore:n.st . . . Hands of fishermen getting of last workout as fishermen compare note#

. . . Splattered windshields on out- / below ot-siate autos . . . And overheard:

-Enjoy ihM Kcaihcr while ft la sts



liL iutxtn. ^






iifedM eetI s ta te Sen t

h t of way in ro n . d ! c

’ g f r i ^ ? ?Vivian D. tlonwlde B l - ' «' »s Iraveled needed to u i •*frj.S tan ley the>hiKh»,„ ««i

mg warm --------- -•

Jtsed e a r - lotunn.3ncret« to construc-

ii:™; J E R O •^ “ *oThe


:hslr U k-nch hour / jOiH M

h r ?H ? 'S

^ I s• Jnd IIII

" S S\. • 2 C A ^ i


Ann Blytii-Fuie,




m ( W H

9 v m


i l ’t ® S U N , a n d

f l '

^licenses,gkip“• • i f f l b**‘ *"»•P^xL uine," )*w «"• ^ ■ K ' ' -‘ - g i S t f r ’j . R ; M C

“ ^^'oersow BPPlJlnf * tf^ ? r re n e w a l3 must

<“5 ^ 8 extra Jnflu* of . ' - S ' - .oTtrwhetacsl his i'*

'^ d d e r tW a delay ia •> i i V ^ * «fSu(D»t«S th ftt .the §JufcieUi»tof th e same / V ,

V ^ t i ' association «tS e d * resolution l ^ ^ . - V ' . , ’* 5 u# delay In pro- ^ .

Be hoped to in- ^ .i ,f S {Mthoda of pro- H | » ^ -•,• s .,S r .u a titles *oon. » H H g r H ’ J * ^ b e Isiued »n »P-rtitP p U " K B B b V - '^ a r ^ e n t comml*- f J B K C 4—U»tf delayln* t^cur n_ V. Gl^ ,tp»r»tion o r 80.- Qfj,J lu f l iu from th e files y

70 Presfb i»nir»t«I by ^ eight

Testl]nprfi* A i * G Women of lhePCI O -t 5-„e BWfUnpcd s

1 « T T ^ pressure cookera ItP n t o U s e «5»y fts Ihty unfi

» T l / f ^ - . . * housen'Jiej,i(!a< JO i V l a i I tione free of char

June 15 (>n— In chnrRe of I i( a« Chicago M ercnn- Rccj. chaV, br mernhcrs of the ----------------------:«)d Onion Shippers .

I ' s ' . r s f . n . - , -

lESSf'wS'JnS Markelwaa a nntlonal BURLEY. June

0 Ui»t becomes in- hog market at tl;itiUe «llh grea ter use. commission comtIhfBcneeted w u active wH

^lieMchonBe u used, to i l higher, 61IBBiflset bccomes and j i to f3 reflectl lr t It reJIccts th e real eastern miirketa,ta eommodlty." A ustin officials.^ use alio lessens the Best fed eleersijfrjencing prices even *31.70, best fed :» r W best fed cows |]^ lhe eichanRe «ou ld hc.M fed HobtrlnIf ca Jtllers together In Bulls sold from tjiBilet for spcculntlon good, heavy kindUI form of protection Demand for 5thwultms from falling gieers was good '

lower. Holjteln f'■ liRiDned -;oo pounds, brotfci.tttrfttn . p itd lc te d The liRhter kindIf^Uon for locni po ta to Most jiof priciHua idverll.slns funds j22,75 and 1231 kBij to keep Idoho, u b mItothBfiuying public, einughtcr lamlliS±e, field rcpresen- feeder Inmbs »UkUitaidvcrtlsIng com - cwesii lower. Pr■y ib( jlate had led all 55 jg 530 35 (ijttU ihlpmenU du ring nii^ feeder ewes. _ I Horses were sti

ST Resident TinrrY, 3rae* led by D eath i'.ns"iL "BUSUi Munn.'CB,-died kelt, Lloyd 8to

Itti ifiernoon n t h e r Koyle. Don KnigIl l£ x Lukes boulevard, drum were sustal .tavrtjWeni ot T w in candts.

■mbomDec. ai. 18B2.Ms. uid she and h e r W to m n FnlU from

<«t Methodist, c hu rch te cl Eastern S tar.■ b±de her husband,IbiTWn Fails: a son. *■..lfc=.T»ln FaUs: two ® r..«V .

n . M unn. Jr.. FURNU aiorce a t P l. M on- > J. ud David Ross n hBi; one bro ther,'^C hicago, and one >tal.abays. Elm huret,

< «w rill be held a t ■Rq It the White m o r .• nhUie Rev. A lbert | -^ of the M ethodU t t .^ a * . Order of E a s t- D - I J . - - ,■ qaoJott rites. I n t« r - K e l f O n C <

K)YOU ■Pi S w. ’VAHS^

H + 'J. Hnclude an a u to breakdown afte

do n o t b u t you ru n ‘ breakdown u n less you have j

^ th o ro u g h ly b e fo re you leave, ^ Jfith us m ay sa v e you t im e anc . iwjre fln th e r o a d . Drive in todn

! W lL l i Motor

j u J l EJt

Pressure Cookers Tes

M r j /

, r » (tra. R. V. Gllek, right, teali p ressure eooktn a s Mi In Falli Granie home cconomtca council which It; Is high icliool home ecoDomlcn rooms. (Staff photo

* * * * * *

[) Pressure Cookers Le Test by Women of T. F.omen of lhe Twin Falls Orango economics eommlt, Bwwnpcd with more than ^0 „,,,stcd by Mrx. 1sure cookera by 3:30 p.m. T hurs- Bciln Oliver nm as they unfitilook lhe two-day Speedy They art

o f testfng cooker* for Tivin un ta B p ir J housen'Jies, TeJtin^ li beJnff I-'rIdnyI free of charge u a community According to ' tl

charge of Ihc project Is Mrf, b u t ihey plnn to coII Rccj. chalrmw of th e home Ttiany. I t lakes :

to trst n eooker, w

irley Livestock ProgrcM wns hmll

Market Is Active 4 w- ttnrW’ T lii^ Vlfl

S T t - - fmission company sale Thursday comparison or 1

active with priccs steady P^'f-'ure gnuge onI higher, 6hcep prices dipped cooker wltn n reac0 »3 reflecting conditions a t «>" the Inside disc ■m markets, according to sale „‘" e cooKcr 1 jj j j , reniiinRs should be •st fed eleers brought $33.90 to dcgrc« ccnti 0, best fed heUefi MO to M3.fed cows «4iO to M6.50 and ,fed Hobteln steers »27 to J2fl. «'

1 fold from »27 to »31.70 for the but lhe wi heavy kind. »hnve:

rmand for stocker and feeder ? '7 ’8 " 1’ " 'n te d •s was good with priccs sUghUyr. Holstein feeder steers, 600 to ________pounds, brought t2S.S0 to )29. ww«#wwii«w...>wllRhtcrklnd topped nt MJ.50. PLAKT THDst hoc priccs ranged between Oeranlunu5 nnd 123.25, sows »16J0 to Petunia:

Tomato p lantsjughter lamb.i were «3 lower. ---------:r Inmbs »liO to W lower and r ' l 'T V 17'. « lower. Priccs were fa t lamb.'i X r0 to $30.25. fnt c»c.? $12 to $13 Behind Paris; feeder e^cs K to *11. —irses were steady ot $3.

RELEASED jlTY . June 1 6 -O l tic e r s 'r e - ■d recently from the LDS Sun- school here were Robert Pa.^>

Lloyd etoker and :.^lBnche c. Don Knight snd K eith Mel-1 were sustained to IIU the va-Its. M m K

nms. J lO N AUTOS end


eliance Credit■flte T tm ts .K n t; Fh«n« S&SO

f ~

L y o u run th e risk you h a v e y o u r car rou le a v e . Y es, 2 0 ')u t im e and moneyive i n to d a y ! ' . .L

ri.Ls^ 1 1t o r C o .

- S I S W C J -

■ Phon t USD

TS Tested by Grange

e eookcn a s Mrs. Ethel Rees looks on. M rs. Rees Is lURcIl «hlch luted ^xeuuct. («oktta as n public a tr >. (SUff photb-engrarlng)

Lers L eft fo r Services I rf T.F. Grange i ~inomlci commltlee. Shr 1.-, being "l“ y ° ‘‘u.?ro''hoJ isted .by Mr. . R V, Ollck, Mrs.Jn Oliver nnd Mrs. Thoma.-! V> * rcedy. They are working from 0

‘ ™ " , d “ iccordlng to ' the « m cn , more kers were rccelvcd ilinn expectcd,. they plnn to complcie thc testing j.f!?. wd«y. I t takes about 30 minutes te,,t a eooker, with the dally out- S v k ^ t ^ r s u r v . expected to avernge about « .>gress «ns limited Thursday be-ISC th e women had only two of t h e ---------------elnl thermometers ncces.'iriry for 1 7 A a 4 - r i /> f i / • work-. They hoped to obtain an- K C S ^ r i C l K ier for Friday’s work. _ U. S. m arine co;omparlson of lhe reading on a crultera hore nnii •«ure gnuge on the outside of thc *5 tlicl;ker wllh n reading on the gauge service will accct the Inside discloses whether or hove tn^

. Ihc cookcr Is nccurate. The ' « pre-lnducllon dings should be nbout eflual. wllh " ''t lo n s bu t have

degrees centigrade considered Induction,mt rlRlit, . -------------______■■■iome of the women tested cookers ^ year. None of the cookers cx- D 1 1 ^ Q ded but the women admitted a

•'clft^e shaves." The greatest 11igcr Is created when old gaugC5 I to work and great pressure Is M-k ''"““ I._______________________

PLAKT THEM NOW Oeranlums 35e up,

Petunias Sc up.Tomato p lants, doz. 25c up.

-------------- . MoviiC ITY FLORAL

Behind Parisian Uundry

On Fishing Trips Taki Brewery-Fresli Beer•if It's that time of y ea r when to thou&Mvds o( WahoaTis, there ' nothin? which is quite so thrillins quite 80 latisfying, as a strike on ; fishing line. Truly, fishing is a favor ite all-Idaho sport.

“ Wha”t'rni"(«, to UiOMan^ o f Ida hoans tbere’a no beverage w hieh i quite" 10 satisfying^ quite so th'iirst quenching when on a fishing trip , a eo ld , iparkHng Bohemian Olub T h a t's btc&ttse it '» B R E W £R 1 F B E S m

I f you ttave not already tried 'Bo hemian Club, u j u t a case along ot your next fishing trip an d you 'l know iriv so nuay say—

M m h^ Q m i'Ssslb.

- L tit«a<o-IbsI{ iim ta.S ld« | | k- f i # '- o ^ 8 p C l^ t« - ta - I< lsh o -w lth - -^ ^

■ laM . . ^l>f Jsnsaen' ever; T uea- K « r i r ^ -. , day and T h u rrfw n igh t. ^

tytf K m at M;aci, ^

A '


j n e e W om en T. F. Girl For Fou

H @ 8 In N a\j M l k f e . EnUstment

225 Jack : WAVE for your ye

Frldny by TM C ■ navy recruiter. W

’he clnughter o f ^ ^ Spence. She wa.n

t man rrerult anc ^ ^ : Lnkes. III., for rec:

The recruiter a l WAVE age requi lowered from 20

‘' v parentalr a 21. Maximum aee . n Applicants mu.^t t

llfctii dependents, and iiS W j pleted high school

. jb f c y I Ba- e pay durin Q >” C’n th plu.i; | unlfomw. Trnlnln .1 regular ratings in

fields, giving equal S v J nnvy men excepi

/ ' iM b Riven for dutiesI ' S R Inbor or combat 1

—f ■- B e ' Four and six j cI S M accepted and ass

. M ra. Rees Is chairman ef the shore duty in for » » public atr^lct in ihe Tuln

;rvices Held for ^ ^ Jerome Pioneer .■

EROME, June 15—Fimernl ser-■s fo r O rnnt Durgoyne. Jerome m a iicer. were held Thur.'day nfler- B I In n t th c Wllcy funeral chnpel. I I: Rev. 3. D. C1C80. pnstor ol lhe I M I I:hodl.it church, officiated, Mrs. ■ ■ ■ In;d N ichobon and Mrs. Elmer M H ■ Irell Knng, nccompanlcd ti>- Mrs, ■ ■ ■ ■ IloLson. ^ ■ illb ca re rs wrre Loren Power.', b SUbttUgh, Katry Mortis, Erie m usscn , Je.s.n Diirks nnd Andrew;5trn, Burlnl wns made In thc _>mo ccmctcry.----------------------------------------- C o n v e i

----------------------------Com pll

Restriction Lifted, s . m arine corps nnd'nnvy re* O H L Ytera hore nnnoiince from now Arnn f11 Ju ly 15 thclr brnnches of the ^5UU t•Ice will acccpt for enlistment Vl H .I w ho hnve laictn selective .«rv- pre-lnducllon pliy.sicnl exnmi-

Ions bu t have nol been cnlled Induction, | _ | V f i


APPIMoving Phone

Storage 354 ______



a t t b

id!Ii Beer! J 'of y e a r w hen, # G A Bo a n s , th e r e ’s ^ oxta J so th rilling , a s t r ik e on a ing is s favor*

........... ..........— B eju tU ull:t s a n d a o f ld a * f k t ly lT h irage w h ieh is ____ _____________ ex tra a tte ilite so th irst* a n t i Style<ishing t r ip , a s lng s m a rtr»m ian O lu b . Slacka a r a B R E W E R Y

id y tr ie d 'B o -Ase a lo n g o n A 6 U

L " " * USI

B m ^ S i l ^ R H •■. • \

. NAMS _saS ld s ^ ^ ^ < 7 ADDRESIf ^ le s - Check Enclose^ n ig h t ^ ^ 1 ^ ................................


F. Girl Signs State Li 'or Four Years • agnln.lrc!^V* Ol

In Navy ServiceW amount li owed 1

Ustment o f Doris W «>thea for «ce. 225 Jackson street. In the , j , j ,.pQ,E for your yenrs wns announe- ‘•Idny by T M C Robert Rose, locni

recniltcr. Miss Spence. 21, Li « ' ! a.'\ in this ni dnuRhter o f Mrs. Eunice E, advance to the ra ce She wft.1 enlisted as a aea- officer which can

rrerult and- aent to G reat iT b»« P»y Pl«s s. III., for rec ru it Ualnlng. The navy furnle recruiter al-so announced the 'E age requirem ent ha* been red from 20 lo 18 years, wllh Ital consent required If under Maximum aee limit h under 28, “ P®"Icanu m usl be alngle. with no ndents, and m uat have com- d high school. a r A o n v T T v i!,t pay duriDf; training Is $75 r / l \ P | l l l r monlh plus room,-board and I imw. TrnlnlnE U given toward I A T 1 T 6 R |i< :ar ratings In nearly JO career !. giving equal opportunity with |W OI*U«

men except po ratings are I » » U l l l I for duties Involving heavy ^ A T 1 0 /

or combat aervlce. ur nnd stx y e a r enUslmenU are ■ f n i f f J R n i ]ted and assignmenU inelude B |a i n M S * i |g ! duty in foreign cquntrlea as

$5 Down $5

ALPINE AllC onvenian t Window Siie, 2200 Cubic C om plote>rlth W ater Both Filters........

OHLY 3 1 .50 DOWN ON4500 C ubic Fett par MinuteVl H. P. Motor.........................................

L i v e i n C o o l C o m

Buy on Andenon'* Eoty

YouraO-Duy Cl


— Timed Right .


F irst Qualii



2 - ^ 1"ReguIar R et^ i 10,95 €

• GA BA RDIN ES in brown, gret• SH ARK SKIN S in grey, tan, bi

Sizes 28 through 42

B e a u t ifu l ly - ta i lo re d -F a m o u a -B ra n d Slac f M tly ! T h e s e a r e h e av y 14-oz. f a b r ic s , N Aicfra a t r e n g t h . . ^ a n d -th c y ’rB p e rm a n e n t a n t ! S t y l e d w i th c o n t in u o u s 'w a is tb a n d . ' ln g B m a r tn e s s u n d e r to u g h e s t u sa g e , a n d S lac k a a r a • . .

N o t Second b u t FIRST QU.

A Sure SeU-Out ao BE HERl


PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS FM AU T0« •!«»♦ OUwr, pertomal aliopper;C. C, AnderaoB CempMy, Twin Fall*.Pleaie Sedd M e tbe Following Slack* t t t pr. tor 1

Qutnlty •" r a b r ie I to i O h o lc i~ rW o r~ j ~:

___________ ___ ____________________________ !__

J ________ •

N A M s-------------- ii:— i -----------------------------ADDRESS ......... .....;:,r........................... -

Check Encloied ---------------- .Charge • ■■

^ALLS. IDAHO . ' _________

S t a t e L i e n F i l e d C o u r t P eNotice of a state Ilen fo r $44.U ' m / I Lsnln.'t C, V. a iffa rd fo r employ- ' - | 0 L /llA l lenl security taxes -was filed with ,1* county recorder T hursday. The District court rount ll owed for taxes, penalties Thursday by Mra nd Interest for the first th re e quar- Howell to change ■rs of 1949, according to th e notice, *'''e children ------------------------------------------------ Daum.fll a.'( in this nation. W om en can hance lo the rating of c h ie f petty ‘Iflcer which carries $ m in m onth- w 'i ' ' • base pay plus illowancca.The navy fum bhes m edical, den- i w nll and hospital care. 30 dnys paid ^■ave nnnually. ciolhlng nllowances, ^lucntlonal opportunllles, retirem enttneflts and allows a -WAVE to m q ilarry upon completion ot recruit '

________ _________ SCARBC31 Ij. IR E EYi; filOl

^ A s p i R i i \ r k ^ ” r j

tK L U II I tlNCOLN 1L ATIOV j i Correct child ^ ^hur,r a n H P P M » ^ * fV c u ° t- BUlif, nc

i iS » o r ? S ! ^ ®*'

1 $5 P er Mor

AIR COOLI, 2200 Cubic Feet per M ln u ta th Filters...........................................

.... ........ 1 2 4 . 'I Comfort' This Sumnderion'* Eoty Poymonf P lan t, or u te

our 30-Day Chorga A cco u n t.

lEADQUARTERS Hlld Floor B n S ^

Right for the Comini


Q uality


$ 1 5e ta i l 10,95 ea.

brown, green, grey, ru s t!!jrey, tan, blue! th ro u g h 42

la -B rand S le e k s , t h a t f i t p e r - flz. f a b r ic s , N y lo n s t i t c h e d f o r'r e p e r m a n e n t ly C re a s e R e s i s t ; . . ............ ....j 'w a is tb a n d . T a i lo re d f o r l a s t - ■:Bt u sa g e , a n d re m e m b e r* t h e s e




IL ORDERS FILLED•liopper;11*. Ieb t t S pr. tor IS.M:

ci~~|~~Wler" l "tadCholM ~1 S E T ”■ n — — : — n ------------- • ' ^ H

_______ I *

J . . - I wiTie • — COD ________ —............ ..............................................................• M tW


urt Petitioned | ] » | W ro Change Name U U L iiitrlct court was petlU oned jH 'f \—•sd*y by Mrs. Dorothy O em lnir ;-• ■■.........i.:11 to change the last names o f ' | | E 9 ^ ?Ive children from Honderlch to ; •

c chWdrrri’s tnlher. B o b e rt " W “ "lerlch. and the petlllonef w ere I B H•ced June Jl, 1947. 81nce th e n

have been living with th e i r '■■ ler's parents, Mr. and Mr*. W ll- S i H ^ M W. Daum, TRin Falb. ' '


OF SALT LAKE CIT? I IWill be a t the

lAWATlIA IfO T E l^nalley la t. and Man.—Jone IS-IS I » 1 J J » 1

ITNCOiN INN—Goeainr U U M M d ui*. te Thur.—Jnne 19 to 2 t •'

BUHf, nO T E t-B uM FrL and S s t-J o o e 22-tS




Co m I* m r i I ______ ___ elxMrt oil th * '


a i i l Bdoming Slack' Seasoiii

P A G E - .T H S W .

M p ft

. / A » - \

i s y ,

H i a S i\enm t l M wl iMta ‘ f i A A A «lIxMrt oil th« -M « ' S S y y

/ / we can’t service ioe toon't tell t i .”

Season! ^

t I

V aJ f l p


ii F S '

' V


t .


' J

rP A G B t X ) U l t :

IT CW im S S S T jS L » ^ < % ’to f t tM A -

H tkiM ■»««>» I, t ~»

a a c i r s T s c r ---------;---------S » . ” ».=r- --------- :

m ”H n s F S ’E 2 ;

T H E S E N A T E I N Q U n The M na t« M a c A r tb u r h e a i i r

en terin g th e ir c rltlcftl p h a s js . T h e on U lt to d e m o n rtra t* t h r t t h e y th e ir Inquiry to th e p u rp o s e * f o r '

- tudert& ken .W hen th e In v e a tlg a tlo n b e j a n t

I t waa d e d ica ted lo e x p lo r in g 1 stances su rro u n d in g th e d l^ m is sa M acA rthur, a n d re la te d m i l i ta r y policy iMues.

Up to th is p o in t, th e p r o c e e d ln i e ra lly ad h ered to th la - p u rp o s e , Jrom p e rfec tly . Som e s e n a t o r s h o n dnellUiK lo n g on I s s u e s w ldi Iw m th e m a in p a th . S o m e h a v po in ts th a t a lre a d y h a v e b e e n ag a in a n d a g a in .

B ut m ostly th e q u e s t io n in g h o n th e f ia c A rth u r c a s e a n d Its w ider policy. I n p u r s u i t o f i t s bas u n a t e In v es tig a tin g g r o u p prop* In terrogate M a c A rth u r h tm s e U , chiefs o f s ta f f , S e c re ta ry o f D efe r a n d Sec re tary o f S U te A c h e s o n . B th e re are a h a n d fu l o f o t h e r s v l tn tiu te to a re sp o n sib le in q u ir y -

Sena tor R u ssell of Q e o r g la . eh al group, haa a n n o u n c e d , h o w e v e r , a Hat of m ore t h a n 100 p r o s p e c th I t U h a rd to Im ag ine m o r e t h a n o f these w ith a n y th in g t o s a y abo

. A rthu r a f f a i r t h a t Is b a s e d on knowledge.

T his InvesU ga tlon c le a r l y w a s r to provide a g e n e ra l a n d c o n t in u d Am erican fo re ig n po lic y i n a l l I ts th a t Is w h a t I t w ou ld t e n d to t •hould d ra g o n lo n g e n o u g h to h 100 w itnesses, o r even h a l f t h a t i

The m o m e n t h a s co m e f o r t h e p sen ato rs to .s h o w t h a t t h e y a re disc ip lin ing th e m se lv e s I n In q u l ■ort. H ere to fo re m a jo r c o n g re s s lc ga tlons w tth h e a v y p a r t i s a n ove a lm ost in e v lU b ly d e g e n e r a te d In U tlcal c a rn iv a ls . T h e s e a r c h fo r e a l gu idance In t h ; m a k in g o f la^ lo st In th e sh u ffle .

The M a cA rth u r h e a r in g s s e t a a rd o l perform sA Cfl i n t h « b e g lr th e n th e r« t ik v s M e n s o m e m a b u t they h a v e n o t y e t d e g e n e ra l custom ary ch ao s . I f th e y d o , th e n A m erican c itiz en w ill b e llki^ly th a t th e U . 8 . se n a te is I n c a p a b le Ing a w holly s ta te s m a n l ik e lnv«

ANOTHER TRUMAN I Presiden t T ru m a n , i n a n o b v lo u

mlQlmUe th e c a s u a l t ie s i n K ore van tage of a n o p p o r tu n i ty i n spei th e h ighw ay s a fe ty c o n fe re n c e , th e com bat s ta t is t ic s v r i t h th o se tra ffic .

B u t In m a k in g t h i s c o m p a r l i h im s e lf r id ic u lo u s , a s h e 1

m any tim es l h th e r e c e n t 'p a s t .“The to ta l c a su a ltie s f o r t h e v

tlo n (In K o re a ) h a r e b e e n le ss «n<i th a t Inc ludes e v e r y th in g , s d u t b tn J e e p s by a c c id e n t s , k l f ro a t, M p tu re d o n t h e t r o n t an< n l d tb e P r e s id e n t

"B o t r ig h t h e re a t h e m e w e k m a n s n tly .in ju re 1,038,000 p eop le i s no o u tc ry by th e s a b o ta g e p n f ta te m e n t by th e o o lu n m ls ts o r t

dem aiotues,**^ t w b ere h a s P r e s id e n t T n u r

th e se m a n y y e a r s i f h e i s IncU n th e n a tio n 's p ress h a s o v e rlo o k e i to ll e f d e a th o n t h i s c o u n t r y 's

T bs n e w sp a p ers o f t h i s c o u n tr; _ WOfUng jta .closfl c o - o p e r a t io n , w

tio n a l S a fe ty council, r e p e a te d l j th e people t h a t m o re t h a n 30,oi lo st every y e a r In a u to m o b ile acc li

‘Hie p ress b a s n e v e r l e t u p o n Ir A m erican p e o p le to d r iv e m o r e ca

. new spapers h a v e Is s u e d hxm dred •O ds o f w arn in g s , c a r r i e d h u n d re i ands o f e d ito r ia ls , a n d p u b lls h e of th o u sa n d s o f p ic tu r e s sh o w in i resu lts o f a u to m o b ile a c c id e n ts tb a land .

--------I t 's n o t n n a s n a l f o r t h e P re soff tb e deep e n d w ith h i s Im p u ls l ness. B a t w h e n b e a t t e m p t s to te ll cab pub lle t h a t th e n e w s p a p e r s o e n e d a b o u t tb e e v e r '- ln c r e a s ln on th is c o u n try 's h ig h w a y s , h a i self rid iculous.

"And I wonder why," Mr. Trui “I wonder why."

B e 's n o t a lo n e in t h a t resp ec A m erican p eop le a r e w o n d e r in g T rum an.

^ W R W G ADDRESS_____ S m SQ0.9VW s i t s p e d a l e t t e r l n t

envelope a n d m aU ed i t o t t ? i t h a i b e l t o f fsm lU as. S vsq, i n f a c t . I n U;

.. iiBfamlly.. .. Oor eany to Iran. B enry O w

did Joat th a t the o ther , d a y -wb handed to prem ier Mossa

itf * letter .wiittan b7 President o f B rltala

^ ' i r n w i f i l i i S ^ e iD O tto n e l m f t y i w t .to pub

t m k d o f t t t b e j i n A e r i s u y e t b

MHliiili T U C K E R ’

W H I ]t W f c l S WASmKOTOK—De<1 r>m«fci»«.0.y iw . _____ worusjr denltlj from H

■ .• iu u r " " “ I

• » o /auat U 8-. IMH. C»li. dlpJonnU *Ui1 In COttt

»» FiMiHx . C«IU._______ *e»kwj#d in th» cu rr«' • puuiovCT for red InvadE INQUERY ^

w ^ »M9 th a ilUr h e a r in g s now are many-i dMUucUon. i rh o s e . T h e se n a to rs are t h u Moscow ) i u ttn gt h r t th e y can con fine cum* a p u p w t. p o . » r o r , h i . h . t w «

IC too dlfllcuU for h lnin b e g a n a m o n th ago, of u>s ohlneM r«volutx p lo r ln g th e c irc u m - ^ ^8 d is m is s a l Of G enera l1 m U lta r y a n d fore ign “ “r th a n

Uicn expUln why h ep ro c e e d in g s h av e gen- Chini:

ten a to rs have insisted negotuuoni toi « unissues widely removed wlUi the haughty g«nSom e have belabored iocid«nt tre toid m a u . r . b e e n w llh

. . «liempt to conquer c i[ t lo n ln g h a s focussed hla revolutionary comme a n d i t s e ffe c ts on ts r t* u> compromise, io f l U basic a lm s, th e « » ^

o u p p r o ^ r l y h a d to m o r o e A L * - M « . o• h im s e l f , th e Jo in t '• • iw la n revo! y o f D efenae M arsha ll u m p i to overthrow c h A cheson . Beyond these io»emm*nt m th e « so t h e « Who c an con-

L nqu lry . Ui»> m a j i m of wo r g ia , e h a lrm a n o f the t«w wMki u t« r , sM kirh o w e v e r , th a t h e has chian# aUJane* O u t w p ro « p e c U » .w l ln s . i t J .lo r e t h a n 10 p t r cen t u ! S ,1to s a y a b o u t th o M ac- pUti to c w tn t . in fib a s e d on f ir s t-h a n d did m f i|hun» th« Jap,

"V lnenr Joe" Sm «a r l y w a s n o t in te n d edI c o n t in u in g fo ru m on o,ey ,ucceeded. th e re i• i n a l l I ts a sp ec ts . B ut aUlcd ivlth u» agftlnst t e n d to becom e If It

i a l f t h a t n u m b e r. „ for the we»B f o r t h e p a rtic ip a tin g e*pecl»«y American U r

t h e y a re capable of u» now m he worried o' to o f th l .

c o n g re s s io n a l m v e au - to obuin auppo:r t l s a n ov e rto n es have looun j uound for newl e r a t e d In to w ild po- new balances of powes e a r c h fo r t r u th , to r • “ ♦ '"p i to aave WmBeik i n g o t 1 .™ ,h « b .e n .T o t .™ " " " '

Therefore, accordlnin g s s e t a h igh s ta n d - Vehni and others. w «slt h e be g in n in g . S ince to make the best of » t

inn ias bellevo h« may m»1te »M m e m M ked lapses, id e g e n e ra te d In to tho united su te s snd B rit

7 d o , t h e n th e averagebe llkctly to conclude PROSPECT-Wa&hm

n l lk e In vestiga tion . which would b« th e z------------------- success In the field of IlU M A N BLURB l ‘ »ould be a m or

lTs‘d * ^ s s l f t : V tS I n K orea , to o k ad- or the middle east— to ii t y i n sp e ak in g before h u international f ro mn f e r e n c e . to com pare should be em phaaur i t h t n o . . r e t e t l n , to S

of June and July, whc o m p a r iso n h e also lU rted or had th e ir o r

s , a s h e b u do n e » »ftUl be war or p«ao«

f o r t h e Whole op e ra - V I E W S Cb e e n le s s th a n BO.OOO ^

“ O'* t * . B l i m b e r COII d e n t s , kUled o n the own -'communitjr c h u t t r o n t a n d w o u n d e d ,p l o y u worked Memor

and put their waxes li

o m , w . B U p . r - S r p . a X ? ‘. o '„ S)00 p e o p le , a n d th e re Wbutlon of employes.lx> tage press, n o m la- by a board composedm l . t . o r t h . c o n r . . -

l o n t T m m „ b . . n .11 5,.“ S,'; "» i s Inclined to thlnlt th in they oUierwlse woverlooked the trasic industrial p u

I l s c o u n try h a v e been ao extra day. T hU mee r a t l o n . w ith t h e Kat. tlon> do not tend th e nr e p e a te d ly rem U idlng ^ , t h a n 30,000 Uves arelObUe a cc id en ts . S ^ a m u tJo n r a n d ^s t u p o n Im p lo ring the b«r company will be :re m o r e carefu lly . The sutesm an.1 h x m d red s o f th o u s- .»d htm dreds of thoua-I p u b l ^ e d h u n d r e ^ ^aied uie h t i j h u , winss s h o w in g th e trag ic »lon ahe had en terta in ,a c c id e n t s th ro u g h o u t and radio. At an a ce w

grandma parts she wast h e P r u d e n t to go

Ils im p u ls iv e h a u g h tl- in private life, 8h* wi p t s to te ll th e A m eri- Showman BUly Bose.

S Sv a y s , h e m a k es h im - The great glam orlier 0

the young redhead dol• M r . IV u m an added. York burlesque a n d »

and fortune by s>vln« ii * t rM p « c t, A lo t o t S uw o n d e r in g a b o u t Mr. only by Al Jolson. P b r l

show business," a n d wt— - - »h* did well. Her pubUi

k D D R E S S **** f’*** equals: sh a l r t t . r l n t o l h . m o n j ,O ff? I t h a p p e n s In th e t w o d a :1 f a c t , l h tb e d ip lom at- At a noaat mM tint

Olvu liberties un ion , Ikl e n iy P r M y . I n « I , c t S K . ' K S f t i S . K

J j a r M o u td e g h a copy T h , N,w York Tuo«P r e s id e n t T ru m a n to " jo r u :v t B r i ta in . O ra d v was ^ subUi, croeplng pi

and tptecb Is a t t ^B M o a v e -^ M n d M fo r ^ j j , , eountry .'T i take a variety of fo m u ,'

> tiona$ BUUI. g iv e n to tns uailU Q r tow ard piBi l a pu b lic . G ra d y 's confomlty. a a d

b u y e t b u L . U ula Post-Olcpai


w h i r l i g i g ]OKOTOK—D espite the. «»ual and imtruit- denials (rom h lsh ofllclal sourcei, the ICoiean soon, may b» Unalnated In' a more or less

>nt cease-fire acreement between the TTu* jnlniitraU on and Mao Tse-tung’s commuaiit

ree tm e In China. Ln i i r ^ A llve*and*let-1lve arrangement l* w r \ ' betw een Washlnglon and Pelplng _

XA, O’** w*? weaken RumU'i Innuenee— -W ln-«»e-»*r-*ast-*lse-mar-rMalt-----

k - r i * , M ao U reported to be fllsrist«I K w # ' w ith the trailo outcome of hli In- '

r . u rv e n u o n In Korea, where his finest Z S w - V le sions have been mauled by United ^ ,y -

-J BUtes-Unlted NaOoni forees. Hisd e iea ti . especially the current bloodyrepulse, hsve coit wsj prestljBth ro u sh China and the orient.

GAME~He U described by neutral ts sUil In co n tac t with him as dUguited wllh failure to keep hla promises of vast mlllUr? suspect* th e I ^ m l ln alms to iee him so

id In the c tir re n t war that he will be an easy r for red Invaders. ,the same p la y SUUn puUed on HJtlei^nne, j I alliance t h a l provoked war. and Uien.Oer- ' destrucUon. I n short. Mao begins to reaUie We scow )a u stn* him as a pawn in lU game to “ 8' Ulna a puppet.iuppoaed,to b e in the mood to strike a bargain < ! western -powers. provia*d they do not make ^ < Ifflcult for h im to shift horses in the middle «a«t < n^lnese revolution. *■

lENT—In a elm llar predicament In 1937. dlplo- ^ call, Moo showed hlnuelf to be a practical ®'H m rather th a n a drcnmy vlsloniry. His actions plain why h e la now the ruler o( mainland.

t tha t Ume w as fighting Chiang K»l-ihek forbut he sim uiuneously was conducting peace Th>» Ions for B United government of hli country home• haughty generalissimo. Tho details of thla »*y*-are told in s u t e deparunent f(t«s, OMl-J It became evident thst Japan planned lo

om this In terna l rivalry and smiitgle In anto conquer China, Mao offered to abandon Aftutlonary com m unist program. If Chiang would fercncompromise. Then, as now, the astute Chou- k ittciras hla neaoU ator. us th

• • • ea tj—PgA ie - M io offered to (1) abandon hU plans Las'agrarian revolution" (J) to give up his at- AngoiI overthrow Chiang I3> to IntUil a democratio gone ent In th e regions he controlled, snd (4) to tiave la army w ith the kuomlntang forces. ■ th e ( tncralisslmo rebuffed these proposals, figuring phoni re a jtg n of weakness. Japan invaded only a Hans ks U ter, aeek in f dellbtreUly to block a Mao- i t ttUance tf ia t wouid force her to flgftc a imlCed good ,U during W orld war II, as our diplomatic and of de eaperu now know, the two Chinese leaders ones, ire time a n d money. Including Amerlean lup- Chlanf. in flghtJnf eaeh other than Uiey k :

ghUng the Ja p s. D ear V Joe" SUlwell. Ambassador ?at Hurley, w e pnlssary O eorse C. Marshall and other Amerl- «« w smaU tried to compose these dUfieulUes. Had giri c ceeded. th e re might today be a united China s lm ; lth us ag a in s t 'the Kremlin.

LEM—The parallel today Is almost perfect. <bitter K orean experlenc^has given him great- d j , ct for the w estern world’s growing strength, v e ci y American U nd. sea, and air power. He fears you 1 J he worried over a Japanese Invasion of KJT. you 1 J had s c a n t hrJp from nu.«l» in repellingpressures, bo th m lliury and economic, as he {icens< obUln suppo rt from ChUng In 1B37. He Is jock itround for new alliances, new allgnmen(e and je^veuices of power. Whether he does so In an Qoodto aave hlmaelf, or in a sincere dejlre to re- jof ^ and rebuild China. 1s Immat^lal to (he lm*problem. i .ore. according lo neutral diplomats like jiid others. W«sh{ngC<3n hears he msy be wtlilng count the best of « bad bargain and jliuatlon. They,e may m ake a similar, Tlto-llke shift. If given himsince by th e United Natlona. meaning the T hat 'lu te s and Britain.^ „ h o

?ECT—W ashington and I-onilon are keenly [ tlie world ImporUnce of this prospect. I t coup allD U r postwar disasters In the far east, « ould be th e Trum an admlnlsiriUon's major n the field of foreign policy. ‘lid be a m orU l blow to SUlln's plot for * “ " astery, However, If it can be pulled off. Itid Russia to Btart a war elsewhere—in Europe ___ _Iddte easW -to su v e oft similar disasters ilogs national f ro n t , ^lid be em phaslted tha t these art not yet dlplo- sutler. B u t they do lie within the realm of Msslblliuea. They also mean the faUl months and July, when eo many m%]or wars have <r had th e ir origin, may dic ldi whether there ( war or peao* “to our time.”

5W S O F O T H E R S —l lN in E D DIVING

ik Lum ber company, a t Medford. iU |«d lU nmunlty chast" effort last wMk/AU the eoi* rorked M emorial day, normally a holiday, their waxes into a fund out of which dona-II be m ade to variou* charity and weUsre u . The com pany agreed to match the con-

ot employes. Tha fund will be idmlnliUred ird composed of one person from each de- t p2us th a cdaipeny m tntger. mlfled d rive spares company and men from ' of separat« appeals for funds, and doubUass es eligible will receive more by this method ly otherw ise would.industrial plants eiUbUah a common pool Itles by a plan of voluntary deduoUon from rcheck fo r ja period rather than by working day. T hla method suite' better where opera-

not lend themselves well to an ezcra daj ef

»lem corrmmnlty chest has tried to encour- torm of consolldaUoQ of campaigns wllhln

ilons. and the experience of the EUc Lum- Bany will be foUowed w lth ^ te e s t .—Salem

” ■_____________ _■ , LA ORCAT COMEDIENNE I

Brice, dead a t SS, the girl from burlesque vho ^ le h tlghU , will be sorrowtulty missed by a le- had en terta ined delightfully on lUge. screen 0. At an a ce when actresses begin looking for parU sbe w as sUll ’Baby Bnooks." Uie mean

Ilo brat, fo r whom she kept a childish voice. ^ir let he rse lf grow eld. ..........................•ate life, sh e was married for eleven yean to V 1 BlJIy Bose, whom she divorced. Always . V ilcal and realistic, she never allowed domestic lo keep h e r show from goUi< on. irlee was anoUier discovery ot Flo Zleffeld's. ' < t glam orlcer ot the American glil discovered g redhead do ln i ,sons and duce In a New i rlesque a n d set her on the path to 'tam e J me by g lvin* her "My Man" to ting in » sad T his "Follies.” In i m she starred In a tUm of 3 t. tbe second talkie ever msde-antedated Q a Jolson. F b r her there,was “no business like mess,” a n d whatever she did tor her publlo ' reU. B er pubUc adored her. As a comedienne . tew e<]uals: she was a Undmark In her pro- .PorU and Oregonlah. tou*

TW O DANCER SIGNALS woaat tpoa*and by c&s Amerfcaasties un ion , Donald Elopfer, ol the book pub- It/io^ nmell, repo rted a dangerous Incresse Is ef- ' t a i n loUi pnvsU ) individuals and pubUe otfldali to , , oUUeal censorship on book publishing. ew York Times, after a suney of coUeges,

Ul, c reeping paralysU ot freedom ot thought .••gsJ !cb Is a ttack ing college campuses in asoy 3iB eountry.'T tese-llB iuaoB s on'tree inquiry rle ty o rfo m u ,-b u tth e lrD e te tfK ttsaw ld e n - ' inor tow ard passive soceptanc* of Uu status f ^ W . a n d a narrowtag et the area of,

tn whlBli aturtents. far.ultv a,«it . . .free to speak, ael and think Indepeadeatly." ^III Post-D ispatch.

U L “ “ VV

G P O T ^ ]\

‘S h o t s ^ P £Jie Tni> dlsea<munuaist ,prea

I _ ■ I — ' of thingement dUNNO a ree. Dear p o t SJjou: two :

I w »6 ceruinly dUappolnUd to eUe.r«*a”t n e “«»sif« * n tan '« » fe roeler Oni

f o T th e all su r eaat-w at-Idaho pUln'^ f i n S t basketball game lUted In Bundsya the« T-N. I am wondering why Abble agenc

^ U riru e n . Rupert, snd Burley'a Don lo aw J h. Sm ith were dmIWed trom the squad. protK

c e r ta in ly Abble's record u high Thepoint ecorer for the s ta te of Maho thalduring scawn pUy a n d Don’s re- Uvelt


Pot S h o ts; eom«We have tour llltle black puppies tlves

" ■ y 'game wI bareain tw o and one-half miles eaisl of Thilot make Log C iibln aervlce sUUon or norUj- extrni

int. 4 , Bubl) the c

DVellcai Bill ‘1’' 8 '"^J actions dogs h ith e r and yon arountl T*ln seemjnalnland. P»H». -•'“ Js lie has a good pooch W wanU

give aw ay. The dog Ik a male Dsl- •ahek tor m a lU n pup about e months old.ng peace This purebred do* hcui to ro to como rules

country home outside of Tw in Fslli, Bill out,I of this »»y*- BOO"! coura

03fll-R-3. struci

le"fn an ALL DEPENDSabandon A fte r that blutb about the dlf- tha fig would tercnce In demand fo r pups and ed In.« Chou- klltcri.s. n woman phoned lo Inlorm weal

us t h a t maybe there Is a demand tor ch irate—cood ones. Ing I

Us plans L as t V/ednesdsy. she oftered eight ber ohis at- A ngora kittens and they vere all on th

mocratlo gone In pretty short order, “I could the ad (4) to have given away two doun more." mall

• she ftdded. Bho received plenty ot ed tifiguring phone calls, Includirw some Irom gener

1 only a H ansen . Buhl and Castleford. thirda Mao- I t seems there’s a demand tor then

a united jood cats. Just like th e re a plenty he #tstlo and ot dem ond for good pups or unusual out 1I leaders ones. excha:an eup- • . • puian they K ITTEN S FOR K ID S DEPT. whlcV

D ear P o l Shots: s u n tHurley, w e have three cuto little kitten* T hat

r Amerl- «« w ould like lo give to some llllle jo rJes. Had girl o r boy. They cnn bo seen at 951 I imad Chins Einj s tr e e t or phone 1581. aue t

SoMkie cause• • • Pul

perfect. OURlftW -LETlN BOARD WoulCm great- u jx ie WelU> Goodlnf—Sorry, but Jo titrenglh, « e c a n 't do anything aboul helping bell IHe tears j-ou f in d the new bicycle given to ThiI of 1837. you f o r your birthday. It you ever VTOtorepelling th e blue FJyHis Star, Ooodlng linesc. as he license 110, we sunge.it you buj' a amou 7. He Is lock a n d lock It up every time yousn?s and ]e»ve It. We're sure th«.folks around a»0 In an Q oodm g will be looking tor a blcj-cle time, •e to re- jof ^ p.year-old 'glrL iify tlhe lm- ------- g.ve

I . .HeardaboulK, Bellevup-There Intenals like Jo ts of little people all over the kepte wJWnf c oun try , not Just at Bellevue. We're sible .)n, They th e one In question Is hurting pay t

S";*'' h lm seU morc than anyone else. On.ing tne xhat'.<« usually the case with folks for >

who o re wllllnj lo cut olf Uielr — ^, keenly . . . J Ujpect. I t FAMOUS LAST LINE ^

"• • • * '» " “ “ •* ■8 major » b o u l a week a fte r Uie missus ^..U. t„r »**• » T

GENTLEMAN IN THE Oll1^ 0* FOURTH ROW hec:rs I lo u yoi

. , Guaranteed fl » .?‘. K ; R A ^ S E R V I C E. months -J"M Stw la" Auto Ius have RADIOS II*r there C o m m u n le e t io n i Radio I

117 M ain West — Fhone 2 » S | ,

: r s — ^aged lU

m w . P r e s e n t in g t lh dons-

a ? la P esrC m n k i

froiii Home Haealon poolon from 'workinge opera- , "‘ d«j of . . . i aencour- Z | i | ^ | [ g M | |

1 «lU>ln < f J »k Lum-

que vho i by a le- - 7 I. screen g king tor

mean "'■■■''>h ^Ice. -

yean to

lomestle 4 ! ^ M R c r '" :3lecfdd's. / Kovered

a Newlo 'tam s j r f l n j

! s ; 3 s u r ' A { M | R

■ C o lo r P ia n n in f f i i i i

ier pro- y ^ y ^p galore In la t«-------------- «rfa mo*» M p M o f a l l rfKowUtig -mertcaa bpofai-b« i» tH ul «*lor you«kpub- Iwoiw a ra "rloht" b*eou»e lh« /ra ^

icu iswJg. kodlA Q hom* mogoxlMs.

coUeges, w i« r im o » i , r » « p o o * .o > a e d M »««kthought ,ieQ o lerly -.* .)w # oiwwirt h m lU oM « a asoyInquiry — --------------- ---------- ----

DEE PACE S/ilnlstia*- — A iM lini. ____________4eatly.“ a v e n u e —


^ “W A S H IN G T O N C

i M A R Q U I SW ASHINaTON - According-to mill

Uist learned doc to r of philosophy, 091J Senator Paul D ou«las, DUnols, Uie ber

B P disease ot admlnlstraUTelUs h as Tbli apread lU b lig h t over large areas to <

■— ' ot .the W ashington bureaucracy. W line a receni speech Douglas analysed Pc two phases of th is menacing dls- Nort

nted to eUe. core:e rwler One might t>e described u Just JW, t •Idaho pUln decay — *“ ®'iunday’a the govem m eat slreiJ Abble agency Upees In - cove7'a Don 10 a stale a n d Pade squad. protlUess rouUne. ’ Kcu high The second fo rm to dIf tdaho (hat admlaJstm> tlfeton’i re. Uveitis Ukes westlouma- more c o m p l l c a t« d .^ ^ B S ^ ^ ^ H with ;hed by An agency U s a t aslesquad, up to r e g \^ te - I t

ed Fan monopoly or n e a r - a n d rtl monopoly such

the r a i l r o a d s . M>mi> caos* Be PT. Gradually It b e - tj,al

comes infiltra ted with represents- puppies tlves ot the ind u stry to be regulated „ call lor and they proceed to use the govern- ^i ,, •3 north ment lor Uielr ow n special purposw., eaist of The airline industry,’ for al) Its j r north- extraordinary growth. Is compar- .

ailvely new. y e t th e IntlllraUon pro- iwmao cess appears to be Uking placc In _ J) Uie civil aeronauucs board, which , .

Is charged w ith regulating thc In* „ chsjes dustry. Al any rate, the industry

ltl T*ln seems to get Ju s t about what It ' ' KKjcU to wants out ot governmeni, *1lie Dsl- . . jths old. Defying th a t sa fe st o t all senate jjud to como rules about n o t aUcklng your neck 111, Bill out. Senator J . V/llllam Pulbright

Fhone courageously d u g Into the recon- strucUoo fin an ce corporation and exposed some unsavory business charged up lo th e Uxpayer. Briefly,

lhe dlf- Lha fMlbrlght subcommllUe Inqulr- ips and ed Into loans proposed tor North- I Inlorm weal Airlines. gjUjisnd tor chairm an P u lb righ t was question-

ing Harold A. Jones, then a mem* ed eight ber ot Uie civil aeronauUcs board. , vere all on tha tm porU nee ol the subsidy ot ,p “I could the airlines t h a t U concealed In the I more," mali pay they receive. Jones otter- leniy ot ed the ’'guesa” of the postmaster le trom general th a t th e subsidy was one- ^d. third of the to ta l wnounL Fulbrlght . . md tor then brought u p losUnces In which » ,r plenty he suggested t h a t CAB bad balled " unusual out inefficient lines. The lollowlng

exchange occurred:Fulbrlght: T hose were esses In

EPT. Which the m ail pay was a verj- sub- sunU al am ount: were they not?

I kltUns T hat U always In the picture. " ' ne llltle jones: I t la alw ays In there and ® n at 951 I imagine the creditors did not pur-

aue the road to bankruptcy be- oMkle cause . . . ■ ■

pulbright; T hey thought you ID would ball th em out? rry. but Jones: T hey thought we would helping ball them out.!lven 10 Thc RFC subsequcnlli' under- ou ever WTOte bank loana to Northwest Alr- □owllng lines totaling *21,000,000. Of .this 1 buy a amount »4.790,000 has been repaid.Ime you . . .around a» Pulbright poInUd out a t the

I blcj-cle time, the tac t t h a t CAB had to cer­tify to RFC t h a t thla was essenUal gave the aeronauUcs board a vested

—There Interest In see ing th a t the Ilne was )ver the kept solvenL T h e board is respon-e. Were sible for fixing th e *mount ot msJl hurting pay to Individual carriers.« else. On April 11 th e board auUiorlied lh folks for Northwest lo r transporting the If Uielr — ^

JESUS S A ID . . .

‘•SS ComeTHE o il ye t h a t la b o r ond o re

w heavy lo d e n , a n d I will g iveyou rest., (M att. 11:38)


I i U Monroe SI.J I . I X. G. W ynkoop. Pu tor

i e n t in g t i n

J j ^ S c h e m ^

ne Magazines!


in n in i f i t o k N O t ^ i

■lore In la tn t Mm s to ctwoM trom.

" Wlth « o r t KK«m*r»Si boolt glvw • tf iy .w .W lo w c o b f rvWpu. ]Ri«i

Coniult this un lq irt Color PlonnlnQ

fM lU « r id W w « w fw tu r« < L

: e s a l e s C O . ii r ------------------ ; - n m t s s i - ----------------------- ^

iTON C A L L IN G ” BY “

l U i S C H I L D S 4cording-to m»U <«*r domesUc TDhllosophy, 091^74 tor the period chaiC T t h e S r I, 1947, through Oac. 1 1 ^ So«velUs h as ThU represents. In part. M a d ^ t l *trg« areas to earlier payments m ade to Uietucraey. in line tor Uie same ^ o d . ^ ^1 I analysed Fer Its trans-PacWlciKlng dls- Northwest was J&o

covering lhe period f r w n ^ ? ^ed u Just JW , through Dec. Sl, « » • S j ,______ __ smount U less thsn Uie ^■ ■ ■ I Hrasdy had awarded to e Une tor »

covering lhe routes flow n in Uie ^

^^ow these sums may have n p ^ gto do wllh ^

wivs* UTmiaction w ith RFC. But y i ^ H with Uncle Bsin In a dua l role—

as lender and guarantor o f the 1 ^ ^oy I S r a _ i t IS hard to see how efficiency “ J, H R n j l ind economy can be promoted.

,1. CUIS. Ben. Edwin Johnson. ColMado, chairman ol the aenate commerce

h u ‘n t r o d u ^ a bW ^ 1 regulated -foposlng to separate subsidy Irotn he govern- jir.mall pay on both domesUc and 1 purposM- initm juonal routes. T h is Is a step for all Its J urged by the Hoover commls- ^ J compar- . reorganlMtlon of the gov- -ynraUonpro-f Thc johnion bill, however. In-ird, wmcn jpeclflo mall-pay ratea raU>- big the In- providing th a t Uie lines be qu j' '?[ compensated tor carrying Uie mall byt vnai ll , reasonable return pn invest- on

menl. The latter method is esjiential. — , In ’the belief ot mony who have P “

all senate styjitd ui* problem, to Insure both your neck economy ond ettlclency.Pulbright gg niuch needs to be done. In

;he recon- senators do n o t hesiU te to•atlon and j,bout the connections, the pull

buslnw tlie fjvorlUsm th a t riddle the er. Briefly, prjjent regulatory system . In spile :ee inqiUr- prodding and needling on the tor North- necessity tor a thorouRh InveaU-

gatlon ot politics and deals in Uie t question- gripping and Uie a irline Industries, n a mem. has looked determinedlylies board.

The civil aeronauUcs a c t was In- tended to encourage' lim ited com-

mea oner- pjjm jj, through govem m ent teg- posunasier i f this Is not possible, then

Ul' 1‘* ^• I i l iT gobbledygook ot regulaUon th a t doesi . r M not regulate. |

i!S iCopjrlihl. 1«>. br t/nlurf /«««<» ,I following «rn<llcil., Inc.) )

I cases In ATTEND MEETING 'nnt» HEYBURN. June 15 — Mrs. Carl

they not? McFarland(s.r» ««>1 attended the meeUng of th e Easlem d not pur-uptcy be- __________________________ L

■ught you

I t ' s N e w), Of .this :en repaid.

? i . - £ I t ' s B e•d a vested le line was U respon-

V l a r i t e 'ertlng the V --* • 'I ,* * ' # g ' • ' w

3 b a tvill g ive

• F or E very F r'"- • F or E very h


F I R S T r i V N C o m i T i

. . . an d h e r e ' s 8 t Why ; 'C U R I T

C h e e k th a ie

J m Q— W h . t m a k e . C L A R ltl : K , r e v o lu i io n a r y ?

A - While a CLARITE BstUry looks ll tional b stu ry i t h u tha new CL

- trolyte which enables thc batteryllselt from reserve cspsclty. Tes diseharge-rechargs sbilliy ks < numl>er ot consecutive times.

9 | | b Q ^ I s^ C C A R IT E s im ll iD to cc b a t te r ie s in c o n s lru c lio n ?

■-A— In oulFard-appearanee.-yes. TheIn the CLARITE Eleelrolyt«, Uie

f the batlery. TJtli «leelr«{yte gin eleetrelyUe taneUoD wlUieot b lfb u tn a eoDTentlonal battery,

Q —O n w h a t e q u ip m e n t can CL B a tte r ie s b e u sed?

A— On passenger automobiles, tru c ^ tan. Itrm equlpm enl-Ia faet, or a e n t calliDg fo r a eonTtaUoaat b

Q— W h at, a r e t h e d isad rtA taseB ^ acid b a t t e r y ? •

‘ - s s i r s r . s a s>«. ]Ri«i to separators.•m homalehemM. COME OUT— L E T US GIVEPlonnlnQ

P Tw in Fa iKimberly Road (Ewt Edge

e ^ S l ------------------------- -------------------

f. . , ■■

:o ' # * • ■


BOB h o p e P" O THi play’s tha thing in W est- *

. . . chMtsr. pen Yes sir, a country chib la W esU

chaster. New York, hires a p rofes- ?«

MODOO age may have a

"•«"> j h V A s sIn kids voni evw. r>i,play mtrblss w -

friend arv# Ihelr InlHaU In a treu N ' they might fight over top hlUto*.

w . , 1, aaUstled w llh Just 'lea « * “ «>«• '

^ Qeorgle Jessel. A• , And when these W estchester kids etai' have an argument Uieyll no longer otJe ana gut mto Uie aUey to aetUe It. th ra s l ^ iBsUsd. theyll call the actors union anrimmia- ^ j,,y j u,em arbitrate th e dls- Huj® *<"■ pute. C

-------------------------- - ■ and:r. In- . FINED gra;I raU>- BOKLSy, June I J -P r a n k M. andnes be Quentana. «-u tlned Ms rccenUy wlUB mall by Police Judge Henry W. T ucker ncf'invest- on charge ot disturbing th e peacc. the<entlal. —______ ;______ _______ _____ ,) have •e both

1 spile 4

i l P R O F IT Sslnedly . . ,Are ossured wherr»s: "BUGLs M IN E R A L

BUGLER M IN ER A L S A L T REDU helping to protect th e m ogainst 1 solisfoctory or your m oney back,

’arlw d G o b e S e e d &Sulem • -.catello t r u c k L A N E — t w i n F>

Bw!it'sPr<B e tte rfte’ RECTW

T T E Rsry P u rpose ^ =ry N e e d ! ■ M

i -Y E A r ..................... " " I ]


e ' s 8 R e a s o n s

U R I T E " B A T T E R I E S o i

:k t h a i e Q u n t i o n i o n d A n i w e t t

A E l t l ; j S i l . r l a ' Q— D M r f f i s ' c a ltheee disadnniittery looks like a conven-' * _ v e s to a msxlnutha new CLArit e Elec- eoptent si

» the battery to recharge elim inate or greispscliy. TesU prove this tages.iblllly aa ertierd losry ^ e times. Q—What Is ncAollilirtio conventional Capacity”?ee.-yes. The dlffertoee U very-rapld-rate. nelrolyt«, Uie Ute blood ot acceaaories In opmeelrslyte gtres mszimiun a rap id recovery m»llh«Bt high seia eenlenl lU ow n reservi est katlery,

« t a „ C I , A B i r a

« . . . l™ .!,, bu.», t , . r . * - taon »n» equip* m m ytodusU lsl «

Ttauenal hstlery. ■ juceaaa.

C L A IU T E B*lt'rTojlBn,'«xceiilv*,giMlng, ------------------------ ---------nUcsl bumlog or dsmsga a- OLAKXTI Battert*

* n t« . the first ^


Fails A utoMl Edge of City);

I W est- Solt^traeni of cwLs. ‘ pert men ii 7 , ? * ^ la

profes- ? « reported U i» ^ '* « a «

r w .. 1*rt,'enlisted asrecpjit. Upon ■ training a t Sw

Of Ur. and Mn.Ooodlng. enlUted ^

r emit and h a s > - i *!>'««<» lor hU reSSi'SL

N a z a r e n e C h j ,

S ' £ S c h o o l S e t 1Jessel. A dally Tscsuoa BiikJ.it«r kids start Monday at t h t t S 0 longer of the Nauren. le ttle It. through Uie Best ra union announced Prida* br iS s the dls- Hughes, pastor. *

Classes will ,and end a t l l a. ^ gram will include

ank M. and Bible rccenUy wlU be providtd . T ucker n«d llltthcyw i||n” u ^ a peacc. the Rev. Mr. Hiithts i^ii

■ss u re d when you feed


iA L T REDUCES LOSS of li,M „sm o g a in s t bloating. lt'$guaroi n o n e y back.

ie d & Feed C- T W I N F A IL S -P H Q KE 40



r i e :

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LIES ore betterA n iw e tf Fullyl

s r T h . 'c a W T E B .i i i r r f o •e dludnnUiuT

m a te or gratly o m i i t th*.1.

,at Is fflMBt b j “GrtiUr'Ki » d ty ”?

pKl recovery Iron a sUls ot dlKBsn iwn reservi espaelty..

r i CLABiraEltW«'«“ ' actual u m 7.


• t to l h . IK.

, , t t . tlnilO O F -o rC D S W H ® '® ’lA B Y l


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G i v e n f o r

, j | W o m e n

g s i s f i f f "

L*. ver« Klven b^ d * p . r t n « n t

.^ w h o i p e n d s th ;S - f r ArU- toM D‘

^ IDdUD5 and ml- ^ S » kI<o told (»

the u iv lu t Tree itrMC

^ ^ ^ f l f t t o U n .^ n r k u co^mcU i ie M t t»o y«"*'.

g*5^n»nie of Chrla* * *

. r ^ ' \ . M a r g a r e t

sr I n s t a l l s E x c h a n g

5 O f f i c i a l s w j f u K1 , jj_N e«' oHi«r» V V l i n r \^ e t y of ChrllWsn OL'ENNS FEHHyjMjjilit church were fore » btckgroun^ a the /ellowihip rangementa of„ Junes D. Crejo, Margaret Ann Di

Mr, and Mrs. Jol-jrtton Is president: Ferry, snd Kennct itTlMPrw''’' " ^ ' M r . and Mrs. Marlt^ o t lo n secrclary cxchanBCd wcddlni

M Nlejiolion, Ueas- the Immanuel Me« tre Mrs- H. M. BoUe. Th* Hev. :BU* educaUon and read the marriage-auel Nelson. Chrl4- The bride woreaei and local church whlte.dotted sft-i«aiJnak Beer. «tudent h a i ilid tm l td aaCt**o. youth work; pink dalale*.M ehUdreis'a work: jh * bdde'i abd■Btft. iplrltual Ufe: w u htr on); *tt«nM U tw tu re aad j, . . brother of thiJ T h . j . 0»tmmer, and Helen J t^ Un. Virginia Me- i^t,,(YRDen. The brlde'f mot• Mxlucted the buiS ,u lt and the brie it*toUoiiaU w «« led •won a Wue anil i t f t» *l*th annual noon dre**. B oth» p Khool of mliiion* „ g u .jKnl!. wai dbcuued Immedlatelj folif ia be *ent to the ding, dinner w u i<

■C the Klllhoiue.^ftbolson made the The j-oung couj01 report. ding trip In the no,1r3 reported on the fomU. They are tr ,*«eo iU j In Twin in Bolw.

The new M n. Figw punned a t the pioyed by the Idah« tn t for the July 6 m boIu , U a gra<

high school and pi tf nre aerved by Mn. of the Wendell KBtrold Stoitz. Mr*. fa Lee UcVey. Mn.I t l Delbert Miller, —*B,Mii.Malt Bishop, V j a r Rem and Mrs. Homer '»«'

t • * -------------------------lit D n i 4 - l o e 'if 5 , r a r i I c b to do with chlldre:.Jm I. 1^ 1/ careful about whatW Q t U a K i e y hcarm?. An adult-; t o 15 - A family Importance to a cMbciit the home of « wllhout questloiifukjToImnn. Forty te n u hla behavior ■I piclchlldren were I t li not goodIttttoDaDdgameaJn ample, to u y in thiB ti a dinner In the "He halts milk.

him lo drink ll."kleb talerUined Fri- 1-’ Ukely lo mak<rtkdiaghter. Karen. dUtlngubhed. that(I*!, K at s hltUiday eood food U aoraIW- The group play- him apart from tl

tbe evening a i. and adds'lo hli IrK them. Accordingly— -------------------- --to refuse milk, or

L* attitude loward oild n m a r t i n » i n .i . . . Lftbellng a chll

H i u l t s m xtupld. dumb. U a itrcBlln; him. K t I

H l f l & j S r aod there la no usi \ J be otherwlte.. P r

■ i M B # / \ can bind a childB n w / / |\ and make it his palm g f ' / f \ someone will ta

/ / \ th a t il doesn't workH E N i. L ‘ i J f lf tj work.the c

rtpldly, but as aur B n ^ j ; 7 characterliUe of hi

^ * ''®* Mhleven 1, N v «>• I t U *M? to ac.t J j iW ^ h'aa already besto

i I q

i “ 0 0

2 2 6

F ri<? T t During t l

F r a k C

i i ? 5 P O R I0»nee*

Pm tlcaiiy

t e * PORK

1 ^ 1 '211k .fcVdaaaer p^ t.

i i § RIN G ' ■ ■ ■ ■

W ed in M o y - J-lilrna Mil

ALBION, 1! daughter of Mrt. blon, became the br Maier, aoa ot Mr. Malar.ceremony June Ifelly residence.

The Rev. VlcU>r broUier ot tha bride marriage voin. fieri

. , er were byPfnlster. anAdams.

Lighted Upen and ba^keu p -eplna thetbe ceremony. U n, played the «tddlng Rev, and duet H ruu.and Oeorge Kelly, candles. Mri. foot, aUter of the br

S0. KENfrtTH PTII/CHEB H»rri». Albion, a c:(6 u rr entraTtnt)

^ Olven In marrlag* * * * Kelly, the bride w

1- r v ^ 1. . **'''« organdy « 1Uirgcre t P e t t y ‘.(Changes V o w s “ ';“;,.rrih.''l •Vith K. F u lc h e r 5LtTS.ifSENNS rEJinr. June 15-^Be- '»»» best min with :a background of b M k tt a r- O»o Maler, I}ecle. «menta of tumm er tlbwer*. arj- a ttendant.. iret Ann Detty. da u g h ter o t Following the cereiind Mre. John Detty, Oleww greeted mote than, and Kenneth Fulcher, eon of reception, Esther Mlnd Mrs. Marlin Fulcher. K una, Bom. Declo, were I■nged wedding vows Mny 27 a t gUl lable, Mrs. OHmmanuel Methodist chu rch in preilded a t the gu t , The Rev. Donald N orfdu rtt The new Mr, andJie marriage *ervle«. on » wedding trip tc1 bride w ore 'a ttree t- leng th . Calif. They wlU m•dotted stt-l«s drtss w ith lace In Declo.M tm l td a brWal bou tju tt o t * *

abUr, B h lrle ; I>«tty, Club Ini;K only attendant. Ja ck D etty. BH05H0NB, Junirother o t the bride, waa beat Price waa Initiatedaod Helen Johiutoo « a a solo- Rho meeting held t^

thone.I brlde'i mother chose a pink Mrs. Carl BaylUs iind the bride«room'» m other Can. advisers, supera Wue and whit* ih e e r a lte r - lng and President »dre**. Both wore ga rdenia oor- Ham* was in charg#Mulon,nedlately foUowlnf th e wed- --------------------------dinner wm lerved ta H cueaU Daughtera, flhe la at Hlllhouse. Blgma Chl sororiiyI j-oung couple spent a wed< He Is a graduate o:rip in the northwest a n d Call- of Idaho and la ei1. They are making tb e lr home dnuUc engineer Inill*. tlee of the bureau oiI new M n. Fulcher, who Is em- Boise.1 by the Idaho Power com pany Mrs. Fulcher willie, U a graduate o t W endell showera In Boise, anschool and past honored cjueen by Mrs. Ltstw AVle Wendell bethel , o f Job'a Ralph Muck, Olenns

G are o f Y o u r C h ild____________By ANGELO PATRII grown-wp 'people ’nho t>ive aUeivsthen whal she with children ahould be most gardly fashion. HisII tbout what Uiey say In the ir high because they i lg. An adult'a word Is of first they can be cultlvat Itnce to a child. He acccpts accented and utre hout question and o ften p a t- power by praise, hls behavior accordingly. spoken.Ij not good practice fo r ex- Keep telling a el■. to My In the chlld’a presence, improving, that henalts milk. 1 Just c a n 't get and he will Improve10 drink ll,” T het sta tem en t better. Thc Ute Dr.ely lo make ■ the child feel to lell hla Mtchers,'guUhed. tha t his dislike o t a got one right.' insteifood U tomelhlng th a t aets you've go t nlnt wriparl from the other children children under hls <idds'lo his Importance am ong wisdom

Accordingly he will continue tw , Drlnelcle of use milk, or possibly a lte r h bde toward Olher foods, seeking C J S w e r of « « e

ellng a child as l a ^ . tlUy, K,%"Jtt“S"n*d t!.. dumb, U a dangerous w ay of ..H e?»oiM to enlovSJ him, K t U likely to accep t „ d afw r t e ^ thLlea and feel th a t he Is u n fit nroUerlp w ithw t Mc here Is no use In h b trylnB toherwlse.. Prcnounclnj Ju«U- ) S * n t a iS ld-i tW b loud a u t^ r ita tlv o ^ r d .

*”* * * * ^ * “ e«.*tul.-»-Joytothe!.t*t" ?a‘y‘r'^^d, f « . 't It. veryclo^t doesn't work the other w ay?" _____'J vork.the other way.' n o t a t m u n n iMrn tteqi i y, but as aurely. W eakneai b S . 'u t .V tS f f J i i k S cterlstlc of humanity, i t r e n f th J?ilov achleveuent to r moat of m m ^iaa. t> a U eaty to accent w hat N atu re I* *'* J?",!?,.''**

ilready bestowed. dU flctilt to w. j , ”” ’

O . P . S KF O O D ^ ^ S S i

2 2 6 S h o s h o n e - 3 4 7

F r i d a y — S a t u r <>urmg fh es* 2 days b u y o n y of t)

'resh C ut, L ean

’ORK S T E A K i

Center C u t- F re s h m

>ORK R O A S T ^

M bs. P u r e l a r d H


ilrna M iller Is M rs, Laws Bride a t A lbion Lead Ste

Home Services:^10M, June' is—Hllma Miller, '*«nt of ihe Ladle Ihter of Mrt. O eorjt Kelly, Al- A rm y o t the Repu . became the bride of Raymond: convention In Bolsi sr. aoa of Mr. and, Mrt. J . J . h e re Frld*?, ar, Rupert, a t a double r ln* .M p , Mabel John mony June 9 a t the Oeome •“ her tecreur^'. < y residence. w omen elecied to d'le Rev. Victor Maler. Nampa, » re Mra, Mary M: her ot tha bridegroom, read th e ju n io r vice preside riage voiri. ecrlpturt tn d pray- Clyde, on the adm rere offered by the Rev. Robert c ll, and Mn. Ada ster. Albion, and the Rev. C arl la in , ms. Rupert, M rt, • a iu b e thghted Upen In Ull sU ndardt tended from the Ti baAkeU ot red peonies and whito O ther officers n t la formed the background for venUon were Mr*, cercmony. Bin, Robert P tnlaU r Caldwell, senior vlc ed the *tddlng music and the M arie Odom, WeiS'

Mr. and Mrs. Adams tang a * *. accompanied by Mra. Vcm a » i ___iw . Rupert, while Robert Miller / V l 6 m D 6 r S ' Oeorge Kelly. lr„ ligUted the r i / -»

lies. Mn- Noel Rowe, Black- D V C h U r C , aUter of the bride, and Darlene „ . 4 J l L ! ” ‘ . •b. Albion, a clatsmale o t the t sans lotos Y ou th Fellowship iiven In m trrltge by Oeorge A. y, the bride wore a gown o t Sundjy evcnir e orgtndy with a corsage ot rosebuds and gardenias, „ Jacque fees anale matron of honor was Mra. '^^Icomed guesu, lUr Schlewe. Verna Maler, R u- . " ' ‘’y , sister ot the bridegroom, was ^tsmaid. Alvln Maler. Spokane, “ '^nual conference, h.. • brother of the bridegroom. ^ best msn with another brother, theMaler, t}ecle. acting ts honor- 8roup had ret

tllen d an i.. f r ^ m e n u ,llowlng the ceremony, the couple MYFmet TU'ted mote than 2M guesis a l a “ cabinet meeting ptlon, Esther Miller and Darlene « carnival to i I. Declo, were In charge of the •’ “no Jlable, Mrs. Olto Maler.'Deelo, ‘"ff part. WorklnB Ide'd a t the guest book- * ' ’• ®* Mr,le new Mr, and Mrs, Maler le ft S m llh , Junior hlRl wedding trip to San Francisco. M^- “ nd Mrs. D. A.

They wiu make their home sponsors,lecio. T h e senlpf MY?

4 « « w ell Wise, w u apr^ 1 I , . . . . d e n t peck. PublldC l u b I n i t i a t e s ^ Mimer. The r105H0NB. June 1^-Oeraldlne 8 w at Initiated »t the T heta “ »<=’'• meeting held th b week In Sho- c ers for the next t

rs! Carl BaylUs and Mrs, Lillian•. advisers, supervUed the meet-and President Mary Dene W ll- V °«n ! T > ^ * wno* was in charge of the buslneta ' ' ‘*2;. “ hoo'-on - O ra Lee Fuller com'—i_______________ _________ lng . President Billghtera. She U a member of Bela e<l tm m Uln pens vU *t Chl sororiiy In Boise, Wbe, Barba;! U a graduate of the Unlveralty McOuire. daho tnd b employed as hy- * *lUc engineer In the reglnal of- S r \ O r i n l KA of the buretu ot reclamation In - - ^ p C U l U l »'» '

rs. Fulcher wax honored a t Held for/til In Boise, and a party given F IL E R . June 1! Mrs, Ltttw Allison tn d Mis. P E O Sisterhtiod, hel!h Muck, Olennt Ferry. . In* M onday preced

- luncheon lo hear rej1 - convenUon held Ju)

C u i l d r G l l Mrs-' O. J, Childs,, . .p o , deleffate.1, and Mrs.■ A i K l • new state PEO org

“ ' — “ po rts .\glhen whal she allords In n ig- B ose Ann llelchely fashion. High qualities are tu rn e d from Hone

because they are scarce. B ut ta u g h t physlctl edican be cultivated, they can be v a te school, gave n

nled and strengthened into w ork and travel, S tr by praise, by words fitly lela ahe brought bwen. fei w m made with?ep telling a child that he Is ' ^ Xoving. that he has done well f ^ l i p c f c S ihe will Improve and he will do ^

:r. Thc Ute Dr. Johnstone usoB G u es t My watIII hla Mtchers, "Sty, 'Fine, You Pali* Avenue club r9ne right.' instead of. 'Oh dear, daV afternoon a t t «t go t nlnt wrong; '■ and th e com pany audltorluniren under hU care proved his shown,om. Refreshments wet lb principle of training holds , In reUilon to chUdrtn’t health.power of suggestion b mighty. weun,

■ad o t ttylng, "He catches cold M 0THER.80ht t l r t t wind that blows'- say, s h S ™ junl I going to enjoy tho windy day-after " ‘In* that he b protected d a y v e n in g t t the :

Kebelcah club, Thilet htm go and do Just tha t, c h a r s e Included Ma t a ehlldl ttrtngth, p rtbe h b Mrs. 0 . B P< U ,p lr ta r .h to M h e * llh y .iu c -■ul.' »-Joy to the tamlly, and he ^ oome very close to being Just

___ K odak FllU m iMrn tteql Uit >orU bf («ucli ^ CtUy 0t

!”H s r “ Kss.-S;j’s >-e«dom

» R A G G

e - 3 4 7 M ain A v e . E

a t u r d a y S p c t c i a l|f any of the following a t only 49c



■ I. - ■

irs, Lawson Will S p ring Lead S tate GAR •Ira, Vemon Lawson. Twin Palb, - ■- — «»• •.I elected Idaho department presl-

of lhl Ladles of the Orand ny o t the Republic at the tU te ventlon In Boise, it w u reported e F rld t;. ' '([s, Mtbel Johnson w<j selected -her tecreur^'. Other T«lh F t ib ^nen elected to department offices ^

Mrs, Mtry Miller, department lor vice president; Urt. B trtha £de. on lhe admlnlitratlon coun* and Mn. Ada McOuffln. chap- ^ i ^ ^ ^ E E L p >

[ r t , ' U lube lh iicK tt Hvi aU Cd«d from the Twin FalU chapter'ther offleera named t t the con- • -Uon were Mr*. Cori OoIdtmlUi.dwell, senior vice president, and •- Wrle Odom, Weiser, treuurer.

lem bers Greeted /m g ^ K k iy C hurch Groupew tophomores of the Senior Ith Fellowship of lhe Methodistrch w ttt wtlcomta at a meel-' M RS.'W lLLlA f

Sundty evening in the youth (Staff cniter of the church. ^ * tcque Peek and Csrolyn Milner:omed guesu. The topic waa K A S e c P i ^ n rly don't we? - which w u Uken / V l l S S V ^ O O f n wme of the lalks given a l theual conference, / W O m e 'piano solo was pl»)«d by R<»., n iC H r iE L D Jui

ler. Alter ihe worship service Cooner d a th i e r ^group had recre.tlon tnd re- ? o e " ";>oper,® form

? eT ^m etT M e sd a y evening for T . lib lne t meeung tnd nude pUus Sam OUlndon son carnival to be held the last o X d „ n P a ^

June wllh llic Junior MYF tak- Bud Roseberry anr

I will be Mr, and Mra. Art xh» former Mlis lh . Jimlor . h igh iponsan, and R ichfield echooU be and Mrs. D. A. MeOulr*, senior newlyweds are at I

« 7 m Y F Chairman, Lo- 7 ' ^ ^. Wise, w u appolnttd W pttsS- n • i I rt peck. Publicity chtlnnan b D i r r n u Q V rt Milner. Thc nomlntun* com- . V 4 ^ .:c8 o t Bill Plaher. Peck. Loube | c A A g P t Sk. ja c k Boyd and Jeinnt Wat- ^will meet and nomlntU offl- \ program on bii

. for the next tlx monthi. fhe XU:he senior MYP htd a specUl >"«Ung: ot Uie Bap:day evening meeUng to honor day a fternoon in lhng peoplt who l\iit j ia iu tu a m e e t tiR op- n high ichool. Roir Miller andU e FuUer conducted Uie meet- « n o e ll . ^ i . EffiiPretldent Bill Fisher present- conducted th

7” '- V - "£“■McOuIre Lenn^ If, ^ program chalrmaif

•. l l i , . Edna O r*ham who>ecio MeetingHeld for Reports ^ILEB. June IS -C h ip ler AH W aller T u m e r, j.irs>SisterhtPOd, held a ^e c ltl meel- Mrs. J a n e BlUlngs.Monday preceded by a no-host The J u ly meeuniheon lo hear reporb on the IUU u,e home! of Mrs. l'enUon held June 5 lo 7 a t Sun . v it

rs.‘ O. J. Childs. Mri. Art WUey, C I TCl6 C cffate.1, and Mrs. John 8, Oourley, , ,

state PEO orgtnlter, gave re- d e 'iy ^ o t” c iirlst?inHnn T>.i.»..r> Imr M ethodU t church

S 2 » S “w»S /;;:h t physical education in a prl- ^ .

school, gave a lalk tbout her *k.V.i and travel. She showed wroe k" * ; .................ahe brought back by pbne. One foUow4d by a oroEv „ made with orchid. li i rch tlaS ”'_ 7 i . sented by the chali.Duestsbeerilm siobtMgh.uest A y wat featured at the t m m n u c ^ s Avenue elub meeting Wednes- afternoon a t Uie Idtho Power tJ S v w ^ m e n

« . » . A .

b, M„. Z \ i 7oy Arrington, hosUsi, atsbted th ,• 'i ■"* t i . ' S . .ro®■ 4 Jf M * m onth du ring tl

lOSHONE, June IS-A mother- po llu tk dinner wat htld Mon- e v e n ln g ttth e lO O P h tllb y th e C A fM A l i l / i elcah club. The committee In OOIllB IIKI V« included Mr*. Gilbert Wll- «*» ’

Mrs. 0 . B. perrln, 2>(rt. Paul h a m tnd Mrt, Oeorge young. » /

K odak FinishingDtlly Service n f T

l e Ed o m p h o t o . / # • ^EDtrance oB the tUty ^ O

betldt WUey Drug V . V

i G s l ^

V^ S T O R E S

^ve. East |^ Tl

» c t c i a l s ! - ^

e only 49c p«r lb. R l


iS h i m “"y


S p rin g Bride G uest S[ ■ : ■- ' ' In s ta lls

. A t R e g., SHOSHONE. Jij

; . Veneable, K etchi ' ' American L egion

dLitrlcl, wa.1 ru c s tlclal installation meetlMs M onday

' Mrmorlal hall.^ New officers :

Brown, pre.ilden Kenasion.Robert Haddock,

'treasurer; M rs. N E m ille

iB B ik.- Un; Mra. Joe B r m r • . M s s ^ arms end M rs. Ol

. J rFollowing InsU

Brown named co V Mr.', Frank Ctbm.

ttndle.TOll; M rs. defense; Mrs. Ed munlty service; M

HHIHHBHWRB financeHS. V1II.1.UM ornmoN

(Slaff cniraTlng) Mary Pethlck. Jl* * * * ■ IfglslaUon; M ra.

_ , memberi>hlp: M r

is C ooper Is S p’Jb'ficSyr M a rried in May JH FIE L D . June 15 — Metrldell Mrs, Oeorge JCcnt r, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ing commlltee to r hooper, former resldenU of A cash donatioe ld now living In Payette, waa lhe polio ward a t»1 May ID at Weiser to Wll- Memorial hosp lta OUlndon. son ot Mrs. Helen purcha.te oi a . d l :on. Payette- Her sister. M n. chine. A special d loseberry. announced the mar- for July ® In hoia t Rlchflcld. Uvcs of OIrU' n taformer Mtss Cooper attended and their p a ren ta

eld tchooU before moving. The members,v e d s are at home in Payette Mrs. Ellwood Wih e b employed, the past preslden)

« « W ficers, IncludlnK I

t-hdoy P rogram Sf.US S ”!I 4 ' I p - . chum, were p reseM e e t s F eatu re M n. Herb Love

•orram on birthday* wat pre- ? e r ’S ? T e ,h m ^ ^ a t the -XUry Martha c lu t

ig; o t Uie B tp tiit church Tues- S I" 'tem oon in the church ptrlors. *“ • _ meetltiR opened with tongt

ray e r led by Mrs. M. O, Kuy- Q + « f a C ' f \11. Mrs. Effle WaUcini, presl. - ' I U I Cconducted the buslnett meet- R p n n r i ' O

H , E. Holloway led the devo- BeporU of th e M n , Lermle Wakem was meeting held in S

in chalrm a* and inlroduted given by Mrs. H . ■3 r* h am who sang three songs. Oeorge Bice w he sla -wtte Mts. P an o ll. Mrt. met Wednesday

Steffen , Mis* Graham and home of M n . wi^i1 T u rner, BefrcshraenU were Mrs. AlU Meaei

b y Mrs, Olen Do«d, Mrs, Uie meellng. T h e• T u rner, Mrs. Lula Smith tnd the annuil p icnicrane Billings. July 15.J u ly meeung will be held a t Mr*. Robert M ill

ime of Mrs. W. a . Farley, man. presented Pi* t ¥ piano tolo* and R o

rc le C onvenes S ‘"“ " "le N o. 10 ot the Woman’a 80- Ouesta were M rof Christian Service of fee M n, Richard E ld n d U t church h tld a pellutk Mt«. B '»h. M is, E ■ W ednesday evening at the ren WlUUma. Bev.of Mrs. Oscar Pord. OuesU ryn Scott and Shhusbands and children cf * 1

•let bujlnes.1 meeUng was held KGDOrtj ed by a program, "building a BURLZY, Ju n e C hristian community," pre- met Tuesday nigh by the chairman, Mri. R, E. M n, Haxel Wooda

Igh. ot club projeett.* * * ' president, conduct

lOLD BUSINESS MEET A luccestful Ci :NNS p e r r y , June 1&-The reported.' F un d t « Firem en m et at th e clly htU dbabled veterans, ly fo r a buslnett meeting. ceaUy awarded, r a loe W elb. Mrs. Jewell Dtvid- a nurse In t ra ln ln id M ae Jonea were hostesses Mrs. A, L. H au l : K oftee Kup following the and retreahment* • lg. T h e group win meel once B- P. Fillmore, S r i Ith du ring Uie tummer. u in the elub on J

Dme like it HOT; some like i» 6otbot< irc<a<l,M pm e<

fl j A level tbi* h a to a t o u t , w]

“ja«.eau«he- fltrof. Refti

Y K df*tely after le ihim m efaoi ' H * \ / «»lP*«ifie...kep iP R JG l

' U Jt’ie ta » e d ,J t» B « tio jo aj Eaeh Ctt o f W hit* Star B f

. N * . / / (P w cyjm oabtchoice.w i■ ' X 'i lo fito ...H o to fC o ld l

I w lyO u * e o

iB f l

S ize ,?


u est S p e a k e rInsta l Is L eaders i_________

A J. r> 1 k i 1 The Allrylst clt, A t R e g u la r M ee t Breihrei^*

lerlcan L egion auxUltiy. elghih _ , .Irlci, wa.1 guest tpetker and of- ( U l M ' c Ptl InsU llatlon officer t t the local '-«f M I U 5 r eting M onday evening a l the C<a/-.4.,morui hall. reoTureJew offleera Include Mw. Rty A chlldren't proi>wn, pre.ildent;, Mn. Oeorge t t Uj* MS and S <nasion. f i r t t vlca preildent; Mrs. nesday afternoonoert H addock, tecond vice presl- Mrs. Claik Klelnl>l; MTt. T . J . Jackson, tecreltry- ' Included oh Uasurer: M rs. Mary Custer, chap. Tommy Orlggs, boJi ; Mrt. Em Ille Thomson, hlslor- IluUi Orlggs; Do;; Mrs. Joe Broyles, sergeanl-at. Orlggs and ShirI t and M rs. Claude Chest, plan- solos: Tommy anc

poem rccitaUon;\illowlng Installation, president Klelnkopf, duet,)wn named committee memben Mrs, Klelnkopf;f. Frank Ctbm . child welfare and poem, and piano c dle.Toll; M rs. Clyde Hughes, civil Oale Klelnkopfense; M rt. Edward Hahn, com- Dorothy Davis. 7nlty service: M rt. Rtymond Free- *tng for the closin. finance a n d educaUonal loans; OuetGt were M 1. Harry S to n er, finance; Mrs, TImnalh, Colo., mcb Oroose, O lrb ' state; Mrs. Bolte. and Margarry Pethlck. Junior actlvlly and well,islaUon; M ra. Qeorge Kenaston, * *mberi>hlp; M rt. Cltude Chess, p i pvilc ; M n, E lla Vredenburgh. n t . riOWer Uia l publicity; M n. Kerb Love. 1 ■ 1 < 1ipy aale; M rs. William Haui, pub- 'Held ty. and M ra. Ellwood Werry and

Oeorge JCcnatlon. second vbll- A tlower displaycommlltee to r the tummer. home o t Mrs.

I c tsh dona tion wUl be ten t for Wednesdty a ften■ polio ward a t the Maglo Valley of Uie Rusaell La:morlal h o sp ita l to be used for Memben broughtrcha-'e of a . d la ^ r m lc ray ma. the dbplays. ne. A special d Q e r was planned Mrs. Clyde MonJuly « In honor of represenU- a short program :s of O lrb ' m ate and Boys’ tlal* Oo.w Gordon ser

( their p a ren ta a to n j wtth l>*lon ts&ltted by Mrs, 1mbers, Mn. Ralph McClIra. Ellwood W erry wa* preaented gomery received upast preslden t’t pin and all of* * *

TS, IncludlnK M rs. Veneable and 1 i • r - 1s. Amy S ex ton and Mn. Dean /V\OViemmond. a b o KuetU from Ket- 1 . ,im. were presented, conages. MOOSe L In . Herb L ove arranged a floweroiaUon tor th e VntUUtUon t t r f . BUHL, June 1&-

RefreshmenM' were served by w " w u *«r^ed >s. Frank C lem and Mr*. Albert Thursday 1iw thlp oommlttee, 1

« « « Uln. Mre. EsUiei_ , Vlrglnt Johnson

:ote C o n c la v e R ep o rted a t M eetleporU of th e t u i e federaUon deep tree** unlU.(ting held In M ay a t BoUe wert --------—- t-t--------rn by Mrs. R . T . Blak* and Mn. irge Bice w h e n the Unity club I Wednesday afternoon a t the ne of M n . Blalce.Irs. AlU M eaeersmith conducted meellng. T h e club voted to hold \ \ \ annual p lcn lo tQ Ui« city p iit i \ \ \

y \W \lr*. Robert M lU er, program chair- \ m \ n. presented P a u l Wlnklt in two no tolos and R osa Miller and Ross •Ington who played two tluU T M B

*ff5SS5SI Rluesta were M rs . Mary Soreiuen, a a f l n j l R n H I I. Richard E ldr«dge, Mn. Monroe. f l K . i l k . ^ 1 I. BMsh. Mis , ITeVilta. U n . W ti- I K / i i r v V l WlUUma. Beverly Milter. KaUi- l l l i f T r i T H Scott and S h errill Cherry. I L u I i J J S j

* M * l ^ ^ r g y l j

R e p o rts H eard j — IURLW , Ju n e 16—W tr M othen Tueaday n ig h t a t the home of I. Haxel W oodall to hear reporU ' hwa:lub projects. Mr*. Leona Egan, ildent, conducted the meeUn«. «

tuccestful cam aU on sale w u — — — r — irted.- F un d t w lll be u ttd to help ibled veteraos. 'Tha .quilt, n - Uy awarded, ra is e d fund* to ctart urs* in t r a ln ln r .Lri. A. L. H a n lu gave a reading refrethm enta « e re terved. Mn.

Fillmore, S rln sda le , wlU enter- I Uie club on Ju ly 10.

me liki! it COLD! W Mh a to o t o u t . w id i h td e lld o wb r f l t ro f . R eftise tM edlffla* . P K m » .* .lo tf» le ihimmef* o o t o f die tropi- ••« ". . .k e p iF R lG lP -C O lO Q ttta e ih iiU rt...,i t» B « tto y o a * ‘aiJmiie6t tb r wtiwindMiwdrW bIt* Star B n s d Solid Psdk ky*wM «It b t choice, te a d e t fillet S e tr . »«f,*ll,d:oeiten H otorCoIdt

,tU> U* POO© eOl»AMT. INC.r«raM r>M .c*W M i« iw htdw

P l

^'SKILl. i O1 0 0 1 - O .D a - ^ • r f t i - - rlSffifS;

ia t...i< le« l fo r a t l MclpM C O M P A R I' t » a o c » ) u i » d . ------------------.........................................

i d t f w a f o M o n ' ^

--- ---------------------------- - 4 ---------—

C alerndar --------------------—i By, GoreAllrylst cla-w ol the Ohurch ^ * BrelhreiLWIlI hold the regu- r O r A f S eUng artl poUuck plcnle a l te r ' ^I Sunday a t Tw in falb,

- - * V * W tdnttday a tten. , , , _ ot Mr*.. But en*l i ds P ro g ram 2a tu r e d a t M eetlildren't p rogram w m fettu red p. m . ' From S toMS and S c lub meeUng W ed- wlll b t taken, j’ afternoon a t Uie home of at 11 a. m . r:ia ik K lelnkopf. • Valley U urged i uded on th e p ro ra m were a tthetiiow .y Griggs, Eoio, accomptnled by Prbet will be gonggs; D orothy Davb, M U t tema le t up a t la.I tn d Shirley Davb. piano a tropic cup wl Tommy and Judy Eo4«ntt*b, high point Trtnaei rccitaUon; O ary and O ale Any worthy es>

:opf, duel, accompanied by partleular c la u c Klemkopf; K aren Orlggt. Judged If tliereand p ltno due ts by Gary a n d three entrtet In U Klelnkopf n n d Bhlrley and A allvw tea wU ly Davis. T h e youngsters a ll Ui« show,or the closing number. tf ,jfii were M rt, Walter Reck, T j. x J~\ IUl, Colo., JudlUx UontLn. bta te Oeand M argaret McClure, Cald- _ ,

, - . Selects_ BUHL, June 11

w er D isp la yH eld b y G roup S ‘;JS ‘’'U’ower display wa.i held t l th e Kellogg, Aug. M 1

o t Mrs. PYank McDonald J. HlcMday afternoon by members 5 '• A” ""* “ ■'

Rusaell Lane Harmony club. »>"««en brought flowers and made 25” ^ ^ Thomas 1splays 'thomas are alUClyde Montgomery presented Puller Va* a ttb t#

t program a n d contest. Mrs. f'* JGordon served retreshments until September,d by Mts, N lta. McClain and ~ — Ralph McClain. Mra, Mont-1 rece i«d lhe w hile elephant. ^

vie S how n a t lYoul \pose L unch eo n %[L, June 1&—A d tu e r lh m e t - a b a■aa terved by Ladles ot th « M - P l fThursday w ith the member- M ^ ■

©mmlllee, M rs. Vivian B rtt- ■Mrt. EsUiei- W oodruff. M rt. ■ | .t Johnson a n d Mra. Vera ■ L S Xy. In chtrge, ■ n | T |. Kitchens, hom e demonitra- ■ M M X ’im the Idaho Pow er company, HFalU, thow td tU s tt on UM of S rreete unlU.

m l tFRESH


t o u t f M M U t lOUHIimi

ite iheleti 'len en


'A r mi l l i CAM 24J K . - 1 ^ 0 " 5 ,

: Y O U C A N S A V i O M ^ g A W A H D -C A ItlH r SU tV IC i

. ' ■ I.'RVSj V


Ians C om plested .a- iy G araen (ZImr : For A rea D isp la yt Ul* Oarden olub b o a rd B M tis* -. inetday attersoon « f 'ta ir - t tO B i '" Mrt. - Buten* Hammocul. . ] d u i e eompletwl lo r tho O e m ih o ir , w held June n a t Uia A m eikas lon baU.h* thow wlU be held t r o t a a to # '0. ' From S to I l:so a. m . mUUt

b t taken. Judging w ill begla ' 11 a. TO. rveryone I n U a ^ . . ' ley U urged io .p r u e n t axhUitf he thow.rbet will be given on po in t tys* a le t up a t last year’a ahow i w rophy cup will be am tM ed tb* tt point -winner.ny worthy entry n o t U«t«d tn « licular c la u or dlvUloo will b* led If there U a m inim um of • !e entrlet In th a t one clas*. silver tea will be te rv e d du rln | show.

« • «

a te D e le g a te s Selected a t Buhl

lUHL, June 19—W hen th e Buhl pier ol the A m erican W ar then met a t the hoina of Mra. >rge Wade Monday, delegate* e named to the convenUon In logg, Aug. 33 and 33.In, W. J. Hicks, p realdent, asd !. Adeline Machacek. v lca p red ' ll, were named delegates. M n. rothy Thomas and M rs. M argaret m as are a iu m ale t. Tdrs. Wee ilerVa* a ta b ttn t ho ttest, h e chtpter wiU not m e e t again U September.__________________

iMIik^' every bite ol

I s m j o



iSLO !

f A a a g t t ______________

f t O M W A U A N « B OBy JOOa O 04JA M , ______B uchknan. pm ldent ef tJ**

S H ' S S i PM b w i c m r o t » . M a KtneUaes £nilt- FCleu right to ig(,cc

lubsUUiUoa rule S - ■ I t g t y fooUwU Frid .Ml to t4 » to o m oo . -jlh* gridiron. ^ 'J , > Y - 1 • ”

B uch«n«i hM jV, f e p m eiffni claimed lo '' * ^ - ' . ^ 4 1 1lime th a t ti>o tree nitoUtullem lui* - '.• >,

K £

ta b e a r on the enllre mem- » bfti S ! f p S U ,. UCA* to m W

" w M " n a ir tw . ™i' U »*♦ J r ? M lonBM WUI be • « pu» te poeai

J ^ heV o .tw .ltu rv m i l,. U,e quarter endr before I'e can me^j

” iV?rf.ho h a s a good f l " l t" ! " ' c o n U _ “ h h.v« to worry » much about jtn depth I t W ill be aBle lo Pl»y » >“' ' P ^ i’'

S™ ssr;rss.‘s»“,us”;" s r ' v S ^ u » . . i , ^ . v . « » '" '& <aW ?to IWW a sood itartlng l«m , ( but eoUapsed late In games Jim

eotutant pmindlng from lU n n i i n

F H S L “iK"5|£ sequipment « » d additional eoachu to

'^ ^ * e l£ n in a t io n of th# free 'U ^tl- tuUon rule will return footUaU w a t„i,

U WW a few year, b a ^ wMn r , j n .m yv" p la jw * Were th« « p ie . r<xAi.

a hMltWr change for the R -? a u « colleBlnle athletic .Btrueture.

» lx hole on th e Caldwell cym municipal g o lf cour»e tossed out two f iBim. for som # Thur»d»j-oae „ ||.

« " ' • = ■ !

gretn and broke h*r »nkle. . b ." .T h w w era playing Iti differerit ,^ .,1,

fllshU of t h e Boise valley 'womfna mU i t o C m e n t . th . AMoeUt^d P r« .

. . . PcEmle c rn n e r, the city’* new parks p

and recreaUon director. Is going t O

youth*, but ther* has ^

n ^ e " ^ ^ ^ t o % r s ^ - h . n d l - 3

r m I -• ld l» m o.t ef the time M d port

belD or*ai>l» «Tenlnf *ofth»U ® for b o th men and women.

^ e / » Plan* don't rtop ihe«. DavI t enough In terest ean be gener*ted p l«*nd If fu n d s, the big thing, cm b* the'worked ou t. a winter recreation pro- b*^

b e carried on for ^ult*. O han Jn mlod a volleyball league ^ e

E?£.r.r.To.‘; r = « sD U T ^ u making toltUl Pl»ni to ^ open an Indoor driving r»«l« winter in some doa-ntown building.

There's lo ts of piin* »nd hope* afoot. W t’s hope some get beyond nro. th# p la n n ln e alas*. ^ Bi

kSsKS-EEEil j; iii ; “‘£«'»«■" .r - ------------------?7 U :»! i*s »“

, g s i I : '» ckt_________ ?>»**«• . " h

Twin r»«» <Jot.«M«» m a t Pk»'*‘'® Mu

‘^ U ‘‘li**• ‘’c i» ' <C.«B-oo4 1.1) »l e ”M ’’"I

(4 j, , t *•' •**'T r t r e ’iJunU ►*> “ *“>'“*• 0.1*^i. _ : ___

. NATIONAL Ll^CUItw oklp ----- — -------- »« 1* •“ } I 1

i P ^ ^ i i i l im 'a ! r r ,r ~ .:z r r . — t o *i .«« u s -


E 3 £ = E E s ii IW..hln*M>n-----------—[j *1 -‘{J {,riill»<l«lp>’i » ----— - - '* ** • '


S£-je e e E 3 :| s

W A N T E D !dead or alive

. H O II S I S M U '- 'S “ '* *— -------0 - - -

' .V O J U U .0 0 U I 0 T- ‘l— W n ........

ij Cowboys Fj « Strong to " iPocatello 11lg and ■

3 P O C A T E L L O . J u n e 15 (/P)— Thfi T lahed n tro n g w i t h s ix ru n s in th e fina n lg h t .to b c a t P o c a t e l l o 10-4 in a Pionei I t g a v e th c c lu b s a s p l i t in t h e scricn

fV id ay . T h e s c o r e w as 4 -2 ---------fo r T w in F a lls s o i n ? in to t h e i ) • e fffh th . T h e n e v e r y th in ;? b o - I t f l J Ran to h a p p e n — f o r Tv.'in xF a lls . L o i

JUn Russell w alked. Vem Cunj>-■•**“ btll ilngled, Jeep T ro ite r bunted ¥ „ *

» and a« were ^afa w hen the try n t l U l ' illend- third failed, Lou Vltous whiffedIble W Md Woodle Held w m *alc on Ernie NEWle tfni- Schuerman’s error, -icortng Rnssell. ®wcr )

Warren Moors f iled to eenltr and P'leading another run scored. Roberl Knoke “®* I f I niles. alngled. sending H eld to third.an be Held scored a m om ent later on Squat*■ mem- » baiit. j«ck BukowftC* was sale on P' PO' JU lhe another Schuermnn error — b u t •”*

he was picked off try in g Jor jfcond. ® ouJKd Harold N elihbors homerfd for

tpu*te Pocatello In the f i f th and Dill Van oPen B « . but H«ultt conked a n o th e r homer for confllcl pulled the Card* In lhe n in th . «*

Ituntli The win was Ruaseir* sl.th of the le can u,# gtason for Uie Cowboys. Tlie '

uauaJJy *Jld Je fthnndcr louni Ms [I'I earn, It control ahd did no t walk a mtn.1 about Knoke. new Cowboy cMcher. r * fu!) f^ y e i ills tin t r « m » and came id be a Djwuffh with his expected prcme-is flth lu , t bau He Joined th e team Wednes-

tf*y. ““ye been jjidc jjune played f lrn bns? for . The [ team, uje Cowboys, replacing the injured ! when j i „ Qoff who re ti re d towards th e • n jn m *nd of W ednesdays game,

TWIN rALLB I*. POCATHLLO *t a w a - . w / V i ! ; ; | S : S . ; wim

thc Tro.n Jb * 1 7 5 C»mileh»l 5h » I 2 » Bdvancfootball J f1-m ore m«,„ , « i . lo .h " ir . i i n movlnnrnt for Krokt « s j s i n » t« .r ib i : n 5 at 120: tables. ‘ i i 1 i ! 2ii:l “S’SlUhsU- ____ ^KiUatnW B«eo_o sljnlllc

>11 to a jn i j ; ! } ! T ouu S1I-7 U LcuH 1t a-hrn r -m f.ti . ................. __.om ti i- in coll JnI vogue. Foui.ll® __________ ____log 010 wj— i sey Joifor the n_c<rmichMt. Oufco'WBti. Miini. Cimp- room, <


;aldw*11 cVrmkS«i,”Mw ,°'’’R in— T^at I out two ''* Uecrt. Xrv<J> . f rtiirKAM ^r-vi'U^Trn-^i';. ihe.u.C«mpt tl. UIV-N.Ifhbor.. V.n IM t. SH closed

ov* IM —Buiowiii, CtmpbcK. Mllna, DP—Hairt [[ [/T-iii rTiu 11, nn.^l«fr soon lh* ~fBr ChlnchKk a, Ruxrli «. }10-CMr. In Se((Hnk 10 In a. Kl<ut>rKld I In 1. Rdb— tr hn I

iffMent Chlricliwk. WiBBtr— lx«tr-Chtn. ";?s; ■*', '• «•■■ „1 pr«* ---------------------------- D . ,

P o c a t e l l o G i v e s „

2 ; C o a c h e s D e a d l i n ehe elty. POCATELLO. J u n e 18 {vn—Tlirfc I J f program coaches remaining o n the Pocatello X JLt nd high high tehool sta ff h a v e been given t i t ha* unUl today to *lgn c o n tra c tio t.re -

handi- SupertnJendent Q eofge N, Oreen , „ r ,.In more said he had nol rccclved nny word “ ,'*courU from Lee Davison who wm re - J ' ®In* aad ported to have resigned. pX*oftb*U Davison U emuloyed *t Big

men. Spring* during the sum m er and Mrs,p there. DavUon aald her husband did no t , «o"ener*ted plan to sign a new contract w ith, can be the Pocatello school. He coachesion pro- basketball and golf-r adult*. Othera affected Uy Green's dead- ‘core .Utesgue Une order are H arv ey MurdftcX who SaVravback, coachea Junior va rsity (ootbaU. showibe nigh basketball and v a rs ity baseball, and the <it«il(bJe, 6*m Maynard. aM lsta n t footbsJl and ond )Bulldlsg* Uack and Held conch. glcs,Ued, The position vaca ted by Chnce JerryPro J m Andenan, who resigned Co tccept • buu .

plan* to po«t a t Everett. 'W ash.. Junior col- plsce<n|B Ihl* lege, haa not yet b e e n tilled. Issuedbuilding. ' — ' 'T — - —— force

„ WJIONAL LEACUB "AtTc beyond nrogVijn ciT:.____oto .ooo o«;-j 1 1 s»u \

fir«re«, Enkim »nd C*mp»B«ll»; Trt*- H«rM' « — t? C.ralloU. Jb,

!{ J t el i e . J»BMn sn* WMlrum: Fm, Wetii!»l»T. llmil *t 5r*““ - BT«clr, P.tko^^VI •nJ S«[i«flin». Kruri X f f i r ' i “ : r r ; a tl! O SzV S-i S;iV m s r ;

gb p“ S S ,w K " T z :z r io n “ f {! t T.t.nkkforj, CMpra.n, Col» and StK«chl s.u I

,»7l 1 i»* C«9ptTj Dktoon Ond UcCullsutli.

i h ,c ...jj;.411 a t»«»relt >t Dnl«a p«.lronfJ, mn and '•'I'''' .lit im **( (TMikd lllon'.110 u 5 H r« « . « . . ''■'‘’,1CM»»*o_________ Oil CSll 1JS_« i j 1 M'nl

>ra Wy)ilM»«n -------_.1M HP W -? j j 5 J " j

1 111 >1 ‘■'••*0I 1.1) «l ciertUnd _________nw <MJ non-l ;<» • ^. n.,L|„. Phllidtlrhi. ............. ixil ooo * i H'•*4 BuT. Zoldik. iltiun .ndt IU«9ir4 /.vi g*f#n4 C .« . -----

' " S t e i . - - - : - ; ; : ; : s s = ' ! i : ; r, „»«>>*»> »"<* Mltrho.: SImi, \Vy.f.

Tfl, GB »»d CgtTf..■]«{ When Chicago W hite Sox rookie.«ti outfielder Jim B u sb y wax in t h e .'m tZ he wa* « le e t* d as th* m ojt;: H 2 valuable player o a th e Camp Hood 1 n.t(, 1 i2 basebaU team. I *.m I S — ~

I F I D O U B L E FEi ' i 1!'‘ . IN THRILLS ANI

, HOT ROD and | \ STO C K CAR■S, lil; 1 101

dHiv e I 'Jws I■ I P O K E P .* I R U P E R T , I

' . g , ..M L D W IN ^ S U L L IV A M

s Finish |P( t o T r i p N ;

I 0 I O - 4 : Salway

,5 (/P>—Thfi Twin F alls C ow boys fin - create ms in the final two innings T h u rsd a y obscn 0-4 in a Pioneer leaRUc baseball gam e, spoke; ; in th e scricR, w ith the ru b b e r ^am e

Rains Force ‘° rTv.'in T • i n 'Louis Bout V e? e :Cunp- prise,

B « Into Garden PS™n ^ n l e NEWYORK. June 15 ( /P j -A n - Aiken,nuisell day Tlwraday lorced coacneler and the promoters lo re.icheduie the AlkeKnoka '’‘’e Louls-Lee Savold heavyw eight final i

H bout for FVldsy night a t M adison flew Utier on Garden alter two 24-hour Athl»»I« on postponements. Oregoi„ bu t downtowti f ro m the uonjfcond Grounds ww prom pted by a thm ]

rfd' for ‘teady downpour tha t sonked the he flim Vaji °Pen P®rk neats and tu rf. A niornl)ner for conflicting night game a t th o V ank- „

' «e lUdlum m d a y n ight resulUdi,,h nt In the decision to move Inxloora. , „« T iii No »«ond welRh-ln will be re-nk h i , n Jlred by the Neiv Yerk a ta te a th - “ ‘;j;

lello commlsslom althouRh bothcatcher tinder»o special physical ‘ ,rt ex*mln»Uons by Dr. Vlncen? Nar-

« “'«0 S l l’. i . Savold

™”"- r , p » S "fnp The poslponenient sent th e In - crultlr

ternitlonal Boxing club s ta f f Into >or vl,rfit t h t » of acUvlty. exchanging »peet.

tickets. None of the old Ucket8, ftrencexcept general admission, can be ^ 'ken

' 7 * uaed. . Decl, S I With approximately t 2S.000 In eluded

H i l l s Bdrance sale, lhe IBC h o p e s toI « I 1 n croad close to th t ilOOifiO m a rk by },eld 1

, I , n moving Indoors, Tli« houae. scaled j 4_ tj,4 : n : at 120 tops, could be "w ell over pjay-c

f J I s fl »i00,000" Bccordmg to H arry M ark- jquu,,0 1 0 o J >on, JfJC boxing director. The

1 0 n « ]f the double washout h s s anjr qc,. gB « 0 0 0 sijnlllciincc It may be recalled th a t xhcSl I -7 iT ^ “1’ knocked out Jersey J o e Wai- ,.[n ,

■n^ii—tn colUn 1!H8 alter two rojnouU , Je r- Mnrclio Ml— i ity Jot left his Jight In t h c hotel follown>. omp- room, sweating out two days. FVe:RotmII I, Thtie positively wUl bo n o radio be i^v5^ 1' ”.•? or television of Uie 15-round bout. 6ept.I, TTtsl l l whftt lhe ISC InslslA Of 3,«u

'• Kr'’kf. course, thnt doesn't Include Lhe footb:■.Tmich.“ ' thesttr-lelevislon on a special summjifoii. sn closed circuit lo six cltle.-i. tlnuK)P-M®or. If Louis beats S av o ld -arid he'* a sch

9ii H to * favo rlie -he ll ge t Charles gentnfiio-chln. In September, probably Rt IJctrolU could'■ ’’rhi'" ” *’*Kui! __________________ o'*’'’'’

Buzzers T rip ;£j ■„e G.F. 9-5 to S

Hold Fat Lead 'i-*n given q r e a t PALLS. June 15 (IF> — t i .o t .re - njiph Romero pitched a th ree -h lt T > _ K. n , . . out over thc last s ix Innings J [ \ lN, oreen closed « nlnth-lnnlnB hOmer lo my word ,[,5 gnu Lnj-e Dees n 9-5 vlc- T >

’'** Wry Thur.iday night o v e r O rra t J J I TII- Falls and two Straight Wins Jn their

eurrent **rles. T ¥ 7 ^ Id n? t Romero, who won his f i f th game, ^ n -s K ith became stingy 'Mth base h its and j t j ,

coaches Idnhc Buck Green's oiJcrliiR.i to lie the ^uns !>•* dead- ' fourt 5«k. who 8a\t Lake d iw e O teeti to the ha lt

football, shower* with a three-nin o u tb u rs t in tl :ball, and the elithth as Gordon H ernandes a .i i itball and and Pinky Hesst opened v,-itli .tin- T h

gits, Oeorge Trlando.s.fnnncd, bul one 1 jy ChBce Jerry M erritt walked, filling the lory ; accept a bases. Jim Younger, who had re-

mlor col- placed Green and fanned Trlahdoj. d. Issued a walk to Marty K rug to Kmi ------------ lorce In the winning run. nr.«og flALT tAKB CITY r. GREAT FALLS I0 —5 1 A *b >► ft » Gt««1 F.IU .h h o . GfcUw<M-1 IS 0 Neii]<ll u 1 0 : : Aihlord U < : 1 1 shtr««ll»; r r » . j . , JJ*'""* *** * * 3 **-111* <1 1I».V * :IoE llloU lb * 15 101 ’Kohr' 0— « 11 I c . 'IS O si^ipi <( S i t e P.IUWctra»l,T. M.rrll 5b if : I 1 llWlnIrr t « 0 0

1 S<[i«flin». Krur U 10 U A.Hwlfrfr^ Sb > n c '*’®‘o—I-* —B fluT'rt — i-l-e-etlrTnr-T>------ igrto<. UcLUh, » « 0 »|VoMM«r » 1 0 0 0

O i^ U * T»t»l« MllSTiei Tol*l» 3«»JTU iKt'und Sth«chl S«ll UV» Cllr ....... ......... *01 031 C31-> il.ckrulleutiu Cr.M .......0(1& Mil-k -KlY

I, i.in and fini—'An*«'Dn*.*” rwp.'*j]Wimr. TrUndM. Knii 5. X.rinV. J,

II . a»nW. Homtm. ja il—H.rti.nde., llttH. r-” '* ;! ; u.r, l*nnk., im i—Stoop». IlK—Bom.r^

? !in-OIMir»«o * , - V o u B » t r «. Aofer

wvi 1 in . s 5 In mi—Grr»n 6. \nutil!ff '

\ 1“ W A N T E DDlitrlbutor for our liquid

fcrtUliera and *oU jox rookie conditioner*.*» In th e . CALIFORNIA U Q E ID

Uie m ost, FE R T aiZ E B CO .»»P “ oofi J i t P ho St.. f»*«de«ui. Call/.

Je f e a t u r e i I:THRILLS AND SPILLS

A T H R ILLi K X . A " M IN U T E )

3 ^ ^ s U n d a y' J>Jne 17th '

2 p. M . ,


' i ■

P C C F i n i s h e s

. N o F i n e s D eSP O K A N E , W ash ., J u n e 15 (/P)— T

cnee adjourned i ts s p r in g m e e t i n g tnk inR finnl action on f in e s n .s a e s se d v io la tio n s of th e a th ic t ic code. T h ea lw a y s- in te re s tin g s u b j e c t j ^ ----------

•s f in - c re a te d some su n > tise atriQnpC| y ^ , i r s d a y o bse rve r.i b u t th e c o n fc re n ce | g a m e , spoke.sm an. P ro f . H .^P . E v e r - ' J ’q^ a m e e s t, W ash ing ton , s a id : ,

---------- " W e ju s t did n o t h av e tim e so re ito g e t through th c f in e s .” t h a t

The lln« »111 be decided upon and announced at the winter meeting in Cnrmel, C .llt. next December.

Delegates expressed complete sur- prise, meanwhile, over the an- nouneement In Eugene, Ore.. of the resignation ot Head Coach Jim

. Aiken, who was president of theforced coaches' group, . _ . s u t .

lie the Aiken presliled over the Coachea ,^ ^ 1 r J e l ^ t Jinal meellng Wednesday snd then ,ia d lio n flew to Eugtne. o f b:24-hour Athletic Director Leo Harris of h c

Oregon u id AlKen gavo no indlca- g^lfe jttv the Uon to Wm during his siny here p a i f d by a thi\t h f Inleiirtfcl lo quit, tic said Bl ced the he first , learned of It early this d e n t tu rf. A morning. u rge5 V ank- Rmnors wer* eategorically denied th eresulUd ^,^(n [,Bd been cfltlclred In |______

any mnnntr by the eonfercnce oriui representatives. The nimors. odd- 1km ^

■tc a th - ] (noush sinrWd here Wednesdny iT J .1 ' “} to the effcct thnt Aiken would step physical ,^ 6 of criticism over his

tecrultlng of athletes,Commissioner Victor O. 6chmldt . -

vednes. ,l,»t the subjcct ot re- | - > |the in . cnjitlng, nnil the levying of fines . f t Inw for vlolnilng the code In this re- , e n . ‘“ n ilM spcct. did not come before the con- B illln ' UcketB ference until Thursday, hours after secorii CM £ •A'I'en'* resignation was announced. Rcd.^

Decblons reached Thursday In- ble.s .000 In eluded: t h e ^ape* to The confercnce track meet will be' J-'*> ‘ n a rk by held In 5S53 *t Eugene on May 23- T h i . scaled 24. the jiime days for the ba-seball f i r s t ell over pUy-off between the northern and h i ts f M ark- Muthem division*. blow*

The winter meeting wiU be held by Bi la s anjr Dec. 0-13 *t Carmel. Calif. a n dled th a t The rcgulnr basketball schedule m ae Wai- ,. |u tnd by the n rst week-rnd In g„ u o i lU , Je r- March, 1»53, with the play-offs the m g U 1C hotel following week-end. a pas■s. Freshmen foolbrtl candidate* will . j , , ,\o radio be Invited U» lepotl tor ta ll practice id bout. Sept. 1, ,rore<lists. OJ l^^utincc of foolbnll sliocs and Jde Lhe footballs to nlhletes durliis the 'J? ,

special summer months will be dlscoa- .tlnued.

d he'* a Schmidt lalit the faculty repre- Charles sentntlves dcclded at noon tha t they Uctrolt. could-not wind up the m atter of

fines ami proceeded to dl.spoic of Mc«ir other offnlrs.

The ttnrnffr eligibility rule uill

P not be waived for athletes a t two sch*ri Idaho slate lenchcrs collcgc.s. a t J) Le«,-l5tan and Albion, which were shut down by legislative action. Thc cr.H,k conference said thc Idaho Ingis-

■m Iftturc hail provided mcnns to have " ‘4 1 H lhc.^8 Mudenla absorbed by other nri'iim

Idaho jchools. R _ 15 m — -------------------------- sch^fi

‘“"™; Russets Beathom erlo _ _ <•

r 'area Boisc O"! OU t h game, WhIIc Serics j-fch its and IDAHO FALLS, June 15 (/?V-Thc mch''f tuay nt j^nho Falls Russets recorded four V'l-i'

tie the ryn j qq jgven straight walks In the J'f/c. fourth frame Thursday n igh t to

. to the h a lt a Boise wlnntng streak a t fiveitbu rstln as the Russeta bln.sled the Pllota K lernandeJ a-i a t Highland park.A-ith .tin- T he victory evened the series a l ' | Yincd, bul one all aflcr Doisc hung up a vlc- -■-'Jllliig the tory in the opener Wednesday nlglit. Ri

had re- Idaho talls i . doisb i “ to pTriandoj. "=!?• V"Ju*5 5 I ; b lngK rug to K^n'" J 4 , 1 ilsuVui. rl* s 1 J 0 by r

Rr.«or» ]b » 1 J ::jn.«n Ib *110 0 JICSSFALLS I \ \ j

• ■I 515 ! ! 5 ; T l!!S l l * !to.Undt e 104 0 llinun e i l f l 3055

"H'fiiST ‘ "m«b J 1 ' ' * u nT 'T il T ul aVa' -’T is

, 1 0 0 0 n—o.llup, Cortonti, St.Viil* }. J ~ tn . j-esUB.lu.1. t’.tUrMn, Hu|h« t, E—Kmt. --------------- S l.v ,« I, lUck t. Sll-«.11up. Sifkul.. ^

3«»J.H [U1...I. I'.UmoB. RBl-hotr, J*.jen 5. ^ 091 C3I-9 il.ck t. D.luil. P.u.non, Ilcsrr. 2. DPoes ftW-k —KIR* W u.llar; to CorcoT.n tn

'• ?HH-ShVr-^,“’Kin” 'JU lf-V ..‘r.‘ 111’ HAn „V.lrnUn» hr H'isbn- flocl.iirtl hr ■

5 ; S £ , ! ' IS r | ■nm n"# I" ------------ -------

— ^ T R A D E - H

i“ ' THOR WASHER. Callf. I ^

-Lib«<ol T ta d e - in . - - 1 1 ^ 1 I fc r Y eur Old W ag tic r i j ~

I T f 1 r O f E x tra V «A t No E x tra '

I i R j g y l g Bnabel e t O ro

I Cenvtole ( Term*

l O p e n A n A c c t

B H M T i J l y i J

_ _ _


s h e s M e e t ; ^

D e a l t O u t M• 15 (/p)—-The Pacific Coast confcr- meetinfT late Thursday without ----s n.saessed again.st its members for -» y t code. The failure to conclude this

•m e I Lewiston Aces ver- To Play Here. * Jim m y Whipple and Charles W /im e B oren , Lewiston, top golfers In ig a J t

t h a t northern Idaho area, gave1 nnd form arnotlce Thursday they will ‘ctlng p la y In the Slate amateur touma- lor tr

m enc here next Wfek. ’nie)' are atoCSsur- th e only Lewiston golfers plan- _ an- I® P!»V. Vftitpple won laat

f ihg y«ar'B toumey.Jim Meanwhile John Morley, Ida- the h o Falls, a former champion and

vice president of the Idaho enable^ . S U le Oolf association, nodficd waUop

'.wVr, local officials he will be unable Rusjto a ttend the lourney becauie victono f busineu In C*llfomJ*. Bob P

is '>> However, a large delegation ef lack oROlfcra Is expected from Idaho the se

here palLv the aeMtd Bill Peten',- Twin Fall.«, presi- Hen

d e n t of lhe stale assoclaUon. k j j j u rged all local golfen to enter pitchL

enled th e taurrey t j *Jon u pe*»lW*. j j jijj,ed in I - - - ' three

csdny M ustangs Nip O g d en Squad I n 12-8 Game a i

'* fe- , b i l l i n g s . June IS (-V)-The Phllat ; con- B illings Mustangs recorded their jim ij after second straight win over the Ogden per* t

meed. R gds Thursday night with sl* dou- Lemo, y In- ble-s In a IJ-hlt barrage lhat left xrlbe

t h c Reds ^ the *hort end of the male lilt be' J2 -8 score. " latter’vy 23- T h e MuslnnRs broke corral In the the yi _sebnll f i r s t to rnclc up live runs on four o il n and h i t s and one error. TTirce ol the yun Ji

blow’* were two-baggers knocked out Duke ■ held by Bob MacKinnon, Oene Johnson the i

a n d John Olbson. over fledule J n U,e third canto, the Mustangs bat w nd In gniioped out in from 8-5 By record- nal h fs the ln g three more tallies on three hit*, roc

a passed ball and wild pllfh. verge'n riifi looked best in the w hia

U ilrd when tour Og\len iMnnet* Jackt , -nd scored . The big poke was Ed Olb. Snide ’ the .■«>“ '* double which « n t Me:Jlana, Thi iiscoa- Doilcrcr nnd manager Butch break

S ch c /fc l scooting home, handirepre- niLLiNcs u . ogueK i *hoj£> uill •' n = n Sl'Klnon 3b I : 1 0 BostoIt two ?-’"h"rr'’I’ lb 'i 0 * iiB“''kir"i ^’h i « 1 j

n .T hcTol.l, • • i ' l '^ son

^n th rr Oii.Iro ..................... ...... inil;^^TO-« and!m iiin ,. ............... ......... 6CS ly I«x-,r

Sch»7"l‘ ' ’‘’o«!kot 20

nm-.vin.l.n^^ Srlitlf.l, K. (Jit.on

Mn'.'K,'nnon: ithil...'” I d <,l,.hn*'>n. .‘ill-Sm.ll. 110— •: In .—:;-i i'if".: EnI» p tt «, ,.lil ». so —Br Frl.l>« 1, Crook 4. i , ER-Ffi/fc« 4. CwV

- 3. i.^o» 1, 1, np-D..i. t, n.t. versi? s \ r t M . v r v “ t ;

^ - Th

™“- Kuth McCarthy Is S ' Tourney Winner

• night. nuth McCarthy walked otl with [1“/ ' I “ to p honors Thursday night In the '*J n s 5 bingo, bango, bungo tournament held , , ,* I » n b y members o t the Twin P»ll* Busl- t i i o o »ess Women's Golf assoclaUon at the • i* } ; municipal golf course. ! M s 0 0 She Kortd 16 points for llrst. J* 1 ft T ie d for second were Bobby Doug- W* ' " la ss and Deth Noble with eight !'

po in ts each.Managcr-Pro Joe Durs*n reporlj tf*.*

, , , , , th e re will be no association play oM -t week because of the state •

>;-Jtrx-T n tn a tea r toumey here, but play wlli r —~n» J'®snme June 2S. A clinic 1* planned.Sifkui.; - ■— ~ ~

l ; " ' V r ^ S L A U G H T E R I N GFor the cheapest, cleanest,

l.'r.* ill- ■ quickest, Job of Butehering on >ndt hr ■ thc fann.'" t " ! . ! ; ■ w to N i: ujst-j *I ' i t o - m M . B. E A C K E R

s B. F . Goodrich



>f E x tra V a lu et N e E x tra C o tt raitubel of Orocerie* j R gPeek 6f ro U to t* |!

5;^ purchase of ' i r . ^. • T ^ , ® '

I “s s r - i ^ i ,s y w asher. f |

............ ««

I A c c o u n t T o d ay !

TW IN FALLS, IDAHa_________

l [ ®i th o u t -------------------------------- -------------------

" W h i t e S o x D r

' N e a r R e c o r d sW A SHINGTON, Jimo 15

m i» lead to iV i■ f ro m W a s h in g to n , 8-7 a n d 14-5. The

fo r th e W h i t e Sox. le a v in g them one ey are n to r s in 1 9 1 2 a n d tw o s h y of

th e m a jo r le n g u e m ark e s te b - -q Visbcd b y t h e G iantfi in 1916.

, i<n. sixteen h its , including BUI Nich- '« «n/i olion's first hom er of the season, _ _ Idaho enabled the Philadelphia Phillies to

waUop the. C hicago cubs 11.3 } / } /unable Russ Meyer brecied lo his fourth ,ecause victory while th e Phils out N E

Bob Rush a n d continued their at. tlon ef tack on three o ther pltchera. I t was Comp Idaho the seventh lo ss In eight games for Lomr

the seventh p lace Cubs. term !presl- Henry Thomp.-von and rookie 'WIU rpj

ciaUon. lie May* r ip p ed Into Cincinnati , ,) enter p ,v j,b g for seven of New .York'* a[ oaslbl*. J8 hit* while X ^rry J*nien made it a tely

I three a tralght over the Reda by * rcach ,11-8 m*rgln. severa

i r » Although th e Reds banged »way chnncI P a t Jansen fo r IJ hits, they never cate t

1 were able to eaU h up a lter New and tI f l York scored f o u r In the first. Howie g|y|

Fox and four auree.-iiors were un- able to con tain the Olant attack,

l e 'C leveland tis ed the homerun as owner itl offensive weapon In defeating presld

(,rj—The Philadelphia 3-1 , Ray Boone and » me ed their jim Hegan pounded the round trip- comm le Ogden pers whieh p aved the w*y for Bob to Cl llx dou- Lemon's aeveo th hill decision as the Then lhat left Xrlbe turned o n their former team- d of the male southpaw, Sam Zoldak. In the

lattcr’s first s ta r tin g aalgtunent ol a! In the the year for t h e A's, tim ton lour o il Hodges drove hU JOth home- terms

e of the yuii Into the leftfle ld bleachers after ij to jcked out Duke Snider Blngled with two out In two Johnson the n inth fo r Booklyn's 2-1 edge comn

over St. Louis. One blow off Hodges' jaje. Mustangs bat wiped ou t th e eflect of 16 Cordl- "\Vi y record- nal hits. we hnree hit*. Rookie Joe Prc.iko seemed on the slonei ch. verge of a fo u r-h it shulout as he cago,

in the whitzed past Pee Wee Reese and leagu iMnnet* Jackie R obinson In lhe ninth. Thi

Ed Olb- Snider's single kept the game alive, stood Mf^lana, Then HodKcs delivered hla hack- lers :cr Buuh breaker to h a n d the young right. April

hander his th i r d loss. Carl Erskine. ends , , who pitched th e last two Innings flnan

.b h » . after Ralph B ra n ca was lifted for a tult^: <110 pinch hitler, picked up his sixth Th'

* • i 5 victory.I ; i S The PIltAburgh Pirates beat the baset

3b I : 1 0 Boston Braves 0-4 by virtue ol a lucltj < •' * ’ 5 big five-run fourth inning and Judgi ■J i 1 7 0 steady p itch ing Irom Murry Dick- ralnc

‘ » c ‘ The smnlle.st home crowd of the room____ year—4,277—tu rn ed out to &cc Dlclc- Comi

:.;i : : t» son win hU six th complete gnme Thand his eighth viclory of thc sCRson, slnsl.

i;o lo i-iJ Dickson, who now has beaten every am.Prfnr« J, club In the N ational league, h t ' bu-ilr

chalked up e ig h t of the Pirates total bcfoi n, HicKin- of 20 1B51 vlctorles, luncl

Idaho Tracksters |S Enter NCAA Meet j»|

,!1 !' c!wk MOSCOW. J u n e 15 (flV-Four Unl- , .i , nT‘ verslty of Id n h o track stars will

.b. i . c n - compete F riday nnd Saturday In ths ,iV -V rT i National Collcslate championship ;___ ;

■' ' meet to be h e ld In Seattle. m -»-— The group Includes Duane Taylor.

f discus; Dave Martindale. Oakley, l y I s pole vaulter: Chuck Welnmnnn.

two-mller. a n d Don Miller, qiiartW' p r mlltr. .The fo u r took part in thc . <• l.u PacUlc Coast conference meet, caru-ih M a t® _________________ ?iment held ........... 11 111111111 i 111 ■ ll

Eleelrie I«olor{ It Uon at the R E P A IR \

for ELECTRIC *bby Doug- Wlriat «b4 Iu UII.i1«b|Vlth eight eODDER-BSUTll ! :•

an reports i . , , Vi i“ ‘!"i* T m • L *atlon play -------- -------------------------------------------------the state • 7 “ _______

Is planned. V k VL / _

U N G T T h Q t l Y 0 \cleanest,

OLD H e r m i t

y o u tell

i w o r ld y o i


r j s t r a ig h t K

S ' :, i S B n j ! * ' C |

Joyi ^ „

n ^ 1 0 ^

■ " ■ 1 WPa09f_^TH&OU>HERMlTW ECO«


1 D r u b S o l o n s '

) r d s f o r R o a d T15 ( / I ^ T h e Chicago W h ite Sox boostec2-Yankees Thursday n ig h t. aweepJnif a tw U-5. The wins w ere tjje 1 4 th and 16th c

: them one short o f tho A m e ric a n leaRue f o f -----------------------------------------------------

I B a s e b a l l E n d s

; : ; :W i th ~ C o m m i s; »“ NEW YORK, Ju n e 16 ((PM )rE a, twas completed a rra n g e m e n ta Thursday ■3 for Commissioner A. B. C hand ler, b u t b

tcrins was held up b e c a u se Chandln Z ‘i American a n d K a tio n --------^rork'* a l leag u e owners m e t separ* i - k

It ately- a n d w h en t h e y had J T t ^ * rcached a g re e m e n t c n th c

jetcrance docum ents 'draw fi un by l w \ •way Chandler’s lawyers they t r l t d to lo-

never cate the former KentucJcy senator ^ And tell him their find ings, O i

! un- Ctiandler. reportedly en ro u te from ick. Versailles, Ky, to K nosvU le, Tenn.. s r

could not be reached a n d so the f/p>_

and a mfmbcr of bsscbaiJ's executive torv trip- committee, to deliver th e i r verdict Snea

r Bo6 lo Chandler (n C incinna ti Friday, one i

team tn the O'” ’*” 8«ve no o u tr ig h t in- c^an■nt of ?'catlon whst tbelr decision njjghl Th

be a though there wa* H ltle doSSt fromlom. •ccePted ChandJer’* Va,.• f t . , olmuiuneous announcem ent by i

o5t 1^ I’ ?* C h an d le r and the thre.president* a fte r the then

• commlss/oner receives O lle s mes- of olOugcs fnje. IX-ardl- ..We can mnke no co rhm en t unlU -n

we have spoken with th e commls- u „ hin the Moner," fald WUl H arrldge of Chl- urAas he cago, president of th e American colt! and league, os the session b roke up. to, "ninth. The severance term s n r e under- y.'alive, stood lo Includo pa>-mcnt o f Chand-back- lers tSS.m salary th ro u g h next right. April 30, when h u eeven year tenn rsklne. ends and assurance h e w ill not be h inlngs llnanclally responsible I n any Uw ?.°7 for a suits agalnit baieball. sixth The setting was a drab o n e for the ^1

Ilnal Chnntgr In lh . chalIt the baseball career ot the c h u b b y Ken-

cl a lucky senator who succeeded the late , ' : and Judge KcnfMw MountoJn I^ndl*, ft ‘ L'- Dick- rained steadily In New Y ork, -me

feicbaJ.’ ,oBwrs met In a guUt ot ot the rooms on the third f lo o r of the i, „ Dick- Commodore hotel, gnme Ths basebmi executive,^ arrived

■CRSon, singly nr tn pairs m ostly by lo OO , every am EST, None would discuss the

:, hv bu.-ilncss a t hand. I t w as 1:00 pm ZHI s total before the tesslon b ro k e up for

lunch. clauFord FrJcV. pw Jd en t o f lhe Nt- the

Ilonal Icague. said the baBcball men.. O nllfr having eorap:e£cd dlsctissMn of ° r «t n i Chandler case, w ou ld turn to ------ c l <eg*[ problem* nnd t h a t uothfc* ir unl- m»de public o n th* de-•s will ' ‘*>ons rcRchcd. If any.Jn lh* Ba-'cbaU's bigge.st p rob lem s a tt a onshlp -•series of suits tcitlng t h e rcsene

raylor. t-t-» «-i ■ ■ 11

r S : T R A I L E R Siiartfr- ANY 6tZ lJ_T yPE — K IN D 1,'cam.' fARM WAGONS J_____ Kslecaoa m f lrr~ 77 hand . . . If we do*i't h a n ■

« SOPER'S I[u-Z t r a i l e r CO. 1

“ l-<U >A te.W . PJIOIWJW -J 1»-*«♦* .............................. ...... . . , 1 , , , 11 I

--------- ------------------------------------------ ■

'I y o u o r d e r

r m i t a g e brand

'I te ll th e

’ y o u k n o w

* e a t :• ............ - " - 'r


I t K e n tu c k y i

b o u rb o n tt

: --------— ------------------------- 1 , b

S till a t th e ‘

s « . :

lO W P R lC E ,

m s T w ice

►ad T r iu m i

1 a n d 16t h conjccutive J •ican le a g u e record set by.,

E n d s D eal

n m is s io n e r1 (flV -O rgan lzcd baseball

” “ " B ind ler, b u t announcement of lU se C hand le r could not b« a tio n - ---------- ------------------

•Xd P a r Wins i/ ^ i F i i ' s t R o i m ,

“ OfU.S.0[lte from V L. Tenn.. BIRMiSGHAil vt.yso the f/fV-Oolfdora'. e i s ^Olles, three conllnenU icot i

ed* end shcllacklnglroBMrlai*xccuUve tory Thursday u 1 verdict Snead came ibiabtta k Priday. one over 71 fortheteB

homes. In the }IU TJnit«4 , Ight In- championship.» might The leinper»Dieat*l i e doubt from While Buiphur Sm andler’9 Va.. held the ooiaad ncement by the hom far li i and the three under ptr it that ter the then he loj jtnick Tlt J* m«j- of old piimr.j jitun to

34-37-7I, n t unlU Tlie5SJ7-7inl.p.r«.' commls- land HUU coane more ■ of Chi- ured up to lhe horron merlcan contendtrs painted In up. tournaaml rounds,

under- I I , pm-UTOl lals Chonfl- wheat-liu rough sere so

Jh nexl djijmjinf champion jar tenn came la Tlih a 39.37-- I not be horrendoM tw-cver-pu any law f^ a i hole.

^ c h ^ ^ f f o r i ^ r * ^ ^

f T T h d Z m V u ^ L v ®T» Uijl Jiuiclure,

Sneid '.U gavehlai•Ml.. ‘ dvanUj* going Into suite or Clayton Hts

' t " ' bull-Jhoaldfred campil, Charloia, N. C, >nd i

arrlvrt ge|,n]j_ n.year-olci fW|by 10:M gjona, Mount Cioc w the They timed 72'*.1:00 pm, _____________

**** clause, md another *i the Na- the Wniursdaym Cinc

nail men ouvtletdtc WUter J. Kc usilon of organlifiJ bi'eball for

tum to ”nothing th* de-

■ I .

, w l

...............d o * ' " ' * *


ams®. — ^

I ^ b hm r IJT II. OW«et b iLlElf f k M

i i i ' S : ^ ? 5 . u i » • . i« i 'ta « .(v

8: Eull>>' cMlrtUnug, .tr««ce«n j. |„oln4g P-®'’c'c"£m»n.

t r ro n ? b T ■ «' .”■••*

g jp - --------------- p s r ---------I [ ■ ~ ' ' g ' y r —

^ HOUSE - MAJORS s jf j / v o l = l ^ 3 A ^ J C & M l ^ , g ^ K « EKkTeRPRlSfe B *100 TO /

^ CfsM PA iG fJ 7 # i — i r t e v


j u k e 't h a t b

» l * " 4 ( ^

N l! of n e rv e s to n ig h t . . . Mothe ‘’witipper d i s h e s again !''


f ^ K E V M ^ 'M ^ m / E ^H1 « B W B S W N ^ BF

'* I» D U C K

m r a tlL|ui| | i i!i |CTl O U T O U J

S l t y Si B d a l i l i / iS 5 S «n j n k k r ^ R M r u t n t n B l f fl 'th an ic& i B r l ftla w B {r f r M J ! ? ! B ( *' blin H ISIRW QIO IO IftW TtA IPt I V KALFAB

y Ela n i i s f t i i i T i ggWlutlon Bf Y iitard iy 't P o z il*!»»• — I. QmIiIim i*oMIftlioaj dlisord -MV" S . h ' i i i s ' S f f ” *

u - i „ u - \ ” ■ p * W l J ^» '*■ " n . Jl*”*'*"JT " ifrietion' f ^ 5 u , \ ^ ^ M U

11. Or»tt <le4l: • H^ eollog. ^ i e r ^ ^ f i e T i lt«. Ooiatu M l i— tl. R»««i«nU.tloa r ^ 1

■ l o o t e r ” " * - W— t r y y «i»cirio po:* *“ ;i. Cour»f«oui , .■

~ — JL S«|{-ceni»r«4 I—

f f s r - i v s i S . SIDEG U * - - : ! : S &

t(. Niwipiptr • , ' 'y

**■--------». u S r o f ^ \ \

^ !?; Se’lHo Itnd '

r iMAJOR H O O P I^ - -r ^jfNOT Ml)CH,M MOR/ABOO^ /3»100T O A 1A K ieU P A ■€ / , ;^ UME OP SA.MPL6S-*— / J |Thier<i X CAM 6ELL T U e y S

S.0O5jl^E&&TC>SOMe / j f l iy g i s PA PER T y < » O M j l f — i r te V L L <so l F c c r r u K &N'THE OWLS C L O f f S ; ^ l y ^ '" « = ^ / FDC THAT F lR S T i ” I

C A S e o P A L f e ^ ^ ^ V v ■




. . . M o the r a sk e d m e to " i f y o u ’ll rei n I , t h e s c rv ic e w eg

rWlN^ HCPgWBCONYMlSft / A ^ R If iH T . fE HER IN ALL THIS C PEPUC710N-SH; flVE H U S B U B -A H /l'l.L N ^E C N L yP E W '»NP7 BBT THffl-fe A 1155 ,.pew 1 WHO GOT Of

'WE^^g i ' A “THg Tgfll'


T I M E !

O U T O U R W A Y i T f l

, C X X « CM2 » DOWM AT THeVJ )J ENDOP-THe LIWE/ W E «-t. \( / -ivwji<.& Foe. T H e O F F c e CP \'( A UPT. BUT TfVsTS JO ST J

I V MALFA BLOCK FftCM ( , _ S s W « n e I u v e j ^ - —

•___ • ^ C A g T C O je L e

S I D E G L A N C E S ---------“ B y G A

sll y ^'•■ I s l - i

/ , v

" I wflB be ing a pa l t o >iim— a n d now I 'l l ob i )ay n u r s in g a b lack eyel'*-


I t

- ' ^ i W p

" I f y o u ’ll read o u r a d c a r e f u l ly , m adam , y ! a c rv ice w e giv« w ith » e m ile — n o t th e m o r

V BRIfiHT . . I I W E L ^ E to 'O U R =PUC710N-SHEfe RfllR CfTY, MJSS ■WECNLy FEMALf PA 3M A RPEW /

L ^JT hE TgfllN;^

I w l ™ ™

B y W A L T ]

~ s

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S ,

B y W l L U A M S p s F i S c

r --------------------- -— ~ j V ^

) - (T

L j

L ■*m A C wowctfti i ' \ l \ ^ A AWIMM5.R v ' '■ a i / / l> U'WIN<5itf) J * kROUND'E

• a V f l T 'M CIBCC*— •’S ' l A i ■*• *‘‘- t WW

' ^ 3 I W t ^

.. T ' I _ B o ----------- ---------- y . ------------ I E

B y G A L B R A I T H A

p H ^- 1 A

T ^ d , t ^ “ S

G ^

^ ^ ^ 7 / j c SX d e c ld e c^ I y O S5000W < 1 L

p r N

id now I 'l l o b se rv e F a th e r 'a ^ “ ‘ ‘

r I'u. SBWITH Tl

___ C O P ^E *B y D I C K T U K N E E g

^ I s---------- B

................. u' N

, S t a \

“ J h W y -

J I ^ B L ■ D f 'A 'g y g ^

“ I t

s rSp^AJN V > v n ohrt-am ^ ^ fcUS 7 0 S

ly , m adam , y o u ’ll find i t ’s P E v s 5 l - n o t th e m o n e y back I" K t ^ M r ^

c m ^ t U ‘ H r [ & »

- ■ l- ^ ^ K>^)ss L L V V iV


____ UNSPOIUEl^ ^ 1 I

- ( " ■ ------------ » -T - AMD'WOW

i L* (>«<M-VISIT

« i @

r W A L T D l S N G I ^ l i f B k j a M

|[9 : !^

F A L L S , I D A H O

J l > ^ WHOMU# Jll'ANftEJJO E R « 0 ,F lX 7 > f 8K 5T *ft |i£ - x?UO

.->^\cgA C icE gocrrA o p t h \ iTlR,PUNTl VOUC

^~ n5 J l 11K6 BU£W«fs' s i i f r « A '^ " 1 WOWOEft MCAO«BI <3REH U? WITH OHC MY W g ^ e \J ^ C t£ K in » B « ^ H A ^ ^

A W k .1 » 0 ]( KViSMA9RMOi»W) VOft OKI'S

A CA W .l^i'.t40 ^VRKA ? 0 a ^^3lVJ1 ^ 1

Y oa, ¥^iyiris, w e tKntad e c i d e d to p u t u p Jyou ©pend S 5 0 0 0 to a d v e r t i s ^ t t .W & l t P

' ' - y tx r r d i s p o s a b l e ' ^ ^ , ^ ^^ .vvs s t e b ^ k e t . J p ¥ | | ^ B

I 'U . SB F W « H » ^ \ / ARH \ l SH 6 '» AU

Y i S S . ^O ' v e K » tN A f VOO'RS

'[CAmAihi SAV O N L V ^ ^ I SHIP\ a / £ P COME WTH 7 - V J «

W g H T V ^ j r t A b E ^ S

Y T n H S O T S T i r a a r a s M c a s

' H v B b V / E l A t ^ 'v 'S ? v H B 8 p 9 8

■TWE ) ] AHftELPOS^ CANflVH " V ' fTS A " ] fW H£ - X ?U C O «P l.E T B P U H »k \ PBALj TEfCVTA OPTHE JO M T /F A K O .IK w ____ ^ PA>ilN Tl V O UC fC AC K TV aM FEy V /n r n '« * ------------ A N P oeuvE E T V iE \ y \ \ \7\ (OOL TO U *.A N P WE ] j |■ L - PAv vc>o

i * f r « A '^ " lT j5 n E CAN oune /« s i » » “ aN ttb*B ’ WITHOHCMY KMOTS AUP TURN) »IU(ilE ril£ i EACH ASP- C»J!l<m>k!l ON FAUCET5 WTHVs AME TEACK51 8

I4ER.TRUMK. OR. ^ 'T ~ T ? a ^ H TR m n b ^ puLLUPKeRSTMce

ANP d l l f AWAY. F A t ^ K M ' ' — ---- CARRYIUS tCR l£ » a K B ^ H W i


p l l l

<0% ]( A\«> ^OVVV6 l CCpM<>«i UPtVO« OKi^ A.Vk<oViV%l V>Q. - A V)1«V &%OV

I ^'SIVJ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - — ,-,. ^ -r r-^ -1 IM W

ro tten O t ± e r a Biough ' I f W e s re ecingy^[( tW rta i t s h o u ld 9 0 w th e .lo ca l m i

5p ^ n e w sp a sp e r s p a c f . f i r s t a n d &. ^ t P . ^ e w 1 ^ 0 apcta^

^ SH 6 '» ALL , T TA\ A f« O U S l { (

i / « 4 W ; I A M * W 4 t^ ,’l > T . r ~ K / M vR E nN ue eoesT O ^ / u M a . 'M :

I 5H]P.^0ROURBULLET9, l^MAVAKM ^ a ^ V O U R H K ^ T ^ /»A LBe"o>

k '* »HAWSS IN N A R O S A y .


S ^ l V W A T A ^ p i » e O C T ^ f ' " / ' ' tALj TEN OK AN P A N P Z O e > AU

» W SRCWaV THUU A JDWie'l r WflBilTTHl STEPPms l U ^

p ‘.nw.sa.'«> QVA.v' I f w

e » T se c in g a fl^ 1 H Judy, bek s t t h a t T « . local m o*ket k ftoorl n c k u p a i l A .

‘T IL lT 6 U .W U .^ T H K rV « a ATWEVflTWOTJ

AMAVASWEP MCN / _ V M >sotwro INTO eew /O ^ 2 1 - J r IP

FRIDAY, JU N E W , . ' , :

r MftSUTTHtVC^ tf HUMLC UOUd M.U0«r TnanIAvnsrMAKUUUiUG )m!mS!«

A s s i s t I

S S w s E ®

' ;'PAGB S IG ffP

M a r k e l

S t o c k sM4RRETS A T A GLAKCE •;

HCW YORK. I w i* vn— II»tl» - a i .U J . WJ ^

prlo* ckuwa ^"cettoB— ihsrt >*•*'■ •

Oile»*»i '■WiMi—SlllhUr M fUr: •» » » »sa t fiffi t» tiMilop. 1'

l.nd‘ s T i l« ««“

)<*W YORK J^n. 1« ^Ulilnt'-rt > b IM Bitur* eut b.tk . om «»

r v b b ,« .n d « n . u nolm Oi. oil W m hlP l«>»

l.l» th* «>•« w ,iw l«rt.T» -113. th . oil. -b«l prertwt. U>»» •»« ».

Aeloif *” 01. m»rk»t «nco«r.»»l UsEllaritx .ad lh. Tolutn* erf tra.li<iu bw«7Li to .D C

**'gF S”’t‘‘' * f “2 SAlmrmS.. U.*P Rnck l —Wth r." 1">° lltom^uklnii * i. i' tIi*

NBW TORK T t o c k i *i

*«“*“ *!>« ‘Jr^ M irccn i Prt m ’ ’ ■"

a5 » * * 5"' t II; . .Aa T * T 1 14 N»t CMh M ••jr.iS“ ss;;sr^’ “!* S. { p r . r . S ! ! J A ' s ? i . 114 ...

IE -III: 1DvHrn < ^ I*»r* Pi* JJ

-isl* *hi.i.£."' ; SS" °“EC.'-oK !,:iSS“«'S' J5 .,

!;!> K'Vi"' r ”Con CcBP«T ia% So P»clfl* » *•

15 isiln CA.

Co»iii. Wri«ht 1 S - lf t * Co , l» ‘l«M i\kiJ? V.El Aum 4 »1 Sfllh C.nt-re« iK f..

. li I’g2,ts. 5 W rfirr’JJs » .On Mot 4SC Un Alr<rU< »*» <Si - 4 ac iw jr f « s f 61 u I is i i* 13 p

ISiJ wli 'Ta™. i?i S " th zi^ £ i _

X.nnKctt le u Woolwertli 4lS *««Kmn >T^ ZonlUi U)i

NBW YORK CUB* 1Nrw YORK. J«n« U M>i— *-

m 1 ^ ^DrvXBTMErrr tkubt* • IT

'^ '^ S .n r 'f i5 « l« w t" e » ^ 4 5 ) ***" ^*" Aik.<I

f t f u S - t S i r _______ : : !i:!SI.U. Stock B«rtM ______ ________ tl.itI.U. lacom. S«1« -------------------- M.ll g[‘

S I It -■ ■■■■"- S “■ SS! H ^ = r r ^ i H "J

stock Averages

JSJ •£?Pmlou d v - l U «4!o 47.1 *'.1 —

f l“£ £ ! t i l i I! l i d1 . 1 1 .. _ l . . . p . . m ^

Potatoes-Onions “' ___________ I Ho

CHICACO. J«^*^*^(O T)-PoU U «M^ rv

S«»ptl'.. Bo^mt*; ta u B d t»tr; m >M tar «Mia tllclbU WMkvr: r«k .IlfkOr R«(tnw n. e i|

THtk .tl« (J« n>*.) 1 OtJUorol. Un« »;* MMtloa.1 «tr «l 4.1s ; PooUus U. S. 1 iIm Bu

^ A I M nloittum 'Mth.4 « r a t 4J I I iBwMlMd c v At S.OO. Vfi

Stmt Hla (IO9 tb«.)j U. I. I ilM A Ca

'tsA.‘SiSijr •' -s?;2!i'rii5si'sss'.-ss:i , .SA.“S- "\ ^5l4.’S-t.a!S S j j i > .» , . . ^

Ss.rt!s •s ^ s 'is z vm °


TwinFalls'I U

asSoin. lowoo IU. _ _ _ Z Z 3 T r ^ t i i o Uht7 or ( it Mva _ _ _ _ ^ l l4 .M - l i .H ^l<

- lu«* os.iu .dotk) t i - « * n n ^

■ 001. • ( iMTfcM tar «mU» tnd “


fl- ••

•kets and F i « • « • «

s L i v e s t o c kOCDBN Ci

1 OODEX, J«»* 5» W>-(U»DA>—Ho«» bUi-ANCB s s y i ; s , r s ! r - » r . ^ ‘ t i - ‘s : : ; s ru- - '%K”..'ffl yr<al>« IS! B. u lo : Bomluir? uttdr. <Ur.

.,;,'.ru;s;.‘iKiS~it,W,.'.i:5i .-.tscouMcrini «»lltri oa. loui otillir .nd bo c

,»ort k«^ rood lit lt>. IdAha (tu n •«« No. t P«IU « W »/« liJ»- _____ J;” !

■■ POBTLANO r r.i« .n u rORTLANB, Jun. It WV-(U6DAV- l.»V

Kofi il; Bothiu o(f<r»l (or .il* Juir• iiunt.i^" nomln.ltf .tMdr. to >

e»nnri»’.n4ctJll»ri’ ll”eM>.Jl*):oUlftr«o-m _ H . itxk tIM; uirm «:«W. li: aamlniti nolilnx O

S ' S ■ s > : ; ™ - r r r r : i ^' but tr«b.klj -111 b« h.ld o»« (or M.nd.y • Xo.n and « n . l»»dt . O*‘"V114) n a n aAXrSANCISCO. Juno II btV-rUSSAI 1.14- ihowlot tho ~Hcn. ctU*. .hws Mltbl. nono;a . t - 3 and »o»l.a ______ ^

*ddU LOS ANCBLE8erf tnnlxM LOS ANOEI.M, Jun. ll MV-)F8MN1— WlI.OM Cottl. iiUbl. 100; llltl« .tllon or llmlloj Juir.105 »hM». /,«»,,ppJ/.B()B>od.faMholdo.,ia:<.l»oo SepiLar tbit tlio oolabl. Bona.

Hon ..1.1>I. IU: »Mdr to K hithor: M.r,1. Orjilar mMiam and |o«i itM tt Ifc. trutkini JJ.OO- Marnlhff motor J».M; ««d asd tholt. w -i U,e».II.lO. to

' ad nf""®* DESVEIl t>MUM^Vts' ' * * l '’“noii1” 'l '”« ^ n « '^Oa

•u 'and Eto- tJ utlUlj ro« V.M.Jt.tO ""hot.'lo'Jtlmo Jvily>klm HM-».00. S»ptiloti ItO: Ilaadr to M hl(h«r! food Dm

■ i.nd .H,k. 1K.»0, Iba. ll.SWO ; ,ood ao—- Mar'jV all . la ii- aon>ln.1lr H,1»1 . .tndr: «uoUbl« top jh.lta^and rrlmo /u/r

^'1 .lauiMn lUO*—^in_ . y j ’^ US, CIIICACO HjiII « ’ CIIICACO, Jub, 1» («-(UaDA)-JIos» Juir

u l .alibi. t.WO: IS40 blili.r: iood an4 SfptHu r^slt. !»«•]» Ib. buUhfn 2l.00.tl: :ii}-370 0«<

Ay i l^ aioiVr *>i^t Utliitr’ em'wMk:' •Mlor* ^'Pt111 . tn n c klih <onmarelal to anras. cholc*

|4 4t( («l "I"™ .>^ »aarlln*i »».M-JI.OO; h.lf- J.n14U *ra .tant: <«BiiB.rclal eo»l 1I.0O4MO: M.r

“ ‘I ? 2 iS v « i . r T - r ™ ^ it l* i i . i^ '‘ ' ' ' ^ ' *‘ u ,u '* «hamaaU6I«le4:o<fdfc><>(M>d'ta»rfm« Ja/r tit ; BalKa .rilnr Itmb. lt.0MI.t4: food tA Sept igit thok. ikota «••. tT.»«<I1.M. Oct

.1 'i l OMAHA, Jun, I t UtVlURDAl—Koca Jan I ]|2 aal,b1, t.tOO; hcf, unai.nlr ilioni to hO Mar

‘ rt Uw ••In conuarclal to chcka >w«r> chan«

4I(L 2S.C9-lt.Ul alocktr. and (Mdtra iiarea. l.Ot:

*"l2 S'P! lli EAKSAS Cm!'®J*BOr'(UPl - Ht.«» I

or I«S hlfh.r: t)".ln«

Ili? a itli IM: «lfM to: ulabl, r«c<lpl/<

r«' » ? W*l *11 . Im p. e.ncr*lly .tooar:. I a a - K r - " - - - """- § I Butter and Eggs ..!i' ; K5 '----------------------tt **» PlUNCliCOI ilU <U< rRANCISCO. Juno U (UP)—But-

,ii2ir’dVii£i*4ut *'Zct>i‘cr.d. A iari* t9.t9\i! asMllum

A tw U i; .mall A4M514,.' ' j y LOa AHCELE8

1,0s ANSBUU. Jud* It (VT)—Uark«k j *^7 '-kol.M l« prl.aa (tDlotaom M pm-

_ , «anl AA)i Gradt A nadlan t i : nlnlmUB L.JS Jm w ?.' * '

raicAoo S d ^

E | | | v S

rena--- w. a, m»ilura 4(: U. S. .Undard. 4S; tJIfl,'-----*ti»! ” u»V ? iid r ''t i“ nTO?''r«ll*t;-----II loadai f,l> parinc »rlc« SBckaMod to AUd— ■■ - n H ..ot » jcoBd lowoTi k«TT km* » W I: alila:

res £Twin FaUs ^

S “ts Livestock Prices ?.*JS ti;! Ill* foU oirtn*Tw inPslhllm lockl.t i»,a prieu u* provided bj t^ie T w la '>.» « .» ptUi LlTtttock Commlailon com - _*■* **-* j ] u i7 b u « d o n th d ru u iu o tth « l« s t P o^ ____ J ............................

ons ^_______I Hoj«. M0-2U J ta .__________ »52.00 8A

Hoj>.n0-lB01h*. ______ ThePoUU «M Hon.3tf-i751b». __________ *30.00 appr.•ow tieek Bon. mort tbao t n UeutI. fc Ibfc ___________ »18.00.420.00 comntr ;> u M Sows. ttWOO Iba-------- »17J)0-n9.00la .IlfkOy H«»V7 a f i t iow«------- I17.00-M8.00

1 - . s u n (TO Ib» dock)— tit.oo-M3.oo W“ 1;f ite en ______________ *38.00.»36.00 P '‘« '

I. s. 1 .1- SiiUi’ ----- ---------------- I28.00-I39 JO£ n \ \ - --------W9,00-»33.00S i M y , ; r - ....... s ;

Cwinw*andcutt«f_418,00-»33.00 " V *

"iL^ IS "_ = = Z = { S -!;S « ' r S - sr . . ?3S S 1M , Wool t«K futum 3 ^ 4.9 lo T.O <ofit. w a

5 , „ w

: 4 § .— O K ^ ^BXEH. Jud* is—Ur. and U r s . o u 'l i

Ju ll LaJiunaua and ehUdren a n Totr r A M . In Uontaaa oti a buttncM trip. soS.7!

. ^ 114.78

F a l ls M a rk e ts | | |Meal m ««atl<ur. J i 'o ]

ftu i-._________________________ receaUM.]t.<M *<«hora cocii —r - ._ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ .6 e tr« «.-lJ.JWt.7l (8»in aai ccttp.Br Prtea.) e f , ,"» i S i S11444AM B««.rfal ________________»t« k aofl,»Ub , b4 I0« <«Wr noud) jamai

■ r - f t iS ® --------------------- ,, ■„■■,»«€ Uoa ;— »t“ * : -»«a the t

------ -------------------30« pon«!MW «W U tr.da (Un.) _________ 44.i»c ®°- ^

iTtor <«lai «uoudJ opeoli

v-_ ■ .


Finance | J * * * *

c k G r a i nCIIICACO, Juno It {fy-Fallur* of anr told

OA)—Hoc* bU uport kuaIsM lo dor.Icp folloainfc»d ItO-ItO onBouncmml of rororaBimt .uUtdl- all«lk^dahoko c . ^ - h - t p r lc toJ,«k dowa todar. nutllr .u u in Ih rruL '!^KS'^Idaho wheat far. up arcuBd •t.adllr und.r llfht ^ q[j, i s r ' r . ; -'^ r^^o 'tT ar-lB .cer plu , « . r.tkor

plfu ■Who.” to 4 hliker. Juir durl«r>> S hSiker. Joir M lji-’i : Uje

.(U6DAW- Kijb.an*'‘urthtnffd 10 J'.i h'lih.r. kllleid for .al* Juir 3.1(-].I!^. and l.rl iO crnia lowrr Cl2j-o«.r«i- af^plUlltr c o n CASH GRAIN b l;iI; Bolilnx anCASO, Jun . W «»—Wiaat J«<k. I jJJe ■

lot on aaJ* Corn No. I y.llo-I.Tt; .Vo. 1. l.TiS.II; freerMondar'* Hn J. 171^. p]e hoary whll. tS-ln^ J t'»«r”'»hita II. A '" '

Il.rltr nominal; nilllnr l.U.«9i (aed Mn<:►—fCSOA) l.W-W. _____ . Vote* * rUTURES TABLI J '

CniCACO, Juno li (,?)— Und( Opoa 'Hlfh . l^w Cloaa fncrc

r s s . . S ' - ' =,« .... ....s » E .S . ' ,S ; s ; ; I:!!'- : ! S ' i:lS » »IO.1I.10. Cora

s"« !'’r ji’lJ 1'tI[>M i.tji’ i!«i'i I'.eji.i i!t»n forci

Al-Cal!!. i l . r J-»7« tcbII‘. '^ 'p tim l Jv'i* ,«I .1-, .m ; «m.■(»pt .« Is ni

food_ Dm ,* ti, .l.jj, .M'i .jSlj thOSi

aomln.llr “ H,o-OH' sV,1. ■” ’* Tfmd rrlmo Ju/r Ui'<i l.ir'i f.UK i.ti'i dout

v T i:;n : « « •Hro—Nrw Hiria Tacy

l i S J " S i S 1:!5S i l : 30: moatlr Juir ilS i.li« t.iW, I.U bul :; i . ’. i ;5 : ; s ; ; j ! ; u : . ; u r m i s1.00: helf- J .n MIJ<; J .s i t J.ItU DrlUI.0O4UO: M.r t.M ^ t.M<4 I.KIU s'ra l1.0*41.00; M a^^ J.H MJ J.U MJ thUlli f prim* JuIt UI« tU U.6I Ii.«t: food tA Sept it>o l.to it.iT .is.ts trina

N ' ll'-t I?! !t'-n Ji'UHec itliT i'lj Itlo I J l l num'

)A)—Hoia J .n u l l t ed A

FLOUR Kt'alauthlor MINKBAPOUS, June IS tP)-Plour la the

I-IB.™ ■ 'siindatd hran I.bo liwer. t».«:.UBdard hai- a a - . a . — ■■- s, - n.„ Potato and Onion;Vd'ihoic5 Futures, met. roc.ipt/- (Courten E. W. MeBobert* u tS iia t« io { CoojpAoy. E U l B U u Pbona MO)

of th■T * i r ^ i „ dedd

. . . . . . . r"‘— I cara traded. to COJAHUAsr OSWKS war,

;gs ■ -s,■ t IM l tld. off.fad at IH t; BO aala, gordl

JP)-But- XOVBMBER TUBKEYa7J; B to tt.UU btd. af(.t3d".l U.tfU: bo lalM. like ■rado A aal«.

I aiKliura ^

Man Files Action 1; "“ For Back Wages Z tninimuB L. D. WlUlanu filed suit In Justice in M-SS( court Thuriday ita lnst I^well D. r n i ,

Kloppenbur;;. operator o( the Idaho X l l Paclflo frr lgh t Jlnu. leekljis «1&7JJ

■' ” S7|!Ji Judgment for money allegedly due a nranS *or baclt wages.

M D T he plaintiff claims he was em- *? P ?f; ployed as a truck driver by the de- i r . a ' t r i s o ' fendant and that he wai to receive ®, lard, ts : tiu .02 for each trtp he made aJono

Atijeles. ^ M d half th a t amount when an as- ,

M » » 4 i: alstant driver accompanied him. , 5 '“^II (ryar- Between March 1 and March » . i ? : , J " * '• 1851. the driver mad# five trips, four “ ~

' I w ith an assistant. accordliiB to the f , complaint. I t Is alleged tha t M33.59 G °~ , of th e salary due lor the trips has

*>««> P*ld. In addition. Williams L.CO seeka-WJ.76 for wotk ha performed______ as a mechanJc for Kloppenburg dur- ,;— ~ ~ in* t h l same period. J. H. Barnes is

p liln tlfr* attomey.1 com - *lon»

Retirement Bid of iSj; ! W edem eyer OK’d a.™'_U33.00 SAN ntANCISCO. June 15 ftl.PJ—t-»31.St The army (tnnounced today It has 1 I__|30.00 approved tho retirement request of J - jJ -

ZJeut>Oen. iilbert 0. Wmaneyer, n0-t30.00 commander o l the ilxth army here. J0-M9.00 A lUth anny ipokeiman lald0-M8 00 Wedemeyer. BJ. waa notified In .0-M3 00 Waahlngton Tuesday that his ap-0.}36.00 PUcaUoa lo r retirement was ap-

** leiiBth of Mrvlce, 38 yean. - q S n n toade r^n U n g of (hs request man-

datory H e ^ l o i e d on May 7 that ^ »M nn •PPlled for retirement.

Th= retirement beeomea effecUvi v .«.mS-ro” . wS$33,468 Worth of

Bonds Purchased SS;ro Magle Valley resident* purchased

*33,468.76 Worth of O. S, lavlnga bonds last month. 131^58.75 In serlea E and 11,510 In lerlei F and O, The t *>/;

............. aeries F and O bonds were bought - - -only In Cassia and Twin FaUs coun- K o n t ties. I4M In CasslA county and |1 ,- _

a M r* . 014 In Twla n i l s county. en T 9 Totals by county are Blaine. d j t h Ip- S0S.79; C asus, M SO;'Cusla. «4.- c . R

' 1 714.78: QootUag, »t.74S.76: Jerome,$3,473; Lincoln. $861.35; Minidoka, j i„ . i $3i31.3i. a n d Twin Falls, $ig,7S4. p«r»»»

I Total tor th a lUte was $377«1.M. * 'p , .

Form er Eesident sF , = ; e -Clauned'by Death----- -II ; Word has been received here of th* ««rt.in____lOo recent death WlUlam Culven Hoi-------- Jo lon a t his hom i In Hanford, Ark.------- So He Wll a lormer resident of Twin c«un

Falla- for SO year*.Includid unong hli nirvlvon ai«

IZ .aT « U aon. Oils EoUon, and a brother, (io%) Jamaa Hdllon. both Twin Falls. ^

F>2«ef»l aervlce* aad in ta a ta t ii^r ih» wero beld In Gringivllle, Ark. Gu»rdi<illa {or Altorai____4»* BCUOOL P081T0N E0 3^1?»-------« e JEROME. Juaa 15-M n. Harold S J r t.------ i ? ; O tto, supervisor of the tialoa r a ta - *~ a s c Uoa aible acbool. h u ansounced

the two-WMk Khool will be poat-------so« poned until July 18 through July_ 44 .isc 3°- Original pUm called Ior the

opeolsg ot th e Khool n u t UondtJ'* ; bU U

V- ■.


Speaker Calls H ' On Nation to I do'

* Al’m to Teeth a;I .Cont....* ( r . . P . . . Jae.Hur. of anr told th e delegat« a t the Thurtdiy, ^It °iuw!2 mitemoon session of the lath an-do«a todar. nual convention ot tho Idaho DU-'iIu ' tS uV •W*d American Veterans. iin. hawr,r. Tiie 63-yesr-ol<i Pole *»W * « Is ^und.r llfht nothing ntw to his country. He said gt,wer. r.tii»r his f a th e r was killed durUig World. c .t. aa to I and his youngest brother er

Juir during World war n . but "that la Lat i.Jiji.’i : the sto ry of mlllloni o f Poles.'' BU L - .s . 'k * 'S 'S ’ million o ' h is countrymen were _ _

hi.h.r' killed during World v .ir II. \cenia lower Citing Bclglum a i anothfr ex. 'Jul, ie.M. ^ ip_ Adamczyk said, "when the ^

big fellows sta rt we are In Uii mid-

J4I: No. 1 Adamciyk said the purpose of theI. i-Ti.i.Ji; free Europe commltUe is to tell peo.

pie in Europe the tru th and the American v,ay. He aald people be-

u.«5i (aed hind th c Iron curtain listen lo the the. Volco o f America «;id SBO, alltoush almi

ll Is against the law. Countries vet*under Soviet Russian domlnstlon are the;

ow Cloaa eager to hear new comments from omy, 1- - l a t democratic countries and It la his ancii>? ::t i3 Job 10 speak to the Polish people sonsI’i 2.tt because they know him and It wili the!|? ' ; encourage them to fight on. selv<

Foree<l to Workj;‘ !-Ip* He s.tld thc Polish people are ^Jlj i'm u forccd lo do the dirty work ot the J^lo

rcBlmc or ecc thcJr foroJIlej llQUl-dated. H e said the Communist party serv

! Ifl not accepting new members, and theI’i .ss 'i those in It are afraid of each otlier nr F}i» and a fra id to make decisions, , Ploy

...J . The Polish refugee pointed out the ? '(*; x .jj'i double talfc used by Che Commi/nlJts. ®‘0•Jl '.JJS He sa id thc term •'people’s democ- otlo)

racy" mcan.t dictatorship, and the ^ *c;i.siw word ••pence” actually miam war, and

Wi }-5’ J2 Adamczyk said about 10,000,000 high*-• ” people a re trained to fight the west, uner

■.i 1.14 but m any of these "soldiers" won't* light against Americans, French or Di

' t J i t u British. He said the Russlins are J°w*.14 r « 3 afraid to arm these forces wllh any- “«®r ‘ *-*’ thing more than small irais and

U it they a re constantly being Indoc- e'cci.'siw trlna t«d on the glories of com- Satv'!‘ J5 munlsm. He said the aoldler Is the Ai

, ,1'Tf number one cllltcn In ft red domlnat. morU lt ed a rea . IramU.U Don^l T n u t Pole* >ocii

R u fiia ra couid not inisl any of Viol>-Piouf la tho P S e s In the Polish red army com)..untj on. aufflclcntly to mako them officers, orgaunenaafod. ^ , acsult, AUttmczyk said Stalin ’o:.UBdard haa appointed llusslan officers to Tld dc« on- head th e Polish army. These of. with

Jlcers w ear Polish uniforms, 6ut give O. ' I themselves away when they ittempt

l i o n speak the Polish languase,Pointing out that th e Korean con- E. ^

fhct U Just another pa rt of an old Oth'»la *aS p lan , Adamczyk cited Indo ’ 1' '' ma SM) China and Oreece as other portions

of the operation. He said Moscow is tlve . deciding what shall be dons In the

>____ world today and opined Russia hopes ^to contro l the world without all-outWar, W. ‘

I cicaoi I T he Polish Uader termed "ntoa “no lh lng more than a killer.’’ re . char

BO aals. gardlcss of which side he may be on. H e said "nto Is no t needed.

• He sa id the Polish people dls- T l i BO lalM. like being called Russian satelUCes cludi

and s ti ll conslder'themselves demo- ''6M cratic. They claim only the regime “ " n Is red controlled. “ 111.

i f t r i "Poland had no QulsUngs In World iw il n ." Adamczyk aald. Th# Polish 'o f r o a undergroimdtdlllng anyone attempt- « K “ o Ing to a id th a natls. l« d In Justice ---------------------------

C'i3i!; T hree Leave forig»157Jl • X .ediy due Kiwaiiis Sessiou } '?f« .« rm T h re* members of th a Twin Pslls and , i ‘ K lw anis club left Friday momlng mob:0 receive «tt«nd Cam

the Intem aU onal convention of the Mr A n tl t , organlzaUon Juno 17 to 31 inclusive, s u t

n an La T hose making the trip are Dr. Qeor Joseph W. Marjhall. governor of l«ng

fa^ h 14 U u U ta h -Id ah o distrtct; Ray J. il f„.!: Holmea. president, and O. A Kel- "P f' “ “f ker, yJco president et th« i« a l cJub.; .i.>7Va Holmea and Kelker are delegate.

M arshall and Kelker wUl be ac- w m i . ^ com panied by Uielr wives.

T hey will board a special train a t S a lt L ake City for the trip eait.

n .7n .. .r O fficials o f t^ie International or- oarnes « g^nlBaUon expect 10,000 delegates

from th e tta it«d S tates and posses- slons a» well as Canada will attend

4 « f th s flcsaloas a t which InteroaUon-1 UJI ally know n ipeakeri will be heard.

3K’d . .r ^ ’ S n T rs rs .-"” '15 «1.PJ— ---------------------------

1,143,361 Enemy SrSS Toll Is Estimated

“ !2 WASHTKOTON. June IB («V-Th#hu *«ny t<xl»y eiUmated enemy caa- nis ap- u n t ie s In Korea at 1.143^« through

‘ P* June 7.A T h * to ta l. wWeh-iBcIud^ both B yean, eom bet and nfC -tattle Im w . w u

T h e an n y estimate* placed North eiiecuvi K orean CMuaJUea- a t MJ,(»l. and

Chlneaa red losiei a t 555,370.T h e only ejcact figures on enemy

■..f toaaes w ere In the categery ef prls- J 1 o n e n o l war, totaling 161,381. Of

UiU num ber, 15^70 were Chinese B S 6 a reds a n d the remainder NorUi Ko-urchased __________________l n * i ^ M A P TIMB3-WEWB WANT ADfl.


t li-:mSK » r a " E 2 s “ s..s?'i.’s;

M9,7«4. P ««« - .1 ^ oalata. o( C.,H. Wm. ^ .nd«»-w-

and baat lilddcr. Dpoa tJio tarau aod raa._ i dIUon* li.r.lna(Ur .pacKlad, aad iublwtnt s j,-.T“ K,‘S eathr« ot the cortaln roal »te»«rtr, d«erIM X (ellowi.

5 K » ssof Twin Count? of Twla ralli. Idaho, toftthw

•riih^ th* apvurtaaaiKM ikerfsato h» . > von ar« Tm>* ^ ul* ahall k« <*>k. Tn >*r «.M brother, (10% ) '« ( tid <* u doMiud with fcid IfSi

s a n l-l««nnen« .r i t ln r «»d laCt witfi Ur*. Carl C*bt»«r». t Guardian, at (tv* oKlc* of 0, T. Dsrall.Altora**. otrte* 1. Twin Talli Bank a

V.U: = File poat- MRA. CAXL CEDERBURO.sh July Gaardlan ot t^a Citataa oilor ihl “ ■lioniiBj'- f a b iu i i J u . I . « ; i s r ^

rg, TTTOT F A iij? , laA H q ~ '

Can Y ou Swim? (x _ I f you've tfrown iip and *WJ —

. v y don't know how to awla. here 'i r ”_ -your chancel ' ’

r> A f t l T hat’s th o word from BoteL C l U Anne R eichert. Instructor In, , th a rge of B ed Cross swimming ,™ classes, in announcing s class for |?T.v . i * beginners wlU sUrt a t 7

pm . Monday a t the municipal ■■

Miss R e ichert said no advance 5Id war Is reglstraUon Is necessaiy. The In-. He said structor will be Hnl HardcnsUe,ig World an experienced awlmmlng tench-

broUier er who ha* moved here from Salt•■that Is Lake City. n

olea.'' BU - I

National DAY r i Chiefs Appear =

At Conventioncopie tK- (Conllniiad (roa r*(> Oni>:n to the the auxiliary. Mrs, Mill voiced _ allhoush similar »}ann over thg n-lsis fsclngCountries veterans, Bhe declared veterans are _lltlon are the llrs t ta rge ts In government econ- aunts from omy drive, sh o deplored dlscontlnu- _Jit la his ance of hoepltaU for political rea- wth people sons and said, "We arc flRhllnf? for _1id It will the men who c a n 't fight to r ihcm- *’\11. selves. . 1

O the r Epeskeri to■oDle are OUier speakers a t DAV sessions r•k of the rrlday were R . B. Pender. naUonal 'les llQUl. scrvlce oiriccr; Qeorge Reed, chll > list party service comml.^lon olflclnl from bers and the ScatUe regional office, and Ter-ich otlier O' Prater. Boise, atate veterans em- — ,ns ployment reprcaentatlve,■d out the Pender c ited the DAV's fortun- ^imi/nlJts. Ble position In getting VA coopcr- ^ s democ- atlon. Reed spoke of hU agency s and the Jnlcrcst In p lac ing disabled vctcrsns

war, and Prater reporU d on this sUte's ^10 000 000 high standing In having only 89 „the west unemployed handicapped veterans, _f•t" won't Report* ef 0 //lc f» «*.lench or D epartm ent ofllcers reports fol- ^ Jans aro low 'd a trend Uiat UOs year hasi-llh any- b«en the DAV’s be« and th a t Its —rais and future Is b r ig h t Resolutions and '! Indoc- election of officers are scheduledof com- Saturday, _£]er Is the Auxiliary sessions opened Friday co:lomlnat. momlng w hen Mrs. Doris Stradley, ••

Immediate pn-st commander of the ,local unit, tu rn ed the gavel over to ^

' any of Violet Carlson. Coeur d'Alene, state p:ed army commander. Mrs. Mill dlscusjed _ r olflcers organlratlonal matters.d Stalin T huraday Sessions __ficers to The convention opend Thursday s«.ihese of. with rltunllsllc work directed by C. —i.but Kfvc O, (Buddy) Cox. local chaplcr eom- g.attempt mander. and introduction of state —

JC officers and distinguished guests by “ y!ean con- E. R*ybom. convention chairman, . tf an old O ther na ilonal officers present in- ('rf Indo «l«de acorRO D enny and Frank Sck- ”portions *n. members o f thfl naclonal «ccu- ...loscow Is tlve and lln a n ca commltlccs rc- _!!;8 In the specllvely. <Ila hopes A Joint m em orial service was pre- — t sll-out sented by th e local auxiliary. Mrs.

W. R. Wolter, Mrs. Gerald Camp-ed Tito bell “ ’d M rs. Tom Stivers were in aIler- fe . charse. V ocalist was Earl Dahl- kmmnv be stfom accompanied by Eleanor ^ 5d, Rhodes.pio dis- Thursday afternoon ipeakers in- saleljltes c!uded Alolyz Adamczyk, Polish ref- 3 demo- »i6ee: Leon Fields, regional VA5 reslme manager: M rs. Carlson and Mrs. ’

Mill. Fields emphaslMd the .co- in World operation betw een the VA and DAV le Polish *'*•’*■ M ill reported on the DAV itlemnt- su*IHary’« a id to reteraai hospllal-

ited a t Boise.

,r H urt in Crash, RUPERT, Juno lS -M r« . Ada

a m n l«ng . who resides near Chicago. U i lO lU l l In the Rupert hoepltal with bruises In Fslls and shock aa a result of an auto- njomlng mobile acc iden t near Cold-Water1 attend Camp T hursday evening.1 of th s M n. Long w-as Injured when theicluslve. a u t o m o b i l e driven by h e r son. care Dr. Qeorge. overturned near th e camp,rnor ot I<ong was in ju red only sllghUy. h


nal or- P r o m p t . . . E c o ro n jjc a J . .elesates o n any M

i K a DISTRIBUT•naUon- F a lrb an k f l S lo rs^ —P<I heard. ^

R o g e r s F a nKimberly Road Twla r

ited i wp>-Th# / 4 ^ 1 -B ■w nthrough

id t»oth au i n «

1 Northn . and * j r \ _

enemy - I f \ S .Bf prll- III r v81. Of 11Chinese ----- ^th Ko-

^ w a t c h 1 : o u r ;s a v


i 'H. n u i .E n tT o e e ko a m 'a o o e f aoa1* ^ «M 7 « ( "Ban people hm t la m e i

« »«»T «*w H *Il> ey“pl*oc-d *Vub7«; ^ •ocoofit h e re , « k l w n d

e o o n h f them. U ytn w taty Uta.‘ b! eame to l a d open i o t c, “oiiilS! j******* •odyaatmvuu,. ^ i P i p Q Q f i s f i n ^ ^ j i n y ^ o

;r£ ■ xs5f«?x Yc

l » r ^ S e / « r | - *BMk*** Prov

> 5 L 2 S S ' In s titu t io nnr tjata

First' F e d e r a l S a v i n g .titSi% o r TWIN PAUaa a. t l l S b o th an t Street Neitb

na '• " r - -

C l a s s i f i e d |p W A N T A D R A T E S 5

(Baaad . • Coat-p— ord) C'M » - — ! : s a in

a class for | a n ___________— *« p«» ■•»>( -ysUrt a t 7 <i iglalBsa of l l worda «> t*«»l»ad ; municipal la a « «a. ol— KW ^

for aiaapla. M. u blo fcato»l

jrS'.’S = ^ & y : : x f e ; ■'__________ BEADLINES for CUaalfW onti, _J

)A Y J’ ‘ sJLdar»-l p.a. Satordaxa c i

pear 51 tai »» (a/o«D*U«> »t> h. ll»“ ia

n t io u. on.) ^Mill voiced ■

?l!lran t'i^ f SPECIAL NOTICESiment econ- bug and optouurj tlaaolaii fhooodlscontlnu- » 1T-J,_ Vlllar . Cl.an.r«.__^ _J

olltlcal rea- weyui.so n.pkin.. ‘f ’ tini

.'■s'si' # p f # a r e s r - r s s" v sessions ” rhjn^“ wo,*0 ^cr. naUonal u*'V' *J iTi" g .T r J m . t Jlt Jth IReed, civil ■

flclnl from ------------------------------------------------- ":e, and Ter- C H IR O P R A C T O U S . T

BH. tt «- JOIUSSON. ISi Third A>*B.a .:v's fortun. r A . . a u „ d i r - i.o *VA coopcr- M.ln Korth. Thon. __________ —

led ?fw r?n‘s T R A V E L & R E S O R T S Hthis sUte's ct^,,K.MJLLEIt suoat ranch op» for EJ ng only 89 „aion. Cahln., .add). lMn«. bimU. _Jd veterans, mr Inforronlon e.ll t« t. •_________ w,■tr» JIAN AND WIKE »llh aom. V.fgal. »ould J

• r ,z ^ 2Stora“ .lS BEAOTY SHOP_________i) scheduled IJ. it; is . rhoBaiHI-M. EX

■ned Friday COMri-E-rE br»ul» br odr»ne»d —2U Stradley, ■' *'V; iIder of the „ A'm ni.uiy ah. Af.d«nr ’avel over to cOMI’LET>; mod»n tx .uir ..rvlcTT, Vl Alcne, state p«t oMr.ion. M.rhtnt!«» and cold ‘1 discussed »»->«. SS.OA iin. AttU,lr ll.,utrM,n. •

LO ST A N D F O U N D ~1 Thursday 5«A'-i-_«d i-i^ iiSceted by C. , f i " ^»ii.. Ro’ .r .i- rhon. o»^n..lapicr com- SC H O O L S a r id T R A IN IN Gm of state ------ ;------------r-j------v —d guests by ?.n ^om .V n e ip^rE .auU d.iln *1 chairman. an am.tlndr .hort tlmo >lih our ilmpli. ,present In- <ird "r>h»d. or iM 'r;;'''”’’. wFrank Sek- " n t r *.’1 .c« tl? ." lnd tntir'^ ln” t3nal «CCU- f.ictr now, ron’t DoJay-EnroH Today. —mltlccs rc- ll>»>-tv Art. Ac-ln^y._____________ *r . U '., p r .. S IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D _L“ ary. Mrs’. « .rw nt,r and e.bln.r*ork, p•aid Camp. CUSTON h„ .l.^kln* .nd haullns. l l i l i T crs were in A.h, 'r.in Fall.. i:Earl Dahl- k.VOX CuT l'ii L.undr^'. ' U i: SUi A^.nu. {"y Eleanor Ea»i. Phono tt.-n .________________ jj

C A S H tF O R D E A D 8

.. totiui- t I S E I , E S S


fiS,'“ K B u p e r t 66f an auto- T w in F a l l a 814;old. Water

m A H O H I D E _ « e T A I X O W C O . -llghUy. f a —

U M P S l iPARTS and SERVICE JrcononjjcaJ... EHIcient Repairs BLon any Make c5DISTRIBUTORS ^ks Morse—Pomona Pumpa ^

r s F a rm -S to re — ^TwId Falls Fhooe IftSS c.



I V \ /

■ hi

»U R ,SA V IN G S .G R O W j

- 1

■w*ffloo«y'<feaa‘tgTO*roo'aee»-5 ^pie lamed bo» CO oaka thelx ^‘IT>ey“plM"Aeirimngilii.«»here , to d w ttch the ir M Y ing , c»ro fn"i . I f y ^ w « o f y o e i f .* m f lg « « g t tn r itS>i«»dop«Oiotccooattodty.Vep«y' jcmt «owi,.iQ«i£ed.». y w n fa .W ^ tin o m n j

t Will Pay You to . uq 'INVESTIGATE Lloimpi^... ^ ~Local, Proven V | | l | | ^ Institution, 5®

I Savings & L oan Assn.C f TWIN FAIXa • C**

North Xmbt ^ J J ^----------- na



J SIT U A T IO N S W A N T E D ‘ '

= r™ '4 S “"£“ ™ 5i

DirMSH-AEINCrrtonla.: ehlld Cl

T r f c «li.wT»u».* *^*0." *

^ ■ " # ? 5 ] S 5 S r ^ "inltn TREF. lopplal, (allinf, and rnnortu. r in _a MijrMua. work fvarantnd. Thon. 1

_Md«*uS O'DELl. aur»KT MhooU Childrl»« ia d.j^M li.ar. AUo «r«,lnt^ pboo,

PAINTING, InUTloPand aiurior. .Wall — SdTiw rt«nlnr. W.rd and WhMl.r, SIJ-B .nd Clloa. t[n’u3bXLEAJnr«j ail tro 11 ~

“ waklM. IT)0»# _


<«. Twin PKKSSUAKINC. button hoU. altoratlw T"'jlt*’ Jth *hl1j i* -r 'rtiw «per|.oc« on

^ W. .»«l>llM la «»ll to vail ^ r p o t I —irSi °r= 's.r'‘

rdla. 110 IDEAL ,HUC SERVICB ~

ITS HELP W A N T E D -F E M A L E 1o m for LAIiY^(or^p«rt^Uma eaarai.tDf. phoa*

______ WANTED: l-art-llin.'valtrwa.' ■T«T Clab. S;ar.»ouM I'hoM 1»:S. Twin r.lli,

WAlTRtsa want«l.^^M^, U

Sm jilin r.ralMr, W.nd.ll.^Ilnutr*?!'’**' * ^cTT, WANTKD: Girl I t- tf to do houa.V^pTS; Tand Mid ■ (»r f.mDr of I. Hoard and room and I , Sa?an. t tUir. rr^uiatad. Thonr to7l

___ HELP WANTED— M A L E“ I " HOUSE {urnlihH. (arm l.bor. tht. e«D>- '

_________ oJ™ g ;

if'Ea s '? ;WANTf— K.prH.nrrt a.jlomoblla m»- d

Tr^'^y. ^ -^ ^kV t^ IE or (ull tlm^ .p p lu l l ' drr - .ilorr.tn, liberal eommlMioB ba.l«. Apply irED lfl_f.»j.en to Mr- Foalir at Falk'a. • j

n.r»ork, I------------------------------------------------ 1 -______ SALESMAN

21IV3 I'rrm.nrnl. (ulurr. adrancRiont. ^ r nilC.CM.oer y..r up. Commlulon and >0

h A»,nu. In lh. *d«rtUlne H.ld wiq, th , tlACSraV .nd oldfot AAAI Manufaclurrr £LaUkid' (Uf _<

I ■ LOUIS F. DOW CO. ° iIJM Ib.ll BuJWlnX g*D TrMoebee “



r Olhrr Uazia Valley Towna —Glra Af. and AddtM

t 55 —WRITE— —Circulation D epartm ent [”


HELP W ANTED ■ m I m a l e — FE M A I/E

^ (^/MUr"ma“ i m ‘'"Box'*sl-B.*‘T £ i.“

WE NkED manaarral Can jm quallfr? *“ E.I.rrl Cominlulonl Itraowala I Chrtat-

i " . '. g T r aB U SJK E SSO PPO R T U N m E S m

■■•” H icnoctav .tor., .nack bar. Soma Krttl

or trid.. Oox II-B, Tlm^Krva. M?.lZciro"DMV&.tW'~ r aala. P o W S Minanic* IM Nortb U«(a. ^

— >qS-8ALE,-Mllk-TOU.-,«^ - 2KS Ifi i ^ S e

aata<t Walter HaabV SbaabeBa. U o ^

JJmUr. A<hnb>< 8a«a>lll. «Uolw, *

la Mtfla Valler. Phoat dll. Blak. •• BioUi.n, l t l Maivall Arnu*. T«U "

i<m i t m , » . , wio, m — « , J . I SEicell.Dt opportunity (or oimtr drirrr. .* Itmi bttvMn Duhl aad HanMO. 6u»- S ' PhM.*ll * " f t

' IInf cuutora. IS.«eo.o« down and S44.00 £ t morn).. Total ptk* lll.OHM. Xdltk'l jJJ

rOR LkASEi rhllllpa H anrle* ‘a u ^ »— and fToccry i t« . wllh llrina O art«a.10 madm <*blni aad trillar Mtklas

------- 3‘2,?.f„'K!.,‘",'Sft.iESffl JMrtor Co.. (toodlnf.

S s " "

Uo*. rrk* Taroa. itaS 'K .s .'- ii'ff ir""" ' •“lOPPEX CLtTB. WoBdarfot' loutlaa In tMorl town. IsclodM KanbllW , rooa. kar. (T1..M ara latal). AIio hu 11 unlla eahlr... and'nln* »«»» t— la (lab, H u I rooB apartaaat. —-

MAGIC V A L L E Y t iI n v e s tm e n t C o . ”

> . rhoaa I lti . I l l ShMbos* 8.

S f e ~ F U B N I S H E D ^ R ^ l ^ ~ [ »

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ina^'tBiRl! A?',*’™"

'J. rhon. t cLEa..*, n w i , ___T. FhoT. 'I* ', 'p ii7 .^‘LV *W»« nlortli Waah- -S f lLljr. H? ■«.?

^ ‘V b o S - UNFURNlQPfp

^■ w „ . !Sig^ST=Sal.* f ijV <:i K

,11 « ,r ~ t _ i!L _ JW « ig It rwwon- I ro ir s j- ^.r. ;«

e m a l e

S ? S - " w F i n m i s i i i n«“srarn=rss

S.JV'eS'"**’ CtaVSp io » . 1031


i-ui-iJKuuM ku«„,'C 5 J l 2nd SU gnlr r«i.ronl*i, , _MLp!u« Ulll. Kont .

i i i i ------- ' tIW ” *' **"• •*

„.. ~»nsc.F 08B..lon and >CLBWG «b.ln(«*iT5 I ~iUj th . boiU fSon. iii. .

E l^ ic7 )= « r ptluSn te

:Fraoolaee — ________ TSUCKJ A.VD C

i I "“f i l F sIDAHO

U-DMVB, la

■3 “ ” ” S o’hW . '


“ * I IDAHO HNANl ________ L0AN3



'•fK.'-.sJ.K?*j366rbo«a. u .3 7 :

IM tailU. Pt«a. ItlT-N IT I B S m s i f i c E m s ^

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________ S iiid . Pb»a.»mi(

i»r drt” '- S r .L . alM U, ^

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loe*U«a T jgA .C gtfP *icanbllw TW—• ro«»>*■ I

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•falls r e a l t y Ont. Cim earrHr.J S b a n c e C O .^


— I ,» ,„d .SouU,r ^ K E W I r '

! ^ s ’s s « - 1 m nJ a i 1-a. hay s t /

0FALLS R E A L T Y b a l e p hay

^ - -1PA U L E Q ir

jncEss^nr WELDINi

a v a i l a b -

lUL ESTATE L im ited ,fam Agency *»

Thon. i5«.j I BALED HAY

' H --------1

MOWER ATT lo «10.800, P o r Tricyi


CE.ADAMS s« ‘"

etate f o r s a l e ' '■ — o u k m

^ . , J . . .

® : “' j i roa SALE '

» ■^ |r r r . M CULTIVATOR

— ETC.' ,

S i e i . _

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i i g i s

^ p f i s ^-------------------------------------- 1 For DEAD nne

a n im ,

r ,'’!^,____ _ IDAHO :o i i . . r r .p r.U. * t a l l o

-G O O D T m - ^

lOUNTAIN STA TES IMPLEMENT CO. ‘>Ru.r?yu*'‘ ri.lr.‘" ‘''

BALED * CHOPPED KJlYKns for rc r lo.HAY STACKERS ; mlla .»l

BALEP HAY LOADERS h io > " iu i; ''“c^Un.

■HOPPED HAY WAGONS , u,..T-?;UNLOADINO OUrra ;w .^rii^ M.vi a.!

AUL EQUIPM ENT & - S e r s » ^ t u , . WELDING SHOP

--------------------------------------1 'AVAILABLE NOW


Can Also Supply

. . i p i ; s gFRONT END



I— OUR MOTTO— ■ ■ - . . - =I------------ ™


I c i ’'iiU'.‘d i « r f TWIN: :i}{§ I AUTO PA

; £ i i . „ " FOR SALE 01


B R A K E S ......................... p-ML'^OUTBOAM^m

i m - , ; ; ^ p

.TIVATORS juwE^i-Eari^^M "

IR MASSE HARBIS DEALtR *’ “ ^ ’p*oSr w'< “ JMOLYNEUX WINDOW aert«n>—n>r

MACHINERY -CO .-....... -

- ■ ■ ■ ; • . . . _ .- .. - •-..- ...


S i S

i ^ S l | | [ 3 g |------ *[ "Sunk'’

p 5 cE S?A ID '" s k u s"Dr DEAD nnd USELESS HARRY KO

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T^-WHIt/ ^ . . . . . p i io I pound.! CONSTRUC

F U R N IT U R E r/

^5 g £ n i i i" ' p H ' " I S


S l s S S r

:-■••'“ ■»“ . I . h „ . . w . . |-1 ,..,.H M b j 4 c o n

“ “ “ ’i.”.™ I AUTOS FOI iCHAP i CAST IRON . ■_ ------------------


f e s a ' t s s K J| s W S « ^ K . . S i

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I ^ M S £ S 5 1 ” " P f,"^5

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IB iS S j ^SPRINKLING SYSTEM _ * y-rnii^.. t.^


.--- ■ ‘I S P E C IA L 1

•SA'i!".?.*.™ s a r v ! i : r s !





SSES“S lv ^ s l lC s S ■

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"“i l l S "Sts " " S 5 " 5 ° » " !.W .i j u U . W trLYMOUTH I

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t im e s - k e ^ s , t w i n f a l l s , 1

INITURE. a p p l ia n c e s AUTOS

s : f e g r f = - ° ; g a i =— M A T T R E S S E B - g

e v e r t o nlATTRESS f a c t o r y *’ 5”V'ri^o'^ h

^ l I I ‘ s E B ^ ^ S ^

• ' a S " " . ” . ‘g f l g p 3 ^ ^ : ;

X O t o s F u r T a l e — f o v E T T H E ■- & D O W N T.

- F A T H E R ’S j 8PENCB M c n



: : ; : ||h

HRYSLER Wifld.or S»ltii_|i:»l *•“ J‘I.YMOUTH

“E z i i t H : : , : ■ ■ ■ 's iO .O V - . - . . . .

„ . , ‘"sp°E“ c‘i r™ r s r .r i . r 's . '." ! '

I ^U S E !


ilO T O R C O . ___ ^

______ ________ I T I^ . . • COI

QUALITY CARS 1 chkvrolei

Priced Right

n iig p i i i iI ^ ^ S l “ E E

t ™ - . . =

; : : : =

s ^ . ; ° s , i " . " ; , : . v . ' E : a . . . . c » jv H .L ^

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sa?f ,;s A : ‘.:a •«-. . . . r o . . . . . .

roMB 'lill row> i.iiSi'-NORTH SIDF i« ip l y « ou^ .


^ ' . . £ - i i ! a i S ‘ | “ I ™ " ; ; "

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5 L U E I . r ' f ‘ ‘"m"''* '

d e p e ,

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SC H W A R T Z AUTO CO. ,„ i rLvuotmi II. JI.J i . . . t rh ... 1.1 i.™

__________________. " ' T s s . ; ; -O V E R T H E H IG H W A Y S BR O W N IN I & D O W N T H E B I-W 'A Y S m ,»n

IN ONE OF ----------------------3PENCE MCyrOB COMPANY'S |--------------------


***’*"• __ tn ii TAGGED,

s , . p „ T .

S P E N C E MOTOR CO. Condllio

? . h ' ^ 1.1" -I For 2,000 Mi

--------- --------------------------------- 1 (whichever

Q U A L I T Y p j j

— O K — o m . ™

U S E D C A E S *>=«” “

W IT H A N ™ " ”Low Pril

— O K — ,


C O U N T S ■”

™ “ ““

E b E E i : ■“ k s -

7ZZ7ZZ,:Z.c..„ ■“• = »

— O K - . .


'“ • s s r ^

GOOD V A L U E j~ ,U .c d C ara "■“ "■■ ~

and T ru c k s COMME

L r o l c t t o r r r yc

= ^ r E

" “ Z ’S J J Z

” IrZ . . 1. 1™ ____ Im lO O K -


GLEN G. JE N K IN S . . 'P " ® ’’.:

S . l e a a n d S o M c s .



K | i « S ' ' ”e | | . e :

—----------------------------------- COK

BROWNING’S I ^rJce ID EPE N D A B L E you-llfin ;

USED CA RS , . ™ v c '

' „ Z Z . 7 7 .

' K £ j j . , “ r . 5 ; r j r i s i

‘ E . r . K s s : > ? . « ‘.'s "

' " H .A " K K . S s l

iROWNING A l ^ O CO. ^





MEAN? A -lU i

Simply T ho t T h c Car

Is In The B e s t ”

Condilion P o ssib le “

And G u aran teed , ^

,r 2,000 Mile, o r 60-D ay.

»hichever occurs f ir s t)


u r r ^ c T L T l COMMI





................ R


■“ • S I

s = = ^ ^ . I ICOMMERCIALS '***AND TRUCKS . g,£__j,

TO m Y O t m N EEDS

MOT(_ . . , N i Q : W __________W TB ® r m a t o b u t 1


s y a s , r i ^ " - - r

g ? „ « J ! l '’'“ ->:, , " '“ i ,m " } ^ . £ S a

S K i ^ ^ ^ i i r f u i s S


UNION MOTORS KnV*?L?Blir t t tW K . F I .M .U U

— - r ^

j O T , , ‘t s - 5 r “A - . - s



Price & Quality




“ rand T rucks to TO“ • a ; . . ' g a y ; a 5 ^ .

■‘■ E S “ i i L = L i ^ ^ u . „



TR U C K L A N E |E ' j


R. Y


Y“ B A R G A IN S ' ;

'"isqarag-agr-f*'• S ^ r S l S '

‘ H - S ^



PAOB M1M«----------- — - i- i ' '

C z H E Z

r il 'lw c lS Jr . O.KI.l.om.

i p i S P l l

tIUh. recently.


| g | f e l

>rt.t Jg .. ‘t^ lt. U * Itti.__________

SEB 11’ WiJ S am '*an^ kw lioijiSS|S-.S'5SiS SSS:A PEHTION by D®«Uiy DrolwHow

*11. toraiRir Dorothy Oonlu )!ana>rlcli. BM D*un. & rwUrae or Twin Ftlli. Stt. ho, >Bd n«tbtr of Bstwrt V»« lloiwlir-

iith. bon> at ni»r. Idtko. on SnvUmUr 19. t»U i JwoM WhKUrc Uowln***!. b«a i t 1V(B r*'b. t<{abo. on H u II. K Itl t/niUM An lrtir Jlot»<l»rtch. l«>m »t T>.1» m b . Kaho. on Jun* I, lOSli Rkh.nl SUBUtl Hoa^nlch. born at llutrmtn. 7«iko. M OtCahn tf . M l. ■ihI M b P><-

------ -|teV-K8\!.gi^j^toT»^-»V^jrtTrTwin 7»JU County.* a u u of Iditio. nto. M !sr • €btBf la cwniw lo JW.M V.l« fcuBi. Junn WhliU.t Daun. William An. drew Daum. Rlfhird Samu«l Daum and 9Ad PMrkk Daum. mp«U*»tr. ku I m ftjad la Iht Mbot, *ntltm Cavtl.t^*t7S??<5Snl*’I4*rw.r»liT Vown^«!nJUraUfM by tha nama of ’-Dtun"; Uiat U)a eama of uM tbitirn', UUur It Uch.p r‘s'i.}'v‘-s:s riS'..:!;™ ‘,/"s r . i" .s ,s fstf’i »d*T cl JuV. 1»!I. « t l « oVlotk P. il.t s a i t z . ^ s V 's : : 's .■ : . r

' IM Court, that such Patltisn wlj) k. Imrd «n4 oWaeUon* tn„ b* br anr

WITNKS n r hsnd and laal o( aal4 DUtriet Court tbli 14t)> day o( Juio. I»il.

C- A. aULLK? rrtn tA K . s r s tn A K a n d heap. " AttereoT* t « FaUlionir 2«Mai>M u d Fmt Otitc* AMrM Tirtn rallh Idaho. y»b.i jb».» u . 13. t« t jbIt «■ m i.

: B ^

t h e C h u r g h e s

i wf t f ®

lliHliSlSH« . . .

S w f f s s

K itnnKw KON- ITniCK HQK-■ DrolwHow ‘ flL T i f f \U l!and*rlcli. N• In Ida- ,oa Bnvtamtxr l i t J

;?v,iS I M i # a w SLuL,^rj.l4to<»^^ W ja Vftl«


? r!S C o m e ia H V jm m ic I S C

B NEW S I COMA3m D rive

» N eo^ i l Best 8 in a c t u a l g a s



s te iL s ifS ji?

f a » a s i =

S i i s s s i

r > i ? y | n — —

— BENDIXi Z i s i -~ ~ '


r ^ « " T • ■ • ^ f"-L y o u r h e a

3 % ? . , V 5 b endix p a r t s A N D SEF



■ • M — 24 h o u r


' in ! T ty m t U s z i p . * c I 2 0 - h r s ^ o w e r i,

w s s u s m•MMANDH

D rive th is w o n d e r c a r no

N e e d s n o premium fue l

ru a l g a s m ile ag e in M o b ilo c

V IN FALLS M O T O Ins We s t

i S i l i f f l i E

^ 4 S S ml E i i i i a■ i i f s ! ? % = s ? s S ; s

1 5 = i i l l l3 ri ng ;S v '!% s?C S » S h e s '■"■ J"'-^K:iTcr'^r

& i « i

g g i S B g i

lo w PfU» . . . Of r a w r M « r k « t








w ^ K ^ £ a L j M

P Buffi BSBK ETnj! 222211

' s z ip a n d p e p ! w e r d riv in g A rU l

EBAKER>ERYgr car now! |

ium fu e ll

Mobilgai Econom y Run!*

O T O R C O .. : TVnN FA1X8


S = # m p ii f g - ; £ ; E ; .* - '* :

H i p R i S■ H 2 l a m e b a c k\ : s ; . . - £ S ; CO RRECTIO N ^

i i l “ S l |' S ? ■ ! “ °d S a l m a B A R r a i r

M,”" H o m e N u rj S S . S i« rto ,;» e j ~ ? il'.r.’; r e d c r o s s r o o »

S t i l l

i l ^ ‘» r M « rk « f S S T w /




_ _ FRUITS anc« a ig^V E G E T A B lE j


j- 2 F,......... 153 RED SPUDS M l 10 L,. 4 9B i PEACHESl i M SLICERS\ T ^ M Lb...-............................... I t i

C an fe lo u p eGOLDEN RIPE t f XLb................................... 1U l


ria - .S tra w b errie s


i n . i 7

. Sflvtl5ewl»h»h#u n ! “ ~ -------CoopehenP agtS

in Thurt<(oy'«pap«r.

- ECfiN^ 9 A . M . T O

EWS, TW IN F 4 L I^ ; IfiiHO

h SiB A C K I b u s i n e s s

0 « r

' S i jr J j S l W^C.Robinson

T I I E S E 'R .s i . l« N „ » fo r R e ^ C r™

e N u rs in g C la sse sMartins June m h ~ I p . m .

Moiher m d Baby Care ~'* • « 101 o r I 3 .U lo K c s t s u ,

> 6 5 c

KTA g-,.,.98c w e 4 3 c

r s i g w . . . . 3 5 t


— 1 ^ 1 > P U D S .


^ PORKCloupe I -- -----------

loc b a c o n

S?” GROUN2 5 c I — ~

>erries■ SMOKED P- LOCAL I - -RKET p r ic e I _

^ 1 BEEFROI ~ ~

; ! U fpRCSERVtS______________ I Berry

>»IH> »h* I I m’ P«a#3 J S L b . I Q Ol-' poiwr. jConi............. ■ • v 7



;s iI i ^ H S B iGoRDoi

I H H w«<) H ^ H | H 1 G°f'"9


_______ J l R E A D TIMES-N

M - n

g j j j ^5c Northern Tii'8c JOY kxr.'i,Kc ^c ICE m m5c Candy Bars

M i

^ P l w


ES PICKIES Irry H o llo j'i C m Sw trt

■39|l ; f c r : : J 9 c | | i


. r " “ • '

tw in panucB r m siih.miqwi m a S i r i M


f J »j f J T i T ^ B

rn Tissues! s j ...._ . , 5 ^


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VRES. 2iF a...a6! I\MS . 4 !a a ig T i


W c 2

B ttJ

- J t r o A T ^ , B

top related