understand a-z alphabet of seo

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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A-Z of


A motion-blog by

Anchor Text, a clickable text in a hyperlink.

Should be keyword rich.

Back Links, an incoming link to your website

from another website. It’s always better to

have high quality links.

Crawler Friendly, make your site crawler

friendly so that they can scan websites to

provide up to date data to search engines.

Deep Linking, is a practice of building links

with inner pages/blog posts as opposed to a

website’s home page.

External Links, links that lead to a website on

a different domain. Especially good when it’s

high authority website.

Feed, An automatically updated resource that

shows the latest content from a website.

Google Search Console, a free tool provided

by Google to monitor overall health of your


Heading Tags, there are 6 different types of

heading tags from H1 to H6 used to briefly

describe the content of your website.

Impression, The amount of times your web

page appears in search results is called


JavaScript, JS is a scripting language, that’s

used to add dynamic features if embedded in


Keyword, a word or phrase that user writes in

search engine, should be mentioned on the

website but not too often.

Link Building, process of creating incoming

links to your website to increase its authority

and search rankings.

Meta Descriptions, an attribute of Meta tags, is

a concise explanation of the content of a web


Niche, is used to specify category or a subset

of market related to your products/services.

Organic Search Results, Search results which

are unpaid and organized by relevancy are

organic/natural search results.

Penalty, a negative impact on a website’s rank

in search engines for doing spamming or using

manipulating methods.

Quality Over Quantity, whether it’s about

building links or writing content quality is

always more important than quantity.

Robot.txt, is a file used to tell search engine

spiders that which web page of your website

should be crawled and which should not be.

Social Sharing, social media sites have an

indirect but a positive ranking impact on a

website as they drive relevant traffic.

Trust Rank, a search relevancy algorithm that

gives more weight to links coming from

relevant and trusted websites.

Unique Content, Interesting, up to date and

unique content is important for frequent

indexing of a website.

Visitors, Number of users who come to your

website and proceed to browse it.

WordPress, easy to use open source CMS

platform with thousands of customizable

themes and plug-in.

XML Sitemap, sitemap is a map of your

website that informs search engines as to what

pages on a website are available for crawling.

YouTube, The 2nd largest search engine that

can drive massive traffic by doing video SEO


Zopim Chat, It’s a chat widget that lets you

monitor and chat with your website visitors in

real time.

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