unit 18 -evaluation

Post on 23-Jul-2015






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Unit 18- Evaluation

For this unit we had to create an advertising agency and create a marketing campaign for a new product.

Firstly we looked through a variety of print and TV adverts. We did this to gain inspiration and knowledge of how a advertising company effectivley advertise their products to draw in a big audience and to initially sell their product. I think that this gave us a huge start as it gave us knowledge of what we were gong to have to do our own interpretation of. This also helped us notice was was good and bad in an advert, which indicated we could avoid bad factors in our advertisments to make our company soar. We also took a closer look at advertising agencies so we could have abetter understanding of how they promnote products but also insipired us to create a brand which would make us proud.

Secondly we came up with an advertising company name for our group. There were several name ideas but after discussion we finally settled with the name ‘Hydra Advertising’ named after the mythical creature. This lead us to create an effective slogan witch was the following - ‘re-generating good ideas’ witch tied in perfectly with our advertising name. This is because if a hydras head is cut off it would regenerate and grow back stronger; this is effectively inferring mistakes in our company would lead to initially stronger ideas. We then created a logo for our company we used mainly bold colours including Black, Red and white, I think these were clever colours because they contrast well together making our logo clear and easy to see, making our company more noticeable to our costumer fan base. We also used a cartoon hydra to make it clear to the viewers what our company is about.

After we had successfully created our Advertising Company we had to decide as a group what product we were going to create out of the following choices.

A new cereal bar A new chewing gum A new bottled water

We then all analysed the 3 products we could choose from and thought of positive and negative factors of each product to see what one would be the most successful to create and sell. After considering all of the product choices we decided strongly as a group that we were going to make a new bottled water. We thought that water was the best option as we had a lot of inspirational ideas for this certain product.

After we all decided as a group that we wanted to do the bottled water we came together as a group to come up with ideas of what we could call our product. We all contributed and put our own individual ideas forward of what we would like to call our new bottled water. We put this in a table witch is below so each idea was clear and valid. After considering all of each other’s ideas we came up with a final idea witch was ‘Jeto’.

The Creative Brief Team Meeting of Ideas

Team Member Ideas for Names & Slogans

Ideas for colour schemes

Positives about their ideas

Negatives about their ideas

Matt Holley

Wasser ( water in German)

Red Having a foreign name

Quite plain

Bad colour for water

Georgia RT

Lagoon Blue and black Blue colours


Sounds like a holiday company rather than a water brand

Lily Curtis

Coral Pink/orange (Peach)

Relating the colours to the name

Relates to water

Coral cuts people and we don’t want that image

Josh Brown ĵeto Blue/peach Ĵeto means release in Esperanto- meaning to the name and it sounds fluent like flowing water

May need research on the language

Final Chosen Name

Final Chosen Slogan

Final Chosen Colour Scheme

Who will your target audience be?

Any Other Final Decisions

ĵeto Release your inner champion

Blue and read (bold colours- of a champion)

Sports enthusiasts Unique label design

‘Jeto’ was our final decision on what we were going to call our bottled water. Jeto means ‘release’ in Esperanto. We all like this as we think that this was the name that would sound and look the best on new bottled water. We also believed as a group that this would work well because it would help us also create a slogan that would be catchy for

our audience. We then decided that our slogan was going to be ‘ Release you inner champion’ This slogan worked well with our name ‘Jeto’ as the meaning of the name is contributed in the slogan.

The after we had reached our name and slogan we then had to take in to consideration that there were already existing bottled water’s available on the market. So we all researched a different on that had already been produced. There we a variety that we could have chosen from however the one I was most interested and ended up doing was ‘Evian’. What we had to do was look and research about their product as these were classed as rival brand. We looked thoroughly through information about them to see what they were doing to sell and advertise their product to see what we were going to do differently to our rival brands to make our product better and more appealing to our consumers. This also helped use gain some inspiration in what we could do for our product using them as a sort of guideline. We looked at their print adverts and analysed them this was also a useful bit of information as this helped us indicated things we could do differently to rival brands to make out product unique to others and more appealing to our audience. It was also inspiration giving us ideas of what we could do when it came to us making out own print adverts for our product.

After doing this research we then went on to doing more on our actual product. Firstly we knew that we were going to have to make a logo for our new product this was a hard part of the process. This was a crucial part as this is what the consumers were going to see the most meaning we had to make something that was going to be appealing to our target audience making sure that people were going to like it and buy our product. So to do this task we started by all making our own individual logos (As you can see on the left). After we had all finished our own logos we came back together as a group and looked and took in consideration everyone’s ideas. After we looked at the positive and negative featured of every ones logo we had to come to a decision of witch one was going to be the most beneficial for our product. We decided that we were going to use Lily’s logo (The top one) for our

final logo for our new bottled water. We chose this logo because we thought this was very eye-catching and was going to get the attention of our audience. This was because she had used very bright contrasting colours witch made the logo and name of the product stand out. However we then done a final addition to the logo by adding a ‘runner’ silhouette to the top of the logo so that it would indicate our target audience.

Talking of target audience we then decided that we were going to have to have a target audience that our new bottled water was going to be aimed at. We all had a group decision and we all came to a conclusion that the best target audience for our new product was to do a drink that was aimed at sports enthusiasts. We chose this because we all were confident with this type of drink and we all had good and well developed ideas already that would work well with this type of genre. We tried to use all types of people in our target audience including all races and abilities. This was so that all people would be interested as it is aimed at them.

We then created our own print adverts for our own product. We were all assigned different roles to produce print adverts for different things including:

Bus advert Tube advert Magazine advert Website advert

We then produced one each for one of these options. We tried to make our print adverts bright coloured and eye-catching, this was to allow that people passing by or seeing these print adverts will be engaged by the advert making them interested and motivated about the new drink. This will then lead to them telling other people and wanting to purchase the drink.

TV Advert!

After completing the print adverts we then went on to deciding what we were going to do for a more interactive advert for example a TV advert. We came together as a group and decided what ideas we all individually had for the TV advert. After we had all contributed and shared our ideas we combined them together to come up with one ideas of what we were going to do for our actual TV advert. After deciding we were going to produce a TV advert that is based on sport we went out as a team to look for suitable locations that would work with the target audience and style of our drink for example we went pot place including:

Basketball courts Tennis courts Fields Tracks

These were all very suitable locations for our advert to be filmed as the atmosphere of the locations fit the atmosphere and type of our drink/ target audience.

After we had successfully decided what locations we wanted to use when then came together to create a storyboard for our advert. We made one of these so that we could get down the ideas we wanted to do in our music video and what variety of shots we were going to use. This was a very beneficial task to do because this kept us on path of what we were doing acting as a sort of a guideline making sure we create an advert that was going to be good for the audience to watch and attract them to being a fan and buyer of our drink.

We chose to contribute a lot of sports in our advert mostly basketball because this was the sport that we were most confident about filming and we had all the facilities we needed to do this sport in our school. This was a very good idea because it worked we’ll with the product we were approaching to sell as this contributed to our target audience massively.


We then came to having to consider filming our actual TV advert. Lily a member of our group was the main camera operator. Georgia also contributed with the camera work also. Me and Matt were the cast in the video this was a fun part of the project as we thought being able to film and make our own TV advert was very interesting and allowed us to have freedom in what we wanted to produce. Whilst filming we all put in small alternations and suggestions witch we individually thought would enhance the quality of our TV advert. During the duration of filming our Advert we made sure that we used a variety of different shot types as this makes our advert more professional. We also used different locations that linked in with the target audience of out Drink witch was a stort filled atmosphere.

After we had filmed all the clips we need to make a successful TV advert we went on to the program Premiere Pro to put them together and edit our advert. Georgia and Lily took care of the editing whilst me and matt started arranging our pitch. As a group we were all extremely pleased with our final TV advert because it shows the audience exactly what we wanted it to. We think that the advert runs smoothly and looks professional. We also made sure that we used a good song choice in our advert because we wanted the advert to me memorable to the audience. Overall our advert was a success and it helped as we were well as a team to get the task done. However there were a few issues with when we came to watching the video at the end because we realised that when we were filming I was wearing two different tops in different clips this made our video look slightly unprofessional. To prevent this from occurring next time I will make sure that we are more organised and we bring the same props each time to enhance the quality of our TV advert.


Next we had to organise a pitch that we were going to perform in front of the class to try and sell and inform the audience about our new product. We created a simple PowerPoint with all the information that the audience would have to know about our drink to be interested. The fact that we used a simple PowerPoint was to ensure that all people watching knew the purpose of our drink. We then just spoke to class and told them what are drink was and why it is unique to other rival brands. There was a few issues due to the fact at parts we had to improvise our pitch as one of our team members was absent, but we managed to make no mistakes making us look professional to our future customers. Due to the fact we had

rehearsed lots we spoke fluently and confidently making we look more professional. After we had explained our new product we received positive feedback from the teachers and the other class members. This made us all very proud of our work as a team. To improve the pitch even better we will ensure that we have the full members of our team present to allow all information is covered.

Overall I believe that this unit was very successful. This was due to the fact we all put full contribution into the project and worked well as a team. We all had input on making our advertising company and our new product ‘Jeto’. We think that our product came out very well and very professional. We also were able to fit all of our hard work into the deadline and we didn’t have to rush witch indicates that we were well organised as a team. Each member of the group put in the same amount of effort and quality hard work witch allowed our final product to me a better quality. If we had to make any changes next time it would be in the filming stages of our project as we had a few minor errors witch could be easily prevent in future projects. This has been a very enjoyable unit and I have learnt a lot more about advertising for upcoming future events.

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