unit 2 review post-classical societies. big picture questions what happens when people come into...

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Unit 2 ReviewPost-classical societies

Big Picture Questions

What happens when people come into contact with each other?

Why do some things change while others stay the same?

How does the development of new technology and movement of people affect the world?

How do societies organize themselves socially, and what roles to men and women play?

How do people identify themselves and express themselves culturally and intellectually?

How do people govern themselves?

What happens when people come into contact with each other? Tremendous growth in long-distance trade (Silk Road,

Indian Ocean, Trans-Saharan trade, Mediterranean Sea)

What happens when people come into contact with each other?

Pax Mongolia – order established along Mongol empire – trade and interaction at their peak

Why do some things change while others stay the same?

Changes: Classical empires had fallen, new political units of organization developed to respond to new challenges

Nomadic migrations caused change (Turks and Mongols)

Continuity: Religion continued to be important and continued to spread

Continuity: Classical trade routes continue to grow in importance

Continuity: Patriarchal gender structures

How does the development of new technology and movement of people affect the world?

Major technological developments shaped the development of the world.

Movement of people greatly altered the world

How does the development of new technology and movement of people affect the world?

The compass, improved shipbuilding technology, gunpowder

How does the development of new technology and movement of people affect the world?

Bantu migrations spread farming and crops, language

Leads to cultural commonalities in sub-Saharan Africa

How does the development of new technology and movement of people affect the world?

Turks significant in the spread of Islam, and trade

How does the development of new technology and movement of people affect the world?

Mongols bring order to trade routes, contribute to spread of religions

How does the development of new technology and movement of people affect the world?

Vikings contribute to trade and influence Europe’s political developments

How does the development of new technology and movement of people affect the world?

Bubonic Plague devastates populations – spread due to movement of people and increased interaction

Northern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and India spared

How do societies organize themselves socially, and what roles to men and women play?

Spread of universal religions such as Islam, Christianity and Buddhism preached equality of all believers in the eyes of God

Monastic life of Buddhism and Christianity offered alternative path for women

In China, foot binding

How do people identify themselves and express themselves culturally and intellectually?

Religion acted as unifying force – Christianity in western Europe, Islam in North Africa, Southwest Asia (Dar al-Islam), Buddhism and Confucianism in East Asia

How do people govern themselves?

After fall of classical empires, political structures in many areas adapted or changed to new conditions.

Byzantine empire, Arab Caliphates, Tang and Song dynasties build off successful models of the past

Europe and Japan decentralized – develop new systems to meet unique challenges – Feudalism

Mongol movements lead to largest empire – alters much of Asia’s political structure

Recovery from Mongol rule introduced new political structures in many areas

What happened in this period?

Europe and China went through periods of decentralization

China reunited as an imperial empire

Roman empire never reunited successfully in Europe

Regional kingdoms developed in Europe

Islam is the new player on the scene – will have a major impact on cultures, politics, economics and intellectual developments

Muslim scholarship is adopted by West African and European leaders

Nomadic movements integrate world more

Europe begins to explore world toward the end of the period

Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE)

Song Dynasty (960-1229 CE)

Islamic Caliphates

Byzantine Empire (4th Century-1453)

W. Europe – Early Middle Ages (500-1000)

Japan (600-1000)

Nomadic Empires

Vikings (Around 800-1100) Settled in Scandinavia

Raids conducted to supplement farm production

Small, maneuverable boats used to terrorize coastal communities

Evolved from plunderers to traders – North and Baltic Seas

Great seafarers

Vikings in France known as Normans

William invades England – 1066

Vikings Christianized and absorbed into European society

Turks (Around 1000-1450) Pastoral nomads from central

Asian steppes

Hired as mercenary soldiers by Muslim leaders

Seljuk Turks convert to Islam

Seljuk Turks invade Abbasid territory- capture Baghdad

1071 – Defeat the Byzantine Empire and take most of Anatolia

Afghan Turks raid India in 10th century – destroy Hindu temples

Turks create Delhi Sultanate – spread Islam into N. India

Mongols (Around 1200-1550) Pastoral nomads from central

Asian steppes

Clan based society organized around kin

Great horsemen

Temujin united Mongol tribes – became Genghis Khan

Males age 17-70 served in military

“Submit and live. Resist and Die”

Raided settled societies

Mamluks defeat Mongols in 1260- stop movement into region

Yuan Dynasty Kublai Khan defeated

Song Dynasty

Establishes Yuan Dynasty

Fixed, regular tax system

Foreigners employed in bureaucracy

No civil service exam

Chinese purposely separated from Mongols – different laws

Horse relay connected Beijing to Vienna

Middle East: Ilkhanates

Hulegu (Kublai’s brother) defeated Abbasid Caliphate

Mongols in Middle East employ local bureaucrats in gov’t

Convert to Islam by 1295

Local rulers remain as long as they pay taxes & maintain order

Mongol culture mixed with local cultures

Russia: The Golden Horde Mongol ruler Batu

conquered and ruled Russia

Kept large number of local rulers intact

Heavy taxes collected by Russian bureaucrats

Trade supported

Muslim conversion encouraged

Christian missionaries allowed to visit

Pax Mongolia Peak of Mongolian power

Huge areas of Asia and Europe under one rule – religious tolerance

Lasted 100 years – united two continents

Allowed trade and contact between different cultures by eliminating tariffs

Silk Road trade reaches greatest height – paper money used throughout empire

Failed invasion of Japan due to typhoon winds

Mongols poor administrators – only last a few generations

Rivalry among successors weaken empire – by 1350 most lands reconquered by other armies

Impact of Interaction

West African Kingdoms

Domesticated camels = increased trade across Sahara

Muslim and N. African merchants establish relations with W. Africa – Spread of Islam as a result of trade

Ghana (500-1200) – important commercial center for trade in gold from south (built large army by taxing trade and gold)

Ghana kings converted to Islam – improved trade relations

Mali (1235 – 1400s) – controlled and taxed all trade – Islamic rulers – Capital at Timbuktu

Mansa Musa – traveled to Mecca, built schools and mosques

Christianity in North and East Africa

Began in 1st century – most people converted to Islam by 700

Christians remained in Egypt and Ethiopia

Ethiopia evolves into a Christian kingdom with unique traditions and architecture

Monasticism in Egypt (Coptic) and Ethiopia

Christians allowed to worship freely

Unique linguistic and artistic expression emerge

East African City-States Indian Ocean trade integrates East Africa

Bantu people had settled on coast and interacted with Arab merchants – Swahili language is a direct result of interaction

Swahili city-states - Mogadishu, Kilwa, Sofala

Islamic merchants traded gold, ivory and slaves for pottery, glass and textiles from Persia, China, and India

City-states grew wealthy – built mosques

1200s – Great Zimbabwe built

Ruling elite and merchants convert to Islam, do not completely give up traditional cultural and religious customs

Europe: High Middle Ages

Pre-modern economy begins to develop by 1100

Increase in trade stimulates growth of commercial cities in heart of Europe

Bruges (in Flanders) – located on rivers connecting North Sea and Central Europe – imported wool from England

Hamburg – part of Hanseatic League – major port on North Sea

Florence – controlled flow of goods up and down peninsula – became banking center

The Crusades

Christian holy wars against “infidels”

Pope Urban II sent crusaders to recapture Palestine from Muslims

1st crusades – capture Edessa, Antioch and Jerusalem

1187 – Muslims retake Jerusalem

4th Crusade – conquer Constantinople – weaken Byzantine Empire

Crusades encouraged trade with Muslim Merchants – benefit Italian city-states like Venice, Genoa

Long Distance Trade This period characterized by increase in long-distance trade

Overland – silk, precious stones

Sea trade – steel, stone, coral, building materials

Silk Road linked Eurasian land mass through trade

Trans-Saharan trade connected West Africa

Indian Ocean Trade linked China, Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and East Africa

Mediterranean Sea linked Europe with goods from the Muslim World and Asia

Collapse of Mongol empire leads to economic dominance of Indian Ocean trade network

Missionary Campaigns

Buddhism – Theravada Buddhism spreads in Southeast Asia and Mahayana Buddhism spreads to Central and East Asia

Adapted to polytheism and cultural traditions in central Asia – becomes popular in Tibet

Missionaries spread Buddhism to Korea and Japan

Christianity also a missionary religion

Missionary spread religion to N. Europe – sponsored by Pope

Eastern Orthodox Church spreads into Russia and E. Europe

Adopted to pagan beliefs (saints) and holidays (winter solstice)

Nestorian Christianity spread in Persia and Mesopotamia

Agricultural and Technological Diffusion

Increased interaction leads to spread of agriculture and technology

Compass – From China to Europe via Indian Ocean Trade increased maritime trade and exploration

Sugarcane – From SW Asia to European crusaders led to Italian Mediterranean island plantations and increase in slave labor

Gunpowder – From China to Persia, Middle East, and Europe by the Mongols increased weapon technology


Rabban Sauma (1225-1294) – Nestorian priest from Mongolia in China – tried to get Europeans to support Mongol cause

Marco Polo (1253-1324) – Merchant from Venice traveled throughout the Mongol empire – influenced European interest in goods from the East

Ibn Battuta (1304-1369) – Muslim scholar from Morocco traveled throughout Dar al-Islam, W, Africa, India, SE Asia – demonstrated widespread influence of Islam

The Spread of Disease: The Plague 1340s – late 1600s

Black Death (Bubonic Plague) spread from Yunnan region of SW China

Infected rodents – fleas spread disease to humans

1340s spread by Mongol merchants and travelers on Silk Roads

Most victims died within days

Significant population decrease – created labor shortages

Weakened feudal system

Anti-Semitism increased – Jews used as scapegoats and accused of poisoning wells

Christians questioned faith

Recovery and Renaissance in Asia and EuropeBeginning Around 1400 CE

Political Developments

China (Ming Dynasty)

Hongwu started dynasty after collapse of Yuan (Mongols)

Eliminate evidence of Mongol rule

Reinstated civil service

Policies implemented by mandarins

Conscript labor – rebuild irrigation

Private merchants continued to trade

Europe Developed strong powerful


Taxed citizens, maintained large standing armies

Italy, Venice, Milan, Florence benefit from trade – increased tax collection

Kings in France and England control feudal lords

Competition among European rulers = increase in military tech

Roots of European dominance

Intellectual Developments


Neo-Confucianism – stressed filial piety, self-discipline, obedience to rulers

Yongle Encyclopedia

Increase in printing

Pop. Culture – The Dream of the Red Chamber, Journey to the West

Jesuit missionaries introduce European science and technology – fail to convert Chinese


Increased interaction leads to interest in outside world

Renaissance – intellectual and artistic movement

Contact with Islam reintroduces Greek and Roman texts (Arabs had translated classics)

Humanism looked to classics to update medieval thought

Wealth in Italy funded artists (Medici family)



Ming refurbished navy

1405-1433 – seven expeditions

Reestablish presence in Indian Ocean

Impose imperial control on trade

Zheng He – led expeditions

Abandoned to focus on protecting northern border


Seek profits, spread Christianity, adventure

Spices expensive due to long journey

Portuguese begin exploring ways around Muslim middlemen

Prince Henry the Navigator

Race to dominate seas in Europe begins

American CivilizationThe Mexica, Maya, and Inca

Maya (300-900 CE)

Borrowed from Olmec tradition

Yucatan Peninsula

Agricultural economy

Ritualistic polytheism

Urban areas with thousands of people

Indep. city-states linked by trade

Maize and beans – staple crops

Astronomical consideration for location and architecture of buildings such as those in Tikal

Mexica (Aztec) – Around 1400 -1521

Used fighting skills to gain control around Lake Texcoco

Militant warrior tradition

Priestly class oversaw rituals

Extensive pantheon – polytheistic

Tenochtitlan – 150,000 inhabitants

Agricultural economy – cacao beans used as currency

Decentralized network of city-states that paid tribute

Innovative farming techniques

Inca (Around 1400 – 1540) South American highlands

Covered 3,000 miles – absorbed many Andean tribes

Centralized empire – capital at Cuzco

Extensive, irrigated agricultural economy – innovative techniques

Large urban centers

Polytheistic – center around worship of the sun - religion helped rulers secure political authority as elsewhere

Patriarchal society with few rights for women


Improved technology = more long distance trade

Trade on Silk Roads, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Trans-Saharan routes spread ideas, technology, religion and disease

Better ship building, compass, gun powder shaped development of the world

Nomadic interaction with settled societies led to improved technology, change, increased trade and conflict (Vikings, Mongols, Turks)

Religions preached equality in eyes of God – Monastic life offered alternative path for women (Christianity and Buddhism)

Religion as unifying force, sometimes conflict

Political structures changed and adapted

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