unit 1, lesson 1

Post on 20-May-2015






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4th Grade Introduction to Geography


What is Geograph


Welcome to Geography Geography: the study of people and

places of Earth.

Why Is It Important? It explains the forces that shape the

land. It explores how living things are

connected to the places where they live. Helps us understand our environment.

Environment?• Environment: Includes ALL the surroundings

and conditions that affect living things. • Water, land, plants, animals, and weather

are all part of the environment.

Environment? So What? People DEPEND on the environment for

food and fuel! What you eat, drink, wear, work all

depends on your environment.

So….Who Studies Geography? Geographers!

Do you like to ask questions? Do you like to find answers? Do you like being outside?

Then being a geographer may be just the job for you someday!

Three Essential Questions Where is it? Why is it there? What is it like there?

These are the questions geographers ask about different environments. Their job is

to find the answers.

“Where is it?” Geographers answer this question by

describing the location of a place? How would you describe the location of

your home? Explain what is close to it. Give the address

**Geographers do both of these!**

An Address? Geographers give places an address by

using lines of latitude and longitude. Check it out!

Latitude These lines are also called parallels.

Degrees of latitude measure how far north or south of the equator a place is.

Each line has a number, called degrees. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. Other latitude lines are measured in

degrees north or south of the equator.

Longitude Also known as meridians. Also have numbers, called degrees, to

name each line. The prime meridian is at 0 degree

longitude. The rest of the longitude lines measure

east or west of the prime meridian.

“Why Is It There?” After answering the “where” question,

geographers are ready to tackle the “why” question.

This takes detective work. Look for clues about the forces that created

mountains, rivers, and other features. Look for clues about why people settled

there. Look for clues about why communities grew

or disappeared

What Kind of Clues? Natural Clues: landforms, bodies of

water, wind, rainfall, plants, animals, trees, and soil.

Human Clues: languages, food eaten, jobs, religion, and types of buildings.

“What Is It Like?” This is where the geographer takes the

clues used to answer the “why” question and describe them!

Let’s Be Geographers!Now it’s your turn to be a geographer!

Let’s take some time right now to answer those three questions geographers use to

learn about our area!

“Where is it?” Let’s look at a globe. What do you notice?

Sphere shaped 7 Continents

Africa Antarctica Asia Australia Europe North America South America

4 Oceans Atlantic Ocean Arctic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean

4 Hemispheres Hemisphere: one half of Earth’s surface

Lines of Latitude and Longitude

So….Where are we? Northern and Western Hemisphere North American Continent United States of America Illinois Stephenson County German Valley

“What is here?”What are some landforms in our area?What kinds of work do people do?What plants and animals do you see?

“Why is it here?” The why we will be learning more about

in the two lessons when we discuss erosion.

In the meantime, continue to describe the world around you! Let’s be successful geographers!

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