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Understanding Hoarding Behaviors

Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW North Shore Center for Hoarding and Cluttering

978-624-2207 mmatthews@nselder.org Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of

Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

We cannot effectively

resolve what we do not

fundamentally understand.

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

What do you know about Hoarding Disorder?

• Misinformation, Misunderstanding, and Stigmas

• Epidemiology


• Mental Health - Comorbidities

• Processing Issues

• Bio-psychosocial Effects

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Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

A study by John Hopkins showed that an estimated 3 – 5% of the population

suffers from Hoarding Disorder however; it is considered a low representation of

the actual percentage.

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FAQs • Hoarding behavior can start in adolescence

– Difficult to diagnose in young children

• Genetics vs. learned behavior

• Behavior triggered by trauma or loss

– All pre-disposed to mental health issues

• More men than women

• Average age of treatment 55

• Higher IQ, education level, creative ability,

• Perfectionism

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• Most frequently hoarded items:

– Paper

– Clothing

– Gifts

• Most prevalent careers:

– Teacher

– Attorney

– Social Worker

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Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

• Sentimental – representation of self and life memories (grief attachment)

• Instrumental – item has value for future use, could be repaired

• Intrinsic – seeing the beauty in an item

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• Bought something you didn’t need or really like or more than you needed because:

It’s such a great deal!

It’s too good to pass up!!

I could wear it at some point.

Aw, I know who would love this.

It’s brand new!

I could sell it and make money!

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Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Mental illness is often hard to consider when faced with a hoarding situation.

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Why Can’t You Just…..

Clean Up Get Rid

Of It Just Throw

It Out

Hoarding Disorder A. Persistent difficulty discarding or parting with personal possessions, even those of apparently useless or limited value, due to strong urges to save items, distress, and/or indecision associated with discarding. B. The symptoms result in the accumulation of a large number of possessions that fill up and clutter the active living areas of the home, workplace, or other personal surroundings (e.g., office, vehicle, yard) and prevent normal use of the space. If all living areas are uncluttered, it is only because of others’ efforts (e.g., family members, authorities) to keep these areas free of possessions. C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (including maintaining a safe environment for self and others). D. The hoarding symptoms are not due to a general medical condition (e.g., brain injury, cerebrovascular disease). E. The hoarding symptoms are not restricted to the symptoms of another mental disorder (e.g., hoarding due to obsessions in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, lack of motivation in Major Depressive Disorder, delusions in Schizophrenia or another Psychotic Disorder, cognitive deficits in Dementia, restricted interests in Autistic Disorder, food storing in Prader-Willi Syndrome).

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Hoarding Disorder vs. Hoarding Behavior • Hoarding Disorder Symptoms

– Chronic

– Progressive

• Hoarding Behavior Symptoms – Sudden onset in adulthood


• Cerebrovascular Disease

• Disease(s) causing cognitive deficits

– Restricted to other mental health disorder • obsessions in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,

• lack of motivation in Major Depressive Disorder, in Schizophrenia or another Psychotic Disorder

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Restricted to Mental Health Disorder

OCD • Impulse control • Complex informational processing Depression • Motivation • Energy levels • Ability to concentrate • Memory • Anxiety level • Sleep

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Frontal Lobe Duke Keonavongsa Jacob Bisher Cody Snyder Asante Muhammad

Neuropsychological Impairment

“The initial clues that hoarding was related to frontal-lobe dysfunction came from case reports of pathological collecting and saving that began after a brain injury, typically along with other changes in personality and social functioning.”

- Grisham, Norberg (2010)

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Symptoms Restricted to General Medical Condition

“Any medical condition that impacts overall functioning can be a vulnerability factor for hoarding…..If other vulnerability factors are

present, any medical condition may be enough to tip the scales and minor problems with

discarding and clutter can become more severe.”

-Riddle-Walker (2011)

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Research shows that over 53% of individuals suffering from hoarding disorder are also diagnosed with

Major Depressive Disorder, approximately 40% are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, and another 27% are

diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder… (Steketee, 2007)

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

To complicate things more, individuals with hoarding disorder experience trouble in

processing information. These processing deficits affect attention, memory, categorization,

and decision-making. (Frost, 2008)

How does it get that bad?

• Hoarding is a progressive and chronic disorder.

• Level of insight.

• Hoarding behavior can start in early adolescence.

• Hoarding behavior is triggered or exacerbated by trauma or loss.

• Isolation

• Embarrassment

• Shame

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

How does this information help me resolve cases?

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

When trying to understand hoarding, imagine an iceberg.

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

What is Empathy?

em·pa·thy (noun)

the ability to understand

and share the feelings of another

The Healing Power of Empathy – ‘the care effect’

Harvard Medical School’s Program in Placebo Studies and the Therapeutic Encounter

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Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Why is Empathy Important?

“I've learned that

people will forget what you said,

people will forget what you did,

but people will NEVER forget

how you made them feel.”

- Maya Angelou

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Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

What is Empowerment?

...empowerment is the flip side of helplessness. - Joss Whedon

Focusing on client strengths provides the fuel

and energy for that empowerment. Miley et al, (2004:91)


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Why is Empowerment Important?

The result of empowerment is that the person believes they have new choices they didn’t have before or a new freedom they haven’t experienced before. Of course, formally, they always had these choices, but they didn’t see that they had them. Empowerment is the seeing.


increases self-confidence, courage, & motivation giving individual opportunity to

become a stakeholder in their own treatment

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Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Result of Empowerment

• Skills

• Resources

• Opportunity

• Motivation

• Accountability

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ENGAGEMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL • Empathy and empowerment work together

to engage the individual as an integral part of

the team approach.

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Assessment Tools • Clutter Image Rating

– Assessing ‘volume’

http://www.ocfoundation.org/hoarding/cir.pdf • H.O.M.E.S. – Multi-disciplinary Hoarding Risk

Assessment – Assessing risk

http://www.masshousing.com/hoarding • Uniform Inspection Checklist – Hoarding /

Excessive Clutter – Minimum safety and sanitation standards


Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Hoarding vs. Squalor

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

As humans, we respond to situations based on our

perceptions of the situation, not necessarily to an objective

review of the facts. Our perceptions are influenced by our life experiences, culture,

values, and beliefs.

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Why Start with Harm Reduction The primary goal is for safety and functionality

of the living conditions and living space . It is NOT about resolving or treating the hoarding disorder.

• Have a conversation about safety hazards such as access for emergency services.

• Discuss the consequences of not meeting safety standards (ex: BOH involvement, eviction, court proceedings.)

• Offer assistance in creating a safe environment (this may not include discarding items) The primary goal is for safety and comfort of the living conditions and living space to be achieved in accordance with the individuals standards and goals.

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of

Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Level of Insight Good or fair insight: Recognizes that hoarding-related beliefs and behaviors (pertaining to difficulty discarding items, clutter, or excessive acquisition) are problematic. Poor insight: Mostly convinced that hoarding-related beliefs and behaviors (pertaining to difficulty discarding items, clutter, or excessive acquisition) are not problematic despite evidence to the contrary. Delusional: Completely convinced that hoarding-related beliefs and behaviors (pertaining to difficulty discarding items, clutter, or excessive acquisition) are not problematic despite evidence to the contrary.

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of

Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Work S.M.A.R.T.






Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Seeing it Through

Establish a baseline

Regularly Monitor and Measure Progress

Keep Everyone on Track (and on the same track)

Expect set-backs

Acknowledge progress

Keep communication open

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

OZ Vs.

Kansas Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of

Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

What we want success look like.

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What success really looks like.

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org


• www.facebook.com/groups/HoardingTaskForceNetwork

• www.masshousing.com/hoarding

• http://thehoardingproject.org/home/

• www.ocdfoundation.org

Not for reproduction or use without the expressed written permission of Marnie Matthews, MSW, LICSW 978.624.2207 mmatthews@nselder.org

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