unit 11 a01

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Unit 11 - scriptwritingA01 – analysing scripts


• Where would you find scripts being used?• Why are scripts important?

Todays Objectives

• WALT• Understand where scripts are used and they are important?• What is the structure of a script and key terms?• How can scripts differ

• WILF• Must complete analysis of Donnie Darko, showing

understanding of the key terms.• Should complete group feedback of War of the Worlds• Could begin analysing buffy

Scripts to analyse

• Donnie Darko• War of the Worlds – group analysis• Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Areas to cover

• 1. style• 2. Content• 3. Narrative Structure• 4. Genre• 5. Target Audience


• What language is being used and why? • Is the script using colloquialism for the characters and why? • Is the script using a house style what format is the script using and why?

• Notes – To complete the analysis read the script and consider is the script part of a series or one off show / film. Would they have a repeated format, are they using the traditional format of scripting and direction and if not why have they adapted the style of the script to what purpose consider what is being produced.

• The use of language is extremely important within a script describe the type of language and then explain the reason that it is being used.


• What is included within the script?• Consider whether the script uses a lot of direction and

what if any is the direction being used? Why is that important within the format of media?

• What form of media is the script for?• What is needed in a script for this form of media?

Narrative Structure

• What type of narrative is being used: • Linear – narrative that moves from beginning to end.• Non-linear – narrative that mixes the chronology of the

narrative.• Circular – begins at the end and then returns to the beginning.• Episodic – a narrative told in chapters.• Multi-stranded – variety of actions happening simultaneously • Single stranded – follows a singe plot thread.

• Is it using a traditional three act structure where appropriate.


• Is the script for a media product that is:• Fiction • Non - Fiction

• You should also identify the genre of the media product:• Horror, Sci-fi, Drama, Comedy, etc.

Target Audience

• Who is the target audience for this media product, to identify this you should use the following criteria:• Age Range• Gender• Socio-economic grouping


Task 1

• Analysis of Donnie Darko

Task 2

• War of the Worlds radio play

Task 3

• Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Homework – TASK 4

• Complete an analysis of a script of your choice could be on any media product.

• This does include video games if you so choose.

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