unexpected moments

Post on 03-Oct-2015






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True friends never dies. But what if there are many obstacles will come to end our friendship? Does our friendship will end or continue to work?

One day morning the beautiful son has risen I stood upand look up myself at the mirror, a beautiful came out and tears began to fall. Memories that happen in the past deeply hurt me.When we encounter our grade 7 she caught my attention and suddenly words entered to my mind shes just simple, kind, friendly and make a person happy in her own way. Thats my prediction when I first saw her . I just didnt noticed myself that I was talking and laughing to the one I predicting her own personality. I cant explain for one day weve talk we came friend. Weeks, has past to treat each other like sibling friend. But friendship is not always happy times but it has also many problems. And because our friendship is like a spore it will not crack ass soon as you throw it. Its time to say goodbye for our grade seven and face our next level. Im expecting that me and her are going to be a classmate friends but I was not. Since we parted apart it just like our friendship was gone. She was so happy with her new friends and me on the other hand is also happy but not as much as she was. Shes different to all my friends Ive known, shes a cute crazy girl and even though my jokes are not funny still shes laughing.But as months go by we are not communicating and talking even though we see each other at the road. One day afternoon Im so helpless like all my friend are all gone ,I need someone to talk to. Tears began to fall someone came he or she gave me a handkerchief when I look at his/her I was shocked and unexpected. I try to touch her . I thought Im just dreaming but I was not. I cant believe for how many months that we were not talk she still care to me. Shes still here right beside me to speak out my problems. Im so thankful that Ive had a friend like her .Years has pass its time again to say goodbye to each other. When school years came I thought we will not be classmates again but I was wrong. I heard a loud laugh and suddenly she hugged me tighter. I totally missed her. But as months go by their something bothering me. I look at her and something is different, from a simple ordinary to a evil dark. Every week she quarrels us even though our mistake was shallow. She became selfish, brat, have too much pride and the words she speak at totally hurt our feelings. Until one day I cannot control myself I suddenly go to her and burst out my feelings. I did not watched my words I just talk and talk until suddenly I realized then I was wrong. But what she did to me is so painful. Until our friendship end and time to say goodbye to each other. Im already ready to face my journey with my new cute crazy four bestfriends. They help me in all my problems and make me happy in all the sorrows I have. They care to me like a baby they dont want that somebody will quarrel you. They dont want to hurt you like what happen in the past. If where is the are we go and cheer her that she can do it. I cannot say our was infinite but going stronger and enjoyable. Maybe Ive lost someone but someone will came better than she is.

MEMORABLE EVENTSOn the first day of class, opening for the grade 7 it is hard for me. Im so excited to start our lesson but its not that easy to start. Some of our classmates I dont know their names. The teacher came to our classroom and she is introducing herself in front, after that she said that all of us must introduce ourselves to everyone. The its my turn to tell something about myself in front of the face of my classmates and to our teacher. Week has been past when I saw a man in his handsome look and outfit. I feel that I have a crush on him. I want to know his name and something about him. But before that here come the intrams of our school and the teachers said that we should find and go to our team and have a plan about what is were going to do. When we went to our team and Im glad to see that the man that I love is my team mates. Im so very happy, and our team adviser is entering to our classroom that we use. They said that we should enjoy it because it is just a game but we have still fight for it. On the last day of intrams and so we enjoy it until the last hour. Here come the final announcement for the champion of the whole game. Unfortunately we are not the champion but we are the second and we are also happy for it. From there I knew the name of the man that Ive loved. Im just very happy for it because I can tell him that I admired him for his attitude. They were so many different activities of the school.I want to join on the activities but I realized that I cant and I regret it. But I tell to myself that I will try to join the drum and lyre.

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