uk teaching awards evidence

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Teaching Awards 2009Next Generation LearningSouth West FinalistMr Chris BakerJohn Cabot Academy Evidence Portfolio

5 Year Plan I have created a plan for my vision of E Learning and new technologies across the Academy over the next 5 years.

The plan details the priorities , action points and impact of the planned developments which include:

Students being able to learn anywhere at anytime Student access to ICT rich teaching & Learning Minimally filtered Internet used with web 2.0 JCA as a hub of online learning for non Cabot studentsImpact

The creation of the E Learning vision was a great experience as it firmed up my hopes for the future of the Academy as well as focused my attention on the work ahead.

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Leadership & VisionHow does the teacher apply the schools vision for the use of technology ?

In what innovative and creative ways does the teacher inform And inspire the schools vision ?

How does the teacher communicate and implement this vision within the School community and what is the impact ?

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What new ideas, possibilities and opportunities has this individual identified ?

Have his ideas and initiatives extended his expertise and that of his colleagues ?

Is this teacher always clear about why they are using technologyand its intended benefits ?

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Beyond Classroom

How does this teacher contribute to the wider activities of the school ?

How does this teacher contribute to the resources available to other teachers?

What is the impact of this teachers contribution to the life of the school ?

How does this teacher demonstrate the use of technology beyond the classroom including to parents and the community ?

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Peer Support

How does this teacher collaborate with colleagues to further pupilslearning and development and with what outcomes ?

How does this teacher collaborate with colleagues to further colleagues teaching skills with technology and with what outcomes ?

How does this teacher engage parents in the learning of theirchildren and with what outcomes?

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PE VoiceI have created an access database that serves to collect and analyse student voice regarding Physical Education.

The system collects data such as:

Favourite / least favourite activities Most wanted activity Fitness / Diet / stress rating School teams and clubs Enjoyment / learning ratingImpact

Students have the opportunity to voice their opinions about the direction of the curriculum . This data is then used in the curriculum planning for the following year . The Club data facilitates the creation of external club links and creation of Academy clubs and teams.

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Personal CPD

What priority does this teacher give to his own learning and development?

How does this teacher continue to develop his classroom practice and with what impact on the learning, growth and development of pupils?

Is the teacher aware of and responsive to developments in young peoples use of technology, and able to use them to improve the learning experience ?

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Navigator VLEMy biggest project to date has been the introduction and management of a new Virtual Learning Environment.

The new system is powered by Moodle and required a proactive approach to research and testing as well as a very clear vision of the end product that we needed.

It also required me to lead a team of people ranging from assistant Principals to PGCE students .Impact

The project was launched in late Feb 2009 and currently we have 52% of staff trained in its use and 146 available courses.

We have 1024 registered users and are currently looking at providing parents with access to the system.

Old SchoolAs part of the two year SSAT developing leaders course I was required to create and lead an innovation project .

Old school was started in Feb 2009 and consists of a series of taster sessions aimed at giving parents a better understanding of what a modern lesson looks like and the experience that their children go through at the Academy.Impact

Communication links between staff and parents have improved. Parents are able to better understand the pressures and challenges that face their children.

It is hoped that increased parental involvement will improve student learning and progress.

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Silver SurfersThe silvers surfers project is aimed at improving the computer skills and confidence of the local JCA residents .

The project included an initial session covering basic skills and a tour of the academy followed by weekly opportunities to use the Academy computer facilities under teacher supervision.Impact

Links between the Academy and the local residents have improved starting to create a real community atmosphere. Participants have now started being able to offer their skills to benefit Cabot students

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Student E - TeamThe single greatest resource we have for CPD and keeping up with technical developments is our students.

I created a student E Team who meet once per term to achieve the following aims :

Collect student voice on E Learning issues Discuss new technologies Trial new initiatives Discuss future developmentsImpact

The student E Team are best placed to comment on the pros / cons of various technologies and how they could be used in a lesson. It is their feedback that helps to drive the future of E Learning at the Academy.

Staff E Team & E-nnovation GroupI have created two teams of staff to help support the development of E - Learning across the Academy.

The staff E Team is made up of a representative from each department and acts as a bridge between the staff and the IT strategy Group who oversee ICT development.

The E-nnovation group is a open invite group that discusses hot topics such as E-Portfolios and how they could impact on the AcademyImpact

There are now clear lines of communication and staff voice between the staff and the IT leadership team. This will hopefully allow systems to develop from the bottom up. The e-nnovation group allows all staff to keep up with advances in technology and help direct the Academy's development.

E Learning @JCA I have been the deputy leader of E Learning since Sept 2008 and since then have helped lead the introduction and development of technologies in the classroom.

During this time I have carried out a whole school staff voice audit, created a 5 year plan for E Learning at the Academy and been project leader for the new Navigator VLE.


I have learned a lot about whole school leadership since becoming deputy Leader of E-Learning and through working with students and other members of staff I have been able to create my vision for E Learning at the Academy.

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PGCE Student TrainingFor the past two years I have been providing training to the Physical Education PGCE students at Bath Spa University.

I have provided 6 x 2 hour sessions per year to approx 36 students on topics such as:

Mobile technologies Video Analysis ICT systems for AFLImpact

As an integral part of the PGCE training programme I have been able to hopefully have an impact on the attitudes and interest in educational technologies .

It is my hope that it will lead to ICT rich teaching and learning in their future schools.

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Navigator VLEThe Navigator VLE has a level of impact way beyond the classroom with aspects of student voice, option choices and social networking available .

I have led the introduction and development of the VLE which has involved an initial period of research and testing followed by an integration and training plan.Impact

The VLE benefits every member of staff and student across the Academy.

Areas of development include:

Teaching and Learning Student VoiceAssessment and reporting

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Interactive GamesTo facilitate the use of the interactive whiteboards I created a series of 9 interactive game templates .

The powerpoint templates were totally customizable and were distributed to all staff as well as across the 18 secondary schools in South Gloucestershire.

Games include Connect 4, Hangman, picture board, snakes and ladders.


Students engagement increased as games were regularly used as starters or plenaries within lessons.

The games were also available online for revision purposes

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