understanding git

Post on 10-May-2015






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Git ist eine freie Software zur verteilten Versionsverwaltung von Dateien - Alles klar? Nein? haggl wird uns erklären, was das bedeutet. Er wird uns in seinem Vortrag sämtliche Basic-Funktionen zeigen, so dass am Ende jeder das Programm einsetzen kann.


Understanding Git—

How not to lose your HEAD

Sebastian Neuser

HaSi e.V.


Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Who am I?

I am a student of applied computer science (subject: electricalengineering) at the University of Siegen.

I work for os-cillation GmbH, where in most projects Git inconjunction with GitLab is used for version control and projectmanagement (issue tracking, wikis, . . . ).

I have been using Unix-like operating systems for about tenyears now, currently Debian is my system of choice.

I am trying to use as few proprietary software as possible andyou should too!

Although Saint IGNUcius said ”vi vi vi is the editor of thebeast”, I use vim extensively and with passion.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Terms and conditions

This presentation aims to provide an overview of the (imho)most important parts of Git ; it is just scratching the surface!

Shell code is highlighted

$ echo like this.

like this.

Lines beginning with a $ are input, others are output.

The presentation is based on Git version 1.7.

I tend to talk fast! Please complain if it’s too fast.

Feel free to ask questions any time.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

What is Git?

$ whatis git

git (1) - the stupid content tracker

Git is more than a simple version control system – itsdesigners use the term source code management.

Git is free software.

Git is used in some of the biggest (free and) open sourceprojects (Linux, KDE, Qt, . . . ).

Git was initially written by Linus himself, because Linuxneeded a new VCS and he felt he could write somethingbetter than anything in existence in less than two weeks.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

What is Git not?

Git is very unlike centralized VCS (CVS, subversion, . . . ).

Git is (against popular belief) neither very complex norespecially hard to learn.

Git is not well suited for huge repositories!

Git is not an excuse for not making any backups.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Object types

There are four elementary object types in Git:

blob ; a file.tree ; a directory.commit ; a particular state of the working directory.tag ; an annotated tag (we will ignore this one for now).

commit commit

tree tree

blob blob blob blob


Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Object types – detailed

A blob is simply the content of a particular file plus somemeta-data.

A tree is a plain text file, which contains a list of blobs and/ortrees with their corresponding file modes and names.

A commit is also a plain text file containing information aboutthe author of the commit, a timestamp and references to theparent commit(s) and the corresponding tree.

All objects are compressed with the DEFLATE algorithm andstored in the git object database under .git/objects.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

The SHA-1

The Secure Hash Algorithm is a 160 bit cryptographic hashfunction used in TLS, SSH, PGP, . . .

Every object is identified and referenced by its SHA-1 hash.

Every time Git accesses an object, it validates the hash.

Linus Torvalds: ”Git uses SHA-1 in a way which has nothingat all to do with security. [...] It’s about the ability to trustyour data.”

If you change only a single character in a single file, all hashesup to the commit change!

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Combining hashes and objects

















Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git


master (as well as every other ref) is a text file whichcontains nothing more than the hash of the latest commitmade on the branch:

$ cat .git/refs/heads/master


HEAD is also a text file and contains only a pointer to the lastobject that was checked out:

$ cat .git/HEAD

ref: refs/heads/master

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

References – visualized



















Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

The staging area

The staging area is kind of an intermediate layer between theworking directory and the repository, also called the index.

It is a binary file containing a virtual working tree state usedto compose commits.

Upon commit, the (virtual) tree of the staging area is taggedwith meta data (author name, timestamp, parent, . . . ) andthus turned into an actual commit.

It is possible to circumvent the staging area and not use it atall, but doing so neglects some of Git’s greatest features.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

The index – Shell example

The Git plumbing command git ls-files parses the index fileand shows its contents:

$ git ls-files --stage

100644 d542920062e17fd9e20b3b85fd2d0733b1fb7e77 0 file0

100644 50fcd26d6ce3000f9d5f12904e80eccdc5685dd1 0 file1

$ echo File 2 > file2

$ git add file2

$ git ls-files --stage

100644 d542920062e17fd9e20b3b85fd2d0733b1fb7e77 0 file0

100644 50fcd26d6ce3000f9d5f12904e80eccdc5685dd1 0 file1

100644 4475433e279a71203927cbe80125208a3b5db560 0 file2

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Creating or cloning a repository – Creating

Initializing a repository:

$ git init demo

Initialized empty Git repository in /home/haggl/demo/.git/

This command automatically creates a working directory andwithin it a repository (; the .git-directory) with a branchcalled master, which is checked out.

Initializing a bare repository (for server-side operation):

$ git init --bare bare.git

Initialized empty Git repository in /home/haggl/bare.git/

This command creates only the repository itself and themaster-branch.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Creating or cloning a repository – Cloning

$ git clone git@github.com:haggl/dotfiles.git

Cloning into dotfiles...

remote: Counting objects: 488, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (251/251), done.

remote: Total 488 (delta 249), reused 434 (delta 202)

Receiving objects: 100% (488/488), 86.36 KiB, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (249/249), done.

This command creates a working directory, makes a full copy of theoriginal repository and checks out the master-branch. It also setsup the remote repository you cloned from and names it origin.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Staging and committing files – Staging

Staging a new or changed file or folder:

$ git stage <path>

Staging parts of a changed file or folder:

$ git stage -p <path>

Staging all changed files (not adding new ones!):

$ git stage -u

Removing a file from the index (; un-staging it):

$ git reset HEAD <path>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Adding and committing files – Manipulating files

Discarding all changes to a file or directory:

$ git checkout <path>

Renaming a file or directory:

$ git mv <old name> <new name>

Removing a file:

$ git rm <file>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Adding and committing files – Committing

Simple commit, directly specifying the message:

$ git commit -m’<message>’

Showing a full diff in the commit message editor:

$ git commit -v

Overwriting the last commit (; HEAD) in case you messed upor forgot something:

$ git commit --amend

Committing all changes (but not new files!):

$ git commit -a

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Displaying information – Index and working directory

Showing a summary of the working directory and the index:

$ git status

Showing a diff between the working directory and the index:

$ git diff

Showing a diff between the index and HEAD:

$ git diff --cached

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Displaying information – Index and working directory

Showing the diff of a specific commit:

$ git show <commit>

Showing the commit log of the current branch:

$ git log

Commit log with a summary of each commit’s changed files:

$ git log --stat

Drawing a nice graph of all commits in all branches:

$ git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Handling branches

Creating a branch pointing to HEAD:

$ git branch <branch name>

Creating a branch pointing to a specific commit:

$ git branch <branch name> <commit>

Checking out a branch:

$ git checkout <branch name>

Deleting a branch:

$ git branch -D <branch name>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Handling branches – continued

Renaming a branch:

$ git branch -m <old name> <new name>

Letting a branch point to a specific commit:

$ git branch -f <branch name> <commit>

Merging a branch into HEAD:

$ git merge <branch name>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git


Saving the current working directory and index state intocommits and revert the changes to match HEAD:

$ git stash

Listing all available stashes:

$ git stash list

Showing the diff of a particular stash:

$ git stash show <stash>

Applying and deleting a particular stash:

$ git stash pop <stash>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Working with remote repositories – Management

Adding a remote repository:

$ git remote add <name> <url>

Renaming a remote repository:

$ git remote rename <old name> <new name>

Removing a remote repository:

$ git remote rm <name>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Working with remote repositories – Downstream data flow

Updating all refs from all remote repositories, downloading thenecessary objects and deleting obsolete remote refs:

$ git remote update --prune

Updating all refs from a specific remote repository anddownloading necessary objects:

$ git fetch <remote>

Downloading objects and refs from a remote repository andmerging a branch into HEAD:

$ git pull <remote> <branch>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Working with remote repositories – Upstream data flow

Pushing a branch to a remote repository:

$ git push <remote> <branch>

Deleting a branch from a remote repository:

$ git push <remote> --delete <branch>

Overwriting a branch on a remote repository:

$ git push -f <remote> <branch>

WARNING: When you are collaborating with others youshould not use this command, because it messes up theirrepositories due to changing hashes!

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Commit guidelines – Do

Conventions regarding the commit message:1 The first line is a short (≤ 50 characters) description of what

the commit is doing in imperative present tense.2 Second line is blank.3 Following lines describe the commit in more detail.

Make small commits! The shorter your commit-diffs, theeasier it will be to fix things later on.

Commit early! Once you have committed a change, it’s safe.You can hide the sausage making later (before pushing, ofcourse!) by amending the commit(s).

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Commit guidelines – Do not

Don’t make commits which leave the working directory in abroken state!

Don’t commit files that can be generated!

Don’t commit configuration files that have to be adjusted ona per-workstation basis!

Don’t commit large binaries unless it is absolutely necessary!

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Topic branches

Aside from really small changes like cosmetics in comments,whitespace issues and so on you should normally never workon the master-branch but create a special so-calledtopic-branch.

If you have an issue tracking system like the one on GitHub /in GitLab, it is reasonable to name the topic branches afterthe issue / ticket – perhaps with a token that identifies you:

$ git branch sn/issue42 origin/master

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git


A rebase essentially does the following:1 Save all commits that are in the current branch but not in the

target branch as diffs.2 Rewind HEAD to the common ancestor of the two branches.3 Apply all commits from the target branch.4 Apply all saved diffs on the target branch in order.

The resulting tree is exactly the same as if the two brancheshad been merged, only the commit history looks different.

With an interactive rebase you can amend commits furtherdown in the history, change commit messages and evenrearrange commits. This is where the fun begins! ;-)

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Rebasing – visualized (starting point)









$ git merge mergeme

Merge made by recursive.

file7 | 2 +-

file8 | 2 +-

file9 | 2 +-

3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Rebasing – visualized (after merge)










$ git checkout rebaseme

Switched to branch ’rebaseme’

$ git rebase master

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...

Applying: Change contents of files 4 through 6.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Rebasing – visualized (after rebase)






master 0f2eb73



Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Rebasing – onto master

When you are done with your work on a topic branch, but themaster-branch was updated in the meantime, it is best (andin some projects required) to rebase your work on top of theupdated branch.

$ git fetch origin

$ git rebase origin/master

It is generally a good idea to do this from time to time even ifyour work is not yet finished, because if merge conflicts occur,you can fix them while they are still easily manageable.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Pull/Merge requests

In most cases you will not be allowed to push to the mainrepository (in GitLab: the master branch) directly.

To contribute to a project, you have to1 clone the main repository,2 create a topic branch,3 do your work on it,4 if necessary rebase your work on the current branch head,5 test your changes (!),6 push the changes to your own public repository (in GitLab: the

main repository) and7 submit a so-called pull-request (in GitLab: merge-request) to

let the maintainer know, that you have changes in your publicrepository, that you want her/him to merge.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Typical workflow – Clone or pull

1 Clone or update the refs of the remote repository:


$ git clone <remote url>$ git branch <topic branch name>$ git checkout <topic branch name>


$ git checkout master$ git pull origin master$ git branch <topic branch name>$ git checkout <topic branch name>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Typical workflow – Commit and push

2 Work on your topic branch:

[... some vimmin’ ...]

$ git add <changed files>

$ git status

$ git commit -v

Repeat . . .

3 Push:

$ git fetch origin

$ git rebase origin/master

[... resolve conflicts if necessary ...]

$ git push origin <topic branch name>

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git


Very fast

Creating a new repository is trivial

The repository uses little space

Branching and merging is easy

Rebase (!)

SHA-1 ensures data integrity

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git


Sometimes strange behaviour when working with different lineendings (CRLF, LF)

Inability to check out only parts of a repository

Documentation (; man-pages) is partly quite technical andthus might not be overly helpful

Possibility of data loss, if you do not know what you are doing

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Final thoughts

You should definitely cherish personal ~/.gitconfig and~/.gitignore configuration files.

Git aliases are a really helpful (and powerful!) thing. It’sworth looking into it!

git add -p gives you the opportunity to commit code that isnot tested! So after doing that, you should git stash andtest the tree you actually committed!

When you git reset --hard or git rebase -i, at somepoint you will need git reflog, so you might as well lookinto it right away.

As always: Think, before you hit Enter !

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Further information

Though it may be not that easy to read, man is still yourfriend.

The interactive Git cheatsheet.

The Git book.

My personal dotfile repository containing (among other thingsyou might find useful) my global Git configuration files.

Linus’ talk about the advantages of a distributed VCS andwhy SVN users are stupid and ugly.

https://startpage.com is an interface for the Google searchengine, which doesn’t store information about you.

Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

Thank you for your attention!


Sebastian Neuser Understanding Git

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