unit 3 – mental & emotional health

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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UNIT 3 – MENTAL & EMOTIONAL HEALTH. 3.1 ACHIEVING GOOD MENTAL HEALTH Chapters 7.1/7.3/7.4. Objectives. 1.2.a – Identify Positive ways to express emotions 1.2.b – Explore the risk and protective factors of mental and emotional health - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



3.1 ACHIEVING GOOD MENTAL HEALTHChapters 7.1/7.3/7.4

Objectives1.2.a – Identify Positive ways to

express emotions1.2.b – Explore the risk and

protective factors of mental and emotional health

1.2.c – Analyze how societal norms , cultural differences, personal beliefs, and media impact choices, behaviors and relationships

Mental/Emotional HealthMental/Emotional Health – ability to accept

yourself and others, manage emotions, and deal with demands.

Positive characteristics include;Positive self-esteem – confidence.Sense of belonging – emotional attachment to

family, friends, teachers. Provides comfort and assurance.

Sense of purpose – recognizing your own value to a community or group. Setting and achieving goals.

Positive outlook – Seeing the bright side and having hope.

Autonomy – making responsible and safe decisions.

Pyramid of NeedsHierarchy of Needs – ranked list of needs essential to human growth and development, presented in ascending order, starting with basic needs and building towards the need for reaching your highest potential.

Pyramid of Needs

Physiological NeedsBreathing, food, water, sleeping…People denied these basic needs become

sick and weak.Homelessness

Safety NeedsSafety of familiar places.HomeFamilyTrusted friendsIt is more than protection from physical

harm, it is also psychological.

Need to be Loved and Belong

• Everyone needs to feel loved and to love someone else.• Everyone has a general need to be apart of a family, community or social group.• Belonging increases confidence and strengthens mental and emotional health.

Need to be Recognized (Esteem)Need to feel appreciated.Need to feel valued by

family, friends, and peers.Ways this is accomplished

through productive activities;Sports (baseball,

volleyball, football)Volunteer groups (working

at hospitals)Clubs (ski club, chess

club)Organizations (Band)

Being able to do something well and being recognized for that increases self-worth.

Need to Reach Potential (Self-Actualization)Self-Actualization – The drive to be

the best you can be.Making goals that inspire you.Recognize your potential.Making changes in your life to reach

goals.It is a life long process.

Understanding Your PersonalityPersonality – Complex set of characteristics

that make you unique.Influences on your personality;

Heredity – plays a role in determining some intellectual properties and temperament or emotional tendencies. These factors can influence personality.

Environment – those things that surround you day-to-day (family, friends, neighborhood, school, etc.) may all influence personality.

Modeling – observing and learning from the behaviors of those around you.

What color is your personality?

What do you know about EGGS?

Understanding EmotionsEmotions – signals that tell your mind and body

how to react.Joy – can cause you to feel warmth and a

sense of well-beingFear – can increase perspiration and heart

rate. Anger – increases heart rate and feelings of

distress. May cause an inappropriate responseHormones – chemicals that regulate activities

within the body. They may also cause mild to severe mood swings.

Types of EmotionsHappiness – can be described as satisfied,

feeling positive, energetic, sociable. Sadness – normal reaction to difficult events.

It can range from feelings of disappointment to the loss of a loved one. One may feel discouraged or have less energy.

Love – involves strong affection, deep concern, and respect for another person. It can be expressed through words and actions.

Empathy – ability to understand how someone else is feeling. It helps maintain relationships.

What ?Just because you choose to ignore your emotions or situations doesn’t mean they aren’t still there.

Managing Difficult EmotionsDefense Mechanisms – a mental process that

protects individuals from strong stressful emotions and situations.

Why do we get defensive?

Managing Difficult EmotionsSuppression – hold back or restraining. Often

happens with serious, traumatic events.

FEARFear – increases the sense and alertness to escape from potentially harmful situations. Extreme fear is called a PHOBIA.

Handling Fear


-Indentify source.-Analyze situations that causes the fear.

-Fight OR Flight?-Talk about it with someone you trust.

-Discuss fears that you have faced successfully.

-Fear is healthy and natural, when it is irrational and uncontrollable then it is a problem. (Phobia)

GuiltGuilt – results from

acting against one’s values.

Negative guilt affects people that may feel guilty for things that they have no control over.

Remorse – guilt that motivates change (Positive Guilt)

Dealing with GuiltIdentify source.Admit mistake.Make amends.Learn from the experience. (This creates

positive feelings)Discuss it with those you trust.Guilt left unresolved can be very


ANGERAnger – is a result of

being emotionally hurt of physically harmed.

May result in Hostility which is the intentional use of unfriendly or offensive behavior.

Managing AngerIdentify source.Relax.Redirect energy (Physical Activity).Talk to someone you trust.

Strategies to Managing Emotions

Ask yourself: What am I really reacting to? Does my emotional intensity match the situation?

Will the situation matter tomorrow, next week, next year?

Do you have control over the situation or person you are angry with?

Don’t take actions on strong feelings until you have considered the outcomes.

Use positive feelings to inspire yourself. Exercise to relieve negative feelings. Talk to a trusted adult.

AssignmentChapter 7.1 pg 177 #1-3Chapter 7.3 pg 187 #1-4Chapter 7.4 pg 191 #1-3, 5

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