ulangan harian recount

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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BASIC COMPETENCIES : 8.2 8.2 Responding to the meaning contained in simple short monologue accurately, fluently, and thank to interact with the

surrounding environment in the form of recount textMinimum completeness criteria : 80

Read the text carefully and Choose the best answer by shading a, b, c, d, or e on the answer sheet.

Richard and Philip invited Mrs Moffat to their barbecue.

Richard and Philip’s barbecue was, of course, a great success. About twenty people came and Richard and Philip cooked lots of hamburgers and chicken and made a big salad and brought big pieces of watermelon and everyone laughed and joked and told Mr and Mrs Hamilton how wonderful their sons were. I ate one hamburger and didn’t talk to anybody.

After a while, I left, and made sure that nobody saw me leave. Mrs Moffat ate three plates of chicken and two hamburgers. After that she said she was very tired and was going to go and have a sleep. She walked over to her umbrella and sat down on her deckchair and went to sleep.

When she woke up later, everybody on the beach was surprised to hear her screaming and shouting.“My bag!!!! My bag!!!” she shouted. “It’s gone!!! It’s GONE!!!” Everybody on the beach ran over to Mrs Moffat to see what the problem was. “Someone has taken my bag!!!” she screamed, “Someone has stolen my bag!!!” “Impossible!” said everybody else. “This is a very safe, friendly beach! There are no thieves here!” But it was true. Mrs Moffat’s big bag wasn’t there anymore. Nobody had seen any strangers on the beach during the barbecue, so they thought that Mrs Moffat had perhaps taken her bag somewhere and forgotten it.

Mr Morelli from the café organised a search of the beach. Everybody looked everywhere for Mrs Moffat’s big bag. Eventually, they found it. My father saw it hidden in the sand under a deckchair. A green deckchair. Richard and Philip’s deckchair. My father took it and gave it back to Mrs Moffat. Everybody looked at Richard and Philip. Richard and Philip, the golden boys, stood there looking surprised. Of course, they didn’t know what to say.

Mrs Moffat looked in her bag. She started screaming again. Her purse with her money in it wasn’t in the big bag. “My purse!” she shouted, “My purse has gone! Those boys have stolen it! They organised a barbecue so they could steal my purse!” Everybody tried to explain to Mrs Moffat that this couldn’t possibly be true, but Mrs Moffat called the police. The police arrived and asked golden Richard and golden Philip lots of questions. Richard and Philip couldn’t answer the questions. Eventually, they all got into a police car and drove away to the police station. I sat there, pretending to read my book and trying to hide a big, fat purse under the sand on the beach. That was the last summer we went to the beach. My parents never talked about Richard and Philip again.

1. What does the text tell?A. quiet beach.B. Two golden boys.C. A talkative woman.D. A theft at a barbeque party.E. A wonderful barbeque party

2. “ Richard and Philip, the golden boys…” (Paragraph 4) The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….

a. rich b. kind c. smart d. helpful e. creative

3. Why did the writer steal Mrs Moffat’s purse?a. He strongly hated her.b. He did not like the party.c. He tried to make a surprise at the beach.d. He made everybody accuse the golden boys.e. He wanted some money for a barbeque party

4. What can we learn from the story?A. We should be helpful.B. We should be humble.C. We should not be jealous.D. We should not be arrogant.E. We should not be revengeful

The New BridgeOn Tuesday, October 23, my class went to the new bridge to see the Saint John River and to walk the bridge. When we arrived at the bridge we got a pin and a flag and we lined up to walk on the bridge. During our walk, I saw some geese and they were flying south. I liked the cool air.Then we got to the other side. We walked back to the stairs and we got chocolate and cookies. After we had a snack we went back to school we had lunch, we had a short recess. The trip was interesting. I was tired, but I had fun.

By Alex 5. Who are the participants of the story?

a. the new bridgeb. the writer’s classmatesc. the writer and his/her classmatesd. the Saint John Rivere. the writer

6. Why did they go to the new bridge?a. to notice the Saint John Riverb. to examine the Saint John River.c. to renovate the Saint John River.d. to reconstruct the Saint John River.e. to rebuild the Saint John River.

7. Which statement is the orientation of the text?a. When we arrived at the bridge we got a pin and a flag and we lined up to walk on the bridge.b. On Tuesday, October 23, my class went to the new bridge to see the Saint John River and to walk the bridge.c. During our walk, I saw some geese and they were flying south. I liked the cool air.d. We walked back to the stairs and we got chocolate and cookies.e. After we had a snack we went back to school we had lunch, we had a short recess.

8. The following is the text organization of recount.a. Abstract, Orientation, Events, Codab. Orientation, Crisis, Resolution, Reorientationc. Orientation, Events, Re-orientationd. Orientation, Complication, Resolutione. Orientation, Events, Twist

9. There are some temporal sequences in the text, except…a. When b. Then c. but d. During e. After

10. How did they walk on the bridge?a. They walked hand in hand.b. They walked wherever they liked.c. They walked by marching.d. They walked in a queue.e. They walked one by one.

11. Where did they have lunch?a. on the stairs d. on the bridgeb. near the river e. at schoolc. on the other side of the bridge

12. ‘The trip was interesting. I was tired, but I had fun’. (last line)What does the sentence show?a. Orientation d. Events

b. Complication e. Crisisc. Re-orientation

13. The following words belong to material processes taken from the text, except….a. arrived d. lined upb. saw e. walkedc. fly

14. ‘…we had a short recess’. (line 5)What is the synonym of the underlined word?a. vacation d. interestb. rest e. visitc. holiday

Complete the missing words by choosing the best options.

The TripYesterday, on October 23, my mom ……(15)…….. me off at my Nana’s house.Once we had a snack, I went to the eye doctor and she ……(16)…… my eye’s. Then she tested Nana’s eyes.After lunch, I ……..(17)….. on the computer. First I played Frogger but I got squished by the cars.After I …….(18)….. on the computer I …..(19)……to watch TV.It was a good day. I …….(20)……school.

15. a. took b. put c. dropped d. laid e. left16. a. examined b. noticed c. watched d. studied e. looked17. a. broke b. played c. turned down d. turned off e. switched off18. a. started b. rebuilt c. began d. hit e. finished19. a. told b. screamed c. decided d. whispered e. forgot20. a. went b. played truant c. preceded d. missed e. was out

Questions no 21 to 27 are based on the above text21. The following are the temporal sequences written in the text above, except…

a. Once b. After c. Yesterday d. Then e. First

22. Why did the writer and Nana go to the eye doctor?a. They got their eyes tested.b. They tested the doctor’s eye.c. Their eyes will be operated soon.d. The eye doctor asked them to operate her eye.e. The tested their eyes by themselves.

23. Who are the participants of the story above?a. The writer’s mother b. the writerb. Nana e. the writer and Nanac. The writer, his/her mother and Nana

24. Which sentence shows the orientation of the story?a. sentence 1 b. sentence 2 c. sentence 3 d. sentence 4 e. sentence 5

25. ‘Then she tested Nana’s eyes’.What is the synonym of the underlined word?a. operated b. discovered c. found d. examined e. rinsed

26. ‘Then she tested Nana’s eyes’.What does the underlined word refer to?a. The writer b. The eye doctor c. The writer and Nana d. Nana e. The writer’s mother

27. What do you call a doctor who tests your eye?a. Oculist b. Pediatrician c. Cardiologist d. Optician e. Physician

On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minute’s time.

Fifteen minutes passed and then, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted, “ It was two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!” I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

28. When did the writer go to the Town Hall?a. January 1stb. December 1stc. December 31std. January 31ste. December 30th

29. It would strike twelve in twenty minute’s time.( Paragraph 1)The underlined word ‘It’ refers to…..a. the Town Hallb. the Town Hall clockc. a large crowd of peopled. the last day of the yeare. people

30. What time did the big minute hand not move?a. at five to twelveb. at twenty to twelvec. at fifteen to twelved. at twelve sharpe. at fifteen past twelve

Text 1 is for question 31 to 35

A Visit to a Wildlife Park              

               I recently visited Sydney with my parents. We visited many interesting places. The one I enjoyed best was the Wildlife Park.

               The Wildlife Park has a lot different Australian animals and birds. There are over 600 animals, including kangaroos, wallabies, koala and crocodiles. They are kept in their natural surroundings. I much preferred the Wildlife Park to a zoo where a lot of animals are in cages.

               We were able to walk along the kangaroos and wallabies. We were even allowed to touch them and to feed them. It was very exciting to be very so close to them

We saw koala bears. They looked very cuddly. I got my photograph taken with one of them. It is a wonderful souvenir of my holiday in Sydney.

               We also went to see the crocodiles. The Wildlife Park has a lot of fresh-, water and salt-water crocodiles. Some of them were very big and scary with, huge teeth. I did not get very close to them.

               We also visited the aviary. There were some very colorful birds there. I really liked an old parrot which could talk.                I wish we could have spent more time in the Wildlife Park. There was so much to see. 

31. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?a. The wild life park has a lot a fresh water and salt water crocodilesb. We were able to walk along the kangaroos, and wallabies c. I much preferred the wildlife park to a zood. The wild life park has a lot different Australian animals and birdse. I recent visited sonly with my parents

32.What is the generic structure of the text?a. orientation > complication > resolutionb. Goal > material > stepsc. Orientation > events > re-orientationd. Identification > descriptione. General classification > description

33. …. Allowed to touch them and to feed... The word them in paragraph 3 refers to...

a. The writers familyb. The visitors of wildlife parkc. Fresh water and salt water crocodilesd. The kangaroos and wallabiese. Koala and wallabies 

34. What is the communicative purpose of the text?a. To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experienceb. To retell the readers what happened in the pastc. To persuade the readers that something a cased. To describe a particular place or thinge. To share with others an account of on unusual or amusing incidents

35. Which statement is not true based on the text?a. There are over 600 animals, including kangaroos, wallabies, koala and crocodiles.b. The Wildlife Park has a lot of fresh-, water and salt-water crocodilesc. I much preferred the Wildlife Park to a zoo where a lot of animals are in cages.d. We were able to walk along the kangaroos and crocodilese. We also visited the aviary

This text is for no. 36 - 41

SANDY      I remember the day when I first got Sandy, my 7 year old cat. I wanted to name her because she was so cute. My older sister Michelle convinced me to name her Sandy Bucket instead; so we could call her Sandy for short. I was so attached to Sandy. Every time I saw her, I couldn’t walk away; I would just have to hug her. I even slept at the end of my bed, so I can hug her the whole night even though I was freezing.      I always remember so many fun times with Sandy. Like when we would run and jump off the end of our pier and Sandy would chase after us. When I was scared or mad, I would just hug Sandy and everything wouldn’t be so bad.      But one night, right before I went to bed, my mom let her out. While I went to sleep, my mom went to call Sandy back in. But she didn’t come in, so I thought she maybe went inside my neighbor’s house. As my mom and dad went outside to look for Sandy, I became really worried. They couldn’t find her. Every ten minutes they would go out to look for her, so I went to bed hoping she was safe. I just thought she got lost and would come back tomorrow.      The next day was the worst. My mom woke us early and told me and my sister, Michelle, that Sandy died last night. I was so sad and did not want to do anything that day. When I was going to school, I could not stop crying. At school all my friends made me cards and tried to make me stop crying, but I couldn’t. My teacher would always look at me and ask why I was crying. Even my friends were crying with me.      When I got home I went to my room crying really loudly. I wanted to scream. I came downstairs and hugged my mom. She said we could get another cat. Then, she was trying to find a new cat on the internet. But I did not want another cat. I want Sandy. She never found one that looked like Sandy or at the same age or even in the same kind.      That night I slept with my mom and we prayed for Sandy. I kept thinking she was a ghost at the end of the bed, so I stayed closed to my mom. The next day I figured out that if Sandy was a ghost, she would not scare me or haunt me. She would be waiting for me to play with her.      I still think about Sandy every day and wish she could come back.

36. What is the main idea of the text …a. Sandy’s deadb. The lost of beloved catc. The careless of the writer’s momd. Looking for Sandye. The writer slept with her mom

37. How the cat could get lost?a. The cat played with another catb. The neighbor kept the cat in his/her housec. Someone took the cat to the remote aread. The thief took the cate. The writer’s mom let the cat out one night

38. What did the writer’s mom do to support the writer?a. She slept with the writerb. She reported to the policemanc. She was trying to find a new cat on the internetd. She bought a new cate. She gave the writer money

39. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?a. I went to bed hoping she was safeb. The writer’s mom let Sandy outc. She would back tomorrowd. Mom and dad went outside to look for Sandye. The writer’s mom went to call Sandy back in

40.  I was so attached to Sandy (paragraph 1 line 6) What is the antonym of the underlined word above?

a. Likeb. Happyc. Touchd. Distante. Near

41. Which statement is true based on the text above?a. My younger sister Michelle convinced me to name her Sandy Bucket;b. Then, she was trying to find a new cat on the internet.c. One night, right before I went to bed, my father let her outd. Every five minutes they would go out to look for her, so I went to bed hoping she was safe.e. I kept thinking she was an animal at the end of the bed

This text is for no. 42 - 45

                On Wednesday, my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro.             On Thursday we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahma and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.            On Friday morning we went to Jogja Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard an announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.            In the evening we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.

42.  The text above mainly discusses about …a. The writers first visit to Prambananb. The writers impression about the guidec. The writers trip to Jogyakartad. The writers experience at Kraton e. The writers impression about Borobudur

43.  Which temple was being renovated?a. Syiwab. Brahmanac. Borobudurd. Syiwa and Wisnue. Wisnu

44.  Which of the following statements is true?a. The writer and the students went to Yogyakarta for having a researchb. The writer went to Borobudur first and then to Kratonc. The writer was very disappointed with the guide d. The writer left for Jakarta on Fridaye. Malioboro is very far from Dirgahayu hotel

45.  What are the names of the temples in Prambanan?a. Brahmana, Syailendra and Wisnub. Brahmana, Syiwa and Kratonc. Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnud. Borobudur, Syiwa and Wisnue. Batara, Syiwa and Wisnu

This text is for no. 46 - 50

One day I went to Bandung with my friend for a vacation. We went there on night bus when we arrived in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of coffee, but my friend didn’t. He went to a mosque to pray. It took only a few minutes to pray, but when I came out again the bus was not there. It had gone! I Shocked and confused.   I asked the shopkeeper about the bus. She said that the bus had departed about five minutes ago.

I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low. I couldn’t do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! I Got on the bus and walked to my seat. I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn red.

I asked my friend why she didn’t tell the driver that I was still outside. “I did, I told him several times that you were outside, but he said that you were in the bus toilet because he saw a

man going into the toilet,” my friend replied, laughing. The other passengers smiled at me. I was so embarrassed. 

46. What did the story tell us about?a. The writer was left by the bus on his trip to Bandung b. The writer arrived in Cianjur to visit his relativesc. The writer could contact his friend with the cell phone d. The writer got of the bus to get a cup a coffeee. The writer and his friend enjoyed their trip to Bandung

47. What did the writer do when the bus stop for a rest in Cianjur?a. He drank a cup of coffee and prayedb.He bought souvenir and went to the toiletc. He drank a cup of coffee d.He drank a cup of milk and bought souvenire. He drank a cup of coffee and went to the toilet

48. Why couldn’t the writer cell his friend?a. He didn’t bring his cell phone b. The battery was running lowc. The writer’s cell phone was stolen d. The writer’s cell phone was broken e. There was not any signal in his cell phone

49. Which statement is true based in the text above?a. One day I went to Cianjur with my friend for a vacation b. I got off the bus to get a cup of tea, but my friend didn’tc. I asked the goalkeeper about the bus.d. I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running lowe. I could feel my face turn red.

50. How did the writer fell?a. He felt happyb.He felt awfulc. He felt sadd.He felt angrye. He felt shy

Good - luck

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