unit 1-lo2; the descent: audience profile & purpose of analysis

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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Audience ProfileName: Lauren Sheridan-JonesGender: FemaleAge: 23Occupation: Employed in a part time role as a Retail Assistant at a major supermarket chain-role is only part time as she is also in her final year at university studying UK Film; with a specific focus on the horror genreLifestyle: In a relationship with a fellow university student-they live together in rented accommodation. When not studying, Lauren loves to watch horror films, which has a particular focus on gore. Not much financial power due to her studies-part time role at the supermarket does however allow her and her partner a bit of leeway sometimes to treat themselves.Favourite Type of Music: Pop, R’n’B, Rock, Electric & Drum and Bass-all very popular music genres at the present timeFavourite Film Franchise: The Descent-by Neil Marshall Your Hobbies: Going to watch major cinema releases when possible, clubbing with fellow students once every week or two, seeing family when time & finance is there and seeing the local rugby team once a month in a home game.Spending Powers: Low to Medium; can buy the life essentials which allows her to continue to pay the bills and studying through the income she gets from the part time job and predominantly a Student Loan both she & her partner separately has. Student loans have restrictions on what they can be spent on them meaning a breach of this will cause financial struggles to increase. The part time position at the supermarket has however helped in this respect as they are able to invest in their time at university as well as letting herself and her boyfriend to use the bit of disposable income they have on the things they want.

Purpose of AnalysisThe purpose of developing and asking fellow students to do the questionnaire on The Descent & horror movies was to see what the audience type of movies was today; this includes gender, age ranges, social economic grouping, background, etc. As The Descent is a horror movie, I was expecting the majority of respondents to be horror fans, which they were, but as expected in someway, as on Question 3 of the questionnaire, there is 2 people who said they never watch the type of the movies like The Descent; a hint that the demographics are totally different then they once were. This can be backed up by Question 2 which had every respondent giving The Descent a score 1/3-out of a possible of 5.

Another key element but something positive this time round which is good for The Descent as a franchise is the like for the elements that was used within the movie such as blood and gore, drama, adventure and shock were liked by the people who took the questionnaire-this is a good indication that people are willing to use the incomes they have to watch a film like The Descent; which includes the features which made the film such a success. The people watching it it’s clear to see don’t have the best of incomes and when the opportunity to see a big release like something on the scale, they tend to spend the money as a result.

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